diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/i_inoutxm.inc')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/i_inoutxm.inc | 1212 |
1 files changed, 1212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/i_inoutxm.inc b/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/i_inoutxm.inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41e705f418 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/i_inoutxm.inc @@ -0,0 +1,1212 @@ +{}
+ xmlparser:TXML_API_W;
+ // Nodes
+ ioRoot :PWideChar = 'ActMan_Export';
+ ioAction :PWideChar = 'Action';
+ ioSubAction :PWideChar = 'SubAction';
+ ioContactWindow:PWideChar = 'Contact';
+ ioCallService :PWideChar = 'Service';
+ ioRunProgram :PWideChar = 'Program';
+ ioInsertText :PWideChar = 'In/Out';
+ ioAdvanced :PWideChar = 'Jump';
+ ioLinkAction :PWideChar = 'Chain';
+ ioProfile :PWideChar = 'Database';
+ ioMessageBox :PWideChar = 'MessageBox';
+ ioWParam :PWideChar = 'WPARAM';
+ ioLParam :PWideChar = 'LPARAM';
+ ioItem :PWideChar = 'ITEM';
+ ioPost :PWideChar = 'POST';
+ ioIf :PWideChar = 'IF';
+ ioAct :PWideChar = 'ACT';
+ ioOutput :PWideChar = 'OUTPUT';
+ ioClass :PWideChar = 'class';
+ // Attributes
+ ioType :PWideChar = 'type';
+ ioInverse :PWideChar = 'inverse';
+ ioName :PWideChar = 'name';
+ ioDisabled :PWideChar = 'disabled';
+ ioVolatile :PWideChar = 'volatile';
+ ioLast :PWideChar = 'last';
+ ioWindow :PWideChar = 'window';
+ ioParallel :PWideChar = 'parallel';
+ ioArgs :PWideChar = 'args';
+ ioWait :PWideChar = 'wait';
+ ioObject :PWideChar = 'object';
+ ioOper :PWideChar = 'oper';
+ ioMessage :PWideChar = 'message';
+// ioDest :PWideChar = 'dest';
+ ioEnc :PWideChar = 'enc';
+ ioValue :PWideChar = 'value';
+ ioService :PWideChar = 'service';
+ ioNot :PWideChar = 'not';
+ ioCond :PWideChar = 'cond';
+ ioVariables :PWideChar = 'variables';
+ ioFileVariable :PWideChar = 'modvariables';
+ ioArgVariable :PWideChar = 'argvariables';
+ ioModule :PWideChar = 'module';
+ ioSetting :PWideChar = 'setting';
+ ioCProto :PWideChar = 'cproto';
+ ioCUIDType :PWideChar = 'cuidtype';
+ ioCUID :PWideChar = 'cuid';
+ ioIsChat :pWideChar = 'ischat';
+ ioTitle :PWideChar = 'title';
+ ioFile :PWideChar = 'file';
+ ioAsInt :PWideChar = 'asint';
+ ioKeepOnly :PWideChar = 'keeponly';
+ ioKeepLast :PWideChar = 'keeplast';
+ ioReturn :PWideChar = 'return';
+ ioLength :PWideChar = 'length';
+ ioFree :PWideChar = 'free';
+ ioPacked :PWideChar = 'packed';
+ // Values
+ ioNumber :PWideChar = 'number';
+ ioCurrent :PWideChar = 'current';
+ ioContact :PWideChar = 'contact';
+ ioStruct :PWideChar = 'struct';
+ ioResult :PWideChar = 'result';
+ ioParam :PWideChar = 'param';
+ ioByte :PWideChar = 'byte';
+ ioWord :PWideChar = 'word';
+ ioDword :PWideChar = 'dword';
+ ioAnsi :PWideChar = 'ansi';
+ ioUnicode :PWideChar = 'unicode';
+// ioWStruct :PWideChar = 'wordstruct';
+// ioBStruct :PWideChar = 'bytestruct';
+ ioHex :PWideChar = 'hex';
+ ioInt :PWideChar = 'int';
+ ioSigned :PWideChar = 'signed';
+ ioPopup :PWideChar = 'popup';
+ ioMsgBox :PWideChar = 'msgbox';
+ ioHidden :PWideChar = 'hidden';
+ ioMinimized :PWideChar = 'minimized';
+ ioMaximized :PWideChar = 'maximized';
+ ioNormal :PWideChar = 'normal';
+ ioClipboard :PWideChar = 'clipboard';
+ ioCopy :PWideChar = 'copy';
+ ioPaste :PWideChar = 'paste';
+ ioBreak :PWideChar = 'break';
+ ioJump :PWideChar = 'jump';
+ ioNop :PWideChar = 'nop';
+// ioArray :PWideChar = 'array';
+ ioScript :PWideChar = 'script';
+ ioWrite :PWideChar = 'write';
+ ioRead :PWideChar = 'read';
+ ioAppend :PWideChar = 'append';
+ ioDelete :PWideChar = 'delete';
+ imp_yes = 1;
+ imp_yesall = 2;
+ imp_no = 3;
+ imp_noall = 4;
+ imp_append = 5;
+function ReadStruct(act:HXML):int_ptr;
+ child,i:integer;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ sub:HXML;
+ typ:pWideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ mGetMem (tmp ,32768);
+ FillChar(tmp^,32768,0);
+ result:=int_ptr(tmp);
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ typ:=getAttrValue(act,ioPacked);
+ if (typ<>nil) and (typ^<>#0) and (typ^<>'0') then
+ begin
+ tmp^:=char_packed; inc(tmp);
+ end;
+ child:=0;
+ repeat
+ sub:=getNextChild(act,ioItem,@child);
+ if sub=0 then break;
+ typ:=getAttrValue(sub,ioType);
+ for i:=0 to MaxStructTypes-1 do
+ begin
+ if lstrcmpiw(typ,StructElems[i].short)=0 then break;
+ end;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioReturn))=1 then
+ begin
+ tmp^:=char_return; inc(tmp);
+ end;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioScript))=1 then
+ begin
+ tmp^:=char_script; inc(tmp);
+ end;
+ tmp:=StrCopyEW(tmp,typ);
+ tmp^:=' '; inc(tmp);
+ case StructElems[i].typ of
+ SST_NATIVE: begin
+ tmp:=StrCopyEW(tmp,getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ end;
+ tmp:=StrCopyEW(tmp,getAttrValue(sub,ioLength));
+ tmp^:=' '; inc(tmp);
+ tmp:=StrCopyEW(tmp,getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmp^:='|'; inc(tmp);
+ until false;
+ dec(tmp); tmp^:=#0;
+ end;
+function ReadParam(act:HXML; var param:int_ptr;isvar:boolean):dword;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ if act=0 then
+ exit;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(act,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then result:=result or ACF_WCURRENT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then result:=result or ACF_WRESULT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then result:=result or ACF_WPARAM
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNumber )=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=result or ACF_WPARNUM;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(act,ioValue);
+ if isvar then
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(param),tmp)
+ else
+ param:=StrToInt(tmp);
+ end
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=result or ACF_WSTRUCT;
+ param:=ReadStruct(act);
+ end
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=result or ACF_WUNICODE;
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(param),getAttrValue(act,ioValue));
+ end
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi)=0 then
+ begin
+ WideToAnsi(getAttrValue(act,ioValue),pAnsiChar(param),MirandaCP);
+ end;
+ end;
+function ImportContact(node:HXML):THANDLE;
+ proto:pAnsiChar;
+ tmpbuf:array [0..63] of AnsiChar;
+ is_chat:boolean;
+ bufLen:int;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ proto:=FastWideToAnsiBuf(getAttrValue(node,ioCProto),tmpbuf);
+ if (proto=nil) or (proto^=#0) then
+ begin
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ is_chat:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioIsChat))<>0;
+ if is_chat then
+ begin
+ dbv.szVal.W:=getAttrValue(node,ioCUID);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FillChar(dbv,SizeOf(TDBVARIANT),0);
+ dbv._type:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioCUIDType));
+ case dbv._type of
+ DBVT_BYTE : dbv.bVal:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID));
+ DBVT_WORD : dbv.wVal:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID));
+ DBVT_DWORD : dbv.dVal:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID));
+ DBVT_ASCIIZ: FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID),dbv.szVal.A);
+ DBVT_UTF8 : WideToUTF8(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID),dbv.szVal.A);
+ DBVT_WCHAR : StrDupW(dbv.szVal.W,getAttrValue(node,ioCUID));
+ DBVT_BLOB : begin
+ dbv.pbVal := mir_base64_decode(FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(node,ioCUID),pAnsiChar(dbv.pbVal)), bufLen);
+ dbv.cpbVal := bufLen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=FindContactHandle(proto,dbv,is_chat);
+ if not is_chat then
+ case dbv._type of
+ DBVT_UTF8 : mFreeMem(dbv.szVal.A);
+ DBVT_BLOB : mFreeMem(dbv.pbVal);
+ end;
+function ImportAction(actnode:HXML):integer;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ act:tHKAction;
+ sub:HXML;
+ FillChar(act,SizeOf(act),0);
+ with xmlparser,act do
+ begin
+ flags:=ACF_ASSIGNED;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioDisabled))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_DISABLED;
+ StrDupW(descr,getAttrValue(actnode,ioName));
+ actnode:=getChild(actnode,0);
+ tmp:=getName(actnode);
+ if StrCmpW(tmp,ioContactWindow)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_CONTACT;
+ contact:=ImportContact(actnode);
+// contact:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioNumber));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioKeepOnly))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_KEEPONLY;
+ end
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioCallService)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_SERVICE;
+ FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(actnode,ioService),service);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVariables))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_SRV_SRVC;
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioWParam,0);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_SRV_WPAR;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioHex))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_SRV_WHEX;
+ flags:=flags or ReadParam(sub,int_ptr(wparam),(flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WPAR)<>0);
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioLParam,0);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_SRV_LPAR;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioHex))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_SRV_LHEX;
+ flags:=flags or (ReadParam(sub,lparam,(flags2 and ACF2_SRV_LPAR)<>0) shl 1);
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioOutput,0);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioMessage))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_INSERT;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioPopup ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_POPUP;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioMsgBox ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MESSAGE;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioFree))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_FREEMEM;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_UNICODE+ACF_STRING
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_STRING
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioSigned )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_SIGNED
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioHex )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_HEX
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_STRUCT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioInt )=0 then ;
+ end
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioRunProgram)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_PROGRAM;
+ StrDupW(prgname,getText(actnode));
+ StrDupW(args,getAttrValue(actnode,ioArgs));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioCurrent))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_CURPATH;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioParallel))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_PRTHREAD
+ else
+ time:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioWait));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioFileVariable))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_PRG_PRG;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioArgVariable))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_PRG_ARG;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioWindow);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioHidden )=0 then show:=SW_HIDE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMinimized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMaximized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
+ else show:=SW_SHOWNORMAL;
+ end
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioInsertText)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_TEXT;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioObject);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioClipboard)=0 then
+ begin
+ flags:=flags or ACF_CLIPBRD;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCopy)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_COPYTO;
+// else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'paste')=0 then ;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioEnc);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_ANSI;
+// else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'unicode')=0 then ;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ StrDupW(text,getText(actnode));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVariables))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_TXT_TEXT;
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioFile)=0 then
+ begin
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioFileVariable))=1 then
+ flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_TXT_FILE;
+ flags:=flags or ACF_FILE;
+ StrDupW(tfile,getAttrValue(actnode,ioFile));
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FWRITE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAppend)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FAPPEND;
+ case StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioEnc)) of
+ 0: flags:=flags or ACF_ANSI;
+ 1: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8;
+ 2: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8 or ACF_SIGN;
+ 3: flags:=flags or 0;
+ 4: flags:=flags or ACF_SIGN;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioAdvanced)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_ADVANCE;
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioIf,0);
+ if sub<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioCond);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'gt' )=0 then condition:=condition or ADV_COND_GT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'lt' )=0 then condition:=condition or ADV_COND_LT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'eq' )=0 then condition:=condition or ADV_COND_EQ
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop)=0 then ;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioNot))=1 then
+ condition:=condition or ADV_COND_NOT;
+ value:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ end;
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioAct,0);
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioValue)=0 then
+ begin
+ action:=action or ADV_ACT_MATH;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioInverse)=0 then
+ oper:=Cardinal(aeNot)
+ else
+ begin
+ case tmp^ of
+ '+': oper:=Cardinal(aeAdd);
+ '-': oper:=Cardinal(aeSub);
+ '*': oper:=Cardinal(aeMul);
+ '\': oper:=Cardinal(aeDiv);
+ '%': oper:=Cardinal(aeMod);
+ '&': oper:=Cardinal(aeAnd);
+ '|': oper:=Cardinal(aeOr );
+ '^': oper:=Cardinal(aeXor);
+ '=': oper:=Cardinal(aeSet);
+ end;
+ mathval:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ end;
+ end
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioScript)=0 then
+ begin
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioAsInt))<>0 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_VARASINT;
+ action:=action or ADV_ACT_VARS;
+ StrDupW(varval,getText(sub));
+ end;
+ sub:=getNthChild(actnode,ioPost,0);
+ if sub<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioBreak)=0 then action:=action or ADV_ACT_BREAK
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioJump )=0 then action:=action or ADV_ACT_JUMP
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop )=0 then ;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioValue);
+ case action and ADV_ACT_POST of
+ ADV_ACT_JUMP: StrDupW(operval,tmp);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ // CHAIN
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioLinkAction)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_CHAIN;
+ StrDupW(actname,getText(actnode));
+ flags:=flags or ACF_BYNAME;
+ end
+ // DBRW
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioProfile)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_RW;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDelete)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBDELETE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWRITE;
+// else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioRead)=0 then ;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioContact);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_CURRENT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RESULT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_PARAM
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioContact)=0 then
+ begin
+ contact:=ImportContact(actnode);
+ end;
+ FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(actnode,ioModule ),dbmodule);
+ FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(actnode,ioSetting),dbsetting);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioFileVariable))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_RW_MVAR;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioArgVariable ))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_RW_SVAR;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVariables ))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_RW_TVAR;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioHex ))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_RW_HEX;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioByte )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBBYTE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWord )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWORD
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDword)=0 then
+ else // if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then
+ begin
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi)=0 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_DBANSI
+ else
+ flags:=flags or ACF_DBUTEXT;
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(dbvalue),getText(actnode));
+ end;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioLast))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_LAST
+ else if (flags and ACF_DBUTEXT)=0 then
+ begin
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)<>0 then
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(dbvalue),getText(actnode))
+ else
+ dbvalue:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioValue));
+ end;
+ end
+ // MessageBox
+ else if StrCmpW(tmp,ioMessageBox)=0 then
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_MESSAGE;
+ StrDupW(msgtitle,getAttrValue(actnode,ioTitle));
+ StrDupW(msgtext,getText(actnode));
+ boxopts:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioType));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioArgVariable))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_MSG_TXT;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVariables ))=1 then flags2:=flags2 or ACF2_MSG_TTL;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioKeepLast ))=1 then flags :=flags or ACF_MSG_KEEP;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ actionType:=ACT_UNKNOWN;
+ result:=0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=NewAction(ActionList,MaxActions);
+ move(act,ActionList^[result],SizeOf(tHKAction));
+function Import(fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
+ i,j:integer;
+ tmp,res:pWideChar;
+ root,actnode:HXML;
+ last,next:integer;
+ impact:integer;
+ buf:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ oldid:dword;
+ result:=0;
+ for i:=0 to MaxGroups-1 do
+ with GroupList[i] do
+ if (flags and (ACF_IMPORT or ACF_ASSIGNED))=
+ flags:=flags and not (ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD);
+ if (fname=nil) or (fname^=#0) then
+ exit;
+ i:=GetFSize(fname);
+ if i=0 then
+ exit;
+ mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ BlockRead(f,res^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
+ CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ root:=parseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
+ j:=0;
+ impact:=imp_yes;
+ repeat
+ actnode:=getNthChild(root,ioAction,j);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+//MessageBoxW(0,'not zero','actnode',0);
+//?? if StrCmpW(getName(actnode),ioAction)<>0 then break;
+ tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
+ if tmp<>nil then //!!
+ begin
+ i:=GetActIdxByName(tmp);
+ oldid:=$FFFFFFFF;
+ if i>=0 then
+ begin
+ if (impact<>imp_yesall) and (impact<>imp_noall) then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(buf,TranslateW('Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?'));
+ impact:=DialogBoxParam(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ASK),0,
+ @QuestionDlg,TLPARAM(StrReplaceW(buf,'$',tmp)));
+ end;
+ if (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) then
+ begin
+ oldid:=GroupList^[i].id;
+ FreeGroup(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (i<0) or (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) or (impact=imp_append) then
+ begin
+ with GroupList^[NewGroup(GroupList,MaxGroups)] do
+ begin
+ if (i>=0) and (oldid<>$FFFFFFFF) then // set old id to keep UseAction setting
+ begin
+ flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD;
+ id:=oldid;
+ end;
+ flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioDisabled))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_DISABLED;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVolatile))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_VOLATILE;
+ mFreeMem(descr);
+ StrDupW(descr,tmp);
+ i:=0;
+ last:=-1;
+ repeat
+ next:=ImportAction(getChild(actnode,i));
+ if next=0 then
+ break;
+ if last<0 then
+ firstAction:=next
+ else
+ ActionList[last].next:=next;
+ last:=next;
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
+ inc(result);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ until false;
+ DestroyNode(root);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(res);
+procedure WriteStruct(node:HXML;struct:PWideChar);
+ sub:HXML;
+ ppc,value,lsrc,p,pc:pWideChar;
+ i,len:integer;
+ typ:integer;
+ if struct=nil then exit;
+ mGetMem(pc,4096);
+ lsrc:=pWideChar(struct);
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ if lsrc^=char_packed then
+ begin
+ AddAttrInt(node,ioPacked,1);
+ inc(lsrc);
+ end;
+ while lsrc^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ sub:=AddChild(node,ioItem,nil);
+ p:=StrScanW(lsrc,'|');
+ StrCopyW(pc,lsrc,p-lsrc);
+ ppc:=pc;
+ if ppc^=char_return then
+ begin
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioReturn,1);
+ inc(ppc);
+ end;
+ if ppc^=char_script then
+ begin
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioScript,1);
+ inc(ppc);
+ end;
+ typ:=GetOneElement(ppc,len,value);
+ i:=0;
+ while i<MaxStructTypes do
+ begin
+ if StructElems[i].typ=typ then //!!
+ break;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioType,StructElems[i].short);
+ case typ of
+ AddAttr(sub,ioValue,value);
+ end;
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioLength,len);
+ AddAttr (sub,ioValue ,value);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p=nil then break;
+ lsrc:=p+1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(pc);
+procedure WriteParam(node:HXML;flags,param:int_ptr;flags2:integer);
+ s:pWideChar;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_WPARNUM)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioNumber;
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WPAR)<>0 then
+ AddAttr(node,ioValue,PWideChar(param))
+ else
+ AddAttrInt(node,ioValue,param);
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_WCURRENT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioCurrent;
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_WRESULT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioResult;
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_WPARAM)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioParam;
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_WSTRUCT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioStruct;
+ WriteStruct(node,pointer(param));
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_WUNICODE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ s:=ioUnicode;
+ AddAttr(node,ioValue,PWideChar(param));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ s:=ioAnsi;
+ AddAttr(node,ioValue,AnsiToWide(PAnsiChar(param),tmp));
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+ end;
+ AddAttr(node,ioType,s);
+ end;
+function ExportContact(node:HXML;hContact:THANDLE):integer;
+ proto,uid:pAnsiChar;
+ p1:pAnsiChar;
+ p:pWideChar;
+ tmpbuf:array [0..63] of WideChar;
+ is_chat:boolean;
+ result:=0;
+ proto:=GetContactProtoAcc(hContact);
+ if proto<>nil then
+ begin
+ is_chat:=IsChat(hContact);
+ if is_chat then
+ begin
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ p:=DBReadUnicode(hContact,proto,'ChatRoomID');
+ addAttr(node,ioCUID,p);
+ mFreeMem(p);
+ end;
+ result:=1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ uid:=pAnsiChar(CallProtoService(proto,PS_GETCAPS,PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING,0));
+ if DBReadSetting(hContact,proto,uid,@cws)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ addAttrInt(node,ioCUIDType,cws._type);
+ case cws._type of
+ DBVT_BYTE : AddAttrInt(node,ioCUID,cws.bVal);
+ DBVT_WORD : AddAttrInt(node,ioCUID,cws.wVal);
+ DBVT_DWORD : AddAttrInt(node,ioCUID,cws.dVal);
+ DBVT_ASCIIZ: begin
+ AddAttr(node,ioCUID,FastAnsiToWide(cws.szVal.A,p));
+ mFreeMem(p);
+ end;
+ DBVT_UTF8 : begin
+ AddAttr(node,ioCUID,UTF8ToWide(cws.szVal.A,p));
+ // AddAttr(node,'cuid',FastAnsiToWide(cws.szVal.A,p));
+ mFreeMem(p);
+ end;
+ DBVT_WCHAR : AddAttr(node,ioCUID,cws.szVal.W);
+ DBVT_BLOB : begin
+ p1:=mir_base64_encode(cws.pbVal,cws.cpbVal);
+ AddAttr(node,ioCUID,FastAnsiToWide(p1,p));
+ mir_free(p1);
+ mFreeMem(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DBFreeVariant(@cws);
+ end;
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ addAttr (node,ioCProto,FastAnsiToWideBuf(proto,tmpbuf));
+ addAttrInt(node,ioIsChat,ord(is_chat));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure WriteAction(actnode:HXML;idx:integer);
+ sub, act: HXML;
+ s:PWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ with xmlparser,ActionList[idx] do
+ begin
+ actnode:=AddChild(actnode,ioSubAction,nil);
+ if descr<>nil then
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioName,descr);
+ if (flags and ACF_DISABLED)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioDisabled,1);
+ case actionType of
+// ----- CONTACT -----
+ ACT_CONTACT: begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioContactWindow);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioContactWindow,nil);
+ ExportContact(sub,contact);
+// AddAttrInt(sub,ioNumber,0); // contact
+ if (flags and ACF_KEEPONLY)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioKeepOnly,1);
+ end;
+// ----- SERVICE -----
+ ACT_SERVICE: begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioCallService);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioCallService,nil);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioService,FastAnsiToWide(service,tmp));
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_SRVC)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioVariables,1);
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioWParam,nil); WriteParam(act,flags ,wparam,flags2);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WPAR)<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioVariables,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WHEX)<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioHex ,1);
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioLParam,nil); WriteParam(act,flags shr 1,lparam,flags2 shr 1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_LPAR)<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioVariables,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_SRV_LHEX)<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioHex ,1);
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioOutput,nil);
+ if (flags and (ACF_MESSAGE+ACF_POPUP+ACF_INSERT))<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_INSERT )<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioMessage,1);
+ if (flags and ACF_POPUP )<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioPopup ,1);
+ if (flags and ACF_MESSAGE)<>0 then AddAttrInt(act,ioMsgBox ,1);
+ end;
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_FREEMEM)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioFree,1);
+ if (flags and ACF_STRUCT)<>0 then
+ s:=ioStruct
+ else if (flags and ACF_STRING)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_UNICODE)<>0 then
+ s:=ioUnicode
+ else
+ s:=ioAnsi;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_SIGNED)<>0 then s:=ioSigned
+ else if (flags and ACF_HEX )<>0 then s:=ioHex
+ else s:=ioInt;
+ end;
+ AddAttr(act,ioType,s);
+ end;
+// ----- PROGRAM -----
+ ACT_PROGRAM: begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioRunProgram);
+ setText(actnode,prgname);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioRunProgram,prgname);
+ if args<>nil then
+ AddAttr(sub,ioArgs,args);
+ if (flags and ACF_CURPATH)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioCurrent,1);
+ if (flags and ACF_PRTHREAD)=0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioWait,time)
+ else AddAttrInt(sub,ioParallel,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_PRG_PRG)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioFileVariable,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_PRG_ARG)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioArgVariable ,1);
+ case show of
+ SW_HIDE : s:=ioHidden;
+ SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: s:=ioMinimized;
+ SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: s:=ioMaximized;
+ else
+ s:=ioNormal;
+ end;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioWindow,s);
+ end;
+// ----- TEXT -----
+ ACT_TEXT: begin
+ if (flags and ACF_CLIPBRD)<>0 then
+ begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioInsertText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_FILE)<>0 then
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioInsertText)
+ else
+ begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,'Text');
+ setText(actnode,text);
+ end;
+ end;
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioInsertText,tmp);
+ if (flags and ACF_CLIPBRD)<>0 then
+ begin
+ AddAttr(sub,ioObject,ioClipboard);
+ if (flags and ACF_COPYTO)<>0 then
+ s:=ioCopy
+ else
+ s:=ioPaste;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioOper,s);
+ if (flags and ACF_ANSI)=0 then
+ s:=ioUnicode
+ else
+ s:=ioAnsi;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioEnc,s);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_FILE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_TXT_FILE)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioFileVariable,1);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioObject,ioFile);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioFile,tfile);
+ if (flags and ACF_FWRITE )<>0 then AddAttr(sub,ioOper,ioWrite)
+ else if (flags and ACF_FAPPEND)<>0 then AddAttr(sub,ioOper,ioAppend);
+ if (flags and ACF_ANSI)<>0 then
+ i:=0
+ else if (flags and ACF_UTF8)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_SIGN)<>0 then
+ i:=2
+ else
+ i:=1;
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACF_SIGN)<>0 then
+ i:=4
+ else
+ i:=3;
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioEnc,i);
+ end
+ else
+ AddAttr(sub,ioObject,ioWindow);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_TXT_TEXT)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioVariables,1);
+ end;
+ end;
+// ----- ADVANCED -----
+ ACT_ADVANCE: begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioAdvanced);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioAdvanced,nil);
+ if lobyte(condition)<>0 then
+ begin
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioIf,nil);
+ if (lobyte(condition) and ADV_COND_NOT)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(act,ioNot,1);
+ case lobyte(condition) and not ADV_COND_NOT of
+ ADV_COND_GT: s:='gt';
+ ADV_COND_LT: s:='lt';
+ ADV_COND_EQ: s:='eq';
+ else
+ s:=ioNop;
+ end;
+ AddAttr(act,ioOper,'math');
+ AddAttr(act,ioCond,s);
+ AddAttrInt(act,ioValue,value);
+ end;
+ if (action and not 3)<>ADV_ACT_VARS then
+ tmp:=nil
+ else
+ tmp:=varval;
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioAct,tmp);
+ case action and ADV_ACTION of
+ ADV_ACT_MATH: begin
+ AddAttr(act,ioType,ioValue);
+ if tAdvExpr(oper)=aeNot then
+ AddAttr(act,ioOper,ioInverse)
+ else
+ begin
+ case tAdvExpr(oper) of
+ aeAdd: s:='+';
+ aeSub: s:='-';
+ aeMul: s:='*';
+ aeDiv: s:='\';
+ aeMod: s:='%';
+ aeAnd: s:='&';
+ aeOr : s:='|';
+ aeXor: s:='^';
+ aeSet: s:='=';
+ else
+ s:=nil;
+ end;
+ AddAttr(act,ioOper,s);
+ AddAttrInt(act,ioValue,mathval);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ADV_ACT_VARS: begin
+ if (flags and ACF_VARASINT)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(act,ioAsInt,1);
+ AddAttr(act,ioType,ioScript);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (action and ADV_ACT_POST)<>0 then
+ begin
+ act:=AddChild(sub,ioPost,nil);
+ case action and ADV_ACT_POST of
+ ADV_ACT_BREAK: s:=ioBreak;
+ ADV_ACT_JUMP : begin
+ s:=ioJump;
+ AddAttr(act,ioValue,operval);
+ end;
+ else
+ s:=ioNop
+ end;
+ AddAttr(act,ioOper,s);
+ end;
+ //!!
+ end;
+// ----- LINK -----
+ ACT_CHAIN: begin
+ if (flags and ACF_BYNAME)<>0 then
+ s:=actname
+ else
+ s:=GetActNameById(id);
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioLinkAction);
+ setText(actnode,s);
+// AddChild(actnode,ioLinkAction,s);
+ end;
+// ----- DATABASE -----
+ ACT_RW: begin
+ if ((flags and ACF_DBUTEXT)=0) and ((flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)=0) then
+ tmp:=nil
+ else
+ tmp:=pWideChar(dbvalue);
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioProfile);
+ setText(actnode,tmp);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioProfile,tmp);
+ if (flags and ACF_DBDELETE)<>0 then s:=ioDelete
+ else if (flags and ACF_DBWRITE )<>0 then s:=ioWrite
+ else s:=ioRead;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioOper,s);
+ if (flags and ACF_CURRENT)<>0 then s:=ioCurrent
+ else if (flags and ACF_RESULT )<>0 then s:=ioResult
+ else if (flags and ACF_PARAM )<>0 then s:=ioParam
+ else
+ begin
+ s:=ioContact;
+ ExportContact(sub,dbcontact);
+ end;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioContact,s);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioModule ,FastAnsiToWide(dbmodule ,tmp)); mFreeMem(tmp);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioSetting,FastAnsiToWide(dbsetting,tmp)); mFreeMem(tmp);
+ if (flags and ACF_DBANSI )=ACF_DBANSI then s:=ioAnsi
+ else if (flags and ACF_DBBYTE )=ACF_DBBYTE then s:=ioByte
+ else if (flags and ACF_DBWORD )=ACF_DBWORD then s:=ioWord
+ else if (flags and ACF_DBUTEXT)= 0 then s:=ioDword
+ else s:=ioUnicode;
+ AddAttr(sub,ioType,s);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_RW_MVAR)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioFileVariable,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_RW_SVAR)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioArgVariable ,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioVariables ,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_RW_HEX )<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioHex ,1);
+ if ( flags and ACF_LAST )<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioLast ,1)
+ else if ((flags and ACF_DBUTEXT )=0) and
+ ((flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)=0) then AddAttrInt(sub,ioValue,dbvalue);
+ end;
+// ----- MESSAGEBOX -----
+ ACT_MESSAGE: begin
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioClass,ioMessageBox);
+ setText(actnode,msgtext);
+ sub:=actnode;
+// sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioMessageBox,msgtext);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_MSG_TTL)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioVariables ,1);
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_MSG_TXT)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioArgVariable,1);
+ if (flags and ACF_MSG_KEEP)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioKeepLast ,1);
+ AddAttr (sub,ioTitle,msgtitle);
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioType ,boxopts);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Export({act:integer;}fname:pWideChar;aflags:dword);
+ i:integer;
+ root,actnode:HXML;
+ res:pWideChar;
+ act:integer;
+ xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
+ CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
+ root:=0;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ i:=0;
+ if (aflags and ACIO_APPEND)<>0 then
+ begin
+ i:=GetFSize(fname);
+ if i<>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ BlockRead(f,res^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ root:=parseString(res,@i,nil);
+ mFreeMem(res);
+ i:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if i=0 then // new file
+ root:=CreateNode(ioRoot,nil,false);
+ for act:=0 to MaxGroups-1 do
+ if ((aflags and ACIO_SELECTED)=0) or
+ ((GroupList[act].flags and (ACF_EXPORT or ACF_ASSIGNED))=
+ begin
+// GroupList[act].flags:=GroupList[act].flags and not ACF_EXPORT;
+ actnode:=addChild(root,ioAction,nil);
+ AddAttr(actnode,ioName,GroupList[act].descr);
+ if (GroupList[act].flags and ACF_DISABLED)<>0 then
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioDisabled,1);
+ i:=GroupList[act].firstAction;
+ if i<>0 then
+ repeat
+ WriteAction(actnode,i);
+ i:=ActionList[i].next;
+ until i=0;
+ end;
+ res:=toString(root,@i);
+ if i>0 then
+ begin
+ f:=Rewrite(fname);
+ BlockWrite(f,res^,i*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ end;
+ xmlparser.FreeMem(res);
+ DestroyNode(root);
+ end;
+function ActInOut(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr; cdecl;
+ if (wParam and ACIO_EXPORT)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=Import(pWideChar(lParam),wParam);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ Export(pWideChar(lParam),wParam);
+ end;
+ NotifyEventHooks(hevinout,wParam,lParam);