path: root/plugins/Actman30/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Actman30/')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman30/ b/plugins/Actman30/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a3d8dc65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Actman30/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+{Save/load options}
+ opt_group = 'Group';
+ opt_actions = 'Action';
+ opt_numacts = 'numactions';
+ opt_nummacro = 'numgroups';
+ opt_descr = 'descr';
+ opt_id = 'id';
+ opt_uid = 'uid';
+ opt_flags = 'flags';
+//----- Save settings -----
+procedure SaveActions(Macro:pMacroRecord;section:pAnsiChar);
+ p,p1:PAnsiChar;
+ i:integer;
+ p:=StrEnd(section);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_numacts); DBWriteWord(0,DBBranch,section,Macro^.ActionCount);
+ // in: section = "Group#/"
+ p1:=StrCopyE(p,opt_actions); // "Group#/Action"
+ DBDeleteGroup(0,DBBranch,section);
+ for i:=0 to Macro^.ActionCount-1 do
+ begin
+ p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i));
+ p^:='/'; inc(p); // "Group#/Action#/"
+//?? StrCopy(p,opt_uid); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,Macro^.ActionList[i].uid);
+ p^:=#0;
+ Macro^.ActionList[i].Save(section,0);
+ end;
+procedure SaveMacros;
+ Macro:pMacroRecord;
+ NumMacro:integer;
+ i:integer;
+ section:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ p,p1:PAnsiChar;
+// even if crap in settings, skip on read
+// DBDeleteGroup(0,DBBranch,opt_group);
+ Macro:=MacroList[0];
+ i:=MacroList.Count;
+ NumMacro:=0;
+ p1:=StrCopyE(section,opt_group);
+ while i>0 do
+ begin
+ with Macro^ do
+ begin
+ begin
+ p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,NumMacro));
+ p^:='/'; inc(p);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_id ); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,id);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_flags); DBWriteDWord(0,DBBranch,section,flags);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_descr); DBWriteUnicode (0,DBBranch,section,descr);
+ p^:=#0;
+ SaveActions(Macro,section);
+ inc(NumMacro);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(Macro);
+ dec(i);
+ end;
+ DBWriteWord(0,DBBranch,opt_nummacro,NumMacro);
+//----- Load settings -----
+function LoadActions(Macro:pMacroRecord;section:pAnsiChar):integer;
+ p,p1:PAnsiChar;
+ i,num:integer;
+ actm:pActModule;
+ action:tBaseAction;
+ uid:dword;
+ tmp:pActionList;
+ result:=0;
+ p:=StrEnd(section);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_numacts); Macro^.ActionCount:=DBReadWord(0,DBBranch,section);
+ if Macro^.ActionCount>0 then
+ begin
+ GetMem(Macro^.ActionList,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*Macro^.ActionCount);
+ p1:=StrCopyE(p,opt_actions); // "Group#/Action"
+ num:=0;
+ for i:=0 to Macro^.ActionCount-1 do
+ begin
+ p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i));
+ p^:='/'; inc(p); // "Group#/Action#/"
+ // get uid
+ StrCopy(p,opt_uid); uid:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,section,0);
+ if uid<>0 then
+ begin
+ p^:=#0;
+ // call proper constructor
+ actm:=GetLink(uid);
+ if actm=nil then
+ continue;
+ action:=actm.Create;
+ // call proper loader
+ action.Load(section,0);
+ Macro^.ActionList^[num]:=action;
+ inc(num);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Macro^.ActionCount<>num then
+ begin
+ GetMem(tmp,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*num);
+ move(Macro^.ActionList^,tmp^,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*num);
+ Macro^.ActionCount:=num;
+ FreeMem(Macro^.ActionList);
+ Macro^.ActionList:=tmp;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure LoadMacros;
+ Macro:pMacroRecord;
+ i:cardinal;
+ p,p1:PAnsiChar;
+ section:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ NumMacros:cardinal;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ // Allocate macro list
+ NumMacros :=DBReadWord(0,DBBranch,opt_nummacro,0);
+ MacroList:=tMacroList.Create(NumMacros);
+ // read macro list settings
+ if NumMacros>0 then //?? really, not so necessary
+ begin
+ Macro:=MacroList[0];
+ i:=0;
+ p1:=StrCopyE(section,opt_group);
+ while i<NumMacros do
+ begin
+ p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(p1,i));
+ p^:='/'; inc(p);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_flags);
+ with Macro^ do
+ begin
+ flags:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,section,0) and ACF_TOSAVE;
+ if (flags and ACF_ASSIGNED)<>0 then //?? not needed in normal cases
+ begin
+ StrCopy(p,opt_id ); id :=DBReadDWord (0,DBBranch,section);
+ StrCopy(p,opt_descr); tmp:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,NoDescription);
+ StrCopyW(descr,tmp,MacroNameLen-1);
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+ p^:=#0;
+ LoadActions(Macro,section);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(Macro);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;