path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a1df46e7..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h
+++ /dev/null
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- Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- This file deals with system dependencies to derive our very basic data
- types. It should not contain any higher level types.
- $Id: pgpBase.h,v 1.30 2004/02/09 23:30:31 vinnie Exp $
-#ifndef Included_pgpBase_h /* [ */
-#define Included_pgpBase_h
-#include "pgpPFLConfig.h"
-#if !( defined(PGP_MACINTOSH) || defined(PGP_UNIX) || defined(PGP_WIN32) )
-#error one of {PGP_MACINTOSH, PGP_UNIX, PGP_WIN32} must be defined
-#include <stddef.h>
-#if __MWERKS__ && ! defined( __dest_os )
- #include <ansi_parms.h>
- #define __dest_os __mac_os
- /* aCC bars on <sys/time.h> if this file is not included first */
- #include <sys/sigevent.h>
- #endif /* PGP_COMPILER_HPUX */
- #include <sys/types.h>
-#if PGP_WIN32
-#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
-#if ! NO_LIMITS_H
-#include <limits.h>
-#ifndef PGP_UNICODE
-#define PGP_UNICODE 0
-#if PGP_WIN32
- /* check for inconsistent usage of UNICODE symbols */
- #if !defined(UNICODE) || !defined(_UNICODE)
- #error UNICODE and _UNICODE must be defined
- #endif
- #else
- #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
- #error UNICODE and _UNICODE should not be defined
- #endif
- #endif
- PGP basic types
-typedef unsigned char PGPBoolean; /* can be TRUE or FALSE */
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE 1
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE 0
-/* PGPUInt8, PGPInt8 */
-#if UCHAR_MAX == 0xff
-typedef unsigned char PGPUInt8;
-typedef signed char PGPInt8;
-#define MAX_PGPInt8 SCHAR_MAX
-#error This machine has no 8-bit type
-/* PGPUInt16, PGPInt16 */
-#if UINT_MAX == 0xffff
-typedef unsigned int PGPUInt16;
-typedef int PGPInt16;
-#define MAX_PGPUInt16 UINT_MAX
-#define MAX_PGPInt16 INT_MAX
-#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xffff
-typedef unsigned short PGPUInt16;
-typedef short PGPInt16;
-#define MAX_PGPUInt16 USHRT_MAX
-#define MAX_PGPInt16 SHRT_MAX
-#error This machine has no 16-bit type
-/* PGPUInt32, PGPInt32 */
-#if UINT_MAX == 0xfffffffful
-typedef unsigned int PGPUInt32;
-typedef int PGPInt32;
-#define MAX_PGPUInt32 UINT_MAX
-#define MAX_PGPInt32 INT_MAX
-#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xfffffffful
-typedef unsigned long PGPUInt32;
-typedef long PGPInt32;
-#define MAX_PGPUInt32 ULONG_MAX
-#define MAX_PGPInt32 LONG_MAX
-#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xfffffffful
-typedef unsigned short PGPUInt32;
-typedef short PGPInt32;
-#define MAX_PGPUInt32 USHRT_MAX
-#define MAX_PGPInt32 SHRT_MAX
-#error This machine has no 32-bit type
- PGPUInt64, PGPInt64
- Find a 64-bit data type, if possible.
- The conditions here are more complicated to avoid using numbers that
- will choke lesser preprocessors (like 0xffffffffffffffff) unless
- we're reasonably certain that they'll be acceptable.
- Some *preprocessors* choke on constants that long even if the
- compiler can accept them, so it doesn't work reliably to test values.
- So cross our fingers and hope that it's a 64-bit type.
- GCC uses ULONG_LONG_MAX. Solaris uses ULLONG_MAX.
- IRIX uses ULONGLONG_MAX. Are there any other names for this?
-#if ULONG_MAX > 0xfffffffful
-#if ULONG_MAX == 0xfffffffffffffffful
-typedef ulong PGPUInt64;
-typedef long PGPInt64;
-#define PGP_HAVE64 1
-#ifndef PGP_HAVE64
-#if defined(ULONG_LONG_MAX) || defined (ULLONG_MAX) || defined(ULONGLONG_MAX) || defined(__LONG_LONG_MAX__)
-typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
-typedef long long PGPInt64;
-#define PGP_HAVE64 1
- This was added because for some reason or another, __LONG_LONG_MAX__ is
- not defined on Linux 6.1. Hopefully this doesn't break older versions of
- Linux but you never know.....
-#if defined(PGP_UNIX_LINUX) && !defined(PGP_HAVE64)
-typedef long long PGPInt64;
-typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
-#define PGP_HAVE64 1
-#ifndef PGP_HAVE64
-#if defined(__MWERKS__)
-#if __option( longlong )
-typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
-typedef long long PGPInt64;
-#define PGP_HAVE64 1
-#if PGP_HAVE64
-/* too painful to test all the variants above, so just do it this way */
-#define MAX_PGPUInt64 ((PGPUInt64)0xfffffffffffffffful)
-#define MAX_PGPInt64 ((PGPInt64)0x7fffffffffffffff)
- PGPInt, PGPUInt, PGPLong, PGPULong
- Architecture-specific data types.
- PGPLong will be 64 bits on 64-bit architectures (Linux on AMD64 or WIN64).
- PGPLong is hardware-supported integeral type such that
- sizeof(PGPULong)==sizeof(void*)
- PGPInt is the most efficient harware-supported integeral type that is at
- least 32 bit long. It should be the main type for internal counters, sizes,
- offsets etc unless possibly the larger space of PGPSize is required.
-/* note that this should be changed for 16 bit platform */
-typedef int PGPInt;
-typedef unsigned int PGPUInt;
-#if PGP_WIN32
- #if defined(_WIN64)
- #error "Configuration error: PGP_HAVE_64_HARDWARE must be 1 for WIN64"
- #endif
- typedef __int64 PGPLong;
- typedef unsigned __int64 PGPULong;
- #else
- #ifndef _W64
- /* (this definition is only need for WINNT) */
- #define _W64
- #endif
- typedef _W64 __int32 PGPLong;
- typedef _W64 unsigned __int32 PGPULong;
- #endif
- typedef unsigned long PGPULong;
- typedef long PGPLong;
-#define PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( enumName, typeName ) typedef enum enumName typeName
-#define PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( enumName, typeName ) typedef PGPInt32 typeName
-#define kPGPEnumMaxValue INT_MAX
-#define PGP_ENUM_FORCE( enumName ) \
- k ## enumName ## force = kPGPEnumMaxValue
-typedef PGPUInt8 PGPByte;
-typedef PGPInt32 PGPError;
-/* a simple value sufficient to hold any numeric or pointer type */
-typedef void * PGPUserValue;
-/* A PGPSize refers to in memory sizes. Use PGPFileOffset for file offsets */
-typedef size_t PGPSize;
-#define MAX_PGPSize ( ~(PGPSize)0 )
-/* An offset or size of a file */
-#ifdef HAVE_64BIT_FILES
-typedef off64_t PGPFileOffset;
-#else /* !HAVE_64BIT_FILES */
-typedef off_t PGPFileOffset;
-#endif /* HAVE_64BIT_FILES */
-#if PGP_HAVE64
-typedef PGPInt64 PGPFileOffset;
-typedef PGPInt32 PGPFileOffset;
-typedef PGPUInt32 PGPFlags;
-typedef time_t PGPTime;
-typedef PGPULong PGPTimeInterval; /* In milliseconds */
-#define kPGPMaxTimeInterval (~(PGPTimeInterval)0)
-typedef struct PGPVersion
- PGPUInt16 majorVersion;
- PGPUInt16 minorVersion;
-} PGPVersion;
-/* character types useful for Unicode issues */
-typedef char PGPChar8;
-typedef PGPUInt16 PGPChar16;
-typedef PGPUInt32 PGPChar32;
-typedef unsigned char PGPUTF8;
-typedef PGPUInt16 PGPChar;
-typedef char PGPChar;
-typedef char PFLChar;
-typedef char SDKUIChar;
- These macros should surround all C declarations in public
- header files which define function or data symbols.
-#ifdef __cplusplus /* [ */
-#define PGP_BEGIN_C_DECLARATIONS extern "C" {
-#else /* ] __cplusplus [ */
-#endif /* ] __cplusplus */
-#ifndef pgpMin
-#define pgpMin(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y))
-#ifndef pgpMax
-#define pgpMax(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y))
-#if PGP_WIN32
-# define BIG_ENDIAN 123
-# define LITTLE_ENDIAN 321
-# error define your byte order
- * The PGP equivalent of the MS "TEXT" macro. PGPTEXT wraps a string literal
- * and causes it to compile as 8 or 16 bit characters on the basis of the
- * PGP_UNICODE symbol.
- */
- #define PGPTEXT(literal) L##literal
- #define PGPTEXT(literal) literal
- * Macros for wrapping text literals. These macros serve two purposes:
- * (a) to indicate to the reader of the source code the way in which the
- * literal is used (and therefore why the string should not be externalized
- * and localized), and (b) to indicate to the compiler whether the literal
- * should be compiled as 8-bit or 16-bit characters.
- *
- * To the right of each macro is the abbreviation to use when naming
- * string resources.
- */
-/* PGPTXT_USER should be used for strings which are to be displayed
- * to the user, but which we have decided not to translate, for whatever
- * reason.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_USER(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* USR */
-#define PGPTXT_USER8(literal) literal
-#define PGPTXT_USER16(literal) L##literal
-/* PGPTXT_ADMIN is for messages to be seen by an admin; we may choose to
- * translate these in the future.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_ADMIN(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* ADM */
-/* PGPTXT_MACHINE strings are meant to be read by a machine. That is,
- * the usual usage would be that this string is never seen by anyone,
- * neither users, developers, admins nor qa; it is only seen by programs.
- * This includes textual material in tables where that is meant to be
- * compared against hardcoded strings looking for a match. Explicit
- * 8- and 16-bit versions are provided.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_MACHINE(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* MAC */
-#define PGPTXT_MACHINE8(literal) literal
-#define PGPTXT_MACHINE16(literal) L##literal
-/* String literals in obsolete sections of code may be left in for
- * clarity or historical reasons. They should be marked with the
- */
-#define PGPTXT_OBSOLETE(literal) literal /* OBS */
-/* PGPTXT_FIXBEFORESHIP is for strings for which the tagger is not sure
- * what to do with them, but which will need to be decided eventually.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_FIXBEFORESHIP(literal) literal /* FIX */
-/* PGPTXT_DEBUG should be used for strings which are to be seen only by
- * developers or testers. This would include compiled-out self-test
- * code, debugging code, printf's, messageboxes, debug logs, and asserts.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_DEBUG(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* DBG */
-#define PGPTXT_DEBUG8(literal) literal
-#define PGPTXT_DEBUG16(literal) L##literal
-/* PGPTXT_DEFERRED is used to mark text for which externalization
- * has been deferred because the text is not actually used in the
- * current implementation but it may be someday. Externalizing
- * such text would create unnecessary work for the localizers at
- * this point in time.
- */
-#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED(literal) PGPTEXT(literal)
-#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED8(literal) literal
-#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED16(literal) L##literal
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) && PGP_OSX
-#define PGP_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import))
-#endif /* ] Included_pgpBase_h */
- Local Variables:
- tab-width: 4
- End:
- vi: ts=4 sw=4
- vim: si