path: root/plugins/!Deprecated/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/Database.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!Deprecated/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/Database.pas')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/Database.pas b/plugins/!Deprecated/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/Database.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e12d340c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/Database.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+{ ################################################################################ }
+{ # # }
+{ # MirandaNG HistoryToDB Plugin v2.5 # }
+{ # # }
+{ # License: GPLv3 # }
+{ # # }
+{ # Author: Grigorev Michael (icq: 161867489, email: # }
+{ # # }
+{ ################################################################################ }
+{ ################################################################################ }
+{ # # }
+{ # History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* # }
+{ # # }
+{ # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. # }
+{ # History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner # }
+{ # # }
+{ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # }
+{ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # }
+{ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # }
+{ # (at your option) any later version. # }
+{ # # }
+{ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # }
+{ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # }
+{ # GNU General Public License for more details. # }
+{ # # }
+{ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # }
+{ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # }
+{ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # }
+{ # # }
+{ ################################################################################ }
+unit Database;
+uses m_api, windows, global;
+procedure SetSafetyMode(Safe: Boolean);
+function DBGetContactSettingString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; ErrorValue: PAnsiChar): AnsiString;
+function DBGetContactSettingWideString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; ErrorValue: PWideChar): WideString;
+function DBWriteContactSettingWideString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; const val: PWideChar): Integer;
+function DBDelete(const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean; overload;
+function DBDelete(const hContact: THandle; const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean; overload;
+function DBExists(const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean; overload;
+function DBExists(const hContact: THandle; const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean; overload;
+function GetDBBlob(const Module,Param: AnsiString; var Value: Pointer; var Size: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+function GetDBBlob(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; var Value: Pointer; var Size: Integer): Boolean; overload;
+function GetDBStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: AnsiString): AnsiString; overload;
+function GetDBStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: AnsiString): AnsiString; overload;
+function GetDBWideStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: WideString): WideString; overload;
+function GetDBWideStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: WideString): WideString; overload;
+function GetDBInt(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function GetDBInt(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function GetDBWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Word): Word; overload;
+function GetDBWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Word): Word; overload;
+function GetDBDWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: DWord): DWord; overload;
+function GetDBDWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: DWord): DWord; overload;
+function GetDBByte(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Byte): Byte; overload;
+function GetDBByte(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Byte): Byte; overload;
+function GetDBBool(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
+function GetDBBool(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
+function GetDBDateTime(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; overload;
+function GetDBDateTime(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; overload;
+function WriteDBBlob(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBBlob(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBByte(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Byte): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBByte(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Byte): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Word): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Word): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBDWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: DWord): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBDWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: DWord): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBInt(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBInt(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Integer): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: AnsiString): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: AnsiString): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBWideStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: WideString): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBWideStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: WideString): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBBool(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Boolean): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBBool(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Boolean): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBDateTime(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: TDateTime): Integer; overload;
+function WriteDBDateTime(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: TDateTime): Integer; overload;
+procedure SetSafetyMode(Safe: Boolean);
+function DBExists(const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ Result := DBExists(0,Module,Param);
+function DBExists(const hContact: THandle; const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ Result := (db_get(hContact, PAnsiChar(Module), PAnsiChar(Param), @dbv) = 0);
+ if Result then
+ DBFreeVariant(@dbv);
+function GetDBBlob(const Module,Param: AnsiString; var Value: Pointer; var Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := GetDBBlob(0,Module,Param,Value,Size);
+function GetDBBlob(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; var Value: Pointer; var Size: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if db_get(hContact, PAnsiChar(Module), PAnsiChar(Param), @dbv) <> 0 then exit;
+ Size := dbv.cpbVal;
+ Value := nil;
+ if dbv.cpbVal = 0 then exit;
+ GetMem(Value,dbv.cpbVal);
+ Move(dbv.pbVal^,PByte(Value)^,dbv.cpbVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(@dbv);
+ Result := True;
+function GetDBBool(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := GetDBBool(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBBool(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := Boolean(GetDBByte(hContact,Module,Param,Byte(Default)));
+function GetDBByte(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Byte): Byte;
+ Result := GetDBByte(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBByte(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Byte): Byte;
+ Result := DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),Default);
+function GetDBWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Word): Word;
+ Result := GetDBWord(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Word): Word;
+ Result := DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),Default);
+function GetDBDWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: DWord): DWord;
+ Result := GetDBDWord(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBDWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: DWord): DWord;
+ Result := DBGetContactSettingDWord(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),Default);
+function GetDBInt(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := GetDBInt(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBInt(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: Integer): Integer;
+ dbv:TDBVariant;
+ dbv._type := DBVT_DWORD;
+ dbv.dVal:=Default;
+ if db_get(hContact, PAnsiChar(Module), PAnsiChar(Param), @dbv)<>0 then
+ Result:=default
+ else
+ Result:=dbv.dval;
+function GetDBStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := GetDBStr(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := DBGetContactSettingString(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),PAnsiChar(Default));
+function DBGetContactSettingString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; ErrorValue: PAnsiChar): AnsiString;
+ tmp: WideString;
+ if db_get(hContact, szModule, szSetting, @dbv) <> 0 then
+ Result := ErrorValue
+ else begin
+ case dbv._type of
+ Result := AnsiString(dbv.szVal.a);
+ DBVT_UTF8: begin
+ tmp := AnsiToWideString(dbv.szVal.a,CP_UTF8);
+ Result := WideToAnsiString(tmp,hppCodepage);
+ end;
+ Result := WideToAnsiString(dbv.szVal.w,hppCodepage);
+ end;
+ // free variant
+ DBFreeVariant(@dbv);
+ end;
+function GetDBWideStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: WideString): WideString;
+ Result := GetDBWideStr(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function GetDBWideStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: WideString): WideString;
+ Result := DBGetContactSettingWideString(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),PWideChar(Default));
+function DBGetContactSettingWideString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; ErrorValue: PWideChar): WideString;
+ if db_get(hContact, szModule, szSetting, @dbv) <> 0 then
+ Result := ErrorValue
+ else begin
+ case dbv._type of
+ Result := AnsiToWideString(dbv.szVal.a,hppCodepage);
+ Result := AnsiToWideString(dbv.szVal.a,CP_UTF8);
+ Result := WideString(dbv.szVal.w);
+ end;
+ // free variant
+ DBFreeVariant(@dbv);
+ end;
+function GetDBDateTime(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; overload;
+ p: Pointer;
+ s: Integer;
+ Result := Default;
+ if not GetDBBlob(hContact,Module,Param,p,s) then exit;
+ if s <> SizeOf(TDateTime) then begin
+ FreeMem(p,s);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := PDateTime(p)^;
+ FreeMem(p,s);
+function GetDBDateTime(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; overload;
+ Result := GetDBDateTime(0,Module,Param,Default);
+function DBDelete(const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ Result := DBDelete(0,Module,Param);
+function DBDelete(const hContact: THandle; const Module, Param: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ Result := (DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param)) = 0);
+function WriteDBBool(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Boolean): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBBool(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBBool(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Boolean): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBByte(hContact,Module,Param,Byte(Value));
+function WriteDBByte(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Byte): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBByte(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBByte(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Byte): Integer;
+ Result := DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module), PAnsiChar(Param), Value);
+function WriteDBWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Word): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBWord(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Word): Integer;
+ Result := DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),Value);
+function WriteDBDWord(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: DWord): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBWord(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBDWord(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: DWord): Integer;
+ Result := DBWriteContactSettingDWord(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),Value);
+function WriteDBInt(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBInt(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBInt(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := db_set_dw(hContact, PAnsiChar(Module), PAnsiChar(Param), Value);
+function WriteDBStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: AnsiString): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBStr(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: AnsiString): Integer;
+ Result := DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),PAnsiChar(Value));
+function WriteDBWideStr(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: WideString): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBWideStr(0,Module,Param,Value);
+function WriteDBWideStr(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: WideString): Integer;
+ Result := DBWriteContactSettingWideString(hContact,PAnsiChar(Module),PAnsiChar(Param),PWideChar(Value));
+function DBWriteContactSettingWideString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PAnsiChar; const szSetting: PAnsiChar; const val: PWideChar): Integer;
+ cws.szModule := szModule;
+ cws.szSetting := szSetting;
+ cws.value._type := DBVT_WCHAR;
+ cws.value.szVal.w := val;
+ Result := CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws));
+function WriteDBBlob(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := WriteDBBlob(0,Module,Param,Value,Size);
+function WriteDBBlob(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ cws: TDBContactWriteSetting;
+ ZeroMemory(@cws,SizeOf(cws));
+ cws.szModule := PAnsiChar(Module);
+ cws.szSetting := PAnsiChar(Param);
+ cws.value._type := DBVT_BLOB;
+ cws.value.pbVal := Value;
+ cws.value.cpbVal := Word(Size);
+ Result := CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING,hContact,lParam(@cws));
+function WriteDBDateTime(const hContact: THandle; const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: TDateTime): Integer; overload;
+ p: PDateTime;
+ GetMem(p,SizeOf(TDateTime));
+ p^ := Value;
+ Result := WriteDBBlob(hContact,Module,Param,p,SizeOf(TDateTime));
+ FreeMem(p,SizeOf(TDateTime));
+function WriteDBDateTime(const Module,Param: AnsiString; Value: TDateTime): Integer; overload;
+ Result := WriteDBDateTime(0,Module,Param,Value);