path: root/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bda6d1a1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+unit BitmapResUnit;
+ Graphics, Types,
+ // Chess4Net
+ ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine;
+ // Bitmap resources - introduced for 2009.1 (sizable board feature)
+ TBitmapRes = class // parametrizable class factory
+ private
+ m_ResSet: TBitmap;
+ m_iSetNumber: integer;
+ m_iSquareSize: integer;
+ procedure FCalculateClientBoardSizes(InitialSize: TSize);
+ public
+ constructor Create(const ClientBoardSize: TSize);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure CreateBoardBitmap(ClientBoardSize: TSize; const BackgroundColor: TColor;
+ out Bitmap: TBitmap);
+ procedure CreateFigureBitmap(const Figure: TFigure; out Bitmap: TBitmap);
+ function GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientSize: TSize): TSize;
+ property SquareSize: integer read m_iSquareSize;
+ end;
+{$R ChessSet_PNG.RES}
+ SysUtils, Classes, Math, pngimage;
+ CHB_RES_X = 4; CHB_RES_Y = 4; // starting coordinates of A8 field in resources
+ g_BitmapResInstance: TBitmapRes = nil;
+ arrClientBoardSizes: array[1..7] of TSize;
+ bClientBoardSizesCalculated: boolean = FALSE;
+// TBitmapRes
+constructor TBitmapRes.Create(const ClientBoardSize: TSize);
+ if (not bClientBoardSizesCalculated) then
+ FCalculateClientBoardSizes(ClientBoardSize);
+destructor TBitmapRes.Destroy;
+ m_ResSet.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TBitmapRes.CreateBoardBitmap(ClientBoardSize: TSize; const BackgroundColor: TColor;
+ out Bitmap: TBitmap);
+ Png: TPngObject;
+ ResBoard: TBitmap;
+ Png := nil;
+ ResBoard := nil;
+ m_iSquareSize := 0;
+ GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientBoardSize); // To refresh m_iSetNumber
+ if (m_iSetNumber = 0) then
+ exit;
+ Bitmap := TBitMap.Create;
+ with Bitmap do
+ try
+ Png := TPngObject.Create;
+ Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'BOARD' + IntToStr(m_iSetNumber));
+ ResBoard := TBitmap.Create;
+ ResBoard.Assign(Png);
+ Width := arrClientBoardSizes[m_iSetNumber].cx;
+ Height := arrClientBoardSizes[m_iSetNumber].cy;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := BackgroundColor;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height));
+ Canvas.Draw(CHB_X - CHB_RES_X, CHB_Y - CHB_RES_Y, ResBoard);
+ // Load appropriate set
+ FreeAndNil(m_ResSet);
+ Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'SET' + IntToStr(m_iSetNumber));
+ m_ResSet := TBitmap.Create;
+ m_ResSet.Assign(Png);
+ m_iSquareSize := m_ResSet.Height;
+ finally;
+ ResBoard.Free;
+ Png.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TBitmapRes.CreateFigureBitmap(const Figure: TFigure; out Bitmap: TBitmap);
+ PNG_SET_POS: array[TFigure] of integer = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13);
+ iSquareSize, iWidth: integer;
+ if (m_iSetNumber = 0) then
+ exit;
+ iSquareSize := m_ResSet.Height;
+ iWidth := IfThen((Figure = ES), iSquareSize + iSquareSize, iSquareSize);
+ Bitmap := TBitMap.Create;
+ Bitmap.Width := iWidth;
+ Bitmap.Height := iSquareSize;
+ Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iWidth, iSquareSize), m_ResSet.Canvas,
+ Bounds(iSquareSize * PNG_SET_POS[Figure], 0, iWidth, iSquareSize));
+ Bitmap.Transparent:= TRUE;
+function TBitmapRes.GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientSize: TSize): TSize;
+ i: integer;
+ m_iSetNumber := 0;
+ for i := High(arrClientBoardSizes) downto Low(arrClientBoardSizes) do
+ begin
+ if (( >= arrClientBoardSizes[i].cx) and
+ ( >= arrClientBoardSizes[i].cy)) then
+ begin
+ Result := arrClientBoardSizes[i];
+ m_iSetNumber := i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end; { for i }
+ Result := Size(0, 0);
+procedure TBitmapRes.FCalculateClientBoardSizes(InitialSize: TSize);
+ i: integer;
+ strResName: string;
+ iOptimal: integer;
+ iAddX, iAddY: integer;
+ // Load board sizes from resources
+ with TPngObject.Create do
+ try
+ for i := Low(arrClientBoardSizes) to High(arrClientBoardSizes) do
+ begin
+ strResName := 'BOARD' + IntToStr(i);
+ LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, strResName);
+ arrClientBoardSizes[i] := Size(Width, Height);
+ end;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ // Find optimal board size from resources
+ iOptimal := 0;
+ for i := High(arrClientBoardSizes) downto Low(arrClientBoardSizes) do
+ begin
+ if (( > (arrClientBoardSizes[i].cx + CHB_X - CHB_RES_X)) and
+ ( > (arrClientBoardSizes[i].cy + CHB_Y - CHB_RES_Y))) then
+ begin
+ iOptimal := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Assert(iOptimal > 0);
+ // Calculate board sizes for client
+ iAddX := - arrClientBoardSizes[iOptimal].cx;
+ iAddY := - arrClientBoardSizes[iOptimal].cy;
+ for i := Low(arrClientBoardSizes) to High(arrClientBoardSizes) do
+ begin
+ inc(arrClientBoardSizes[i].cx, iAddX);
+ inc(arrClientBoardSizes[i].cy, iAddY);
+ end;
+ bClientBoardSizesCalculated := TRUE;