path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/utils.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/utils.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/utils.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2e5a57a0..0000000000
--- a/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#include "_globals.h"
-#include "_consts.h"
-namespace utils
- // time formatting
- ext::string timestampToString(DWORD value, const mu_text* format);
- ext::string tmStructToString(const tm& value, const mu_text* format);
- inline ext::string timestampToDateTime(DWORD value) { return timestampToString(value, muT("%c")); }
- inline ext::string timestampToDate(DWORD value) { return timestampToString(value, muT("%x")); }
- inline ext::string timestampToTime(DWORD value) { return timestampToString(value, muT("%X")); }
- ext::string durationToString(DWORD value);
- DWORD parseDate(const ext::string& date);
- inline ext::string formatDate(DWORD dwTimestamp) { return timestampToString(dwTimestamp, muT("%Y-%m-%d")); }
- // number formatting
- ext::string intToString(int value);
- ext::string intToPadded(int value, int len);
- ext::string intToGrouped(int value);
- ext::string floatToString(double value, int precision);
- ext::string floatToGrouped(double value, int precision);
- inline ext::string ratioToString(int numerator, int denominator, int precision) { return floatToString((denominator != 0) ? (1.0 * numerator / denominator) : 0.0, precision); }
- inline ext::string ratioToGrouped(int numerator, int denominator, int precision) { return floatToGrouped((denominator != 0) ? (1.0 * numerator / denominator) : 0.0, precision); }
- ext::string ratioToPercent(int numerator, int denominator);
- // text conversion
- void replaceAllInPlace(ext::string& text, const mu_text* find, const mu_text* replace);
- void htmlEscapeInPlace(ext::string& text);
- inline ext::string replaceAll(ext::string text, const mu_text* find, const mu_text* replace) { replaceAllInPlace(text, find, replace); return text; }
- inline ext::string htmlEscape(ext::string text) { htmlEscapeInPlace(text); return text; }
- const mu_text* stripPrefix(const mu_text* szPrefix, const mu_text* szText);
- ext::string replaceVariables(const ext::string& strFormat, DWORD timeValue, const mu_text* szNick = muT(""));
- // case conversion
- ext::string toLowerCase(const ext::string& text);
- ext::string toUpperCase(const ext::string& text);
- // time conversion
- inline DWORD toLocalTime(DWORD gmtTimestamp) { return mu::db_time::timestampToLocal(gmtTimestamp); }
- // version conversion
- DWORD dottedToVersion(ext::string version);
- ext::string versionToDotted(DWORD version);
- // character conversion (wide, ansi, utf8)
- ext::a::string convertWToA(const mu_wide* str, size_t len);
- ext::w::string convertAToW(const mu_ansi* str, size_t len);
- ext::a::string convertTToUTF8(const mu_text* str, size_t str_len);
- ext::string convertUTF8ToT(const mu_ansi* str, size_t str_len);
- size_t rawUTF8Encode(const mu_wide* pIn, size_t lenIn, mu_ansi* pOut);
- size_t getUTF8Len(const mu_ansi* str);
- // character conversion (convenience functions)
- inline ext::a::string toA(const mu_text* str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(str, convertWToA(str, ext::strfunc::len(str))); }
- inline ext::w::string toW(const mu_text* str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(convertAToW(str, ext::strfunc::len(str)), str); }
- inline ext::string fromA(const mu_ansi* str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(str, convertAToW(str, ext::a::strfunc::len(str))); }
- inline ext::string fromW(const mu_wide* str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(convertWToA(str, ext::w::strfunc::len(str)), str); }
- inline ext::a::string toA(const ext::string& str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(str, convertWToA(str.c_str(), str.length())); }
- inline ext::w::string toW(const ext::string& str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(convertAToW(str.c_str(), str.length()), str); }
- inline ext::string fromA(const ext::a::string& str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(str, convertAToW(str.c_str(), str.length())); }
- inline ext::string fromW(const ext::w::string& str) { return MU_DO_BOTH(convertWToA(str.c_str(), str.length()), str); }
- inline ext::a::string toUTF8(const mu_text* str) { return convertTToUTF8(str, ext::strfunc::len(str)); }
- inline ext::string fromUTF8(const mu_ansi* str) { return convertUTF8ToT(str, ext::a::strfunc::len(str)); }
- inline ext::a::string toUTF8(const ext::string& str) { return convertTToUTF8(str.c_str(), str.length()); }
- inline ext::string fromUTF8(const ext::a::string& str) { return convertUTF8ToT(str.c_str(), str.length()); }
- // file management
- bool fileExists(const ext::string& fileName);
- bool pathExists(const ext::string& path);
- bool isRelative(const ext::string& fileName);
- bool isValidFilePart(ext::string filePart);
- bool isValidFile(const ext::string& fileName);
- ext::string extractPath(const ext::string& fileName);
- ext::string extractFile(const ext::string& fileName);
- bool createPath(const ext::string& path);
- // color management
- ext::string colorToHTML(COLORREF crColor);
- void generateGradient(COLORREF fromColor, COLORREF toColor, COLORREF colorTab[256]);
- // drawing helpers
- inline POINT point(int x, int y) { POINT p = { x, y }; return p; }
- inline RECT rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { RECT r = { left, top, right, bottom }; return r; }
- // misc functionality
- void ensureRange(int& value, int min, int max, int fallback);
- void ensureRange(unsigned int& value, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, unsigned int fallback);
- ext::string getGUID();
- // window positioning
- void centerDialog(HWND hDlg, HWND hParent = NULL);
- RECT getWindowRect(HWND hParent, HWND hWnd);
- inline RECT getWindowRect(HWND hParent, int nID) { return getWindowRect(hParent, GetDlgItem(hParent, nID)); }
- void moveWindow(HWND hWnd, const RECT& rWnd);
- inline void moveWindow(HWND hParent, int nID, const RECT& rWnd) { moveWindow(GetDlgItem(hParent, nID), rWnd); }
- // cached access to miranda properties
- const ext::string& getMirandaPath();
- const ext::string& getProfilePath();
- const ext::string& getProfileName();
-class OS
- : private pattern::NotCopyable<OS>
- bool m_bIsXPPlus;
- UINT m_ImageListColor;
- SIZE m_SmIcon;
- explicit OS();
- static OS m_Data;
- static bool isXPPlus() { return m_Data.m_bIsXPPlus; }
- static UINT imageListColor() { return m_Data.m_ImageListColor; }
- static int smIconCX() { return; }
- static int smIconCY() { return; }
-class Locale
- : private pattern::NotCopyable<Locale>
- mu_text m_DecimalPoint;
- mu_text m_ThousandSep;
- ext::a::string m_Grouping;
- explicit Locale() { }
- static Locale m_Data;
- static void init();
- static mu_text decimalPoint() { return m_Data.m_DecimalPoint; }
- static mu_text thousandSep() { return m_Data.m_ThousandSep; }
- static const char* grouping() { return m_Data.m_Grouping.c_str(); }
-class RTFFilter
- : private pattern::NotCopyable<RTFFilter>
- typedef intptr_t (WINAPI *RTFCONVSTRING)(const void *pSrcBuffer, void *pDstBuffer, int nSrcCodePage, int nDstCodePage, unsigned long dwFlags, size_t nMaxLen);
- enum {
- CP_UNICODE = 1200,
- };
- explicit RTFFilter();
- static RTFFilter m_Data;
- static void init();
- static void uninit();
- static bool available() { return !!m_Data.m_hRTFConv; }
- static ext::t::string filter(const ext::t::string& str);
-#endif // HISTORYSTATS_GUARD_UTILS_H \ No newline at end of file