path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/xfirepacket.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/xfirepacket.cpp')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/xfirepacket.cpp b/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/xfirepacket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..955881863f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/Xfire/xfiretest/xfirepacket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * xfirelib - C++ Library for the xfire protocol.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 by
+ * Beat Wolf <> /
+ * Herbert Poul <> /
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "xfirepacket.h"
+#include "xdebug.h"
+#include "socketexception.h"
+namespace xfirelib {
+ using namespace std;
+ XFirePacket::XFirePacket(PacketReader *reader) {
+ this->reader = reader;
+ this->content = NULL;
+ }
+ XFirePacket::XFirePacket(XFirePacketContent *content) {
+ this->content = content;
+ this->reader = NULL;
+ }
+ XFirePacket::~XFirePacket() {
+ }
+ void XFirePacket::recvPacket(Socket *socket) {
+ char buf[5];
+ //char temp[255];
+ int nlen=0;
+ //FILE* f2;
+ if(socket==NULL) return;
+ int r = socket->recv( buf, 5 );
+ int missingbytes=5-r;
+ if(missingbytes != 0) {
+ XERROR3("Returned only %d bytes try last %d bytes again ?!: \n",r,missingbytes);
+ r+= socket->recv( &buf[r], missingbytes );
+ }
+ if(r != 5) {
+ XERROR2("Returned less than 5 ?!: %d\n",r);
+ throw SocketException("Connection Closed ?");
+ }
+ XDEBUG2("Read %d bytes ...\n", r );
+ unsigned int len = ((unsigned char)buf[0]) + (((unsigned char)buf[1]) * 256);
+ int packetid = buf[2];
+ int numberOfAtts = (unsigned char)buf[4];
+ char* contentbuf=new char[len-5];
+ XDEBUG2("calling socket->recv(contentbuf,%d)\n",len-5);
+ int r2 = socket->recv( contentbuf, len-5 );
+ char* ncontentbuf=contentbuf+r2;
+ int nsize=len-5-r2;
+ int dummyi=0;
+ //packet solang auslesen, bis fertig - dufte
+ while(nsize>0)
+ {
+ dummyi++;
+ XDEBUG2("nsize: %d\n", nsize);
+ r2=socket->recv( ncontentbuf, nsize );
+ ncontentbuf=ncontentbuf+r2;
+ nsize-=r2;
+ XDEBUG5("packetid: %d numberOfAtts: %d length: %d Got: %d\n", (unsigned char)packetid,numberOfAtts,len-5,len-5-nsize);
+ }
+ XDEBUG5("packetid: %d numberOfAtts: %d length: %d Got: %d\n", (unsigned char)packetid,numberOfAtts,len-5,r2);
+ if(r2 < 1) return;
+ /*if((unsigned char)packetid==131)
+ {
+ sprintf(temp,"packet%d_%d.dmp",(unsigned char)packetid,rand());
+ f2=fopen(temp,"wb");
+ fwrite(contentbuf,1,len-5,f2);
+ fclose(f2);
+ }*/
+ XFirePacketContent *contentClass = reader->getPacketContentClass( (unsigned char)packetid );
+ //sprintf(temp,"packet%d.dmp",(unsigned char)packetid);
+ if(contentClass == NULL) {
+ /*sprintf(temp,"packet%d.dmp",(unsigned char)packetid);
+ f2=fopen(temp,"wb");
+ fwrite(contentbuf,1,len-5,f2);
+ fclose(f2);*/
+ XERROR2("NO SUCH CONTENT PACKET (%d) :(\n", (unsigned char)packetid);
+ return;
+ }
+ XDEBUG(("Creating ContentClass Instance\n"));
+ content = contentClass->newPacket();
+ XDEBUG(("Parse Content\n"));
+ //statt r2 wird jetzt die komplette länge des packets genommen, also len-5 dufte
+ content->parseContent(contentbuf, len-5, numberOfAtts);
+ }
+ void XFirePacket::sendPacket(Socket *socket) {
+ int size = content->getPacketSize();
+ char *buf = (char*)malloc(size * sizeof(char));
+ XDEBUG3("Allocated %d characters (%d)\n", size, sizeof(char));
+ int rsize = content->getPacketContent( buf );
+ XDEBUG2("Real Size: %d\n", rsize);
+ int realsize = rsize + 5;
+ char *sendbuf = (char*)malloc(realsize * sizeof(char));
+ sendbuf[0] = realsize % 256;
+ sendbuf[1] = (int)realsize / 256;
+ sendbuf[2] = content->getPacketId();
+ XDEBUG2("Send Content Id: %d\n", content->getPacketId());
+ sendbuf[3] = 0;
+ sendbuf[4] = content->getPacketAttributeCount();
+ memcpy( sendbuf + 5, buf, rsize );
+ socket->send( sendbuf, realsize );
+ free(buf); free(sendbuf);
+ }