path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/VypressChat/libvqproto/PROTOCOL
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diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/VypressChat/libvqproto/PROTOCOL b/plugins/!NotAdopted/VypressChat/libvqproto/PROTOCOL
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--- a/plugins/!NotAdopted/VypressChat/libvqproto/PROTOCOL
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-$Id: PROTOCOL,v 1.1 2005/02/23 16:10:14 bobas Exp $
-Vypress Chat protocol description
-revision 1.0, 2005-01-23
-I've recieved requests for VypressChat protocol specs, so here it is. This is
-based on information I got from Vasily Krysin (echat) and Konstantin Vyatkin
-(Vypress Research). Please note that information concerning 1.9.x is
-incomplete; Vypress Research stopped answering my emails, It look like
-they don't want to support vyqchat anymore. If you know anything more
-than below, please contact me, so I could make this manual as complete
-as possible. Especially RSA usage and bulletin-board support deatils are
-I. Vypress Chat 1.5.x protocol
-Warning! Information provided below may contain subtle errors (like
-sender exchanged with reciever). If in doubt, please compare it with
-vcprotocol.cpp from VyQChat (see VCProtocol::vc_* functions). These
-mistakes will be corrected in future revisions of this document.
-Each Vypress Chat packet begins with 'X' and 9 random characters from
-'0'..'9' range (unique packet ID). Then comes packet type id (single
-character). For example:
-X1234567892#Main\0Nick\0text of string\0
-^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^----- 0x00 == string splitter
-|| || | | | |------------------- plain text to display on chat
-|| || | | |--------------------- 0x00 == string splitter
-|| || | |------------------------- nick
-|| || |--------------------------- 0x00 == string splitter
-|| ||-------------------------------- channel
-|| |--------------------------------- 0x32 == type of packet - chat
-||------------------------------------------ packet id
-|------------------------------------------- 0x58 == Vypress Chat
-Available packets:
-*** Packet from list updater (Who here)
- '0' + <Name of updater> + #0
- ^^^ - its a single byte 0x00,
- showing end of a line
-*** Answer to the previous packet ("Im here")
- '1' + <Name of updater> + #0 + <Name of responder> + #0 + Status + RemoteActive
- ^^^^^
- status of responder (byte)
- '0' - Normal
- '1' - DND
- '2' - Away
- '3' - Offline
- ^^^^^
- window state (byte)
- '0' - active
- '1' - not active
-*** Simple chat string on the channel
- '2' + <Name of channel> + #0 + <Name of author> + #0 + <Text> + #0
-*** Nick change
- '3' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + Gender
- ^^^^ - gender of the user
- '0' - male
- '1' - female
-*** Join to channel
- '4' + <Who joined> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0 + Status + Gender
-*** Leave from channel
- '5' + <Who leaved> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0 + Gender
-*** Message
- '6' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + <Text> + #0
-*** Multiaddress message
- 'E' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + <Text> + #0
-*** Message ack
- '7' + Status + <Who received> + #0 + <To who ack> + #0 + Gender + CurrentAA + #0
- ^^^^^^^^^
- current autoanswer (may be empty, for ex in Normal mode)
-*** Remote execution
- '8' + <Who execute> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + <Command line> + #0 + <Password> + #0
- ^^^^^^^^
- may be empty
-*** Execution ack
- '9' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + <Execution text> + #0
-*** /ME on the channels
- 'A' + <Name of channel> + #0 + <Who said> + #0 + <Text> + #0
-*** New topic
- 'B' + <Name of channel> + #0 + <Text of topic> + ' (' + <Name of author> + ') ' + #0
-*** Current topic (sending to each who join channel)
- 'C' + <To who> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0 + <Text of topic> + #0
-*** Change of status
- 'D' + <Who changed> + #0 + Status + Gender + CurrentAA + #0
-*** INFO request
- 'F' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0
-*** INFO request ack
- 'G' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + <Computer name> + #0 + <User name> + #0 + <IP addresses> + #0 + <List of channels - one string without splitting> + '#' + #0 + CurrentAA + #0
-*** BEEP
- signal
- 'H' + '0' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0
- ack
- 'H' + '1' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + Gender
-*** Sound request
- 'I' + <From who> + #0 + <File name> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0
-*** Private
- join to chat
- 'J' + '0' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + Gender
- leave chat
- 'J' + '1' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + Gender
- Simple string
- 'J' + '2' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + <Text> + #0
- "/me" string
- 'J' + '3' + <From who> + #0 + <To who> + #0 + <Text> + #0
-*** /HERE request
- 'L' + <From who> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0
-*** /HERE ack
- 'K' + <To who> + #0 + <Name of channel> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + RemoteActive
-*** Activity change
- 'M' + <From who> + #0 + RemoteActive
-*** Request for channel list
- 'N' + <From who> + #0
-*** Request for channel list ack
- 'O' + <To who> + #0 + <List of channels - one string without splitting> + '#' + #0
-*** Ping (not implemented - SeaD)
- ping
- 'P' + '0' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + <Time hh:mm:ss - 8 symbols> + #0
- pong
- 'P' + '1' + <To who> + #0 + <From who> + #0 + <Received time sending back hh:mm:ss - 8 symbols> + #0)
-II. Vypress Chat 1.9.x protocol changes
-Vypress Chat 1.9.x uses version advertising, so that newer VC versions
-know what functions are supported by remote side of conversation and can
-preserve compatibility with older software.
-Second important change is unique user ID based on the UUID. As far as I
-know UUIDs are supported in Windows only for now. UUID is a 128-bit
-number that should be globally unique and persistent (should not change
-after reset). Vypress Chat 1.9 uses UUID when handling a nickname
-conflict; Vypress Chat 1.9.1 also uses it during file transfer. UUID is
-widely used at 1.9.5 and 2.0 to store RSA public key in association with
-user. (see
-for info on how to create uuids). In vyqchat UUIDs are created using
-OpenSSL random numbers generator, and than saved in config file so it
-doesn't change (until you delete this file); UUID is however not really
-used yet for any purpose, except including in packets.
-//*** Join to the #Main (MAIN_CHANNEL_NAME)
-// '4' + <Who's joined> + #0 + <Channel name> + #0 + Status + Gender
-// Ver 1.9:
-// '4' + <Nickname> + #0 + "#Main" + #0 + (char)Status + (char)Gender + #0 +
-(dword)VERSION + UUID + (char)cCodePage + (DWORD)dwColor + #0
-PACKERSION(1,9) indicates the protocol version. Version 1,92 means that
-your client is able to receive files via TCP. Version 1,93 means you
-are able to respond to the TCP pings. Version 1,9 should be used unless
-you implement these featues. Version should be encoded using 4 bytes, so
-for example, version 1.91 looks like this: 5B,00,01,00
-cCodePage should be '1' for UTF8 encoding, '0' otherwise.
-It is suggested to always set it to '1' (to indicate that you are using
-UTF-8 encodings for all strings) to avoid charset incompatibility. When you
-are joining the network with such flag, Vypress Chat 1.9 or later will send
-you all text string as UTF-8 encoded (including nicknames and channel names
-in all packets).
-dwColor is a RGB encoded color value that chat may use to display your
-strings at common chat. This is optional feature in Vypress Chat that allows
-using custom color and if a user has this feature switched on then Chat will
-use this value to display your text. You may use RGB(0,0,0) (black).
-Vypress Chat 1.9 relies on the PING-PONG for maintaining users list, so
-you should respond to the following packets:
-//*** PING
-// PING
-// 'P' + '0' + <ToWhom> + #0 + <FromNickname> + #0 + <Time in the format
-hh:mm:ss, 8 charactes> + #0
-//*** PONG
-// PONG
-// 'P' + '1' + <ToWhom> + #0 + <MyNicknmane> + #0 + <received time should
-be sent back> + #0)
-//*** I'm here!
-// '1' + <NickFrom> + #0 + <YourNick> + #0 + Status + RemoteActive
-// ^^^^^
-// your current status
-// '0' - Normal
-// '1' - DND
-// '2' - Away
-// '3' - Offline
-// ^^^^^
-// windows state
-// '0' - active
-// '1' - inactive
-// Ver 1.9:
-// '1' + <NickFrom> + #0 + <YourNick> + #0 + (char)Status + RemoteActive +
-#0 + (DWORD)PACKVERSION(1.9) + (char)Gender + UUID + #0 + (DWORD)0
-(reserved) + (char)cCodePage + (DWORD)dwColor#0
-// CodePage: 0 - Current ANSI, 1 - UTF-8
-//*** Who is here?
-// '0' + <FromNickname> + #0 + (char)cCodePage + #0
-//*** Join a channel #Channel
-// '4' + <NicknameFrom> + #0 + <ChannelName> + #0 + Status + Gender
-// Ver 1.9:
-// '4' + <NicknameFrom> + #0 + < ChannelName > + #0 + (char)Status +
-(char)Gender + #0 + (char)cCodePage + #0
-//*** Message delivery confirmation / AutoAnswer
-// '7' + Status + <ToNickname> + #0 + <FromNickname> + #0 + Gender
-// + CurrentAA + #0
-// current auto answer (may be empty)
-// Ver 1.9
-// '7' + Status + <ToNickname> + #0 + <FromNickname> + #0 + Gender +
-CurrentAA + #0 + PacketSignature + #0
-PacketSignature - first random bytes from the packet header with message
-//*** INFO request reply
-// 'G' + <ToNickname> + #0 + <FromNickname> + #0 + <Computer name> + #0 +
-<Current user name> + #0 + <IP addresses> + #0 + <Channels list, without
-separators in one line> + '#' + #0 + CurrentAA + #0 + <Platform (OS)
-version> +#0 + <Chat software> + #0
-//*** Flood blocking notification (your packets was blocked by other user
-// for flood)
-// 'Z' + <ToNickname> + #0 + <FromNickname> + #0 + <seconds count> + #0