path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/sametime/files.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/sametime/files.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 421 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/sametime/files.cpp b/plugins/!NotAdopted/sametime/files.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d89cf401d8..0000000000
--- a/plugins/!NotAdopted/sametime/files.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-#include "files.h"
-mwServiceFileTransfer *service_files = 0;
-/** an incoming file transfer has been offered */
-void mwFileTransfer_offered(mwFileTransfer *ft) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Offered", "File Transfer", MB_OK);
- const mwIdBlock *idb = mwFileTransfer_getUser(ft);
- HANDLE hContact = FindContactByUserId(idb->user);
- if(!hContact) {
- mwSametimeList *user_list = mwSametimeList_new();
- mwSametimeGroup *stgroup = mwSametimeGroup_new(user_list, mwSametimeGroup_NORMAL, Translate("None"));
- mwSametimeUser *stuser = mwSametimeUser_new(stgroup, mwSametimeUser_NORMAL, (mwIdBlock *)idb);
- hContact = AddContact(stuser, (options.add_contacts ? false : true));
- }
- CCSDATA ccs = {0};
- char filename[MAX_PATH];
- char desc[512];
- strncpy(filename, mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft), MAX_PATH);
- NLog("Sametime mwFileTransfer_offered");
- NLog(filename);
- const char *msg = mwFileTransfer_getMessage(ft);
- if(msg) strncpy(desc, msg, 512);
- else desc[0] = 0;
- char *blob = (char *)malloc(sizeof(DWORD) + strlen(filename) + strlen(desc) + 2);
- *(DWORD *)blob = (DWORD)(ft);
- strcpy(blob + sizeof(DWORD), filename);
- strcpy(blob + sizeof(DWORD) + strlen(filename) + 1, desc);
- // Send chain event
- ccs.szProtoService = PSR_FILE;
- ccs.hContact = hContact;
- ccs.wParam = (WPARAM)ft;
- ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯
- pre.flags = 0;
- pre.timestamp = (DWORD)time(0);
- pre.szMessage = blob;
- pre.lParam = 0;
- CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs);
- free(blob);
-//returns 0 if finished with current file
-int SendFileChunk(mwFileTransfer *ft, FileTransferClientData *ftcd) {
- DWORD bytes_read;
- mwOpaque o;
- if(!ftcd || !ftcd->buffer)
- return 0;
- if(!ReadFile(ftcd->hFile, ftcd->buffer, FILE_BUFF_SIZE, &bytes_read, 0)) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Closing FT - read failed", "FT Opened", MB_OK);
- //mwFileTransfer_cancel(ft);
- NLog("Sametime closing file transfer (SendFileChunk)");
- mwFileTransfer_close(ft, mwFileTransfer_SUCCESS);
- return 0;
- }
- = (unsigned char *)ftcd->buffer;
- o.len = bytes_read;
- mwFileTransfer_send(ft, &o);
- return bytes_read;
-unsigned long __stdcall SendThread(LPVOID param) {
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_PUSH, 0, 0);
- NLog("Sametime send thread starting");
- mwFileTransfer *ft = (mwFileTransfer *)param;
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = 0;
- if(ft) ftcd = (FileTransferClientData *)mwFileTransfer_getClientData(ft);
- if(!ft || !ftcd) return 1;
- pfts.cbSize = sizeof(pfts);
- pfts.hContact = ftcd->hContact;
- pfts.sending = (ftcd->sending ? 1 : 0);
- pfts.files = 0;
- pfts.totalFiles = ftcd->first->ft_count;
- pfts.totalBytes = ftcd->first->totalSize;
- while(SendFileChunk(ft, ftcd) && !Miranda_Terminated()) {
- pfts.currentFileNumber = ftcd->ft_number;
- pfts.totalProgress = ftcd->sizeToHere + mwFileTransfer_getSent(ft);
- pfts.workingDir = ftcd->save_path;
- pfts.currentFile = (char *)mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft);
- pfts.currentFileSize = mwFileTransfer_getFileSize(ft);
- pfts.currentFileProgress = mwFileTransfer_getSent(ft);
- pfts.currentFileTime = 0; //?
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ftcd->hFt, (LPARAM)&pfts);
- SleepEx(500,TRUE);
- }
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ftcd->hFt, 0);
- mwFileTransfer_removeClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd->save_path) free(ftcd->save_path);
- if(ftcd->buffer) delete[] ftcd->buffer;
- delete ftcd;
- NLog("Sametime send thread exiting");
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_THREAD_POP, 0, 0);
- return 0;
-/** a file transfer has been fully initiated */
-void mwFileTransfer_opened(mwFileTransfer *ft) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Opened", "File Transfer", MB_OK);
- NLog("Sametime mwFileTransfer_opened");
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = (FileTransferClientData *)mwFileTransfer_getClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd->sending) {
- // create a thread to send chunks - since it seems not all clients send acks for each of our chunks!
- DWORD tid;
- CloseHandle(CreateThread(0, 0, SendThread, (void *)ft, 0, &tid));
- }
-/** a file transfer has been closed. Check the status of the file
- transfer to determine if the transfer was complete or if it had
- been interrupted */
-void mwFileTransfer_closed(mwFileTransfer *ft, guint32 code) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Closed", "File Transfer", MB_OK);
- NLog("Sametime mwFileTransfer_closed");
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = (FileTransferClientData *)mwFileTransfer_getClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd) {
- if(ftcd->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- CloseHandle(ftcd->hFile);
- if(code != mwFileTransfer_SUCCESS || !mwFileTransfer_isDone(ft)) {
- if(!ftcd->sending) {
- char fn[MAX_PATH];
- if(ftcd->save_path) strcpy(fn, ftcd->save_path);
- else fn[0] = 0;
- strcat(fn, mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft));
- DeleteFileA(fn);
- }
- if(code == mwFileTransfer_REJECTED) {
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DENIED, ftcd->hFt, 0);
- } else {
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ftcd->hFt, 0);
- }
- if(ftcd->sending) {
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd_next = ftcd->next, *ftcd_temp;
- while(ftcd_next) {
- mwFileTransfer_free((mwFileTransfer *)ftcd_next->ft);
- ftcd_temp = ftcd_next->next;
- if(ftcd_next->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- CloseHandle(ftcd->hFile);
- if(ftcd_next->save_path) free(ftcd_next->save_path);
- if(ftcd_next->buffer) delete[] ftcd_next->buffer;
- delete ftcd_next;
- ftcd_next = ftcd_temp;
- }
- } else {
- mwFileTransfer_removeClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd->save_path) free(ftcd->save_path);
- if(ftcd->buffer) delete[] ftcd->buffer;
- delete ftcd;
- mwFileTransfer_free(ft);
- }
- } else {
- if(ftcd->sending) {
- // check if we have more files to send...
- if(ftcd->next) {
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ftcd->hFt, 0);
- mwFileTransfer_offer(ftcd->next->ft);
- }
- } else {
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ftcd->hFt, 0);
- mwFileTransfer_removeClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd->save_path) free(ftcd->save_path);
- if(ftcd->buffer) delete[] ftcd->buffer;
- delete ftcd;
- mwFileTransfer_free(ft);
- }
- }
- }
-/** receive a chunk of a file from an inbound file transfer. */
-void mwFileTransfer_recv(mwFileTransfer *ft, struct mwOpaque *data) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Recv", "File Transfer", MB_OK);
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = (FileTransferClientData *)mwFileTransfer_getClientData(ft);
- DWORD bytes_written;
- if(!WriteFile(ftcd->hFile, data->data, data->len, &bytes_written, 0)) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Write failed", "msg", MB_OK);
- mwFileTransfer_cancel(ft);
- } else {
- //if(mwFileTransfer_isOpen(ft))
- mwFileTransfer_ack(ft); // acknowledge chunk
- pfts.cbSize = sizeof(pfts);
- pfts.hContact = ftcd->hContact;
- pfts.sending = (ftcd->sending ? 1 : 0);
- pfts.files = 0;
- pfts.totalFiles = 1;
- pfts.currentFileNumber = 0;
- pfts.totalBytes = mwFileTransfer_getFileSize(ft);
- pfts.totalProgress = mwFileTransfer_getSent(ft);
- pfts.workingDir = ftcd->save_path;
- pfts.currentFile = (char *)mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft);
- pfts.currentFileSize = mwFileTransfer_getFileSize(ft);
- pfts.currentFileProgress = mwFileTransfer_getSent(ft);
- pfts.currentFileTime = 0; //?
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PROTO, ftcd->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ftcd->hFt, (LPARAM)&pfts);
- }
-/** received an ack for a sent chunk on an outbound file transfer.
- this indicates that a previous call to mwFileTransfer_send has
- reached the target and that the target has responded. */
-void mwFileTransfer_handle_ack(mwFileTransfer *ft) {
- //MessageBox(0, "Handle ack", "File Transfer", MB_OK);
- // see SendThread above - not all clients send us acks
-/** optional. called from mwService_free */
-void mwFileTransfer_clear(mwServiceFileTransfer *srvc) {
-mwFileTransferHandler mwFileTransfer_handler = {
- mwFileTransfer_offered,
- mwFileTransfer_opened,
- mwFileTransfer_closed,
- mwFileTransfer_recv,
- mwFileTransfer_handle_ack,
- mwFileTransfer_clear
-HANDLE SendFilesToUser(HANDLE hContact, char **files, char *pszDesc) {
- mwAwareIdBlock id_block;
- if(GetAwareIdFromContact(hContact, &id_block)) {
- mwIdBlock idb;
- idb.user = id_block.user;
- =;
- HANDLE hFile;
- DWORD filesize;
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd, *prev_ftcd = 0, *first_ftcd = 0;
- mwFileTransfer *ft, *first_ft = 0;
- char *fn;
- for(int i = 0; files[i]; i++) {
- hFile = CreateFileA(files[i], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
- filesize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0);
- fn = strrchr(files[i], '\\');
- if(fn) fn++;
- ft = mwFileTransfer_new(service_files, &idb, pszDesc, (fn ? fn : files[i]), filesize);
- ftcd = new FileTransferClientData;
- memset((void *)ftcd, 0, sizeof(FileTransferClientData));
- ftcd->ft = ft;
- ftcd->hContact = hContact;
- ftcd->next = 0;
- if(prev_ftcd) {
- prev_ftcd->next = ftcd; // link into list
- // each node contains a pointer to the first - it will contain infor linke the count etc
- ftcd->first = prev_ftcd->first;
- } else {
- ftcd->first = ftcd;
- }
- if(!first_ft) first_ft = ft;
- ftcd->sending = true;
- ftcd->hFile = hFile;
- ftcd->hFt = (HANDLE)first_ft;
- ftcd->save_path = 0;
- ftcd->buffer = new char[FILE_BUFF_SIZE];
- ftcd->ft_number = ftcd->first->ft_count;
- ftcd->first->ft_count++;
- ftcd->sizeToHere = ftcd->first->totalSize;
- ftcd->first->totalSize += filesize;
- mwFileTransfer_setClientData(ft, (gpointer)ftcd, 0);
- prev_ftcd = ftcd;
- }
- }
- free(id_block.user);
- if(first_ft) {
- mwFileTransfer_offer(first_ft);
- return (HANDLE)first_ft;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-HANDLE AcceptFileTransfer(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hFt, char *save_path) {
- mwFileTransfer *ft = (mwFileTransfer *)(hFt);
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = new FileTransferClientData;
- memset((void *)ftcd, 0, sizeof(FileTransferClientData));
- ftcd->ft = ft;
- ftcd->sending = false;
- ftcd->hFt = (HANDLE)ft;
- if(save_path) // save path
- ftcd->save_path = _strdup(save_path);
- else
- ftcd->save_path = 0;
- mwFileTransfer_setClientData(ft, (gpointer)ftcd, 0);
- char fp[MAX_PATH];
- char *fn = strrchr((char *)mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft), '\\');
- if(fn) fn++;
- if(ftcd->save_path)
- strcpy(fp, ftcd->save_path);
- else
- fp[0] = 0;
- if(fn) strcat(fp, fn);
- else strcat(fp, mwFileTransfer_getFileName(ft));
- ftcd->hFile = CreateFileA(fp, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
- if(ftcd->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- //MessageBox(0, fp, "Accept - invalid handle", MB_OK);
- mwFileTransfer_close(ft, mwFileTransfer_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- ftcd->hContact = hContact;
- mwFileTransfer_setClientData(ft, (gpointer)ftcd, 0);
- mwFileTransfer_accept(ft);
- return hFt;
-void RejectFileTransfer(HANDLE hFt) {
- mwFileTransfer *ft = (mwFileTransfer *)hFt;
- mwFileTransfer_reject(ft);
-void CancelFileTransfer(HANDLE hFt) {
- mwFileTransfer *ft = (mwFileTransfer *)hFt;
- FileTransferClientData *ftcd = (FileTransferClientData *)mwFileTransfer_getClientData(ft);
- if(ftcd) {
- while(mwFileTransfer_isDone(ftcd->ft) && ftcd)
- ftcd = ftcd->next;
- if(ftcd) mwFileTransfer_cancel(ftcd->ft);
- } else
- mwFileTransfer_cancel(ft);
-void InitFiles(mwSession *session) {
- mwSession_addService(session, (mwService *)(service_files = mwServiceFileTransfer_new(session, &mwFileTransfer_handler)));
-void DeinitFiles(mwSession *session) {
- mwSession_removeService(session, mwService_FILE_TRANSFER);
- mwService_free((mwService *)service_files);
- service_files = 0;