path: root/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26dd8e1f08..0000000000
--- a/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-{Save/load options}
- opt_group = 'Group';
- opt_actions = 'Action';
- opt_numacts = 'numactions';
- opt_numhk = 'numgroups';
- opt_firstAction = 'firstaction';
- opt_cproto = 'cproto';
- opt_cuid = 'cuid';
- opt_ischat = 'ischat';
- opt_descr = 'descr';
- opt_id = 'id';
- opt_flags = 'flags';
- opt_flags2 = 'flags2';
- opt_time = 'time';
- opt_show = 'show';
- opt_action = 'action';
- opt_value = 'value';
- opt_file = 'file';
- opt_next = 'next';
- opt_type = 'type';
- opt_contact = 'contact';
- opt_text = 'text';
- opt_prg = 'program';
- opt_args = 'arguments';
- opt_service = 'service';
- opt_wparam = 'wparam';
- opt_wlparam = 'wparamlen';
- opt_llparam = 'lparamlen';
- opt_lparam = 'lparam';
- opt_chain = 'chain';
- opt_cond = 'condition';
- opt_count = 'count';
- opt_module = 'module';
- opt_setting = 'setting';
- opt_oper = 'operation';
- opt_mathval = 'mathval';
- opt_operval = 'operval';
- opt_varval = 'varval';
- opt_msgtitle = 'msgtitle';
- opt_msgtext = 'msgtext';
- opt_boxopts = 'boxopts';
-//----- Save settings -----
-procedure SaveNumValue(setting:pAnsiChar;value:uint_ptr;isvar:boolean);
- if isvar then
- DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,setting,pWideChar(value))
- else
- DBWriteDWord (0,DBBranch,setting,value);
-function SaveActions(section:pAnsiChar;first:integer):integer;
- p,p1:PAnsiChar;
- act:pHKAction;
- i:integer;
- result:=0;
- // in: section = "Group#/"
- p1:=StrCopyE(StrEnd(section),opt_actions); // "Group#/Action"
- DBDeleteGroup(0,DBBranch,section);
- i:=1;
- while first<>0 do
- begin
- act:=@ActionList[first];
- p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i)); //!!!
- p^:='/'; inc(p); // "Group#/Action#/"
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags ); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.flags);
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags2); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.flags2);
- StrCopy(p,opt_type ); DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,section,act^.actionType);
- if act^.descr<>nil then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_descr); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.descr);
- end;
- case act^.actionType of
- ACT_CONTACT: begin
- p^:=#0;
- SaveContact(act^.contact,DBBranch,section);
- end;
- ACT_SERVICE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_service); DBWriteString(0,DBBranch,section,act^.service);
- if (act^.flags and (ACF_WCURRENT or ACF_WRESULT or ACF_WPARAM))=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_wparam);
- if (act^.flags and ACF_WPARNUM)<>0 then
- SaveNumValue(section,act^.wparam,(act^.flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WPAR)<>0)
-// DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.wparam)
- else if act^.wparam<>0 then
- begin
- if (act^.flags and ACF_WSTRUCT)<>0 then
- DBWriteUTF8(0,DBBranch,section,pAnsiChar(act^.wparam))
- else if (act^.flags and ACF_WUNICODE)<>0 then
- DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,pWideChar(act^.wparam))
- else
- DBWriteString(0,DBBranch,section,PAnsiChar(act^.wparam));
- end;
- end;
- if (act^.flags and (ACF_LCURRENT or ACF_LRESULT or ACF_LPARAM))=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_lparam);
- if (act^.flags and ACF_LPARNUM)<>0 then
- SaveNumValue(section,act^.lparam,(act^.flags2 and ACF2_SRV_LPAR)<>0)
-// DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.lparam)
- else if act^.lparam<>0 then
- begin
- if (act^.flags and ACF_LSTRUCT)<>0 then
- DBWriteUTF8(0,DBBranch,section,pAnsiChar(act^.lparam))
- else if (act^.flags and ACF_LUNICODE)<>0 then
- DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,pWideChar(act^.lparam))
- else
- DBWriteString(0,DBBranch,section,PAnsiChar(act^.lparam));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ACT_PROGRAM: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_prg ); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.prgname);
- StrCopy(p,opt_args); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.args);
- StrCopy(p,opt_time); DBWriteDWord (0,DBBranch,section,act^.time);
- StrCopy(p,opt_show); DBWriteDWord (0,DBBranch,section,act^.show);
- end;
- ACT_TEXT: begin
- if (act^.flags and ACF_CLIPBRD)=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_text); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.text);
- if (act^.flags and ACF_FILE)<>0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_file); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.tfile);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ACT_ADVANCE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_cond ); DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,section,act^.condition);
- StrCopy(p,opt_value ); DBWriteDWord (0,DBBranch,section,act^.value);
- StrCopy(p,opt_action ); DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,section,act^.action);
- StrCopy(p,opt_operval); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.operval);
- StrCopy(p,opt_oper ); DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,section,act^.oper);
- StrCopy(p,opt_mathval); DBWriteDWord (0,DBBranch,section,act^.mathval);
- StrCopy(p,opt_varval ); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.varval);
- end;
- ACT_CHAIN: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_text); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.id);
- end;
- ACT_RW: begin
- if (act^.flags and ACF_NOCNTCT)=0 then
- begin
- p^:=#0;
- SaveContact(act^.dbcontact,DBBranch,section);
- end;
- StrCopy(p,opt_module ); DBWriteString(0,DBBranch,section,act^.dbmodule);
- StrCopy(p,opt_setting); DBWriteString(0,DBBranch,section,act^.dbsetting);
- StrCopy(p,opt_value );
- if (act^.flags and ACF_DBUTEXT)=0 then
- begin
- SaveNumValue(section,act^.dbvalue,(act^.flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)<>0);
-// DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,act^.dbvalue)
- end
- else
- DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,pWideChar(act^.dbvalue));
- end;
- ACT_MESSAGE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_msgtitle); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.msgtitle);
- StrCopy(p,opt_msgtext ); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,act^.msgtext);
- StrCopy(p,opt_boxopts ); DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,section,act^.boxopts); //!!
- end;
- end;
- inc(result);
- inc(i);
- first:=ActionList^[first].next;
- end;
-procedure SaveGroups;
- HK:pHKRecord;
- NumHK:integer;
- i,num:integer;
- section:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
- p,p1:PAnsiChar;
- Actions:integer;
-// even if crap in settings, skip on read
-// DBDeleteGroup(0,DBBranch,opt_group);
- HK:=@GroupList^;
- i:=MaxGroups;
- NumHK:=0;
- Actions:=1;
- DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,'CLformat',fCLformat);
- DBWriteByte (0,DBBranch,'CLfilter',ord(fCLfilter));
- p1:=StrCopyE(section,opt_group);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- with HK^ do
- begin
- begin
- p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,NumHK));
- p^:='/'; inc(p);
- StrCopy(p,opt_id ); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,id);
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,flags);
- StrCopy(p,opt_descr);
- if descr<>nil then
- DBWriteUnicode (0,DBBranch,section,descr)
- else
- DBDeleteSetting(0,DBBranch,section);
- p^:=#0;
- //??
- num:=SaveActions(section,firstAction);
- StrCopy(p,opt_numacts); DBWriteWord(0,DBBranch,section,num);
- inc(Actions,num);
- inc(NumHK);
- end;
- end;
- inc(HK);
- dec(i);
- end;
- DBWriteWord(0,DBBranch,opt_numhk ,NumHK);
- DBWriteWord(0,DBBranch,opt_numacts,Actions-1);
-//----- Load settings -----
-function LoadNumValue(setting:pAnsiChar;isvar:boolean):uint_ptr;
- if isvar then
- result:=uint_ptr(DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,setting,nil))
- else
- result:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,setting);
-function LoadActions(section:pAnsiChar;count:integer):integer;
- p,p1:PAnsiChar;
- act:tHKAction;
- i,num,oldnum:integer;
- result:=0;
- p1:=StrCopyE(StrEnd(section),opt_actions); // "Group#/Action"
- oldnum:=0;
- for i:=1 to count do
- begin
- p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i));
- p^:='/'; inc(p); // "Group#/Action#/"
- FillChar(act,SizeOf(act),0);
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags ); act.flags :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section,0);
- if (act.flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags2); act.flags2 :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section,0);
- StrCopy(p,opt_descr ); act.descr :=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- StrCopy(p,opt_type ); act.actionType:=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,section,ACT_CONTACT);
- case act.actionType of
- ACT_CONTACT: begin
- p^:=#0;
- end;
- ACT_SERVICE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_service);
- act.service:=DBReadString(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- if (act.flags and (ACF_WCURRENT or ACF_WRESULT or ACF_WPARAM))=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_wparam);
- if (act.flags and ACF_WPARNUM)<>0 then
- act.wparam:=LoadNumValue(section,(act.flags2 and ACF2_SRV_WPAR)<>0)
- else if (act.flags and ACF_WSTRUCT)<>0 then
- act.wparam:=wparam(DBReadUTF8(0,DBBranch,section,nil))
- else if (act.flags and ACF_WUNICODE)<>0 then
- act.wparam:=wparam(DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil))
- else
- act.wparam:=wparam(DBReadString (0,DBBranch,section,nil));
- end;
- if (act.flags and (ACF_LCURRENT or ACF_LRESULT or ACF_LPARAM))=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_lparam);
- if (act.flags and ACF_LPARNUM)<>0 then
- act.lparam:=LoadNumValue(section,(act.flags2 and ACF2_SRV_LPAR)<>0)
- // act.lparam:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,section,0)
- else if (act.flags and ACF_LSTRUCT)<>0 then
- act.lparam:=lparam(DBReadUTF8(0,DBBranch,section,nil))
- else if (act.flags and ACF_LUNICODE)<>0 then
- act.lparam:=lparam(DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil))
- else
- act.lparam:=lparam(DBReadString(0,DBBranch,section,nil));
- end;
- end;
- ACT_PROGRAM: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_prg ); act.prgname:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- StrCopy(p,opt_args); act.args :=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- StrCopy(p,opt_time); act.time :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section,0);
- StrCopy(p,opt_show); :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section,SW_SHOW);
- end;
- ACT_TEXT: begin
- if (act.flags and ACF_CLIPBRD)=0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_text); act.text:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- if (act.flags and ACF_FILE)<>0 then
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_file); act.tfile:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ACT_ADVANCE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_cond ); act.condition:=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_value ); act.value :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_action ); act.action :=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_oper ); act.oper :=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_mathval); act.mathval :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_operval); act.operval :=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_varval ); act.varval :=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section);
- end;
- ACT_CHAIN: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_text);,DBBranch,section);
- end;
- ACT_RW: begin
- if (act.flags and ACF_NOCNTCT)=0 then
- begin
- p^:=#0;
- act.dbcontact:=LoadContact(DBBranch,section);
- end;
- StrCopy(p,opt_module ); act.dbmodule :=DBReadString(0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_setting); act.dbsetting:=DBReadString(0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_value );
- if (act.flags and ACF_DBUTEXT)=0 then
- act.dbvalue:=LoadNumValue(section,(act.flags2 and ACF2_RW_TVAR)<>0)
- else
- act.dbvalue:=uint_ptr(DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section));
- end;
- ACT_MESSAGE: begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_msgtitle); act.msgtitle:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_msgtext ); act.msgtext :=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_boxopts ); act.boxopts :=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,section);
- end;
- end;
- num:=NewAction(ActionList,MaxActions);
- move(act,ActionList^[num],SizeOf(tHKAction));
- if i=1 then
- result:=num
- else
- ActionList^[oldnum].next:=num;
- oldnum:=num;
- end;
- end;
-procedure LoadGroups;
- HK:pHKRecord;
- i,num:cardinal;
- p,p1:PAnsiChar;
- section:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
- NumGroups,NumActions:cardinal;
-{ remove doubling - no need? (called just once)
- if MaxGroups>0 then
- begin
- while MaxGroups>0 do
- begin
- FreeGroup(MaxGroups);
- dec(MaxGroups);
- end;
- FreeMem(GroupList);
- end;
- NumGroups:=DBReadWord(0,DBBranch,opt_numhk,HKListPage);
- if NumGroups<HKListPage then
- MaxGroups:=HKListPage
- else
- MaxGroups:=NumGroups;
- GetMem (GroupList ,MaxGroups*SizeOf(tHKRecord));
- FillChar(GroupList^,MaxGroups*SizeOf(tHKRecord),0);
-{ remove doubling - no need? (called just once)
- if MaxActions<>0 then
- begin
- act:=@ActionList[1];
- while MaxActions>0 do
- begin
- FreeAction(act);
- inc(act);
- dec(MaxActions);
- end;
- FreeMem(ActionList);
- end;
- NumActions:=DBReadWord(0,DBBranch,opt_numacts,ActListPage);
- if NumActions<ActListPage then
- MaxActions:=ActListPage
- else
- MaxActions:=NumActions+1;
- GetMem (ActionList ,MaxActions*SizeOf(tHKAction));
- FillChar(ActionList^,MaxActions*SizeOf(tHKAction),0);
- HK:=@GroupList^; //??
- i:=0;
- p1:=StrCopyE(section,opt_group);
- while i<NumGroups do
- begin
- p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i));
- p^:='/'; inc(p);
- StrCopy(p,opt_flags);
- with HK^ do
- begin
- flags:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,section,0{integer(ACF_ASSIGNED or ACF_DISABLED)});
- if (flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then // not needed in normal cases
- begin
- StrCopy(p,opt_id ); id :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section);
- StrCopy(p,opt_descr); descr:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
- if descr=nil then
- StrDupW(descr,TranslateW('No description'));
- StrCopy(p,opt_numacts); num:=DBReadWord(0,DBBranch,section);
- p^:=#0;
- firstAction:=LoadActions(section,num);
- end;
- end;
- inc(HK);
- inc(i);
- end;
- fCLfilter:=DBReadByte (0,DBBranch,'CLfilter',0)<>0;
- fCLformat:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,'CLformat');