path: root/tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat
diff options
authorwatcherhd <>2017-08-05 18:28:13 +0300
committerwatcherhd <>2017-08-05 18:28:13 +0300
commit760c3ae475b4b39b486f72c7adb8c1f1d83b440f (patch)
treee3e08ebf880462db266321b8e1528f11d1b71cdf /tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat
parent6b3e2962bcf7917e0593da3f5c3605e923889fe2 (diff)
build scripts for those who are willing to keep it all going
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat b/tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0ee3f9249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/build_scripts/z3_PackArchivesStable.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+set tp=%1
+if "%tp%"=="" (echo "please specify target platform 32 or 64!"&&pause&&goto :EOF)
+for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%i in (build\ do set MirVer=%%i.%%j.%%k
+if /i '%tp%' == '64' set bit=_x64
+if /i '%tp%' == '32' set VcPt=x86
+if /i '%tp%' == '64' set VcPt=x64
+if /i '%tp%' == '32' set VcURL=
+if /i '%tp%' == '64' set VcURL=
+if /i '%tp%' == '32' set CompileString=..\Tools\InnoSetup5\ISCC.exe /Dptx86 /DAppVer=%MirVer% "MirandaNG.iss"
+if /i '%tp%' == '64' set CompileString=..\Tools\InnoSetup5\ISCC.exe /DAppVer=%MirVer% "MirandaNG.iss"
+call a_SetVar%tp%.bat
+if not exist %ArchDistr% mkdir %ArchDistr%
+pushd "bin10\Symbols%tp%"
+%CompressIt% a -mx=9 "miranda-ng-debug-symbols_pdb%bit%.7z" *.pdb .\Plugins\*.pdb .\Core\*.pdb .\Libs\*.pdb
+move /Y miranda-ng-debug*.7z %ArchDistr%
+pushd "bin10\Release%tp%"
+if exist %ArchDistr%\miranda-ng-v0.9*%bit%.7z del /F /Q %ArchDistr%\miranda-ng-v0.9*%bit%.7z
+if exist %ArchDistr%\miranda-ng-v0.9*%bit%.exe del /F /Q %ArchDistr%\miranda-ng-v0.9*%bit%.exe
+%CompressIt% a -r -mx=9 "miranda-ng-v%MirVer%%bit%.7z" Miranda%tp%.exe -i@..\..\z3_PackArchives.txt
+move /Y miranda-ng*.7z %ArchDistr%
+del /f /q miranda%tp%.exe
+del /f /q hashes.txt
+for /f %%a in (..\..\z3_PackArchives.txt) do del /s /q %%a
+rd /s /q Core
+rd /s /q Libs
+rem Create directories and copy script and download needed files
+pushd %StableInstDir%
+mkdir tmp
+mkdir InnoNG_%tp%
+mkdir InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Languages
+copy /V /Y MirandaNG.iss InnoNG_%tp%
+xcopy Common\* InnoNG_%tp% /I /S /V /Y
+Tools\wget.exe -O tmp\InnoSetup5.7z
+Tools\wget.exe -O tmp\MNG_Sounds.7z
+Tools\wget.exe -O InnoNG_%tp%\Installer\vcredist_%VcPt%.exe %VcURL%
+%CompressIt% x tmp\InnoSetup5.7z -y -oTools
+%CompressIt% x %ArchDistr%\miranda-ng-v%MirVer%%bit%.7z -y -oInnoNG_%tp%\Files
+%CompressIt% x tmp\MNG_Sounds.7z -y -oInnoNG_%tp%\Files
+rem end
+copy /V /Y Languages\langpack_czech.txt %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Languages
+copy /V /Y Languages\langpack_german.txt %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Languages
+copy /V /Y Languages\langpack_polish.txt %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Languages
+copy /V /Y Languages\langpack_russian.txt %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Languages
+copy /V /Y Plugins\Clist_blind.dll %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Plugins
+copy /V /Y Plugins\Clist_nicer.dll %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Plugins
+copy /V /Y Plugins\Cln_skinedit.dll %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Plugins
+copy /V /Y Plugins\Scriver.dll %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%\Files\Plugins
+rd /s /q Languages
+pushd %StableInstDir%\InnoNG_%tp%
+cd ..
+call cleanup.bat
+move /Y miranda-ng-v0.9*%bit%.exe "%ArchDistr%\"
+REM %CompressIt% a -r -mx=9 "miranda-ng-plugins-stable%bit%.7z"
+REM move /Y miranda-ng-plugins*.7z %ArchDistr%
+cd ..
+if exist "Release%tp%" rd /Q /S "Release%tp%" >nul
+if exist "Symbols%tp%" rd /Q /S "Symbols%tp%" >nul
+popd \ No newline at end of file