path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/GPGw/language.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/GPGw/language.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/GPGw/language.c b/plugins/CryptoPP/GPGw/language.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4997711629..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/GPGw/language.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include "commonheaders.h"
-//char *txtverifyoptions="Please verify your settings in M->Options->Plugins->GnuPG and GnuPG Advanced."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtinvalidexecutable="The GnuPG Plugin requires the GnuPG executable \"gpg.exe\"."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtinvaliduserid="Could not obtain the GnuPG user id."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtexportpublickeyfailed="The export of your public key failed."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtimportpublickeyfailed="The import of the key failed."; /*lang*/
-char *txtlistpublickeysfailed="Could not generate a list of the public GnuPG keys."; /*lang*/
-char *txtlistsecretkeysfailed="Could not generate a list of the secret GnuPG keys."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtplugins="Plugins"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtgnupgplugin="GnuPG Plugin"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtexecutablefiles="Executable Files"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtselectexecutable="Select GnuPG Executable"; /*lang*/
-char *txtwarning="GnuPG Plugin - Warning"; /*lang*/
-char *txterror="GnuPG Plugin - Error"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtnone="<none>"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtuseencryption="Use GnuPG Encryption"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtsendpublickey="Send GnuPG Key"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtpublickeyreceived="You received a public key."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtpublickeyreceivedstored="You received a public key. It was added to your keyring."; /*lang*/
-char *txtdetectuseridfailed="You received an encrypted message. Could not detect the user id of the public key, used to encrypt it."; /*lang*/
-char *txtunknownuserid="Unknown User ID"; /*lang*/
-char *txtencryptfailed="Could not encrypt the message. It wasn't sent."; /*lang*/
-//char *txtoptions="GnuPG"; /*lang*/
-//char *txtexpertoptions="GnuPG Advanced"; /*lang*/