path: root/plugins/Actman30/inoutxml.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Actman30/inoutxml.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman30/inoutxml.pas b/plugins/Actman30/inoutxml.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index cd11c1a963..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Actman30/inoutxml.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-unit inoutxml;
-uses windows, lowlevelc;
-function Import(list:tMacroList;fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
- io, common, m_api, question,
- iac_global, global;
- ioAction = 'Action';
- ioClass = 'class';
- ioName = 'name';
- ioVolatile = 'volatile';
- imp_yes = 1;
- imp_yesall = 2;
- imp_no = 3;
- imp_noall = 4;
- imp_append = 5;
-function ImportAction(actnode:HXML):tBaseAction;
- pa:pActModule;
- buf:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
- result:=nil;
- if actnode=0 then exit;
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- pa:=GetLinkByName(FastWideToAnsiBuf(getAttrValue(actnode,ioClass),buf));
- if pa<>nil then
- begin
- result:=pa.Create;
- result.Load(pointer(actnode),1);
- end
- else
- result:=tBaseAction(1);
- end;
-function Import(list:tMacroList;fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
- i,nodenum,actcnt:integer;
- tmp,res:pWideChar;
- root,actnode:HXML;
- impact:integer;
- buf:array [0..511] of WideChar;
- oldid:dword;
- arr:array [0..63] of tBaseAction;
- act:tBaseAction;
- p:pMacroRecord;
- result:=0;
- for i:=0 to list.Count-1 do
- with list[i]^ do
- if (flags and (ACF_IMPORT or ACF_ASSIGNED))=
- flags:=flags and not (ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD);
- if (fname=nil) or (fname^=#0) then
- exit;
- i:=GetFSize(fname);
- if i=0 then
- exit;
- mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
- FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
- f:=Reset(fname);
- BlockRead(f,res^,i);
- CloseHandle(f);
- xmlparser.cbSize:=SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- root:=parseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
- nodenum:=0;
- impact:=imp_yes;
- repeat
- actnode:=getNthChild(root,ioAction,nodenum);
- if actnode=0 then break;
-//?? if StrCmpW(getName(actnode),ioAction)<>0 then break;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
- if tmp<>nil then //!!
- begin
- p:=list.GetMacro(tmp);
- oldid:=$FFFFFFFF;
- if p<>nil then
- begin
- if (impact<>imp_yesall) and (impact<>imp_noall) then
- begin
- StrCopyW(buf,TranslateW('Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?'));
- impact:=ShowQuestion(StrReplaceW(buf,'$',tmp));
- end;
- if (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) then
- begin
- oldid:=p^.id;
- FreeMacro(p);
- end;
- end;
- // if new or overwriting then read macro details/actions
- if (p=nil) or (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) or (impact=imp_append) then
- begin
- with List[list.NewMacro()]^ do
- begin
- if (p<>nil) and (oldid<>$FFFFFFFF) then // set old id to keep UseAction setting
- begin
- flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD;
- id:=oldid;
- end
- else
- flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVolatile))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_VOLATILE;
- StrCopyW(descr,tmp,MacroNameLen-1);
- // reading actions
- actcnt:=0; // count in file
- ActionCount:=0; // amount of loaded
- repeat
- act:=ImportAction(getChild(actnode,actcnt));
- if act=nil then
- break;
- if uint_ptr(act)<>1 then
- begin
- arr[ActionCount]:=act;
- inc(ActionCount);
- end;
- inc(actcnt);
- until false;
- // moving actions to their place
- if Actioncount>0 then
- begin
- GetMem(ActionList,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
- move(arr,ActionList^,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
- end;
- inc(result);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(nodenum);
- until false;
- destroyNode(root);
- end;
- mFreeMem(res);