path: root/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/VCmakefile
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/VCmakefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 946 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/VCmakefile b/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/VCmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dfc0e2f90..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/VCmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Kyoto Cabinet for Win32
-# Setting Variables
-# VC++ directory
-VCPATH = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC
-SDKPATH = C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A
-# Targets
-LIBRARYFILES = kyotocabinet.lib
-LIBOBJFILES = kcutil.obj kcdb.obj kcthread.obj kcfile.obj \
- kccompress.obj kccompare.obj kcmap.obj kcregex.obj kcplantdb.obj \
- kcprotodb.obj kcstashdb.obj kccachedb.obj kchashdb.obj kcdirdb.obj kctextdb.obj \
- kcpolydb.obj kcdbext.obj kclangc.obj
-COMMANDFILES = kcutiltest.exe kcutilmgr.exe kcprototest.exe \
- kcstashtest.exe kccachetest.exe kcgrasstest.exe \
- kchashtest.exe kchashmgr.exe kctreetest.exe kctreemgr.exe \
- kcdirtest.exe kcdirmgr.exe kcforesttest.exe kcforestmgr.exe \
- kcpolytest.exe kcpolymgr.exe kclangctest.exe
-# Building configuration
-CL = cl
-LIB = lib
-LINK = link
-CLFLAGS = /nologo \
- /I "$(VCPATH)\Include" /I "$(VCPATH)\PlatformSDK\Include" /I "$(SDKPATH)\Include" \
- /I "." \
- /O2 /EHsc /W3 /wd4244 /wd4351 /wd4800 /MT
-LIBFLAGS = /nologo \
- /libpath:"$(VCPATH)\lib" /libpath:"$(VCPATH)\PlatformSDK\Lib" /libpath:"$(SDKPATH)\Lib" \
- /libpath:"."
-LINKFLAGS = /nologo \
- /libpath:"$(VCPATH)\lib" /libpath:"$(VCPATH)\PlatformSDK\Lib" /libpath:"$(SDKPATH)\Lib" \
- /libpath:"."
-# Suffix rules
-.SUFFIXES : .cc .c .obj .exe
-.c.obj :
- $(CL) /c $(CLFLAGS) $<
- :
- $(CL) /c $(CLFLAGS) $<
-# Actions
- @echo #
- @echo #================================================================
- @echo # Ready to install.
- @echo #================================================================
-clean :
- -del *.obj *.lib *.dll *.exp *.exe /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
-check : check-util check-proto check-stash check-cache check-grass \
- check-hash check-tree check-dir check-forest check-poly check-langc
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- @echo #
- @echo #================================================================
- @echo # Checking completed.
- @echo #================================================================
-check-util :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcutilmgr version
- kcutilmgr hex VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr hex -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr enc VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr enc -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr enc -hex VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr enc -hex -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr enc -url VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr enc -url -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr enc -quote VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr enc -quote -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr ciph -key "hoge" VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr ciph -key "hoge" > check.out
- kcutilmgr comp -gz VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr comp -gz -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr comp -lzo VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr comp -lzo -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr comp -lzma VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr comp -lzma -d > check.out
- kcutilmgr hash VCmakefile >
- kcutilmgr hash -fnv VCmakefile > check.out
- kcutilmgr hash -path VCmakefile > check.out
- kcutilmgr regex mikio VCmakefile > check.out
- kcutilmgr regex -alt "hirarin" mikio VCmakefile > check.out
- kcutilmgr conf
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcutiltest mutex -th 4 -iv -1 10000
- kcutiltest cond -th 4 -iv -1 10000
- kcutiltest para -th 4 10000
- kcutiltest para -th 4 -iv -1 10000
- kcutiltest file -th 4 casket 10000
- kcutiltest file -th 4 -rnd -msiz 1m casket 10000
- kcutiltest lhmap -bnum 1000 10000
- kcutiltest lhmap -rnd -bnum 1000 10000
- kcutiltest thmap -bnum 1000 10000
- kcutiltest thmap -rnd -bnum 1000 10000
- kcutiltest talist 10000
- kcutiltest talist -rnd 10000
- kcutiltest misc 10000
-check-proto :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcprototest order -etc 10000
- kcprototest order -th 4 10000
- kcprototest order -th 4 -rnd -etc 10000
- kcprototest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran 10000
- kcprototest wicked 10000
- kcprototest wicked -th 4 -it 4 10000
- kcprototest tran 10000
- kcprototest tran -th 2 -it 4 10000
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcprototest order -tree -etc 10000
- kcprototest order -tree -th 4 10000
- kcprototest order -tree -th 4 -rnd -etc 10000
- kcprototest order -tree -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran 10000
- kcprototest wicked -tree 10000
- kcprototest wicked -tree -th 4 -it 4 10000
- kcprototest tran -tree 10000
- kcprototest tran -tree -th 2 -it 4 10000
-check-stash :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcstashtest order -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest order -th 4 -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest wicked -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest tran -bnum 5000 10000
- kcstashtest tran -th 2 -it 4 -bnum 5000 10000
-check-cache :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kccachetest order -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- kccachetest order -th 4 -bnum 5000 10000
- kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
- kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 -capsiz 10000 10000
- kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -tc -bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
- kccachetest wicked -bnum 5000 10000
- kccachetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -tc -bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
- kccachetest tran -bnum 5000 10000
- kccachetest tran -th 2 -it 4 -tc -bnum 5000 10000
-check-grass :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest order -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest order -th 4 -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -tc -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k 1000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest wicked -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -tc -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest tran -bnum 5000 10000
- $(RUNENV) $(RUNCMD) kcgrasstest tran -th 2 -it 4 -tc -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k 10000
-check-hash :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kchashmgr create -otr -apow 1 -fpow 2 -bnum 3 casket
- kchashmgr inform -st casket
- kchashmgr set -add casket duffy 1231
- kchashmgr set -add casket micky 0101
- kchashmgr set casket fal 1007
- kchashmgr set casket mikio 0211
- kchashmgr set casket natsuki 0810
- kchashmgr set casket micky ""
- kchashmgr set -rep casket duffy 777
- kchashmgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
- kchashmgr remove casket micky
- kchashmgr list -pv casket > check.out
- kchashmgr set casket ryu 1
- kchashmgr set casket ken 2
- kchashmgr remove casket duffy
- kchashmgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
- kchashmgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
- kchashmgr set -inci casket int 1234
- kchashmgr set -inci casket int 5678
- kchashmgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
- kchashmgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
- kchashmgr get casket mikio
- kchashmgr get casket ryu
- kchashmgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
- kchashmgr list -pv -px casket > check.out
- kchashmgr copy casket casket-para
- kchashmgr dump casket check.out
- kchashmgr load -otr casket check.out
- kchashmgr defrag -onl casket
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashmgr inform -st casket
- kchashmgr create -otr -otl -onr -apow 1 -fpow 3 \
- -ts -tl -tc -bnum 1 casket
- kchashmgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
- kchashmgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
- kchashmgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
- kchashmgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
- kchashmgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
- kchashmgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
- kchashmgr list casket > check.out
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kchashtest order -set -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -get -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -getw -msiz 5000 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -rem -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -th 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest queue \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest queue -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest wicked -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kchashmgr check -onr casket
- kchashtest tran casket 10000
- kchashtest tran -th 2 -it 4 casket 10000
- kchashtest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
-check-tree :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kctreemgr create -otr -apow 1 -fpow 2 -bnum 3 casket
- kctreemgr inform -st casket
- kctreemgr set -add casket duffy 1231
- kctreemgr set -add casket micky 0101
- kctreemgr set casket fal 1007
- kctreemgr set casket mikio 0211
- kctreemgr set casket natsuki 0810
- kctreemgr set casket micky ""
- kctreemgr set -rep casket duffy 777
- kctreemgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
- kctreemgr remove casket micky
- kctreemgr list -pv casket > check.out
- kctreemgr set casket ryu 1
- kctreemgr set casket ken 2
- kctreemgr remove casket duffy
- kctreemgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
- kctreemgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
- kctreemgr set -inci casket int 1234
- kctreemgr set -inci casket int 5678
- kctreemgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
- kctreemgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
- kctreemgr get casket mikio
- kctreemgr get casket ryu
- kctreemgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
- kctreemgr list -des -pv -px casket > check.out
- kctreemgr copy casket casket-para
- kctreemgr dump casket check.out
- kctreemgr load -otr casket check.out
- kctreemgr defrag -onl casket
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreemgr inform -st casket
- kctreemgr create -otr -otl -onr -apow 1 -fpow 3 \
- -ts -tl -tc -bnum 1 casket
- kctreemgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
- kctreemgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
- kctreemgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
- kctreemgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
- kctreemgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
- kctreemgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
- kctreemgr list casket > check.out
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kctreetest order -set \
- -psiz 100 -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -get \
- -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -getw \
- -msiz 5000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -rem \
- -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 100 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -th 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest order -th 4 -pccap 100k -rnd -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest queue \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest queue -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest wicked \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 10000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
- -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 1000
- kctreemgr check -onr casket
- kctreetest tran casket 10000
- kctreetest tran -th 2 -it 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
- kctreetest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
- -apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -rcd casket 10000
-check-dir :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcdirmgr create -otr casket
- kcdirmgr inform -st casket
- kcdirmgr set -add casket duffy 1231
- kcdirmgr set -add casket micky 0101
- kcdirmgr set casket fal 1007
- kcdirmgr set casket mikio 0211
- kcdirmgr set casket natsuki 0810
- kcdirmgr set casket micky ""
- kcdirmgr set -rep casket duffy 777
- kcdirmgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
- kcdirmgr remove casket micky
- kcdirmgr list -pv casket > check.out
- kcdirmgr set casket ryu 1
- kcdirmgr set casket ken 2
- kcdirmgr remove casket duffy
- kcdirmgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
- kcdirmgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
- kcdirmgr set -inci casket int 1234
- kcdirmgr set -inci casket int 5678
- kcdirmgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
- kcdirmgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
- kcdirmgr get casket mikio
- kcdirmgr get casket ryu
- kcdirmgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
- kcdirmgr list -pv -px casket > check.out
- kcdirmgr copy casket casket-para
- kcdirmgr dump casket check.out
- kcdirmgr load -otr casket check.out
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirmgr inform -st casket
- kcdirmgr create -otr -otl -onr -tc casket
- kcdirmgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
- kcdirmgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
- kcdirmgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
- kcdirmgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
- kcdirmgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
- kcdirmgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
- kcdirmgr list casket > check.out
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcdirtest order -set casket 500
- kcdirtest order -get casket 500
- kcdirtest order -getw casket 500
- kcdirtest order -rem casket 500
- kcdirtest order casket 500
- kcdirtest order -etc casket 500
- kcdirtest order -th 4 casket 500
- kcdirtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tc casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest queue casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest queue -rnd casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest queue -th 4 -it 4 casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest wicked casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -tc casket 500
- kcdirmgr check -onr casket
- kcdirtest tran casket 500
- kcdirtest tran -th 2 -it 4 casket 500
- kcdirtest tran -th 2 -it 4 -tc casket 500
-check-forest :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcforestmgr create -otr -bnum 3 casket
- kcforestmgr inform -st casket
- kcforestmgr set -add casket duffy 1231
- kcforestmgr set -add casket micky 0101
- kcforestmgr set casket fal 1007
- kcforestmgr set casket mikio 0211
- kcforestmgr set casket natsuki 0810
- kcforestmgr set casket micky ""
- kcforestmgr set -rep casket duffy 777
- kcforestmgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
- kcforestmgr remove casket micky
- kcforestmgr list -pv casket > check.out
- kcforestmgr set casket ryu 1
- kcforestmgr set casket ken 2
- kcforestmgr remove casket duffy
- kcforestmgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
- kcforestmgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
- kcforestmgr set -inci casket int 1234
- kcforestmgr set -inci casket int 5678
- kcforestmgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
- kcforestmgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
- kcforestmgr get casket mikio
- kcforestmgr get casket ryu
- kcforestmgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
- kcforestmgr list -des -pv -px casket > check.out
- kcforestmgr copy casket casket-para
- kcforestmgr dump casket check.out
- kcforestmgr load -otr casket check.out
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforestmgr inform -st casket
- kcforestmgr create -otr -otl -onr \
- -tc -bnum 1 casket
- kcforestmgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
- kcforestmgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
- kcforestmgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
- kcforestmgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
- kcforestmgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
- kcforestmgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
- kcforestmgr list casket > check.out
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcforesttest order -set \
- -psiz 100 -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -get \
- -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -getw \
- -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -rem \
- -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 100 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -th 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest order -th 4 -pccap 100k -rnd -etc \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- -bnum 500 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k casket 500
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
- -bnum 500 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k casket 500
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- -tc -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest queue \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest queue -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 500 casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest wicked \
- -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 5000
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
- -bnum 5000 -pccap 100k casket 500
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- -tc -bnum 500 casket 500
- kcforestmgr check -onr casket
- kcforesttest tran casket 5000
- kcforesttest tran -th 2 -it 4 -pccap 100k casket 5000
- kcforesttest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
- -tc -bnum 5000 -rcd casket 5000
-check-poly :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolymgr create -otr "casket.kch#apow=1#fpow=2#bnum=3"
- kcpolymgr inform -st casket.kch
- kcpolymgr set -add casket.kch duffy 1231
- kcpolymgr set -add casket.kch micky 0101
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch fal 1007
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch mikio 0211
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch natsuki 0810
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch micky ""
- kcpolymgr set -app casket.kch duffy kukuku
- kcpolymgr remove casket.kch micky
- kcpolymgr list -pv casket.kch > check.out
- kcpolymgr copy casket.kch casket-para
- kcpolymgr dump casket.kch check.out
- kcpolymgr load -otr casket.kch check.out
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch ryu 1
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch ken 2
- kcpolymgr remove casket.kch duffy
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch ryu syo-ryu-ken
- kcpolymgr set casket.kch ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
- kcpolymgr set -inci casket.kch int 1234
- kcpolymgr set -inci casket.kch int 5678
- kcpolymgr set -incd casket.kch double 1234.5678
- kcpolymgr set -incd casket.kch double 8765.4321
- kcpolymgr get "casket.kch" mikio
- kcpolymgr get "casket.kch" ryu
- kcpolymgr import casket.kch lab/numbers.tsv
- kcpolymgr list -pv -px "casket.kch#mode=r" > check.out
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kch
- kcpolymgr inform -st casket.kch
- kcpolymgr create -otr -otl -onr \
- "casket.kct#apow=1#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=1"
- kcpolymgr import casket.kct < lab/numbers.tsv
- kcpolymgr set casket.kct mikio kyotocabinet
- kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct tako ikaunini
- kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct mikio kyototyrant
- kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct mikio kyotodystopia
- kcpolymgr get -px casket.kct mikio > check.out
- kcpolymgr list casket.kct > check.out
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest order -set "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
- kcpolytest order -get "casket.kct#msiz=50000" 10000
- kcpolytest order -getw "casket.kct#msiz=5000" 10000
- kcpolytest order -rem "casket.kct#msiz=50000" 10000
- kcpolytest order "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
- kcpolytest order -etc \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=4" 10000
- kcpolytest order -th 4 \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=4" 10000
- kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=2" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=3" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- "casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=4" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest queue \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest queue -rnd \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest wicked "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
- "casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=10000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 10000
- kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
- kcpolytest tran casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest tran -th 2 -it 4 casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
- "casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=10000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
- kcpolytest mapred -dbnum 2 -clim 10k casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest mapred -tmp . -dbnum 2 -clim 10k -xnl -xnc \
- casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest mapred -tmp . -dbnum 2 -clim 10k -xpm -xpr -xpf -xnc \
- casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest mapred -rnd -dbnum 2 -clim 10k casket.kct 10000
- kcpolytest index -set "casket.kct#idxclim=32k" 10000
- kcpolytest index -get "casket.kct" 10000
- kcpolytest index -rem "casket.kct" 10000
- kcpolytest index -etc "casket.kct#idxclim=32k" 10000
- kcpolytest index -th 4 -rnd -set \
- "casket.kct#idxclim=32k#idxdbnum=4" 10000
- kcpolytest index -th 4 -rnd -get "casket.kct" 10000
- kcpolytest index -th 4 -rnd -rem "casket.kct" 10000
- kcpolytest index -th 4 -rnd -etc \
- "casket.kct#idxclim=32k#idxdbnum=4" 10000
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kcx" 10000
- kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd "casket.kcx" 10000
- kcpolytest wicked "casket.kcx" 10000
- kcpolytest wicked -th 4 "casket.kcx" 10000
- kcpolymgr list "casket.kcx" >
- kcpolymgr list -max 1000 "casket.kcx" >
- kcpolytest mapred "casket.kcx" 10000
- kcpolytest mapred -xpm -xpr -xpf "casket.kcx" 10000
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kch#opts=s#bnum=256" 1000
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kct#opts=l#psiz=256" 1000
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kcd#opts=c#bnum=256" 500
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kcf#opts=c#psiz=256" 500
- kcpolytest order -rnd "casket.kcx" 500
- kcpolymgr merge -add "casket#type=kct" \
- casket.kch casket.kct casket.kcd casket.kcf casket.kcx
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=-"
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=+"
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=:"
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=*"
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=%"
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kch#log=-#logkinds=debug#mtrg=-#zcomp=lzocrc"
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kct#log=-#logkinds=debug#mtrg=-#zcomp=lzmacrc"
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kcd#zcomp=arc#zkey=mikio"
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kcf#zcomp=arc#zkey=mikio"
-check-langc :
- -del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- -rd casket casket.wal casket.tmp casket-para casket.kcd casket.kcf /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- kclangctest order "casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
- kclangctest order -etc \
- "casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
- kclangctest order -rnd -etc \
- "casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
- kclangctest order -rnd -etc -oat -tran \
- "casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2#zcomp=arcz" 10000
- kclangctest index "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
- kclangctest index -etc \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
- kclangctest index -rnd -etc \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
- kclangctest index -rnd -etc -oat \
- "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2#zcomp=arcz" 10000
- kclangctest map 10000
- kclangctest map -etc -bnum 1000 10000
- kclangctest map -etc -rnd -bnum 1000 10000
- kclangctest list 10000
- kclangctest list -etc 10000
- kclangctest list -etc -rnd 10000
-check-forever :
- lab\vcmakecheck
-binpkg :
- -rd kcwin32 /S /Q > NUL: 2>&1
- md kcwin32
- md kcwin32\include
- copy *.h kcwin32\include
- del kcwin32\include\myconf.h
- del kcwin32\include\cmdcommon.h
- md kcwin32\lib
- copy *.lib kcwin32\lib
- md kcwin32\bin
- copy *.exe kcwin32\bin
- xcopy /S /E /I doc kcwin32\doc
-# Building binaries
-kyotocabinet.lib : $(LIBOBJFILES)
-kcutiltest.exe : kcutiltest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcutiltest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcutilmgr.exe : kcutilmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcutilmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcprototest.exe : kcprototest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcprototest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcstashtest.exe : kcstashtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcstashtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kccachetest.exe : kccachetest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kccachetest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcgrasstest.exe : kcgrasstest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcgrasstest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kchashtest.exe : kchashtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kchashtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kchashmgr.exe : kchashmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kchashmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kctreetest.exe : kctreetest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kctreetest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kctreemgr.exe : kctreemgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kctreemgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcdirtest.exe : kcdirtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcdirtest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcdirmgr.exe : kcdirmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcdirmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcforesttest.exe : kcforesttest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcforesttest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcforestmgr.exe : kcforestmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcforestmgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcpolytest.exe : kcpolytest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcpolytest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcpolymgr.exe : kcpolymgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kcpolymgr.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kclangctest.exe : kclangctest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /OUT:$@ kclangctest.obj kyotocabinet.lib
-kcutil.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h myconf.h
-kcdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h myconf.h
-kcthread.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcthread.h myconf.h
-kcfile.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h myconf.h
-kccompress.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kccompress.h myconf.h
-kccompare.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kccompare.h myconf.h
-kcmap.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcmap.h myconf.h
-kcregex.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcregex.h myconf.h
-kcplantdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h
-kcprotodb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h
-kcstashdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcstashdb.h
-kccachedb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kccachedb.h
-kchashdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kchashdb.h
-kcdirdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcdirdb.h
-kctextdb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kctextdb.h
-kcpolydb.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h kcstashdb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kcdirdb.h kctextdb.h kcpolydb.h
-kcdbext.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h kcstashdb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kcdirdb.h kctextdb.h \
- kcpolydb.h kcdbext.h
-kclangc.obj : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h kcstashdb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kcdirdb.h kctextdb.h \
- kcpolydb.h kcdbext.h kclangc.h
-kcutiltest.obj kcutilmgr.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- cmdcommon.h
-kcprototest.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h cmdcommon.h
-kcstashtest.obj kcgrasstest.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcstashdb.h cmdcommon.h
-kccachetest.obj kcgrasstest.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kccachedb.h cmdcommon.h
-kchashtest.obj kchashmgr.obj kctreetest.obj kctreemgr.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kchashdb.h cmdcommon.h
-kcdirtest.obj kcdirmgr.obj kcforesttest.obj kcforestmgr.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcdirdb.h cmdcommon.h
-kcpolytest.obj kcpolymgr.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h kcstashdb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kcdirdb.h kctextdb.h \
- kcpolydb.h kcdbext.h cmdcommon.h
-kclangctest.obj : \
- kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h \
- kcmap.h kcregex.h \
- kcplantdb.h kcprotodb.h kcstashdb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kcdirdb.h kctextdb.h \
- kcpolydb.h kcdbext.h kclangc.h