path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h
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index 2f6ebd07af..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h
+++ /dev/null
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- Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- $Id: pgpGroups.h,v 1.12 2003/08/08 04:40:39 ajivsov Exp $
-#ifndef Included_pgpGroups_h /* [ */
-#define Included_pgpGroups_h
- Note: All functions in this file have been deprecated and will be
- replaced in the future with equivalent functionality.
-#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
-#include "pgpEncode.h"
-#if PGP_DEPRECATED /* [ */
-#include <Files.h>
-#pragma options align=mac68k
-#define kPGPMaxGroupNameLength 63
-#define kPGPMaxGroupDescriptionLength 63
-typedef PGPChar8 PGPGroupName[ kPGPMaxGroupNameLength + 1 ];
-typedef PGPChar8 PGPGroupDescription[ kPGPMaxGroupDescriptionLength + 1 ];
-typedef struct PGPGroupSet * PGPGroupSetRef;
-typedef struct PGPGroupIter * PGPGroupItemIterRef;
-#define kInvalidPGPGroupSetRef ((PGPGroupSetRef) NULL)
-#define kInvalidPGPGroupItemIterRef ((PGPGroupItemIterRef) NULL)
-#define PGPGroupSetRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPGroupSetRef)
-#define PGPGroupItemIterRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPGroupItemIterRef)
-/* any type will do that is distinct */
-typedef PGPUInt32 PGPGroupID;
-#define kPGPInvalidGroupID ( (PGPGroupID)0 )
-enum PGPGroupItemType_
- kPGPGroupItem_KeyID = 1,
- kPGPGroupItem_Group,
- PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPGroupItemType_)
-PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPGroupItemType_, PGPGroupItemType );
- A run-time group item, used when iterating through a group.
- For client use; not necessarily the internal storage format.
- 'userValue' is *not* saved to disk.
-typedef struct PGPGroupItem
- PGPGroupItemType type;
- PGPUserValue userValue;
- union
- {
- PGPGroupID groupID;
- PGPKeyID keyID;
- } u;
-} PGPGroupItem;
-typedef PGPInt32 (*PGPGroupItemCompareProc)( PGPGroupItem *,
- PGPGroupItem *, PGPUserValue userValue );
- Info obtained via PGPGetGroupInfo.
-typedef struct PGPGroupInfo
- PGPGroupID id;
- PGPGroupName name;
- PGPGroupName description;
- PGPUserValue userValue;
-} PGPGroupInfo;
-typedef PGPFlags PGPGroupItemIterFlags;
-/* flag (1UL << 0 ) is reserved */
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive (PGPFlags)(1UL << 1 )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys (PGPFlags)(1UL << 2 )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups (PGPFlags)(1UL << 3 )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllKeysRecursive \
- ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllGroupsRecursive \
- ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllItems \
- ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups )
-#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllRecursive \
- ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllItems )
-#pragma options align=reset
- Manipulating pgp group sets (PGPGroupSetRef)
-/* create a new, empty groups collection */
-PGPError PGPNewGroupSet( PGPContextRef context, PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
-/* file is *not* left open; all data is loaded into memory */
-PGPError PGPNewGroupSetFromFile( PGPContextRef context,
- PGPFileSpecRef file,
- PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
-PGPError PGPNewGroupSetFromFSSpec( PGPContextRef context,
- const struct FSSpec *spec, PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
-/* overwrites existing. Don't bother unless PGPGroupSetNeedsCommit() */
-PGPError PGPSaveGroupSetToFile( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPFileSpecRef file );
-/* free all data structures; be sure to save first if you want */
-PGPError PGPFreeGroupSet( PGPGroupSetRef set );
-/* has the group changed? */
-PGPBoolean PGPGroupSetNeedsCommit( PGPGroupSetRef set );
-PGPContextRef PGPGetGroupSetContext( PGPGroupSetRef set );
-/* export the groupset to a buffer. Use PGPFreeData to free the buffer */
-PGPError PGPExportGroupSetToBuffer( PGPGroupSetRef set, void **buffer,
- PGPSize *bufferSize );
-/* import a groupset from a buffer */
-PGPError PGPImportGroupSetFromBuffer(PGPContextRef context, void *buffer,
- PGPSize bufSize, PGPGroupSetRef *outSet );
- Manipulating groups
- Groups are always referred to by IDs which remain valid until the set
- is disposed.
-/* initial parent ID is kPGPInvalidGroupID */
-PGPError PGPNewGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- const PGPChar8 * name, const PGPChar8 *description,
- PGPGroupID *id );
-PGPError PGPCountGroupsInSet( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPUInt32 *numGroups);
-PGPError PGPGetIndGroupID( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPGroupID *id );
-/* delete this group from the set */
-/* All references to it are removed in all sets */
-PGPError PGPDeleteGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id );
-/* delete the indexed item from the group */
-/* the item may be a group or a key */
-PGPError PGPDeleteIndItemFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 item );
-/* same as PGPDeleteIndItemFromGroup, but accepts an item */
-PGPError PGPDeleteItemFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPGroupItem const *item );
-PGPError PGPGetGroupInfo( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPGroupInfo *info );
-PGPError PGPSetGroupName( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, const PGPChar8 * name );
-PGPError PGPSetGroupUserValue( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPUserValue userValue );
-PGPError PGPSetGroupDescription( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, const PGPChar8 * name );
-/* 'item' specifies a group or a key id */
-/* you must fill the item in completely */
-PGPError PGPAddItemToGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupItem const *item, PGPGroupID group );
-PGPError PGPMergeGroupIntoDifferentSet( PGPGroupSetRef fromSet,
- PGPGroupID fromID, PGPGroupSetRef toSet );
-PGPError PGPMergeGroupSets( PGPGroupSetRef fromSet,
- PGPGroupSetRef intoSet );
-PGPError PGPCopyGroupSet(PGPGroupSetRef sourceSet,
- PGPGroupSetRef *destSet);
- Manipulating group items
-/* count how many items there are in a group */
-/* totalItems includes keys and groups */
-PGPError PGPCountGroupItems( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPBoolean recursive,
- PGPUInt32 * numKeys,
- PGPUInt32 * totalItems );
-/* non-recursive call; index only applies to group itself */
-PGPError PGPGetIndGroupItem( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPGroupItem * item );
-/* use PGPGetIndGroupItem() if you want to get the user value */
-PGPError PGPSetIndGroupItemUserValue( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPUserValue userValue );
-PGPError PGPSortGroupItems( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
- PGPGroupItemCompareProc, PGPUserValue userValue );
-PGPError PGPSortGroupSet( PGPGroupSetRef set,
- PGPGroupItemCompareProc, PGPUserValue userValue );
- PGPGroupItemIterRef--iterator through group items.
- Special note: this is not a full-fledged iterator. You may *not* add
- or delete items while iterating and you may only move forward. However,
- you may change the values of items.
-PGPError PGPNewGroupItemIter( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
- PGPGroupItemIterFlags flags, PGPGroupItemIterRef *iter );
-PGPError PGPFreeGroupItemIter( PGPGroupItemIterRef iter );
-/* returns kPGPError_EndOfIteration when done */
-PGPError PGPGroupItemIterNext( PGPGroupItemIterRef iter,
- PGPGroupItem * item );
- Group utilities
- Return the lowest validity of any item in the group
- keyset should contain all keys available
- It is not an error if keys can't be found; you may want to check
- the not found count.
- The lowest validity is kPGPValidity_Invalid and kPGPValidity_Unknown
- is never returned.
-PGPError PGPGetGroupLowestValidity( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
- PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPValidity * lowestValidity,
- PGPUInt32 * numKeysNotFound);
- All all the keys in the group (and its subgroups) to the keyset
-PGPError PGPNewKeySetFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
- PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeySetRef * resultSet,
- PGPUInt32 * numKeysNotFound);
- Create a simple, flattened group of unique key IDs from the source group.
- Note that sourceSet and destSet must be different.
-PGPError PGPNewFlattenedGroupFromGroup(PGPGroupSetRef sourceSet,
- PGPGroupID sourceID, PGPGroupSetRef destSet,
- PGPGroupID *destID);
- Perform a "standard" sort on a group
-PGPError PGPSortGroupSetStd( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPKeyDBRef keydb );
-#endif /* ] PGP_DEPRECATED */
-#endif /* ] Included_pgpGroups_h */
- Local Variables:
- tab-width: 4
- End:
- vi: ts=4 sw=4
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