path: root/langpacks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks')
168 files changed, 693 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index b786601e95..3b79d75d57 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index e5405e6a0c..10b7760709 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 22cf50513f..90ec94a048 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 9390211271..770dbf8848 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@
[Change/remove password]
Змяніць/выдаліць пароль
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 7203e58ef2..7072fc55f1 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9219e91598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+Ліпкія вокны
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+%d точак
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+Для модуля Scriver: аўтаматычна ўтрымліваць CTRL пакуль перамяшчаеце/калібруеце. (пераканайцеся, што вы выкарыстоўваеце Scriver!)
+Тонкая налада
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index bb11d84055..165a849988 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
[Popup on obsolete methods]
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -33,5 +35,3 @@
[Common scripts]
Агульныя скрыпты
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index f6bda9b513..65375f86bd 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -85,14 +85,6 @@
%s\nняслушны адрас канала
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-Імпартавана каналаў: %d \r\nПрапушчана дублікатаў: %d
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-Імпартавана каналаў: %d
-[OPML files]
-Файлы OPML
-[Not valid import file.]
-Наслушны файл імпарта
[Protocol icon]
Абразок конту
[Check All Feeds]
@@ -111,12 +103,24 @@
Праверыць канал
[Change feed]
Змяніць канал
-[Enter Feed name]
-Увядзіце імя канала
+[OPML files]
+Файлы OPML
+[Not valid import file.]
+Наслушны файл імпарта
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+Імпартавана каналаў: %d \r\nПрапушчана дублікатаў: %d
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+Імпартавана каналаў: %d
+[Change Feed]
+Змяніць канал
[Enter Feed URL]
Увядзіце URL канала
-[Enter message format]
-увядзіце фармат паведамлення
+[Are you sure?]
+Вы ўпэўнены?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
+Скід тэгаў
[The title of the item.]
Загаловак навіны.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -133,14 +137,12 @@ ID навіны.
Катэгорыі навіны.
[Feed Tag Help]
Дапамога па тэгам
-[Are you sure?]
-Вы ўпэўнены?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-Скід тэгаў
-[Change Feed]
-Змяніць канал
+[Enter Feed name]
+Увядзіце імя канала
+[Enter message format]
+увядзіце фармат паведамлення
[Contact deleting]
Выдаленне кантакта
@@ -151,5 +153,3 @@ ID навіны.
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
HTTP далучэнне каналаў навін
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 2a19f2f4fa..5622bfc688 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
[New Non-IM Contact]
Новы не-IM кантакт
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 2d6153e355..d9068ecba1 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -719,8 +719,6 @@ URL атрыманы
[Event log]
Лог падзей
-[Group chat log]
-Лог чата
[Typing notify]
Набірае тэкст
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index b55488c4b1..c544a98a38 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-AdvaImg плагін не знойдзены. Калі ласка, уключыце яго, каб мець магчымасць выкарыстоўваць выявы.
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index bf1aa48a55..4f7d6cec36 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 4adccebfb9..39da447733 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[View Version Information]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 86b5f794fc..5341dfc614 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 07537440ee..4a64a2d5c1 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bda8df0e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 870880b207..b61771e181 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 247f6479b2..60fd21fff2 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ URL
%s\nне е валиден адрес на емисия.
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-Внесени са %d емисии.
-[OPML files]
-OPML файлове
-[Not valid import file.]
-Файлът за импортиране не е валиден.
[Protocol icon]
Икона на протокола
[Check All Feeds]
@@ -105,12 +99,20 @@ OPML файлове
Проверка за новини
[Change feed]
Редактиране на емисията
-[Enter Feed name]
-Въведете име на емисията
+[OPML files]
+OPML файлове
+[Not valid import file.]
+Файлът за импортиране не е валиден.
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+Внесени са %d емисии.
+[Change Feed]
+Редактиране на емисията
[Enter Feed URL]
Въведете URL адрес на емисията
-[Enter message format]
-Въведете формат за съобщенията
+[Are you sure?]
+Сигурни ли сте?
[The title of the item.]
Заглавие на новината.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -125,12 +127,12 @@ URL адрес на страницата за коментари към нови
Низ, уникален идентификатор за новината.
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
Определя една или повече категории към които принадлежи новината.
-[Are you sure?]
-Сигурни ли сте?
-[Change Feed]
-Редактиране на емисията
+[Enter Feed name]
+Въведете име на емисията
+[Enter message format]
+Въведете формат за съобщенията
[Contact deleting]
Изтриване на контакт
@@ -141,5 +143,3 @@ URL адрес на страницата за коментари към нови
Вкл / Изкл на автоматично обновяване
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
HTTP връзки на NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 38ac5889fa..4d4ce5fe2d 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -699,8 +699,6 @@ Latin I
[Event log]
Дневник на събития
-[Group chat log]
-Дневник за груповите чатове
[Typing notify]
Уведомяване при писане
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 2913adff4a..6b6874faed 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ Dial-up (експериментално)
[Status messages]
Текст за състояние
-[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
-%s\t(ще бъде зададено %s)\r\n
[Resetting status... (last try (%d))]
Задаване на състояние... (последен опит (%d))
[Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
Задаване на състояние... (нов опит (%d) след %dсек)
+[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
+%s\t(ще бъде зададено %s)\r\n
[No internet connection seems available... (last try (%d))]
Няма налична връзка с интернет... (нов опит (%d))
[No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index a791cca7b8..150e8b87a5 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
[Select crypto provider]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[Performing aggressive pass]
[Aggressive: random junk at %08X: skipping]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f08d3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 0cd3fe6103..f3ad5fa553 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[All item's tags are valid. Put them between #. Example: #<author>#]
[News Aggregator]
[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Feed Tag Help]
[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Feed Tag Help]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index 9d4a60756e..868fa54330 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
[New Non-IM Contact]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SeenPlugin.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SeenPlugin.txt
index 544468d6dd..b10145239e 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SeenPlugin.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SeenPlugin.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[line break]
-[Last Seen Variables]
+[Last Seen variables]
[%n is %s (%u)]
[%i(%r)%bWas %o]
[Name:%t%N%bStatus:%t%s%bDay:%t%d.%m.%Y%bTime:%t%H:%M:%S%bPrevious Status:%t%o%b%b%P ID:%t%u%bExternal IP:%t%i%bInternal IP:%t%r%bClient ID: %t%C%b%bStatus Message:%t%T]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
index cc57fde2db..98727860e7 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
[Shows a splash at Miranda startup.]
[Splash Options]
[Show splash]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
[Graphic files]
[Splash Screen]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index a676a5899a..e1791e55d3 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 40f54097dd..6e04013ca1 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index d968f2091e..33a500312a 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 54b646b25a..2770b98d43 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
index fd51396827..6749c55dd6 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6ec97d9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 9f09ca2444..d2cc4a7c94 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
[Popup on obsolete methods]
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index e9aaaaff29..d265f54cf8 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
@@ -119,11 +110,23 @@
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
@@ -141,13 +144,11 @@
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
-[Change Feed]
[Contact deleting]
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 7b9e26e5fe..18d2f7836a 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Pomoć
[New Non-IM Contact]
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 3edc4ab0b8..a7604981e4 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ očisti
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Typing notify]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index 9968537cdf..2ac6ba1769 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f2646102..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Generic image services for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 996f3654c6..d621a1a1c1 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
[This profile is too old to be updated with PluginUpdater, your database must be converted first.\n\nWould you like to read how to fix this?]
[Obsolete database format]
[Change/remove password]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[Too many errors!]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d89c351103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index 91a8cd7507..6aadb660ea 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[Popup on script error]
[Popup on obsolete methods]
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -12,4 +13,3 @@
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 766c70a4db..4b0bbdc750 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -37,10 +37,6 @@
[News Aggregator]
[%s\nis not a valid feed's address.]
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
[Protocol icon]
[Check All Feeds]
[Add Feed]
@@ -50,9 +46,15 @@
[Auto Update Disabled]
[Check feed]
[Change feed]
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
@@ -61,13 +63,11 @@
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-[Change Feed]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
[Enable/disable auto update]
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index cd8a51f0cd..cb2d00f9c5 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
[New Non-IM Contact]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 3e82e02da4..d2a692522d 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -310,7 +310,6 @@
[Message sessions]
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Typing notify]
[Message from %s]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
index 7d3dc195ab..7194fd0c35 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
[Fade in:]
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
[Graphic files]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 35c8c9cb2d..6d7d088d55 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 27f56aace9..27de8b0360 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 8efa237639..295051a1fe 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 4bc8f33177..98fb6503f8 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ Zastaralý formát databáze
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
Změnit/zrušit heslo
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
index 9725db55fc..e45fd77a75 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4675c06678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+Magnetická okna
+[Snap windows]
+Přichycení oken
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+Pro uživatele doplňku Scriver: Při přesunu a změně velikosti automaticky držte klávesu CTRL (jen pro Scriver!)
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
+Vlastní úpravy
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 3e3abcb7a8..caa93a5116 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Obecné
[Popup on obsolete methods]
Oznámení při použití zastaralých metod
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
Složka s knihovnami C
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@ Načíst znovu
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Obecné skripty
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 3c518066f1..16f348e1c6 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ Zadejte vaše heslo
%s\nnení platná adresa zdroje.
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
Ikona protokolu
@@ -119,11 +110,23 @@ Zkont. zdroj
Změnit zdroj
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
+Změnit zdroj
[Enter Feed URL]
Zadejte URL zdroje
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+Opravdu chcete pokračovat?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
@@ -141,14 +144,12 @@ Zadejte URL zdroje
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-Opravdu chcete pokračovat?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Enter Feed name]
-[Change Feed]
-Změnit zdroj
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@ Povolit/zakázat automatickou aktualizaci
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 6fe216df9d..98a5d17cc9 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Vyberte požadovanou složku
[New Non-IM Contact]
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index bd3608275f..82ed29a677 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ Komunikace
[Event log]
Záznam událostí
-[Group chat log]
-Záznam rozhovorů
[Typing notify]
Psaní zprávy
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index 8ab886a8c3..d9c60a909f 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ Náběh:
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Doplněk AdvaImg nebyl nalezen. Abyste mohli pracovat s obrázky, stáhněte si jej z
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e8a68a80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e6ac75d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[%d pix]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 0adc79d015..d2934dd63f 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
[Feed name]
[This feed seems to need authentication. Please fill username and password fields:]
[News Aggregator]
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Check All Feeds]
[OPML files]
[Not valid import file.]
-[Check All Feeds]
-[Enter Feed name]
-[Enter message format]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index 9d4a60756e..868fa54330 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
[New Non-IM Contact]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Import.txt
index d373526c88..d930ded055 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports only contacts and history, and a few settings. Ideal for synchronizing.]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d931f248e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index ddba3210d6..b1bb066027 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 646c124ca9..5311a99c20 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,3 @@
; Version:
; Authors: Jonathan Gordon
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
-String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e. lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e. line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index df1605c75d..6f84d3f2d8 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 1725e63d57..a418cba166 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 32d4f86b98..e7548e0757 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 41080fc414..c81af635c1 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ Panique dans la Base de données !
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
index ee0bafb2b0..898359ffce 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdfd8746aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 20d36dfb40..cc9a1caf54 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Général
[Popup on obsolete methods]
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@ Recharger
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index b6b6ef25d4..f2e34424d6 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ Erreur
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
@@ -119,11 +110,23 @@ Erreur
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+Etes-vous sûr?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
@@ -141,14 +144,12 @@ Erreur
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-Etes-vous sûr?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Enter Feed name]
-[Change Feed]
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@ Avatars
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 242e26aafb..43bc9b2948 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Sélectionnez un répertoire
[New Non-IM Contact]
Nouveau contact non-IM
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 693e23063d..eec850ae07 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ Sessions de message
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Typing notify]
Notification de frappe
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index 886ad4dc2f..fc73d6dcb9 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ ms
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f2646102..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Generic image services for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index d64cf63319..227f8d55bd 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
[This profile is too old to be updated with PluginUpdater, your database must be converted first.\n\nWould you like to read how to fix this?]
[Obsolete database format]
[Change/remove password]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[Too many errors!]
[Wrong old password entered!]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f08d3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index f4f4b6afce..b00b367ad6 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@
[News Aggregator]
[%s\nis not a valid feed's address.]
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
[Protocol icon]
[Check All Feeds]
[Add Feed]
@@ -35,9 +31,13 @@
[Auto Update Disabled]
[Check feed]
[Change feed]
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-[Change Feed]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
[Enable/disable auto update]
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index db4fa03a96..a90e9756ff 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
[Type one replace string per line in the format "original text,new text"]
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 8cb24b5393..09d2bb8008 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
[Info bar status message]
[Line between messages]
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[&Room settings]
[&Show/hide nick list]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
index bb5779b0d5..b07fe5fc9c 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
[Fade in:]
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
[Graphic files]
[Splash Screen]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 7e6fa5a12a..c2988cb71d 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index f7efff26bb..7516bc978e 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index a2118941f8..9bc2dbdd30 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 3400179bf4..66f6f997e5 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ Veraltetes Datenbankformat
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
Passwort ändern/entfernen
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
index 7c34a0bd3b..eef60ee806 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53ce3df247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+Lässt die Kontaktliste und das Nachrichtenfenster an den Bildschirmrand und aneinander andocken.
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+Magnetische Fenster
+[Snap windows]
+Fenster anziehen
+[%d pix]
+%d Pixel
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+Für Scriver-Benutzer: Automatisch STRG-Taste beim Bewegen des Fenster drücken. (Nur für Scriver!)
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index f30a8bc363..475a45d241 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Allgemein
[Popup on obsolete methods]
Popup bei veralteten Methoden
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@ Neu laden
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Gemeinsame Skripte
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index ea09cdc506..be880cfca0 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ News-Aggregator
%s\nist keine gültige Feed-Adresse
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-%d Feed(s) wurden importiert.\r\n%d Duplikate wurden nicht importiert.
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-%d Feed(s) wurden importiert.
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
-Keine gültige Import-Datei.
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
@@ -119,12 +110,24 @@ Feed prüfen
Feed ändern
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
-Feednamen eingeben:
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+Keine gültige Import-Datei.
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+%d Feed(s) wurden importiert.\r\n%d Duplikate wurden nicht importiert.
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+%d Feed(s) wurden importiert.
+[Change Feed]
+Feed ändern
[Enter Feed URL]
Feed-URL eingeben:
-[Enter message format]
-Nachrichtenformat eingeben
+[Are you sure?]
+Sind Sie sich sicher?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
+Maske zurücksetzen
[The title of the item.]
Titel des Eintrages.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -141,14 +144,12 @@ Ein String, der den Beitrag eindeutig identifiziert.
Ordnet den Beitrag einer oder mehreren Kategorien zu.
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-Sind Sie sich sicher?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-Maske zurücksetzen
-[Change Feed]
-Feed ändern
+[Enter Feed name]
+Feednamen eingeben:
+[Enter message format]
+Nachrichtenformat eingeben
[Contact deleting]
Kontakt löschen
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@ Auto-Update de-/aktivieren
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index b056e654c3..d78542cba3 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ Timer-Intervalle....Nicht-IM-Kontakte-Protokolltimer ist %d Sek.
[New Non-IM Contact]
Neuer Nicht-IM-Kontakt
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
-Variablen zur Zeichenersetzung...\r\nIm Folgenden sind alle verwendbaren Variablen aufgeführt. Schauen Sie in der Hilfedatei für eine ausfühlliche Erklärung nach.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- gibt die Datei an, aus der gelesen werden soll. MUSS entweder von start() oder end() oder wholeline() gefolgt werden.\r\nfilename(X)\t\t<- kopiert den Dateinamen von Datei X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- gibt an, wo mit dem Kopieren angefangen werden soll.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- gibt an, wo mit dem Kopieren aufgehört werden soll.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- gibt eine ganze Zeile zum Kopieren an\r\n\r\nErklärung für stazt() und end()\r\n...............................\r\nMUSS mit line(), gefolgt von einer Zahl oder einer Zeichenkette in doppelten Anführungszeichen, ODER mit der csv(TrennerX)-Variable beginnen. Die Zahl gibt an, welches Zeichen in der Zeile den Beginn/das Ende des Kopierens markiert. Die Zeichenkette gibt eine solche in der Zeile mit demselben Zweck an.\r\n\r\ncsv(TrennerX) erklärt...\r\nDer Trenner ist entweder "Tab" oder "Leerzeichen" oder irgendein EINZELNES Zeichen. X ist der X-te Trenner, nach dem das Kopieren beginnt (oder vor dem aufgehört werden soll).\r\n\r\nAbschließend die Variable line(...)...\r\nInnerhalb der Klammern muss entweder eine Zahl (die die Zeilennummer angibt) oder eine Zeichenkette in doppelten Anführungszeichen (um die Zeile mit dieser Zeichenkette zu benutzen) oder lastline(X) stehen. Das X in lastline(X) ist die X-te Zeile oberhalb der letzten Zeile; das heißt, lastline(1) wird die vorletzte Zeile der Datei verwenden. Bei der Suche nach einer Zeile mit "einige Wörter" können Sie ein + oder ein - X nach der schließenden Klammer hinzufügen, etwa line("einige Wörter")+3, um zur dritten Zeile unterhalb der Zeile mit "einige Wörter" zu springen.\r\n\r\nEinige Beispiele...\r\nfilename(0) <- wird den Dateinamen der 0. Datei anzeigen\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0)) <- wird die ganze erste Zeile der 0. Datei anzeigen\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hallo")-1))) <- die ganze Zeile über dem ersten Auftreten von "hallo" in dieser Datei\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- beginnt bei der vorletzten Zeile der Datei ab der 2. Tabvariable bis zur 4. Tabvariable in der letzten Zeile (der 0. Datei)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hallo")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- beginnt beim ersten Auftreten von "zzzz" in der Zeile nach dem ersten Auftreten von "hallo" bis zum 17. Zeichen in der 6. Zeile (beginnend bei Zeile 0) der 0. Datei.\r\n
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 06b4bae4ec..62cec620f0 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ Nachrichtensitzungen
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Typing notify]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index a79d5403af..1d62f04e31 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ Einblenden:
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Advaimg.dll nicht gefunden. Bitte entnehmen Sie die Datei aus der aktuellen Stable-/Testing-Version.
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e8a68a80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..447a6d4dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 8d2e7c2324..20b3555d14 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 172d795538..74d3896fb3 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index a1c1f653f8..b490a13461 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 7b0cbcdc22..40d29bcca8 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ Przestarzały format bazy danych
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
Zmień/Usuń hasło
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
index 46623863cb..1750ea23e3 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..631a6a8b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 1a822a27f8..4530be7d3c 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Ogólne
[Popup on obsolete methods]
Popup o przestarzałych metodach
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
Folder bibliotek C
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@ Przeładuj
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Wspólne skrypty
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 67005b842b..857c1641d6 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ RSS/Atom
%s\nnie jest poprawnym adresem RSS.
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-Zaimportowano %d kanałów\r\nNie zaimportowano %d duplikatów
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-Zaimportowano %d kanałów
-[OPML files]
-Pliki OPML
-[Not valid import file.]
-Plik importu nieprawidłowy.
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
Ikona protokołu
@@ -119,12 +110,24 @@ Sprawdź kanał
Zmień ustawienia kanału
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
-Wpisz nazwę kanału
+[OPML files]
+Pliki OPML
+[Not valid import file.]
+Plik importu nieprawidłowy.
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+Zaimportowano %d kanałów\r\nNie zaimportowano %d duplikatów
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+Zaimportowano %d kanałów
+[Change Feed]
+Edycja kanału
[Enter Feed URL]
Wprowadź adres kanału
-[Enter message format]
-Format wpisywanej wiadomości
+[Are you sure?]
+Jesteś pewien?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
+Przywracanie domyślnych tagów
[The title of the item.]
Nazwa kanału.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -141,14 +144,12 @@ Identyfikator kanału.
Kategoria kanału.
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-Jesteś pewien?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-Przywracanie domyślnych tagów
-[Change Feed]
-Edycja kanału
+[Enter Feed name]
+Wpisz nazwę kanału
+[Enter message format]
+Format wpisywanej wiadomości
[Contact deleting]
Usuwanie kontaktu
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@ Włącz/Wyłącz autoaktualizacje
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
Połączenie HTTP NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index fb24ad9ecf..3888ce832d 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ przedziałów czasowych... Przedział czasowy protokołu wynosi %d sekund
[New Non-IM Contact]
Nowy kontakt Non-IM
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
-Zmienne zastępujące ciąg...\r\nPoniżej znajdują się wszystkie możliwe do użycia zmienne. Skorzystaj z Readme w celu uzyskania dokładnego objaśnienia.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- określa plik, z którego nastąpi odczyt. Po nim MUSI nastąpić start(), end() lub wholeline()\r\n\filename(X)\t<- kopiuje nazwę pliku X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- określa, z którego miejsca rozpocząć kopiowanie.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- określa, gdzie należy zaprzestać kopiowania.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- określa całą linię do skopiowania.\r\n\r\nObjaśnienie start() i end()\r\n.........................\r\nMUSZĄ zaczynać się od line(), następnie numer lub ciąg w cudzysłowie lub zmienna csv(seperatorX). Numer określa znak, od którego należy zacząć lub na którym zakończyć kopiowanie. Ciąg określa ciąg w linii, od którego należy zacząć lub na którym zakończyć kopiowanie.\r\n\r\nObjaśnienie csv(seperatorX)...\r\nSeparator to tabulacja, spacja lub inny pojedynczy znak. X to x-owy separator, który należy podać przed kopiowaniem (lub, po którym należy je zakończyć)\r\n\r\nNa koniec zmienna line(...) ...\r\nW nawiasach musi znajdować się liczba (określająca numer linii), ciąg w cudzysłowie (by użyta została linia zawierająca ten ciąg) lub lastline(X). X w lastline() to X-owa linia powyżej ostatniej linii, czyli lastline(1) użyje drugiej linii od końca pliku. Jeśli szukasz linii z "jakimiś wyrazami", możesz umieścić znak "+" lub "-" za zamykającym nawiasem, czyli line("jakieś wyrazy")+3 żeby przejść do 3 linii po tej z "jakimiś wyrazami".\r\n\r\nKilka przykładów...\r\n\filename(0) <- wyświetli nazwę zerowego pliku\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- wyświetli całą pierwszą linię zerowego pliku\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- wyświetli całą linię powyżej pierwszej linii z wyrazem "hello" w pliku 0\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- rozpocznie na przedostatniej linii w pliku, od drugiej tabulacji, a skończy na czwartej tabulacji w linii ostatniej (w pliku 0)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- rozpocznie od pierwszego wystąpienia słowa "zzzz" występującego w linii po linii z pierwszym wystąpieniem słowa "hello", kończąc na 17 znaku w 6 linii (licząc od 0) w pliku 0\r\n
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+Zmienne zastępujące ciąg...\r\nPoniżej znajdują się wszystkie możliwe do użycia zmienne. Skorzystaj z w celu uzyskania dokładnego objaśnienia.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- określa plik, z którego nastąpi odczyt. Po nim MUSI nastąpić start(), end() lub wholeline()\r\n\filename(X)\t<- kopiuje nazwę pliku X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- określa, z którego miejsca rozpocząć kopiowanie.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- określa, gdzie należy zaprzestać kopiowania.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- określa całą linię do skopiowania.\r\n\r\nObjaśnienie start() i end()\r\n.........................\r\nMUSZĄ zaczynać się od line(), następnie numer lub ciąg w cudzysłowie lub zmienna csv(seperatorX). Numer określa znak, od którego należy zacząć lub na którym zakończyć kopiowanie. Ciąg określa ciąg w linii, od którego należy zacząć lub na którym zakończyć kopiowanie.\r\n\r\nObjaśnienie csv(seperatorX)...\r\nSeparator to tabulacja, spacja lub inny pojedynczy znak. X to x-owy separator, który należy podać przed kopiowaniem (lub, po którym należy je zakończyć)\r\n\r\nNa koniec zmienna line(...) ...\r\nW nawiasach musi znajdować się liczba (określająca numer linii), ciąg w cudzysłowie (by użyta została linia zawierająca ten ciąg) lub lastline(X). X w lastline() to X-owa linia powyżej ostatniej linii, czyli lastline(1) użyje drugiej linii od końca pliku. Jeśli szukasz linii z "jakimiś wyrazami", możesz umieścić znak "+" lub "-" za zamykającym nawiasem, czyli line("jakieś wyrazy")+3 żeby przejść do 3 linii po tej z "jakimiś wyrazami".\r\n\r\nKilka przykładów...\r\n\filename(0) <- wyświetli nazwę zerowego pliku\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- wyświetli całą pierwszą linię zerowego pliku\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- wyświetli całą linię powyżej pierwszej linii z wyrazem "hello" w pliku 0\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- rozpocznie na przedostatniej linii w pliku, od drugiej tabulacji, a skończy na czwartej tabulacji w linii ostatniej (w pliku 0)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- rozpocznie od pierwszego wystąpienia słowa "zzzz" występującego w linii po linii z pierwszym wystąpieniem słowa "hello", kończąc na 17 znaku w 6 linii (licząc od 0) w pliku 0\r\n
[Contacts Display Info]
Opcje wyświetlania
[Link and Contact list Settings]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index bb494ba1b0..44aa9a5e0f 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ Okno rozmowy
[Event log]
Dziennik zdarzeń
-[Group chat log]
-Dziennik rozmów grupowych
[Typing notify]
Powiadomienie o pisaniu
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index 70d52bb351..fa845d72bb 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ Przygasanie początkowe:
[Fade out:]
Przygasanie końcowe:
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Nie znaleziono wtyczki AdvaImg.. Pobierz ją z, aby móc używać obrazków.
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e8a68a80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f08d3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 82ff7b5f5d..162abfabc4 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 1986d0fd58..8337621d91 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index c442b8939b..3eb3405f8d 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 954edad8db..f92338888c 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ Miranda нашла повреждения в вашей базе. Они мог�
Устаревший формат базы
[Change/remove password]
Изменить/удалить пароль
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+Формат вашей базы является устаревшим. Нажмите "Да", чтобы преобразовать её в новый формат или "Нет", чтобы вернуться назад
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+Для открытия этой базы требуется плагин dbx_mdbx. Нажмите "Да", чтобы загрузить его с сайта Miranda NG, либо "Нет", чтобы вернуться назад
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+Для открытия этой базы требуется плагин Import. Нажмите "Да", чтобы загрузить его с сайта Miranda NG, либо "Нет", чтобы вернуться назад
@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ Miranda нашла повреждения в вашей базе. Они мог�
[Passwords do not match!]
Пароли не совпадают!
-База данных
[Performing aggressive pass]
Выполнение агрессивного прохода
[Aggressive: random junk at %08X: skipping]
@@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ Miranda нашла повреждения в вашей базе. Они мог�
[Invalid offset found]
Найдено неправильное смещение
[Error reading, database truncated? (%u)]
-Ошибка чтения, база данных обрезана? (%u)
+Ошибка чтения, база обрезана? (%u)
[Can't write to working file, aggressive mode may be too aggressive now]
Невозможно записать в рабочий файл, агрессивный режим сейчас может быть слишком агрессивен
[Can't write to output file - disk full? (%u)]
@@ -122,11 +128,11 @@ Miranda нашла повреждения в вашей базе. Они мог�
[Processing final tasks]
Выполнение завершающих работ
[Database signature is corrupted, automatic repair is impossible]
-Заголовок базы данных повреждён, автоматическое исправление невозможно
+Заголовок базы повреждён, автоматическое исправление невозможно
[Database version doesn't match this driver's one. Convert a database first]
-Версия базы данных не совместима с версией драйвера базы. Пожалуйста, конвертируйте базу в новый формат
+Версия базы не совместима с версией драйвера базы. Пожалуйста, конвертируйте базу в новый формат
[Database is newly created and has no data to process]
-База данных новая, и в ней нет данных для обработки
+База новая, и в ней нет данных для обработки
[Processing completed successfully]
Обработка завершена успешно
[Can't create map view of file (%u)]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Facebook.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Facebook.txt
index 1b09525667..53ca36749f 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Facebook.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Facebook.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#muuid {8432b009-ff32-4727-aae6-a9035038fd58}
+#muuid {8432b009-ff32-4727-aae6-a9035038fd58}
; File: Facebook.dll
; Plugin: Facebook
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 9da32b2b1d..69a888d41a 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec37f64eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+Заставляет список контактов и окна чата липнуть к краям экрана и друг к другу.
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+%d пикселей
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+Пользователям Scriver: имитировать удержание клавиши Ctrl при перемещении/изменении размера. (Не включайте, если не используете Scriver!)
+Тонкая настройка
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index fc5bfaf371..e7c23b77a2 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
[Popup on obsolete methods]
Показать всплывающее окно при вызове устаревших методов
[C libs folder]
Папка с библиотеками C
[Scripts folder]
@@ -33,5 +35,3 @@
[Common scripts]
Общие скрипты
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index c0f565ad23..916edfbc99 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -85,14 +85,6 @@
%s\nнеправильный адрес канала
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-Импортировано каналов: %d \r\nНе импортировано дубликатов: %d
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-Импортировано каналов: %d
-[OPML files]
-Файлы OPML
-[Not valid import file.]
-Неверный файл для импорта
[Protocol icon]
Значок протокола
[Check All Feeds]
@@ -111,12 +103,24 @@
Проверить канал
[Change feed]
Изменить канал
-[Enter Feed name]
-Введите имя канала
+[OPML files]
+Файлы OPML
+[Not valid import file.]
+Неверный файл для импорта
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+Импортировано каналов: %d \r\nНе импортировано дубликатов: %d
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+Импортировано каналов: %d
+[Change Feed]
+Изменить канал
[Enter Feed URL]
Введите URL канала
-[Enter message format]
-Введите формат сообщения
+[Are you sure?]
+Вы уверены?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
+Сброс тегов
[The title of the item.]
заголовок новости.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -133,14 +137,12 @@ URL страницы с комментариями к новости.
категории новости.
[Feed Tag Help]
Помощь по тегам канала
-[Are you sure?]
-Вы уверены?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-Сброс тегов
-[Change Feed]
-Изменить канал
+[Enter Feed name]
+Введите имя канала
+[Enter message format]
+Введите формат сообщения
[Contact deleting]
Удаление контакта
@@ -151,5 +153,3 @@ URL страницы с комментариями к новости.
Вкл/Выкл автообновление
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
HTTP подключение каналов новостей
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index f3a3146686..555b9a0c5a 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
Интервал... Интервал протокола Non-IM Contact %d секунд
[New Non-IM Contact]
Новый не-IM контакт
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
Переменные замещения строк...\r\nДалее перечислены все доступные для использования переменные. Полное описание см. в\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- обозначает файл для чтения. После неё ДОЛЖНО быть start(), end() или wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- копирует имя файла Х.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- обозначает место начала копирования.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- обозначает место завершения копирования.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- обозначает целую строку для копирования\r\n\r\nПояснение о start() и end()\r\n.........................\r\nНачинается ВСЕГДА с line(), за которой указывается число или строка в кавычках "", ЛИБО переменная csv(разделительX). Число указывает на символ в строке, начиная или заканчивая которым производится копирование. Строка указывает на строку, начиная или заканчивая которой производится копирование.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. Х - это Х-й разделитель для передачи перед копированием (или по завершении его).\r\n\r\nПеременная line(...)...\r\nВнутри скобок ДОЛЖНО быть либо число (номер строки), либо строка в кавычках " (для использования строки, содержащей её), либо lastline(X). Числом Х здесь обозначается Х-ая строка перед последней строкой, т.е. lastline(1) вернёт предпоследнюю строку в файле. При поиске строки с "некоторыми словами" можно указать + или - Х после закрывающей скобки, например, line("некоторые слова")+3 спустится на 3 строки ниже строки с "некоторыми словами".\r\n\r\nНесколько примеров...\r\nfilename(0) <- вернёт имя 0-го файла\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- вернёт всю первую строку 0-го файла\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("привет")-1))) <- вся строка над первым найденным в файле словом "привет"\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- начинает копирование с предпоследней строки файла, со 2-й переменной табуляции и продолжает до 4-й переменной табуляции в последней строке (0-го файла)\r\nfile(0)start(line("привет")+1"сссс")end(line(6)17)) <- начинает копирование с первого нахождения "сссс" в строке, следующей после первого найденного слова "привет", и продолжает до 17-го символа в 6-й строке (начиная со строки 0) в 0-м файле.\r\n
[Contacts Display Info]
Отображаемые сведения
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 7b81da8af4..36c55ec68b 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -715,8 +715,6 @@ ID текущего контакта (если определён). Наприм
[Event log]
Журнал событий
-[Group chat log]
-Журнал чатов
[Typing notify]
Набирает текст
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index 09b1bece6e..f95de2801f 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Не найден плагин AdvaImg. Скачайте его по адресу, чтобы использовать изображения.
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09544a4695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Magnetic Windows]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 8348359750..6e58936452 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 3ac8b0a765..35901fb848 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 5f705f35c7..b3c15c899f 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 12d8406f4f..c1e2058f48 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ Ukloni
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\dbintf.h
[Change/remove password]
+;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\init.cpp
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\ui.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 1a8da098b3..d9566550a8 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5fa94765d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index fd012eb1f2..1941263539 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Uopšteno
[Popup on obsolete methods]
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\main.cpp
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -37,5 +39,3 @@ Uopšteno
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\mlua_options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 190fb00e40..6fa3b7a41a 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ Greška
-;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
@@ -119,11 +110,23 @@ Greška
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\NewsAggregator.cpp
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+Potpuno ste sigurni?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
@@ -141,13 +144,11 @@ Greška
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-Potpuno ste sigurni?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
-[Change Feed]
[Contact deleting]
@@ -161,5 +162,3 @@ Avatari
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
index 40791ae131..f75fc826b3 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NimContact.txt
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Izbor foldera
[New Non-IM Contact]
;file \plugins\Non-IM Contact\src\dialog.cpp
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 2953b96dda..1c744545bd 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -728,8 +728,6 @@ Celi razgovori
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Typing notify]
Obaveštenja o kucanju
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index e260fa1113..a775703aae 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f2646102..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/AdvaImg.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Generic image services for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index e69cb62f6c..6c73b0c62b 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
[This profile is too old to be updated with PluginUpdater, your database must be converted first.\n\nWould you like to read how to fix this?]
[Obsolete database format]
[Change/remove password]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[Too many errors!]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f08d3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index d62c98f922..f56b24422d 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[Popup on script error]
[Popup on obsolete methods]
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
@@ -11,4 +12,3 @@
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 79a579e713..a791f774c8 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
[News Aggregator]
[%s\nis not a valid feed's address.]
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
[Protocol icon]
[Check All Feeds]
[Add Feed]
@@ -43,9 +39,14 @@
[Auto Update Disabled]
[Check feed]
[Change feed]
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
@@ -54,10 +55,9 @@
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-[Change Feed]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
[Enable/disable auto update]
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index b2e2bd3ab6..5051a1f27b 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
[New Non-IM Contact]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 0603889734..ca7190ced5 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@
[Info bar status message]
[Line between messages]
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Miranda could not load the built-in message module, Msftedit.dll is missing. If you are using WINE, please make sure you have Msftedit.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
index 7d3dc195ab..7194fd0c35 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
[Fade in:]
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
[Download more splash screens]
[Graphic files]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 1aac3622da..cda3edfbc1 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 3deb883f14..22e04361d9 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index f67764b1dd..1abfebc52f 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
+[Change password]
+Cambiar contraseña
+Base de datos
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Import.txt
index 44dfc55ad2..6c4a271f60 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b422d0c994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 40955437a4..ac5b1dd88d 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 1c455a4bf3..7217444ac4 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index b4a209d4c8..690e895387 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ Aparecer:
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Biblioteca Advaimg no encontrada. Por favor obtengalo desde nigtlies para poder usar imágenes.
Vista previa...
[Graphic files]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Steam.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Steam.txt
index 068b29cbbf..20486a833a 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Steam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Steam.txt
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Contactos
Usar avatares grandes
[Message sessions]
Sesiones de mensaje
[Save password]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 2ad9a01a22..60ad86ebc1 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
[New password]
[Please enter your new password]
[Enter password]
-[Change password]
[Old password]
[Database encryption mode]
@@ -18,9 +17,7 @@
[Wrong old password entered!]
[Password is too short!]
[Passwords do not match!]
[Too many errors!]
[Password is not correct!]
[Please type in your password]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index c506dbc309..8249fb38ee 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
[This profile is too old to be updated with PluginUpdater, your database must be converted first.\n\nWould you like to read how to fix this?]
[Obsolete database format]
[Change/remove password]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[Too many errors!]
[Password is not correct!]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f08d3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 4e335e416c..8cd0be2c5e 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@
[News Aggregator]
[%s\nis not a valid feed's address.]
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-[OPML files]
-[Not valid import file.]
[Protocol icon]
[Check All Feeds]
[Add Feed]
@@ -40,9 +36,15 @@
[Auto Update Disabled]
[Check feed]
[Change feed]
-[Enter Feed name]
+[OPML files]
+[Not valid import file.]
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+[Change Feed]
[Enter Feed URL]
-[Enter message format]
+[Are you sure?]
+[Tags Mask Reset]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
@@ -51,10 +53,8 @@
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
-[Are you sure?]
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-[Change Feed]
+[Enter Feed name]
+[Enter message format]
[Enable/disable auto update]
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index 75514b83f7..93f287aa6b 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
[Non-IM Contact protocol timer is Disabled]
[Timer intervals... Non-IM Contact Protocol timer is %d seconds]
[New Non-IM Contact]
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[Link and Contact list Settings]
[Copy Contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 68c86243de..0188428c6d 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
[Info bar status message]
[Line between messages]
[Event log]
-[Group chat log]
[Miranda could not load the built-in message module, Msftedit.dll is missing. If you are using WINE, please make sure you have Msftedit.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Steam.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Steam.txt
index cf76607744..518d4ee9f6 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Steam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Steam.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
[Steam protocol support for Miranda NG.]
[Show chat state events (i.e., user closed chat session)]
[Error limit before logout:]
[As an added account security measure, you'll need to grant access by entering the special code we've just sent to your email address.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 24ea260ed3..a3217bdf37 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CloudFile.dll
; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 86ac01d527..5bca8d71fe 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: CrashDumper.dll
; Plugin: Crash dumper
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: borkra
[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 761b41db7b..2dc7db1123 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 64ac77bf42..ff0179cabb 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Import.dll
; Plugin: Import contacts and messages
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda team
[Imports contacts and messages from another Miranda profile or from an external program.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a07ff83c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Magnetic Windows]
+Липкі вікна
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+%d пікс
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+Для плагіна Scriver: автоматично утримувати Ctrl поки переміщаєте/калібруєте. (Переконайтеся, що ви використовуєте Scriver!)
+Тонке налаштування
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 5383d4b51f..c97cdbbc5c 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
[Popup on obsolete methods]
Спливаючі вікна при виклику застарілих методів
[C libs folder]
Папка з бібліотеками C
[Scripts folder]
@@ -33,5 +35,3 @@
[Common scripts]
Загальні скрипти
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 099e497aad..b38293a790 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewsAggregator.dll
; Plugin: News aggregator
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
@@ -85,14 +85,6 @@
%s\nнеправильна адреса каналу
-[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
-Імпортовано каналів: %d \r\nНе імпортовано дублікатів: %d
-[Imported %d feed(s).]
-Імпортовано каналів: %d.
-[OPML files]
-Файли OPML
-[Not valid import file.]
-Неправильний файл для імпорту
[Protocol icon]
Значок протоколу
[Check All Feeds]
@@ -111,12 +103,24 @@
Перевірити канал
[Change feed]
Змінити канал
-[Enter Feed name]
-Введіть ім'я каналу
+[OPML files]
+Файли OPML
+[Not valid import file.]
+Неправильний файл для імпорту
+[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
+Імпортовано каналів: %d \r\nНе імпортовано дублікатів: %d
+[Imported %d feed(s).]
+Імпортовано каналів: %d.
+[Change Feed]
+Змінити канал
[Enter Feed URL]
Введіть URL каналу
-[Enter message format]
-Введіть формат повідомлення
+[Are you sure?]
+Ви впевнені?
+[Tags Mask Reset]
+Скидання тегів
[The title of the item.]
Заголовок новини.
[The item synopsis.]
@@ -133,14 +137,12 @@ URL сторінки з коментарями до новини.
Категорії новини.
[Feed Tag Help]
Допомога по тегам каналу
-[Are you sure?]
-Ви впевнені?
-[Tags Mask Reset]
-Скидання тегів
-[Change Feed]
-Змінити канал
+[Enter Feed name]
+Введіть ім'я каналу
+[Enter message format]
+Введіть формат повідомлення
[Contact deleting]
Видалення контакту
@@ -151,5 +153,3 @@ URL сторінки з коментарями до новини.
Увімк./вимк. автооновлення
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
HTTP-з'єднання NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 03aaab1639..d4dc671bdc 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -709,8 +709,6 @@ ID поточного контакту (якщо визначено). Напри
[Event log]
Журнал подій
-[Group chat log]
-Журнал чату
[Typing notify]
Сповіщення про друк
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
index cd298045d0..e58f3f1b0b 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SplashScreen.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
[Fade out:]
-[AdvaImg plugin not found. Please get it from to be able to use images.]
-Бібліотека AdvaImg.dll не знайдена. Будь ласка, встановіть її для використання зображень.
[Graphic files]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index f68c53550e..4a3a4ab661 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
[Select crypto provider]
+[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
+[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcc85519f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
index dc04361456..581065d65d 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/NimContact.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
+[String replacing variables...\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth separator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome examples...\r\nfilename(0) <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0))) <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1))) <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4))) <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17)) <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
[Contacts Display Info]
[File couldn't be opened,2]
[line(%-3d) = | %s]