path: root/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/kcpolydb.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/kcpolydb.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1656 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/kcpolydb.h b/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/kcpolydb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f5c1423b..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Dbx_kyoto/src/kyotocabinet/kcpolydb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1656 +0,0 @@
- * Polymorphic database
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 FAL Labs
- * This file is part of Kyoto Cabinet.
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
- * 3 of the License, or any later version.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
- * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
- * If not, see <>.
- *************************************************************************************************/
-#ifndef _KCPOLYDB_H // duplication check
-#define _KCPOLYDB_H
-#include <kccommon.h>
-#include <kcutil.h>
-#include <kcthread.h>
-#include <kcfile.h>
-#include <kccompress.h>
-#include <kccompare.h>
-#include <kcmap.h>
-#include <kcregex.h>
-#include <kcdb.h>
-#include <kcplantdb.h>
-#include <kcprotodb.h>
-#include <kcstashdb.h>
-#include <kccachedb.h>
-#include <kchashdb.h>
-#include <kcdirdb.h>
-#include <kctextdb.h>
-namespace kyotocabinet { // common namespace
- * Polymorphic database.
- * @note This class is a concrete class to operate an arbitrary database whose type is determined
- * in runtime. This class can be inherited but overwriting methods is forbidden. Before every
- * database operation, it is necessary to call the PolyDB::open method in order to open a
- * database file and connect the database object to it. To avoid data missing or corruption, it
- * is important to close every database file by the PolyDB::close method when the database is no
- * longer in use. It is forbidden for multible database objects in a process to open the same
- * database at the same time. It is forbidden to share a database object with child processes.
- */
-class PolyDB : public BasicDB {
- public:
- class Cursor;
- private:
- class StreamLogger;
- class StreamMetaTrigger;
- struct SimilarKey;
- struct MergeLine;
- public:
- /**
- * Cursor to indicate a record.
- */
- class Cursor : public BasicDB::Cursor {
- friend class PolyDB;
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * @param db the container database object.
- */
- explicit Cursor(PolyDB* db) : db_(db), cur_(NULL) {
- _assert_(db);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- ProtoHashDB tmpdb;
- cur_ = tmpdb.cursor();
- } else {
- cur_ = db->db_->cursor();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Destructor.
- */
- virtual ~Cursor() {
- _assert_(true);
- delete cur_;
- }
- /**
- * Accept a visitor to the current record.
- * @param visitor a visitor object.
- * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
- * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing
- * the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
- * be performed in this function.
- */
- bool accept(Visitor* visitor, bool writable = true, bool step = false) {
- _assert_(visitor);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->accept(visitor, writable, step);
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to the first record for forward scan.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool jump() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->jump();
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
- * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
- * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool jump(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) {
- _assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->jump(kbuf, ksiz);
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
- * @note Equal to the original Cursor::jump method except that the parameter is std::string.
- */
- bool jump(const std::string& key) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return jump(key.c_str(), key.size());
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to the last record for backward scan.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash
- * databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
- */
- bool jump_back() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->jump_back();
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
- * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
- * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash
- * databases, will provide a dummy implementation.
- */
- bool jump_back(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) {
- _assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->jump_back(kbuf, ksiz);
- }
- /**
- * Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
- * @note Equal to the original Cursor::jump_back method except that the parameter is
- * std::string.
- */
- bool jump_back(const std::string& key) {
- _assert_(true);
- return jump_back(key.c_str(), key.size());
- }
- /**
- * Step the cursor to the next record.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool step() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->step();
- }
- /**
- * Step the cursor to the previous record.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash
- * databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
- */
- bool step_back() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (db_->type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return cur_->step_back();
- }
- /**
- * Get the database object.
- * @return the database object.
- */
- PolyDB* db() {
- _assert_(true);
- return db_;
- }
- private:
- /** Dummy constructor to forbid the use. */
- Cursor(const Cursor&);
- /** Dummy Operator to forbid the use. */
- Cursor& operator =(const Cursor&);
- /** The inner database. */
- PolyDB* db_;
- /** The inner cursor. */
- BasicDB::Cursor* cur_;
- };
- /**
- * Merge modes.
- */
- enum MergeMode {
- MSET, ///< overwrite the existing value
- MADD, ///< keep the existing value
- MREPLACE, ///< modify the existing record only
- MAPPEND ///< append the new value
- };
- /**
- * Default constructor.
- */
- explicit PolyDB() :
- type_(TYPEVOID), db_(NULL), error_(),
- stdlogstrm_(NULL), stdlogger_(NULL), logger_(NULL), logkinds_(0),
- stdmtrgstrm_(NULL), stdmtrigger_(NULL), mtrigger_(NULL), zcomp_(NULL) {
- _assert_(true);
- }
- /**
- * Destructor.
- * @note If the database is not closed, it is closed implicitly.
- */
- virtual ~PolyDB() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ != TYPEVOID) close();
- delete zcomp_;
- delete stdmtrigger_;
- delete stdmtrgstrm_;
- delete stdlogger_;
- delete stdlogstrm_;
- }
- /**
- * Set the internal database object.
- * @param db the internal database object. Its possession is transferred inside and the
- * object is deleted automatically.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool set_internal_db(BasicDB* db) {
- _assert_(db);
- if (type_ != TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
- return false;
- }
- type_ = TYPEMISC;
- db_ = db;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Accept a visitor to a record.
- * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
- * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
- * @param visitor a visitor object.
- * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing the
- * same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be
- * performed in this function.
- */
- bool accept(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, Visitor* visitor, bool writable = true) {
- _assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && visitor);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->accept(kbuf, ksiz, visitor, writable);
- }
- /**
- * Accept a visitor to multiple records at once.
- * @param keys specifies a string vector of the keys.
- * @param visitor a visitor object.
- * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The operations for specified records are performed atomically and other threads
- * accessing the same records are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation
- * must not be performed in this function.
- */
- bool accept_bulk(const std::vector<std::string>& keys, Visitor* visitor,
- bool writable = true) {
- _assert_(visitor);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->accept_bulk(keys, visitor, writable);
- }
- /**
- * Iterate to accept a visitor for each record.
- * @param visitor a visitor object.
- * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The whole iteration is performed atomically and other threads are blocked. To avoid
- * deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
- */
- bool iterate(Visitor *visitor, bool writable = true, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(visitor);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->iterate(visitor, writable, checker);
- }
- /**
- * Scan each record in parallel.
- * @param visitor a visitor object.
- * @param thnum the number of worker threads.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note This function is for reading records and not for updating ones. The return value of
- * the visitor is just ignored. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
- * be performed in this function.
- */
- bool scan_parallel(Visitor *visitor, size_t thnum, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(visitor && thnum <= MEMMAXSIZ);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->scan_parallel(visitor, thnum, checker);
- }
- /**
- * Get the last happened error.
- * @return the last happened error.
- */
- Error error() const {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) return error_;
- return db_->error();
- }
- /**
- * Set the error information.
- * @param file the file name of the program source code.
- * @param line the line number of the program source code.
- * @param func the function name of the program source code.
- * @param code an error code.
- * @param message a supplement message.
- */
- void set_error(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func,
- Error::Code code, const char* message) {
- _assert_(file && line > 0 && func && message);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- error_.set(code, message);
- return;
- }
- db_->set_error(file, line, func, code, message);
- }
- /**
- * Set the error information without source code information.
- * @param code an error code.
- * @param message a supplement message.
- */
- void set_error(Error::Code code, const char* message) {
- _assert_(message);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- error_.set(code, message);
- return;
- }
- db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, code, message);
- }
- /**
- * Open a database file.
- * @param path the path of a database file. If it is "-", the database will be a prototype
- * hash database. If it is "+", the database will be a prototype tree database. If it is ":",
- * the database will be a stash database. If it is "*", the database will be a cache hash
- * database. If it is "%", the database will be a cache tree database. If its suffix is
- * ".kch", the database will be a file hash database. If its suffix is ".kct", the database
- * will be a file tree database. If its suffix is ".kcd", the database will be a directory
- * hash database. If its suffix is ".kcf", the database will be a directory tree database.
- * If its suffix is ".kcx", the database will be a plain text database. Otherwise, this
- * function fails. Tuning parameters can trail the name, separated by "#". Each parameter is
- * composed of the name and the value, separated by "=". If the "type" parameter is specified,
- * the database type is determined by the value in "-", "+", ":", "*", "%", "kch", "kct",
- * "kcd", kcf", and "kcx". All database types support the logging parameters of "log",
- * "logkinds", and "logpx". The prototype hash database and the prototype tree database do
- * not support any other tuning parameter. The stash database supports "bnum". The cache
- * hash database supports "opts", "bnum", "zcomp", "capcnt", "capsiz", and "zkey". The cache
- * tree database supports all parameters of the cache hash database except for capacity
- * limitation, and supports "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition. The file hash database
- * supports "apow", "fpow", "opts", "bnum", "msiz", "dfunit", "zcomp", and "zkey". The file
- * tree database supports all parameters of the file hash database and "psiz", "rcomp",
- * "pccap" in addition. The directory hash database supports "opts", "zcomp", and "zkey".
- * The directory tree database supports all parameters of the directory hash database and
- * "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition. The plain text database does not support any other
- * tuning parameter.
- * @param mode the connection mode. PolyDB::OWRITER as a writer, PolyDB::OREADER as a
- * reader. The following may be added to the writer mode by bitwise-or: PolyDB::OCREATE,
- * which means it creates a new database if the file does not exist, PolyDB::OTRUNCATE, which
- * means it creates a new database regardless if the file exists, PolyDB::OAUTOTRAN, which
- * means each updating operation is performed in implicit transaction, PolyDB::OAUTOSYNC,
- * which means each updating operation is followed by implicit synchronization with the file
- * system. The following may be added to both of the reader mode and the writer mode by
- * bitwise-or: PolyDB::ONOLOCK, which means it opens the database file without file locking,
- * PolyDB::OTRYLOCK, which means locking is performed without blocking, PolyDB::ONOREPAIR,
- * which means the database file is not repaired implicitly even if file destruction is
- * detected.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The tuning parameter "log" is for the original "tune_logger" and the value specifies
- * the path of the log file, or "-" for the standard output, or "+" for the standard error.
- * "logkinds" specifies kinds of logged messages and the value can be "debug", "info", "warn",
- * or "error". "logpx" specifies the prefix of each log message. "opts" is for "tune_options"
- * and the value can contain "s" for the small option, "l" for the linear option, and "c" for
- * the compress option. "bnum" corresponds to "tune_bucket". "zcomp" is for "tune_compressor"
- * and the value can be "zlib" for the ZLIB raw compressor, "def" for the ZLIB deflate
- * compressor, "gz" for the ZLIB gzip compressor, "lzo" for the LZO compressor, "lzma" for the
- * LZMA compressor, or "arc" for the Arcfour cipher. "zkey" specifies the cipher key of the
- * compressor. "capcnt" is for "cap_count". "capsiz" is for "cap_size". "psiz" is for
- * "tune_page". "rcomp" is for "tune_comparator" and the value can be "lex" for the lexical
- * comparator, "dec" for the decimal comparator, "lexdesc" for the lexical descending
- * comparator, or "decdesc" for the decimal descending comparator. "pccap" is for
- * "tune_page_cache". "apow" is for "tune_alignment". "fpow" is for "tune_fbp". "msiz" is
- * for "tune_map". "dfunit" is for "tune_defrag". Every opened database must be closed by
- * the PolyDB::close method when it is no longer in use. It is not allowed for two or more
- * database objects in the same process to keep their connections to the same database file at
- * the same time.
- */
- bool open(const std::string& path = ":", uint32_t mode = OWRITER | OCREATE) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEMISC) {
- if (logger_) db_->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- if (mtrigger_) db_->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- return db_->open(path, mode);
- }
- if (type_ != TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
- return false;
- }
- std::vector<std::string> elems;
- strsplit(path, '#', &elems);
- std::string fpath;
- Type type = TYPEVOID;
- std::string logname = "";
- std::string logpx = "";
- uint32_t logkinds = Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR;
- std::string mtrgname = "";
- std::string mtrgpx = "";
- int64_t bnum = -1;
- int64_t capcnt = -1;
- int64_t capsiz = -1;
- int32_t apow = -1;
- int32_t fpow = -1;
- bool tsmall = false;
- bool tlinear = false;
- bool tcompress = false;
- int64_t msiz = -1;
- int64_t dfunit = -1;
- std::string zcompname = "";
- int64_t psiz = -1;
- Comparator* rcomp = NULL;
- int64_t pccap = 0;
- std::string zkey = "";
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = elems.begin();
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator itend = elems.end();
- if (it != itend) {
- fpath = *it;
- ++it;
- }
- const char* fstr = fpath.c_str();
- const char* pv = std::strrchr(fstr, File::PATHCHR);
- if (pv) fstr = pv + 1;
- if (!std::strcmp(fstr, "-")) {
- type = TYPEPHASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(fstr, "+")) {
- type = TYPEPTREE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(fstr, ":")) {
- type = TYPESTASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(fstr, "*")) {
- type = TYPECACHE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(fstr, "%")) {
- type = TYPEGRASS;
- } else {
- pv = std::strrchr(fstr, File::EXTCHR);
- if (pv) {
- pv++;
- if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcph") || !std::strcmp(pv, "phdb")) {
- type = TYPEPHASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcpt") || !std::strcmp(pv, "ptdb")) {
- type = TYPEPTREE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcs") || !std::strcmp(pv, "sdb")) {
- type = TYPESTASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcc") || !std::strcmp(pv, "cdb")) {
- type = TYPECACHE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcg") || !std::strcmp(pv, "gdb")) {
- type = TYPEGRASS;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kch") || !std::strcmp(pv, "hdb")) {
- type = TYPEHASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kct") || !std::strcmp(pv, "tdb")) {
- type = TYPETREE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcd") || !std::strcmp(pv, "ddb")) {
- type = TYPEDIR;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcf") || !std::strcmp(pv, "fdb")) {
- type = TYPEFOREST;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(pv, "kcx") || !std::strcmp(pv, "xdb") ||
- !std::strcmp(pv, "txt") || !std::strcmp(pv, "text") ||
- !std::strcmp(pv, "tsv") || !std::strcmp(pv, "csv")) {
- type = TYPETEXT;
- }
- }
- }
- while (it != itend) {
- std::vector<std::string> fields;
- if (strsplit(*it, '=', &fields) > 1) {
- const char* key = fields[0].c_str();
- const char* value = fields[1].c_str();
- if (!std::strcmp(key, "type")) {
- if (!std::strcmp(value, "-") || !std::strcmp(value, "kcph") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "phdb") || !std::strcmp(value, "phash")) {
- type = TYPEPHASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "+") || !std::strcmp(value, "kcpt") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "ptdb") || !std::strcmp(value, "ptree")) {
- type = TYPEPTREE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, ":") || !std::strcmp(value, "kcs") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "sdb") || !std::strcmp(value, "stash")) {
- type = TYPESTASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "*") || !std::strcmp(value, "kcc") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "cdb") || !std::strcmp(value, "cache")) {
- type = TYPECACHE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "%") || !std::strcmp(value, "kcg") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "gdb") || !std::strcmp(value, "grass")) {
- type = TYPEGRASS;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "kch") || !std::strcmp(value, "hdb") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "hash")) {
- type = TYPEHASH;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "kct") || !std::strcmp(value, "tdb") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "tree")) {
- type = TYPETREE;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "kcd") || !std::strcmp(value, "ddb") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "dir") || !std::strcmp(value, "directory")) {
- type = TYPEDIR;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "kcf") || !std::strcmp(value, "fdb") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "for") || !std::strcmp(value, "forest")) {
- type = TYPEFOREST;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "kcx") || !std::strcmp(value, "xdb") ||
- !std::strcmp(value, "txt") || !std::strcmp(value, "text")) {
- type = TYPETEXT;
- }
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "log") || !std::strcmp(key, "logger")) {
- logname = value;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "logkinds") || !std::strcmp(key, "logkind")) {
- if (!std::strcmp(value, "debug") || !std::strcmp(value, "debugging")) {
- logkinds = Logger::DEBUG | Logger::INFO | Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "info") || !std::strcmp(value, "information")) {
- logkinds = Logger::INFO | Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "warn") || !std::strcmp(value, "warning")) {
- logkinds = Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "error") || !std::strcmp(value, "fatal")) {
- logkinds = Logger::ERROR;
- } else {
- logkinds = atoix(value);
- }
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "logpx") || !std::strcmp(key, "lpx")) {
- logpx = value;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "mtrg") || !std::strcmp(key, "metatrigger") ||
- !std::strcmp(key, "meta_trigger")) {
- mtrgname = value;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "mtrgpx") || !std::strcmp(key, "mtpx")) {
- mtrgpx = value;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "bnum") || !std::strcmp(key, "buckets")) {
- bnum = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "capcnt") || !std::strcmp(key, "capcount") ||
- !std::strcmp(key, "cap_count")) {
- capcnt = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "capsiz") || !std::strcmp(key, "capsize") ||
- !std::strcmp(key, "cap_size")) {
- capsiz = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "apow") || !std::strcmp(key, "alignment")) {
- apow = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "fpow") || !std::strcmp(key, "fbp")) {
- fpow = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "opts") || !std::strcmp(key, "options")) {
- if (std::strchr(value, 's')) tsmall = true;
- if (std::strchr(value, 'l')) tlinear = true;
- if (std::strchr(value, 'c')) tcompress = true;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "msiz") || !std::strcmp(key, "map")) {
- msiz = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "dfunit") || !std::strcmp(key, "defrag")) {
- dfunit = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "zcomp") || !std::strcmp(key, "compressor")) {
- zcompname = value;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "psiz") || !std::strcmp(key, "page")) {
- psiz = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "pccap") || !std::strcmp(key, "cache")) {
- pccap = atoix(value);
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "rcomp") || !std::strcmp(key, "comparator")) {
- if (!std::strcmp(value, "lex") || !std::strcmp(value, "lexical")) {
- rcomp = LEXICALCOMP;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "dec") || !std::strcmp(value, "decimal")) {
- rcomp = DECIMALCOMP;
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "lexdesc") || !std::strcmp(value, "lexicaldesc")) {
- } else if (!std::strcmp(value, "decdesc") || !std::strcmp(value, "decimaldesc")) {
- }
- } else if (!std::strcmp(key, "zkey") || !std::strcmp(key, "pass") ||
- !std::strcmp(key, "password")) {
- zkey = value;
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- delete stdlogger_;
- delete stdlogstrm_;
- stdlogstrm_ = NULL;
- stdlogger_ = NULL;
- if (!logname.empty()) {
- std::ostream* stdlogstrm = NULL;
- if (logname == "-" || logname == "[stdout]" || logname == "[cout]") {
- stdlogstrm = &std::cout;
- } else if (logname == "+" || logname == "[stderr]" || logname == "[cerr]") {
- stdlogstrm = &std::cerr;
- } else {
- std::ofstream *ofs = new std::ofstream;
- ofs->open(logname.c_str(),
- std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
- if (!*ofs) ofs->open(logname.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
- if (ofs) {
- stdlogstrm = ofs;
- stdlogstrm_ = ofs;
- } else {
- delete ofs;
- }
- }
- if (stdlogstrm) stdlogger_ = new StreamLogger(stdlogstrm, logpx.c_str());
- }
- delete stdmtrigger_;
- delete stdmtrgstrm_;
- stdmtrgstrm_ = NULL;
- stdmtrigger_ = NULL;
- if (!mtrgname.empty()) {
- std::ostream* stdmtrgstrm = NULL;
- if (mtrgname == "-" || mtrgname == "[stdout]" || mtrgname == "[cout]") {
- stdmtrgstrm = &std::cout;
- } else if (mtrgname == "+" || mtrgname == "[stderr]" || mtrgname == "[cerr]") {
- stdmtrgstrm = &std::cerr;
- } else {
- std::ofstream *ofs = new std::ofstream;
- ofs->open(mtrgname.c_str(),
- std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
- if (!*ofs) ofs->open(mtrgname.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
- if (ofs) {
- stdmtrgstrm = ofs;
- stdmtrgstrm_ = ofs;
- } else {
- delete ofs;
- }
- }
- if (stdmtrgstrm) stdmtrigger_ = new StreamMetaTrigger(stdmtrgstrm, mtrgpx.c_str());
- }
- delete zcomp_;
- zcomp_ = NULL;
- ArcfourCompressor* arccomp = NULL;
- if (!zcompname.empty()) {
- if (zcompname == "zlib" || zcompname == "raw") {
- zcomp_ = new ZLIBCompressor<ZLIB::RAW>;
- } else if (zcompname == "def" || zcompname == "deflate") {
- zcomp_ = new ZLIBCompressor<ZLIB::DEFLATE>;
- } else if (zcompname == "gz" || zcompname == "gzip") {
- zcomp_ = new ZLIBCompressor<ZLIB::GZIP>;
- } else if (zcompname == "lzo" || zcompname == "oz") {
- zcomp_ = new LZOCompressor<LZO::RAW>;
- } else if (zcompname == "lzocrc" || zcompname == "ozcrc") {
- zcomp_ = new LZOCompressor<LZO::CRC>;
- } else if (zcompname == "lzma" || zcompname == "xz") {
- zcomp_ = new LZMACompressor<LZMA::RAW>;
- } else if (zcompname == "lzmacrc" || zcompname == "xzcrc") {
- zcomp_ = new LZMACompressor<LZMA::CRC>;
- } else if (zcompname == "lzmasha" || zcompname == "xzsha") {
- zcomp_ = new LZMACompressor<LZMA::SHA>;
- } else if (zcompname == "arc" || zcompname == "rc4") {
- arccomp = new ArcfourCompressor();
- zcomp_ = arccomp;
- } else if (zcompname == "arcz" || zcompname == "rc4z") {
- arccomp = new ArcfourCompressor();
- arccomp->set_compressor(ZLIBRAWCOMP);
- zcomp_ = arccomp;
- }
- }
- BasicDB *db;
- switch (type) {
- default: {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "unknown database type");
- return false;
- }
- case TYPEPHASH: {
- ProtoHashDB* phdb = new ProtoHashDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- phdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- phdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- phdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- phdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- db = phdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPEPTREE: {
- ProtoTreeDB *ptdb = new ProtoTreeDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- ptdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- ptdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- ptdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- ptdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- db = ptdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPESTASH: {
- StashDB* sdb = new StashDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- sdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- sdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- sdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- sdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (bnum > 0) sdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- db = sdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPECACHE: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tcompress) opts |= CacheDB::TCOMPRESS;
- CacheDB* cdb = new CacheDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- cdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- cdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- cdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- cdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (opts > 0) cdb->tune_options(opts);
- if (bnum > 0) cdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- if (zcomp_) cdb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- if (capcnt > 0) cdb->cap_count(capcnt);
- if (capsiz > 0) cdb->cap_size(capsiz);
- db = cdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPEGRASS: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tcompress) opts |= GrassDB::TCOMPRESS;
- GrassDB* gdb = new GrassDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- gdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- gdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- gdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- gdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (opts > 0) gdb->tune_options(opts);
- if (bnum > 0) gdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- if (psiz > 0) gdb->tune_page(psiz);
- if (zcomp_) gdb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- if (pccap > 0) gdb->tune_page_cache(pccap);
- if (rcomp) gdb->tune_comparator(rcomp);
- db = gdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPEHASH: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tsmall) opts |= HashDB::TSMALL;
- if (tlinear) opts |= HashDB::TLINEAR;
- if (tcompress) opts |= HashDB::TCOMPRESS;
- HashDB* hdb = new HashDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- hdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- hdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- hdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- hdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (apow >= 0) hdb->tune_alignment(apow);
- if (fpow >= 0) hdb->tune_fbp(fpow);
- if (opts > 0) hdb->tune_options(opts);
- if (bnum > 0) hdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- if (msiz >= 0) hdb->tune_map(msiz);
- if (dfunit > 0) hdb->tune_defrag(dfunit);
- if (zcomp_) hdb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- db = hdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPETREE: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tsmall) opts |= TreeDB::TSMALL;
- if (tlinear) opts |= TreeDB::TLINEAR;
- if (tcompress) opts |= TreeDB::TCOMPRESS;
- TreeDB* tdb = new TreeDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- tdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- tdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- tdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- tdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (apow >= 0) tdb->tune_alignment(apow);
- if (fpow >= 0) tdb->tune_fbp(fpow);
- if (opts > 0) tdb->tune_options(opts);
- if (bnum > 0) tdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- if (psiz > 0) tdb->tune_page(psiz);
- if (msiz >= 0) tdb->tune_map(msiz);
- if (dfunit > 0) tdb->tune_defrag(dfunit);
- if (zcomp_) tdb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- if (pccap > 0) tdb->tune_page_cache(pccap);
- if (rcomp) tdb->tune_comparator(rcomp);
- db = tdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPEDIR: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tcompress) opts |= DirDB::TCOMPRESS;
- DirDB* ddb = new DirDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- ddb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- ddb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- ddb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- ddb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (opts > 0) ddb->tune_options(opts);
- if (zcomp_) ddb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- db = ddb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPEFOREST: {
- int8_t opts = 0;
- if (tcompress) opts |= TreeDB::TCOMPRESS;
- ForestDB* fdb = new ForestDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- fdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- fdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- fdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- fdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- if (opts > 0) fdb->tune_options(opts);
- if (bnum > 0) fdb->tune_buckets(bnum);
- if (psiz > 0) fdb->tune_page(psiz);
- if (zcomp_) fdb->tune_compressor(zcomp_);
- if (pccap > 0) fdb->tune_page_cache(pccap);
- if (rcomp) fdb->tune_comparator(rcomp);
- db = fdb;
- break;
- }
- case TYPETEXT: {
- TextDB* xdb = new TextDB();
- if (stdlogger_) {
- xdb->tune_logger(stdlogger_, logkinds);
- } else if (logger_) {
- xdb->tune_logger(logger_, logkinds_);
- }
- if (stdmtrigger_) {
- xdb->tune_meta_trigger(stdmtrigger_);
- } else if (mtrigger_) {
- xdb->tune_meta_trigger(mtrigger_);
- }
- db = xdb;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (arccomp) arccomp->set_key(zkey.c_str(), zkey.size());
- if (!db->open(fpath, mode)) {
- const Error& error = db->error();
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, error.code(), error.message());
- delete db;
- return false;
- }
- if (arccomp) {
- const std::string& apath = File::absolute_path(fpath);
- uint64_t hash = (hashmurmur(apath.c_str(), apath.size()) >> 16) << 40;
- hash += (uint64_t)(time() * 256);
- arccomp->begin_cycle(hash);
- }
- type_ = type;
- db_ = db;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Close the database file.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool close() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- bool err = false;
- if (!db_->close()) {
- const Error& error = db_->error();
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, error.code(), error.message());
- err = true;
- }
- delete zcomp_;
- delete stdmtrigger_;
- delete stdmtrgstrm_;
- delete stdlogger_;
- delete stdlogstrm_;
- delete db_;
- type_ = TYPEVOID;
- db_ = NULL;
- stdlogstrm_ = NULL;
- stdlogger_ = NULL;
- stdmtrgstrm_ = NULL;
- stdmtrigger_ = NULL;
- zcomp_ = NULL;
- return !err;
- }
- /**
- * Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
- * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
- * synchronization with the file system.
- * @param proc a postprocessor object. If it is NULL, no postprocessing is performed.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
- * the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
- * be performed in this function.
- */
- bool synchronize(bool hard = false, FileProcessor* proc = NULL,
- ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->synchronize(hard, proc, checker);
- }
- /**
- * Occupy database by locking and do something meanwhile.
- * @param writable true to use writer lock, or false to use reader lock.
- * @param proc a processor object. If it is NULL, no processing is performed.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- * @note The operation of the processor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
- * the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
- * be performed in this function.
- */
- bool occupy(bool writable = true, FileProcessor* proc = NULL) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->occupy(writable, proc);
- }
- /**
- * Begin transaction.
- * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
- * synchronization with the file system.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool begin_transaction(bool hard = false) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->begin_transaction(hard);
- }
- /**
- * Try to begin transaction.
- * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
- * synchronization with the file system.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool begin_transaction_try(bool hard = false) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->begin_transaction_try(hard);
- }
- /**
- * End transaction.
- * @param commit true to commit the transaction, or false to abort the transaction.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool end_transaction(bool commit = true) {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->end_transaction(commit);
- }
- /**
- * Remove all records.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool clear() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->clear();
- }
- /**
- * Get the number of records.
- * @return the number of records, or -1 on failure.
- */
- int64_t count() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return -1;
- }
- return db_->count();
- }
- /**
- * Get the size of the database file.
- * @return the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
- */
- int64_t size() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return -1;
- }
- return db_->size();
- }
- /**
- * Get the path of the database file.
- * @return the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
- */
- std::string path() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return "";
- }
- return db_->path();
- }
- /**
- * Get the miscellaneous status information.
- * @param strmap a string map to contain the result.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool status(std::map<std::string, std::string>* strmap) {
- _assert_(strmap);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- return db_->status(strmap);
- }
- /**
- * Reveal the inner database object.
- * @return the inner database object, or NULL on failure.
- */
- BasicDB* reveal_inner_db() {
- _assert_(true);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return NULL;
- }
- return db_;
- }
- /**
- * Get keys matching a prefix string.
- * @param prefix the prefix string.
- * @param strvec a string vector to contain the result.
- * @param max the maximum number to retrieve. If it is negative, no limit is specified.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
- */
- int64_t match_prefix(const std::string& prefix, std::vector<std::string>* strvec,
- int64_t max = -1, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(strvec);
- const char* pbuf =;
- size_t psiz = prefix.size();
- if (max < 0) max = INT64MAX;
- Comparator* comp;
- switch (type_) {
- case TYPEPTREE: {
- break;
- }
- case TYPEGRASS: {
- comp = ((GrassDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- case TYPETREE: {
- comp = ((TreeDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- case TYPEFOREST: {
- comp = ((ForestDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- default: {
- comp = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- bool err = false;
- int64_t allcnt = count();
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_prefix", "beginning", 0, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- strvec->clear();
- Cursor* cur = cursor();
- int64_t curcnt = 0;
- if (comp == LEXICALCOMP) {
- if (cur->jump(pbuf, psiz)) {
- while ((int64_t)strvec->size() < max) {
- size_t ksiz;
- char* kbuf = cur->get_key(&ksiz, true);
- if (kbuf) {
- if (ksiz >= psiz && !std::memcmp(kbuf, pbuf, psiz)) {
- strvec->push_back(std::string(kbuf, ksiz));
- } else {
- delete[] kbuf;
- break;
- }
- delete[] kbuf;
- } else {
- if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- curcnt++;
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_prefix", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- }
- } else if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) {
- err = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (cur->jump()) {
- while ((int64_t)strvec->size() < max) {
- size_t ksiz;
- char* kbuf = cur->get_key(&ksiz, true);
- if (kbuf) {
- if (ksiz >= psiz && !std::memcmp(kbuf, pbuf, psiz))
- strvec->push_back(std::string(kbuf, ksiz));
- delete[] kbuf;
- } else {
- if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- curcnt++;
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_prefix", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- }
- } else if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) {
- err = true;
- }
- }
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_prefix", "ending", strvec->size(), allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- delete cur;
- return err ? -1 : strvec->size();
- }
- /**
- * Get keys matching a regular expression string.
- * @param regex the regular expression string.
- * @param strvec a string vector to contain the result.
- * @param max the maximum number to retrieve. If it is negative, no limit is specified.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
- */
- int64_t match_regex(const std::string& regex, std::vector<std::string>* strvec,
- int64_t max = -1, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(strvec);
- if (max < 0) max = INT64MAX;
- Regex reg;
- if (!reg.compile(regex, Regex::MATCHONLY)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "compilation failed");
- return -1;
- }
- bool err = false;
- int64_t allcnt = count();
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_regex", "beginning", 0, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- strvec->clear();
- Cursor* cur = cursor();
- int64_t curcnt = 0;
- if (cur->jump()) {
- while ((int64_t)strvec->size() < max) {
- size_t ksiz;
- char* kbuf = cur->get_key(&ksiz, true);
- if (kbuf) {
- std::string key(kbuf, ksiz);
- if (reg.match(key)) strvec->push_back(key);
- delete[] kbuf;
- } else {
- if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- curcnt++;
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_regex", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- }
- } else if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) {
- err = true;
- }
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_regex", "ending", strvec->size(), allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- delete cur;
- return err ? -1 : strvec->size();
- }
- /**
- * Get keys similar to a string in terms of the levenshtein distance.
- * @param origin the origin string.
- * @param range the maximum distance of keys to adopt.
- * @param utf flag to treat keys as UTF-8 strings.
- * @param strvec a string vector to contain the result.
- * @param max the maximum number to retrieve. If it is negative, no limit is specified.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
- */
- int64_t match_similar(const std::string& origin, size_t range, bool utf,
- std::vector<std::string>* strvec,
- int64_t max = -1, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(strvec);
- if (max < 0) max = INT64MAX;
- bool err = false;
- int64_t allcnt = count();
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_similar", "beginning", 0, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- strvec->clear();
- uint32_t ostack[128];
- uint32_t* oary = NULL;
- size_t onum = 0;
- if (utf) {
- const char* ostr = origin.c_str();
- onum = strutflen(ostr);
- oary = onum > sizeof(ostack) / sizeof(*ostack) ? new uint32_t[onum] : ostack;
- strutftoucs(ostr, oary, &onum);
- }
- Cursor* cur = cursor();
- int64_t curcnt = 0;
- std::priority_queue<SimilarKey> queue;
- if (cur->jump()) {
- if (max > 0) {
- while (true) {
- size_t ksiz;
- char* kbuf = cur->get_key(&ksiz, true);
- if (kbuf) {
- size_t kdist;
- if (oary) {
- uint32_t kstack[128];
- uint32_t* kary = ksiz > sizeof(kstack) / sizeof(*kstack) ?
- new uint32_t[ksiz] : kstack;
- size_t knum;
- strutftoucs(kbuf, ksiz, kary, &knum);
- kdist = std::labs((long)onum - (long)knum) > (long)range ?
- UINT32MAX : strucsdist(oary, onum, kary, knum);
- if (kary != kstack) delete[] kary;
- } else {
- kdist = std::labs((long)origin.size() - (long)ksiz) > (long)range ?
- UINT32MAX : memdist(, origin.size(), kbuf, ksiz);
- }
- if (kdist <= range) {
- std::string key(kbuf, ksiz);
- if ((int64_t)queue.size() < max) {
- SimilarKey skey = { kdist, key, curcnt };
- queue.push(skey);
- } else {
- const SimilarKey& top =;
- if (!top.less(kdist, key, curcnt)) {
- queue.pop();
- SimilarKey skey = { kdist, key, curcnt };
- queue.push(skey);
- }
- }
- }
- delete[] kbuf;
- } else {
- if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- curcnt++;
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_similar", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- }
- while (!queue.empty()) {
- const SimilarKey& top =;
- strvec->push_back(top.key);
- queue.pop();
- }
- size_t end = strvec->size() - 1;
- size_t mid = strvec->size() / 2;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
- (*strvec)[i].swap((*strvec)[end-i]);
- }
- }
- } else if (cur->error() != Error::NOREC) {
- err = true;
- }
- if (checker && !checker->check("match_similar", "ending", strvec->size(), allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- delete cur;
- if (oary && oary != ostack) delete[] oary;
- return err ? -1 : strvec->size();
- }
- /**
- * Merge records from other databases.
- * @param srcary an array of the source detabase objects.
- * @param srcnum the number of the elements of the source array.
- * @param mode the merge mode. PolyDB::MSET to overwrite the existing value, PolyDB::MADD to
- * keep the existing value, PolyDB::MREPLACE to modify the existing record only,
- * PolyDB::MAPPEND to append the new value.
- * @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool merge(BasicDB** srcary, size_t srcnum, MergeMode mode = MSET,
- ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
- _assert_(srcary && srcnum <= MEMMAXSIZ);
- if (type_ == TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
- return false;
- }
- bool err = false;
- Comparator* comp;
- switch (type_) {
- case TYPEGRASS: {
- comp = ((GrassDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- case TYPETREE: {
- comp = ((TreeDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- case TYPEFOREST: {
- comp = ((ForestDB*)db_)->rcomp();
- break;
- }
- default: {
- comp = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!comp) comp = LEXICALCOMP;
- std::priority_queue<MergeLine> lines;
- int64_t allcnt = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < srcnum; i++) {
- MergeLine line;
- line.cur = srcary[i]->cursor();
- line.comp = comp;
- line.cur->jump();
- line.kbuf = line.cur->get(&line.ksiz, &line.vbuf, &line.vsiz, true);
- if (line.kbuf) {
- lines.push(line);
- int64_t count = srcary[i]->count();
- if (count > 0) allcnt += count;
- } else {
- delete line.cur;
- }
- }
- if (checker && !checker->check("merge", "beginning", 0, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- int64_t curcnt = 0;
- while (!err && !lines.empty()) {
- MergeLine line =;
- lines.pop();
- switch (mode) {
- case MSET: {
- if (!set(line.kbuf, line.ksiz, line.vbuf, line.vsiz)) err = true;
- break;
- }
- case MADD: {
- if (!add(line.kbuf, line.ksiz, line.vbuf, line.vsiz) &&
- error() != Error::DUPREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- case MREPLACE: {
- if (!replace(line.kbuf, line.ksiz, line.vbuf, line.vsiz) &&
- error() != Error::NOREC) err = true;
- break;
- }
- case MAPPEND: {
- if (!append(line.kbuf, line.ksiz, line.vbuf, line.vsiz)) err = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- delete[] line.kbuf;
- line.kbuf = line.cur->get(&line.ksiz, &line.vbuf, &line.vsiz, true);
- if (line.kbuf) {
- lines.push(line);
- } else {
- delete line.cur;
- }
- curcnt++;
- if (checker && !checker->check("merge", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (checker && !checker->check("merge", "ending", -1, allcnt)) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
- err = true;
- }
- while (!lines.empty()) {
- MergeLine line =;
- lines.pop();
- delete[] line.kbuf;
- delete line.cur;
- }
- return !err;
- }
- /**
- * Create a cursor object.
- * @return the return value is the created cursor object.
- * @note Because the object of the return value is allocated by the constructor, it should be
- * released with the delete operator when it is no longer in use.
- */
- Cursor* cursor() {
- _assert_(true);
- return new Cursor(this);
- }
- /**
- * Write a log message.
- * @param file the file name of the program source code.
- * @param line the line number of the program source code.
- * @param func the function name of the program source code.
- * @param kind the kind of the event. Logger::DEBUG for debugging, Logger::INFO for normal
- * information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal error.
- * @param message the supplement message.
- */
- void log(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Logger::Kind kind,
- const char* message) {
- _assert_(file && line > 0 && func && message);
- if (logger_) {
- logger_->log(file, line, func, kind, message);
- } else if (type_ != TYPEVOID) {
- db_->log(file, line, func, kind, message);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set the internal logger.
- * @param logger the logger object.
- * @param kinds kinds of logged messages by bitwise-or: Logger::DEBUG for debugging,
- * Logger::INFO for normal information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal
- * error.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool tune_logger(Logger* logger, uint32_t kinds = Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR) {
- _assert_(logger);
- if (type_ != TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
- return false;
- }
- logger_ = logger;
- logkinds_ = kinds;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Set the internal meta operation trigger.
- * @param trigger the trigger object.
- * @return true on success, or false on failure.
- */
- bool tune_meta_trigger(MetaTrigger* trigger) {
- _assert_(trigger);
- if (type_ != TYPEVOID) {
- set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
- return false;
- }
- mtrigger_ = trigger;
- return true;
- }
- private:
- /**
- * Stream logger implementation.
- */
- class StreamLogger : public Logger {
- public:
- /** constructor */
- StreamLogger(std::ostream* strm, const char* prefix) : strm_(strm), prefix_(prefix) {}
- /** print a log message */
- void log(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Kind kind,
- const char* message) {
- _assert_(file && line > 0 && func && message);
- const char* kstr = "MISC";
- switch (kind) {
- case Logger::DEBUG: kstr = "DEBUG"; break;
- case Logger::INFO: kstr = "INFO"; break;
- case Logger::WARN: kstr = "WARN"; break;
- case Logger::ERROR: kstr = "ERROR"; break;
- }
- if (!prefix_.empty()) *strm_ << prefix_ << ": ";
- *strm_ << "[" << kstr << "]: " << file << ": " << line << ": " << func << ": " <<
- message << std::endl;
- }
- private:
- std::ostream* strm_; ///< output stream
- std::string prefix_; ///< prefix of each message
- };
- /**
- * Stream meta operation trigger implementation.
- */
- class StreamMetaTrigger : public MetaTrigger {
- public:
- /** constructor */
- StreamMetaTrigger(std::ostream* strm, const char* prefix) : strm_(strm), prefix_(prefix) {}
- /** print a meta operation */
- void trigger(Kind kind, const char* message) {
- _assert_(message);
- const char* kstr = "unknown";
- switch (kind) {
- case MetaTrigger::OPEN: kstr = "OPEN"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::CLOSE: kstr = "CLOSE"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::CLEAR: kstr = "CLEAR"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::ITERATE: kstr = "ITERATE"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::SYNCHRONIZE: kstr = "SYNCHRONIZE"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::OCCUPY: kstr = "OCCUPY"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::BEGINTRAN: kstr = "BEGINTRAN"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::COMMITTRAN: kstr = "COMMITTRAN"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::ABORTTRAN: kstr = "ABORTTRAN"; break;
- case MetaTrigger::MISC: kstr = "MISC"; break;
- }
- if (!prefix_.empty()) *strm_ << prefix_ << ": ";
- *strm_ << "[" << kstr << "]: " << message << std::endl;
- }
- private:
- std::ostream* strm_; ///< output stream
- std::string prefix_; ///< prefix of each message
- };
- /**
- * Key for similarity search.
- */
- struct SimilarKey {
- size_t dist;
- std::string key;
- int64_t order;
- bool operator <(const SimilarKey& right) const {
- if (dist != right.dist) return dist < right.dist;
- if (key != right.key) return key < right.key;
- return order < right.order;
- }
- bool less(size_t rdist, const std::string& rkey, uint32_t rorder) const {
- if (dist != rdist) return dist < rdist;
- if (key != rkey) return key < rkey;
- return order < rorder;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Front line of a merging list.
- */
- struct MergeLine {
- BasicDB::Cursor* cur; ///< cursor
- Comparator* comp; ///< comparator
- char* kbuf; ///< pointer to the key
- size_t ksiz; ///< size of the key
- const char* vbuf; ///< pointer to the value
- size_t vsiz; ///< size of the value
- /** comparing operator */
- bool operator <(const MergeLine& right) const {
- return comp->compare(kbuf, ksiz, right.kbuf, right.ksiz) > 0;
- }
- };
- /** Dummy constructor to forbid the use. */
- PolyDB(const PolyDB&);
- /** Dummy Operator to forbid the use. */
- PolyDB& operator =(const PolyDB&);
- /** The database type. */
- Type type_;
- /** The internal database. */
- BasicDB* db_;
- /** The last happened error. */
- Error error_;
- /** The standard log stream. */
- std::ostream* stdlogstrm_;
- /** The standard logger. */
- Logger* stdlogger_;
- /** The internal logger. */
- Logger* logger_;
- /** The kinds of logged messages. */
- uint32_t logkinds_;
- /** The standard meta operation trigger stream. */
- std::ostream* stdmtrgstrm_;
- /** The standard meta operation trigger. */
- MetaTrigger* stdmtrigger_;
- /** The internal meta operation trigger. */
- MetaTrigger* mtrigger_;
- /** The custom compressor. */
- Compressor* zcomp_;
-} // common namespace
-#endif // duplication check