diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/encryption.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/encryption.cpp | 310 |
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/encryption.cpp b/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/encryption.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ede73c006a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/encryption.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +// (C) Artem Shpynov aka FYR and Igonin Vitaliy aka chaos.persei, 2007 - 2008
+#include "import.h"
+typedef struct{
+ void* (__stdcall *GenerateKey)(char* pwd);
+ void (__stdcall *FreeKey)(void* key);
+ void (__stdcall *EncryptMem)(BYTE* data, int size, void* key);
+ void (__stdcall *DecryptMem)(BYTE* data, int size, void* key);
+ char* Name;
+ char* Info;
+ char* Author;
+ char* Site;
+ char* Email;
+ DWORD Version;
+ WORD uid;
+} Cryptor;
+typedef struct{
+ char dllname[255];
+ Cryptor* cryptor;
+} CryptoModule;
+BOOL CALLBACK DlgStdInProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+char encryptKey[255];
+size_t encryptKeyLength;
+int wrongPass = 0;
+void* key;
+Cryptor* CryptoEngine = NULL;
+int ModulesCount = 0;
+CryptoModule* Modules[100];
+void zero_fill(BYTE * pBuf, size_t bufSize)
+ size_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < bufSize; i++)
+ pBuf[i] = 0;
+void InitSecurity()
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ Cryptor* (__stdcall *GetCryptor)();
+ {
+ TCHAR szMirandaDir[MAX_PATH];
+ TCHAR *str2;
+ szMirandaDir[ 0 ] = 0;
+ GetModuleFileName(NULL,szMirandaDir,SIZEOF(szMirandaDir));
+ str2 = _tcsrchr(szMirandaDir,'\\');
+ if ( str2 != NULL )
+ *str2=0;
+ _tchdir(szMirandaDir);
+ }
+ hFile = FindFirstFileA(".\\plugins\\cryptors\\*.dll", &fd);
+ AddMessage(LPGEN("Scanning cryptors directory"));
+ ModulesCount = 0;
+ while (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ char tmp[MAX_PATH], buf[255];
+ strcpy(tmp, ".\\plugins\\cryptors\\");
+ strcat(tmp, fd.cFileName);
+ hLib = LoadLibraryA(tmp);
+ if(hLib){
+ GetCryptor = (Cryptor* (__stdcall *)()) GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetCryptor");
+ if(GetCryptor){
+ //TCHAR Name[100], Version[100], DllName[100];
+ Modules[ModulesCount] = (CryptoModule*) malloc(sizeof(CryptoModule));
+ Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor = GetCryptor();
+ strcpy(Modules[ModulesCount]->dllname, fd.cFileName);
+ Modules[ModulesCount]->hLib = hLib;
+ _snprintf(buf,SIZEOF(buf),"%d.%d.%d.%d", HIBYTE(HIWORD(Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Version)), LOBYTE(HIWORD(Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Version)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Version)), LOBYTE(LOWORD(Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Version)));
+ // Unsane: none
+ mbstowcs(Name, Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Name, 100);
+ mbstowcs(Version, buf, 100);
+ mbstowcs(DllName, Modules[ModulesCount]->dllname, 100);
+ AddMessage(LPGEN("Cryptor loaded: %s [%s] (%s)"), Modules[ModulesCount]->cryptor->Name, buf, Modules[ModulesCount]->dllname);
+ ModulesCount++;
+ }else{
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ }
+ }
+ if(ModulesCount >= 100) break;
+ if (!FindNextFileA(hFile, &fd)) break;
+ }
+ AddMessage(LPGEN("%d crypto modules loaded"), ModulesCount);
+void UnloadSecurity()
+ int i;
+ if(CryptoEngine) CryptoEngine->FreeKey(key);
+ for(i = 0; i < ModulesCount; i++)
+ {
+ FreeLibrary(Modules[i]->hLib);
+ free(Modules[i]);
+ }
+void EncoderInit()
+ encryptKey[encryptKeyLength] = 0;
+ key = CryptoEngine->GenerateKey(encryptKey);
+void EncodeCopyMemory(BYTE * dst, void * src, size_t size )
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ CryptoEngine->EncryptMem(dst, (int)size, key);
+void DecodeCopyMemory(BYTE * dst, void * src, size_t size )
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ CryptoEngine->DecryptMem(dst, (int)size, key);
+void EncodeMemory(BYTE * mem, size_t size)
+ CryptoEngine->EncryptMem(mem, (int)size, key);
+void DecodeMemory(BYTE * mem, size_t size)
+ CryptoEngine->DecryptMem(mem, (int)size, key);
+int bCheckingPass = 0;
+int CheckPassword(WORD checkWord, WORD cryptorUID, TCHAR * szDBName)
+ WORD ver;
+ int res;
+ if(bCheckingPass) return 0;
+ bCheckingPass = 1;
+ {
+ int i;
+ int Found = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < ModulesCount; i++) {
+ if(cryptorUID == Modules[i]->cryptor->uid){
+ CryptoEngine = Modules[i]->cryptor;
+ Found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Found){
+ AddMessage(LPGEN("Sorry, but your database encrypted with unknown module"), MB_OK);
+ bCheckingPass = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ //wchar_t Name[100], Author[100];
+ // Unsane: none
+ AddMessage(LPGEN("Database encrypted with %s by %s"), CryptoEngine->Name, CryptoEngine->Author);
+ }
+ while(1){
+ res = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_LOGIN), NULL, (DLGPROC)DlgStdInProc, (LPARAM)szDBName);
+ if(res == IDCANCEL)
+ {
+ wrongPass = 0;
+ bCheckingPass = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(encryptKeyLength < 1) continue;
+ EncoderInit();
+ DecodeCopyMemory((BYTE*)&ver, &checkWord, sizeof(checkWord));
+ if(ver == 0x5195)
+ {
+ wrongPass = 0;
+ bCheckingPass = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ wrongPass++;
+ }
+ bCheckingPass = 0;
+UINT oldLangID = 0;
+void LanguageChanged(HWND hDlg)
+ UINT LangID = (UINT)GetKeyboardLayout(0);
+ char Lang[3] = {0};
+ if (LangID != oldLangID)
+ {
+ oldLangID = LangID;
+ GetLocaleInfoA(MAKELCID((LangID & 0xffffffff), SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, Lang, 2);
+ SetDlgItemTextA(hDlg, IDC_LANG, Lang);
+ }
+ HICON hIcon = 0;
+ TCHAR tszHeaderTxt[256];
+ switch(uMsg)
+ {
+ {
+ HWND hwndCtrl;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hDlg);
+ hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_PASS));
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HEADERBAR), WM_SETICON, 0, (LPARAM)hIcon);
+ if (!wrongPass)
+ {
+ mir_sntprintf(tszHeaderTxt, SIZEOF(tszHeaderTxt), _T("%s\n%s"), TranslateT("Please type in your password for"), lParam);
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HEADERBAR), tszHeaderTxt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (wrongPass > 2)
+ {
+ hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USERPASS);
+ EnableWindow(hwndCtrl, FALSE);
+ hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK);
+ EnableWindow(hwndCtrl, FALSE);
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HEADERBAR), TranslateT("Too many errors!"));
+ }
+ else
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HEADERBAR), TranslateT("Password is not correct!"));
+ }
+ oldLangID = 0;
+ SetTimer(hDlg,1,200,NULL);
+ LanguageChanged(hDlg);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LANG))
+ {
+ SetTextColor((HDC)wParam, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
+ SetBkMode((HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT);
+ return (BOOL)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ {
+ UINT uid = LOWORD(wParam);
+ if(uid == IDOK){
+ if (!GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg,GWLP_USERDATA))
+ {
+ encryptKeyLength = GetDlgItemTextA(hDlg, IDC_USERPASS, encryptKey, 254);
+ EndDialog(hDlg,IDOK);
+ }else{
+ }
+ }else if(uid == IDCANCEL){
+ EndDialog(hDlg,IDCANCEL);
+ }
+ }
+ case WM_TIMER:
+ {
+ LanguageChanged(hDlg);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ {
+ KillTimer(hDlg, 1);
+ DestroyIcon(hIcon);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;