path: root/include/delphi
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/delphi')
2 files changed, 25 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/include/delphi/ b/include/delphi/
index 550a766780..9fbd21c671 100644
--- a/include/delphi/
+++ b/include/delphi/
@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ function Netlib_Send(hConn: THANDLE; const buf: PAnsiChar; len: int; flags: int)
function Netlib_Recv(hConn: THANDLE; const buf: PAnsiChar; len: int; flags: int): int_ptr;
procedure Netlib_Log(hNetLib: THANDLE; const sz: PAnsiChar);
-function WindowList_Add (hList:THANDLE; hWnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT): int_ptr;
-function WindowList_Remove (hList:THANDLE; hWnd:HWND): int_ptr;
-function WindowList_Find (hList:THANDLE; hContact:TMCONTACT): int_ptr;
-function WindowList_Broadcast(hList:THANDLE; message: int; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int_ptr;
function Utils_SaveWindowPosition (hWnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PAnsiChar): int_ptr;
function Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT; Flags: int; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PAnsiChar): int_ptr;
@@ -252,38 +248,6 @@ begin
-function WindowList_Add(hList: THANDLE; hWnd: HWND; hContact: TMCONTACT): int_ptr;
- wle.hList := hList;
- wle.hWnd := hWnd;
- wle.hContact := hContact;
- Result := CallService(MS_UTILS_ADDTOWINDOWLIST, 0, lParam(@wle));
-function WindowList_Remove(hList: THANDLE; hWnd: HWND): int_ptr;
- {$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- Result := CallService(MS_UTILS_REMOVEFROMWINDOWLIST, hList, hWnd);
-function WindowList_Find(hList: THANDLE; hContact: TMCONTACT): int_ptr;
- {$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- Result := CallService(MS_UTILS_FINDWINDOWINLIST, hList, hContact);
-function WindowList_Broadcast(hList: THANDLE; message: int; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int_ptr;
- msg: TMSG;
- msg.message := message;
- msg.wParam := wParam;
- msg.lParam := lParam;
- Result := CallService(MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST, hList, tLparam(@Msg));
function Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hWnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PAnsiChar): int_ptr;
diff --git a/include/delphi/ b/include/delphi/
index 8308d0f815..d241a91aa3 100644
--- a/include/delphi/
+++ b/include/delphi/
@@ -159,59 +159,59 @@ const
MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryList';
//******************************* Window lists *******************************
- wParam : 0
- lParam : 0
Affect : Allocate a window list
Returns: A handle to the new window list
- MS_UTILS_ALLOCWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/AllocWindowList';
+function WindowList_Create() : Thandle; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Create';
+procedure WindowList_Destroy(hList:Thandle); stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Destroy';
- wParam : 0
- lParam : Pointer to an initalised TWINDOWLISTENTRY structure
Affect : Add a window to a given window list handle
Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
- MS_UTILS_ADDTOWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/AddToWindowList';
+function WindowList_Add(hList:Thandle; hwnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT) : int; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Add';
- wParam : Handle to window list to remove from
- lParam : Window handle to remove
Affect : Remove a window from the specified window list
Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
- MS_UTILS_REMOVEFROMWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/RemoveFromWindowList';
+function WindowList_Remove(hList:Thandle; hwnd:HWND) : int; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Remove';
- wParam : Handle to the window list to look in
- lParam : Handle to a TMCONTACT to find in the window list
Affect : Find a window handle given the hContact
Returns: The found window handle or NULL(0) on failure
- MS_UTILS_FINDWINDOWINLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/FindWindowInList';
+function WindowList_Find(hList:Thandle; hContact:TMCONTACT) : HWND; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Find';
- wParam : Handle to window list
- lParam : Pointer to TMSG (initalised with what to broadcast)
Affect : sends a message to all windows in a list using SendMessage
Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
- Notes : only TMSG.Message, .wParam, .lParam are used
- MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/BroadcastToWindowList';
+function WindowList_Broadcast(hList:Thandle; message:UINT; wParam:TWPARAM; lParam:TLPARAM) : int; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Broadcast';
- Inline helper: WindowList_BroadcastAsync
- wParam : Handle to window list
- lParam : Pointer to TMSG (initalised with what to broadcast)
- Affect : Sends a message to all windows in a list using PostMessage
- Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure, this service does not fail,
+ Affect : Sends a message to all windows in a list using PostMessage
+ Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure, this service does not fail,
even if PostMessage() fails for whatever reason
- MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST_ASYNC:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/BroadcastToWindowListAsync';
+function WindowList_BroadcastAsync(hList:Thandle; message:UINT; wParam:TWPARAM; lParam:TLPARAM) : int; stdcall;
+ external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_BroadcastAsync';
There aren't any services here, there's no need for them, the control class
@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ const
These are defined by STATIC controls and STN_CLICKED is sent to standard
STATIC classes when they're clicked -- look at WINAPI docs for more info