path: root/plugins/Actman/lowlevelc.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Actman/lowlevelc.pas')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/lowlevelc.pas b/plugins/Actman/lowlevelc.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe6d9bde31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Actman/lowlevelc.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+unit lowlevelc;
+ windows,
+ iac_global;
+// Macro flags
+ ACF_ASSIGNED = $80000000; // macro assigned
+ ACF_FIRSTRUN = $40000000; // FirstRun flag
+ ACF_USEDNOW = $20000000; // macro in use (reserved)
+ ACF_VOLATILE = $10000000; // don't save in DB
+ pActionList = ^tActionList;
+ tActionList = array [0..1023] of tBaseAction;
+ MacroNameLen = 64;
+ pMacroRecord = ^tMacroRecord;
+ tMacroRecord = record
+ id :dword;
+ flags :dword; // ACF_* flags
+ descr :array [0..MacroNameLen-1] of WideChar;
+ ActionList :pActionList;
+ ActionCount:integer;
+ end;
+type // array dimension - just for indexing
+ pMacroList = ^taMacroList;
+ taMacroList = array [0..1023] of tMacroRecord;
+ tMacroList = class
+ private
+ fMacroList:pMacroList;
+ fMacroCount:cardinal;
+ procedure ReallocMacroList;
+ function GetMacroElement(i:integer):pMacroRecord;
+ public
+ constructor Create(isize:cardinal);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clear(filter:dword=0);
+ function Clone:tMacroList;
+ function NewMacro:cardinal;
+ function GetMacro(id:uint_ptr ):pMacroRecord; overload;
+ function GetMacro(name:pWideChar):pMacroRecord; overload;
+ function GetMacroNameById(id:dword):PWideChar;
+ property List[i:integer]:pMacroRecord read GetMacroElement; default;
+ property Count: cardinal read fMacroCount;
+ end;
+procedure FreeMacro(Macro:pMacroRecord;mask:dword=0);
+ MacroList:tMacroList;
+uses Common;
+ MacroListPage = 8;
+function tMacroList.GetMacroElement(i:integer):pMacroRecord;
+ result:=@fMacroList[i];
+function tMacroList.GetMacro(id:uint_ptr):pMacroRecord;
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to fMacroCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((fMacroList^[i].flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0) and
+ (id=fMacroList^[i].id) then
+ begin
+ result:=@(fMacroList^[i]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=nil;
+function tMacroList.GetMacro(name:pWideChar):pMacroRecord;
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to fMacroCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((fMacroList^[i].flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0) and
+ (StrCmpW(name,fMacroList^[i].descr)=0) then
+ begin
+ result:=@(fMacroList^[i]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=nil;
+function tMacroList.GetMacroNameById(id:dword):PWideChar;
+ p:pMacroRecord;
+ p:=GetMacro(id);
+ if p<>nil then
+ result:=@(p^.descr)
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+procedure FreeActionList(var src:pActionList; count:integer; mask:dword);
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to count-1 do
+ begin
+ if (mask=0) or ((src^[i].flags and mask)<>0) then
+ src^[i].Free;
+ end;
+ FreeMem(src);
+ src:=nil;
+procedure FreeMacro(Macro:pMacroRecord;mask:dword=0);
+ with Macro^ do
+ begin
+ if (flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ flags:=0; // make Unassigned
+ FreeActionList(ActionList,ActionCount,mask);
+ ActionCount:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure tMacroList.Clear(filter:dword=0);
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to fMacroCount-1 do
+ begin
+ FreeMacro(@(fMacroList[i]),filter);
+ end;
+ fMacroCount:=0;
+ FreeMem(fMacroList);
+ fMacroList:=nil;
+destructor tMacroList.Destroy;
+ fMacroCount:=0;
+ FreeMem(fMacroList);
+ fMacroList:=nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function CloneActionList(src:pActionList;count:integer):pActionList;
+ if src=nil then
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ GetMem(result ,count*SizeOf(tBaseAction));
+ move(src^,result^,count*SizeOf(tBaseAction))
+procedure CloneMacro(var dst:pMacroRecord; src:pMacroRecord);
+ if (src^.flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ move(src^,dst^,SizeOf(tMacroRecord));
+ dst^.ActionList:=CloneActionList(src^.ActionList,src^.ActionCount);
+ end;
+function tMacroList.Clone:tMacroList;
+ src,dst:pMacroRecord;
+ i:integer;
+ cnt:integer;
+ result:=nil;
+ if fMacroList<>nil then
+ begin
+ cnt:=0;
+ for i:=0 to fMacroCount-1 do
+ if (fMacroList^[i].flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then
+ inc(cnt);
+ if cnt>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=tMacroList.Create(cnt);
+ src:=pMacroRecord(self.fMacroList);
+ dst:=pMacroRecord(result.fMacroList);
+ while cnt>0 do
+ begin
+ if (src^.flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ CloneMacro(dst,src);
+ inc(dst);
+ dec(cnt);
+ end;
+ inc(src);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if result=nil then
+ result:=tMacroList.Create(0);
+procedure tMacroList.ReallocMacroList;
+ i:cardinal;
+ tmp:pMacroList;
+ i:=(fMacroCount+MacroListPage)*SizeOf(tMacroRecord);
+ GetMem(tmp,i);
+ FillChar(tmp^,i,0);
+ if fMacroCount>0 then
+ begin
+ move(fMacroList^,tmp^,fMacroCount*SizeOf(tMacroRecord));
+ FreeMem(fMacroList);
+ end;
+ fMacroList:=tmp;
+ inc(fMacroCount,MacroListPage);
+constructor tMacroList.Create(isize:cardinal);
+ inherited Create;
+ if isize<MacroListPage then
+ fMacroCount:=MacroListPage
+ else
+ fMacroCount:=isize;
+ GetMem (fMacroList ,fMacroCount*SizeOf(tMacroRecord));
+ FillChar(fMacroList^,fMacroCount*SizeOf(tMacroRecord),0);
+procedure InitMacroValue(pMacro:pMacroRecord);
+ tmp:int64;
+ with pMacro^ do
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(descr,NoDescription,MacroNameLen-1);
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(tmp);
+ id :=tmp and $FFFFFFFF;
+ flags :=ACF_ASSIGNED;
+ end;
+function tMacroList.NewMacro:cardinal;
+ i:cardinal;
+ pMacro:pMacroRecord;
+ i:=0;
+ pMacro:=pMacroRecord(fMacroList);
+ while i<fMacroCount do
+ begin
+ if (pMacro^.flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ InitMacroValue(pMacro);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ inc(pMacro);
+ end;
+ // realloc
+ result:=fMacroCount;
+ ReallocMacroList;
+ InitMacroValue(@(fMacroList^[result]));