path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 464 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e82ab45026..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h
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- Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- $Id: pgpSockets.h,v 1.8 2003/12/13 01:20:39 dallen Exp $
-#ifndef Included_pgpSockets_h /* [ */
-#define Included_pgpSockets_h
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pgpOptionList.h"
-#include "pgpTLS.h"
-#include "pgpErrors.h"
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <sys/socket.h>
-# include <sys/time.h> /* Needed for struct timeval */
-# include <sys/ioctl.h> /* Need FIONREAD */
-# include <sys/filio.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#endif /* ! PGP_UNIX_LINUX */
-# include <netinet/in.h>
-# include <netdb.h>
-#if PGP_WIN32
-# include <winsock.h>
-typedef int PGPSocketRef;
-typedef SOCKET PGPSocketRef;
- * Unix and Windows share the same Berkeley socket interface. This isn't
- * the most efficient Windows implmentation of TCP/IP, but it is
- * compatible with UNIX berkeley sockets, making cross-platform possible.
- *
- * Trying to write cross-platform win32 TCP/IP code using all the fancy
- * dancy Win32 network functions would be nearly impossible IMHO
- *
- * The Mac doesn't have the berkeley stuff, so we roll our own for all
- * of the structures.
- *
- * Start with Unix and Win32
- */
-#if PGP_UNIX || PGP_WIN32
-# define kInvalidPGPSocketRef ((PGPSocketRef) (~0))
- typedef struct hostent PGPHostEntry;
- typedef struct protoent PGPProtocolEntry;
- typedef struct servent PGPServiceEntry;
- typedef struct sockaddr_in PGPSocketAddressInternet;
- typedef struct sockaddr PGPSocketAddress;
- typedef struct in_addr PGPInternetAddress;
- typedef fd_set PGPSocketSet;
- typedef struct timeval PGPSocketsTimeValue;
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_CLEAR(socketRef, set) FD_CLR((int) (socketRef), (set))
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_SET(socketRef, set) FD_SET((int) (socketRef), (set))
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_ZERO(set) FD_ZERO((set))
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_ISSET(socketRef, set) FD_ISSET((int) (socketRef), (set))
- /* Address families */
- enum {
- kPGPAddressFamilyUnspecified = AF_UNSPEC,
- kPGPAddressFamilyInternet = AF_INET
- };
- /* Protocol families */
- enum {
- kPGPProtocolFamilyInternet = PF_INET
- };
- /* Types */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketTypeStream = SOCK_STREAM,
- kPGPSocketTypeDatagram = SOCK_DGRAM
- };
- /* Commands for PGPIOControlSocket */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketCommandGetUnreadData = FIONREAD
- };
- /* Levels for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketOptionLevelSocket = SOL_SOCKET
- };
- /* Options for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketOptionAcceptingConnections = SO_ACCEPTCONN,
- kPGPSocketOptionType = SO_TYPE
- };
- /* Protocols */
- enum {
- };
- /* Send flags */
- enum {
- kPGPSendFlagNone = 0
- };
- /* Receive flags */
- enum {
- kPGPReceiveFlagNone = 0
- };
- /* Internet Addresses */
- enum {
- kPGPInternetAddressAny = INADDR_ANY
- };
-#endif /* PGP_UNIX || PGP_WIN32 */
- * Onto the Mac, where we need to create our own versions of the various
- * structures.
- */
-# define kInvalidPGPSocketRef ((PGPSocketRef) NULL)
- typedef struct PGPInternetAddress {
- union {
- struct {
- PGPByte s_b1;
- PGPByte s_b2;
- PGPByte s_b3;
- PGPByte s_b4;
- } S_un_b;
- struct {
- PGPUInt16 s_w1;
- PGPUInt16 s_w2;
- } S_un_w;
- PGPUInt32 S_addr;
- } S_un;
-# define s_addr S_un.S_addr
- } PGPInternetAddress;
- typedef struct PGPSocketAddressInternet {
- PGPInt16 sin_family;
- PGPUInt16 sin_port;
- PGPInternetAddress sin_addr;
- PGPByte sin_zero[8];
- } PGPSocketAddressInternet;
- typedef struct PGPSocketAddress {
- PGPUInt16 sa_family;
- PGPByte sa_data[14];
- } PGPSocketAddress;
- typedef struct PGPHostEntry {
- char * h_name;
- char ** unused;
- PGPInt16 h_addrtype;
- PGPInt16 h_length;
- char ** h_addr_list;
-# define h_addr h_addr_list[0]
- } PGPHostEntry;
- typedef struct PGPProtocolEntry {
- char * p_name;
- char ** p_aliases;
- PGPInt16 p_proto;
- } PGPProtocolEntry;
- typedef struct PGPServiceEntry {
- char * s_name;
- char ** s_aliases;
- PGPUInt16 s_port;
- char * s_proto;
- } PGPServiceEntry;
- /* Select types and defines */
-# endif
- typedef struct PGPSocketSet {
- PGPUInt16 fd_count;
- } PGPSocketSet;
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_CLEAR(socketRef, set) do { \
- PGPUInt16 __i; \
- for (__i = 0; __i < ((PGPSocketSet * (set))->fd_count; __i++) { \
- if (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i] == socketRef) { \
- while (__i < (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count - 1)) { \
- ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i] = \
- ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i + 1]; \
- __i++; \
- } \
- ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count--; \
- break; \
- } \
- } \
- } while (0)
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_SET(socketRef, set) do { \
- if (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count < PGPSOCKETSET_SETSIZE) { \
- ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[((PGPSocketSet *) \
- (set))->fd_count++] = (socketRef); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_ZERO(set) (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count = 0)
- PGPInt32 __PGPSocketsIsSet(PGPSocketRef, PGPSocketSet *);
-# define PGPSOCKETSET_ISSET(socketRef, set) __PGPSocketsIsSet( \
- (socketRef),(set))
- typedef struct PGPSocketsTimeValue {
- PGPInt32 tv_sec; /* seconds */
- PGPInt32 tv_usec; /* and microseconds */
- } PGPSocketsTimeValue;
- /* Address families */
- enum {
- kPGPAddressFamilyUnspecified = 0,
- kPGPAddressFamilyInternet = 2
- };
- /* Protocol families */
- enum {
- kPGPProtocolFamilyInternet = kPGPAddressFamilyInternet
- };
- /* Types */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketTypeStream = 1,
- kPGPSocketTypeDatagram = 2
- };
- /* Commands for PGPIOControlSocket */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketCommandGetUnreadData = (0x40000000
- | (((long) sizeof(PGPUInt32) & 0x7F) << 16) | ('f' << 8) | 127)
- };
- /* Levels for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketOptionLevelSocket = 0xFFFFFFFF
- };
- /* Options for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
- enum {
- kPGPSocketOptionAcceptingConnections = 0x00000002,
- kPGPSocketOptionType = 0x00001008
- };
- /* Protocols */
- enum {
- kPGPTCPProtocol = 6,
- kPGPUDPProtocol = 17
- };
- /* Send flags */
- enum {
- kPGPSendFlagNone = 0
- };
- /* Receive flags */
- enum {
- kPGPReceiveFlagNone = 0
- };
- /* Internet Addresses */
- enum {
- kPGPInternetAddressAny = 0x00000000
- };
-#endif /* PGP_MACINTOSH */
- * Some global things for all platforms
- */
-#define PGPSocketRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPSocketRef)
-typedef struct PGPSocketsThreadStorage * PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef;
-# define kInvalidPGPSocketsThreadStorageRef \
- ((PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef) NULL)
-#define PGPSocketsThreadStorageRefIsValid(ref) \
- ((ref) != kInvalidPGPSocketsThreadStorageRef)
-extern PGPSocketAddressInternet kPGPAddressAny;
-/* Errors */
-#define kPGPSockets_Error -1
-/* Net byte ordering macros (PGP_WORDSBIGENDIAN defined by configure) */
-# define PGPHostToNetLong(x) (x)
-# define PGPHostToNetShort(x) (x)
-# define PGPNetToHostLong(x) (x)
-# define PGPNetToHostShort(x) (x)
- PGPInt32 PGPHostToNetLong(PGPInt32 x);
- PGPInt16 PGPHostToNetShort(PGPInt16 x);
- PGPInt32 PGPNetToHostLong(PGPInt32 x);
- PGPInt16 PGPNetToHostShort(PGPInt16 x);
- * Shared function interface (except for idle handler code)
- */
- * Use the idle event handler to receive periodic idle events during
- * network calls. Usually this is used only in non-preemptive multi-tasking
- * OSes to allow yielding in threads. Pre-emptive multi-tasking systems
- * should probably not use the call as it interrupts the efficient wait state
- * of threads waiting on network calls.
- *
- * Idle event handlers need to be added on a per thread basis.
- *
- * Returning an error from the idle event handler will cause the socket
- * that is blocking to close.
- *
- */
-PGPError PGPSetSocketsIdleEventHandler(
- PGPEventHandlerProcPtr inCallback,
- PGPUserValue inUserData);
-PGPError PGPGetSocketsIdleEventHandler(
- PGPEventHandlerProcPtr * outCallback,
- PGPUserValue * outUserData);
-/* Static storage creation */
-PGPError PGPSocketsCreateThreadStorage(
- PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef * outPreviousStorage);
-PGPError PGPSocketsDisposeThreadStorage(
- PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef inPreviousStorage);
-/* Stack based class for saving and restoring thread storage */
-#ifdef __cplusplus /* [ */
-class StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage {
- StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage() : mStorage(NULL)
- { PGPSocketsCreateThreadStorage(&mStorage); }
- ~StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage()
- { PGPSocketsDisposeThreadStorage(mStorage); }
- PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef mStorage;
-#endif /* ] __cplusplus */
-/* Initialization and termination */
-PGPError PGPSocketsInit(void);
-void PGPSocketsCleanup(void);
-/* Socket creation and destruction */
-PGPSocketRef PGPOpenSocket(PGPInt32 inAddressFamily, PGPInt32 inSocketType,
- PGPInt32 inSocketProtocol);
-PGPInt32 PGPCloseSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef);
-/* Endpoint binding */
-PGPInt32 PGPBindSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- const PGPSocketAddress * inAddress,
- PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
-PGPInt32 PGPConnect(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- const PGPSocketAddress * inServerAddress,
- PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
-/* Send functions */
-PGPInt32 PGPSend(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferLength, PGPInt32 inFlags);
-PGPInt32 PGPWrite(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferLength);
-PGPInt32 PGPSendTo(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferLength, PGPInt32 inFlags,
- PGPSocketAddress * inAddress,
- PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
-/* Receive functions */
-PGPInt32 PGPReceive(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferSize, PGPInt32 inFlags);
-PGPInt32 PGPRead(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferSize);
-PGPInt32 PGPReceiveFrom(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferSize, PGPInt32 inFlags,
- PGPSocketAddress * outAddress,
- PGPInt32 * ioAddressLength);
-/* Server functions */
-PGPInt32 PGPListen(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inMaxBacklog);
-PGPSocketRef PGPAccept(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- PGPSocketAddress * outAddress,
- PGPInt32 * ioAddressLength);
-/* Select */
-/* Note that inNumSetCount is not used under Mac and Windows */
-PGPInt32 PGPSelect(PGPInt32 inNumSetCount,
- PGPSocketSet * ioReadSet,
- PGPSocketSet * ioWriteSet,
- PGPSocketSet * ioErrorSet,
- const PGPSocketsTimeValue * inTimeout);
-/* DNS and protocol services */
-PGPHostEntry * PGPGetHostByName(const PGPChar8 * inName);
-PGPHostEntry * PGPGetHostByAddress(const PGPChar8 * inAddress,
- PGPInt32 inLength,
- PGPInt32 inType);
-PGPInt32 PGPGetHostName(PGPChar8 * outName, PGPInt32 inNameLength);
-PGPProtocolEntry * PGPGetProtocolByName(const PGPChar8 * inName);
-PGPProtocolEntry * PGPGetProtocolByNumber(PGPInt32 inNumber);
-PGPServiceEntry * PGPGetServiceByName(const PGPChar8 * inName,
- const PGPChar8 * inProtocol);
-PGPServiceEntry * PGPGetServiceByPort(PGPInt32 inPort,
- const PGPChar8 * inProtocol);
-/* Error reporting */
-PGPError PGPGetLastSocketsError(void);
-/* Utilities */
-PGPInt32 PGPGetSocketName(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- PGPSocketAddress * outName,
- PGPInt32 * ioNameLength);
-PGPInt32 PGPGetPeerName(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- PGPSocketAddress * outName,
- PGPInt32 * ioNameLength);
-PGPUInt32 PGPDottedToInternetAddress(const PGPChar8 * inAddress);
-PGPChar8 * PGPInternetAddressToDottedString(PGPInternetAddress inAddress);
-/* Control and options */
-PGPInt32 PGPIOControlSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- PGPInt32 inCommand, PGPUInt32 * ioParam);
-PGPInt32 PGPGetSocketOptions(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inLevel,
- PGPInt32 inOptionName,
- PGPChar8 * outOptionValue,
- PGPInt32 * ioOptionLength);
-PGPInt32 PGPSetSocketOptions(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inLevel,
- PGPInt32 inOptionName,
- const PGPChar8 * inOptionValue,
- PGPInt32 inOptionLength);
-/* TLS */
-PGPError PGPSocketsEstablishTLSSession(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
- PGPtlsSessionRef inTLSSession);
-#endif /* Included_pgpSockets_h */