diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/searching4games.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/searching4games.cpp | 741 |
1 files changed, 741 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/searching4games.cpp b/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/searching4games.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4cc8eed062 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/searching4games.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,741 @@ +/*
+ * Plugin of miranda IM(ICQ) for Communicating with users of the XFire Network.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 by + * dufte <dufte@justmail.de> + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Miranda ICQ: the free icq client for MS Windows
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien & Tristan Van de Vreede
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "baseProtocol.h"
+#include "Xfire_gamelist.h"
+#include <string>
+using std::string;
+extern int foundgames;
+extern HANDLE XFireAvatarFolder;
+extern HANDLE XFireWorkingFolder;
+extern int StartGame(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,LPARAM fParam);
+extern Xfire_gamelist xgamelist;
+//versucht die * in den pfaden der ini mit dem korrekten eintrag zu ersetzen
+BOOL CheckPath(char*ppath,char*pathwildcard=NULL)
+ char* pos=0;
+ char* pos2=0;
+ pos = strchr(ppath,'*');
+ if(pos)
+ {
+ HANDLE fHandle;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;
+ BOOL weiter=TRUE;
+ if(pathwildcard)
+ {
+ strcpy_s(pathwildcard,XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN,ppath);
+ }
+ pos++;
+ *pos=0;
+ pos++;
+ //versuch die exe zu finden
+ fHandle=FindFirstFile(ppath,&wfd); // . skippen
+ FindNextFile(fHandle,&wfd); // .. auch skippen
+ while ((FindNextFile(fHandle,&wfd)&&weiter==TRUE)) // erstes file
+ {
+ if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) // nur verzeichnisse sind interessant
+ {
+ strcpy(temp,ppath);
+ *(temp+strlen(temp)-1)=0;
+ strcat(temp,wfd.cFileName);
+ strcat(temp,"\\");
+ strcat(temp,pos);
+ if(GetFileAttributes(temp)!=0xFFFFFFFF) { //exe vorhanden???? unt hint?
+ //gefundenes in path kopieren
+ FindClose(fHandle);
+ strcpy(ppath,temp);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FindClose(fHandle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(GetFileAttributes(ppath)!=0xFFFFFFFF) { //exe vorhanden???? unt hint?
+ //gefundenes in path kopieren
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL CALLBACK DlgSearchDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ switch (msg)
+ {
+ {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void ShowSearchDialog(LPVOID lparam)
+ HWND* hwnd=(HWND*)lparam;
+ HWND myhwnd=CreateDialog(hinstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SEARCHING),NULL,DlgSearchDialogProc);
+ if(myhwnd==NULL)
+ return;
+ *hwnd=myhwnd;
+ ShowWindow(myhwnd,SW_SHOW);
+ //nachrichten schleife
+ MSG msg;
+ while (GetMessage(&msg,myhwnd,0,0))
+ {
+ TranslateMessage(&msg);
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+void Scan4Games( LPVOID lparam )
+ int i=2;
+ unsigned int i2=1;
+ BOOL split=FALSE;
+ int notfound=0;
+ char* pos=0;
+ char* pos2=0;
+ char *cutforlaunch = 0;
+ char temp[10]="";
+ char inipath[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ char gamename[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ char gamelist[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ BOOL multiexe=FALSE;
+ BOOL somethingfound=TRUE;
+ int i3=0;
+ CLISTMENUITEM mi = { 0 };
+ DWORD gpps=1;
+ DWORD last_gpps=0;
+ static BOOL searching=FALSE;
+ //ich suche schon,also raushier
+ if(searching)
+ {
+ MSGBOX("Game searching is already running!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(xgamelist.Ingame())
+ {
+ MSGBOX("A game is currently running, please close the game.");
+ return;
+ }
+ //gamelist blocken, damit nur 1 thread es ausführt/nutzt
+ xgamelist.Block(TRUE);
+ searching=TRUE;
+ //säubert die gameliste für eine neuauslesung
+ xgamelist.clearGamelist();
+ //prüfe ob schon gescannt wurde, dann das aus der db nehmen, beschleunigt den start
+ foundgames=DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, protocolname, "foundgames",-1);
+ //um bei einer neuen version einen rescan zuforcen, bei bestimmten wert found auf 0 resetten
+ if(DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, protocolname, "scanver",0)!=XFIRE_SCAN_VAL)
+ foundgames=-1;
+ BOOL loadgamesfromdb=FALSE;
+ if(DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL,protocolname,"scanalways",0)==0)
+ loadgamesfromdb=TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ if(DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL,protocolname,"scanalways",0)==2)
+ {
+ time_t zeit;
+ struct tm *t;
+ time(&zeit);
+ t = localtime(&zeit);
+ if(t!=NULL)
+ {
+ if(t->tm_yday!=DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL,protocolname,"scanalways_t",0))
+ {
+ DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL,protocolname,"scanalways_t",t->tm_yday);
+ }
+ else
+ loadgamesfromdb=TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //spiele von db laden
+ if(loadgamesfromdb)
+ if(foundgames>0)
+ {
+ //spieliste einlesen
+ xgamelist.readGamelist(foundgames);
+ //menüpunkte anlegen
+ xgamelist.createStartmenu();
+ //gamelist unblocken
+ xgamelist.Block(FALSE);
+ searching=FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(foundgames==0)
+ {
+ searching=FALSE;
+ //dummymenü punkt entfernen
+ //CallService( MS_CLIST_REMOVEMAINMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )dummymenu, 0 );
+ //gamelist unblocken
+ xgamelist.Block(FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ foundgames=0;
+ else
+ foundgames=0;
+ HWND hwnd=NULL;
+ //suche dialog anzeigen
+ if(!DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL,protocolname,"dontdissstatus",0))
+ {
+ mir_forkthread(ShowSearchDialog,&hwnd);
+ }
+ FoldersGetCustomPath( XFireWorkingFolder, inipath, 1024, 'W' );
+ strcat(inipath,"\\");
+ strcat(inipath,"xfire_games.ini");
+ //erstmal db säubern
+ xgamelist.clearDatabase();
+ //maximal 200 notfounds, um die nicht belegten id's zu überspringen
+ while(notfound<200)
+ {
+ //2 gameids?
+ if(split)
+ sprintf(temp,"%i_%i",i,i2);
+ else
+ sprintf(temp,"%i",i);
+ //MessageBoxA(0,temp,temp,0);
+ //letztes ergeniss sichern
+ last_gpps=gpps;
+ //las ma mal suchen ....
+ gpps=xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LongName", "", gamename, 255, inipath);
+ char entrytype[100]="";
+ if(gpps!=NULL) xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "SoftwareType", "", entrytype, 100, inipath);
+ //kein eintrag? voicechat? musiapplicationen? schon in der gameliste?
+ if(gpps!=NULL && strcmp(entrytype,"Music")!=0 && strcmp(entrytype,"VoiceChat")!=0 && !xgamelist.Gameinlist(i)) //was gefunden und noch nicht eintragen?
+ {
+ BOOL MatchExe=FALSE;
+ //MatchExe Games in der automatischen Suche skippen
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "MatchExe", "", ret, 255, inipath))
+ MatchExe=TRUE;
+ //Registryschlüssel auslesen und pfad auf exe prüfen
+ xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherDirKey", "", ret, 255, inipath);
+ strcpy(ret2,ret);
+ //ersten part des registry schlüssel raustrennen
+ pos=strchr(ret2,'\\');
+ if(!MatchExe && pos!=0)
+ {
+ HKEY hkey,hsubk;
+ *pos=0; //string trennen
+ pos++;
+ pos2=strrchr(pos,'\\'); //key trennen
+ if(pos!=0)
+ {
+ *pos2=0;
+ pos2++;
+ //HKEY festlegen
+ switch(*(ret2+6))
+ {
+ case 'L':
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ break;
+ default:
+ hkey = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ hkey = NULL;
+ if(hkey) //nur wenn der key erkannt wurde
+ {
+ if(RegOpenKeyA(hkey,pos,&hsubk) == ERROR_SUCCESS) //key versuchen zu "öffnen"
+ {
+ char path_r[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ DWORD size=sizeof(path);
+ //key lesen
+ if(RegQueryValueEx(hsubk,pos2,NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)path,&size)== ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ //zusätzlichen pfad anhängen
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherDirAppend", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ if(*(path+strlen(path)-1)=='\\'&&*(ret2)=='\\')
+ strcat(path,(ret2+1));
+ else
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ }
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherDirTruncAt", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ //mögliches erstes anführungszeichen entfernen
+ if(*(path)=='"')
+ {
+ pos2=path;
+ pos2++;
+ strcpy(path,pos2);
+ }
+ //mögliche weitere anführungszeichen entfernen
+ pos=strchr(path,'"');
+ if(pos!=0)
+ *pos=0;
+ if(*(path+strlen(path)-1)!='\\')
+ *(path+strlen(path)-strlen(ret2))=0;
+ }
+ if(*(path+strlen(path)-1)!='\\')
+ strcat(path,"\\");
+ //dateiname auslesen
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "InstallHint", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ strcpy(pathtemp,path);
+ strcat(pathtemp,ret2);
+ if(CheckPath(pathtemp))
+ {
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "DetectExe", "", ret, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ cutforlaunch=path+strlen(path);
+ strcpy(pathtemp,path);
+ //wenn backslash bei detectexe, dann diesen skippen (eveonline bug)
+ if(ret[0]=='\\')
+ {
+ strcat(pathtemp,(char*)&ret[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(pathtemp,ret);
+ }
+ if(CheckPath(pathtemp))
+ {
+ strcpy(path, pathtemp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(path)=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherExe", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ cutforlaunch=path+strlen(path);
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(path)=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "DetectExe[0]", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ cutforlaunch=path+strlen(path);
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ multiexe=TRUE;
+ if(!CheckPath(path,path_r))
+ {
+ *(path)=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "DetectExe", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ cutforlaunch=path+strlen(path);
+ //wenn backslash bei detectexe, dann diesen skippen (eveonline bug)
+ if(ret2[0]=='\\')
+ {
+ strcat(path,(char*)&ret2[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ }
+ if(!CheckPath(path,path_r))
+ {
+ *(path)=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherExe", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ cutforlaunch=path+strlen(path);
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ }
+ //prüfe ob existent, dann ist das spiel installiert
+ if(path[0]!=0 && GetFileAttributes(path)!=0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ Xfire_game* newgame=new Xfire_game();
+ newgame->id=i;
+ //8.3 pfade umwandeln
+ //GetLongPathNameA(path,path,sizeof(path));
+ //lowercase pfad
+ for(unsigned int ii=0;ii<strlen(path);ii++)
+ path[ii]=tolower(path[ii]);
+ if(path_r[0]==0)
+ newgame->setString(path,&newgame->path);
+ else
+ {
+ //lowercase wildcard pfad
+ for(unsigned int ii=0;ii<strlen(path_r);ii++)
+ path_r[ii]=tolower(path_r[ii]);
+ newgame->setString(path_r,&newgame->path);
+ }
+ //spiel mit mehreren exefiles
+ if(multiexe)
+ {
+ multiexe=FALSE;
+ for(int i=1;i<9;i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(ret,"DetectExe[%d]",i);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, ret, "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ {
+ char* pos=strrchr(path,'\\');
+ if(pos!=0)
+ {
+ pos++;
+ *pos=0;
+ }
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ if(!CheckPath(path))
+ {
+ *(path)=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i2=0;i2<strlen(path);i2++)
+ path[i2]=tolower(path[i2]);
+ char* mpathtemp=new char[strlen(path)+1];
+ strcpy(mpathtemp,path);
+ newgame->mpath.push_back(mpathtemp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //für launcherstring anpassen
+ char* pos=strrchr(path,'\\');
+ if(pos!=0)
+ {
+ pos++;
+ *pos=0;
+ }
+ xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherExe", "", ret2, 255, inipath); // anfügen
+ if(cutforlaunch!=0) *cutforlaunch=0;
+ //pfad aufbereiten
+ char launchpath[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ strcpy(launchpath,path);
+ //letzten backslash entfernen
+ if(launchpath[strlen(launchpath)-1]=='\\') launchpath[strlen(launchpath)-1]=0;
+ strcat(path,ret2);
+ newgame->setString(path,&newgame->launchparams);
+ newgame->appendString(" ",&newgame->launchparams);
+ xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "Launch", "", ret2, 512, inipath);
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_DIR%",launchpath);
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_PATH%",""); //erstmal unwichtige sachen entfernen
+ //str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS%",""); // - auch entfernen
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_LOGIN_ARGS%",""); // - auch entfernen
+ newgame->appendString(ret2,&newgame->launchparams);
+ /*if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherLoginArgs", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ {
+ str_replace(xf[foundgames].launchparams,"%UA_LAUNCHER_LOGIN_ARGS%",ret2); // - auch entfernen
+ }
+ else*/
+ // str_replace(xf[foundgames].launchparams,"%UA_LAUNCHER_LOGIN_ARGS%",""); // - auch entfernen
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherPasswordArgs", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->pwparams);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherNetworkArgs", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->networkparams);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "CommandLineMustContain[0]", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->mustcontain);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "XUSERSendId", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->send_gameid=atoi(ret2);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "XUSERSetStatusMsg", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setstatusmsg=atoi(ret2);
+ //launcherurl?
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherUrl", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->launchparams);
+ //soll alle string, welche nicht in der commandline eines spiels sein soll in einen string pakcen semikolon getrennt
+ sprintf(ret,"CommandLineMustNotContain[0]");
+ int i=0;
+ while(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, ret, "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ {
+ if(!newgame->notcontain) newgame->setString("",&newgame->notcontain);
+ if(i>0)
+ newgame->appendString(";",&newgame->notcontain);
+ newgame->appendString(ret2,&newgame->notcontain);
+ i++;
+ sprintf(ret,"CommandLineMustNotContain[%d]",i);
+ }
+ newgame->setNameandIcon();
+ strcat(gamelist,gamename);
+ strcat(gamelist,", ");
+ if(foundgames%2==1)
+ strcat(gamelist,"\r\n");
+ xgamelist.Addgame(newgame);
+ foundgames++;
+ split=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(hsubk);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!MatchExe && xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherDirDefault", "", ret2, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherExe", "", ret, 255, inipath))
+ {
+ strcat(ret2,"\\");
+ strcat(ret2,ret);
+ }
+ str_replace(ret2,"%WINDIR%",getenv("WINDIR"));
+ str_replace(ret2,"%ProgramFiles%",getenv("ProgramFiles"));
+ //prüfe ob existent, dann ist das spiel installiert
+ if(GetFileAttributes(ret2)!=0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ Xfire_game* newgame=new Xfire_game();
+ newgame->id=i;
+ //8.3 pfade umwandeln
+ //GetLongPathNameA(ret2,ret2,sizeof(ret2));
+ //lowercase pfad
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<strlen(ret2);i++)
+ ret2[i]=tolower(ret2[i]);
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->path);
+ //launch parameterstring
+ //pfad aufbereiten
+ char launchpath[XFIRE_MAX_STATIC_STRING_LEN]="";
+ strcpy(launchpath,ret2);
+ if(strrchr(launchpath,'\\')!=0)
+ {
+ *(strrchr(launchpath,'\\'))=0;
+ }
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->launchparams);
+ newgame->appendString(" ",&newgame->launchparams);
+ xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "Launch", "", ret2, 512, inipath);
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_DIR%",launchpath);
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_PATH%",""); //unwichtige sachen entfernen
+ //str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS%",""); // - auch entfernen
+ str_replace(ret2,"%UA_LAUNCHER_LOGIN_ARGS%",""); // - auch entfernen
+ newgame->appendString(ret2,&newgame->launchparams);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherPasswordArgs", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->pwparams);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "LauncherNetworkArgs", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->networkparams);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "CommandLineMustContain[0]", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setString(ret2,&newgame->mustcontain);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "XUSERSendId", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->send_gameid=atoi(ret2);
+ if(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, "XUSERSetStatusMsg", "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ newgame->setstatusmsg=atoi(ret2);
+ //soll alle string, welche nicht in der commandline eines spiels sein soll in einen string pakcen semikolon getrennt
+ sprintf(ret,"CommandLineMustNotContain[0]");
+ int i=0;
+ while(xfire_GetPrivateProfileString(temp, ret, "", ret2, 512, inipath))
+ {
+ if(!newgame->notcontain) newgame->setString("",&newgame->notcontain);
+ if(i>0)
+ newgame->appendString(";",&newgame->notcontain);
+ newgame->appendString(ret2,&newgame->notcontain);
+ i++;
+ sprintf(ret,"CommandLineMustNotContain[%d]",i);
+ }
+ newgame->setNameandIcon();
+ strcat(gamelist,gamename);
+ strcat(gamelist,", ");
+ if(foundgames%2==1)
+ strcat(gamelist,"\r\n");
+ xgamelist.Addgame(newgame);
+ foundgames++;
+ split=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(split)
+ i2++;
+ else
+ i++;
+ notfound=0;
+ }
+ else if(split==FALSE) // nichts gefunden, dann die 2. gameid probieren (games die zb über steam und normal installiert werden können, haben eine 2. id)
+ {
+ i2=1;
+ split=TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(split==TRUE&&last_gpps!=NULL) // keine weiteren einträge mit der 2. id gefunden, also wieder mit der normalen weitersuchen
+ {
+ split=FALSE;
+ i++;
+ i2=0;
+ }
+ else if(split==TRUE&&last_gpps==NULL) // überhaupt nix gefunden, vllt nicht belegete id's, überspringen und "notfound" hochsetzen
+ {
+ split=FALSE;
+ i2=0;
+ if(i==35) //großer sprung unbenutzer id's
+ i+=4000;
+ i++;
+ notfound++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(hwnd)SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_CURRENTGAME,Translate("Write to database ..."));
+ //gefundene games in db eintragen
+ xgamelist.writeDatabase();
+ //scanversion setzen, um ungewollten rescan zu vermeiden
+ DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL, protocolname, "scanver", XFIRE_SCAN_VAL);
+ EndDialog(hwnd,0);
+ if(!DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL,protocolname,"dontdisresults",0))
+ {
+ int p=strlen(gamelist)-2;
+ if(p>-1)
+ gamelist[p]=0; //letztes koma killen
+ sprintf(ret,Translate("Games found:%s%s"),"\r\n\r\n",gamelist);
+ MSGBOX(ret);
+ }
+ searching=FALSE;
+ xgamelist.createStartmenu();
+ //gamelist unblocken
+ xgamelist.Block(FALSE);
\ No newline at end of file |