path: root/langpacks/czech/Plugins/startupstatus-translation.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks/czech/Plugins/startupstatus-translation.txt')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/startupstatus-translation.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/startupstatus-translation.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5d25fa1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/startupstatus-translation.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+; /----------------------------------------------------------\
+; | StartupStatus |
+; \----------------------------------------------------------/
+; Překlad: sir-qwerty <info (zavináč) qwerty (tečka) cz>
+; Adresa:
+; Generated by lpgen on Mon Jul 18 17:30:31 2005
+; Translations: 144
+; commonstatus.c
+;(LAI) [I've been away since %time%.]
+;(LAI) [Give it up, I'm not in!]
+;(LAI) [Not right now.]
+;(LAI) [Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
+;(LAI) [I'm a chatbot!]
+;(LAI) [Yep, I'm here.]
+;(LAI) [Nope, not here.]
+;(LAI) [I'm hiding from the mafia.]
+;(LAI) [That'll be the phone.]
+;(LAI) []
+;(LAI) [idleeeeeeee]
+; confirmdialog.c
+;(DUP) [Status]
+;(DUP) [Message]
+;(DUP) [Closing in %d]
+;(DUP) [Close]
+;(DUP) [<current>]
+;(DUP) [<n/a>]
+; options.c
+;(DUP) [None]
+;(DUP) [Hidden]
+;(DUP) [Normal]
+;(DUP) [unknown]
+[At least one profile must exist]
+Musí být založen nejméně jeden profil!
+Stav při spuštění
+[Your default profile will be changed]
+Výchozí profil bude změněn.
+[Some changes you made require a restart of Miranda-IM]
+Poznámka: Provedené změny vyžadují restart programu.
+[Status Profiles]
+Startovní profily
+; profiles.c
+Profily stavu při spuštění
+[There is a maximum of 6 menu items]
+Max. počet položek menu je 6.
+; resource.rc
+;(DUP) [Check connection]
+;(DUP) [Increase exponential]
+;(DUP) [Show popups]
+;(DUP) [Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
+;(DUP) [Cancel all if a protocol connects from another location]
+;(DUP) [Continuesly check for internet connection]
+;(DUP) [Do so by pinging host]
+;(DUP) [Reconnect on APM resume]
+;(DUP) [Stop trying to reconnect]
+;(DUP) [Set delay to]
+;(DUP) [React on login errors]
+;(DUP) [after]
+;(DUP) [Confirm resetting status]
+;(DUP) [Monitor Miranda's activity only]
+;(DUP) [Reset status on return]
+;(DUP) [when screen saver engages]
+;(DUP) [only set when inactive]
+;(DUP) [when workstation is locked]
+[Set window state]
+Stav okna
+[Show dialog]
+Zobrazit dialog
+[Set status to offline before exit]
+Před ukončením přejít do 'Offline'
+[Activate status profile]
+Aktivovat profil
+[Set docked]
+[Set window location]
+Umístit na souřadnice
+[Set window size]
+Velikost okna
+[Allow override]
+Povolit potlačení
+[Automatically dial on startup]
+Automaticky vytáčet po spuštění
+[Automatically hang up on exit]
+Automaticky zavěsit po ukončení
+;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
+;(DUP) [Use default colours]
+;(DUP) [Do nothing]
+;(DUP) [Close popup]
+;(DUP) [Cancel reconnecting]
+;(DUP) [Show when connection is lost]
+;(DUP) [Show when a connection attempt is made]
+;(DUP) [Show when reconnection has finished]
+;(DUP) [Show other messages]
+;(DUP) [From PopUp plugin]
+;(DUP) [Custom]
+;(DUP) [Permanent]
+;(DUP) [Show additional information in popups]
+;(DUP) [Use Miranda's message setting]
+;(DUP) [Use this message:]
+;(DUP) [Specify settings for each protocol]
+;(DUP) [Use same settings for all protocols]
+;(DUP) [Ignore caps-lock, num-lock and scroll-lock keys]
+[Monitor keyboard activity]
+Monitorovat psaní na klávesnici
+[Monitor mouse activity]
+Monitorovat pohyb myši
+[Enable checking]
+Zapnout kontrolu
+[Disable checking]
+Vypnout kontrolu
+;(DUP) [connection loss is detected]
+;(DUP) [reconnection attempt is made]
+;(DUP) [successfull reconnected]
+;(DUP) [giving up reconnecting]
+[Create a TopToolBar button]
+Přidat tlačítko do horní lišty
+[Show confirm dialog when loading]
+Po spuštění potvrzovat stav
+[Create a status menu item]
+Vytvořit položku v hlavní nabídce
+;(LAI) [HotKey1]
+;(DUP) [OK]
+;(DUP) [Cancel]
+[Copy to Clipboard]
+[Create Shortcut]
+Vytvořit zástupce
+[Show CMDL]
+Příkazový ř.
+;(DUP) [Preview]
+;(DUP) [Max. retries]
+;(DUP) [Initial delay (seconds)]
+;(DUP) [Max. delay (seconds)]
+;(DUP) [Protocols to check]
+;(DUP) [seconds]
+;(DUP) [Profile] ;v0.0.1.2
+;(DUP) [minutes of inactivity]
+;(DUP) [minutes of level 1 mode]
+;(DUP) [Only set if current status is]
+;(DUP) [Set]
+[Command Line:]
+Příkazový řádek:
+[Profile name]
+Název profilu
+;(DUP) [ms]
+[Set after]
+Zpozdit o
+;(DUP) [Timeout]
+;(DUP) [s]
+[Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status Profiles' options screen]
+Pozn.: Profily lze vytvořit v sekci Startovní profily.
+;(DUP) [Background colour]
+;(DUP) [Text colour]
+;(DUP) [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
+;(DUP) [Check interval (secs)]
+;(DUP) [Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
+;(DUP) [Protocols]
+;(DUP) [Set status message]
+;(DUP) [Trigger if...]
+;(DUP) [Protocol Connection]
+;(DUP) [General]
+;(DUP) [Dial-Up (please read keepstatus.txt)]
+;(DUP) [Auto Away Rules]
+;(DUP) [Other]
+[Status on startup]
+Stav po spuštění
+[Window on startup]
+Okno po startu
+;(FIX) [Dial-up]
+[Dial-up (experimental)]
+Vytáčené spojení (experimentální)
+;(DUP) [Delay]
+;(DUP) [On left click]
+;(DUP) [On right click]
+;(DUP) [Colours]
+;(DUP) [Events]
+;(DUP) [Auto Away Status Messages]
+;(DUP) [Confirm Status]
+[Command Line]
+Příkazový řádek
+[Add new profile]
+Přidat nový profil
+[In submenu]
+V podmenu
+[Create a main menu item]
+Přidat položku do hlavní nabídky
+[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
+Definuje stav protokolů při spuštění Mirandy.
+; ---