diff options
80 files changed, 1666 insertions, 2895 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt index b704a48a65..a2a47cdbd1 100644 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt @@ -449,6 +449,96 @@ Miranda NG перазапускаецца.\nКалі ласка, пачакай� *будуць адлюстроўвацца толькі першыя %d абразкоў
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Вы можаце гуртаваць/разгуртоўваць абразкі, вылучаючы іх (CTRL+клік левай кнопкай мышы) і выклікаючы меню з дапамогай правай кнопкі мышы.
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+Дадаць да метакантакту
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+Абярыце метакантакт
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+Па алфавіце
+[&Set as Default]
+&Па змаўчанні
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+Заўсёды выкарыстоўваць па змаўчанні (нават калі афлайн)
+[Send &Offline]
+У афлайн
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+Рабіць асноўным кантактам па прыбыцці паведамлення
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+Заўсёды слаць субкантакту па змаўчанні, калі не афлайн
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+Забараніць абвестку пра змену статусу субкантактаў
+[Context Menu]
+Кантэкстнае меню
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+UIN, E-mail і г.д.
+[Use contact's display name]
+Выкарыстоўваць імя
+[Contact Labels]
+Пазнакі кантактаў
+[Set default and open message window]
+Адчыніць вакно паведамленні
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+Паказваць кантэкстнае меню
+[Show user information]
+Пра кантакт
+[Contact List]
+Спіс кантактаў
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+Выкарыстоўваць мянушку субкантакту
+[Display subcontact display name]
+Выкарыстоўваць адлюстроўванае імя
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+Вокны паведамлення субкантакту
+[Copy subcontact data]
+Капіяваць дадзеныя субкантакту
+[Lock name to first contact]
+Фіксаваць імя
+[but only for the current conversation]
+але толькі для бягучай гутаркі
+[History Copy]
+Капіяванне гісторыі
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+Калі ласка, пачакайце, пакуль гісторыя скапіюецца
+[History Remove]
+Выдаленне гісторыі
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+Калі ласка, пачакайце, пакуль гісторыя выдаліцца
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+Прыярытэты субкантактаў
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+(Пераважныя ніжэйшыя рангі)
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+Капіяваць гісторыю Суб у Мета Кантакт пры стварэнні і даданні
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+Колькасць дзён (0=усё)
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+Гісторыя метакантакту, сінхранізаваная з субкантактам
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+Гісторыя субкантакту, сінхранізаваная з метакантактам
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
@@ -584,8 +674,6 @@ Miranda NG перазапускаецца.\nКалі ласка, пачакай� Змены тэмы
[Status changes]
Змены статусу
[User kicks]
@@ -2286,8 +2374,138 @@ Miranda NG не можа адкрыць гэты профіль ;file \src\modules\ignore\ignore.cpp
[** All contacts **]
** Усе кантакты **
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\metacontacts.h
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Выдаліць метакантакт?
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_addto.cpp
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+Няма яшчэ ніводнага метакантакту ў базе (у гэтым выпадку трэба спачатку канверсаваць адзін просты кантакт у метакантакт).\n Як варыянт пераўтварыце гэты кантакт у новы метакантакт.\n\n Пераўтварыць гэты кантакт у метакантакт?
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+Гэты кантакт з'яўлецца МетаКантактам.\nВы не можаце дадаць МетаКантакт у іншы.\n\nКалі ласка, абярыце іншы.
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+Канфлікт метакантактаў
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+Гэты кантакт ужо дададзены ў метакантакт.\n Вы не можаце дадаць кантакт у некалькі метакантактаў.
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+Мноства метакантактаў
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+Не знойдзена падыходнага метакантакту
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+Даданне %s...
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+Абярыце метакантакт
+[No MetaContact selected]
+Метакантакт не абраны
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+Не атрымалася дадаць да метакантакту.
+[Assignment failure]
+Няўдалае прызначэнне
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_edit.cpp
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(Невядомы кантакт)
+[Send Offline]
+Адпраўка ў афлайн
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+Выдаліць метакантакт?
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_main.cpp
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+Зрабіць метакантактам
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+Па змаўчанні
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+Памылка - база пашкоджана.\nПлагін адключаны.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_menu.cpp
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+Выяўлена праблема дадання кантакту да метакантакту
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Выдаленне метакантакту.\n\n Працягнуць?
+[Are you sure?]
+Вы ўпэўнены?
+[Remove from metacontact]
+Выдаліць з метакантакту
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+Уключыць метакантакты
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+Выключыць метакантакты
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+Дадаць да метакантакту
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+Змяніць метакантакт...
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+Метакантакт па змаўчанні
+[Delete MetaContact]
+Выдаліць метакантакт
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_options.cpp
+<па змаўчанні>
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_services.cpp
+[Meta ID]
+Meta ID
+[No online contacts found.]
+Няма далучаных кантактаў.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_utils.cpp
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+Не магу атрымаць ID метакантакту
+[Assignment error]
+Памылка прызначэння
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+Не магу запытаць колькасць субкантактаў метакантакту
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+Не магу запытаць пратакол кантакту
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+Не магу атрымаць унікальны ID кантакту
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+Кантакт не ў спісе. Калі ласка, дадайце кантакт у спіс перад прызначэннем.
+[MetaContact is full]
+Метакантакт поўны
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+Памылка запісу пратаколу кантакту ў метакантакт
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+Памылка запісу ўнікальнага ID кантакту ў метакантакт
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+Не магу запісаць мянушку кантакту ў метакантакт
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+Нумар субкантакту < 0 - метакантакт будзе выдалены
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+Нумар субкантакту (%d) > нумары ў метакантакце (%d) - метакантакт будзе выдалены
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+Субкантакты ў метакантакце не знойдзены - выдаленне дадзеных метакантакта
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+Колькасць кантактаў у метакантакце < 0 - метакантакт будзе выдалены
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+Нумар кантакту па змаўчанні за межамі метакантакта - метакантакт будзе выдалены
+[Meta ID: ]
+Meta ID:\s
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+Метакантакт пашкоджаны - няслушная колькасць субкантактаў.\n Выдаляю метакантакт.
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+Гурт 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' дададзена ў ваш спіс\n Гэта з-за спісу кантактаў на серверы. Для выпраўлення,\n каб метакантакты працягнулі звычайную працу, вы павінны:\n - выключыць метакантакты выкарыстоўваючы пункт у галоўным меню\n - перамясціць усе кантакты з гэтага гурта\n - сінхранізаваць вашы кантакты з серверам\n - ізноў уключыць метакантакты
+[MetaContacts Warning]
+Заўвагі метакантактаў
;file \src\modules\netlib\netliblog.cpp
[No times]
Без часу
@@ -2377,16 +2595,12 @@ Miranda NG не можа адкрыць гэты профіль Конт адключаны. Уключыце для кіравання.
[New account]
Новы конт
[Remove account]
Выдаліць конт
[Upgrade account]
[Account ID]
ID конта
@@ -2439,8 +2653,6 @@ ID конта Далучэнне
[User details]
Пра кантакт
[Down arrow]
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5acfe9ed6a..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-Аб'ядноўвае кантакты ў адзін.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Дадаць да метакантакту
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Абярыце метакантакт
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-Па алфавіце
-[&Set as Default]
-&Па змаўчанні
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Заўсёды выкарыстоўваць па змаўчанні (нават калі афлайн)
-[Send &Offline]
-У афлайн
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Рабіць асноўным кантактам па прыбыцці паведамлення
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Заўсёды слаць субкантакту па змаўчанні, калі не афлайн
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Забараніць абвестку пра змену статусу субкантактаў
-[Context Menu]
-Кантэкстнае меню
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-UIN, E-mail і г.д.
-[Use contact's display name]
-Выкарыстоўваць імя
-[Contact Labels]
-Пазнакі кантактаў
-[Set default and open message window]
-Адчыніць вакно паведамленні
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Паказваць кантэкстнае меню
-[Show user information]
-Пра кантакт
-[Contact List]
-Спіс кантактаў
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Выкарыстоўваць мянушку субкантакту
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Выкарыстоўваць адлюстроўванае імя
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Вокны паведамлення субкантакту
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Капіяваць дадзеныя субкантакту
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Фіксаваць імя
-[but only for the current conversation]
-але толькі для бягучай гутаркі
-[History Copy]
-Капіяванне гісторыі
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Калі ласка, пачакайце, пакуль гісторыя скапіюецца
-[History Remove]
-Выдаленне гісторыі
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Калі ласка, пачакайце, пакуль гісторыя выдаліцца
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Прыярытэты субкантактаў
-[Reset All]
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(Пераважныя ніжэйшыя рангі)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Капіяваць гісторыю Суб у Мета Кантакт пры стварэнні і даданні
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-Колькасць дзён (0=усё)
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-Гісторыя метакантакту, сінхранізаваная з субкантактам
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-Гісторыя субкантакту, сінхранізаваная з метакантактам
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-Няма яшчэ ніводнага метакантакту ў базе (у гэтым выпадку трэба спачатку канверсаваць адзін просты кантакт у метакантакт).\n Як варыянт пераўтварыце гэты кантакт у новы метакантакт.\n\n Пераўтварыць гэты кантакт у метакантакт?
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-Гэты кантакт з'яўлецца МетаКантактам.\nВы не можаце дадаць МетаКантакт у іншы.\n\nКалі ласка, абярыце іншы.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-Канфлікт метакантактаў
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Гэты кантакт ужо дададзены ў метакантакт.\n Вы не можаце дадаць кантакт у некалькі метакантактаў.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-Мноства метакантактаў
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Не знойдзена падыходнага метакантакту
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-Даданне %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Абярыце метакантакт
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Метакантакт не абраны
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Не атрымалася дадаць да метакантакту.
-[Assignment failure]
-Няўдалае прызначэнне
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Невядомы кантакт)
-[Send Offline]
-Адпраўка ў афлайн
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Выдаліць метакантакт?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-Зрабіць метакантактам
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-Па змаўчанні
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Выдаліць метакантакт?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Памылка - база пашкоджана.\nПлагін адключаны.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Выяўлена праблема дадання кантакту да метакантакту
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Выдаленне метакантакту.\n\n Працягнуць?
-[Are you sure?]
-Вы ўпэўнены?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Выдаліць з метакантакту
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-<па змаўчанні>
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-Meta ID
-[No online contacts found.]
-Няма далучаных кантактаў.
-[Message from %s]
-Паведамленне ад %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Выключыць метакантакты
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Дадаць да метакантакту
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Змяніць метакантакт...
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Метакантакт па змаўчанні
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Выдаліць метакантакт
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Уключыць метакантакты
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-Не магу атрымаць ID метакантакту
-[Assignment error]
-Памылка прызначэння
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-Не магу запытаць колькасць субкантактаў метакантакту
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-Не магу запытаць пратакол кантакту
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-Не магу атрымаць унікальны ID кантакту
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Кантакт не ў спісе. Калі ласка, дадайце кантакт у спіс перад прызначэннем.
-[MetaContact is full]
-Метакантакт поўны
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Памылка запісу пратаколу кантакту ў метакантакт
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Памылка запісу ўнікальнага ID кантакту ў метакантакт
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Не магу запісаць мянушку кантакту ў метакантакт
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Нумар субкантакту < 0 - метакантакт будзе выдалены
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-Нумар субкантакту (%d) > нумары ў метакантакце (%d) - метакантакт будзе выдалены
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-Субкантакты ў метакантакце не знойдзены - выдаленне дадзеных метакантакта
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Колькасць кантактаў у метакантакце < 0 - метакантакт будзе выдалены
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-Нумар кантакту па змаўчанні за межамі метакантакта - метакантакт будзе выдалены
-[Meta ID: ]
-Meta ID:\s
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-Метакантакт пашкоджаны - няслушная колькасць субкантактаў.\n Выдаляю метакантакт.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-Гурт 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' дададзена ў ваш спіс\n Гэта з-за спісу кантактаў на серверы. Для выпраўлення,\n каб метакантакты працягнулі звычайную працу, вы павінны:\n - выключыць метакантакты выкарыстоўваючы пункт у галоўным меню\n - перамясціць усе кантакты з гэтага гурта\n - сінхранізаваць вашы кантакты з серверам\n - ізноў уключыць метакантакты
-[MetaContacts Warning]
-Заўвагі метакантактаў
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 9f96285d21..b91f176b89 100644 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt index 975bb5c3f6..33f81627f9 100644 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt +++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: NewAwaySys.dll
; Plugin: New Away System Mod
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: NightFox, Deathdemon, XF007, Goblineye Entertainment
;file \plugins\NewAwaySysMod\res\NewAwaySys.rc
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Пры:
[Don't reply to ICQ contacts]
Не адказваць ICQ кантактам
-[Don't reply when i'm invisible to the contact]
+[Don't reply when I'm invisible to the contact]
Не адказваць, калі я нябачны для кантакту
[Save autoreply to the history]
Захоўваць паведамленне аўтаадказніка ў гісторыі
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Miranda Прадусталяваныя паведамленні
[Recent messages]
Апошнія паведамленні
-[Been fragging since %nas_awaysince_time%, i'll msg you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
+[Been fragging since %nas_awaysince_time%, I'll message you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
Заняты важнымі справамі з %nas_awaysince_time%. Я напішу вам калі вызвалюся...
[Your master, %nas_mynick%, has been %nas_statdesc% since the day that is only known as ?nas_awaysince_date(dddd)... When he gets back, i'll tell him you dropped by...]
Мой гаспадар, %nas_mynick%, быў %nas_statdesc% пачынальна з гэтага дня і даты ?nas_awaysince_date(dddd)... Калі ён вернецца, я яму перадам, каб ён з Вамі звязаўся...
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Miranda Паведамленні па змаўчанні
-[Yep, i'm here.]
+[Yep, I'm here.]
Так, я тут.
@@ -292,14 +292,6 @@ Miranda Ігнараваць запыты паведамленняў статуса ад гэтага кантакта, і выключыць аўтаадказнік.\r\n\"Захоўваць налады аўтаадказніка/ігнараванні кантакту для кожнага статуса асобна" калі ўключана, гэта налада будзе для кожнага кантакту і для кожнага статуса свая.
[Ignore status message requests from this contact and don't send an autoreply]
Ігнараваць запыты паведамленняў статуса ад гэтага кантакту, і выключыць аўтаадказнік
-[%d hours]
-%d гадзін(ы)
-[%d minutes]
-%d хвілін(ы)
-[%d seconds]
-%d секунд(ы)
[Status description]
Апісанне статуса
[Your nick for current protocol]
@@ -314,6 +306,14 @@ Miranda Вяртае адно з Вашых усталяваных паведамленняў па загалоўку: ?nas_predefinedmessage(creepy)
[Current protocol name]
Бягучае імя пратаколу
+[%d hours]
+%d гадзін(ы)
+[%d minutes]
+%d хвілін(ы)
+[%d seconds]
+%d секунд(ы)
[Read status message]
Чытаць статуснае паведамленне
[Set status message]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index af710206cf..7739758f23 100644 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Variables.txt index 18f5ac6e88..ed47b1a6b6 100644 --- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ z кантакт з уласцівасцю y, апісанай у x, прыкл� імя профіля базы
[database profile path]
шлях профіля базы
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
атрымаць наладу z плагіна y кантакту x ці вярнуць w, калі z не існуе (w не абавязкова)
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
атрымаць падзею для кантакту x (неабавязкова), адпаведнае y,z,w, гл. дакументацыю
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ z, калі y роўна x, дапушчальныя множныя аргуме ПРАЎДА, калі файл x існуе
[window title of first window of class x]
загаловак першага вакна класа x
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
-паказвае файлы і тэчкі путя z, з фільтрам y, падзеленым z (y і z неабавязковыя)
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+паказвае файлы і тэчкі путя x, з фільтрам y, падзеленым z (y і z неабавязковыя)
[TRUE if process x is running]
ПРАЎДА, калі працэс х запушчаны
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt index 37b3ded90f..a543a0c586 100644 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt @@ -451,6 +451,98 @@ Miranda NG се рестартира.\nМоля, изчакайте... *ще бъдат показани само първите %d икони
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Можете да групирате/дегрупирате иконите като ги избирате чрез ляв бутон+CTRL и popup менюто (десен бутон)
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+[&Set as Default]
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+[Send &Offline]
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+[Context Menu]
+Контекстно меню
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+[Use contact's display name]
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+[Show user information]
+[Contact List]
+Списък с контакти
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+[Display subcontact display name]
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+[Copy subcontact data]
+[Lock name to first contact]
+[but only for the current conversation]
+[History Copy]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+[History Remove]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
@@ -568,8 +660,6 @@ Miranda NG се рестартира.\nМоля, изчакайте... Промяна на темата
[Status changes]
Промяна на състояние
Излизания от мрежата
[User kicks]
@@ -2263,8 +2353,138 @@ URL ;file \src\modules\ignore\ignore.cpp
[** All contacts **]
** Всички контакти **
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\metacontacts.h
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_addto.cpp
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+[No MetaContact selected]
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+[Assignment failure]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_edit.cpp
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(Непознат контакт)
+[Send Offline]
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_main.cpp
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_menu.cpp
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Are you sure?]
+Сигурни ли сте?
+[Remove from metacontact]
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+[Delete MetaContact]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_options.cpp
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_services.cpp
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_utils.cpp
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+[MetaContact is full]
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[Meta ID: ]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+[MetaContacts Warning]
;file \src\modules\netlib\netliblog.cpp
[No times]
Без час
@@ -2354,16 +2574,12 @@ Miranda NG настройки Акаунтът е изключен. За достъп до настройките е необходимо да бъде включен.
[New account]
Нов акаунт
[Remove account]
Премахване на акаунта
[Upgrade account]
Надграждане на акаунт
[Account ID]
ID на акаунта
@@ -2424,8 +2640,6 @@ Win +\s Свързване
[User details]
Подробности за потребителя
[Down arrow]
Стрелка надолу
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 755e790484..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-[&Set as Default]
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-[Send &Offline]
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-[Context Menu]
-Контекстно меню
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-[Use contact's display name]
-[Contact Labels]
-[Set default and open message window]
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-[Show user information]
-[Contact List]
-Списък с контакти
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-[Display subcontact display name]
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-[Copy subcontact data]
-[Lock name to first contact]
-[but only for the current conversation]
-[History Copy]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-[History Remove]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-[Reset All]
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-[No MetaContact selected]
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-[Assignment failure]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Непознат контакт)
-[Send Offline]
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-[Are you sure?]
-Сигурни ли сте?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-[No online contacts found.]
-[Message from %s]
-Съобщение от %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-[Delete MetaContact]
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-[Assignment error]
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-[MetaContact is full]
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-[Meta ID: ]
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-[MetaContacts Warning]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 4fe77f5d7a..5d8df2f62c 100644 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt index a252df5275..d4721883b2 100644 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt +++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: NewAwaySys.dll
; Plugin: New Away System Mod
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: NightFox, Deathdemon, XF007, Goblineye Entertainment
[New Away System Mod plugin for Miranda NG.]
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ [Don't reply to ICQ contacts]
-[Don't reply when i'm invisible to the contact]
+[Don't reply when I'm invisible to the contact]
[Save autoreply to the history]
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ [Delete]
-[Statuses messages:]
+[Status messages:]
Текст за състояние:
[Configure autoaway]
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ [** Not-on-list contacts **]
-[Statuses messages]
+[Status messages]
[Main options]
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ [Gone fragging]
-[Been fragging since %nas_awaysince_time%, i'll msg you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
+[Been fragging since %nas_awaysince_time%, I'll message you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ [Online]
-[Yep, i'm here.]
+[Yep, I'm here.]
@@ -311,14 +311,6 @@ [Ignore status message requests from this contact and don't send an autoreply]
-[%d hours]
-[%d minutes]
-[%d seconds]
[Away since time in default format; ?nas_awaysince_time(x) in format x]
[Away since date in default format; ?nas_awaysince_date(x) in format x]
@@ -337,6 +329,14 @@ [Current protocol name]
+[%d hours]
+[%d minutes]
+[%d seconds]
[Read status message]
[Set status message]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 2d3b039daa..597f744ea8 100644 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Variables.txt index 406e055770..d821e7e21b 100644 --- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ [database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ [window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
diff --git a/langpacks/chinese/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/chinese/=CORE=.txt index 5471c0ac6c..38986d9519 100644 --- a/langpacks/chinese/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/chinese/=CORE=.txt @@ -418,6 +418,90 @@ Miranda NG 正准备重启. \n请稍候... 选择的额外图标将显示于联系人列表中:
[*only the first %d icons will be shown]
*将仅显示前 %d 个图标
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+[&Set as Default]
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+发送时强制使用默认值 (即使离线)
+[Send &Offline]
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+[Context Menu]
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+使用联系人独有 ID
+[Use contact's display name]
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+[Show user information]
+[Contact List]
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+[Display subcontact display name]
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+[Copy subcontact data]
+[Lock name to first contact]
+[but only for the current conversation]
+[History Copy]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+正在复制联系人历史, 请稍候.
+[History Remove]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+正在移除联系人历史, 请稍候.
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+要复制天数 (0=全部):
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
+历史 (** 小心 - 变更时需自行承担风险 **)
@@ -528,8 +612,6 @@ Miranda NG 正准备重启. \n请稍候... 主题变更
[Status changes]
[User kicks]
@@ -1985,7 +2067,7 @@ Miranda 无法打开此配置文件 [<In use>]
[Are you sure you want to remove profile "%s"?]
-您确定想移除配置文件 "%s"?
+您确定想移除配置文件 "%s"?
@@ -2066,8 +2148,108 @@ Miranda 无法打开此配置文件 图标集
[** All contacts **]
** 所有联系人 **
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+您要移除所有关联至此中继联系人者. \n这样将删除此中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续?
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+此联系人为中继联系人. \n\n您无法将中继联系人加至其他中继联系人中. \n\n请选择其他.
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+此联系人已经关联至中继联系人. \n\n您无法将一位联系人加至多个中继联系人中.
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+正在加入 %s...
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+[No MetaContact selected]
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+[Assignment failure]
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+[Send Offline]
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+错误 - 数据库已损坏. \n插件禁用.
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+此操作将永久移除中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续?
+[Remove from MetaContact]
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+[Delete MetaContact]
+[Meta ID]
+中继 ID
+[No online contacts found.]
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+无法获取中继联系人 ID
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+无法获取联系人独有 ID
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+联系人 '不在列表中' - 请在指派前先将该联系人加至您的联系人列表中.
+[MetaContact is full]
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+联系人独有 ID 无法写入中继联系人
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+中继联系人已损坏 - 子联系人数量不正确. \n现正删除该中继联系人.
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+'中继联系人隐藏群组' 已加至您的联系人列表.\n这很可能是因服务器端联系人信息. 解决此问题, \n使中继联系人继续正常工作, 您可以:\n - 使用主菜单项 '切换中继联系人关闭' 禁用中继联系人\n - 将所有联系人移出此群组\n - 从服务器端同步您的联系人\n - 重新启用中继联系人
+[MetaContacts Warning]
[No times]
[Standard hh:mm:ss times]
@@ -2126,16 +2308,12 @@ Miranda NG 选项 帐号已被禁用. 请激活以存取选项.
[New account]
[Remove account]
[Upgrade account]
[Account ID]
帐号 ID
@@ -2182,8 +2360,6 @@ Miranda 范围 连接中
[User details]
[Down arrow]
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/chinese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/chinese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fedf964248..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/chinese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-[&Set as Default]
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-发送时强制使用默认值 (即使离线)
-[Send &Offline]
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-[Context Menu]
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-使用联系人独有 ID
-[Use contact's display name]
-[Contact Labels]
-[Set default and open message window]
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-[Show user information]
-[Contact List]
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-[Display subcontact display name]
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-[Copy subcontact data]
-[Lock name to first contact]
-[but only for the current conversation]
-[History Copy]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-正在复制联系人历史, 请稍候.
-[History Remove]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-正在移除联系人历史, 请稍候.
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-要复制天数 (0=全部):
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-历史 (** 小心 - 变更时需自行承担风险 **)
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-此联系人为中继联系人. \n\n您无法将中继联系人加至其他中继联系人中. \n\n请选择其他.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-此联系人已经关联至中继联系人. \n\n您无法将一位联系人加至多个中继联系人中.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-正在加入 %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-[No MetaContact selected]
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-[Assignment failure]
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-[Send Offline]
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-您要移除所有关联至此中继联系人者. \n这样将删除此中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续?
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-错误 - 数据库已损坏. \n插件禁用.
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-此操作将永久移除中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-[Meta ID]
-中继 ID
-[No online contacts found.]
-[Message from %s]
-从 %s 收到的消息
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-[Delete MetaContact]
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-无法获取中继联系人 ID
-[Assignment error]
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-无法获取联系人独有 ID
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-联系人 '不在列表中' - 请在指派前先将该联系人加至您的联系人列表中.
-[MetaContact is full]
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-联系人独有 ID 无法写入中继联系人
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-中继联系人已损坏 - 子联系人数量不正确. \n现正删除该中继联系人.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-'中继联系人隐藏群组' 已加至您的联系人列表.\n这很可能是因服务器端联系人信息. 解决此问题, \n使中继联系人继续正常工作, 您可以:\n - 使用主菜单项 '切换中继联系人关闭' 禁用中继联系人\n - 将所有联系人移出此群组\n - 从服务器端同步您的联系人\n - 重新启用中继联系人
-[MetaContacts Warning]
diff --git a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index ff13deaefd..a8f52114a1 100644 --- a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Login to Miranda NG]
diff --git a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 735c69c1e8..914bfd8dff 100644 --- a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Variables.txt index da0c415b35..2c3ebc79fd 100644 --- a/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/chinese/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ x 上 y 目录 如文件 x 存在则 TRUE
[window title of first window of class x]
类别 x 首窗口标题
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
-显示文件及目录 z 列表, 使用过滤器 y, 分隔器 z (y 及 z 可选)
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+显示文件及目录 x 列表, 使用过滤器 y, 分隔器 z (y 及 z 可选)
[TRUE if process x is running]
如进程 x 运行中则返回 TRUE
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)]
diff --git a/langpacks/dutch/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/dutch/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ea917f2f7f..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/dutch/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Persoon lijst
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Onbekend Persoon)
diff --git a/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 93895d1800..86dc4fc55f 100644 --- a/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 38c511a13d..4688ec7b12 100644 --- a/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/dutch/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/=CORE=.txt index 559a00cf75..4c3f47c9cb 100644 --- a/langpacks/english_gb/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/english_gb/=CORE=.txt @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Text colour Base colour:
[Secondary color:]
Secondary colour:
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+Keep MetaContact history synchronised with subcontacts
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+Keep subcontact history synchronised with MetaContact
[Add to contact list if authorized]
@@ -76,6 +80,8 @@ Please authorise my request and add me to your contact list. Customise
[Authorization request from %s%s: %s]
Authorisation request from %s%s: %s
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronise your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts
[Request authorization]
Request authorisation
[Grant authorization]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt index 47ee28fcac..448a8baea6 100644 --- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt +++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: NewAwaySys.dll
; Plugin: New Away System Mod
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: NightFox; Deathdemon; XF007; Goblineye Entertainment
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 5190fa3120..5e5e381f81 100644 --- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[Background color]
diff --git a/langpacks/estonian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/estonian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1d70467ea0..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/estonian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Kontaktide nimekiri
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-Tundmatu kontakt
-[Message from %s]
-Teade %s'lt
diff --git a/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index ab6954532f..97e1065589 100644 --- a/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index c53c094b40..cf1e59d9d5 100644 --- a/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/estonian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt index f6582afb03..c056e25d6b 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt @@ -451,6 +451,98 @@ Couleur secondaire : [You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+Ajouter à un MetaContact existant
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+Veuillez choisir un MetaContact:
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+Trier alphabétiquement
+Édition de la fiche MetaContact
+[&Set as Default]
+Par &Défaut
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+Utiliser le 'Par défaut' pour l'envoi (si Hors ligne)
+[Send &Offline]
+Envoi &hors ligne
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+Définir le contact par défaut dés réception de son message
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+Toujours envoyer au contact par défaut s'il n'est pas déconnecté
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+Supprimer la notification d'état pour les sous-contacts
+[Context Menu]
+Menu Contextuel
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+Voir l'ID du contact
+[Use contact's display name]
+Voir son nom défini
+[Contact Labels]
+Nom affiché
+[Set default and open message window]
+Définir par défaut et fenêtre d'envoi
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+Voir le menu du sous-contact
+[Show user information]
+Voir les infos du contact
+[Contact List]
+Liste de contacts
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+Voir le pseudo du sous-contact
+[Display subcontact display name]
+Voir le nom défini du sous-contact
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+Utiliser la fenêtre de message du sous-contact
+[Copy subcontact data]
+Copier données sous-contact
+[Lock name to first contact]
+Verrouiller nom sur le 1er contact
+[but only for the current conversation]
+mais uniquement pour la conversation en cours
+[History Copy]
+Copier l'historique
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+Patienter pendant la copie de l'historique.
+[History Remove]
+Effacer l'historique
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+Patienter pendant la suppression de l'historique.
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+Priorités des sous-contacts
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+(Les rangs bas sont prioritaires)
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+Copier l'historique du sous-contact dans le MetaContact, dés la création ou l'ajout
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+ Nombre de jour à copier (0=tous):
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+Synchroniser l'historique du MetaContact avec celui du sous-contact
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+Synchroniser l'historique du sous-contact avec celui du MetaContact
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
+Historique des Sous-Contacts (** ATTENTION - à changer à vos risques **)
@@ -586,8 +678,6 @@ Départ d'usagers Changements de sujet
[Status changes]
Changements d'état
[User kicks]
@@ -2294,8 +2384,138 @@ Polices ;file \src\modules\ignore\ignore.cpp
[** All contacts **]
** Tous les contacts **
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\metacontacts.h
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Vous êtes sur le point d'enlever tous les contacts liés à ce MetaContact.\nCeci supprimera le MetaContact.\n\nVoulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_addto.cpp
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+Soit il n'y a aucun MetaContact dans la base de données (dans ce cas-ci vous devrait d'abord convertir un contact)\nsoit il n'y en a aucun qui peut accueillir ce contact.\nUne autre solution consiste à convertir ce contact en nouveau MetaContact.\nVoulez-vous convertir ce contact en nouveau MetaContact ?
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+Ce contact est déjà dans un MetaContact.\nVous ne pouvez pas ajouter ce contact.\n\nVeuillez en choisir un autre.
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+Conflit de MetaContact
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+Ce contact est déjà associé à un MetaContact.\nVous ne pouvez pas mettre un contact dans plusieurs MetaContacts.
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+MetaContacts Multiple
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+Aucun MetaContact approprié trouvé
+[a contact]
+un contact
+[Adding %s...]
+Ajout de %s...
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+Veuillez choisir un MetaContact
+[No MetaContact selected]
+Pas de MetaContact sélectionné
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+Échec d'assignement à un MetaContact.
+[Assignment failure]
+Assignement raté
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_edit.cpp
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(Contact inconnu)
+[Send Offline]
+Envoi hors ligne
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+Supprimer ce MetaContact ?
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_main.cpp
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+Convertir en MetaContact
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+Par défaut
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+Erreur_base de donnée corrompue.\nPlugin désactivé.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_menu.cpp
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+Il y a eu un problème lors de l'assignation du contact à un MetaContact
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Ceci supprimera complètement le MetaContact, mais pas le contact en lui-même.\n\nVoulez-vous continuer ?
+[Are you sure?]
+Etes-vous sûr?
+[Remove from metacontact]
+Retirer du MetaContact
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+Activer MetaContact
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+Désactiver MetaContact
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+Ajouter à un MetaContact existant...
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+Modifier le MetaContact...
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+Mettre ce contact par Défaut
+[Delete MetaContact]
+Effacer le MetaContact
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_options.cpp
+<par défaut>
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_services.cpp
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+Aucun contact en ligne trouvé.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_utils.cpp
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+N'a pas pu obtenir l'ID du MetaContact
+[Assignment error]
+Erreur d'assignement
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+N'a pas pu rechercher le compte du contact MetaContact
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+N'a pas pu rechercher le protocole du contact
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+N'a pas pu obtenir l'ID du contact
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+Le contact n'est pas dans votre liste. Veuillez l'ajoutez à votre liste avant de l'assigner.
+[MetaContact is full]
+MetaContact est plein
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+Impossible d'écrire le protocole du contact au MetaContact
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+Impossible d'écrire l'ID du contact au MetaContact
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+Impossible d'écrire le pseudo du contact au MetaContact
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[Meta ID: ]
+Meta ID:\s
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+MetaContact corrompu - le nombre de sous-contact est erroné.\nSuppression en cours du MetaContact.
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+[MetaContacts Warning]
+MetaContacts: avertissement
;file \src\modules\netlib\netliblog.cpp
[No times]
Sans durée
@@ -2385,16 +2605,12 @@ Mise à jour du compte Ce compte a été désactivé; Vous devez le réactiver afin d'accéder à ses options.
[New account]
Nouveau compte
[Remove account]
Effacer ce compte
[Upgrade account]
Mettre à jour
[Account ID]
ID du compte
@@ -2455,8 +2671,6 @@ Groupe Fermé Connexion...
[User details]
Détails du contact
[Down arrow]
Flèche bas
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/french/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a61d1e6e00..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/french/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Ajouter à un MetaContact existant
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Veuillez choisir un MetaContact:
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-Trier alphabétiquement
-Édition de la fiche MetaContact
-[&Set as Default]
-Par &Défaut
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Utiliser le 'Par défaut' pour l'envoi (si Hors ligne)
-[Send &Offline]
-Envoi &hors ligne
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Définir le contact par défaut dés réception de son message
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Toujours envoyer au contact par défaut s'il n'est pas déconnecté
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Supprimer la notification d'état pour les sous-contacts
-[Context Menu]
-Menu Contextuel
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-Voir l'ID du contact
-[Use contact's display name]
-Voir son nom défini
-[Contact Labels]
-Nom affiché
-[Set default and open message window]
-Définir par défaut et fenêtre d'envoi
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Voir le menu du sous-contact
-[Show user information]
-Voir les infos du contact
-[Contact List]
-Liste de contacts
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Voir le pseudo du sous-contact
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Voir le nom défini du sous-contact
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Utiliser la fenêtre de message du sous-contact
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Copier données sous-contact
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Verrouiller nom sur le 1er contact
-[but only for the current conversation]
-mais uniquement pour la conversation en cours
-[History Copy]
-Copier l'historique
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Patienter pendant la copie de l'historique.
-[History Remove]
-Effacer l'historique
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Patienter pendant la suppression de l'historique.
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Priorités des sous-contacts
-[Reset All]
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(Les rangs bas sont prioritaires)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Copier l'historique du sous-contact dans le MetaContact, dés la création ou l'ajout
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
- Nombre de jour à copier (0=tous):
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-Synchroniser l'historique du MetaContact avec celui du sous-contact
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-Synchroniser l'historique du sous-contact avec celui du MetaContact
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-Historique des Sous-Contacts (** ATTENTION - à changer à vos risques **)
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-Soit il n'y a aucun MetaContact dans la base de données (dans ce cas-ci vous devrait d'abord convertir un contact)\nsoit il n'y en a aucun qui peut accueillir ce contact.\nUne autre solution consiste à convertir ce contact en nouveau MetaContact.\nVoulez-vous convertir ce contact en nouveau MetaContact ?
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-Ce contact est déjà dans un MetaContact.\nVous ne pouvez pas ajouter ce contact.\n\nVeuillez en choisir un autre.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-Conflit de MetaContact
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Ce contact est déjà associé à un MetaContact.\nVous ne pouvez pas mettre un contact dans plusieurs MetaContacts.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-MetaContacts Multiple
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Aucun MetaContact approprié trouvé
-[a contact]
-un contact
-[Adding %s...]
-Ajout de %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Veuillez choisir un MetaContact
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Pas de MetaContact sélectionné
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Échec d'assignement à un MetaContact.
-[Assignment failure]
-Assignement raté
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Contact inconnu)
-[Send Offline]
-Envoi hors ligne
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Supprimer ce MetaContact ?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-Convertir en MetaContact
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-Par défaut
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Vous êtes sur le point d'enlever tous les contacts liés à ce MetaContact.\nCeci supprimera le MetaContact.\n\nVoulez-vous vraiment continuer ?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Erreur_base de donnée corrompue.\nPlugin désactivé.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Il y a eu un problème lors de l'assignation du contact à un MetaContact
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Ceci supprimera complètement le MetaContact, mais pas le contact en lui-même.\n\nVoulez-vous continuer ?
-[Are you sure?]
-Etes-vous sûr?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Retirer du MetaContact
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-<par défaut>
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-[No online contacts found.]
-Aucun contact en ligne trouvé.
-[Message from %s]
-Message de %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Désactiver MetaContact
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Ajouter à un MetaContact existant...
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Modifier le MetaContact...
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Mettre ce contact par Défaut
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Effacer le MetaContact
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Activer MetaContact
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-N'a pas pu obtenir l'ID du MetaContact
-[Assignment error]
-Erreur d'assignement
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-N'a pas pu rechercher le compte du contact MetaContact
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-N'a pas pu rechercher le protocole du contact
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-N'a pas pu obtenir l'ID du contact
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Le contact n'est pas dans votre liste. Veuillez l'ajoutez à votre liste avant de l'assigner.
-[MetaContact is full]
-MetaContact est plein
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Impossible d'écrire le protocole du contact au MetaContact
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Impossible d'écrire l'ID du contact au MetaContact
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Impossible d'écrire le pseudo du contact au MetaContact
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-[Meta ID: ]
-Meta ID:\s
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-MetaContact corrompu - le nombre de sous-contact est erroné.\nSuppression en cours du MetaContact.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-[MetaContacts Warning]
-MetaContacts: avertissement
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 62825c8513..67089a20e1 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index b99e9b5048..a2ff7efcf5 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Variables.txt index c2b6529434..17329df040 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ EN PAUSE [database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ EN PAUSE [window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt index 8f0756dc4e..3ea7f9f8b6 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ [Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:]
[*only the first %d icons will be shown]
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
+[Reset All]
[Status messages:]
@@ -121,6 +123,19 @@ [Generic text]
[Small text]
[Icon sets]
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Meta ID]
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
[(Miranda core logging)]
[Standard netlib log]
[Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Variables.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Variables.txt index 4831a7b729..6bb8bd212b 100644 --- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Variables.txt @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ [info property y of contact x]
[database profile name]
[database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
[get last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
[get last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ [TRUE if directory x exists]
[TRUE if file x exists]
[window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)]
[formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt index 5a7b0cd96a..22abd2a38c 100644 --- a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt @@ -451,6 +451,98 @@ Wählen Sie die Extraicons aus, welche in der Kontaktliste angezeigt werden soll Hinweis: Nur die ersten %d Icons werden angezeigt!
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Wählen Sie mehrere Elemente mit gedrückter Umschalt- oder Strg-Taste aus. Drücken Sie anschließend die rechte Maustaste, um die ausgewählten Elemente zu gruppieren.
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+Bitte einen Metakontakt wählen:
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+Alphabetisch sortieren
+[&Set as Default]
+Al&s Standard setzen
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+Standard beim Senden verwenden (selbst wenn offline)
+[Send &Offline]
+&Offline senden
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+Setze Standardkontakt für den Empfang
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+Immer an Standardkontakt senden, wenn nicht offline
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+Statusmeldung für Unterkontakte unterdrücken
+[Context Menu]
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+UID des Kontakts verwenden
+[Use contact's display name]
+Kontaktanzeigename verwenden
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+Setze Standard && öffne Nachr.fenster
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+Unterkontaktkontextmenü anzeigen
+[Show user information]
+Benutzerinformationen anzeigen
+[Contact List]
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+Unterkontakt-Nicknamen anzeigen
+[Display subcontact display name]
+Unterkontakt-Anzeigenamen anzeigen
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+Unterkontakt-Nachrichtenfenster verwenden
+[Copy subcontact data]
+Unterkontaktdaten übernehmen
+[Lock name to first contact]
+Namen auf 1. Kontakt festlegen
+[but only for the current conversation]
+aber nur für aktuelle Nachrichtensitzung
+[History Copy]
+Verlauf kopieren
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+Verlauf wird kopiert, bitte warten.
+[History Remove]
+Verlauf entfernen
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+Verlauf wird entfernt, bitte warten.
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+Prioritäten der Unterkontakte
+[Reset All]
+Alle rückg.
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+(niedrigere Ränge werden bevorzugt)
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+Kopiere Unterkontaktverlauf beim Erstellen/Hinzufügen
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+Verlaufslänge in Tagen (0 = alle):
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+Synchronisiere Metakontaktverlauf mit Unterkontakt
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+Synchronisiere Unterkontaktverlauf mit Metakontakt
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
+Verlauf (** Änderungen auf eigene Gefahr **)
@@ -586,8 +678,6 @@ Verlassende Benutzer Themenänderungen
[Status changes]
[User kicks]
@@ -2294,8 +2384,138 @@ Iconsammlung ;file \src\modules\ignore\ignore.cpp
[** All contacts **]
** Alle Kontakte **
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\metacontacts.h
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Sie sind dabei alle diesem Metakontakt zugeordneten Unterkontakte zu entfernen.\nDadurch wird auch der Metakontakt selbst entfernt.\n\nSoll dieser
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_addto.cpp
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+Entweder es gibt keinen Metakontakt in der Datenbank (in diesem Falle sollten Sie zunächst einen Kontakt umwandeln)\noder keiner kann diesen Kontakt aufnehmen.\nEine andere Lösung wäre es, diesen Kontakt in einen neuen Metakontakt umzuwandeln.\n\nWollen Sie diesen Kontakt nun in einen neuen Metakontakt umwandeln?
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+Dieser Kontakt ist ein Metakontakt.\nSie können keinen Metakontakt einem anderen Metakontakt hinzufügen.\n\nBitte einen anderen Kontakt wählen.
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+Dieser Kontakt ist bereits einem Metakontakt zugeordnet.\nSie können keinen Kontakt mehreren Metakontakten hinzufügen.
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+Mehrfache Metakontakte
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+Kein entsprechender Metakontakt gefunden
+[a contact]
+ein Kontakt
+[Adding %s...]
+%s hinzufügen...
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+Bitte einen Metakontakt auswählen
+[No MetaContact selected]
+Kein Metakontakt ausgewählt
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+Zuweisung zum Metakontakt fehlgeschlagen.
+[Assignment failure]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_edit.cpp
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(Unbekannter Kontakt)
+[Send Offline]
+Offline senden
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+Metakontakt löschen?
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_main.cpp
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+In Metakontakt umwandeln
+[Add to Existing]
+Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
+[Set to Default]
+Als Standard setzen
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+Fehler - Datenbankkorruption.\nPlugin deaktiviert.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_menu.cpp
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+Bei der Zuweisung des Kontakts zum Metakontakt ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+Dies wird den Metakontakt für immer löschen.\n\nTrotzdem fortfahren?
+[Are you sure?]
+Sind Sie sich sicher?
+[Remove from metacontact]
+Aus Metakontakt entfernen
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+Metakontakte aktivieren
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+Metakontakte deaktivieren
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+Metakontakt bearbeiten
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+Als Standardmetakontakt setzen
+[Delete MetaContact]
+Metakontakt löschen
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_options.cpp
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_services.cpp
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+Keine Onlinekontakte gefunden.
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_utils.cpp
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+Konnte Metakontakt-ID nicht erhalten
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+Konnte Metakontakt-Kontaktzahl nicht abrufen
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+Konnte Kontaktprotokoll nicht abrufen
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+Konnte eindeutige ID des Kontakt nicht erhalten
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+Kontakt ist 'nicht in der Liste' - bitte den Kontakt vor der Zuweisung zur Liste hinzufügen.
+[MetaContact is full]
+Metakontakt ist voll
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+Konnte Protokoll des Kontaktes nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+Konnte eindeutige ID des Kontaktes nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+Konnte Nicknamen des Kontakts nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+Nummer des Unterkontaktes < 0 - Lösche Metakontakt
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+Nummer des Unterkontaktes (%d) > Anzahl Unterkontakte - Lösche Metakontakt
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+Metakontakt des Unterkontaktes nicht gefunden - Lösche Metakontakt-Daten
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+Anzahl Kontakte des metakontakts < 0 - Lösche Metakontakt
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+Anzahl Metakontakte außerhalb des zulässigen Bereiches - Lösche Metakontakt
+[Meta ID: ]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+Metakontakt defekt - die Zahl der Unterkontakte ist fehlerhaft.\nLösche Metakontakt.
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+Die 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' wurde zu Ihrer Kontaktliste hinzugefügt.\nDas geschah vermutlich durch serverseitige Kontaktinformationen. Um dies zu beheben, so dass Metakontakte korrekt funktioniert, sollten Sie\n - Mteakontakte über den Hauptmenueintrag ' Metakontakte deaktivieren' deaktivieren\n - Alle Kontakte aus dieser Gruppe entfernen\n - Ihre Kontakte mit dem Server synchronisieren\n - Metakontakte wieder aktivieren
+[MetaContacts Warning]
;file \src\modules\netlib\netliblog.cpp
[No times]
keine Zeiten
@@ -2385,16 +2605,12 @@ Konto-Fehler Konto ist deaktiviert. Bitte aktivieren Sie es, um auf die Kontoeinstellungen zugreifen zu können.
[New account]
Neues Konto
[Remove account]
Konto entfernen
[Upgrade account]
Konto aktualisieren
[Account ID]
Account ID
@@ -2455,8 +2671,6 @@ Gruppe (geschlossen) Verbinden
[User details]
[Down arrow]
Pfeil nach unten
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/german/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 56c7cb7cb7..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/german/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-Fügt mehrere Kontakte zu einem zusammen.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Bitte einen Metakontakt wählen:
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-Alphabetisch sortieren
-[&Set as Default]
-Al&s Standard setzen
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Standard beim Senden verwenden (selbst wenn offline)
-[Send &Offline]
-&Offline senden
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Setze Standardkontakt für den Empfang
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Immer an Standardkontakt senden, wenn nicht offline
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Statusmeldung für Unterkontakte unterdrücken
-[Context Menu]
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-UID des Kontakts verwenden
-[Use contact's display name]
-Kontaktanzeigename verwenden
-[Contact Labels]
-[Set default and open message window]
-Setze Standard && öffne Nachr.fenster
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Unterkontaktkontextmenü anzeigen
-[Show user information]
-Benutzerinformationen anzeigen
-[Contact List]
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Unterkontakt-Nicknamen anzeigen
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Unterkontakt-Anzeigenamen anzeigen
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Unterkontakt-Nachrichtenfenster verwenden
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Unterkontaktdaten übernehmen
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Namen auf 1. Kontakt festlegen
-[but only for the current conversation]
-aber nur für aktuelle Nachrichtensitzung
-[History Copy]
-Verlauf kopieren
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Verlauf wird kopiert, bitte warten.
-[History Remove]
-Verlauf entfernen
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Verlauf wird entfernt, bitte warten.
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Prioritäten der Unterkontakte
-[Reset All]
-Alle rückg.
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(niedrigere Ränge werden bevorzugt)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Kopiere Unterkontaktverlauf beim Erstellen/Hinzufügen
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-Verlaufslänge in Tagen (0 = alle):
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-Synchronisiere Metakontaktverlauf mit Unterkontakt
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-Synchronisiere Unterkontaktverlauf mit Metakontakt
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-Verlauf (** Änderungen auf eigene Gefahr **)
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-Entweder es gibt keinen Metakontakt in der Datenbank (in diesem Falle sollten Sie zunächst einen Kontakt umwandeln)\noder keiner kann diesen Kontakt aufnehmen.\nEine andere Lösung wäre es, diesen Kontakt in einen neuen Metakontakt umzuwandeln.\n\nWollen Sie diesen Kontakt nun in einen neuen Metakontakt umwandeln?
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-Dieser Kontakt ist ein Metakontakt.\nSie können keinen Metakontakt einem anderen Metakontakt hinzufügen.\n\nBitte einen anderen Kontakt wählen.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Dieser Kontakt ist bereits einem Metakontakt zugeordnet.\nSie können keinen Kontakt mehreren Metakontakten hinzufügen.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-Mehrfache Metakontakte
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Kein entsprechender Metakontakt gefunden
-[a contact]
-ein Kontakt
-[Adding %s...]
-%s hinzufügen...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Bitte einen Metakontakt auswählen
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Kein Metakontakt ausgewählt
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Zuweisung zum Metakontakt fehlgeschlagen.
-[Assignment failure]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Unbekannter Kontakt)
-[Send Offline]
-Offline senden
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Metakontakt löschen?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-In Metakontakt umwandeln
-[Add to Existing]
-Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
-[Set to Default]
-Als Standard setzen
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Sie sind dabei alle diesem Metakontakt zugeordneten Unterkontakte zu entfernen.\nDadurch wird auch der Metakontakt selbst entfernt.\n\nSoll dieser Unterkontakt wirklich entfernt werden?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Fehler - Datenbankkorruption.\nPlugin deaktiviert.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Bei der Zuweisung des Kontakts zum Metakontakt ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Dies wird den Metakontakt für immer löschen.\n\nTrotzdem fortfahren?
-[Are you sure?]
-Sind Sie sich sicher?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Aus Metakontakt entfernen
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-[No online contacts found.]
-Keine Onlinekontakte gefunden.
-[Message from %s]
-Nachricht von %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Metakontakte deaktivieren
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Metakontakt bearbeiten
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Als Standardmetakontakt setzen
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Metakontakt löschen
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Metakontakte aktivieren
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-Konnte Metakontakt-ID nicht erhalten
-[Assignment error]
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-Konnte Metakontakt-Kontaktzahl nicht abrufen
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-Konnte Kontaktprotokoll nicht abrufen
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-Konnte eindeutige ID des Kontakt nicht erhalten
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Kontakt ist 'nicht in der Liste' - bitte den Kontakt vor der Zuweisung zur Liste hinzufügen.
-[MetaContact is full]
-Metakontakt ist voll
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Konnte Protokoll des Kontaktes nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Konnte eindeutige ID des Kontaktes nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Konnte Nicknamen des Kontakts nicht in Metakontakt schreiben
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Nummer des Unterkontaktes < 0 - Lösche Metakontakt
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-Nummer des Unterkontaktes (%d) > Anzahl Unterkontakte - Lösche Metakontakt
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-Metakontakt des Unterkontaktes nicht gefunden - Lösche Metakontakt-Daten
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Anzahl Kontakte des metakontakts < 0 - Lösche Metakontakt
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-Anzahl Metakontakte außerhalb des zulässigen Bereiches - Lösche Metakontakt
-[Meta ID: ]
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-Metakontakt defekt - die Zahl der Unterkontakte ist fehlerhaft.\nLösche Metakontakt.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-Die 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' wurde zu Ihrer Kontaktliste hinzugefügt.\nDas geschah vermutlich durch serverseitige Kontaktinformationen. Um dies zu beheben, so dass Metakontakte korrekt funktioniert, sollten Sie\n - Mteakontakte über den Hauptmenueintrag ' Metakontakte deaktivieren' deaktivieren\n - Alle Kontakte aus dieser Gruppe entfernen\n - Ihre Kontakte mit dem Server synchronisieren\n - Metakontakte wieder aktivieren
-[MetaContacts Warning]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index b7ca432670..7f9f667df3 100644 --- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index bb8c1c27c2..d28f5a13d9 100644 --- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Variables.txt index e62b2ac383..1dedfd6eb9 100644 --- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Eigenschaft Information y von Kontakt x DB-Profilname
[database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
DB-Einstellung z von Modul y von Kontakt x und gibt w zurück, wenn z nicht existiert (w ist optional)
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
Abruf von Ereignis für Kontakt x (optional), gemäß y,z,w; siehe Dokumentation
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ WAHR, wenn Verzeichnis x existiert WAHR, wenn Datei x existiert
[window title of first window of class x]
Fenstertitel des ersten Fensters der Klasse x
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
Zeigt Dateien und Unterordner des Verzeichnisses x mit Filter y an, getrennt durch z (y und z optional)
[TRUE if process x is running]
WAHR, wenn Prozess x läuft
diff --git a/langpacks/hebrew/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/hebrew/=CORE=.txt index 601f4bd6b6..590e29573c 100644 --- a/langpacks/hebrew/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/hebrew/=CORE=.txt @@ -255,6 +255,26 @@ OutputDebugString() טקסט רגיל:
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+הוסף למידע תוכן משותף...
+אנשי קשר
+[Contact Labels]
+תווית תוכן
+[Show user information]
+הראה מידע משתמש
+[Contact List]
+רשימת אנשי קשר
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+הצג תת תוכן שם משתמש
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+מספר ימים להעתיק(0=הכול):
@@ -343,8 +363,6 @@ OutputDebugString() שינויי כינוי
[Status changes]
שינויי מצב
[Log options]
אפשרויות יומן
[Log timestamp]
@@ -1439,8 +1457,26 @@ OutputDebugString() סטי סמלים
[** All contacts **]
** כל הרשימה **
-אנשי קשר
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(איש קשר לא מוכר)
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+המר לתוכן משותף
+[Add to Existing]
+הוסף לקיים
+[Set to Default]
+הגדר כברירת מחדל
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+ערוך תוכן משותף
+[Delete MetaContact]
+מחק תוכן משותף
[<All connections>]
<כל ההתקשרויות>
@@ -1457,10 +1493,6 @@ OutputDebugString() תוספים
[Create new account]
צור חשבון חדש
שנה שם
@@ -1475,8 +1507,6 @@ OutputDebugString() מתחבר
[User details]
פרופיל משתמש
[Find user]
מצא משתמש
diff --git a/langpacks/hebrew/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/hebrew/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5b37cc7cec..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/hebrew/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-אנשי קשר
-[Contact Labels]
-תווית תוכן
-[Show user information]
-הראה מידע משתמש
-[Contact List]
-רשימת אנשי קשר
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-הצג תת תוכן שם משתמש
-ברירת מחדל
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-מספר ימים להעתיק(0=הכול):
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(איש קשר לא מוכר)
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-המר לתוכן משותף
-[Add to Existing]
-הוסף לקיים
-[Set to Default]
-הגדר כברירת מחדל
-[Message from %s]
-הודעה מ%s
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-הוסף למידע תוכן משותף...
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-ערוך תוכן משותף
-[Delete MetaContact]
-מחק תוכן משותף
diff --git a/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index e7c1117bb3..3bd14cef25 100644 --- a/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 920078a536..c60f086acf 100644 --- a/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/hebrew/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/hungarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/hungarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 13564c5c8a..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/hungarian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Kapcsolati lista
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(ismeretlen partner)
-[Message from %s]
-Üzenet tõle: %s
diff --git a/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 8a1cc0f2d5..262c9a4582 100644 --- a/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 4e2fb2e071..ad5ae06997 100644 --- a/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/hungarian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/italian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/italian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 653ed0055b..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/italian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Lista dei contatti
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Contatto sconosciuto)
-[Message from %s]
-Messaggio da %s
diff --git a/langpacks/italian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/italian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index ab201350d3..e057c47ee8 100644 --- a/langpacks/italian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/italian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/italian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/italian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index b4fae78ccc..8be101a99c 100644 --- a/langpacks/italian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/italian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/japanese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/japanese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 556c24a6e7..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/japanese/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-適用 (&A)
-[Contact List]
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-( 不明なコンタクト )
-[Message from %s]
-%s からのメッセージ
diff --git a/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 6c086a6092..b445d4e3c5 100644 --- a/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 642175da0a..05e8aff945 100644 --- a/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/japanese/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/korean/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/korean/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a8e33e26be..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/korean/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-&C 취소
-[Contact List]
-대화 상대 목록
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(알 수 없는 대화 상대)
-[Message from %s]
-%s 로부터 받은 메세지
diff --git a/langpacks/korean/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/korean/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index a15237dc56..a09f927ef2 100644 --- a/langpacks/korean/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/korean/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/korean/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/korean/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 508ae312de..19c550a1a1 100644 --- a/langpacks/korean/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/korean/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/norwegian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/norwegian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 49c9f83c14..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/norwegian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Ukjent Kontakt)
-[Message from %s]
-Melding fra %s
diff --git a/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 560d3c8067..d206e20c90 100644 --- a/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index b54e5c1ea6..a642198ab5 100644 --- a/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/norwegian/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/polish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a03c0fb4a9..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/polish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-Umożliwia łączenie kontaktów tego samego lub różnych protokołów w jeden kontakt.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Dodaj do istniejącego metakontaktu
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Proszę wybrać metakontakt:
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-Sortuj alfabetycznie
-[&Set as Default]
-[Move &Up]
-W góry
-[Move &Down]
-W dół
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Wymuś domyślny do wysyłania (nawet jeśli rozłączony)
-[Send &Offline]
-Wysyłaj do rozłączonego
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Ustaw domyślny kontakt po otrzymaniu wiadomości
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Zawsze wysyłaj do domyślnego kontaktu jeśli nie jest rozłączony
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Nie pokazuj powiadomień zmian statusu dla subkontaktów
-[Context Menu]
-Menu kontekstowe
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-Użyj unikalnego ID kontaktu
-[Use contact's display name]
-Użyj nazwy kontaktu
-[Contact Labels]
-Etykiety kontaktu
-[Set default and open message window]
-Ustaw domyślne i otwórz okno rozmowy
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Pokaż menu kontekstowe subkontaktu
-[Show user information]
-Pokaż dane użytkownika
-[Contact List]
-Lista kontaktów
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Wyświetl nick subkontaktu
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Wyświetl nazwę subkontaktu
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Użyj okna wiadomości subkontaktu
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Kopiuj dane subkontaktu
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Zablokuj nazwę pierwszego kontaktu
-[but only for the current conversation]
-ale tylko dla obecnej sesji
-[History Copy]
-Kopiowanie historii
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Kopiowanie historii. Proszę czekać...
-[History Remove]
-Usuwanie historii
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Usuwanie historii. Proszę czekać...
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Priorytet subkontaktu
-[Reset All]
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(Preferowane niższe rangi)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Kopiuj historię subkontaktu do metakontaku gdy jest tworzony lub dodawany
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-Liczba dni do skopiowania (0=wszystkie):
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-Trzymaj historię metakontaktu zsynchronizowaną z subkontaktami
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-Trzymaj historię subkontaktu zsynchornizowaną z metakontaktem
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-Historia (** ostrzeżenie - zmieniasz na własne ryzyko**)
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-Brak metakontaktu w bazie danych (w tym przypadku powinieneś najpierw skonwertować kontakt do metakontaktu)\nlub brak metakontaktu, który może być bazą dla tego kontaktu.\nInnym rozwiązaniem może być konwersja tego kontaktu do nowego metakontaktu.\n\nSkonwertować ten kontakt do nowego metakontaktu?
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-Ten kontakt jest metakontaktem.\nNie możesz dodać metakontaktu do innego metakontaktu.\n\n\nProszę wybrać inny.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-Konflikt metakontaktu
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Ten kontakt jest już skojarzony z metakontaktem.\nNie możesz dodawać kontaktu do wielu metakontaktów.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-Wiele metakontaktów
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Nie znaleziono odpowiedniego MetaKontaktu
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-Dodawanie %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Proszę wybrać metakontakt
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Nie zaznaczono metakontaktów
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Przypisanie do metakontaktu nieudane.
-[Assignment failure]
-Błąd przypisania
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Nieznany kontakt)
-[Send Offline]
-Wysyłaj do rozłączonego
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Usunąć metakontakt?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-Wyłącz przełączanie
-[Toggle On]
-Włącz przełączanie
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-Konwertuj do metakontaktu
-[Add to Existing]
-Dodaj do istniejącego
-[Set to Default]
-Ustaw jako domyślny
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Zamierzasz usunąć wszystkie kontakty skojarzone z tym metakontaktem.\nTo usunie metakontakt.\n\nKontynuować mimo to?
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Błąd - awaria bazy danych.\nWtyczka została wyłączona.
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Problem z przydzieleniem kontaktu do metakontaktu
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-To usunie metakontakt na stałe.\n\nKontynuować?
-[Are you sure?]
-Jesteś pewien?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Usuń z metakontaktu
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-Meta ID
-[No online contacts found.]
-Nie znaleziono dostępnych kontaktów.
-[Message from %s]
-Wiadomość od %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Wyłącz metakontakty
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Dodaj do istniejącego metakontaktu...
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Edytuj metakontakt...
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Ustaw jako domyślny metakontakt
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Usuń metakontakt
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Włącz metakontakty
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-Nie udało się pobrać ID metakontaktu
-[Assignment error]
-Błąd przydzielania
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-Nie udało się pobrać liczby kontaktów w metakontakcie
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-Nie udało się pobrać protokołu kontaktu
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-Nie można pobrać unikalnego ID kontaktu
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Kontakt nie znajduje się na liście. Dodaj kontakt do listy przed przyporządkowaniem.
-[MetaContact is full]
-Brak wolnych miejsc w metakontakcie
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Nie udało się zapisać protokołu kontaktu w metakontakcie
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Nie udało się zapisać unikalnego ID kontaktu do metakontaktu
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Nie udało się zapisać nicka kontaktu do metakontaktu
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Subkontakt kontakt liczba < 0 - usuwanie metakontaktu
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-Subkontakt kontakt liczba (%d) > liczba kontaktów w meta (%d) - usuwanie metakontaktu
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-Subkontakt metakontaktu nie został znaleziony - usuwanie metakontaktu
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Liczba kontaktów w metakontakcie < 0 - usuwanie metakontaku
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-Domyślna liczba kontaktu poza zakresem - usuwanie metakontaktu
-[Meta ID: ]
-Meta ID:\s
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-Metakontakt uszkodzony - liczba subkontaktów jest nieprawidłowa.\n Usuwanie metakontaku.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-Ukryta grupa metakontaktu została dodana do listy.\nPrawdopodobnie jest to spowodowane informacjami po stronie serwera. Aby to naprawić, tak by wtyczka MetaContacts mogła działać poprawnie, powinieneś:\n - wyłączyć metakontakty używając opcji "Wyłącz metakontakty" w menu głównym\n - przenieść wszystkie kontakty poza tą grupę\n - zsynchronizować kontakty z serwerem\n - ponownie włączyć metakontakty
-[MetaContacts Warning]
-Ostrzeżenie o MetaKontaktach
diff --git a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/portuguese_br/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e745d729d8..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Lista de Contatos
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Contato Desconhecido)
-[Message from %s]
-Mensagem de %s
diff --git a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index ce99fb47ff..ee07a45ea5 100644 --- a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 4caf014520..84cc5b509e 100644 --- a/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/portuguese_br/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/russian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d493267438..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/russian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-Объединяет контакты одинаковых и/или разных протоколов в один.
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Добавить к метаконтакту
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Выберите метаконтакт
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-По алфавиту
-[&Set as Default]
-&По умолчанию
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Всегда использовать по умолчанию (даже если оффлайн)
-[Send &Offline]
-В &оффлайн
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Делать основным контактом по прибытии сообщения
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Всегда слать субконтакту по умолчанию, если не оффлайн
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Запретить уведомление о смене статуса субконтактов
-[Context Menu]
-Контекстное меню
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-UIN, E-mail и т.д.
-[Use contact's display name]
-Использовать имя
-[Contact Labels]
-Метки контактов
-[Set default and open message window]
-Открыть окно сообщения
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Показывать контекстное меню
-[Show user information]
-Показывать инфо пользователя
-[Contact List]
-Список контактов
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Использовать ник субконтакта
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Использовать отображаемое имя
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Окна сообщения субконтакта
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Копировать данные субконтакта
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Фиксировать имя
-[but only for the current conversation]
-но только для текущей беседы
-[History Copy]
-Копирование истории
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Пожалуйста, подождите, пока история скопируется
-[History Remove]
-Удаление истории
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Пожалуйста, подождите, пока история удалится
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Приоритеты субконтактов
-[Reset All]
-По умолчанию
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(Предпочтительны более низкие ранги)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Копировать историю Суб в Мета Контакт при создании и добавлении
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-Количество дней (0=все)
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-История метаконтакта, синхронизированная с субконтактом
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-История субконтакта, синхронизированная с метаконтактом
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-Нет еще ни одного метаконтакта в базе (в этом случае нужно сначала конвертировать один простой контакт в метаконтакт).\nКак вариант преобразуйте этот контакт в новый метаконтакт.\n\nПреобразовать этот контакт в метаконтакт?
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-Конфликт метаконтактов
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Этот контакт уже добавлен в метаконтакт.\nВы не можете добавить контакт в несколько метаконтактов.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-Множество метаконтактов
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Не найдено подходящего метаконтакта
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-Добавление %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Выберите метаконтакт
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Метаконтакт не выбран
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Не удалось добавить к метаконтакту.
-[Assignment failure]
-Неудачное назначение
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Неизвестный контакт)
-[Send Offline]
-Отправка в оффлайн
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Удалить метаконтакт?
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-Сделать метаконтактом
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-По умолчанию
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Удалить метаконтакт?
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Ошибка - база повреждена.\nПлагин отключён.
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Обнаружена проблема добавления контакта к метаконтакту
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Удаление метаконтакта.\n\nПродолжить?
-[Are you sure?]
-Вы уверены?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Удалить из метаконтакта
-<по умолчанию>
-[Meta ID]
-Meta ID
-[No online contacts found.]
-Не найдено контактов в сети.
-[Message from %s]
-Сообщение от %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Выключить метаконтакты
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Добавить к метаконтакту
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Изменить метаконтакт...
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Метаконтакт по умолчанию
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Удалить метаконтакт
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Включить метаконтакты
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-Не могу получить ID метаконтакта
-[Assignment error]
-Ошибка назначения
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-Не могу запросить количество субконтактов метаконтакта
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-Не могу запросить протокол контакта
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-Не могу получить уникальный ID контакта
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Контакт не в списке. Пожалуйста, добавьте контакт в список перед назначением.
-[MetaContact is full]
-Метаконтакт полон
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Ошибка записи протокола контакта в метаконтакт
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Ошибка записи уникального ID контакта в метаконтакт
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Не могу записать ник контакта в метаконтакт
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер субконтакта < 0 - метаконтакт будет удалён
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер субконтакта (%d) > номера в метаконтакте (%d) - метаконтакт будет удалён
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-Субконтакты в метаконтакте не найдены - данные метаконтакта будут удалены
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Количество контактов в метаконтакте < 0 - метаконтакт будет удалён
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер контакта по умолчанию за пределами метаконтакта - метаконтакт будет удалён
-[Meta ID: ]
-Meta ID:\s
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-Метаконтакт поврежден - неверное количество субконтактов.\nУдаляю метаконтакт.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-Группа 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' добавлена в ваш список\nЭто из-за списка контактов на сервере. Для исправления,\nчтобы метаконтакты продолжили нормальную работу, вы должны:\n - выключить метаконтакты используя пункт в главном меню\n - переместить все контакты из этой группы\n - синхронизировать ваши контакты с сервером\n - опять включить метаконтакты
-[MetaContacts Warning]
-Предупреждение метаконтактов
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/slovak/=CORE=.txt index 135120ad31..4d03f0dd4a 100644 --- a/langpacks/slovak/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/slovak/=CORE=.txt @@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ Pomoc Prednastavené
Klávesové skratky
@@ -894,8 +896,6 @@ Písmo Súbor ikon
[** All contacts **]
** Všetky kontakty **
[<All connections>]
Všetky pripojenia
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/slovak/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c5c8e1f453..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/slovak/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Zoznam kontaktov
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(neznámý kontakt)
-[Message from %s]
-Správa od %s
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index 365927fde7..09957d4e75 100644 --- a/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index a83588081b..724568e2cf 100644 --- a/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/slovak/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt index 95ec9a1bde..65c440b970 100644 --- a/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt @@ -133,6 +133,51 @@ [Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:]
[*only the first %d icons will be shown]
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+[&Set as Default]
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+[Send &Offline]
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+[Context Menu]
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+[Use contact's display name]
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+[Show user information]
+[Contact List]
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+[Display subcontact display name]
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+[Copy subcontact data]
+[Lock name to first contact]
+[but only for the current conversation]
+[History Copy]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+[History Remove]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
[Hide Miranda]
@@ -162,7 +207,6 @@ [Users leaving]
[Topic changes]
[Status changes]
[User kicks]
@@ -658,6 +702,68 @@ [Headers]
[Generic text]
[Small text]
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+[No MetaContact selected]
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+[Assignment failure]
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+[Send Offline]
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Remove from metacontact]
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+[Delete MetaContact]
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+[MetaContact is full]
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[Meta ID: ]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+[MetaContacts Warning]
[No times]
[Standard hh:mm:ss times]
[Times in milliseconds]
@@ -696,11 +802,9 @@ [Account error]
[Account is disabled. Please activate it to access options.]
[New account]
[Remove account]
[Upgrade account]
[Account ID]
[Protocol is not loaded.]
@@ -725,7 +829,6 @@ [System scope]
[Miranda scope]
[User details]
[Down arrow]
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/Variables.txt b/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/Variables.txt index 9a5bf73d1e..b28988a427 100644 --- a/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/slovak/Untranslated/Variables.txt @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ [info property y of contact x]
[database profile name]
[database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
[get last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
[get last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ [TRUE if directory x exists]
[TRUE if file x exists]
[window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)]
[formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt index fe47aa38bb..a5d7c95a3e 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt @@ -451,6 +451,98 @@ Seleccione los iconos adicionales que se muestran en la lista de contactos: * sólo los primeros %d iconos se muestran
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Puede agrupar/desagrupar los iconos seleccionándolos (Ctrl+clic izquierdo) y usando el menú contextual (clic derecho)
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+[&Set as Default]
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+[Send &Offline]
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+[Context Menu]
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+[Use contact's display name]
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+[Show user information]
+[Contact List]
+Lista de contactos
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+[Display subcontact display name]
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+[Copy subcontact data]
+[Lock name to first contact]
+[but only for the current conversation]
+[History Copy]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+[History Remove]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
@@ -586,8 +678,6 @@ Usuarios saliendo Cambios de tema
[Status changes]
Cambios de estado
[User kicks]
@@ -2294,8 +2384,138 @@ Conjuntos de iconos ;file \src\modules\ignore\ignore.cpp
[** All contacts **]
** Todos los contactos **
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\metacontacts.h
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_addto.cpp
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+[No MetaContact selected]
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+[Assignment failure]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_edit.cpp
+[(Unknown Contact)]
+(Contacto desconocido)
+[Send Offline]
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_main.cpp
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_menu.cpp
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Remove from metacontact]
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+[Delete MetaContact]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_options.cpp
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_services.cpp
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+;file \src\modules\metacontacts\meta_utils.cpp
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+[MetaContact is full]
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[Meta ID: ]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+[MetaContacts Warning]
;file \src\modules\netlib\netliblog.cpp
[No times]
No hay tiempos
@@ -2385,16 +2605,12 @@ Error de cuenta Cuenta deshabilitada. Active para acceder a las opciones.
[New account]
Nueva cuenta
[Remove account]
Eliminar cuenta
[Upgrade account]
Actualiza cuenta
[Account ID]
ID de la cuenta
@@ -2455,8 +2671,6 @@ Grupo (cerrado) Conectando
[User details]
Información del usuario
[Down arrow]
Flecha abajo
[Find user]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0d6a10e9ac..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-[&Set as Default]
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-[Send &Offline]
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-[Context Menu]
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-[Use contact's display name]
-[Contact Labels]
-[Set default and open message window]
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-[Show user information]
-[Contact List]
-Lista de contactos
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-[Display subcontact display name]
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-[Copy subcontact data]
-[Lock name to first contact]
-[but only for the current conversation]
-[History Copy]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-[History Remove]
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-[Reset All]
-Por defecto
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-[No MetaContact selected]
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-[Assignment failure]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Contacto desconocido)
-[Send Offline]
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-[Are you sure?]
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp
-[Meta ID]
-[No online contacts found.]
-[Message from %s]
-Mensaje de
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-[Delete MetaContact]
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-[Assignment error]
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-[MetaContact is full]
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-[Meta ID: ]
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-[MetaContacts Warning]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index c0c18339b5..d5c0cf62e9 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index 74b4ee8fc4..314d90d811 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Variables.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Variables.txt index 5f72582513..b43f3adbe7 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Variables.txt @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Variables [database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Variables [window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt index a238f554e1..4417cde234 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt @@ -1,4 +1,47 @@ -[Group chat log background]
+[Add to Existing MetaContact]
+[Please select a MetaContact:]
+[Sort Alphabetically]
+[&Set as Default]
+[Move &Up]
+[Move &Down]
+[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
+[Send &Offline]
+[Set default contact on receipt of message]
+[Always send to default contact if not offline]
+[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
+[Context Menu]
+[Use contact's unique ID]
+[Use contact's display name]
+[Contact Labels]
+[Set default and open message window]
+[Show subcontact context menu]
+[Show user information]
+[Display subcontact nickname]
+[Display subcontact display name]
+[Use subcontact message windows]
+[Copy subcontact data]
+[Lock name to first contact]
+[but only for the current conversation]
+[History Copy]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
+[History Remove]
+[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
+[Subcontact Priorities]
+[Reset All]
+[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
+[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
+[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
+[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
+[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
+[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
+[Group chat log background]
[Chat log symbols (Webdings)]
[&Leave chat]
[&Open chat window]
@@ -6,4 +49,62 @@ [You were added by %s%s]
[Contacts: ]
[Status menu]
+[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
+[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
+[MetaContact Conflict]
+[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
+[Multiple MetaContacts]
+[No suitable MetaContact found]
+[a contact]
+[Adding %s...]
+[Please select a MetaContact]
+[No MetaContact selected]
+[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
+[Assignment failure]
+[Send Offline]
+[Delete MetaContact?]
+[Toggle Off]
+[Toggle On]
+[Convert to MetaContact]
+[Add to Existing]
+[Set to Default]
+[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
+[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
+[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Remove from metacontact]
+[Toggle MetaContacts On]
+[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
+[Add to existing MetaContact...]
+[Edit MetaContact...]
+[Set as MetaContact default]
+[Delete MetaContact]
+[Meta ID]
+[No online contacts found.]
+[Could not get MetaContact ID]
+[Assignment error]
+[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
+[Could not retreive contact protocol]
+[Could not get unique ID of contact]
+[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
+[MetaContact is full]
+[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
+[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
+[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
+[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
+[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
+[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
+[Meta ID: ]
+[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
+[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
+[MetaContacts Warning]
[OK (%d)]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Variables.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Variables.txt index ee7de7d21c..a24c0e80a1 100644 --- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Variables.txt +++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Variables.txt @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ [info property y of contact x]
[database profile name]
[database profile path]
-[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)]
+[database setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z doesn't exist (w is optional)]
[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
[get last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
[get last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ [TRUE if directory x exists]
[TRUE if file x exists]
[window title of first window of class x]
-[shows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
+[shows files and directories of directory x, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)]
[TRUE if process x is running]
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)]
[formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y]
diff --git a/langpacks/turkish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/turkish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index df95d3b2fb..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/turkish/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Contact List]
-Kişi Listesi
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Bilinmmeyen Kişi)
-[Message from %s]
-%s ileti gönderdi
diff --git a/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt index b5bf67272e..807027f3b3 100644 --- a/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt +++ b/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: Dbx_mmap.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt b/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt index d64a7ca99d..36814baa50 100644 --- a/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt +++ b/langpacks/turkish/Plugins/StartupStatus.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ;============================================================
; File: StartupStatus.dll
; Plugin: StartupStatus
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 76fc5c2853..0000000000 --- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Deprecated/MetaContacts.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89}
-; File: MetaContacts.dll
-; Plugin: MetaContacts
-; Version:
-; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis
-[Merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one.]
-Об'єднує контакти однакових або різних протоколів в один.
-[Add to Existing MetaContact]
-Додати до метаконтакту
-[Please select a MetaContact:]
-Виберіть метаконтакт:
-[Sort Alphabetically]
-За алфавітом
-[&Set as Default]
-&За замовчанням
-[Move &Up]
-[Move &Down]
-[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
-Завжди використовувати за змовчанням (навіть якщо оффлайн)
-[Send &Offline]
-В оффлайн
-[Set default contact on receipt of message]
-Робити основним контактом по прибутті повідомлення
-[Always send to default contact if not offline]
-Завжди надсилати субконтакту за замовчанням, якщо не оффлайн
-[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
-Заборонити сповіщення про зміну статусу субконтактів
-[Context Menu]
-Контекстне меню
-[Use contact's unique ID]
-UIN, E-mail тощо
-[Use contact's display name]
-Використовувати ім'я
-[Contact Labels]
-Мітки контактів
-[Set default and open message window]
-Відкрити вікно повідомлень
-[Show subcontact context menu]
-Показувати контекстне меню
-[Show user information]
-Показувати дані користувача
-[Contact List]
-Список контактів
-[Display subcontact nickname]
-Використовувати нік субконтакта
-[Display subcontact display name]
-Використовувати коротке ім'я
-[Use subcontact message windows]
-Вікна повідомлень субконтакта
-[Copy subcontact data]
-Копіювати дані субконтакта
-[Lock name to first contact]
-Фіксувати ім'я
-[but only for the current conversation]
-але тільки для поточної бесіди
-[History Copy]
-Копіювання історії
-[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
-Будь ласка, зачекайте, поки історія скопіюється
-[History Remove]
-Видалення історії
-[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
-Будь ласка, зачекайте, поки історія видалиться
-[Subcontact Priorities]
-Пріоритети субконтактів
-[Reset All]
-За замовчанням
-[(Lower ranks are preferred)]
-(Переважні більш низькі ранги)
-[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
-Копіювати історію суб- у метаконтакт при створенні і додаванні
-[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
-Кількість днів (0=всі)
-[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
-Історія метаконтакту, синхронізована з субконтактом
-[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
-Історія субконтакта, синхронізована з метаконтактом
-[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
-[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
-У базі ще немає жодного метаконтакту (потрібно спочатку зробити простий контакт метаконтактом).\nЦей контакт також можна конвертувати у новий метаконтакт.\n\nКонвертувати цей контакт у новий метаконтакт?
-[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
-Це метаконтакт.\nНе можна додати метаконтакт у ще один метаконтакт.\n\nБудь ласка, виберіть інший.
-[MetaContact Conflict]
-Конфлікт метаконтактів
-[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
-Цей контакт пов'язаний з метаконтактои.\nНе можна додати контакт в декілька метаконтактів.
-[Multiple MetaContacts]
-Безліч метаконтактів
-[No suitable MetaContact found]
-Не знайдено відповідного метаконтакту
-[a contact]
-[Adding %s...]
-Додавання %s...
-[Please select a MetaContact]
-Виберіть метаконтакт
-[No MetaContact selected]
-Метаконтакт не вибрано
-[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
-Не вдалося додати до метаконтакту.
-[Assignment failure]
-Невдале призначення
-[(Unknown Contact)]
-(Невідомий контакт)
-[Send Offline]
-Відправка в оффлайн
-[Delete MetaContact?]
-Видалити метаконтакт?
-[Toggle Off]
-[Toggle On]
-[Convert to MetaContact]
-Зробити метаконтактом
-[Add to Existing]
-[Set to Default]
-За замовчанням
-[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Видалити метаконтакт?
-[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
-Помилка - база пошкоджена.\nПлагін відключений.
-[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
-Виявлена проблема додавання контакту до метаконтакту
-[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
-Видалення метаконтакту.\n\nПродовжити?
-[Are you sure?]
-Ви впевнені?
-[Remove from MetaContact]
-Видалити з метаконтакту
-<за замовчуванням>
-[No online contacts found.]
-Не знайдено контактів у мережі.
-[Message from %s]
-Повідомлення від %s
-[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
-Вимкнути метаконтакти
-[Add to existing MetaContact...]
-Додати до метаконтакту
-[Edit MetaContact...]
-Змінити метаконтакт...
-[Set as MetaContact default]
-Метаконтакт за замовчуванням
-[Delete MetaContact]
-Видалити метаконтакт
-[Toggle MetaContacts On]
-Ввімкнути метаконтакти
-[Could not get MetaContact ID]
-Не можу отримати ID метаконтакту
-[Assignment error]
-Помилка призначення
-[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
-Не можу запросити кількість субконтактів у метаконтакті
-[Could not retreive contact protocol]
-Не можу запросити протокол контакту
-[Could not get unique ID of contact]
-Не можу отримати унікальний ID контакту
-[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
-Контакт поза списком. Будь ласка, додайте контакт до списку перед призначенням.
-[MetaContact is full]
-Метаконтакт повний
-[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
-Помилка запису протоколу контакту в метаконтакт
-[Could not write unique ID of contact to MetaContact]
-Помилка запису унікального ID контакту в метаконтакт
-[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
-Не можу записати нік контакту в метаконтакт
-[Subcontact contact number < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер субконтакта < 0 - метаконтакт буде видалено
-[Subcontact contact number (%d) > meta num contacts (%d) - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер субконтакта (%d) > номеру в метаконтакті (%d) - метаконтакт буде видалено
-[Subcontact's MetaContact not found - deleting MetaContact data]
-Субконтакти в метаконтакті не знайдені - дані метаконтакту будуть видалені
-[MetaContact number of contacts < 0 - deleting MetaContact]
-Кількість контактів в метаконтакті < 0 - метаконтакт буде видалено
-[MetaContact default contact number out of range - deleting MetaContact]
-Номер контакту за замовчуванням за межами метаконтакту - метаконтакт буде видалено
-[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
-Метаконтакт пошкоджений - неправильна кількість субконтактів.\nВидаляю метаконтакт.
-[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts]
-До вашого списку додано групу MetaContacts Hidden Group.\nЦе через список контактів на сервері. Для правильної роботи\nметаконтактів у майбутньому необхідно виконати такі дії:\n - вимкнути метаконтакти, використовуючи пункт у головному меню\n - перемістити всі контакти з цієї групи\n - синхронізувати свої контакти з сервером\n - знову ввімкнути метаконтакти
-[MetaContacts Warning]
-Попередження метаконтактів
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt index e26e86491f..03d63cd6e9 100644 --- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt +++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewAwaySys.txt @@ -295,14 +295,6 @@ Ігнорувати запити статусних повідомлень від цього контакту і вимкнути автовідповідач.\r\n"Зберігати налаштування автовідповідача/ігнору контакта окремо для кожного статусу" ввімкнено, тому ця опція діє для контакту і для статусу.
[Ignore status message requests from this contact and don't send an autoreply]
Ігнорувати запити статусних повідомлень від цього контакту і вимкнути автовідповідач
-[%d hours]
-%d год.
-[%d minutes]
-%d хв.
-[%d seconds]
-%d с
[Away since time in default format; ?nas_awaysince_time(x) in format x]
"відійшов о" (час у форматі за замовчанням); ?nas_awaysince_time(x) у форматі X
[Away since date in default format; ?nas_awaysince_date(x) in format x]
@@ -321,6 +313,14 @@ повертає передустановлене повідомлення за його заголовком: ?nas_predefinedmessage(creepy)
[Current protocol name]
ім'я поточного профілю
+[%d hours]
+%d год.
+[%d minutes]
+%d хв.
+[%d seconds]
+%d с
[Read status message]
Прочитати статусне повідомлення
[Set status message]