path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 756a19619e..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h
+++ /dev/null
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- Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- $Id: pgpReconstruct.h,v 1.1 2003/12/29 08:12:20 wprice Exp $
-#ifndef Included_pgpReconstruct_h /* [ */
-#define Included_pgpReconstruct_h
-#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
-#include "pgpKeyServer.h"
-#define kPGPRecon_NumShares 5
-#define kPGPRecon_Threshold 3
-#define kPGPRecon_MaxPromptLen ( 96 - 1 )
-#define kPGPRecon_MaxURLLen ( 256 - 1 )
-#define kPGPRecon_MaxPassLen ( 256 - 1 )
-#define kPGPRecon_MaxUserNameLen ( 128 - 1 )
-#define kPGPRecon_MaxPasswordLen ( 128 - 1 )
-typedef struct PGPReconContext * PGPReconContextRef;
-#define kInvalidPGPReconContextRef ((PGPReconContextRef) NULL)
-#define PGPReconContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPReconContextRef )
-typedef char PGPReconPrompts[kPGPRecon_NumShares][kPGPRecon_MaxPromptLen + 1];
-typedef char PGPReconPasses[kPGPRecon_NumShares][kPGPRecon_MaxPassLen + 1];
-typedef PGPError (*PGPReconstructEventHandler)(PGPContextRef recon,
- PGPEvent *event, PGPUserValue userValue);
-/* inAuthUser and inAuthPass are not needed if the server class
- is kPGPKeyServerClass_PGP. */
- PGPError
- PGPKeyDBObjRef inTargetKey,
- PGPUTF8 *inAuthUser, /* can be NULL */
- PGPUTF8 *inAuthPass, /* can be NULL */
- PGPReconstructEventHandler inHandler,
- PGPUserValue inUserValue,
- PGPReconContextRef *outRef );
-/* This is only needed if you have to change the event handler after
- allocating the PGPReconContextRef */
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPReconstructEventHandler inHandler,
- PGPUserValue inUserValue );
-/* I don't think it makes sense to support split keys for reconstruction,
- so we only take a passphrase below */
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPReconPrompts inPromptInfo,
- PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
- PGPUTF8 *inPassphrase );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPByte **reconData, /* must be freed by caller */
- PGPSize *reconDataSize );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPReconPrompts outPromptInfo );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
- PGPByte **outReconData, /* must be freed by caller */
- PGPSize *outReconSize );
-/* Reconstructed private key will be returned in
- outReconstructedKey if successful. The imported
- key will have no passphrase and thus the user must
- then be forced to choose a new passphrase. */
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
- PGPByte *inReconData,
- PGPSize inReconDataSize,
- PGPKeyDBRef *outReconstructedKey );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef );
- PGPError
- PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
- PGPUTF8 *pszServerURL,
- PGPKeyServerClass dwServerType );
-#endif /* ] Included_pgpReconstruct_h */
- Local Variables:
- tab-width: 4
- End:
- vi: ts=4 sw=4
- vim: si