path: root/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI')
46 files changed, 6061 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/imgdecoder.pas b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/imgdecoder.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eea6ec2610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/imgdecoder.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+unit ImgDecoder;
+uses Windows;
+function IsImgDecoderAvailable:boolean;
+function ImgNewDecoder(var pDecoder:pointer):dword;
+function ImgDeleteDecoder(pDecoder:pointer):dword;
+function ImgNewDIBFromFile(pDecoder:pointer;Filename:PAnsiChar;var pImg:pointer):dword;
+function ImgDeleteDIBSection(pImg:pointer):dword;
+function ImgGetHandle(pImg:pointer;var pBitmap:HBITMAP;var ppDIBBits:pointer):dword;
+ hModule:THANDLE=0;
+ tImgNewDecoder =function(var pDecoder:pointer):dword; stdcall;
+ tImgDeleteDecoder =function(pDecoder:pointer):dword; stdcall;
+ tImgNewDIBFromFile =function(pDecoder:pointer;Filename:PAnsiChar;var pImg):dword; stdcall;
+ tImgDeleteDIBSection=function(pImg:pointer):dword; stdcall;
+ tImgGetHandle =function(pImg:pointer;var pBitmap:HBITMAP;var ppDIBBits:pointer):dword; stdcall;
+ pImgNewDecoder :tImgNewDecoder = nil;
+ pImgDeleteDecoder :tImgDeleteDecoder = nil;
+ pImgNewDIBFromFile :tImgNewDIBFromFile = nil;
+ pImgDeleteDIBSection:tImgDeleteDIBSection = nil;
+ pImgGetHandle :tImgGetHandle = nil;
+function IsImgDecoderAvailable:boolean;
+ result:=hModule<>0;
+function ImgNewDecoder(var pDecoder:pointer):dword;
+ if @pImgNewDecoder<>nil then
+ result:=pImgNewDecoder(pDecoder)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function ImgDeleteDecoder(pDecoder:pointer):dword;
+ if @pImgDeleteDecoder<>nil then
+ result:=pImgDeleteDecoder(pDecoder)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function ImgNewDIBFromFile(pDecoder:pointer;Filename:PAnsiChar;var pImg:pointer):dword;
+ if @pImgNewDecoder<>nil then
+ result:=pImgNewDIBFromFile(pDecoder,Filename,pImg)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function ImgDeleteDIBSection(pImg:pointer):dword;
+ if @pImgNewDecoder<>nil then
+ result:=pImgDeleteDIBSection(pImg)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function ImgGetHandle(pImg:pointer;var pBitmap:HBITMAP;var ppDIBBits:pointer):dword;
+ if @pImgGetHandle<>nil then
+ result:=pImgGetHandle(pImg,pBitmap,ppDIBBits)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ hModule:=LoadLibrary('imgdecoder.dll');
+ if hModule=0 then
+ hModule:=LoadLibrary('plugins\imgdecoder.dll');
+ if hModule<>0 then
+ begin
+ pImgNewDecoder :=GetProcAddress(hModule, 'ImgNewDecoder');
+ pImgDeleteDecoder :=GetProcAddress(hModule, 'ImgDeleteDecoder');
+ pImgNewDIBFromFile :=GetProcAddress(hModule, 'ImgNewDIBFromFile');
+ pImgDeleteDIBSection:=GetProcAddress(hModule, 'ImgDeleteDIBSection');
+ pImgGetHandle :=GetProcAddress(hModule, 'ImgGetHandle');
+ end;
+ if hModule<>0 then
+ FreeLibrary(hModule);
+{ Sample of using
+ pDecoder:pointer;
+ pImg:pointer;
+ bitmap:HBITMAP;
+ pBits:pointer;
+ if IsImgDecoderAvailable then
+ begin
+ ImgNewDecoder(pDecoder);
+ if ImgNewDIBFromFile(pDecoder,PAnsiChar(ParamStr(1)),pImg)<>0 then
+ begin
+ ImgGetHandle(pImg,bitmap,pBits);
+// action
+ ImgDeleteDIBSection(pImg);
+ end;
+ ImgDeleteDecoder(pDecoder);
+ end;
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71bfcc059d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ DataAsMessage plugin for Miranda IM
+ Copyright (c) 2006 Chervov Dmitry
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// DAM_SENDRESULTINFO::iResult values
+ DAM_SR_TIMEOUT = 1; // timeout period expired; this value is returned
+ // also if the contact went offline for a time
+ // longer than a timeout period
+ DAM_SR_NOTSUPPORTED = 2; // means this szDataType is not supported by the
+ // remote side
+ DAM_SR_NODAM = 3; // means there is no DataAsMessage plugin on the
+ // remote side; keep in mind that this error may
+ // also appear accidentally because of a bad
+ // connectivity during the handshake (if there
+ // was a timeout when waiting for a response)
+ DAM_SR_CANCELLEDLOCAL = 4; // cancelled from the local(sending) side
+ DAM_SR_CANCELLEDREMOTE = 5; // cancelled from the remote(receiving) side
+ DAM_SR_BADCRC = 6; // bad CRC; we can't do anything with this error. presumably, it will happen rarely, and the most probable cause is the protocol that filters some of characters in our messages OR it may be a bug in DataAsMessage plugin (hopefully not ;) ).
+ DAM_SR_UNKNOWN = 7; // unknown error
+// Return values for DAM_SENDRESULTPROC
+// hContact, szDataType and SessionID fields correspond to the fields of the
+// DAM_SENDDATAINFO structure
+ cbSize :int; // sizeof(DAM_SENDRESULTINFO)
+ hContact :THANDLE;
+ szDataType:PAnsiChar;
+ SessionID :dword;
+ iResult :int; // transmission result code
+ end;
+// this procedure receives the result of the transmission. it's called when the
+// session closes (either the data was sent successfully or there was an error)
+// you can return DAM_SRA_RETRY when iResult is DAM_SR_TIMEOUT if you want to
+// retry sending
+// DAM_SENDDATAINFO::Flags constants
+ DAM_SDF_DONTPACK = 1; // don't pack the data (by default all the data is packed)
+ DAM_SDF_NOTIMEOUT = 2; // don't generate a timeout error ever, keep trying to
+ // send the data. If the contact is offline, the data
+ // is saved in the memory until the contact goes online.
+ // Loss of the data occurs only if the sender's miranda
+ // closes (this may change in future to allow fully
+ // functional offline sending that will guarantee the
+ // data to be sent in any case, but of course the
+ // sending starts only when the both contacts are
+ // online). other errors than the timeout error can be
+ // still generated though.
+ cbSize :int; // sizeof(DAM_SENDDATAINFO)
+ hContact :THANDLE;
+ szDataType:PAnsiChar; // zero-terminated string, containing data type,
+ // preferably in format "YourPluginName" or
+ // "YourPluginName/Something" (make sure this string
+ // won't coincide by an accident with someone else's
+ // string!). you can identify your data by this ID later
+ nDataLen :int; // keep in mind that if the length is too big (more than
+ // about 8 KB), it's more preferable to split your data
+ // into several chunks, as you won't be able to "pick
+ // up" your data at the other end until all the data is
+ // transferred
+ cData :PAnsiChar;
+ Flags :int; // combination of the DAM_SDF_ constants
+ SendAfterSessionID:dword; // may be NULL; otherwise it's guaranteed that the
+ // sending starts only after successful completion
+ // of SendAfterSessionID session
+ SendResultProc:TDAM_SENDRESULTPROC; // pointer to a procedure that receives
+ // the result; can be NULL
+ SessionID :dword; // OUT; receives the session ID
+ end;
+// MS_DAM_SENDDATA return values
+ DAM_SDA_NOTSUPPORTED = -1; // contact's protocol doesn't support sending/
+ // receiving messages
+ DAM_SDA_TOOMANYSESSIONS = -2; // too many sessions
+// sends the data
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(DAM_SENDDATAINFO*)sdi;
+// lParam = 0
+// Returns 0 (DAM_SDA_NOERROR) and fills SessionID if the session was queued for sending successfully; returns one of the DAM_SDA_ values on failure
+ MS_DAM_SENDDATA = 'DataAsMessage/SendData';
+function DAMSendData(hContact:THANDLE; szDataType:PAnsiChar; nDataLen:int;
+ cData:PAnsiChar; Flags:int; SendAfterSessionID:dword;
+ SendResultProc:TDAM_SENDRESULTPROC;pSessionID:pdword):int;
+ FillChar(sdi,SizeOf(sdi),0);
+ sdi.cbSize :=SizeOf(sdi);
+ sdi.hContact :=hContact;
+ sdi.szDataType:=szDataType;
+ sdi.nDataLen :=nDataLen;
+ sdi.cData :=cData;
+ sdi.Flags :=Flags;
+ sdi.SendAfterSessionID:=SendAfterSessionID;
+ sdi.SendResultProc :=SendResultProc;
+ Result:=CallService(MS_DAM_SENDDATA,dword(@sdi),0);
+ if pSessionID<>nil then
+ pSessionID^:=sdi.SessionID;
+ cbSize :int; // sizeof(DAM_RECVDATAINFO)
+ hContact :THANDLE;
+ szDataType:PAnsiChar;
+ nDataLen :int;
+ cData :PAnsiChar;
+ end;
+// hook up to this event to check for incoming data
+// make sure rdi->szDataType is yours before doing anything!
+// The important thing here is that your plugin will receive TWO ME_DAM_RECVDATA notifications on every single MS_DAM_SENDDATA call from a remote side:
+// The first notification arrives when the remote side starts to transmit the data. In this case DAM_RECVDATAINFO::cData = NULL (and DAM_RECVDATAINFO::nDataLen = -1) as we didn't receive any data yet. Return 1 to indicate that your plugin recognized the DAM_RECVDATAINFO::szDataType, otherwise return 0. If there are no any plugin that recognized the data, DAM cancels the transfer and there won't be any second notification for it.
+// The second notification is when the data is transmitted successfully. nDataLen contains the usual data size and cData points to the data buffer. cData is guaranteed to be valid only during the ME_DAM_RECVDATA call. You must copy the data to your own plugin's memory if you need it later. again, return 1 to indicate that your plugin recognized the data, otherwise return 0
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(DAM_RECVDATAINFO*)rdi;
+// lParam = 0
+ ME_DAM_RECVDATA = 'DataAsMessage/RecvData';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
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index 0000000000..f16005fe51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ cbSize :size_t;
+ hWnd :HWND;
+ szFilename :TChar;
+ dwBackColor:COLORREF;
+ nHeight :int;
+ dwFlags :dword;
+ end;
+ MS_INSERTANISMILEY :PAnsiChar = 'mAnimator/InsertSmiley';
+ function InsertAnimatedSmiley(wnd:HWND;filename:TChar;Back:TCOLORREF;height:int):bool;
+ const
+ bServiceExists:int=-1
+ var
+ begin
+ if bServiceExists=-1 then
+ bServiceExists:=ServiceExists(MS_INSERTANISMILEY);
+ if bServiceExists=0 then
+ result:=false
+ else
+ begin
+ ias.cbSize :=SizeOf(TINSERTANISMILEY);
+ ias.hWnd :=wnd;
+ ias.tcsFilename:=Filename.w;
+ ias.dwFlags :=IASF_UNICODE;
+ ias.nHeight :=Height;
+ ias.dwBackColor:=Back;
+ result:=CallService(MS_INSERTANISMILEY,WPARAM(@ias),0)<>0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ bool InsertAnimatedSmiley(HWND _hwnd, TCHAR * _szFilename, COLORREF _dwBack, int _nHeight)
+ {
+ static int bServiceExists=-1;
+ ias={0};
+ if (bServiceExists==-1)
+ bServiceExists=ServiceExists(MS_INSERTANISMILEY);
+ if (!bServiceExists) return FALSE;
+ ias.cbSize=sizeof(INSERTANISMILEY);
+ ias.hWnd=_hwnd;
+ ias.tcsFilename=_szFilename;
+ ias.dwFlags=IASF_TCHAR;
+ ias.nHeight=_nHeight;
+ ias.dwBackColor=_dwBack;
+ return (bool) CallService(MS_INSERTANISMILEY,(WPARAM)&ias, 0);
+ };
+ NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE is WM_NOTIFY Message for notify parent of host window about smiley are going to be repaint
+ The proposed action is next: Owner of RichEdit windows received NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE through WM_NOTIFY
+ twice first time before painting|invalidating (FVCN_PREFIRE) and second time - after (FVCN_POSTFIRE).
+ The Owner window may change any values of received FVCNDATA_NMHDR structure in order to raise needed action.
+ For example it may substitute FVCA_INVALIDATE to FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW event to force painting on self offscreen context.
+ It can be:
+ FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW - in this case you need to provide valid HDC to draw on and valid RECT of smiley
+ FVCA_INVALIDATE - to invalidate specified rect of window
+ FVCA_NONE - skip any action. But be aware - animation will be stopped till next repainting of smiley.
+ FVCA_SENDVIEWCHANGE - to notify richedit ole about object changed. Be aware Richedit will fully reconstruct itself
+ Another point is moment of received smiley rect - it is only valid if FVCA_DRAW is initially set,
+ and it is PROBABLY valid if FVCA_INVALIDATE is set. And it most probably invalid in case of FVCA_SENDVIEWCHANGE.
+ The smiley position is relative last full paint HDC. Usually it is relative to top-left corner of host
+ richedit (NOT it client area) in windows coordinates.
+// Type of Event one of
+// Action of event are going to be done
+ FVCA_NONE = 0;
+ FVCA_DRAW = 1; // do not modify hdc in case of _DRAW, Use _CUSTOMDRAW
+// Extended NMHDR structure for WM_NOTIFY
+ //NMHDR structure
+ hwndFrom :HWND; // Window of smiley host
+ idFrom :uint_ptr; // ignored
+ code :uint; // NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE
+ cbSize :size_t;
+ bEvent :byte; // FVCN_ value - pre- or post- painting
+ bAction :byte; // FVCA_ keys
+ hDC :HDC; // Canvas to draw on
+ rcRect :TRECT; // Valid/should be in case of FVCA_DRAW
+ clrBackground:TCOLORREF; // color to fill background if fTransparent is not set
+ fTransparent :bool; // if need to fill back color
+ lParam :LPARAM; // used by host window PreFire and PostFire event
+ end;
+// Code of WM_NOTIFY message (code)
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
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index 0000000000..bc1d528463
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+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ AutoReplacer plugin
+ by Angelo Luiz Tartari
+ Adds a window handle to AutoReplacer.
+ This handle must belong to any window based on a editbox (editbox, richtext, TMemo, TEdit, TMaskEdit, etc.).
+ After adding a handle, AutoReplacer will automatically work on this window.
+ wParam = 0
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)hwnd
+ Returns: 0 on success, -1 if hwnd is invalid, 1 on error.
+ Removes a window handle from AutoReplacer's list.
+ wParam = 0
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)hwnd
+ Returns: 0 on success, -1 if hwnd is invalid, 1 if hwnd wasn't found.
+ function autoreplacer_AddWinHandle(hwnd: HWND): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := CallService(MS_AUTOREPLACER_ADDWINHANDLE, 0, LPARAM(hwnd));
+ end;
+ function autoreplacer_RemWinHandle(hwnd: HWND): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := CallService(MS_AUTOREPLACER_REMWINHANDLE, 0, LPARAM(hwnd));
+ end;
+{$ENDIF} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
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index 0000000000..1b21717753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2005 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+{ Contactdir module was created on 2005/05/17,
+ -- How you use this module as a protocol --
+ On Load() Register your protocol with the setting name that stores unique IDs, example:
+ if ( ContactDir_SupportExists() ) g_Atom=ContactDir_Register("ICQ", "UIN");
+ This will register your protocol and walk the database looking for all contacts on PROTOCOL_NAME which have
+ a "UIN" setting and store it in memory (converting to a string as needed) You of course have to
+ provide fallback if the services don't exist, it's an idea to keep existing code for that.
+ -
+ When you add a new contact via MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, you must register it with your protocol atom too, via
+ ContactDir_AddContact(atom, "UIN #", hContact) and when it is deleted ContactDir_RemoveContact(atom, "UIN #")
+ -
+ To find a contact, use ContactDir_Lookup(atom, "ICQ #") which will return the hContact.
+ cbSize :int;
+ szProto :PAnsiChar;
+ szSetting:PAnsiChar;
+ atom :THANDLE; // out arg
+ end;
+ wParam: 0
+ Affect: Register a given protocol and it's setting name which contains the unique key entry. e.g. ("ICQ", "UIN")
+ and return a HANDLE for use with other lookup services.
+ Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure -- a returned handle is in .atom
+ Note: The directory will convert dword values into string representations but will not do this for bytes or words
+ used as IDs -- the protocol has to convert the IDs itself (:
+ Note: See ContactDir_Register() for a quicker way.
+ *** WARNING ***: This service does not expect the given module name to have registered as a protocol module, it
+ completely bypasses this information.
+ Version: (2005/05/17+)
+ MS_CONTACTDIR_REGISTER = 'ContactDir/Register';
+ cbSize :int;
+ atom :THANDLE; // Atom handle from MS_CONTACTDIR_REGISTER
+ szID :PAnsiChar; // in: value you wish to find (makes its own copy if needed)
+ hContact:THANDLE; // out: hContact associated with szID, if any.
+ end;
+ wParam: 0
+ Affect: Given an atom and string ID, will find the associated DB hContact value
+ Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ Version: (2005/05/17+)
+ Note: ContactDir_Lookup() helper macro might be of use.
+ MS_CONTACTDIR_LOOKUP = 'ContactDir/Lookup';
+ wParam: 0
+ Affect: Add a contact to a protocol atom association.
+ Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ Version: (2005/05/17+)
+ Note: You must call this when you create a contact with MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, see ContactDir_AddContact()
+ MS_CONTACTDIR_ADDCONTACT = 'ContactDir/AddContact';
+ wParam: 0
+ Affect: Remove a contact to a protocol atom association.
+ Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ Version: (2005/05/17+)
+ Note: see ContactDir_RemoveContact()
+ MS_CONTACTDIR_REMOVECONTACT = 'ContactDir/RemoveContact';
+/* -- Helper functions -- */
+static int ContactDir_SupportExists(void)
+ return ServiceExists(MS_CONTACTDIR_REGISTER);
+// Only take as valid if ContactDir_SupportExists() returns true.
+static HANDLE ContactDir_Register(AnsiChar * szProto, AnsiChar * szSetting)
+ cd.szProto=szProto;
+ cd.szSetting=szSetting;
+ cd.atom=NULL;
+ return cd.atom;
+static __inline HANDLE ContactDir_Lookup(HANDLE atom, AnsiChar * szID)
+ f.cbSize=sizeof(f);
+ f.atom=atom;
+ f.szID=szID;
+ f.hContact=NULL;
+ return f.hContact;
+static __inline void ContactDir_AddContact(HANDLE atom, AnsiChar * szID, HANDLE hContact)
+ c.atom=atom;
+ c.szID=szID;
+ c.hContact=hContact;
+static __inline void ContactDir_RemoveContact(HANDLE atom, AnsiChar * szID)
+ c.atom=atom;
+ c.szID=szID;
+ c.hContact=NULL;
+{$ENDIF} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..77ac666967
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2007 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+{ DB/SetPassword v0.5.1.3+
+ This service is used to set, change or clear the password used for encrypting the profile.
+ It opens the password change dialog.
+ wParam=0
+ lParam=0
+ MS_DB_SETPASSWORD = 'DB/SetPassword';
+{ DB/Backup v0.5.1.3+
+ This service will make a backup of your current profile. Backups are named
+ <ProfileName> xx.bak where xx is the number of backups. The larger the number, the
+ older the backup.
+ wParam=0
+ lParam=0
+ MS_DB_BACKUP = 'DB/Backup';
+{ DB/Backup v0.5.1.3+
+ This service is the trigger action service and does the same as the service above.
+ Only difference is wParam carries flags from trigger plugin.
+ wParam=flags
+ lParam=0
+ MS_DB_BACKUPTRIGGER = 'DB/BackupTriggerAct';
+{ DB/GetProfilePath(W) v0.5.1.5+
+ Gets the path of the profile currently being used by the database module. This
+ path does not include the last '\'. It is appended with the profile's name if
+ ProfileSubDir=yes is set in the mirandaboot.ini.
+ wParam=(WPARAM)(int)cbName
+ lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)pszName
+ pszName is a pointer to the buffer that receives the path of the profile
+ cbName is the size in bytes of the pszName buffer
+ Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise
+{ DB/GetProfilePathBasic(W) v0.5.1.5+
+ Gets the path of the profile currently being used by the database module. This
+ path does not include the last '\'. This is never appended with the profile's name.
+ wParam=(WPARAM)(int)cbName
+ lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)pszName
+ pszName is a pointer to the buffer that receives the path of the profile
+ cbName is the size in bytes of the pszName buffer
+ Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise
+{$ENDIF} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..553194eee2
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2006 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Returns the status message for a status
+// wParam=(word) 0 for current status or a status
+// lParam=0
+// Returns status msg or NULL if there is none. The protocol have to handle only the current
+// status. Handling messages for other statuses is optional.
+// Remember to mir_free the return value
+ PS_GETMYAWAYMSG = '/GetMyAwayMsg';
+// Created if ersatz is installed
+// wParam=0
+// lParam=0
+// returns always 1
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+ FUSE_INIT = 0; // core started, Param=**FUSE_LINK
+ FUSE_DEINIT = 1; // core stopped
+ FUSE_DEFMOD = 3; // LoadDefaultModules() return code, Param=*int
+ FUSE_DEATH = 4; // DestroyingModularEngine() just got called
+ TFUSE_LINK = record
+ cbSize : longint;
+ CreateHookableEvent : function (para1:PAnsiChar):THANDLE;cdecl;
+ DestroyHookableEvent : function (para1:THANDLE):longint;cdecl;
+ NotifyEventHooks : function (para1:THANDLE; para2:WPARAM; para3:LPARAM):longint;cdecl;
+ HookEvent : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:TMIRANDAHOOK):THANDLE;cdecl;
+ HookEventMessage : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:HWND; para3:dword):THANDLE;cdecl;
+ UnhookEvent : function (para1:THANDLE):longint;cdecl;
+ CreateServiceFunction : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:TMIRANDASERVICE):THANDLE;cdecl;
+ CreateTransientServiceFunction : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:TMIRANDASERVICE):THANDLE;cdecl;
+ DestroyServiceFunction : function (para1:THANDLE):longint;cdecl;
+ CallService : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:WPARAM; para3:LPARAM):longint;cdecl;
+ ServiceExists : function (para1:PAnsiChar):longint;cdecl; {v0.1.0.1+ }
+ CallServiceSync : function (para1:PAnsiChar; para2:WPARAM; para3:LPARAM):longint;cdecl; {v0.1.2.2+ }
+ end;
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/m_help(plugin).inc b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/m_help(plugin).inc
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index 0000000000..0eb63615d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/m_help(plugin).inc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Miranda IM Help Plugin
+Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Hughes, 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program (Help-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Help Plugin
+ All services in here except MS_HELP_SHOWLANGDIALOG should be thread-safe,
+ you can call them from any thread
+{ interface id }
+ MIID_HELP: TGUID = '{302660C5-1BF6-4054-A79F-77B1965D6F48}';
+{ Enable/disable the help context menu for a specific control. v0.2.0.0+
+Note: You normally do not need to call this, read below.
+You can can use this to deactivate the appearance of the help context menu
+being shown when the user right clicks on an control.
+You can use this service to disable the context menu.
+You do *not* need to use this service when you would like to show
+a context menu by yourself, just handle WM_CONTEXTMENU correctly instead.
+You need to return TRUE in your DlgProc or 0 in your WndProc, indicating 'message handled'.
+The context menu is disabled by default on the following controls (looks silly on multi-component controls):
+ListView, TreeView, Statusbar, Toolbar, CLC
+AutoTips are disabled by default for controls stating DLGC_WANTALLKEYS or DLGC_HASSETSEL at
+WM_GETDLGCODE (autotips are annoying on edits).
+ wParam : (HWND)hwndCtl
+ lParam : flags (see below)
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure
+ MS_HELP_SETCONTEXTSTATE = 'Help/SetContextState';
+ HCSF_CONTEXTMENU = $01; // show help context menu for this control
+ HCSF_AUTOTIP = $02; // show automatic help tip on hover for this control
+ // only works for non-editable
+{ Show a help tooltip for a specific control or dialog. v0.2.0.0+
+You can call this if you would like to show help at a specific time.
+ wParam : (HWND)hwndCtl
+ lParam : 0
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure.
+The service fails when the help tooltip cannot be instantiated.
+ MS_HELP_SHOWHELP = 'Help/ShowHelp';
+{ Show the download language dialog. v0.2.1.0+
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+The dialog can't have a parent due to it's asynchronous nature.
+If the language window is already opened it will be
+brought to front instead (returns success).
+Returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
+ MS_HELP_SHOWLANGDIALOG = 'Help/ShowLangDialog';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae582f0eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_DEFAULT = 1 shl 0; // Is a miranda core event type
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_SHOW_IM_SRMM = 1 shl 1; // If this event has to be shown in srmm dialog
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_USE_SENT_FLAG = 1 shl 2; // Means that it can be a sent or received and uses DBEF_SENT to mark that
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_EXPECT_CONTACT_NAME_BEFORE = 1 shl 3; // Means that who is drawing this should draw the contact name before the text
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_ONLY_LOG_IF_SRMM_OPEN = 1 shl 4; // If this event will be logged only if the message window is open
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_FLASH_MSG_WINDOW = 1 shl 5; // If this event will trigger the openning/flashing of the message window
+ HISTORYEVENTS_REGISTERED_IN_ICOLIB = 9 shl 16; // If the icon is a name already registered in icolib
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_ONE_YEAR = 1 shl 8; // By default store in db for 1 year
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_SIX_MONTHS = 2 shl 8; // By default store in db for 6 months
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_ONE_MONTH = 3 shl 8; // By default store in db for 1 month
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_ONE_WEEK = 4 shl 8; // By default store in db for 1 week
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_ONE_DAY = 5 shl 8; // By default store in db for 1 day
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_FOR_SRMM = 6 shl 8; // By default store in db only enought for message log
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_MAX_TEN = 7 shl 8; // By default store in db max 10 entries
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_MAX_HUNDRED = 8 shl 8; // By default store in db for 100 entries
+ HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_KEEP_DONT = 9 shl 8; // By default don't store in db (aka ignore it)
+// This function must be implemented by subscribers. It must return a pointer or NULL
+// to say it can't handle the text
+ fGetHistoryEventText = function(hContact:THANDLE; hDbEvent:THANDLE;
+ dbe:PDBEVENTINFO; format:int):pointer; cdecl;
+ cbSize :int;
+ module :PAnsiChar;
+ name :PAnsiChar; // Internal event name
+ description:PAnsiChar; // Will be translated. When retrieving it is already translated
+ eventType :word; // The event type it can handle
+ defaultIcon:HICON; // PAnsiChar= icon name if HISTORYEVENTS_REGISTERED_IN_ICOLIB is set.
+ // Always use this one when retrieving
+ supports :int; // What kind of return is supported - or of HISTORYEVENTS_FORMAT_*
+ flags :int; // or of HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_*
+ pfGetHistoryEventText:fGetHistoryEventText; // NULL to use default get text (similar to message, without extra format)
+ // Aditional data if wants to use add to history services
+ templates:^PAnsiChar; // Each entry is: "Name\nDefault\n%var%\tDescription\n%var%\tDescription\n%var%\tDescription"
+ numTemplates:int;
+ end;
+ Get the number of registered events
+ wParam: ignored
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: The number of events registered with the plugin
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_GET_COUNT:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/GetCount';
+ Get an event by number or by type.
+ To retrieve by number, pass -1 as type. To retrieve by type, pass -1 as number.
+ wParam: (int) event number
+ lParam: (int) event type
+ Return: (const HISTORY_EVENT_HANDLER *) if the event exists, NULL otherwise. Don't change the
+ returned strunc: it is a pointer to the internall struct.
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_GET_EVENT:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/GetEvent';
+ Register a plugin that can handle an event type. This must be called during the call to the
+ Load function of the plugin. In ModulesLoaded callback all plugins have to be already
+ registered, so srmm and history modules can query then.
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: 0 for success
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_REGISTER:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/Register';
+ cbSize :int;
+ hDbEvent:THANDLE;
+ dbe :PDBEVENTINFO; // Optional
+ format :int; // one of HISTORYEVENTS_FORMAT_*
+ end;
+ Check if an event can be handled by any subscribers
+ wParam: WORD - event type
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: BOOL
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_CAN_HANDLE:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/CanHandle';
+ Get the icon for a history event type
+ wParam: WORD - event type
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: HICON - after use free with MS_HISTORYEVENTS_RELEASE_ICON
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_GET_ICON:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/GetIcon';
+ Get the flags for a history event type
+ wParam: WORD - event type
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: int - or of HISTORYEVENTS_FLAG_* or -1 if error
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_GET_FLAGS:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/GetFlags';
+ Release the icon for a history event type. This is really just a forward to icolib
+ wParam: HICON
+ lParam: ignored
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_RELEASE_ICON:PAnsiChar = 'Skin2/Icons/ReleaseIcon';
+ Get the text for a history event type
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: char * or wchar * depending on sent flags. Free with mir_free or MS_HISTORYEVENTS_RELEASE_TEXT
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_GET_TEXT:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/GetText';
+ Release the text for a history event type. Internally is just a call to mir_free
+ wParam: char * or wchar *
+ lParam: ignored
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_RELEASE_TEXT:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/ReleaseText';
+ cbSize :int;
+ hContact :THANDLE;
+ eventType :word;
+ templateNum :int;
+ variables :^PTCHAR; // TCHAR **variables
+ numVariables :int;
+ additionalData :pbyte;
+ additionalDataSize:int;
+ flags :int; // Flags for the event type
+ end;
+ Add an registered event to the history. This is a helper service
+ lParam: ignored
+ Return: HANDLE to the db event
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_ADD_TO_HISTORY:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/AddToHistory';
+ Check if a template is enabled
+ wParam: event type
+ lParam: template num
+ Return: TRUE or FALSE
+ MS_HISTORYEVENTS_IS_ENABLED_TEMPLATE:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryEvents/IsEnabledTemplate';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0157443e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ This file is a description of the interface between the Miranda Scripting
+ Plugin (MSP) and IRC. It is mainly an internal draft.
+ The MSP is a powerful PHP based scripting engine
+ which can automate many tasks in Miranda IM. With the implementation of
+ this interface IRC can also benefit from the advantages MSP brings. The
+ interface has been constructed by the respective authors of IRC and MSP.
+ The idea is that MSP and IRC should communicate via the interface outlined herein,
+ but MSP should "package" the data in attractive functions that can be easily
+ used by eager scripters.
+ Note that m_chat.h should be #included as the events defined therein is used in this interface
+ The IRC plugin communicates with MSP mainly through 8 (2 x 4) services which are
+ illustrated by the following matrix (MSP has 4 services and IRC 4 services):
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ | | |
+ | Incoming raw data | Data going |
+ | from server | to GUI |
+ | (before processing) | (after processing) |
+ | | |
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ | | |
+ | Outgoing raw data | Data going |
+ | to server | from GUI |
+ | (after processing) | (before processing) |
+ | | |
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ (processing refers to the IRC plugin reacting to different commands)
+//------------------------- HANDLING RAW MESSAGES ------------------------
+ The two leftmost boxes are related to data sent to and from the server in RAW form.
+ (a typical RAW message looks like this: ":nick!user@host COMMAND PARAMETERS")
+ It is very useful for scripters to be able to manipulate and add RAW streams of data.
+ The below structure is used when RAW data is generated and IRC must trigger an
+ event in MSP so the scripts can do their magic.
+ If the data is modified make sure to use MS_SYSTEM_GET_MMI and then mmi_realloc() to
+ allocate from the same heap. Do not free the data.
+ wParam= Module name
+ lParam= (LPARAM)(AnsiChar *)pszRaw
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement two services which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module Name>/InsertRawIn" //used for inserting a "fake" incoming RAW event
+ "<Module Name>/InsertRawOut" //used for inserting a "fake" outgoing RAW event
+ MS_MBOT_IRC_RAW_IN = 'MBot/IrcRawIn';
+ MS_MBOT_IRC_RAW_OUT = 'MBot/IrcRawOut';
+//------------------------- HANDLING GUI MESSAGES 1 ------------------------
+ The top rightmost box is related to data sent to the gui
+ (currently chat.dll) in the form of GCEVENT's. (see m_chat.h)
+ While maybe not as useful to the scripter, it can be useful to be able to
+ "tap into" messages to the GUI from the IRC plugin.
+ If the data is modified make sure to realloc() or similar.
+ wParam= (WPARAM) (WPARAM_GUI_IN) &wgi
+ lParam= (LPARAM)(GCEVENT *)&gce // see m_chat.h
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement a service which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module Name>/InsertGuiIn" //used for inserting a "fake" event to the GUI
+ WPARAM_GUI_IN = record
+ pszModule:PAnsiChar;
+ wParam:WPARAM;
+ end;
+ MS_MBOT_IRC_GUI_IN = 'MBot/IrcGuiIn';
+//------------------------- HANDLING GUI MESSAGES 2 ------------------------
+ The bottom rightmost box is related to data sent from the gui
+ (currently chat.dll) in the form of GCHOOKS's. Originally this is carried out in a hook,
+ but for MSP this is done via a service instead.
+ It can be useful for scripters to simulate user actions, like entering text, closing the window etc
+ If the data is modified make sure to realloc() or similar.
+ wParam= Module name
+ lParam= (LPARAM)(GCHOOK *)gch // see m_chat.h
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement a service which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module Name>/InsertGuiOut" //used for inserting a "fake" outgoing event to the GUI
+ MS_MBOT_IRC_GUI_OUT = 'MBot/IrcGuiOut';
+ MS_MBOT_REGISTERIRC = 'MBot/RegisterIRCModule';
+{$ENDIF} \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2007 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ KB_CTRL_FLAG = $10000;
+ KB_SHIFT_FLAG = $20000;
+ KB_ALT_FLAG = $40000;
+ cbSize :int; //size of the structure
+ szSection :TChar; // section name used to display key bindings in the tree view [TRANSLATED-BY-CORE]
+ pszActionName :TChar; // action name used to display key bindings in the tree view [TRANSLATED-BY-CORE]
+ pszActionGroup:PAnsiChar; // action group name used to group unique shortcuts, shortcuts cannot be duplicated within a group
+ key :array [0..4] of dword; // virtual key + KB_* flags, up to 5 different shortcuts may be defined for each action
+ flags :dword; // flags (KBDF_*)
+ action :int; // id of the action
+ end;
+{Registers action with default key bindings assigned to it.
+ wParam = (WPARAM) 0; not used
+ return: 0 on success, error code otherwise
+ MS_KEYBINDINGS_REGISTER :PAnsiChar = 'KeyBindings/Register';
+{Gets action assigned to the given key
+ key[0] and pszActionGroup in KEYBINDINGDESC should be set before calling this service
+ wParam = (WPARAM) 0; not used
+ return: 0 if action assigned to the given key was found, 1 otherwise
+ MS_KEYBINDINGS_GET :PAnsiChar = 'KeyBindings/Get';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f0079719d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+'Language Pack Manager'-Plugin for
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program (LangMan-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Language Pack Manager v1.0.2.1
+ If you have any question or extension whishes please let me know:
+ hrathh at
+{ interface id }
+ MIID_LANGMAN: TGUID = '{D80370D5-4B1E-46a8-ACA4-1FAAD79B7D1E}';
+{ Show the download language dialog. v1.0.1.2+
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+The dialog can't have a parent due to it's asynchronous nature.
+If the language window is already opened it will be
+brought to front instead (returns success).
+Returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4d10edfa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ {--------------------------------------------------- }
+ {
+ 2
+ x + 2 Pi
+ + R
+ Sin(wt)
+ Math-Module
+ Miranda Plugin by Stephan Kassemeyer
+ MathModule API - (c) Stephan Kassemeyer
+ 8 May, 2004
+ }
+ { --------- }
+ {
+ Miranda Service-functions defined by MathModule
+ call with the
+ int ( CallService)(const AnsiChar servicename,WPARAM,LPARAM)
+ that you get from miranda when Miranda calls the
+ Load(PLUGINLINK link)
+ of your PlugIn-dll
+ the CallService function then is:
+ link->CallServiceSync(Servicename,wparam,lparam)
+ }
+ { --------- }
+ MATH_RTF_REPLACE_FORMULAE = 'Math/RtfReplaceFormulae';
+ { replace all formulas in a RichEdit with bitmaps. }
+ { wParam = 0 }
+ { lParam = *TMathRichedit Info }
+ { return: TRUE if replacement succeeded, FALSE if not (disable by user?). }
+ { handle of richedit. }
+ { NULL: replace all. }
+ PMathRicheditInfo = ^TMathRicheditInfo;
+ TMathRicheditInfo = record
+ hwndRichEditControl : HWND;
+ disableredraw : int;
+ end;
+ { WARNING: !!! }
+ { Strange things happen if you use this function twice on the same CHARRANGE: }
+ { if Math-startDelimiter == Math-endDelimiter, there is the following problem: }
+ { it might be that someone forgot an endDelimiter, this results in a lonesome startdelimiter. }
+ { if you try to MATH_REPLACE_FORMULAE the second time, startDelimiters and endDelimiters are mixed up. }
+ { The same problem occours if we have empty formulae, because two succeding delimiters are }
+ { replaced with a single delimiter. }
+ MATH_GET_STARTDELIMITER = 'Math/GetStartDelimiter';
+ { returns the delimiter that marks the beginning of a formula }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=0 }
+ { result=*AnsiChar Delimiter }
+ { !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER }
+ MATH_GETENDDELIMITER = 'Math/GetEndDelimiter';
+ { returns the delimiter that marks the end of a formula }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=0 }
+ { result=*AnsiChar Delimiter }
+ { !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER }
+ MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER = 'Math/FreeRTFBitmapText';
+ { deletes any buffer that MathModule has created. }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(*AnsiChar) buffer }
+ { result=0 }
+ MATH_SETBKGCOLOR = 'Math/SetBackGroundColor';
+ { changes the background color of the next formula to be rendered. }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(COLORREF) color }
+ { result=0 }
+ MATH_SET_PARAMS = 'Math/SetParams';
+ { sets a parameter (only integer values) encoded in wparam }
+ { wparam=paramcode }
+ { lparam=parametervalue }
+ { paramcodes: }
+ MATH_PARAM_BKGCOLOR = 0; // (COLORREF) std-rgb-color or TRANSPARENT_Color
+ MATH_PARAM_FONTCOLOR = 1; // (COLORREF) std-rgb-color
+ RESIZE_HWND = 2; // (HWND) preview window resizes RESIZE_HWND when
+ // it is being resized.
+ ToolboxEdit_HWND = 3; // (HWND) If this hwnd (of an edit-box) is set,
+ // MathModule can insert Formula-elements from
+ // the Math-Toolbox.
+// you can make the BKGCOLOR Transparent (default) by using this color:
+ TRANSPARENT_Color = $FFFFFFFF-1; // this is default
+ MTH_GETBITMAP = 'Math/GetBitmap';
+ {returns Bitmap that represents the formula given in lparam (string-pointer) }
+ {this formula has NO Delimiters. }
+ {wparam=0 }
+ {lparam=(*AnsiChar)Formula }
+ {result=(HBITMAP) bitmap }
+ {!!! the bitmap must be deleted with DeleteObject(hobject) }
+ {example: }
+ {HBITMAP Bmp=(HBITMAP)CallService(MTH_GETBITMAP,0, (LPARAM)formula); }
+ { returns rich-text stream that includes bitmaps from text given in lparam }
+ { hereby is replaced with a rtf-bitmap-stream that represents the corresponding formula }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=*AnsiChar text }
+ { result=*AnsiChar rtfstream }
+ { !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_RTF_BITMAPTEXT }
+ { deletes the buffer that MTH_GET_RTF_BITMAPTEXT has created. }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(*AnsiChar) buffer }
+ { result=0 }
+ { ************************************************************** }
+ { The following is still SRMM - specific. }
+ { I plan to modify it, so that other PlugIns can take advantage of e.g. preview-window.... }
+ MTH_SHOW = 'Math/Show';
+ { shows the preview-window }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=0 }
+ { result=0 }
+ MTH_HIDE = 'Math/Hide';
+ { hides the preview-window }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=0 }
+ { result=0 }
+ MTH_RESIZE = 'Math/Resize';
+ { sets the size of the preview-window }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(*TMathWindowInfo) }
+ { result=0 }
+ PTMathWindowInfo = ^TTMathWindowInfo;
+ TTMathWindowInfo = record
+ top : int;
+ left : int;
+ right : int;
+ bottom: int;
+ end;
+ MTH_SETFORMULA = 'Math/SetFormula';
+ { sets the text that the preview-window should parse to display formulas found inside }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(*AnsiChar) text }
+ { result=0 }
+ MTH_Set_ToolboxEditHwnd = 'Math/SetTBhwnd';
+ { If this hwnd (of an edit-box) is set, MathModule can insert Formula-elements from the Math-Toolbox. }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=handle }
+ {übergibt fenster-Handle des aktuellen Message-Dialogs }
+ MTH_Set_Srmm_HWND = 'Math/SetSrmmHWND';
+ { If MathModule knows the handle of a SRMM-based window, following features exist: }
+ { - preview window resizes Math-Srmm when it is being resized. }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=handle }
+ { result=0 }
+ { todo: umbenennen in MTH_Set_ResizeWindowHandle, zusaetzlich MTH_Set_ToolboxEditHandle erstellen, dann keine SRMM-Abhaengigkeit mehr. }
+ { damit ResizeWindows selbst entscheiden koennen, was sie tun, kann man auch ein miranda-event "MTH_preview_resized" einrichten. }
+ MTH_GET_PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 'Math/getPreviewHeight';
+ { returns the height of the whole preview-window (including system-menu-bar) }
+ { consider this when maximizing a window to that preview-window is hooked on top or bottom }
+ { it returns the height no matter whether preview-window is visible or not }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=0 }
+ { result=(int) height }
+ MTH_GET_PREVIEW_SHOWN = 'Math/getPreviewShown';
+ { returns 1 if preview window is visible }
+ { returns 0 if preview window is invisible }
+ { result=(int) shown }
+ MTH_SUBSTITUTE_DELIMITER = 'Math/SubstituteDelimiter';
+ { replaces Substitute given lparam-structure with internal Math-Delimiter }
+ { wparam=0 }
+ { lparam=(TMathSubstInfo) substInfo }
+ { result=0 }
+ PTMathSubstInfo = ^TTMathSubstInfo;
+ TTMathSubstInfo = record
+ EditHandle : HWND;
+ Substitute : PAnsiChar;
+ end;
+{--------------------------------------------------- }
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index 0000000000..3b986bf02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Copyright (C) 2005 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+//=== SERVICES ===
+MOTD/GetMessage service
+Get a MOTD
+wparam = (MOTDMessage*)lpMOTDMessage
+lparam = 0
+returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure. On success, lpMOTDMessage is filled with the MOTD
+ PMOTDMessage = ^TMOTDMessage;
+ TMOTDMessage = record
+ cbSize :int; // sizeof(MOTDMessage)
+ pszMessage :PAnsiChar; // Buffer to store message
+ cbMessageSize:dword; // Size of message buffer (including '\0')
+ pszAuthor :PAnsiChar; // Buffer to store author
+ cbAuthorSize :dword; // Size of author buffer (including '\0')
+ end;
+MOTD/AddMessage service
+Add a message to the MOTD list
+wparam = (MOTDMessage*)lpMOTDMessage
+lparam = 0
+returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
+MOTD/ShowMessage service
+Show a popup with a MOTD
+wparam = 0
+lparam = 0
+returns: 0
+MOTD/ShowAddMessage service
+Show a dialog to add a MOTD
+wparam = 0
+lparam = 0
+returns: 0
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index 0000000000..240fc73b29
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+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Return TRUE is Nick History is enabled for this contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_NICKHISTORY_ENABLED = 'NickHistory/Enabled';
+Enable Nick History for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_NICKHISTORY_ENABLE = 'NickHistory/Enable';
+Disable Nick History for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_NICKHISTORY_DISABLE = 'NickHistory/Disable';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16bf2328fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// lParam = (AnsiChar *)status message
+// wParam = new status, from statusmodes.h
+ MS_SA_SETSTATUSMODE = 'SimpleAway/SetStatusMode';
+ MS_AWAYSYS_SETSTATUSMODE = MS_SA_SETSTATUSMODE //for compatibility with some plugins
+//Internal use only
+ MS_SA_TTCHANGESTATUSMSG = 'SimpleAway/TTChangeStatusMessage';
+//wParam=new status, from statusmodes.h
+//lParam=protocol name, NULL if for all protocols (added in v0.3.1alpha)
+ MS_SA_CHANGESTATUSMSG = 'SimpleAway/ChangeStatusMessage'
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = 0
+// allways returns 1
+ MS_SA_ISSARUNNING = 'SimpleAway/IsSARunning';
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = 0
+ MS_SA_COPYAWAYMSG = 'SimpleAway/CopyAwayMsg';
+{$ENDIF} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..134b2075e8
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+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Return TRUE is Status Message History is enabled for this contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMH_ENABLED = 'SMH/Enabled';
+Enable Status Message History for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMH_ENABLE = 'SMH/Enable';
+Disable Status Message History for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMH_DISABLE = 'SMH/Disable';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8feacfc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Copyright (C) 2005 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Return TRUE is smr is enabled for this protocol
+If is enabled, status message is kept under CList\StatusMsg db key in user data
+wParam: protocol name
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMR_ENABLED_FOR_PROTOCOL = 'SMR/MsgRetrievalEnabledForProtocol';
+Return TRUE is smr is enabled for this contact and its protocol (smr can be
+disabled per user, if protocol is enabled)
+If is enabled, status message is kept under CList\StatusMsg db key in user data
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMR_ENABLED_FOR_CONTACT = 'SMR/MsgRetrievalEnabledForUser';
+Enable status message retrieval for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMR_ENABLE_CONTACT = 'SMR/EnableContactMsgRetrieval';
+Disable status message retrieval for a contact
+wParam: hContact
+lParam: ignored
+ MS_SMR_DISABLE_CONTACT = 'SMR/DisableContactMsgRetrieval';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
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index 0000000000..e3c513482a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ PSnapWindowProc = ^TSnapWindowProc;
+ TSnapWindowProc = record
+ hWnd : THWND;
+ m_szMoveOffset : TSIZE;
+ wParam : WPARAM;
+ lParam : LPARAM;
+ Reserved1 : int;
+ Reserved2 : int;
+ Reserved3 : int;
+ end;
+ MS_SNAPWINDOWPROC = 'Utils/SnapWindowProc';
+function CallSnappingWindowProc(hwnd:hwnd; nMessage:int;
+ wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;// cdecl;
+ SnapInfo:TSnapWindowProc=();
+ result:=0;
+ if (nMessage=WM_MOVING) or (nMessage=WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) or
+ (nMessage=WM_SYSCOMMAND) or (nMessage=WM_SIZING) then
+ begin
+ SnapInfo.hWnd := hwnd;
+ SnapInfo.wParam := wParam;
+ SnapInfo.lParam := lParam;
+ CallService(MS_SNAPWINDOWPROC,WPARAM(@SnapInfo),nMessage);
+ if nMessage=WM_SIZING then result:=1;
+ end;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54c4729a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright © 2003-2004 Heiko Herkenrath
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Spam Filter Version:
+// See "spamcheck.c" in the sources for an example on how to use the spam checking services.
+// The functionality and the API of Spam Filter is quite complex
+// and not easy to describe or explain.
+// If you have any question or extension whishes please send me an e-mail:
+// hrathh at
+// Notes:
+// * All services are fully thread-safe, you can call everything from any thread
+// (If there are problems with it it is a bug :-) )
+// * Unicode parameters can also be passed to the ANSI version of the plugin
+// and the other way round. The strings get converted as they are needed
+// using automatic two-way translation.
+// Unicode support was added in v2.5.0.0.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Getting handles ------------------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_GETHANDLE = 'SpamFilter/GetHandle';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets a specified icon/window handle.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (uint)uHandleType (see below);
+// lParam = 0
+// Possible values for wParam:
+ SFHT_HWND_PLUGIN_OPTIONS = 2; // HWND of the "Spam Filter" options dialog (if it is loaded; else NULL)
+ SFHT_HICON_SPAM = 3; // HICON of the spam icon (small): needs to be destroyed! (DestroyIcon())
+ // Added in v2.0.2.0:
+ SFHT_HICON_SPAM_LARGE = 4; // HICON of the spam icon (large): needs to be destroyed! (DestroyIcon())
+ SFHT_HICON_SPAM_LAYER = 5; // HICON of the spam layer icon (small): needs to be destroyed! (DestroyIcon())
+ // Icons are taken directly from resources, not skinned by user
+ // Added in v2.0.3.0:
+ SFHT_HWND_ADVERTISMENT_FILTER = 6; // HWND of the "Advertisment Filter" settings dialog (if it is opened; else NULL)
+ SFHT_HWND_ROBOT_FILTER = 7; // HWND of the "Robot Filter" settings dialog (if it is opened; else NULL)
+ SFHT_HWND_DISLIKEDMESSAGES_FILTER = 8; // HWND of the "Disliked Messages Filter" settings dialog (if it is opened; else NULL)
+ // Added in v2.5.0.0:
+ SFHT_HWND_SPAMDEFINITIONS_INFO = 9; // HWND of the "Spam Definitions" info dialog (if it is opened; else NULL)
+ SFHT_HWND_SPAMMERS_INFO = 10; // HWND of the Spammers info dialog (if it is opened; else NULL)
+ SFHT_BOOL_IS_UNICODE = 100; // No handle, returns TRUE if Spam Filter is installed as Unicode version, FALSE otherwise
+ // (You probably never need to call this since Spam Filter performs automatic two-way translation
+ // when a service is called)
+// Note: Icons are taken directly from resources, they are not skinned by user.
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns the specified handle value: HINSTANCE, HWND, ICON
+// Note:
+// If a handle is not available (or if it was removed) the function will
+// return NULL.
+// When you are using this service you need to check always for the
+// NULL return value.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Activating/Deactivating the filters ----
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Provides the possibility to enable or disable the spam filters.
+// Also updates the checkboxes in the spam filter options if the option dialog is opened.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (uint)uFilterType (For possible values see below)
+// lParam = (bool)bNewState (new activation state of filter)
+// Possible filter type values (uFilterType):
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Showing configure dialogs --------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Shows the configure dialog of the specified filter.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (HWND)hwndParent (Can be NULL)
+// lParam = (uint)uFilterType (For possible values see above)
+// -> since If this is zero then the options dialog will be opened pointing to the Spam Filter options.
+// Note:
+// If hwndParent is not NULL the function will not return
+// until the configure dialog is closed.
+// If hwndParent is NULL the Miranda window will be used as parent
+// Since
+// Since
+// Combine the following flag with the lParam/uFilterType parameter
+// to show the corresponding Spam Definitions info dialog instead
+// of the settings dialog:
+// Combine the following flag with the lParam/uFilterType of 0 parameter
+// to show the Spammers dialog instead of the settings dialog:
+// Note: SFTEXF_SPAMMERS_INFO can't be combined with SFT_*
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// Since v2.0.3.0:
+// If the specified settings window is already opened it will be
+// brought to front (reactivated) instead (returns success though).
+// This might be changed however in the future.
+// Changed behaviour in v2.0.3.0:
+// If hwndParent was not set then the function returned the handle to the new window.
+// Now the function returns 0 to indicate success instead.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Adding message types -------------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE = 'SpamFilter/MessageTypes/Register';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Adds a new message type which can be checked for spam.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = (MESSAGETYPEDESC*)mtd (see below)
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// Already registered message types are:
+// (With pszSection set to the installed network protocol names, e.g. "ICQ")
+ SFMT_ADDED = 'Added'; // since v2.1.0.0
+ SFMT_FILE = 'File';
+ SFMT_CONTACTS = 'Contacts';
+// MESSAGETYPEDESC structure:
+ cbSize :integer; // Set to sizeof(MESSAGETYPEDESC)
+ pszSection :PAnsiChar; // Section of message name for database
+ // e.g. protocol name (Can not be NULL)
+ SectionDescription:TChar; // Readable name of section e.g. protocol name (can be NULL)
+ // Ignored if section existed previously
+ hSectionIcon :THANDLE; // Icon to show for section e.g. protocol icon (can be NULL)
+ // Ignored if section existed previously
+ pszName :PAnsiChar; // Name to refer to message type when spam
+ // checking and in db (Can not be NULL)
+ Description :TChar; // Description for options dialog (can be NULL)
+ hIcon :THANDLE; // EITHER: icon handle representing the message
+ // type OR: one of mirandas skin constants with
+ // a negative sign, e.g (HICON)-SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE,
+ // same as for LoadSkinnedIcon() -> can be 0
+ // and can also be a normal icon handle (HICON)
+ bDefaultStatus :bool; // Whether checking for this type should be
+ // activated or not by default
+ dwFlags :dword; // Flags for the message type (for possible flags see below)
+ iSectionPosition :integer; // Approx position number for the section in the
+ // options list, lower numbers are nearer to the
+ // top (Can be 0 to be sorted alphabetically)
+ // Ignored if section existed previously (or
+ // if pszSection is NULL) Added in v2.1.1.0
+ iPosition :integer; // Approx position number for the item in the
+ // options list, lower numbers are nearer to the
+ // top (Can be 0 to be sorted alphabetically)
+ // Added in v2.1.1.0
+ end;
+// Possible MESSAGETYPEDESC flags:
+ MTDF_DEFAULTDISABLED = $00000001; // Is disabled by default
+ MTDF_HIDDEN = $00000002; // Does not get shown on the options page
+// Since v2.5.0.0
+ MTDF_UNICODE = $00000004; // pszSectionDescription and pszDescription are Unicode strings
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Modify new added message type (Event) --
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired before a new message type is added to be checked for spam.
+// This is meant for asking other plugins if the specified default data is ok.
+// Other plugins (especially protocols) can disable a message type if either sending spam
+// is not possible for those protocols or if spam checking would cause unwanted side-effects.
+// Warning: Most elements of the MESSAGETYPEDESC structure can also be NULL.
+// However, the structure was checked for errors before this events gets called.
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = 0 (same wParam as used for MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE)
+// lParam = (MESSAGETYPEDESC*)mtd (see above, contents can be modified)
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// Returning 0 on this event will accept the message type to be added.
+// Returning 1 will prevent the the message type to be added.
+// Note: Works as it does now since v2.1.1.0
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Uninstalling a message type ------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Uninstalls a specifed message type. It removes the database setting related to the given message type.
+// Should only be used for uninstalling purposes (e.g in uninstall function of PluginUninstaller)
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (AnsiChar*)pszMsgTypeName (Message type name; You need to use MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE before)
+// lParam = (AnsiChar*)pszMsgTypeSection (The section of the message type string; You need to use MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE before)
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error..
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Message type activation ----------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Returns if a specified message type is activated or not.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (AnsiChar*)pszMsgTypeName (Message type name; You need to use MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE before)
+// lParam = (AnsiChar*)pszMsgTypeSection (The section of the message type string; You need to use MS_SPAMFILTER_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE before)
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns TRUE if the message type is activated and FALSE otherwise.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Reset AutoIgnore counters --------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_RESETAUTOIGNORE = 'SpamFilter/AutoIgnore/Reset';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Resets the list in which the total number of spam sent by
+// each user is kept.
+// The list is necessary to determine when a particular user reached the
+// allowed spam messages limit.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (bool)bOnlyCount (if TRUE the service will only return the user count without doing reset)
+// lParam = 0
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -----------------------------------------
+// -- Spam Checking ------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_ADVERTISMENTCHECK = 'SpamFilter/AdvertismentCheck';
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_ROBOTCHECK = 'SpamFilter/RobotCheck';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// These services provide the possibility to check a specified text for contained spam.
+// The function checks for everything that is activated in the plugin's options.
+// Note: These functions work as they do now since v2.1.0.0
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd
+// lParam = 0
+// SPAMCHECKDATA structure:
+ cbSize :integer; // sizeof(SPAMCHECKDATA)
+ pszMsgTypeSection:PAnsiChar; // The section of the message type string: You need
+ pszMsgTypeName :PAnsiChar; // Description of the message: You need to use
+ MsgText :TChar; // Pointer to the text of a message which is
+ // checked for spam. Can be NULL.
+ dwFlags :dword; // Flags for the spam checking. (For more details see below.)
+ case LongInt of
+ 0: (hContact: TMCONTACT); // Handle to the sending contact (use pszUserName
+ // instead if no hContact is available)
+ 1: (UserName: TChar); // Name of the user, e.g. nick (set SCDF_NO_CONTACT
+ // in the flags to use this parameter) -> should
+ // be as unique as possible
+ end;
+// Possible flags in the SPAMCHECKDATA structure:
+ SCDF_NO_NOTIFY = $00000001; // Don't show a popup, play sound or log to file if the message is spam.
+ SCDF_NO_CANCEL = $00000002; // Do check even if user pressed control key to avoid the spam check manually
+ SCDF_NO_AUTOIGNORE = $00000004; // Do not use the AutoIgnore feature for this check
+ SCDF_NO_CONTACT = $00000008; // Use pszUserName instead of hContact of union
+// Since v2.5.0.0:
+ SCDF_UNICODE = $00000010; // Specify this flag if associated message text and/or user name is Unicode
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Possible return flags:
+ SFF_MARKREAD = $00000010; // Flag
+ SFF_DELETE = $00000020; // Flag
+ SFF_IGNORE = $00000040; // Flag
+ SFF_ISSPAM = $00000002; // Flag
+ SFF_ISNORMAL = $00000001; // Flag
+// Since
+ SFF_HIDE = $00001000; // Flag, Only MS_SPAMFILTER_ROBOTCHECK
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Getting additional Check Info ----------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets data needed for the processing of spam mesages.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (dword)dwDataType (For possible values see below)
+// lParam = depends on wParam (see below)
+// Possible values for lParam:
+// TRUE/FALSE: if the specified filter is enabled
+ SFSCI_ACTIVATION_FILTER = 1; // lParam = uFilterType (For possible values see above)
+// Strings: Get the message texts specified by the user
+// ANSI
+ SFSCI_MSGTEXT_NOTIFYA = 2; // lParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd, scd->hContact (or scd->pszUserName) and scd->pszMsgText (and scd->cbSize) should be filled in.
+// Unicode (since v2.5.0.0)
+ SFSCI_MSGTEXT_NOTIFYW = 6; // lParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd, scd->hContact (or scd->pwszUserName) and scd->pwszMsgText (and scd->cbSize) should be filled in.
+// TRUE/FALSE: if the above message text should be added to history.
+// Since
+// Counts of milliseconds to delay the above message texts sending.
+ SFSCI_DELAY_TIME_REPLY = 9; // lParam=0
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// SFSCI_MSGTEXT_NOTIFYA -> (AnsiChar*) free with miranda_sys_free() of "m_system.h", (all %vars% in the text are already resolved)
+// SFSCI_MSGTEXT_NOTIFYW -> (WCHAR*) free with miranda_sys_free() of "m_system.h", (all %vars% in the text are already resolved)
+// returns NULL on error
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Confirm spam check (Event) -------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired before the spam check for a message starts.
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd (Pointer to SPAMCHECKDATA struct)
+// lParam = (uint)uFilterType (For possible values see above)
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// Returning 0 on this event will accept spam checking for the message,
+// Returning 1 will prevent the spam check.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Confirm spam detection (Event) ---------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired after a spam message is detected.
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd (Pointer to SPAMCHECKDATA struct)
+// lParam = (uint)uFilterType (For possible values see above)
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// Returning 0 on this event will accept the spam detection
+// Returning 1 cause the message not to be seen as spam.
+// Note: If you only would like to get the final result hook
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Spam message received (Event) ----------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ ME_SPAMFILTER_SPAMRECEIVED = 'SpamFilter/SpamReceived';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired when a message if recognized as spam.
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)scd (Pointer to SPAMCHECKDATA struct)
+// lParam = (uint)uFilterType (For possible values see above)
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// The return value should be 0.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Spam Filter loaded (Event) -------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ ME_SPAMFILTER_MODULELOADED = 'SpamFilter/ModuleLoaded';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired when a all parts of the "Spam Filter" were loaded and available
+// to other plugins.
+// Past this event all functionality of the plugin is fully available.
+// The event works quite similar as ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED.
+// You can use ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED in most cases instead. Please do so!
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = 0
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// The return value should be 0.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Helper: Duplicate SPAMCHECKDATA --------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Copys all contents of a SPAMCHECKDATA struct (especially strings) to another one
+// using Miranda's Memory Manager Interface (see m_system.h).
+// Use MS_SPAMFILTER_FREESPAMCHECKDATA to free the result when no longer needed.
+// Available since
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)pscdTo
+// lParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)pscdFrom
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Helper: Free SPAMCHECKDATA -------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Frees the memory allocated by MS_SPAMFILTER_COPYSPAMCHECKDATA.
+// using Miranda's Memory Manager Interface (see m_system.h).
+// Available since
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (SPAMCHECKDATA*)pscd
+// lParam = 0
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Showing error messages -----------------
+// -------------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_SHOWERROR = 'SpamFilter/ShowError';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Shows a Miranda try balloon tip, popup or message box
+// with the specified error message.
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (uint)uErrorType (For possible values see below)
+// lParam = 0
+// Possible values for wParam:
+ SFSE_CRITICAL_ERROR = 1; // Unspecified critical error occured related to spam checking.
+ // Only use this for situations that may never ever occur.
+ // Please do avoid this if possible.
+ SFSE_SEND_FAILED = 2; // Show this error when a sending of SFSCI_MSGTEXT_NOTIFY,
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Set contact as spammer (Contact) -------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// This service adds a specified user to the spammer list (fully ignored).
+// but does not prompt the user.
+// Available since v2.5.0.0
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (HANDLE)hContact (Handle to a contact in database. Can't be NULL.)
+// lParam = (dword)dwFlags (flags about what should be done, see below)
+// Available Flags:
+ SCASF_NO_NOTIFY = $00000001; // Prevents logging and playing of sounds
+ SCASF_USE_ROBOT_SOUND = $00000002; // play robot sound instead of advertisment sound (only if SCASF_NO_NOTIFY is not set)
+ SCASF_NO_REMOVE_HISTORY = $00000004; // history is marked read instead of fully removed
+ SCASF_NO_DENY_AUTHREQUESTS = $00000008; // do not deny pending auth requests
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Show mark spammer dialog (Contact) -----
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// This service adds a specified user to the spammer list.
+// Before it shows a dialog to let the user confirm the action.
+// For use for example as action for a button on the message dialog.
+// Note: This service performs the same tasks as MS_SPAMFILTER_SETCONTACTASSPAMMER
+// to execute the action the user chooses.
+// Available since v2.5.0.0
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (HANDLE)hContact (Handle to a contact in database. Can't be NULL.)
+// lParam = (HWND)hwndParent (Handle to the parent window. Can be NULL.)
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns FALSE if user clicked cancel on the dialog.
+// TRUE if the contact was handled as spammer.
+// Changed in v2.5.0.0:
+// The service MS_SPAMFILTER_SETSPAMMANUALLY has been deprecated.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Test if contact is spammer (Contact) ---
+// -------------------------------------------
+ MS_SPAMFILTER_CONTACT_ISSPAMMER = 'SpamFilter/Contact/IsSpammer';
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// This service tests if a specified contact is on the spammer list (fully ignored).
+// Available since v2.5.0.0
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (HANDLE)hContact (Handle to a contact in database. Can't be NULL.)
+// lParam = 0
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns TRUE when the contact is on the spammer list, FALSE otherwise.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Unmarks a contact as spammer (Contact) -
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// This service restores a spammer to be again a normal contact (unignored).
+// Available since v2.5.0.0
+// Parameters:
+// -------------
+// wParam = (HANDLE)hContact (Handle to a contact in database. Can't be NULL.)
+// lParam = 0
+// Return Values:
+// --------------
+// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// -- Spammer state changed (Event) ----------
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Description:
+// -------------
+// Gets fired when a a contact gets marked as spammer or unmarked.
+// Parameters:
+// -----------------
+// wParam = (HANDLE)hContact
+// lParam = (bool)bIsSpammer (new state)
+// Return Values:
+// -----------------
+// The return value should be 0.
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7badc4e0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+Copyright (C) 2007 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+There is 2 ways of using the speak plugin:
+1. Older and simple way: just call
+ Speak_Say(hContact, _T("text to speak"))
+and the text will be spoken using contact settings. If hContact is NULL, it will use
+system settings.
+Previous versions only had an ascii version, so if you want to support then you need
+to call
+ Speak_SayA(hContact, "text to speak")
+2. Integrating with meSpeak GUI: for that you have first to register a speak type and
+then call the speak functions. In both case you have 2 options:
+2.1 Sending the full text: meSpeak GUI will only allow to enable/disable the type.
+To register call (in modules loaded):
+ Speak_Register("PluginName (DB key)", "name", "Prety name for GUI", "icon_xyz")
+And to speak call:
+ Speak_SayEx("name", hContact, _T("text to speak"))
+2.2 Using templates: you will not pass the text, but some variables. meSpeak handles
+the GUI to allow the user to create the text for those variables. These functions
+end with WT (with templates).
+To register call (in modules loaded):
+ AnsiChar *templates[] = { "Name\nDefault\n%var1%\tDescription 1\n%var2%\tDescription2\n%var3%\tDescription 3" };
+ Speak_RegisterWT("PluginName (DB key)", "name", "Prety name for GUI", "icon_xyz",
+ templates, 1);
+And to speak call:
+ TCHAR *variables[] = { _T("var1"), _T("Value 1"), _T("var2"), _T("Value 2"), _T("var3"), _T("Value 3") };
+ Speak_SayExWT("name", hContact, 0, variables, 3);
+ MIID_SPEAK = '{1EF72725-6A83-483B-AA50-8953E359EEAD}';
+ {*
+ Speak a text
+ wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+ lParam: (AnsiChar *) text
+ return: 0 on success
+ *}
+ MS_SPEAK_SAY_A = 'Speak/Say';
+ {*
+ Speak a unicode text
+ wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+ lParam: (WCHAR *) text
+ return: 0 on success
+ *}
+ MS_SPEAK_SAY_W = 'Speak/SayW';
+ TSPEAK_TYPE = record
+ cbSize: integer;
+ module: PAnsiChar;
+ name: PAnsiChar; // Internal type name
+ description: PAnsiChar; // Will be translated
+ icon: PAnsiChar; // Name off icolib icon
+ // Aditional data if wants to use add to history services
+ templates: ^PAnsiChar; // Each entry is: "Name\nDefault\n%var%\tDescription\n%var%\tDescription\n%var%\tDescription"
+ numTemplates: integer;
+ end;
+ {*
+ Register and speak type
+ wParam: (SPEAK_TYPE *) type
+ lParam: 0
+ return: 0 on success
+ *}
+ MS_SPEAK_REGISTER = 'Speak/Register';
+ TSPEAK_ITEM = record
+ cbSize: integer;
+ _type: PAnsiChar; // Internal type name
+ hContact: TMCONTACT;
+ flags: integer; // SPEAK_*
+ templateNum: integer; // -1 to use text
+ case boolean of
+ true: (text: PAnsiChar);
+ false: (
+ variables: pointer;
+ numVariables: integer;
+ );
+ end;
+ {*
+ Speak a text
+ wParam: (SPEAK_ITEM *) Item
+ lParam: 0
+ return: 0 on success
+ *}
+ MS_SPEAK_SAYEX = 'Speak/SayEx';
+// Helper functions
+static int Speak_SayA(HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *text)
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAY_A, (WPARAM) hContact, (LPARAM) text);
+static int Speak_SayW(HANDLE hContact, const WCHAR *text)
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAY_W, (WPARAM) hContact, (LPARAM) text);
+static int Speak_Register(AnsiChar *module, AnsiChar *name, AnsiChar *description, AnsiChar *icon)
+ SPEAK_TYPE type;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_REGISTER))
+ return -1;
+ type.cbSize = sizeof(type);
+ type.module = module;
+ = name;
+ type.description = description;
+ type.icon = icon;
+ type.templates = NULL;
+ type.numTemplates = 0;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_REGISTER, (WPARAM) &type, 0);
+static int Speak_RegisterWT(const AnsiChar *module, const AnsiChar *name, const AnsiChar *description,
+ const AnsiChar *icon, AnsiChar **templates, int numTemplates)
+ SPEAK_TYPE type;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_REGISTER))
+ return -1;
+ type.cbSize = sizeof(type);
+ type.module = module;
+ = name;
+ type.description = description;
+ type.icon = icon;
+ type.templates = templates;
+ type.numTemplates = numTemplates;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_REGISTER, (WPARAM) &type, 0);
+static int Speak_SayExA(AnsiChar *type, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *text)
+ SPEAK_ITEM item;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX))
+ // Try old service
+ return Speak_SayA(hContact, text);
+ item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
+ item.flags = SPEAK_CHAR;
+ item.type = type;
+ item.hContact = hContact;
+ item.templateNum = -1;
+ item.text = text;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX, (WPARAM) &item, 0);
+static int Speak_SayExW(AnsiChar *type, HANDLE hContact, const WCHAR *text)
+ SPEAK_ITEM item;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX))
+ // Try old service
+ return Speak_SayW(hContact, text);
+ item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
+ item.flags = SPEAK_WCHAR;
+ item.type = type;
+ item.hContact = hContact;
+ item.templateNum = -1;
+ item.text = text;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX, (WPARAM) &item, 0);
+static int Speak_SayExWTA(AnsiChar *type, HANDLE hContact, int templateNum, AnsiChar **variables, int numVariables)
+ SPEAK_ITEM item;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX))
+ return -1;
+ item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
+ item.flags = SPEAK_CHAR;
+ item.type = type;
+ item.hContact = hContact;
+ item.templateNum = templateNum;
+ item.variables = variables;
+ item.numVariables = numVariables;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX, (WPARAM) &item, 0);
+static int Speak_SayExWTW(AnsiChar *type, HANDLE hContact, int templateNum, WCHAR **variables, int numVariables)
+ SPEAK_ITEM item;
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX))
+ return -1;
+ item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
+ item.flags = SPEAK_WCHAR;
+ item.type = type;
+ item.hContact = hContact;
+ item.templateNum = templateNum;
+ item.variables = variables;
+ item.numVariables = numVariables;
+ return CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAYEX, (WPARAM) &item, 0);
+#ifdef UNICODE
+# define Speak_Say Speak_SayW
+# define Speak_SayEx Speak_SayExW
+# define Speak_SayExWT Speak_SayExWTW
+# define Speak_Say Speak_SayA
+# define Speak_SayEx Speak_SayExA
+# define Speak_SayExWT Speak_SayExWTA
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e97094e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ VOICE_CAPS_VOICE = 1 shl 0; // Voice is supported for this protocol. You need to set this one.
+ VOICE_CAPS_CALL_CONTACT = 1 shl 1; // Set if a call can be made to a hContact (PS_VOICE_CALL_CONTACT_VALID is used to validate the string)
+ VOICE_CAPS_CALL_STRING = 1 shl 3; // Set if a call can be made to some string (PS_VOICE_CALL_STRING_VALID is used to validate the string)
+ Request to the protocol capabilities relative to voice.
+ wParam: 0
+ lParam: 0
+ return: VOICE_CAPS_*
+ PS_VOICE_CAPS = '/Voice/Caps';
+ VOICE_SECURE = $00000001;
+ VOICE_UNICODE = $80000000;
+ TVOICE_CALL = record
+ cbSize :int; // Struct size
+ moduleName:PAnsiChar; // The name of the protocol module (the same as or the protocol szModule)
+ id :PAnsiChar; // Protocol especific ID for this call
+ flags :int; // VOICE_UNICODE to say the string is unicode or 0.
+ // VOICE_SECURE to say this is a encrypted call
+ hContact :TMCONTACT; // Contact associated with the call (can be NULL)
+ szNumber :TChar; // Number to call (can be NULL)
+ // Or the contact or the number must be != NULL
+ // If both are != NULL the call will be made to the number
+ // and will be associated with the contact
+ // This fields are only needed in first notification for a call id
+ szName :TChar; // Name of the caller. This makes sense only on incoming calls,
+ // where no contact is associated and the caller has a name and a number.
+ state :int; // VOICE_STATE_*
+ end;
+Notifies that a voice call changed state
+wParam: const VOICE_CALL *
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE = '/Voice/State';
+Request to the protocol a make voice call
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: (const TCHAR *) number
+return: 0 on success
+Or the contact or the number must be != NULL. If both are != NULL the call will be
+made to the number and will be associated with the contact.
+ PS_VOICE_CALL = '/Voice/Call';
+Service called to make the protocol answer a call or restore a hold call.
+It is an async call. If the call was answered, the PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ PS_VOICE_ANSWERCALL = '/Voice/AnswerCall';
+Service called to make the protocol answer a call. This can be called if the
+call is ringing or has started. If called any other time it should be ignored.
+It is an async call. If the call was droped, the PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ PS_VOICE_DROPCALL = '/Voice/DropCall';
+Service called to make the protocol hold a call. This means that the call should not
+be droped, but it should be muted and put in a hold, to allow other call to be answered.
+If the protocol can't hold a cal, it should be droped.
+This can be called if the call has started. If called any other time it should be ignored.
+It is an async call. If the call was droped, the PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ PS_VOICE_HOLDCALL = '/Voice/HoldCall';
+Send a DTMF (one digit text) to a talking call.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: (TCHAR) dtmf
+return: 0 on success
+Used if protocol support VOICE_CALL_STRING. The call string is passed as
+wParam and the proto should validate it. If this service does not exist all numbers can be called.
+wParam: (const TCHAR *) call string
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 if wrong, 1 if correct
+ PS_VOICE_CALL_STRING_VALID = '/Voice/CallStringValid';
+Used if protocol support VOICE_CALL_CONTACT.
+The hContact is passed as wParam and the proto should tell if this contact can be
+called. If this service does not exist all contacts can be called (or, if it is a protocol,
+all contacts from the protocol can be called).
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: (bool) TRUE if it is a test for 'can call now?', FALSE if is a test for 'will be possible to call someday?'
+return: 0 if can't be called, 1 if can
+ PS_VOICE_CALL_CONTACT_VALID = '/Voice/CallContactValid';
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab5872d8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Copyright (C) 2007 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+This services are a mirror of the services/notifications in m_voice.h,
+with the difference that that ones are to be used by protocols, and this ones
+are to be used by plugins that can make calls to contacts in multiple protocols.
+To get the devices for input/output and some options, query the db directly:
+ VoiceService/EchoCancelation byte default: TRUE
+ VoiceService/MicBoost byte default: TRUE
+ VoiceService/Input TString default: windows default
+ VoiceService/Output TString default: windows default
+ TVOICE_MODULE = record
+ cbSize :int; // sizeof(VOICE_MODULE)
+ description:TChar; // The description of the voice provider. This is the name that
+ // will be shown to the user
+ name :PAnsiChar; // The internal name of the voice provider. All PS_* serivces
+ // defined in m_voide.h need to be created based in this name.
+ // For example, PS_VOICE_CALL (/Voice/Call) need to be created
+ // as <name>/Voice/Call
+ icon :PAnsiChar; // Icon to identify provider (from icolib)
+ flags :int; // or of VOICE_CAPS_*. You don't need to send VOICE_CAPS_VOICE.
+ end;
+Register a new plugin that can make/receive voice calls (a voice provider).
+wParam: const VOICE_MODULE *
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ MS_VOICESERVICE_REGISTER:PAnsiChar = 'VoiceService/Register';
+Unregister a plugin that can make/receive voice calls (a voice provider).
+wParam: (const char *) Provider name
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+ MS_VOICESERVICE_UNREGISTER:PAnsiChar = 'VoiceService/Unregister';
+Request a voice call to hContact.
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: ignored
+return: the number of option calls for a contact. If > 0, it can be called
+ MS_VOICESERVICE_CAN_CALL:PAnsiChar = 'VoiceService/CanCall';
+Request a voice call to hContact.
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: (char *) Voice provider or NULL to use any provider avaiable
+return: 0 on success
+ MS_VOICESERVICE_CALL:PAnsiChar = 'VoiceService/Call';
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3841319ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ iconSource:int;
+ iconName :pAnsiChar;
+ iconIdx :int;
+ szTitle :pWideChar;
+ szPrefix :pWideChar;
+ szArgument:pWideChar;
+ end;
+// Force jumplist rebuild
+ MS_JUMPLIST_REBUILD:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/Rebuild';
+// ---
+ ME_JUMPLIST_BUILDCATEGORIES:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/BuildCategories';
+// lParam = (WCHAR *)category name
+ ME_JUMPLIST_BUILDITEMS:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/BuildItems';
+// lParam = (WCHAR *)category name
+ MS_JUMPLIST_ADDCATEGORY:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/AddCategory';
+// lParam = (MIRANDAJUMPLISTITEM *)item
+ MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/AddItem';
+// wParam = prefix
+// lParam = argument
+ ME_JUMPLIST_PROCESS:pAnsiChar = 'w7/JumpList/Process';
+procedure MJumpList_AddCategory(name:pWideChar);
+procedure MJumpList_AddItem(mir_icon:pAnsiChar; title, prefix, argument:pWideChar); overload;
+ item.iconSource:=MIS_ICOLIB;
+ item.iconName :=mir_icon;
+ item.iconIdx :=0;
+ item.szTitle :=title;
+ item.szPrefix :=prefix;
+ item.szArgument:=argument;
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, LPARAM(@item));
+procedure MJumpList_AddItem(skinicon:int; title, prefix, argument:pWideChar); overload;
+ item.iconSource:=MIS_GENERAL;
+ item.iconName :=0;
+ item.iconIdx :=skinicon;
+ item.szTitle :=title;
+ item.szPrefix :=prefix;
+ item.szArgument:=argument;
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, LPARAM(@item));
+procedure MJumpList_AddItem(proto:pansiChar; skinicon:int; title, prefix, argument:pWideChar); overload;
+ item.iconSource:=MIS_PROTOCOL;
+ item.iconName :=proto;
+ item.iconIdx :=skinicon;
+ item.szTitle :=title;
+ item.szPrefix :=prefix;
+ item.szArgument:=argument;
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, LPARAM(@item));
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..592e28a479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/delphi/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ WebCam Video plugin by Sergei Polishchuk, SoftCab Inc
+ MS_WEBCAM_OPEN = 'WebCam/Open';
+ This opens webcamera
+ wParam, and lParam must be zero.
+ Returns HANDLE to web camera.
+ For Example:
+ HANDLE hWebcamera = CallService(MS_WEBCAM_OPEN, 0, 0);
+ MS_WEBCAM_ISREADY = 'WebCam/IsReady';
+ This zero if camera is ready for use, and non-zero if camera is still initializing.
+ It's useful to user this function after asynchronous opening of camera
+ wParam must be zero.
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hCamera - camera handle
+ For Example:
+ HANDLE hWebcamera = CallService(MS_WEBCAM_ISREADY, 0, 0);
+ MS_WEBCAM_CLOSE = 'WebCam/Close';
+ This will close web camera.
+ wParam must be zero
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hWebcamera - a handle returned by MS_WEBCAM_OPEN
+ Return value is undefined.
+ For Example:
+ CallService(MS_WEBCAM_CLOSE, 0, (LPARAM)hWebcamera);
+ MS_WEBCAM_SHOWWND = 'WebCam/Show';
+ This will show or hide web camera window
+ wParam = 1 to show window, or zero to hide one
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hWebcamera - handle to camera
+ Return value is undefined.
+ For Example, this will show the window:
+ CallService(MS_WEBCAM_SHOWWND, 1, (LPARAM)hWebcamera);
+ MS_WEBCAM_FREE = 'WebCam/Free';
+ This will free WEBCAM_QUERY fields.
+ wParam = sizeof(WEBCAM_QUERY)
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(WEBCAM_QUERY*)&Query
+ Return value is undefined
+ For Example:
+ CallService(MS_WEBCAM_FREE, sizeof(Query), (LPARAM)&Query);
+ MS_WEBCAM_QUERY = 'WebCam/Query';
+ WANT_PICTURE = pointer(-1);
+ This will query web camera for data.
+ wParam = sizeof(WEBCAM_QUERY)
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(WEBCAM_QUERY*)&Query
+ Returns zero in case of success, or non-zero in case of any error
+ Before queryng camera, you need to setup some WEBCAM_QUERY structure fields.
+memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(Query));
+Query.hCamera = hWebcamera;
+Query.Jpeg = WANT_PICTURE; // we want to get .JPG image
+Query.Bitmap = NULL; // we do not need .BMP image
+int ret = CallService(MS_WEBCAM_QUERY, sizeof(Query), (LPARAM)&Query);
+{ if(Query.Jpeg != NULL)
+ { // do something with JPG picture. For example, you may save it to .JPG file.
+ }
+ // now let's release the memory
+ CallService(MS_WEBCAM_FREE, sizeof(Query), (LPARAM)&Query);
+ MS_WEBCAM_SCREENSHOT = 'WebCam/ScreenShot';
+ This will return window screenshot
+ wParam = sizeof(WEBCAM_QUERY)
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(WEBCAM_QUERY*)&Query
+ Returns zero in case of success, or non-zero in case of any error
+ WEBCAMBUF->hCamera specifies window handle.
+ It's not required to open webcamera in order to run this service function.
+memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(Query));
+Query.hCamera = (HANDLE)GetDesktopWindow(); // getting whole desktop picture.
+Query.Jpeg = WANT_PICTURE; // we want to get .JPG image
+Query.Bitmap = NULL; // we do not need .BMP image
+int ret = CallService(MS_WEBCAM_SCREENSHOT, sizeof(Query), (LPARAM)&Query);
+{ if(Query.Jpeg != NULL)
+ { // do something with JPG picture. For example, you may save it to .JPG file.
+ }
+ // now let's release the memory
+ CallService(MS_WEBCAM_FREE, sizeof(Query), (LPARAM)&Query);
+ This event will be fired right after receiving snapshot from remote contact.
+ wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact - a contact handle
+ lParam=(LPARAM)(WEBCAMBUF*)buffer - a buffer that contains JPEG image
+ IMPORTANT: you should not modify the buffer. It's read-only.
+ tag_WEBCAMBUF = record
+ Size:dword; // size of Data buffer in bytes
+ Data:array [0..0] of byte;
+ end;
+ tag_WEBCAM_QUERY = record
+ hCamera:THANDLE; // [in] HANDLE to web camera
+ cx,cy :word; // [out] camera picture size
+ Jpeg :PWEBCAMBUF; // [in,out] points to .JPG file content in memory
+ Bitmap :PWEBCAMBUF; // [in,out] points to .BMP file content in memory
+ end;
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ContactSettings.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ContactSettings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b497ab479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ContactSettings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ Contact Settings plugin for Miranda IM
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Chervov Dmitry
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(CONTACTSETTINGSINIT)
+ int Type; // one of CSIT_ constants; value of this field depends on what settings dialog was opened: contact settings or group settings
+ union
+ {
+ MCONTACT hContact; // used when Type == CSIT_CONTACT
+ int groupID; // used when Type == CSIT_GROUP
+ };
+#define CSIT_CONTACT 1 // CONTACTSETTINGSINIT::hContact is valid
+#define CSIT_GROUP 2 // CONTACTSETTINGSINIT::groupID is valid; in general, if Type == CSIT_GROUP, you MUST call MS_CONTACTSETTINGS_ADDCONTROL and add _all_ your per-contact controls, independently of current group contents, because potentially the group can contain any contacts in future.
+The user opened a contact settings dialog. Modules should do whatever initialisation they need and call MS_CONTACTSETTINGS_ADDCONTROL one or more times if they want controls displayed in the dialog
+#define ME_CONTACTSETTINGS_INITIALISE "ContactSettings/Init"
+Must only be called during a ME_CONTACTSETTINGS_INITIALISE hook
+Adds a control to the contact settings dialog
+Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure
+csi must have come straight from the wParam of ME_CONTACTSETTINGS_INITIALISE
+Strings in the structure can be released as soon as the service returns.
+#define CSPOS_SORTBYALPHABET 0x40000000 // recommended value for Position if you don't need a specific sorting order
+// Group = "Notifications":
+#define CSPOS_NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICES 0x20000000 // recommended control position for notification SERVICE PROVIDERS (popups, osd, tickers, etc). Notification plugins that use these services should use CSPOS_SORTBYALPHABET, so that notification service provider settings are above any other specific notification settings.
+#define CSCF_DONT_TRANSLATE_STRINGS 2 // specifies that strings in CONTACTSETTINGSCONTROL and CSCONTROLSTATE are translated already
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+#define CSCF_TCHAR 0
+typedef enum
+ CSCT_LABEL = -1, // CSCT_LABEL is used internally in ContactSettings, and mustn't be used by other plugins
+ CSCT_CHECKBOX, // checkbox control
+ CSCT_COMBOBOX // combobox control with a title above it
+// some common values for CONTACTSETTINGSCONTROL::ptszGroup
+#define CSGROUP_NOTIFICATIONS LPGENT("Notifications")
+// special values for CONTACTSETTINGSCONTROL::szModule
+#define CSMODULE_PROTO "%proto%" // ContactSettings will replace this by contact's protocol module name
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(): ptszName(NULL) {dbvValue.type = 0; dbvValue.dVal = 0; dbvValue.pbVal = 0; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, BYTE Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbvValue.bVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, char Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbvValue.cVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, WORD Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WORD; dbvValue.wVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, short Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WORD; dbvValue.sVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, DWORD Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_DWORD; dbvValue.dVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, long Value) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_DWORD; dbvValue.lVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, const char *szValue) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ; dbvValue.pszVal = (char*)szValue; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(char *pszName, const WCHAR *wszValue) { this->pszName = pszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WCHAR; dbvValue.pwszVal = (WCHAR*)wszValue; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, BYTE Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbvValue.bVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, char Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbvValue.cVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, WORD Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WORD; dbvValue.wVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, short Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WORD; dbvValue.sVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, DWORD Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_DWORD; dbvValue.dVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, long Value) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_DWORD; dbvValue.lVal = Value; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, const char *szValue) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ; dbvValue.pszVal = (char*)szValue; }
+ CSCONTROLSTATE(WCHAR *pwszName, const WCHAR *wszValue) { this->pwszName = pwszName; dbvValue.type = DBVT_WCHAR; dbvValue.pwszVal = (WCHAR*)wszValue; }
+ union
+ {
+ TCHAR *ptszName; // item text for CSCT_COMBOBOX; not used for CSCT_CHECKBOX
+ char *pszName;
+ WCHAR *pwszName;
+ };
+ DBVARIANT dbvValue; // database value for this state
+// WARNING: do not use Translate(TS) for ptszTitle, ptszGroup, ptszTooltip or CSCONTROLSTATE::ptszName as they are translated by ContactSettings. The only exception is when you use CSCF_DONT_TRANSLATE_STRINGS flag
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(CONTACTSETTINGSCONTROL)
+ int cbStateSize; // sizeof(CSCONTROLSTATE)
+ int Position; // position in the group, lower numbers are topmost. CSPOS_SORTBYALPHABET is recommended if you don't need a specific sorting order
+ DWORD Flags; // a combination of CSCF_ constants
+ CSCONTROLTYPE ControlType; // one of CSCT_ constants
+ union
+ {
+ TCHAR *ptszTitle; // label above the control
+ char *pszTitle;
+ WCHAR *pwszTitle;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ TCHAR *ptszGroup; // group title (several controls may be grouped together); may be NULL.
+ char *pszGroup;
+ WCHAR *pwszGroup;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ TCHAR *ptszTooltip; // tooltip for the control; may be NULL
+ char *pszTooltip;
+ WCHAR *pwszTooltip;
+ };
+ const char *szModule; // database module; may contain variables (see above; currently the only existing variable is CSMODULE_PROTO)
+ const char *szSetting; // database setting
+ int StateNum; // number of possible states; always 2 or 3 for CSCT_CHECKBOX, and can be any number starting from 2 for CSCT_COMBOBOX
+ int DefState; // default state index
+ CSCONTROLSTATE *pStates; // array of StateNum items, describing all possible control states. Can be NULL for CSCT_COMBOBOX, in this case ContactSettings will use DBVT_BYTE database values, 0 is unchecked, 1 is checked, 2 is indeterminate. Can't be NULL for CSCT_COMBOBOX.
+ DWORD ValueMask; // in most cases simply set this to 0. when not 0, it allows to define a bit mask to access separate bits of a db value instead of reading/writing the whole value. is valid only for DBVT_BYTE, DBVT_WORD and DBVT_DWORD values
+#define MS_CONTACTSETTINGS_ADDCONTROL "ContactSettings/AddControl"
+typedef struct {
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ const char *szModule; // variables in szModule and szSetting are NOT parsed, i.e. ContactSettings copies the values straight from CONTACTSETTINGSCONTROL
+ const char *szSetting;
+Called for every changed setting when the user applied changes in a contact settings dialog
+This event will be triggered many times rapidly when a whole bunch of values are set.
+Modules which hook this should be aware of this fact and quickly return if they are not interested in the value that has been changed.
+#define ME_CONTACTSETTINGS_SETTINGCHANGED "ContactSettings/SettingChanged"
+Shows Contact Settings dialog for a contact
+#define MS_CONTACTSETTINGS_SHOWDIALOG "ContactSettings/ShowDialog"
+Shows dialog for a group
+wParam=groupId (0 is the main group)
+#define MS_CONTACTSETTINGS_SHOWGROUPDIALOG "ContactSettings/ShowGroupDialog"
+Example of use:
+ HookEvent(ME_CONTACTSETTINGS_INITIALISE, ContactSettingsInit);
+static int ContactSettingsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+// check first whether to add controls or not
+// we need to get a protocol name for that, if it's a contact settings dialog:
+ char *szProto = (csi->Type == CSIT_CONTACT) ? (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)csi->hContact, 0) : NULL;
+// in general, you MUST add all your controls if csi->Type == CSIT_GROUP (i.e. user opened a group settings dialog), otherwise your plugin won't support group settings well:
+ if ((csi->Type == CSIT_GROUP) ||
+// otherwise (for a contact settings dialog), you can add controls depending on some conditions, like protocol caps, etc.
+// in this example, we check whether the protocol has a PS_GETCUSTOMSTATUSICON service (i.e. does it support xstatuses or not):
+ (csi->Type == CSIT_CONTACT && szProto && ProtoServiceExists(szProto, PS_GETCUSTOMSTATUSICON)))
+// your plugin must ignore cases when csi->Type is neither CSIT_GROUP nor CSIT_CONTACT
+ {
+ csc.cbSize = sizeof(csc);
+ csc.Flags = CSCF_TCHAR;
+ csc.ControlType = CSCT_COMBOBOX;
+ csc.StateNum = 3;
+ csc.ptszTitle = LPGENT("XStatus change notifications:") _T("\0") LPGENT("Ignore") _T("\0") LPGENT("Notify always") _T("\0") LPGENT("Use global settings") _T("\0");
+ csc.ptszTooltip = LPGENT("Tooltip text");
+ csc.pszDBSetting = "ModuleName/XSNotifications";
+ csc.DefValue = 2; // "Use global settings"
+ // and CSCT_CHECKBOX example:
+ csc.Flags = CSCF_TCHAR;
+ csc.ControlType = CSCT_CHECKBOX;
+ csc.StateNum = 3;
+ csc.ptszTitle = LPGENT("Other setting");
+ csc.ptszGroup = LPGENT("Some group");
+ csc.ptszTooltip = LPGENT("Tooltip text");
+ csc.pszDBSetting = "ModuleName/OtherSetting";
+ csc.DefValue = 2; // BST_INDETERMINATE
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_DataAsMessage.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_DataAsMessage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f1f2eb441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_DataAsMessage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ DataAsMessage plugin for Miranda IM
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Chervov Dmitry
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// DAM_SENDRESULTINFO::iResult values
+#define DAM_SR_SUCCESS 0
+#define DAM_SR_TIMEOUT 1 // timeout period expired; this value is returned also if the contact went offline for a time longer than a timeout period
+#define DAM_SR_NOTSUPPORTED 2 // means this szDataType is not supported by the remote side
+#define DAM_SR_NODAM 3 // means there is no DataAsMessage plugin on the remote side; keep in mind that this error can also appear accidentally because of a bad connectivity during the handshake (if there was a timeout when waiting for a response)
+#define DAM_SR_CANCELLEDLOCAL 4 // cancelled from the local(sending) side
+#define DAM_SR_CANCELLEDREMOTE 5 // cancelled from the remote(receiving) side
+#define DAM_SR_BADCRC 6 // bad CRC; we can't do anything with this error. the most probable cause is that protocol filters some of characters in our messages
+#define DAM_SR_UNKNOWN 7 // unknown error
+// Return values for DAM_SENDRESULTPROC
+#define DAM_SRA_RETRY 1
+typedef struct
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(DAM_SENDRESULTINFO)
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ char *szDataType;
+ DWORD SessionID;
+ int iResult; // transmission result code
+} DAM_SENDRESULTINFO; // hContact, szDataType and SessionID fields correspond to the fields of the DAM_SENDDATAINFO structure
+typedef int (*DAM_SENDRESULTPROC)(DAM_SENDRESULTINFO *sri); // this procedure receives the result of the transmission. it's called when the session closes (either the data was sent successfully or there was an error)
+// you can return DAM_SRA_RETRY when iResult is DAM_SR_TIMEOUT if you want to retry sending
+// DAM_SENDDATAINFO::Flags constants
+#define DAM_SDF_DONTPACK 1 // don't compress the data (by default all the data is compressed)
+#define DAM_SDF_NOTIMEOUT 2 // don't generate a timeout error ever, keep trying to send the data. If the contact is offline, the data is saved in the memory until the contact goes online. Loss of the data occurs only if the sender's miranda closes (this may change in future to allow fully functional offline sending that will guarantee the data to be sent in any case, but of course the sending starts only when the both contacts are online). other errors than the timeout error can be still generated though.
+typedef struct
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(DAM_SENDDATAINFO)
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ char *szDataType; // zero-terminated string, containing data type, preferably in format "YourPluginName" or "YourPluginName/Something" (make sure this string won't coincide by an accident with someone else's string!). you can identify your data by this ID later
+ int nDataLen; // keep in mind that if the length is too big (more than about 8 KB), it's more preferable to split your data into several chunks, as you won't be able to "pick up" your data at the other end until all the data is transferred
+ char *cData;
+ int Flags; // combination of the DAM_SDF_ constants
+ DWORD SendAfterSessionID; // may be NULL; otherwise it's guaranteed that the sending starts only after successful completion of SendAfterSessionID session
+ DAM_SENDRESULTPROC SendResultProc; // pointer to a procedure that receives the result; can be NULL
+ DWORD SessionID; // OUT; receives the session ID
+// MS_DAM_SENDDATA return values
+#define DAM_SDA_NOERROR 0
+#define DAM_SDA_NOTSUPPORTED (-1) // contact's protocol doesn't support sending/receiving messages
+#define DAM_SDA_TOOMANYSESSIONS (-2) // too many sessions
+// sends the data
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(DAM_SENDDATAINFO*)sdi;
+// lParam = 0
+// Returns 0 (DAM_SDA_NOERROR) and fills SessionID if the session was queued for sending successfully; returns one of the DAM_SDA_ values on failure
+#define MS_DAM_SENDDATA "DataAsMessage/SendData"
+static int __inline DAMSendData(HANDLE hContact, char *szDataType, int nDataLen, char *cData, int Flags, DWORD SendAfterSessionID, DAM_SENDRESULTPROC SendResultProc, DWORD *pSessionID)
+ int Result;
+ ZeroMemory(&sdi, sizeof(sdi));
+ sdi.cbSize = sizeof(sdi);
+ sdi.hContact = hContact;
+ sdi.szDataType = szDataType;
+ sdi.nDataLen = nDataLen;
+ sdi.cData = cData;
+ sdi.Flags = Flags;
+ sdi.SendAfterSessionID = SendAfterSessionID;
+ sdi.SendResultProc = SendResultProc;
+ Result = CallService(MS_DAM_SENDDATA, (WPARAM)&sdi, 0);
+ if (pSessionID)
+ {
+ *pSessionID = sdi.SessionID;
+ }
+ return Result;
+typedef struct
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(DAM_RECVDATAINFO)
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ char *szDataType;
+ int nDataLen;
+ char *cData;
+// hook up to this event to check for incoming data
+// make sure rdi->szDataType is yours before doing anything!
+// The important thing here is that your plugin will receive TWO ME_DAM_RECVDATA notifications on every single MS_DAM_SENDDATA call from a remote side:
+// The first notification arrives when the remote side starts to transmit the data. In this case DAM_RECVDATAINFO::cData = NULL (and DAM_RECVDATAINFO::nDataLen = -1) as we didn't receive any data yet. Return 1 to indicate that your plugin recognized the DAM_RECVDATAINFO::szDataType, otherwise return 0. If there are no any plugin that recognized the data, DAM cancels the transfer and there won't be any second notification for it.
+// The second notification is when the data is transmitted successfully. nDataLen contains the usual data size and cData points to the data buffer. cData is guaranteed to be valid only during the ME_DAM_RECVDATA call. You must copy the data to your own plugin's memory if you need to use it later. And again, return 1 to indicate that your plugin recognized the data, otherwise return 0
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(DAM_RECVDATAINFO*)rdi;
+// lParam = 0
+#define ME_DAM_RECVDATA "DataAsMessage/RecvData"
+typedef struct
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(DAM_COMPRESSION_DATA)
+ void *(*malloc)(size_t); // pointer to the malloc() function of the calling module
+ int nInputDataLen; // IN; length of the input data in bytes
+ char *cInputData; // IN; pointer to the input data
+ int nOutputDataLen; // OUT; length of the output data in bytes
+ char *cOutputData; // OUT; pointer to the output data
+// Compression/decompression services. You DON'T have to use them if you want to send compressed data using DAM services, as DAM compresses the data automatically. These services are here just in case you need to compress/decompress data for your own needs
+// compresses the data using BZip2
+// lParam = 0
+// cbSize, malloc, nInputDataLen and cInputData fields must be valid when calling the service.
+// Returns 0 and fills nOutputDataLen and cOutputData on success; returns non-zero on failure
+// This service allocates the memory for cOutputData using the specified malloc function; you must call free(cOutputData) when you've finished working with cOutputData
+#define MS_DAM_COMPRESS "DataAsMessage/Compress"
+// decompresses the data
+// lParam = 0
+// cbSize, malloc, nInputDataLen and cInputData fields must be valid when calling the service.
+// Returns 0 and fills nOutputDataLen and cOutputData on success; returns non-zero on failure
+// This service allocates the memory for cOutputData using the specified malloc function; you must call free(cOutputData) when you've finished working with cOutputData
+#define MS_DAM_DECOMPRESS "DataAsMessage/Decompress"
+__inline int DAM_Compress(char *cInputData, int nInputDataLen, char **cOutputData, int *nOutputDataLen)
+ int Result;
+ ZeroMemory(&bd, sizeof(bd));
+ bd.cbSize = sizeof(bd);
+ bd.malloc = malloc;
+ bd.nInputDataLen = nInputDataLen;
+ bd.cInputData = cInputData;
+ Result = CallService(MS_DAM_COMPRESS, (WPARAM)&bd, 0);
+ *nOutputDataLen = bd.nOutputDataLen;
+ *cOutputData = bd.cOutputData;
+ return Result;
+__inline int DAM_Decompress(char *cInputData, int nInputDataLen, char **cOutputData, int *nOutputDataLen)
+ int Result;
+ ZeroMemory(&bd, sizeof(bd));
+ bd.cbSize = sizeof(bd);
+ bd.malloc = malloc;
+ bd.nInputDataLen = nInputDataLen;
+ bd.cInputData = cInputData;
+ Result = CallService(MS_DAM_DECOMPRESS, (WPARAM)&bd, 0);
+ *nOutputDataLen = bd.nOutputDataLen;
+ *cOutputData = bd.cOutputData;
+ return Result;
+#endif // __M_DATAASMESSAGE_H
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_LogService.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_LogService.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3acd6be1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_LogService.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ LogService - Plugin for Miranda IM
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Chervov Dmitry
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#ifndef __M_LOGSERVICE_H
+#define __M_LOGSERVICE_H
+#define MIID_LOGSERVICE {0xe60bc9eb, 0xa099, 0x4846, {0xbc, 0x11, 0xba, 0x39, 0xf6, 0x60, 0x8b, 0x94}}
+// {E60BC9EB-A099-4846-BC11-BA39F6608B94}
+// LS_REGINFO::Flags constants
+#define LSRF_WCHAR 1 // specifies that LS_REGINFO::szTitle, szDefLogPath and szDefFormat are WCHAR*
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ #define LSRF_TCHAR 0
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(LS_REGINFO)
+ char *szID; // Log ID; it's a good idea to use your plugin name here
+ union
+ {
+ char *szTitle; // Title shown in the options. Cannot be NULL or empty. This is translated by LogService automatically
+ WCHAR *wszTitle;
+ TCHAR *tszTitle;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ char *szDefLogPath; // Default log file path, may contain variables. May be NULL - in this case the default path is "<log ID>.log". Usually it's relative to <Miranda profile dir>\Logs dir, but it can be changed by user through Folders plugin.
+ WCHAR *wszDefLogPath; // if there's no Variables plugin installed, LogService will use szDefLogPath with all the variables removed from it
+ TCHAR *tszDefLogPath;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ char *szDefFormat; // Default log format; contains variables. May be NULL - in this case the default formatting is "`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]` %extratext%"
+ WCHAR *wszDefFormat;
+ TCHAR *tszDefFormat;
+ };
+ int Flags;
+// Registers a log. Your plugin can register several different logs with different settings. This service must be called once for every needed log ID at every startup.
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(LS_REGINFO*)pri - pointer to LS_REGINFO item
+// lParam = 0
+// returns 0 on success
+#define MS_LOGSERVICE_REGISTER "LogService/Register"
+__inline static INT_PTR logservice_register(char *szID, TCHAR *tszTitle, TCHAR *tszDefLogPath, TCHAR *tszDefFormat)
+ ZeroMemory(&ri, sizeof(LS_REGINFO));
+ ri.cbSize = sizeof(LS_REGINFO);
+ ri.szID = szID;
+ ri.tszTitle = tszTitle;
+ ri.tszDefLogPath = tszDefLogPath;
+ ri.tszDefFormat = tszDefFormat;
+ ri.Flags = LSRF_TCHAR;
+ return CallService(MS_LOGSERVICE_REGISTER, (WPARAM)&ri, 0);
+// LS_MSGINFO::Flags constants
+#define LSMF_WCHAR 1 // specifies that LS_MSGINFO::szMsg is a WCHAR*
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ #define LSMF_TCHAR 0
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(LS_MSGINFO)
+ char *szID;
+ MCONTACT hContact; // may be NULL if no contact is associated with the message
+ union
+ {
+ char *szMsg; // the message
+ WCHAR *wszMsg;
+ TCHAR *tszMsg;
+ };
+ int Flags;
+// Logs szMsg message. You don't have to specify in szMsg anything else than the actual message. i.e. LogService will take care of date, time, contact nick etc by itself, using the format string
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(LS_MSGINFO*)pmi - pointer to LS_MSGINFO item
+// lParam = 0
+// returns 0 on success
+#define MS_LOGSERVICE_LOG "LogService/Log"
+__inline static INT_PTR logservice_log(char *szID, MCONTACT hContact, TCHAR *tszMsg)
+ ZeroMemory(&mi, sizeof(LS_MSGINFO));
+ mi.cbSize = sizeof(LS_MSGINFO);
+ mi.szID = szID;
+ mi.hContact = hContact;
+ mi.tszMsg = tszMsg;
+ mi.Flags = LSMF_TCHAR;
+ return CallService(MS_LOGSERVICE_LOG, (WPARAM)&mi, 0);
+// LS_LOGINFO::Flags constants
+#define LSLI_WCHAR 1 // [in]; specifies that LS_LOGINFO::szLogPath is a WCHAR*
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ #define LSLI_TCHAR 0
+#define LSLI_LOGENABLED 2 // [out]; LogService will set this flag if log with ID szID is enabled in the options. Setting this flag before calling MS_LOGSERVICE_GETLOGINFO is ignored. This flag is independent of hContact.
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // [in]; sizeof(LS_LOGINFO)
+ char *szID; // [in]
+ MCONTACT hContact; // [in]; may be NULL
+ union
+ {
+ char *szLogPath; // [in]; pointer to a string to receive log file name, including full path. May be NULL. The string must be at least MAX_PATH characters long
+ WCHAR *wszLogPath;
+ TCHAR *tszLogPath;
+ };
+ int Flags; // [in,out]
+// Returns various information about log with ID szID.
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(LS_LOGINFO*)pli - pointer to LS_LOGINFO item
+// lParam = 0
+// If szFileName is not NULL, MS_LOGSERVICE_GETLOGINFO gets full log file path by szID and hContact and copies it to *szLogPath
+// Also the service will set LSLI_LOGENABLED flag if the specified log is enabled in the options.
+// returns 0 on success
+#define MS_LOGSERVICE_GETLOGINFO "LogService/GetLogInfo"
+1) Example of the simpliest way to use LogService:
+ // define szID
+ #define LOG_ID "MyPluginName"
+ logservice_register(LOG_ID, LPGENT("My plugin - log title"), NULL, NULL);
+ // whenever you need to log something:
+ logservice_log(LOG_ID, NULL, _T("Test message"));
+ // (don't forget to specify hContact instead of NULL here if there's a contact associated with the message)
+MyPluginName.log will be created with the following contents:
+[20.08.2007-14:30:00] Test message
+2) If you want to offer additional customizability of log format using Variables, but still want the log to be usable even when Variables plugin is not installed, you can specify different messages depending on existence of MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING service. This example will explain how to do this and also will show you some other useful hints related to Variables plugin.
+ // define szID
+ #define LOG_ID "ClientChangeNotify"
+ // For example, say, we want to append user's ICQ UIN (or Yahoo ID, etc) to file name, to log CCN events to different files, depending on protocol (i.e. ClientChangeNotify_310927.log for ICQ). That's why custom log file path with variables is used here:
+ logservice_register(LOG_ID, LPGENT("ClientChangeNotify"),
+ _T("ClientChangeNotify?puts(p,?dbsetting(%subject%,Protocol,p))?if2(_?dbsetting(,?get(p),?pinfo(?get(p),uidsetting)),).log"),
+ TranslateT("`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]` ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed client to %extratext%"));
+ // When Variables plugin is not installed, LogService will automatically cut all the variables from the log path, and we'll get usual "ClientChangeNotify.log" - so everyting is ok here.
+ // But note that %extratext% in the log format is supposed to contain only client name in CCN, and without some special measures, we would get something like this in the log when Variables plugin is not installed:
+ // [20.08.2007-14:30:00] Miranda IM alpha (ICQ v0.3.8.105 alpha)
+ // Without at least contact nick, such log will be just useless. So when logging, we'll handle this case in a special way:
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING))
+ { // Variables plugin is installed
+ logservice_log(LOG_ID, hContact, tszClientName);
+ } else
+ { // Variables plugin is not installed, so we have to generate the string by ourselves, using some simple predefined format:
+ TCHAR tszNickAndClient[1024];
+ mir_sntprintf(tszNickAndClient, SIZEOF(tszNickAndClient), TranslateT("%s changed his client to %s"),
+ logservice_log(LOG_ID, hContact, tszNickAndClient);
+ }
+3) The other solution to the case when there's no Variables plugin, is to sacrifice customizability of log format for a simplier implementation:
+ // define szID
+ #define LOG_ID "ClientChangeNotify"
+ logservice_register(LOG_ID, LPGENT("ClientChangeNotify"),
+ _T("ClientChangeNotify?puts(p,?dbsetting(%subject%,Protocol,p))?if2(_?dbsetting(,?get(p),?pinfo(?get(p),uidsetting)),).log"),
+ NULL);
+ // logging:
+ TCHAR tszNickAndClient[1024];
+ mir_sntprintf(tszNickAndClient, SIZEOF(tszNickAndClient), TranslateT("%s changed his client to %s"),
+ logservice_log(LOG_ID, hContact, tszNickAndClient);
+ // Note that %extratext% now always contains the whole "<contact> changed his client to <client>" string, and user is almost unable to customize this; perhaps only by using another translation or some advanced Variables scripts.
+#endif // __M_LOGSERVICE_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MagneticWindows.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MagneticWindows.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e011c773fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MagneticWindows.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+//#include "../include/newpluginapi.h"
+// For other Plugins to start snapping for their windows
+// wparam: hwnd of window
+// lparam: 0
+// return: 0 on success, 1 on error
+#define MS_MW_ADDWINDOW "Utils/MagneticWindows/Add"
+// For other Plugins to stop snapping for their windows
+// wparam: hwnd of window
+// lparam: 0
+// return: 0 on success, 1 on error
+#define MS_MW_REMWINDOW "Utils/MagneticWindows/Rem"
+//decide where to align on the list:
+#define MS_MW_STL_List_Left 0x00000001 //Snaps the window to the left border of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_List_Top 0x00000002 //Snaps the window to the top border of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_List_Right 0x00000004 //Snaps the window to the right border of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_List_Bottom 0x00000008 //Snaps the window to the bottom border of the list
+//decide with what side (of the window you want to snap) to snap to the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Left 0x00000010 //Snaps the window with the left border to the left/right side of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Top 0x00000020 //Snaps the window with the top border to the top/bottom side of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Right 0x00000040 //Snaps the window with the right border to the left/right side of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Bottom 0x00000080 //Snaps the window with the bottom border to the top/bottom side of the list
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_FullWidth (MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Left | MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Right)
+ //Snaps to the top/bottom of the list and spans over the full width
+#define MS_MW_STL_Wnd_FullHeight (MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Top | MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Bottom)
+ //Snaps to the left/right of the list and spans over the full height
+// to place the window in the list combine f.e. MS_MW_STL_List_Left | MS_MW_STL_Wnd_Right | *vetical alignment*
+//For other Plugins to snap a window to the list for other Plugins
+// wparam: hwnd of window
+// lparam: combination of the above constants MS_MW_STL_*
+// return: 0 on success, 1 on error
+#define MS_MW_SNAPTOLIST "Utils/MagneticWindows/SnapToList"
+// Helper functions
+static inline int MagneticWindows_AddWindow(HWND hWnd)
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_MW_ADDWINDOW))
+ {
+ return CallService(MS_MW_ADDWINDOW, (WPARAM) hWnd, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+static inline int MagneticWindows_RemoveWindow(HWND hWnd)
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_MW_REMWINDOW))
+ {
+ return CallService(MS_MW_REMWINDOW, (WPARAM) hWnd, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+static inline int MagneticWindows_SnapWindowToList(HWND hWnd, int MS_MW_STL_Options)
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_MW_SNAPTOLIST))
+ {
+ return CallService(MS_MW_SNAPTOLIST, (WPARAM) hWnd, (LPARAM) MS_MW_STL_Options);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+#endif // __M_MAGNETICWINDOWS_H__
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MathModule.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MathModule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04ae06a7f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_MathModule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#ifndef M_MATHMODULE_H_
+#define M_MATHMODULE_H_
+ **************************
+ * 2 *
+ ** * x + 2 Pi
+ ** ************* + R
+ * Sin(wt)
+ *
+ Math-Module
+ **************
+ Miranda Plugin by Stephan Kassemeyer
+ MathModule API - (c) Stephan Kassemeyer
+ 8 May, 2004
+// ---------
+ Miranda Service-functions defined by MathModule
+ call with the
+ int (*CallService)(const char * servicename,WPARAM,LPARAM)
+ that you get from miranda when Miranda calls the
+ Load(PLUGINLINK * link)
+ of your PlugIn-dll
+ the CallService function then is:
+ link->CallServiceSync(Servicename,wparam,lparam)
+// ---------
+#define MATH_RTF_REPLACE_FORMULAE "Math/RtfReplaceFormulae"
+// replace all formulas in a RichEdit with bitmaps.
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = *TMathRichedit Info
+// return: TRUE if replacement succeeded, FALSE if not (disable by user?).
+typedef struct
+ HWND hwndRichEditControl; // handle of richedit.
+ CHARRANGE* sel; // NULL: replace all.
+ int disableredraw;
+} TMathRicheditInfo;
+// WARNING: !!!
+// Strange things happen if you use this function twice on the same CHARRANGE:
+// if Math-startDelimiter == Math-endDelimiter, there is the following problem:
+// it might be that someone forgot an endDelimiter, this results in a lonesome startdelimiter.
+// if you try to MATH_REPLACE_FORMULAE the second time, startDelimiters and endDelimiters are mixed up.
+// The same problem occours if we have empty formulae, because two succeding delimiters are
+// replaced with a single delimiter.
+#define MTH_GETBITMAP "Math/GetBitmap"
+//returns Bitmap that represents the formula given in lparam (string-pointer)
+//this formula has NO Delimiters.
+//result=(HBITMAP) bitmap
+//!!! the bitmap must be deleted with DeleteObject(hobject)
+//HBITMAP Bmp=(HBITMAP)CallService(MTH_GETBITMAP,0, (LPARAM)formula);
+#define MTH_GET_GIF "Math/GetGif"
+// this renders a formula given in lparam and produces a gif-image in a temporary-folder
+// and returns the filename (full path). Be sure to copy the file if you want to preserve it,
+// because the files are managed as a ring-buffer, if 99 files already exist, this
+// function overwrites the first one.
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=*char text // formula WITHOUT delimiters
+// result=(*char)path
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_GIFPATH
+#define MTH_GET_GIF_UNICODE "Math/GetGifUnicode"
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=*wchar_t text
+// result=*char path
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_GIFPATH
+#define MTH_FREE_GIFPATH "Math/FreeRTFBitmapText"
+#define MTH_GET_RTF_BITMAPTEXT "Math/GetRTFBitmapText"
+// returns rich-text stream that includes bitmaps from text given in lparam
+// hereby is replaced with a rtf-bitmap-stream that represents the corresponding formula
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=*char text
+// result=*char rtfstream
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_RTF_BITMAPTEXT
+#define MTH_FREE_RTF_BITMAPTEXT "Math/FreeRTFBitmapText"
+// deletes the buffer that MTH_GET_RTF_BITMAPTEXT has created.
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(*char) buffer
+// result=0
+#define MTH_GET_HTML_SOURCE "Math/GetHTMLSource"
+// this is similar to MTH_GET_RTF_BITMAPTEXT, but
+// as we cannot include embedded images, the bitmaps are saved in a
+// temporary directory (relative to Miranda-dir) and the images are linked into
+// the html-source
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=*char text // this has to be html-source already. this function only adds formula-links.
+// result=*char htmlsource
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_HTML_BUFFER
+#define MTH_GET_HTML_SOURCE_UNICODE "Math/GetHTMLSourceUnicode"
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=*wchar_t text
+// result=*wchar_t htmlsource
+#define MTH_FREE_HTML_BUFFER "Math/FreeRTFBitmapText"
+// deletes string-buffers that MathModule has created.
+// wparam=(bool) unicode // 0 if no unicode-buffer; 1 if unicode-buffer !!!
+// lparam=(*char) buffer
+// result=0
+// **********parameter functions:
+#define MATH_SET_PARAMS "Math/SetParams"
+// sets a parameter (only integer values) specified in wparam
+// wparam=paramcode
+// lparam=parametervalue
+// paramcodes:
+ #define MATH_PARAM_BKGCOLOR 0 // (COLORREF) std-rgb-color or TRANSPARENT_Color
+ // you can make the BKGCOLOR Transparent (default) by using this color:
+ #define TRANSPARENT_Color 0xffffffff -1 // this is default
+ #define MATH_PARAM_FONTCOLOR 1 // (COLORREF) std-rgb-color
+ #define MATH_PARAM_RESIZE_HWND 2 // (HWND) preview window resizes RESIZE_HWND when it is being resized.
+ #define MATH_PARAM_ToolboxEdit_HWND 3 // (HWND) If this hwnd (of an edit-box) is set, MathModule can insert Formula-elements from the Math-Toolbox.
+#define MATH_GET_PARAMS "Math/GetParams"
+// get a parameter (only integer values) specified in wparam
+// wparam=paramcode
+// lparam=lparamOfPARAM // see below
+// paramcodes and returnvalues:
+ #define MATH_PARAM_STARTDELIMITER 4 // retval: *char delimiter // the delimiter that marks the beginning of a formula
+ // !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER
+ // lparam=0
+ #define MATH_PARAM_ENDDELIMITER 5 // retval: *char delimiter // the delimiter that marks the end of a formula
+ // !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER
+ // lparam=0
+// ************end parameter functions.
+#define MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER "Math/FreeRTFBitmapText"
+// deletes string-buffers that MathModule has created. (at the moment only the *DELIMITER-services create such strings)
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(*char) buffer
+// result=0
+// ********* preview-window functions
+#define MTH_SHOW "Math/Show"
+// shows the preview-window
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=0
+// result=0
+#define MTH_HIDE "Math/Hide"
+// hides the preview-window
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=0
+// result=0
+#define MTH_RESIZE "Math/Resize"
+// sets the size of the preview-window
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(*TMathWindowInfo)
+// result=0
+typedef struct
+ int top;
+ int left;
+ int right;
+ int bottom;
+} TMathWindowInfo;
+#define MTH_SETFORMULA "Math/SetFormula"
+// sets the text that the preview-window should parse to display formulas found inside
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(*char) text
+// result=0
+#define MTH_GET_PREVIEW_HEIGHT "Math/getPreviewHeight"
+// returns the height of the whole preview-window (including system-menu-bar)
+// consider this when maximizing a window to that preview-window is hooked on top or bottom
+// it returns the height no matter whether preview-window is visible or not
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=0
+// result=(int) height
+#define MTH_GET_PREVIEW_SHOWN "Math/getPreviewShown"
+// returns 1 if preview window is visible
+// returns 0 if preview window is invisible
+// result=(int) shown
+//---------------end preview functions
+#define MTH_SUBSTITUTE_DELIMITER "Math/SubstituteDelimiter"
+// replaces Substitute in an edit-box given in lparam-structure with internal Math-Delimiter.
+// MathSrmm uses this for the shortcut-functionality
+// I do not recommend to use this, it's not Unicode-safe
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(TMathSubstInfo) substInfo
+// result=0
+typedef struct
+ HWND EditHandle;
+ char* Substitute;
+} TMathSubstInfo;
+// ---- here are some obsolete services. I plan to remove them soon. Use MATH_SET_PARAMS or MATH_GET_PARAMS instead !!
+#define MATH_SETBKGCOLOR "Math/SetBackGroundColor"
+// changes the background color of the next formula to be rendered.
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=(COLORREF) color
+// result=0
+#define MTH_Set_ToolboxEditHwnd "Math/SetTBhwnd"
+// If this hwnd (of an edit-box) is set, MathModule can insert Formula-elements from the Math-Toolbox.
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=handle
+#define MTH_Set_Resize_HWND "Math/SetResizeHWND" //übergibt fenster-Handle des aktuellen Message-Dialogs
+// If MathModule knows the handle of a SRMM-based window, following features exist:
+// - preview window resizes Math-Srmm when it is being resized.
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=handle
+// result=0
+#define MATH_GET_STARTDELIMITER "Math/GetStartDelimiter"
+// returns the delimiter that marks the beginning of a formula
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=0
+// result=*char Delimiter
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER
+#define MATH_GETENDDELIMITER "Math/GetEndDelimiter"
+// returns the delimiter that marks the end of a formula
+// wparam=0
+// lparam=0
+// result=*char Delimiter
+// !!! the result-buffer must be deleted with MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER
+//#ifndef M_MATHMODULE_H_
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_autoreplacer.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_autoreplacer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a169edb10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_autoreplacer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ AutoReplacer plugin
+ by Angelo Luiz Tartari
+ Adds a window handle to AutoReplacer.
+ This handle must belong to any window based on a editbox (editbox, richtext, TMemo, TEdit, TMaskEdit, etc.).
+ After adding a handle, AutoReplacer will automatically work on this window.
+ wParam = 0
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)hwnd
+ Returns: 0 on success, -1 if hwnd is invalid, 1 on error.
+ Example:
+ autoreplacer_AddWinHandle(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT1));
+#define MS_AUTOREPLACER_ADDWINHANDLE "AutoReplacer/AddWinHandle"
+static int __inline autoreplacer_AddWinHandle(HWND hwnd) {
+ return (int)CallService(MS_AUTOREPLACER_ADDWINHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)hwnd);
+ Removes a window handle from AutoReplacer's list.
+ wParam = 0
+ lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)hwnd
+ Returns: 0 on success, -1 if hwnd is invalid, 1 if hwnd wasn't found.
+ Example:
+ autoreplacer_RemWinHandle(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT1));
+#define MS_AUTOREPLACER_REMWINHANDLE "AutoReplacer/RemWinHandle"
+static int __inline autoreplacer_RemWinHandle(HWND hwnd) {
+ return (int)CallService(MS_AUTOREPLACER_REMWINHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)hwnd);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_db3xsa.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_db3xsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1e5334fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_db3xsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (,
+Copyright (c) 2000-07 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+/* DB/SetPassword v0.5.1.3+
+This service is used to set, change or clear the password used for encrypting the profile.
+It opens the password change dialog.
+#define MS_DB_SETPASSWORD "DB/SetPassword"
+/* DB/Backup v0.5.1.3+
+This service will make a backup of your current profile. Backups are named
+<ProfileName> xx.bak where xx is the number of backups. The larger the number, the
+older the backup.
+#define MS_DB_BACKUP "DB/Backup"
+/* DB/Backup v0.5.1.3+
+This service is the trigger action service and does the same as the service above.
+Only difference is wParam carries flags from trigger plugin.
+#define MS_DB_BACKUPTRIGGER "DB/BackupTriggerAct"
+/* DB/GetProfilePath( W ) v0.5.1.5+
+Gets the path of the profile currently being used by the database module. This
+path does not include the last '\'. It is appended with the profile's name if
+ProfileSubDir=yes is set in the mirandaboot.ini.
+ wParam=( WPARAM )( int )cbName
+ lParam=( LPARAM )( char* )pszName
+pszName is a pointer to the buffer that receives the path of the profile
+cbName is the size in bytes of the pszName buffer
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise
+#define MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATHW "DB/GetProfilePathW"
+/* DB/GetProfilePathBasic( W ) v0.5.1.5+
+Gets the path of the profile currently being used by the database module. This
+path does not include the last '\'. This is never appended with the profile's name.
+ wParam=( WPARAM )( int )cbName
+ lParam=( LPARAM )( char* )pszName
+pszName is a pointer to the buffer that receives the path of the profile
+cbName is the size in bytes of the pszName buffer
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise
+#define MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASIC "DB/GetProfilePathBasic"
+#define MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH_BASICW "DB/GetProfilePathBasicW"
+/* Utils/PathToAbsolute( W ) v0.5.1.5+
+This service routine expands all environment variables of a path string.
+It supports:
+%MIRANDAPATH% - expands to the installation folder of miranda,
+%PROFILEPATH% - expands to the folder the current profile is stored in,
+%PROFILENAME% - expands to the name of the current profile,
+and all windows like environment variables such as:
+It returns the length of the absolute path in characters on success or
+0 if any of the environment variables was not translated.
+wParam=relative source path ( must be smaller than MAX_PATH )
+lParam=absolute destination path ( must be larger or equal to MAX_PATH )
+ #define MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE "Utils/PathToAbsolute"
+#define MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTEW "Utils/PathToAbsoluteW"
+/* Utils/PathToRelative( W ) v0.5.1.5+
+This service parses the given absolute path and translates it to a string
+containing as much environment variables as possible.
+The return value is the length of the relative path in characters.
+wParam=absolute source path ( must be smaller than MAX_PATH )
+lParam=relative destination path ( must be larger or equal to MAX_PATH )
+ #define MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVE "Utils/PathToRelative"
+#define MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVEW "Utils/PathToRelativeW"
+/* Unicode/Multibyte wrapping via TCHAR
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_dbx_tree.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_dbx_tree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073f56043b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_dbx_tree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+dbx_tree: tree database driver for Miranda IM
+Copyright 2007-2010 Michael "Protogenes" Kunz,
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_DBX_TREE_H__
+#define M_DBX_TREE_H__ 1
+#include <stdint.h>
+#pragma pack(push, 8)
+ \brief general return value if invalid param or invalid combination of params specified
+static const unsigned int DBT_INVALIDPARAM = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+// Entities
+ \brief A handle to a Entity
+typedef uint32_t TDBTEntityHandle;
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_IsRoot = 0x00000001; /// Entity is the Root
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_IsGroup = 0x00000002; /// Entity is a group
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_IsAccount = 0x00000004; /// Entity is an account
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_HasChildren = 0x00010000; /// Entity has Children (for Groups and Metacontacts)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_HasVirtuals = 0x00020000; /// Entity has at least one Virtual duplicate
+static const uint32_t DBT_NF_IsVirtual = 0x00040000; /// Entity is a Virtual duplicate
+static const uint32_t DBT_NFM_SpecialEntity = DBT_NF_IsRoot | DBT_NF_IsGroup | DBT_NF_IsAccount | DBT_NF_IsVirtual;
+// Entities
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = 0
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return Handle to root Entity
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_GETROOT "DBT/Entity/GetRoot"
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return ChildCount of specified Entity
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_CHILDCOUNT "DBT/Entity/ChildCount"
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return Parent hEntity of specified Entity
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_GETPARENT "DBT/Entity/GetParent"
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hNewEntity
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_MOVE "DBT/Entity/Move"
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hNewParent
+#define ME_DBT_ENTITY_MOVING "DBT/Entity/Moving"
+ \brief
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hOldParent
+#define ME_DBT_ENTITY_MOVED "DBT/Entity/Moved"
+ \brief Read the flags of an Entity
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return Flags
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_GETFLAGS "DBT/Entity/GetFlags"
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC = 0x00000001; /// onStartEntity - AddChildren
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_AP = 0x00000002; /// onStartEntity - AddParent
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO = 0x00000004; /// onStartEntity - AddOriginal (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOC = 0x00000008 | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO; /// onStartEntity - AddOriginalChildren (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOP = 0x00000010 | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO; /// onStartEntity - AddOriginalParent (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OSC_USEACCOUNT = 0x00000080; /// onStartEntity - use Account as fallback, only for settings
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OC_AC = 0x00000001 <<8; /// onChildEntity - AddChildren
+//static const uint32_t DBT_LC_OC_AP = 0x00000002 <<8; /// invalid for children
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OC_AO = 0x00000004 <<8; /// onChildEntity - AddOriginal (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OC_AOC = 0x00000008 <<8 | DBT_NIFO_OC_AO; /// onChildEntity - AddOriginalChildren (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OC_AOP = 0x00000010 <<8 | DBT_NIFO_OC_AO; /// onChildEntity - AddOriginalParent (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OC_USEACCOUNT = 0x00000080 <<8; /// onStartEntity - use Account as fallback, only for settings
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_AC = 0x00000001 <<16; /// onParentEntity - AddChildren
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_AP = 0x00000002 <<16; /// onParentEntity - AddParent
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_AO = 0x00000004 <<16; /// onParentEntity - AddOriginal (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_AOC = 0x00000008 <<16 | DBT_NIFO_OP_AO; /// onParentEntity - AddOriginalChildren (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_AOP = 0x00000010 <<16 | DBT_NIFO_OP_AO; /// onParentEntity - AddOriginalParent (only if Entity is virtual)
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_OP_USEACCOUNT = 0x00000080 <<16; /// onStartEntity - use Account as fallback, only for settings
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_DEPTHFIRST = 0x01000000; /// general flags - depth first iteration instead of breath first
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_USEROOT = 0x02000000; /// general flags - use root as fallback, only for settings
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_VL1 = 0x10000000; /// general flags - limit virtual lookup depth to 1
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_VL2 = 0x20000000; /// general flags - limit virtual lookup depth to 2
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_VL3 = 0x30000000; /// general flags - limit virtual lookup depth to 3
+static const uint32_t DBT_NIFO_GF_VL4 = 0x40000000; /// general flags - limit virtual lookup depth to 4
+ \brief Entityfilter options for Entity iteration
+ struct TDBTEntityIterFilter
+ {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size of the structur in bytes
+ uint32_t Options; /// Options for iteration: DB_EIFO_*
+ uint32_t fHasFlags; /// flags an Entity must have to be iterated
+ uint32_t fDontHasFlags; /// flags an Entity have not to have to be iterated
+ } TDBTEntityIterFilter, *PDBTEntityIterFilter;
+ \brief Handle of an Entity-Iteration
+typedef uintptr_t TDBTEntityIterationHandle;
+ \brief initialize an iteration of Entities
+ \param wParam = PDBTEntityIterFilter, NULL to iterate all Entities (breadthfirst, all but root)
+ \param lParam = TDBTEntityHandle Entity, where iteration starts
+ \return EnumID
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_ITER_INIT "DBT/Entity/Iter/Init"
+ \brief get the next Entity
+ \param wParam = EnumID returned by MS_DBT_ENTITY_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hEntity, 0 at the end
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_ITER_NEXT "DBT/Entity/Iter/Next"
+ \brief closes an iteration and frees its ressourcs
+ \param wParam = IterationHandle returned by MS_DBT_ENTITY_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_ITER_CLOSE "DBT/Entity/Iter/Close"
+ \brief Deletes an Entity.
+ All children will be moved to its parent.
+ If the Entity has virtual copies, history and settings will be transfered to the first duplicate.
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_DELETE "DBT/Entity/Delete"
+typedef struct TDBTEntity
+ uint32_t bcSize;
+ TDBTEntityHandle hParentEntity;
+ uint32_t fFlags; /// Flags DBT_NF_
+ TDBTEntityHandle hAccountEntity; /// Needed for normal Entities, reference to AccountEntity for the created one
+} TDBTEntity, *PDBTEntity;
+ \brief Creates a new Entity.
+ \param wParam = PDBTEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hEntity on success, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_CREATE "DBT/Entity/Create"
+ \brief returns the account entity handle specified during creation
+ \param wParam = TDBTEntityHandle
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hEntity on success, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_ENTITY_GETACCOUNT "DBT/Entity/GetAccount"
+// Virtual Entities
+ \brief Creates a virtual duplicate of an Entity
+ \param wParam = hEntity to duplicate, couldn't be a group (DBT_NF_IsGroup set to 0)
+ \param lParam = hParentEntity to place duplicate
+ \return hEntity of created duplicate
+#define MS_DBT_VIRTUALENTITY_CREATE "DBT/VirtualEntity/Create"
+ \brief Retrieves the original Entity, which this is a duplicate of
+ \param wParam = hEntity of virtual Entity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hEntity of original Entity
+#define MS_DBT_VIRTUALENTITY_GETPARENT "DBT/VirtualEntity/GetParent"
+ \brief Retrieves the first virtual duplicate of an Entity (if any)
+ \param wParam = hEntity with virtual copies
+ \param lParam
+ \return hEntity of first virtual duplicate
+#define MS_DBT_VIRTUALENTITY_GETFIRST "DBT/VirtualEntity/GetFirst"
+ \brief Retrieves the following duplicate
+ \param wParam = hVirtualEntity of virtual Entity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hEntity of next duplicate, 0 if hVirtualEntity was the last duplicate
+#define MS_DBT_VIRTUALENTITY_GETNEXT "DBT/VirtualEntity/GetNext"
+// Settings
+ \brief Handle of a Setting
+typedef uint32_t TDBTSettingHandle;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_BYTE = 0x01;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_WORD = 0x02;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_DWORD = 0x03;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_QWORD = 0x04;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_CHAR = 0x11;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_SHORT = 0x12;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_INT = 0x13;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_INT64 = 0x14;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_BOOL = 0x20;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_FLOAT = 0x21;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_DOUBLE = 0x22;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_ANSI = 0xff;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_BLOB = 0xfe;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_UTF8 = 0xfd;
+static const uint16_t DBT_ST_WCHAR = 0xfc;
+#if (defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE))
+ static const uint16_t DBT_ST_TCHAR = DBT_ST_WCHAR;
+ static const uint16_t DBT_ST_TCHAR = DBT_ST_ANSI;
+static const uint16_t DBT_STF_Signed = 0x10;
+static const uint16_t DBT_STF_VariableLength = 0x80;
+static const uint32_t DBT_SDF_FoundValid = 0x00000001;
+static const uint32_t DBT_SDF_HashValid = 0x00000002;
+ \brief Describes a setting, its name and location
+ struct TDBTSettingDescriptor {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size of the structure in bytes
+ TDBTEntityHandle Entity; /// Entityhandle where the setting can be found, or where searching starts
+ char * pszSettingName; /// Setting name
+ uint32_t Options; /// options describing where the setting can be found DBT_NIFO_*
+ uint32_t Flags; /// Valid Flags. DBT_SDF_* describes which following values are valid (internal use)
+ TDBTEntityHandle FoundInEntity; /// internal use to avoid to do the searching twice
+ uint32_t Hash; /// internal used HashValue for settingname
+ TDBTSettingHandle FoundHandle; /// internal used SettingHandle
+ } TDBTSettingDescriptor, * PDBTSettingDescriptor;
+ \brief Describes a settings value
+ it is never used alone, without a type qualifier
+ union TDBTSettingValue {
+ bool Bool;
+ int8_t Char; uint8_t Byte;
+ int16_t Short; uint16_t Word;
+ uint32_t Int; uint32_t DWord;
+ int64_t Int64; uint64_t QWord;
+ float Float;
+ double Double;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t Length; // length in bytes of pBlob, length in characters of char types including trailing null
+ union {
+ uint8_t * pBlob;
+ char * pAnsi;
+ char * pUTF8;
+ wchar_t * pWide;
+ TCHAR * pTChar;
+ };
+ };
+ } TDBTSettingValue;
+ \brief Describes a setting
+ struct TDBTSetting {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size of the structure in bytes
+ PDBTSettingDescriptor Descriptor; /// pointer to a Setting descriptor used to locate the setting
+ uint16_t Type; /// type of the setting, see DBT_ST_*
+ TDBTSettingValue Value; /// Value of the setting according to Type
+ } TDBTSetting, * PDBTSetting;
+ \brief retrieves the handle of the setting
+ \param wParam = PDBTSettingDescriptor
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hSetting when found, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_FIND "DBT/Setting/Find"
+ \brief deletes the specified Setting
+ \param wParam = PDBTSettingDescriptor
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hSetting when found, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_DELETE "DBT/Setting/Delete"
+ \brief deletes the specified Setting
+ \param wParam = TDBTSettingHandle
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_DELETEHANDLE "DBT/Setting/DeleteHandle"
+ \brief Write a setting (and creates it if neccessary)
+ \param wParam = PDBTSetting
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return TDBTSettingHandle on success, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_WRITE "DBT/Setting/Write"
+ \brief retrieves the handle of the setting
+ \param wParam = PDBTSetting
+ \param lParam = TDBTSettingHandle, could be 0 to create new setting, but needs wParam->Descriptor with valid data
+ \return hSetting when found or created, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_WRITEHANDLE "DBT/Setting/WriteHandle"
+ \brief retrieves the value of the setting
+ \param wParam = PDBTSetting
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return SettingHandle
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_READ "DBT/Setting/Read"
+ \brief retrieves the value of the setting
+ Also retrieves the SettingDescriptor if it is set and prepared correctly (name buffers set etc)
+ \param wParam = PDBTSetting
+ \param lParam = TDBTSettingHandle
+ \return original settings type
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_READHANDLE "DBT/Setting/ReadHandle"
+ \brief Settings Filter Options for setting iteration
+ struct TDBTSettingIterFilter {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size in bytes of this structure
+ uint32_t Options; /// DBT_NIFO_* flags
+ TDBTEntityHandle hEntity; /// hEntity which settings should be iterated (or where iteration begins)
+ char * NameStart; /// if set != NULL the iteration will only return settings which name starts with this string
+ uint32_t ExtraCount; /// count of additional Entities which settings are enumerated, size of the array pointed by ExtraEntities
+ TDBTEntityHandle * ExtraEntities; /// pointer to an array with additional Entity handles in prioritized order
+ PDBTSettingDescriptor Descriptor; /// if set, the iteration will fill in the correct data, you may set SettingsNameLength and SettingName to a buffer to recieve the name of each setting
+ PDBTSetting Setting; /// if set, iteration loads every settings value, except variable length data (blob, strings) but returns their length
+ } TDBTSettingIterFilter, *PDBTSettingIterFilter;
+ \brief Handle of a Setting-Iteration
+typedef uintptr_t TDBTSettingIterationHandle;
+ \brief initialize an iteration of settings
+ \param wParam = PDBTSettingIterFilter
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return EnumID
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_ITER_INIT "DBT/Setting/Iter/Init"
+ \brief get the next setting
+ \param wParam = EnumID returned by MS_DBT_SETTING_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hSetting, 0 at the end
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_ITER_NEXT "DBT/Setting/Iter/Next"
+ \brief closes an iteration and frees its ressourcs
+ \param wParam = IterationHandle returned by MS_DBT_SETTING_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_SETTING_ITER_CLOSE "DBT/Setting/Iter/Close"
+// Events
+typedef uint32_t TDBTEventHandle;
+ \brief this event was sent by the user. If not set this event was received.
+static const uint32_t DBT_EF_SENT = 0x00000002;
+ \brief event has been read by the user. It does not need to be processed any more except for history.
+static const uint32_t DBT_EF_READ = 0x00000004;
+ \brief event contains the right-to-left aligned text
+static const uint32_t DBT_EF_RTL = 0x00000008;
+ \brief event contains a text in utf-8
+static const uint32_t DBT_EF_UTF = 0x00000010;
+ \brief event is virtual. it is not stored to db file yet.
+static const uint32_t DBT_EF_VIRTUAL = 0x00000020;
+ \brief describes an event
+typedef struct TDBTEvent {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size of the structure in bytes
+ char * ModuleName; ///
+ uint32_t Timestamp; /// seconds since 00:00, 01/01/1970. Gives us times until 2106 unless you use the standard C library which is signed and can only do until 2038. In GMT.
+ uint32_t Flags; /// the omnipresent flags
+ uint32_t EventType; /// module-unique event type ID
+ uint32_t cbBlob; /// size of pBlob in bytes
+ uint8_t * pBlob; /// pointer to buffer containing module-defined event data
+} TDBTEvent, *PDBTEvent;
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_Message = 0;
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_URL = 1;
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_Contacts = 2;
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_Added = 1000;
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_AuthRequest = 1001; //specific codes, hence the module-
+static const uint32_t DBT_EventType_File = 1002; //specific limit has been raised to 2000
+ \brief retrieves the blobsize of an event in bytes
+ \param wParam = hEvent
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return blobsize
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE "DBT/Event/GetBlobSize"
+ \brief retrieves all information of an event
+ \param wParam = hEvent
+ \param lParam = PDBTEvent
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_GET "DBT/Event/Get"
+ \brief retrieves all information of an event
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return Event count of specified Entity on success, DBT_INVALIDPARAM on error
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_GETCOUNT "DBT/Event/GetCount"
+ \brief Deletes the specfied event
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hEvent
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_DELETE "DBT/Event/Delete"
+ \brief Creates a new Event
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = PDBTEvent
+ \return hEvent on success, 0 otherwise
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_ADD "DBT/Event/Add"
+ \brief Changes the flags for an event to mark it as read.
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hEvent
+ \return New flags
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_MARKREAD "DBT/Event/MarkRead"
+ \brief Saves a virtual event to file and changes the flags.
+ \param wParam = hEntity
+ \param lParam = hEvent
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_WRITETODISK "DBT/Event/WriteToDisk"
+ \brief Retrieves a handle to a Entity that owns hEvent.
+ \param wParam = hEvent
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return NULL is a valid return value, meaning, as usual, the user.
+ DBT_INVALIDPARAM if hDbEvent is invalid, or the handle to the Entity on
+ success
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_GETENTITY "DBT/Event/GetEntity"
+ \brief Event Filter Options for event iteration
+ struct TDBTEventIterFilter {
+ uint32_t cbSize; /// size in bytes of this structure
+ uint32_t Options; /// DBT_NIFO_* flags
+ TDBTEntityHandle hEntity; /// hEntity which events should be iterated (or where iteration begins)
+ uint32_t ExtraCount; /// count of additional Entities which settings are enumerated, size of the array pointed by ExtraEntities
+ TDBTEntityHandle * ExtraEntities; /// pointer to an array with additional Entity handles in prioritized order
+ uint32_t tSince; /// timestamp when to start iteration, 0 for first item
+ uint32_t tTill; /// timestamp when to stop iteration, 0 for last item
+ PDBTEvent Event; /// if set every events data gets stored there
+ } TDBTEventIterFilter, *PDBTEventIterFilter;
+ \brief Handle of a Event-Iteration
+typedef uintptr_t TDBTEventIterationHandle;
+ \brief initialize an iteration of events
+ \param wParam = PDBTEventIterFilter
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return EnumID
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_ITER_INIT "DBT/Event/Iter/Init"
+ \brief get the next event
+ \param wParam = EnumID returned by MS_DBT_EVENT_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return hSetting, 0 at the end
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_ITER_NEXT "DBT/Event/Iter/Next"
+ \brief closes an iteration and frees its resourcs
+ \param wParam = IterationHandle returned by MS_DBT_EVENT_ITER_INIT
+ \param lParam = 0
+ \return 0 on success
+#define MS_DBT_EVENT_ITER_CLOSE "DBT/Event/Iter/Close"
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_fortunemsg.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_fortunemsg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf13dc422c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_fortunemsg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _FORTUNEMSG_
+#define _FORTUNEMSG_
+#define MIN_FORTUNEMSG 10
+#define MAX_FORTUNEMSG 1024
+//returns the fortune message (from a random file)
+//lParam=(char *)buffer or 0
+//returns (char *)status msg (buffer if specified), or 0 on failure
+//If lParam != 0 then the fortune msg is to be stored there, make sure
+//its length is at least equal to FORTUNE_BUFSIZE. If lParam == 0, then
+//the plugin will allocate the memory, but don't forget to free it (the
+//return value) using MS_FORTUNEMSG_FREEMEMORY (but only if you specify lParam=0!!!)
+#define MS_FORTUNEMSG_GETMESSAGE "FortuneMsg/GetMessage"
+//returns the fortune message for a protocol
+//lParam=(char *)buffer or 0
+//returns (char *)status msg (buffer if specified), or 0 on failure
+//If lParam != 0 then the fortune msg is to be stored there, make sure
+//its length is at least equal to FORTUNE_BUFSIZE. If lParam == 0, then
+//the plugin will allocate the memory, but don't forget to free it (the
+//return value) using MS_FORTUNEMSG_FREEMEMORY (but only if you specify lParam=0!!!)
+#define MS_FORTUNEMSG_GETPROTOMSG "FortuneMsg/GetProtoMessage"
+//returns the fortune status message for a status
+//lParam=(char *)buffer or 0
+//returns (char *)status msg (buffer if specified), or 0 on failure
+//If lParam != 0 then the fortune msg is to be stored there, make sure
+//its length is at least equal to FORTUNE_BUFSIZE. If lParam == 0, then
+//the plugin will allocate the memory, but don't forget to free it (the
+//return value) using MS_FORTUNEMSG_FREEMEMORY (but only if you specify lParam=0!!!)
+#define MS_FORTUNEMSG_GETSTATUSMSG "FortuneMsg/GetStatusMessage"
+//frees the memory allocated by one of the other three services
+//lParam=(void *)pointer to the memory to be freed
+//(the returned value from one of the other three services if called with lParam=0)
+//return value: 0 on success, -1 on failure (argument was NULL)
+#define MS_FORTUNEMSG_FREEMEMORY "FortuneMsg/FreeMemory"
+//this service was created for being used by Variables plugin
+//lParam=(ARGUMENTSINFO *) see m_variables.h for description of the structure
+//returns (char *)status msg, or 0 on failure
+#define MS_FORTUNEMSG_FROMVARIABLES "FortuneMsg/FromVariables"
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_hddinfo.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_hddinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f529ec1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_hddinfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#define MS_SYSINFO_HDDTEMP "SysInfo/HddTemp"
+ // checks current hdd temperature
+#define MS_SYSINFO_CUSTPOP "SysInfo/CustomPopup"
+ //shows special custom popup
+#define ME_SYSINFO_HDDOVERHEAT "SysInfo/HddOverheat"
+ // happens if one ot the drives has current temperature higher than set as normal
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_help.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_help.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea8557628c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_help.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Miranda IM Help Plugin
+Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Hughes, 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program (Help-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_HELP_H__
+#define M_HELP_H__
+ Help Plugin
+ All services in here except MS_HELP_SHOWLANGDIALOG should be thread-safe,
+ you can call them from any thread
+/* interface id */
+#if !defined(MIID_HELP)
+ #define MIID_HELP {0x302660c5,0x1bf6,0x4054,{0xa7,0x9f,0x77,0xb1,0x96,0x5d,0x6f,0x48}}
+/* Enable/disable the help context menu for a specific control. v0.2.0.0+
+Note: You normally do not need to call this, read below.
+You can can use this to deactivate the appearance of the help context menu
+being shown when the user right clicks on an control.
+You can use this service to disable the context menu.
+You do *not* need to use this service when you would like to show
+a context menu by yourself, just handle WM_CONTEXTMENU correctly instead.
+You need to return TRUE in your DlgProc or 0 in your WndProc, indicating 'message handled'.
+The context menu is disabled by default on the following controls (looks silly on multi-component controls):
+ListView, TreeView, Statusbar, Toolbar, CLC
+AutoTips are disabled by default for controls stating DLGC_WANTALLKEYS or DLGC_HASSETSEL at
+WM_GETDLGCODE (autotips are annoying on edits).
+ wParam=(WPARAM)(HWND)hwndCtl
+ lParam=(LPARAM)flags (see below)
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure
+#define MS_HELP_SETCONTEXTSTATE "Help/SetContextState"
+#define HCSF_CONTEXTMENU 0x01 // show help context menu for this control
+#define HCSF_AUTOTIP 0x02 // show automatic help tip on hover for this control
+ // only works for non-editable
+__inline static int Help_SetContextState(HWND hwndCtl,DWORD flags) {
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_HELP_SETCONTEXTSTATE)) return -1;
+ return CallService(MS_HELP_SETCONTEXTSTATE,(WPARAM)hwndCtl,flags);
+/* Show a help tooltip for a specific control or dialog. v0.2.0.0+
+You can call this if you would like to show help at a specific time.
+ wParam=(WPARAM)(HWND)hwndCtl
+ lParam=0 (unused)
+Returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure.
+The service fails when the help tooltip cannot be instantiated.
+#define MS_HELP_SHOWHELP "Help/ShowHelp"
+/* Show the download language dialog. v0.2.1.0+
+ wParam=lParam=0
+The dialog can't have a parent due to it's asynchronous nature.
+If the language window is already opened it will be
+brought to front instead (returns success).
+Returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
+#define MS_HELP_SHOWLANGDIALOG "Help/ShowLangDialog"
+#endif // M_HELP_H__
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_icqplus.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_icqplus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30c5b44a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_icqplus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
+// ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
+// ________________________________________
+// Copyright © 2000,2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
+// Copyright © 2001,2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
+// Copyright © 2002,2003,2004 Martin Öberg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
+// Copyright © 2004,2005,2006,2007 Joe Kucera
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_ICQPLUS_H__
+#define M_ICQPLUS_H__ 1
+/*#define PS_ICQP_SERVER_IGNORE "/ServerIgnore"
+#define MS_INCOGNITO_REQUEST "/IncognitoRequest"
+#define MS_TZER_DIALOG "/TzerDialog"
+//Send tzer
+#define MS_SEND_TZER "/SendtZer"
+#define MAX_CAPNAME 64
+typedef struct
+ int cbSize;
+ char caps[0x10];
+ HANDLE hIcon;
+ char name[MAX_CAPNAME];
+// Add a custom icq capability.
+// wParam = 0;
+// lParam = (LPARAM)(ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)&icqCustomCap;
+#define PS_ICQ_ADDCAPABILITY "/IcqAddCapability"
+// Check if capability is supportes. Only icqCustomCap.caps does matter.
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact;
+// lParam = (LPARAM)(ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)&icqCustomCap;
+// returns non-zero if capability is supported
+#define PS_ICQ_CHECKCAPABILITY "/IcqCheckCapability"
+static __inline void IcqBuildMirandaCap(ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *icqCustomCap, const char *name, HICON hIcon, const char *id)
+ if (!icqCustomCap) return;
+ icqCustomCap->cbSize = sizeof(*icqCustomCap);
+ icqCustomCap->hIcon = hIcon;
+ strncpy(icqCustomCap->name, name, sizeof(icqCustomCap->name))[sizeof(icqCustomCap->name)-1]=0;
+ memset(icqCustomCap->caps, 0, 0x10);
+ strncpy(icqCustomCap->caps+0, "Miranda/", 8);
+ strncpy(icqCustomCap->caps+8, id, 8);
+/* usage:
+char icqCustomCapStr[0x10] = {...};
+ICQ_CUSTOMCAP icqCustomCap;
+icqCustomCap.cbSize = sizeof(icqCustomCap);
+memcpy(icqCustomCap.caps, icqCustomCapStr, 0x10);
+lstrcpy(, "Custom Name");
+CallProtoService("ICQ", PS_ICQ_ADDCAPABILITY, 0, (LPARAM)&icqCustomCap);
+//check user status via ASD
+//#define MS_ICQ_GET_USER_STATUS "/IcqGetUserStatus"
+#endif // M_ICQPLUS_H__ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ircscript.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ircscript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddab3b96bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_ircscript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ This file is a description of the interface between the Miranda Scripting
+ Plugin (MSP) and IRC. It is mainly an internal draft.
+ The MSP is a powerful PHP based scripting engine
+ which can automate many tasks in Miranda IM. With the implementation of
+ this interface IRC can also benefit from the advantages MSP brings. The
+ interface has been constructed by the respective authors of IRC and MSP.
+ The idea is that MSP and IRC should communicate via the interface outlined herein,
+ but MSP should "package" the data in attractive functions that can be easily
+ used by eager scripters.
+ Note that m_chat.h should be #included as the events defined therein is used in this interface
+ The IRC plugin communicates with MSP mainly through 8 (2 x 4) services which are
+ illustrated by the following matrix (MSP has 4 services and IRC 4 services):
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ | | |
+ | Incoming raw data | Data going |
+ | from server | to GUI |
+ | (before processing) | (after processing) |
+ | | |
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ | | |
+ | Outgoing raw data | Data going |
+ | to server | from GUI |
+ | (after processing) | (before processing) |
+ | | |
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ (processing refers to the IRC plugin reacting to different commands)
+//------------------------- HANDLING RAW MESSAGES ------------------------
+ The two leftmost boxes are related to data sent to and from the server in RAW form.
+ (a typical RAW message looks like this: ":nick!user@host COMMAND PARAMETERS")
+ It is very useful for scripters to be able to manipulate and add RAW streams of data.
+ The below structure is used when RAW data is generated and IRC must trigger an
+ event in MSP so the scripts can do their magic.
+ If the data is modified make sure to use MS_SYSTEM_GET_MMI and then mmi_realloc() to
+ allocate from the same heap. Do not free the data.
+ wParam= Module name
+ lParam= (LPARAM)( char* )pszRaw
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement two services which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module m_name>/InsertRawIn" //used for inserting a "fake" incoming RAW event
+ "<Module m_name>/InsertRawOut" //used for inserting a "fake" outgoing RAW event
+#define MS_MBOT_IRC_RAW_IN "MBot/IrcRawIn"
+#define MS_MBOT_IRC_RAW_OUT "MBot/IrcRawOut"
+//------------------------- HANDLING GUI MESSAGES 1 ------------------------
+ The top rightmost box is related to data sent to the gui
+ (currently chat.dll) in the form of GCEVENT's. (see m_chat.h)
+ While maybe not as useful to the scripter, it can be useful to be able to
+ "tap into" messages to the GUI from the IRC plugin.
+ If the data is modified make sure to realloc() or similar.
+ wParam= (WPARAM) (WPARAM_GUI_IN) &wgi
+ lParam= (LPARAM)(GCEVENT *)&gce // see m_chat.h
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement a service which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module m_name>/InsertGuiIn" //used for inserting a "fake" event to the GUI
+ const char* pszModule;
+ WPARAM wParam;
+#define MS_MBOT_IRC_GUI_IN "MBot/IrcGuiIn"
+//------------------------- HANDLING GUI MESSAGES 2 ------------------------
+ The bottom rightmost box is related to data sent from the gui
+ (currently chat.dll) in the form of GCHOOKS's. Originally this is carried out in a hook,
+ but for MSP this is done via a service instead.
+ It can be useful for scripters to simulate user actions, like entering text, closing the window etc
+ If the data is modified make sure to realloc() or similar.
+ wParam= Module name
+ lParam= (LPARAM)(GCHOOK *)gch // see m_chat.h
+ returns nonzero if the message should be dropped
+ NOTE! IRC will implement a service which also uses the same parameters:
+ "<Module m_name>/InsertGuiOut" //used for inserting a "fake" outgoing event to the GUI
+#define MS_MBOT_IRC_GUI_OUT "MBot/IrcGuiOut"
+#define MS_MBOT_REGISTERIRC "MBot/RegisterIRCModule"
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_langman.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_langman.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a7b5bf9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_langman.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+'Language Pack Manager'-Plugin for
+Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (,
+Copyright (C) 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program (LangMan-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_LANGMAN_H__
+#define M_LANGMAN_H__
+/* Show the download language dialog. v1.0.2.0+
+ wParam=lParam=0
+The dialog can't have a parent due to it's asynchronous nature.
+If the language window is already opened it will be
+brought to front instead (returns success).
+Returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
+#define MS_LANGMAN_SHOWLANGDIALOG "LangMan/ShowLangDialog"
+#endif // M_LANGMAN_H
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_script.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_script.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2388bbaad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_script.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Miranda Scripting Plugin for Miranda NG
+Copyright 2004-2006 Piotr Pawluczuk (
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (,
+Copyright (c) 2000-03 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_SCRIPT_H__
+#define M_SCRIPT_H__ 1
+#define MBOT_GETCPARAM(cp) ((void*)((unsigned char*)cp + 24))
+#ifndef _LIBPHP_H__
+typedef struct{
+ int cbSize; //Set to sizeof();
+ char* pszOutput;
+ char* pszResult;
+struct MBOT_VPARAM{
+ void* data;
+ long length; /*length of data, used for strings, and binary strings*/
+ long type;
+MBOT function prototypes;
+typedef int (*MBOT_RegisterFunction)(const char* name,void* fptr,long lp,
+typedef int (*MBOT_UnregisterFunction)(const char* name);
+typedef void* (*MBOT_Malloc)(long amount);
+typedef char* (*MBOT_Strdup)(const char* str);
+typedef void (*MBOT_Free)(void* ptr);
+typedef void (*MBOT_FreeResult)(MBOT_RESULT* ptr);
+typedef int (*MBOT_GetVar)(const char* name,void** value,SVAR_TYPE* cType);//returns TRUE if var exists;
+typedef int (*MBOT_DelVar)(const char* name);
+typedef int (*MBOT_SetVar)(const char* name,void* value,SVAR_TYPE cType);
+typedef int (*MBOT_NewVar)(const char* name,void* value,SVAR_TYPE cType,char locked);
+ pszScript - source code of the script; ***DO NOT USE PHP TAGS*** <?php ?>
+ pResult - if set, you'll get the struct filled with the result;
+ NOTE! Remember to release the struct with "fp_freeresult"!;
+ pCParam - custom parameter, for your own use; use MBOT_GETCPARAM(cparam) to get the pointer;
+ nCPType - its type {MBOT_NUMBER,MBOT_STRING,MBOT_VOID} if str or num, php will be able to get it too
+ fpExecuteFile("mbot/scripts/my.php","fct1",&mbr,"parameter",
+ MBOT_STRING,"suf","hello",100,25.6);
+ *******************************************************************/
+typedef int (*MBOT_ExecuteScript)(const char* pszScript,MBOT_RESULT* pResult,
+ void* pCParam,MBOT_TYPE nCPType);
+ pszPathname - relative or absolute path of the php file;
+ pszFcnName - function name can be NULL (whole file will be executed then);
+ pResult - if set, you'll get the struct filled with the result;
+ NOTE! Remember to release the struct with "fp_freeresult"!;
+ pCParam - custom parameter, for your own use; use MBOT_GETCPARAM(cparam) to get the pointer;
+ nCPType - its type {MBOT_NUMBER,MBOT_STRING,MBOT_VOID} if str or num, php will be able to get it too
+ pszPTypes - a string containing pformats s-string,u-long,l-long,d-long,q-double,f-float,x-hex long, v - MBOT_VPARAM*
+ ... - values;
+ fpExecuteScript("mbot/scripts/my.php","fct1",&mbr,"parameter",
+ MBOT_STRING,"suf","hello",100,25.6);
+ *******************************************************************/
+typedef int (*MBOT_ExecuteFile)(const char* pszPathname,const char* pszFcnName,MBOT_RESULT* pResult,
+ void* pCParam,MBOT_TYPE nCPType,const char* pszPTypes,...);
+typedef struct{
+ int cbSize; //sizeof(MBOT_LPHP);
+ const char* pszMBotVersion;
+ //execution
+ MBOT_ExecuteScript fpExecuteScript;
+ MBOT_ExecuteFile fpExecuteFile;
+ //functions
+ MBOT_RegisterFunction fpRegister;
+ MBOT_UnregisterFunction fpUnregister;
+ //variables
+ MBOT_NewVar fpNewVar;
+ MBOT_SetVar fpSetVar;
+ MBOT_GetVar fpGetVar;
+ MBOT_DelVar fpDelVar;
+ //memory
+ MBOT_Strdup fp_strdup;
+ MBOT_Malloc fp_malloc;
+ MBOT_Free fp_free;
+ MBOT_FreeResult fp_freeresult;
+lParam = wParam = 0;
+returns a pointer to const MBOT_FUNCTIONS structure;
+#define MS_MBOT_GET_FCN_TABLE "MBot/GetFcnTable"
+#endif //M_SCRIPT_H__ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_simpleaway.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_simpleaway.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e70dcbf4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_simpleaway.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Simple Status Message plugin for Miranda IM
+Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Bartosz 'Dezeath' Bia³ek, (C) 2005 Harven
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#ifndef M_SIMPLEAWAY_H__
+#define M_SIMPLEAWAY_H__ 1
+// NOTE: These services are deprecated. Please do not use them anymore.
+// Take a look at m_simplestatusmsg.h instead.
+// Represents status that a protocol(s) is/are currently in
+#define ID_STATUS_CURRENT 40082
+// Force a change of global status mode/message
+// wParam = (int)new status (from statusmodes.h), 0 or ID_STATUS_CURRENT for current
+// lParam = (TCHAR *)status message
+#define MS_SA_SETSTATUSMODE "SimpleAway/SetStatusMode"
+#define MS_AWAYSYS_SETSTATUSMODE MS_SA_SETSTATUSMODE // for compatibility with some plugins
+// Brings up the status message dialog
+// wParam = 0
+// lParam = (LPARAM)(char *)protocol name, NULL if for all protocols
+#define MS_SA_SHOWSTATUSMSGDIALOG "SimpleAway/ShowStatusMessageDialog"
+// Similar to the service above, for internal use only
+#define MS_SA_TTCHANGESTATUSMSG "SimpleAway/TTChangeStatusMessage"
+// Force a change of status mode/message. The status message dialog will appear,
+// depending on the configuration of the user
+// wParam = (int)new status
+// lParam = (LPARAM)(char *)protocol name, NULL if for all protocols
+// Returns 1 when changed without showing the status message dialog
+#define MS_SA_CHANGESTATUSMSG "SimpleAway/ChangeStatusMessage"
+// For checking if SimpleAway is running
+// wParam = lParam = 0
+// Always returns 1
+#define MS_SA_ISSARUNNING "SimpleAway/IsSARunning"
+// Copy the away/na/etc message of a contact
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact
+// lParam = 0
+// Returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure
+// Returns immediately, without waiting for the message to retrieve
+#define MS_SA_COPYAWAYMSG "SimpleAway/CopyAwayMsg"
+// Go to URL in away/na/etc message of a contact
+// wParam = (WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact
+// lParam = 0
+#define MS_SA_GOTOURLMSG "SimpleAway/GoToURLMsg"
+// Returns the default status message for a status in specified protocol module
+// or the current status message for the specified protocol if 0 or ID_STATUS_CURRENT is used
+// wParam = (int)status, 0 or ID_STATUS_CURRENT for current
+// lParam = (LPARAM)(char *)protocol name, NULL if for all protocols
+// Returns status msg. Remember to free the return value
+ #define MS_AWAYMSG_GETSTATUSMSG "SRAway/GetStatusMessage"
+ #define MS_AWAYMSG_GETSTATUSMSGW "SRAway/GetStatusMessageW"
+ #ifdef _UNICODE
+ #else
+ #endif
+// Force a change to specified global status mode/message
+// (calls MS_SA_CHANGESTATUSMSG with proper parameters)
+// wParam = lParam = 0
+#define MS_SA_SETOFFLINESTATUS "SimpleAway/SetOfflineStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETONLINESTATUS "SimpleAway/SetOnlineStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETAWAYSTATUS "SimpleAway/SetAwayStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETDNDSTATUS "SimpleAway/SetDNDStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETNASTATUS "SimpleAway/SetNAStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETOCCUPIEDSTATUS "SimpleAway/SetOccupiedStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETFREECHATSTATUS "SimpleAway/SetFreeChatStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETINVISIBLESTATUS "SimpleAway/SetInvisibleStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETONTHEPHONESTATUS "SimpleAway/SetOnThePhoneStatus"
+#define MS_SA_SETOUTTOLUNCHSTATUS "SimpleAway/SetOutToLunchStatus"
+#endif // M_SIMPLEAWAY_H__
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_snappingwindows.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_snappingwindows.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcfd679913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_snappingwindows.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+struct SnapWindowProc_t
+ HWND hWnd;
+ //
+ SIZE m_szMoveOffset;
+ WPARAM wParam;
+ LPARAM lParam;
+ //
+ int Reserved1;
+ int Reserved2;
+ int Reserved3;
+#define CallSnappingWindowProc(hwnd,nMessage,wParam,lParam) {static struct SnapWindowProc_t SnapInfo; \
+ if ((nMessage == WM_MOVING) || (nMessage == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) || (nMessage == WM_SYSCOMMAND) || (nMessage == WM_SIZING)){ \
+ SnapInfo.hWnd = hwnd; \
+ SnapInfo.wParam = wParam; \
+ SnapInfo.lParam = lParam; \
+ CallService("Utils/SnapWindowProc",(WPARAM)&SnapInfo,nMessage); \
+ if (nMessage == WM_SIZING) return 1;}}
+#endif //SNAPPING_WINDOWS_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voice.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voice.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5adf159f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __M_VOICE_H__
+# define __M_VOICE_H__
+#define VOICE_UNICODE 0x80000000
+#ifdef UNICODE
+# define VOICE_TCHAR 0
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize; // Struct size
+ const char *szModule; // The name of the protocol module (used only in notifications)
+ char *id; // Protocol especific ID for this call
+ int flags; // Can be VOICE_CALL_CONTACT or VOICE_CALL_STRING (VOICE_UNICODE to say the string is unicode)
+ union { // Who to call
+ MCONTACT hContact;
+ TCHAR *ptszContact;
+ char *pszContact;
+ WCHAR *pwszContact;
+ };
+ int state; // VOICE_STATE_*
+Notifies that a voice call changed state
+wParam: const VOICE_CALL *
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE "/Voice/State"
+#define VOICE_SUPPORTED 1 // Set if proto support voice calls. Probabilly will be 1 ;)
+#define VOICE_CALL_CONTACT 2 // Set if a call can be made to a hContact
+#define VOICE_CALL_CONTACT_NEED_TEST 4 // Set if the contact need to be tested with PS_VOICE_CALL_CONTACT_VALID (needs VOICE_CALL_CONTACT set to work)
+#define VOICE_CALL_STRING 8 // Set if a call can be made to some string (PS_VOICE_CALL_STRING_VALID is used to validate the string)
+#define VOICE_CAN_SET_DEVICE 16 // Set if the devices to mic in and sound out can be set (or the protocol will handle it internally)
+#define VOICE_CAN_HOLD 32 // Set if a call can be put on hold
+Get protocol voice support flags
+wParam: ignored
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PS_VOICE_GETINFO "/Voice/GetInfo"
+Request to the protocol a voice call to hContact.
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PS_VOICE_CALL "/Voice/Call"
+Service called to make the protocol answer a call.
+It is an async call. If the call was answered, the PE_VOICE_STARTEDCALL
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PS_VOICE_ANSWERCALL "/Voice/AnswerCall"
+Service called to make the protocol answer a call. This can be called if the
+call is ringing or has started. If called any other time it should be ignored.
+It is an async call. If the call was droped, the PE_VOICE_ENDEDCALL
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PS_VOICE_DROPCALL "/Voice/DropCall"
+Service called to make the protocol hold a call. This means that the call should not
+be droped, but it should be muted and put in a hold, to allow other call to be answered.
+If the protocol can't hold a cal, it should be droped.
+This can be called if the call has started. If called any other time it should be ignored.
+It is an async call. If the call was droped, the PE_VOICE_HOLDEDCALL
+notification will be fired.
+wParam: (const char *) id
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define PS_VOICE_HOLDCALL "/Voice/HoldCall"
+Used if protocol support VOICE_CALL_STRING. The call string is passed as
+wParam and the proto should validate it.
+wParam: (const TCHAR *) call string
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 if wrong, 1 if correct
+#define PS_VOICE_CALL_STRING_VALID "/Voice/CallStringValid"
+The hContact is passed as wParam and the proto should tell if this contact can be
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: (BOOL) TRUE if it is a test for 'can call now?', FALSE if is a test for 'will be possible to call someday?'
+return: 0 if can't be called, 1 if can
+#define PS_VOICE_CALL_CONTACT_VALID "/Voice/CallContactValid"
+#endif // __M_VOICE_H__
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voiceservice.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voiceservice.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98c3580aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_voiceservice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Copyright (C) 2007 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If
+not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __M_VOICESERVICE_H__
+# define __M_VOICESERVICE_H__
+#include "m_voice.h"
+#define MIID_VOICESERVICE { 0x7d64437, 0xef2e, 0x4f60, { 0xbb, 0x2d, 0x3c, 0x51, 0x8f, 0xe2, 0x4d, 0x63 } }
+This services are a mirror of the services/notifications in m_voice.h,
+with the difference that that ones are to be used by protocols, and this ones
+are to be used by plugins that can make calls to contacts in multiple protocols.
+Notifies that a voice call changed state
+wParam: const VOICE_CALL *
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define MS_VOICESERVICE_STATE "VoiceService/State"
+ int cbSize; // sizeof(VOICE_MODULE)
+ char *name; // The internal name of the plugin. All PS_* serivces (except PS_VOICE_GETINFO)
+ // defined in m_voide.h need to be created based in this name. For example,
+ // PS_VOICE_CALL (/Voice/Call) need to be created as <name>/Voice/Call
+ int flags; // VOICE_* from m_voice.h
+Register a new plugin that can make/receive voice calls.
+wParam: const VOICE_MODULE *
+lParam: ignored
+return: 0 on success
+#define MS_VOICESERVICE_REGISTER "VoiceService/Register"
+Request a voice call to hContact.
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: ignored
+return: the number of option calls for a contact. If > 0, it can be called
+#define MS_VOICESERVICE_CAN_CALL "VoiceService/CanCall"
+Request a voice call to hContact.
+wParam: (HANDLE) hContact
+lParam: (char *) Protocol or NULL to use any proto avaiable
+return: 0 on success
+#define MS_VOICESERVICE_CALL "VoiceService/Call"
+#endif // __M_VOICESERVICE_H__
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_w7ui.h b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_w7ui.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d8ee28b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/ExternalAPI/m_w7ui.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#ifndef m_w7ui_h__
+#define m_w7ui_h__
+ int iconSource;
+ char *iconName;
+ int iconIdx;
+ WCHAR *szTitle;
+ WCHAR *szPrefix;
+ WCHAR *szArgument;
+// Force jumplist rebuild
+#define MS_JUMPLIST_REBUILD "w7/JumpList/Rebuild"
+// ---
+#define ME_JUMPLIST_BUILDCATEGORIES "w7/JumpList/BuildCategories"
+// lParam = (WCHAR *)category name
+#define ME_JUMPLIST_BUILDITEMS "w7/JumpList/BuildItems"
+// lParam = (WCHAR *)category name
+#define MS_JUMPLIST_ADDCATEGORY "w7/JumpList/AddCategory"
+// lParam = (MIRANDAJUMPLISTITEM *)item
+#define MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM "w7/JumpList/AddItem"
+// wParam = prefix
+// lParam = argument
+#define ME_JUMPLIST_PROCESS "w7/JumpList/Process"
+static void MJumpList_AddCategory(WCHAR *name)
+static void MJumpList_AddItem(char *mir_icon, WCHAR *title, WCHAR *prefix, WCHAR *argument)
+ MIRANDAJUMPLISTITEM item = { MIS_ICOLIB, mir_icon, 0, title, prefix, argument };
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&item);
+static void MJumpList_AddItem(int skinicon, WCHAR *title, WCHAR *prefix, WCHAR *argument)
+ MIRANDAJUMPLISTITEM item = { MIS_GENERAL, 0, skinicon, title, prefix, argument };
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&item);
+static void MJumpList_AddItem(char *proto, int skinicon, WCHAR *title, WCHAR *prefix, WCHAR *argument)
+ MIRANDAJUMPLISTITEM item = { MIS_PROTOCOL, proto, skinicon, title, prefix, argument };
+ CallService(MS_JUMPLIST_ADDITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&item);
+#endif // m_w7ui_h__