path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/WinPopup/sdk/m_system.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/WinPopup/sdk/m_system.h')
1 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/WinPopup/sdk/m_system.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/WinPopup/sdk/m_system.h
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index 0000000000..bb330af7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/WinPopup/sdk/m_system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2008 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef M_SYSTEM_H__
+#define M_SYSTEM_H__ 1
+#include <tchar.h>
+ #define MIRANDANAME "Miranda IM"
+ #define MIRANDACLASS "Miranda"
+// set the default compatibility lever for Miranda 0.4.x
+#ifndef MIRANDA_VER
+ #define MIRANDA_VER 0x0400
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+ #define FORCEINLINE __inline
+ #endif
+ #define __forceinline static FORCEINLINE
+ #pragma warning(disable:4244 4245)
+//called after all modules have been successfully initialised
+//used to resolve double-dependencies in the module load order
+#define ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED "Miranda/System/ModulesLoaded"
+//miranda/system/shutdown event
+//called just before the application terminates
+//the database is still guaranteed to be running during this hook.
+#define ME_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN "Miranda/System/Shutdown"
+//restarts miranda ( 0.8+ )
+#define MS_SYSTEM_RESTART "Miranda/System/Restart"
+//miranda/system/oktoexit event
+//called before the app goes into shutdown routine to make sure everyone is
+//happy to exit
+//return nonzero to stop the exit cycle
+#define ME_SYSTEM_OKTOEXIT "Miranda/System/OkToExitEvent"
+//miranda/system/oktoexit service
+//Check if everyone is happy to exit
+//if everyone acknowleges OK to exit then returns true, otherwise false
+#define MS_SYSTEM_OKTOEXIT "Miranda/System/OkToExit"
+//gets the version number of Miranda encoded as a DWORD v0.1.0.1+
+//returns the version number, encoded as one version per byte, therefore
+//version is 0x0102030a
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSION "Miranda/System/GetVersion"
+//gets the version of Miranda encoded as text v0.1.0.1+
+//cch is the size of the buffer pointed to by pszVersion, in bytes
+//may return a build qualifier, such as " alpha"
+//returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT "Miranda/System/GetVersionText"
+//Adds a HANDLE to the list to be checked in the main message loop v0.1.2.0+
+//lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)pszService
+//returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure
+//Causes pszService to be CallService()d (wParam=hObject,lParam=0) from the
+//main thread whenever hObject is signalled.
+//The Miranda message loop has a MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() call in it to
+//implement this feature. See the documentation for that function for
+//information on what objects are supported.
+//There is a limit of MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS minus one (MWO is defined in winnt.h
+//to be 64) on the number of handles MSFMO() can process. This service will
+//return nonzero if that many handles are already being waited on.
+//As of writing, the following parts of Miranda are thread-safe, so can be
+//called from any thread:
+//All of modules.h except NotifyEventHooks()
+//Read-only parts of m_database.h (since the write parts will call hooks)
+//All of m_langpack.h
+//for all other routines your mileage may vary, but I would strongly recommend
+//that you call them from the main thread, or ask about it on plugin-dev if you
+//think it really ought to work.
+//Update during development, 16/10/01:
+//NotifyEventHooks() now translates all calls into the context of the main
+//thread, which means that all of m_database.h is now completely safe.
+//Update during development, 17/4/02:
+//The main thread's message loop now also deals with asynchronous procedure
+//calls. Loop up QueueUserAPC() for a neater way to accomplish a lot of the
+//things that used to require ms_system_waitonhandle.
+//Miranda is compiled with the multithreaded runtime - don't forget to do the
+//same with your plugin.
+#define MS_SYSTEM_WAITONHANDLE "Miranda/System/WaitOnHandle"
+//Removes a HANDLE from the wait list v0.1.2.0+
+//returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure.
+#define MS_SYSTEM_REMOVEWAIT "Miranda/System/RemoveWait"
+/* Returns Miranda's RTL/CRT function poiners to malloc() free() realloc() --
+This is useful for preallocation of memory for use with Miranda's services
+that Miranda can free -- or reallocation of a block of memory passed with a service.
+Do not use with memory unless it is explicitly expected the memory *can*
+or *shall* be used in this way. the passed structure is expected to have it's .cbSize initialised
+wParam=0, lParam = (LPARAM) &MM_INTERFACE
+ size_t cbSize;
+ void* (*mmi_malloc) (size_t);
+ void* (*mmi_realloc) (void*, size_t);
+ void (*mmi_free) (void*);
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0600
+ void* (*mmi_calloc) (size_t);
+ char* (*mmi_strdup) (const char *src);
+ wchar_t* (*mmi_wstrdup) (const wchar_t *src);
+ #endif
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0700
+ int (*mir_snprintf) (char *buffer, size_t count, const char* fmt, ...);
+ int (*mir_sntprintf) (TCHAR *buffer, size_t count, const TCHAR* fmt, ...);
+ int (*mir_vsnprintf) (char *buffer, size_t count, const char* fmt, va_list va);
+ int (*mir_vsntprintf) (TCHAR *buffer, size_t count, const TCHAR* fmt, va_list va);
+ wchar_t* (*mir_a2u_cp) (const char* src, int codepage);
+ wchar_t* (*mir_a2u)(const char* src);
+ char* (*mir_u2a_cp)(const wchar_t* src, int codepage);
+ char* (*mir_u2a)( const wchar_t* src);
+ #endif
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GET_MMI "Miranda/System/GetMMI"
+__forceinline INT_PTR mir_getMMI( struct MM_INTERFACE* dest )
+ dest->cbSize = sizeof(*dest);
+ return CallService( MS_SYSTEM_GET_MMI, 0, (LPARAM)dest );
+#ifndef _STATIC
+ extern struct MM_INTERFACE mmi;
+ #define mir_alloc(n) mmi.mmi_malloc(n)
+ #define mir_free(ptr) mmi.mmi_free(ptr)
+ #define mir_realloc(ptr,size) mmi.mmi_realloc(ptr,size)
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0600
+ #define mir_calloc(n) mmi.mmi_calloc(n)
+ #define mir_strdup(str) mmi.mmi_strdup(str)
+ #define mir_wstrdup(str) mmi.mmi_wstrdup(str)
+ #else
+ __forceinline char* mir_strdup(const char *src)
+ { return (src == NULL) ? NULL : strcpy(( char* )mir_alloc( strlen(src)+1 ), src );
+ }
+ __forceinline WCHAR* mir_wstrdup(const WCHAR *src)
+ { return (src == NULL) ? NULL : wcscpy(( WCHAR* )mir_alloc(( wcslen(src)+1 )*sizeof( WCHAR )), src );
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0700
+ #define mir_snprintf mmi.mir_snprintf
+ #define mir_sntprintf mmi.mir_sntprintf
+ #define mir_vsnprintf mmi.mir_vsnprintf
+ #define mir_vsntprintf mmi.mir_vsntprintf
+ #define mir_a2u_cp(src,cp) mmi.mir_a2u_cp(src,cp)
+ #define mir_a2u(src) mmi.mir_a2u(src)
+ #define mir_u2a_cp(src,cp) mmi.mir_u2a_cp(src,cp)
+ #define mir_u2a(src) mmi.mir_u2a(src)
+ #endif
+ char* mir_strdup(const char *src);
+ WCHAR* mir_wstrdup(const WCHAR *src);
+#if defined( _UNICODE )
+ #define mir_tstrdup mir_wstrdup
+ #define mir_tstrdup mir_strdup
+#define miranda_sys_free mir_free
+#define memoryManagerInterface mmi
+/* Returns the pointer to the simple lists manager.
+If the sortFunc member of the list gets assigned, the list becomes sorted
+wParam=0, lParam = (LPARAM)LIST_INTERFACE*
+#define LIST_INTERFACE_V1_SIZE (sizeof(size_t)+7*sizeof(void*))
+#define LIST_INTERFACE_V2_SIZE (sizeof(size_t)+9*sizeof(void*))
+#define LIST_INTERFACE_V3_SIZE (sizeof(size_t)+11*sizeof(void*))
+typedef int ( *FSortFunc )( void*, void* );
+typedef struct
+ void** items;
+ int realCount;
+ int limit;
+ int increment;
+ FSortFunc sortFunc;
+ SortedList;
+ size_t cbSize;
+ SortedList* ( *List_Create )( int, int );
+ void ( *List_Destroy )( SortedList* );
+ void* ( *List_Find )( SortedList*, void* );
+ int ( *List_GetIndex )( SortedList*, void*, int* );
+ int ( *List_Insert )( SortedList*, void*, int );
+ int ( *List_Remove )( SortedList*, int );
+ int ( *List_IndexOf )( SortedList*, void* );
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0600
+ int ( *List_InsertPtr)( SortedList* list, void* p );
+ int ( *List_RemovePtr)( SortedList* list, void* p );
+ #endif
+ #if MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0800
+ void ( *List_Copy )( SortedList* src, SortedList* dst, size_t );
+ void ( *List_ObjCopy )( SortedList* src, SortedList* dst, size_t );
+ #endif
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GET_LI "Miranda/System/GetLI"
+__forceinline INT_PTR mir_getLI( struct LIST_INTERFACE* dest )
+ dest->cbSize = sizeof(*dest);
+ return CallService( MS_SYSTEM_GET_LI, 0, (LPARAM)dest );
+ UTF8 Manager interface. 0.5.2+
+ Contains functions for utf8-strings encoding & decoding
+#define UTF8_INTERFACE_SIZEOF_V1 (sizeof(size_t)+5*sizeof(void*))
+ size_t cbSize;
+ // decodes utf8 and places the result back into the same buffer.
+ // if the second parameter is present, the additional wchar_t* string gets allocated,
+ // and filled with the decoded utf8 content without any information loss.
+ // this string should be freed using mir_free()
+ char* ( *utf8_decode )( char* str, wchar_t** ucs2 );
+ char* ( *utf8_decodecp )( char* str, int codepage, wchar_t** ucs2 );
+ // encodes an ANSI string into a utf8 format using the current langpack code page,
+ // or CP_ACP, if lanpack is missing
+ // the resulting string should be freed using mir_free
+ char* ( *utf8_encode )( const char* src );
+ char* ( *utf8_encodecp )( const char* src, int codepage );
+ // encodes an WCHAR string into a utf8 format
+ // the resulting string should be freed using mir_free
+ char* ( *utf8_encodeW )( const wchar_t* src );
+ // decodes utf8 and returns the result as wchar_t* that should be freed using mir_free()
+ // the input buffer remains unchanged
+ wchar_t* ( *utf8_decodeW )( const char* str );
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GET_UTFI "Miranda/System/GetUTFI"
+__forceinline INT_PTR mir_getUTFI( struct UTF8_INTERFACE* dest )
+ dest->cbSize = sizeof(*dest);
+ return CallService( MS_SYSTEM_GET_UTFI, 0, (LPARAM)dest );
+extern struct UTF8_INTERFACE utfi;
+#define mir_utf8decode(A,B) utfi.utf8_decode(A,B)
+#define mir_utf8decodecp(A,B,C) utfi.utf8_decodecp(A,B,C)
+#define mir_utf8decodeW(A) utfi.utf8_decodeW(A)
+#define mir_utf8encode(A) utfi.utf8_encode(A)
+#define mir_utf8encodecp(A,B) utfi.utf8_encodecp(A,B)
+#define mir_utf8encodeW(A) utfi.utf8_encodeW(A)
+__forceinline char* mir_utf8decodeA(const char* src)
+ char* tmp = mir_strdup(src);
+ mir_utf8decode(tmp, NULL);
+ return tmp;
+#if defined( _UNICODE )
+ #define mir_utf8decodeT mir_utf8decodeW
+ #define mir_utf8encodeT mir_utf8encodeW
+ #define mir_utf8decodeT mir_utf8decodeA
+ #define mir_utf8encodeT mir_utf8encode
+ -- Thread Safety --
+ Proper thread safe shutdown was implemented in (2003/04/18)
+ and not before, therefore it is improper that any MT plugins be used
+ with earlier versions of Miranda (as hav0c will result)
+ Note: This does not apply to MT plugins which included their own
+ thread-safe shutdown routines.
+ Shutdown thread safety works thusly:
+ All new threads must call MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH and MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_POP
+ when they return.
+ Due to the nature of thread creation, it is illegal to assume
+ just a call pair of MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH inside the thread will
+ be enough -- the source thread may only return when the new child
+ thread has actually executed MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH
+ This is because a thread maybe in an undefined state at the point
+ when the thread creation routine returns, thus Miranda may exit
+ thinking it is safe to do so, because MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH was not
+ called in time.
+ See miranda.c for how this can be done using an event object
+ which is signalled just after the MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH call is executed
+ and so the source thread knows that the created thread is known to Miranda.
+ -- What happens when Miranda exits --
+ Miranda will firstly set an event object to signalled, this will
+ at this point, no plugins or modules are unloaded.
+ Miranda will then enumerate all active threads and queue an APC call
+ to each thread, so any thread in an alertable state will become active,
+ this functionailty may not be required by your threads: but if you use
+ the Winsock2 event object system or Sleep() please use the alertable
+ wait functions, so that the thread will 'wake up' when Miranda queues
+ a message to it, SleepEx() will return WAIT_IO_COMPLETION if this happens.
+ After all threads have been signalled, Miranda will spin on the unwind thread stack waiting
+ for it to become empty, in this time, it will carry on processing thread
+ switches, clearing it's own APC calls (used by NotifyEventHooks(), CallServiceSync())
+ So a thread should be written in this kind of form:
+ void mythread(void *arg)
+ {
+ // assume all thread pushing/popping is done by forkthread()
+ int run=1;
+ for (;run;)
+ {
+ Beep(4391,500);
+ SleepEx(1500,TRUE);
+ if (Miranda_Terminated()) {
+ Beep(5000,150); run=0;
+ } //if
+ } //for
+ }
+ The above will make a nice Beep every 1.5 seconds and when the UI
+ quits, it will make a lower beep and then return.
+ As many copies of this thread maybe running, the creator does not need
+ to worry about what to do with previous threads, as long as they're on the
+ unwind stack.If there are any global resources (and they're mutex) you can free() them
+ at Unload(), which will only be called, after all threads have returned.
+ -- Summary --
+ MS_SYSTEM_TERMINATED (will start returning TRUE)
+ ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN will be fired (The CList won't be visible at this point)
+ All PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL registered plugins will be sent ID_STATUS_OFFLINE
+ automatically.
+ All the threads will be notified via QueueUserAPC() and then Miranda
+ will poll on the unwind thread queue until it is empty.
+ ME_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN will be fired, the database will be unloaded, the core
+ will be unloaded -- Miranda will return.
+/* 0.5.2+
+wParam=function address
+lParam=function parameter
+registers a thread in the core and forks it
+typedef void (__cdecl *pThreadFunc)(void*);
+#define MS_SYSTEM_FORK_THREAD "Miranda/Thread/Fork"
+__forceinline HANDLE mir_forkthread( pThreadFunc aFunc, void* arg )
+ return (HANDLE)CallService( MS_SYSTEM_FORK_THREAD, (WPARAM)aFunc, (LPARAM)arg );
+/* 0.5.2+
+wParam=void* - thread owner object
+registers a thread in the core and forks it
+passes the extended parameters info and returns the thread id
+typedef unsigned (__stdcall *pThreadFuncEx)(void* param);
+typedef unsigned (__cdecl *pThreadFuncOwner)(void *owner, void* param);
+typedef struct
+ pThreadFuncEx pFunc;
+ int iStackSize;
+ void* arg;
+ unsigned* threadID;
+#define MS_SYSTEM_FORK_THREAD_EX "Miranda/Thread/ForkEx"
+static __inline HANDLE mir_forkthreadex( pThreadFuncEx aFunc, void* arg, int stackSize, unsigned* pThreadID )
+ params.pFunc = aFunc;
+ params.arg = arg;
+ params.iStackSize = stackSize;
+ params.threadID = pThreadID;
+ return (HANDLE)CallService( MS_SYSTEM_FORK_THREAD_EX, 0, (LPARAM)&params );
+/* 0.8.0+
+registers a thread, owned by some object, in the core and forks it
+passes the owner info and extended parameters info and returns the thread id
+static __inline HANDLE mir_forkthreadowner( pThreadFuncOwner aFunc, void* owner, void* arg, unsigned* pThreadID )
+ params.pFunc = ( pThreadFuncEx )aFunc;
+ params.arg = arg;
+ params.iStackSize = 0;
+ params.threadID = pThreadID;
+ return (HANDLE)CallService( MS_SYSTEM_FORK_THREAD_EX, (WPARAM)owner, (LPARAM)&params );
+Add a thread to the unwind wait stack that Miranda will poll on
+when it is tearing down modules.
+This must be called in the context of the thread that is to be pushed
+i.e. there are no args, it works out what thread is being called
+and gets itself a handle to the calling thread.
+#define MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH "Miranda/Thread/Push"
+Remove a thread from the unwind wait stack -- it is expected
+that the call be made in the context of the thread to be removed.
+Miranda will begin to tear down modules and plugins if/when the
+last thread from the unwind stack is removed.
+#define MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_POP "Miranda/Thread/Pop"
+This hook is fired just before the thread unwind stack is used,
+it allows MT plugins to shutdown threads if they have any special
+processing to do, etc.
+#define ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN "Miranda/System/PShutdown"
+Returns TRUE when Miranda has got WM_QUIT and is in the process
+of shutting down
+#define MS_SYSTEM_TERMINATED "Miranda/SysTerm"
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : (address) void (__cdecl *callback) (void)
+ Affect : Setup a function pointer to be called after main loop iterations, it allows for
+ idle processing, See notes
+ Returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure
+ Notes : This service will only allow one function to be registered, if one is registered, 0 will be returned
+ Remember that this uses __cdecl.
+ Version: Added during 0.3.4+
+#define MS_SYSTEM_SETIDLECALLBACK "Miranda/SetIdleCallback"
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : &tick
+ Affect : return the last window tick where a monitored event was seen, currently WM_CHAR/WM_MOUSEMOVE
+ Returns: Always returns 0
+ Version: Added during 0.3.4+ (2004/09/12)
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GETIDLE "Miranda/GetIdle"
+ wParam: cchMax (max length of buffer)
+ lParam: pointer to buffer to fill
+ Affect: Returns the build timestamp of the core, as a string of YYYYMMDDhhmmss, this service might
+ not exist and therefore the build is before 2004-09-30
+ Returns: zero on success, non zero on failure
+ Version: 0.3.4a+ (2004/09/30)
+ DEFUNCT: This service was removed on (2004/11/19) use APILEVEL
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GETBUILDSTRING "Miranda/GetBuildString"
+#ifdef _STATIC
+INT_PTR MirandaIsTerminated(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+__inline static INT_PTR Miranda_Terminated(void)
+ return MirandaIsTerminated(0, 0);
+__inline static INT_PTR Miranda_Terminated(void)
+ return CallService(MS_SYSTEM_TERMINATED,0,0);
+/* Missing service catcher
+Is being called when one calls the non-existent service.
+All parameters are stored in the special structure
+The event handler takes 0 as wParam and TMissingServiceParams* as lParam.
+0.4.3+ addition (2006/03/27)
+typedef struct
+ const char* name;
+ WPARAM wParam;
+ LPARAM lParam;
+#define ME_SYSTEM_MISSINGSERVICE "System/MissingService"
+/* Unhandled exceptions filter
+Is being called inside any thread launched via mir_forkthread, including the main thread.
+If a plugin's author executes a large piece of code inside __try/__except, he should
+obtain this filter and call it inside the __except section
+0.8.0+ addition (2008/07/20)
+typedef DWORD ( __cdecl *pfnExceptionFilter )( DWORD code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info );
+#define MS_SYSTEM_GETEXCEPTFILTER "System/GetExceptFilter"
+__inline static pfnExceptionFilter Miranda_GetExceptFilter( void )
+{ return ( pfnExceptionFilter )CallService( MS_SYSTEM_GETEXCEPTFILTER, 0, 0 );
+#define MS_SYSTEM_SETEXCEPTFILTER "System/SetExceptFilter"
+__inline static pfnExceptionFilter Miranda_SetExceptFilter( pfnExceptionFilter foo )
+{ return ( pfnExceptionFilter )CallService( MS_SYSTEM_SETEXCEPTFILTER, 0, (LPARAM)foo );
+#endif // M_SYSTEM_H