path: root/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/docs/dbx_mmap_sa-translation.txt b/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/docs/dbx_mmap_sa-translation.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a89cd1b8ea..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/docs/dbx_mmap_sa-translation.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-; Common strings that belong to many files
-;[%d crypto modules loaded]
-;[&Next >]
-;[< &Back]
-;[Added %d contacts and %d groups.]
-;[All Files]
-;[Change Password]
-;[Change password]
-;[Cryptor loaded: %s [%s] (%s)]
-;[Database encrypted with %s by %s]
-;[Database is Secured MMAP database]
-;[Import completed in %d seconds.]
-;[Importing groups.]
-;[Miranda Database Tool]
-;[Miranda MMAP Secured Database]
-;[Password is not correct!]
-;[Please type in your password for]
-;[Scanning cryptors directory]
-;[Secured MMAP: authorization successful]
-;[Sorry, but your database encrypted with unknown module]
-;[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
-;[Too many errors!]
-;[You are not authorized for access to Database]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/aggressive.cpp
-;[Aggressive: random junk at %08X: skipping]
-;[Aggressive: unlinked data at %08X: can't automatically place]
-;[Performing aggressive pass]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/contactchain.cpp
-;[Contact chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
-;[Contact count marked wrongly: correcting]
-;[Processing contact chain]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/disk.cpp
-;[Can't write to output file - disk full? (%u)]
-;[Can't write to working file, aggressive mode may be too aggressive now]
-;[Error reading, database truncated? (%u)]
-;[Invalid offset found]
-;[Invalid offset found (database truncated?)]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/eventchain.cpp
-;[Duplicate event was found: skipping]
-;[Event chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
-;[Event chain corrupted, trying to recover...]
-;[Event count marked wrongly: correcting]
-;[Event marked as first which is not: correcting]
-;[Event not backlinked correctly: fixing]
-;[Event position in chain is not correct]
-;[Event position in chain is not correct: fixing]
-;[Event position in chain is not correct: unable to fix]
-;[Extra flags found in event: removing]
-;[First event not marked as such: correcting]
-;[First unread event marked wrong: fixing]
-;[Infeasibly large event blob: skipping]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/finaltasks.cpp
-;[%s\\Backup (%d) of %s]
-;[%s\\Backup of %s]
-;[Errors were encountered, however you selected not to backup the original database. It is strongly recommended that you do so in case important data was omitted. Do you wish to keep a backup of the original database?]
-;[Processing final tasks]
-;[Unable to delete original file]
-;[Unable to rename original file]
-;[Unable to rename output file]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/finished.cpp
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/initialchecks.cpp
-;[ (Output).dat]
-;[<check only>]
-;[Can't create file mapping (%u)]
-;[Can't create map view of file (%u)]
-;[Can't create output file (%u)]
-;[Database is corrupted and too small to contain any recoverable data]
-;[Database is marked as belonging to an unknown version of Miranda]
-;[Database is newly created and has no data to process]
-;[Database signature is corrupted, automatic repair is impossible]
-;[Processing completed successfully]
-;[your database]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/modulechain.cpp
-;[Invalid module name offset, skipping data]
-;[Module chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
-;[Module name '%s' is not unique: %d duplicates found)]
-;[Processing module name chain]
-;[Unreasonably long module name, skipping]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/progress.cpp
-;[Click Next to continue]
-;[Processing has not yet completed, if you cancel now then the changes that have currently been made will be rolled back and the original database will be restored. Do you still want to cancel?]
-;[Processing has not yet completed, if you go back now then the changes that have currently been made will be rolled back and the original database will be restored. Do you still want to go back?]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/resource.rc
-;[Aggressively find corruption]
-;[All tasks have been completed.]
-;[Check consistency only]
-;[Cleaning Options]
-;[Click Next to try opening the file again, or click Back to select a new profile database to manipulate.]
-;[Convert old Unicode messages to UTF8]
-;[Converts history messages in pre-0.7 format (ANSI+UCS2) to the new UTF8 format supported by 0.7. Saves the database space in most cases (recommended).]
-;[Create backup]
-;[Creates a backup copy of the database before any of the requested changes are made.]
-;[Erase all histories]
-;[Error Opening Database]
-;[File Access Options]
-;[Just checks that the database is valid, without writing anything to the disk.]
-;[Launch Miranda with this profile]
-;[Launches Miranda with the profile that was just worked on.]
-;[Mark all events read]
-;[Marks all the history events as read. This will rectify any problems with old messages always appearing in the message window log box.]
-;[Please enter password for]
-;[Please wait while the requested operations are being performed.]
-;[Removes all the saved history for all contacts in the database.]
-;[Scans the database for data that is not linked to any other data. This requires more disk space and more time, so is only required if you suspect corruption.]
-;[Select Miranda Profile]
-;[Select the &profile database from the list below. If the database you wish to use is not listed here then click Other to browse your computer.]
-;[The file may be in use by a currently running copy of Miranda. Exit any running Mirandas and click Next to retry.]
-;[The processing of the database has been completed. Click Next to return to the start of the wizard to select another database to check, or click Finish to exit the wizard.]
-;[There was an error opening the profile database given.]
-;[This programme is licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public License.]
-;[To continue, click Next.]
-;[Using this Wizard you can compact your Miranda profile database to remove dead space created during normal usage, as well as repair a large number of issues that could affect the database.]
-;[Welcome to the Miranda Database Wizard]
-;[You can choose the Miranda profile database to compact or repair.]
-;[You can choose to remove information from the database while it is being processed.]
-;[You can select low level options to determine how the database is processed.]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/selectdb.cpp
-;[Miranda Databases (*.dat)]
-;[Total size]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/settingschain.cpp
-;[Empty settings group at %08X: skipping]
-;[Infeasibly large settings blob: skipping]
-;[Settings chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/user.cpp
-;[More than one user contact: keeping only first]
-;[Processing user data]
-;[User corrupted, this could cause major problems]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Dbtool/worker.cpp
-;[All tasks completed but with errors (%d)]
-;[All tasks completed successfully]
-;[Database worker thread activated]
-;[Elapsed time: %d sec]
-;[Processing aborted by user]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/main.cpp
-;[Added %s contact %s]
-;[Added %s contact %s, '%s']
-;[Added contact %u (found in history)]
-;[Failed to add %s contact %s]
-;[Ignored event from/to self]
-;[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/mirabilis.cpp
-;[Added %d events and skipped %d duplicates.]
-;[All groups may not have not been imported.]
-;[Attempting to parse group list, type %d.]
-;[Attempting to parse property block at offset %u.]
-;[Attempting to parse property block list at offset %u.]
-;[Attempting to parse sub list at offset %u.]
-;[Attempting to parse wav file list at offset %u.]
-;[ERROR: An error occurred while importing groups.]
-;[ERROR: Failed to find contact list groups.]
-;[ERROR: Failed to find owner information.]
-;[Error: Unknown datatype (%u) at offset %u.]
-;[Error: Unknown sub list type (%u) at offset %u.]
-;[Failed to open database file]
-;[Failed to open index file]
-;[Failed to read Property block.]
-;[Group import was not completed.]
-;[ICQ account is not installed.]
-;[Ignoring msg from user %d at ofs %d.]
-;[Ignoring msg with no text from %d ofs %d.]
-;[Import aborted]
-;[Importing contacts]
-;[Importing history (this may take a while)]
-;[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes]
-;[Mirabilis Import]
-;[No ICQ contacts or history will be imported.]
-;[Skipping 'Auth. accepted' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Auth. denied' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Birthday' msg (?), ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Chat request' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Contact' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Email Express' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Phonecall' msg (?), ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'Request for auth.' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'SMS' msg (?), ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'System message', ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'WWW Pager' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 'You were added' msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 29 msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping 32 msg, ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping contact with unsupported version.]
-;[Skipping duplicate ICQ contact %u]
-;[Skipping duplicate ICQ contact %u, %s]
-;[Skipping event with ID < 2001.]
-;[Skipping file message offset %d.]
-;[Skipping inactive contact.]
-;[Skipping message type 0xE3 at offset %d.]
-;[Skipping non-ICQ contact %u.]
-;[Skipping unknown 0xE0 subtype (%d), ofs %d.]
-;[Skipping unknown event type %d at offset %d.]
-;[Skipping unrecognizable contact.]
-;[This database does not contain any contact groups.]
-;[This database is an unknown version.]
-;[This looks like a ICQ 2000a database.]
-;[This looks like a ICQ 2000b database.]
-;[This looks like a ICQ 2001, 2002 or 2003a database.]
-;[This looks like a ICQ 99a database.]
-;[This looks like a ICQ 99b database.]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/miranda.cpp
-;[Added %d contacts, %d groups and %d events.]
-;[Could not open file.]
-;[DEBUG: Deleted setting treated as 0-length setting]
-;[ERROR: Chain broken, no valid contact at %d]
-;[ERROR: Faulty settings chain]
-;[Failed to add message]
-;[Failed to find module %s]
-;[Failed to find setting %s]
-;[Found module: %s]
-;[Getting type %u value for setting: %s]
-;[Group import failed.]
-;[Ignoring module: %s]
-;[Ignoring setting: %s]
-;[Importing contacts.]
-;[Importing history.]
-;[Importing system history.]
-;[Miranda IM database]
-;[Miranda Import]
-;[Modulename corrupted]
-;[No owner found.]
-;[Number of contacts in database: %d]
-;[Read failure.]
-;[Signature mismatch]
-;[Skipped %d contacts.]
-;[Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.]
-;[Skipped %d duplicates.]
-;[Skipping %s contact, ID not found]
-;[Skipping contact with no protocol]
-;[Skipping contact, %s not installed.]
-;[Skipping duplicate %s contact %s]
-;[Skipping history import.]
-;[Skipping new contacts import.]
-;[Skipping non-IM contact (%s)]
-;[Skipping system history import.]
-;[This is not a valid Miranda IM database.]
-;[This looks like a Miranda database, version or above.]
-;[Unknown error while adding %s contact %s]
-;[Version mismatch]
-;[Warning: Found module with no name]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/resource.rc
-;[&Other Database...]
-;[&Other Profile...]
-;[Choose how you would like to import:]
-;[Click \"Next\" to choose the information you wish to import, or click \"Cancel\" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
-;[Custom import]
-;[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
-;[File Transfers]
-;[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
-;[From a Miranda IM database.]
-;[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
-;[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the \"ICQ Contacts\" page in the Miranda options.]
-;[If you wish to import more information, click \"Next\" to return to the start of the wizard, otherwise click \"Finish\" to start using Miranda.]
-;[Import Information Wizard]
-;[Import all contacts and all messages]
-;[Import completed]
-;[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.]
-;[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Database\" if your database is not listed.]
-;[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Profile\" if your profile is not listed, or if the list is empty.]
-;[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
-;[New contacts && groups]
-;[Now importing...]
-;[Only import contacts]
-;[Only since:]
-;[Select items to import:]
-;[Select this if you want to cutomize what to import.]
-;[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
-;[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
-;[System history]
-;[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
-;[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
-;[Warning: Mirabilis ICQ running. Import may not be reliable.]
-;[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Import_SA/wizard.cpp
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/database.cpp
-;[Database Error]
-;[Database Panic]
-;[Database failure. Miranda will now shutdown.]
-;[Disk is full. Miranda will now shutdown.]
-;[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. This corruption maybe fixed by DBTool. Please download it from Miranda will now shutdown.]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/db3x_mmap.rc
-;[&Allow all further changes to this section]
-;[&View contents]
-;[A file containing new database settings has been placed in the Miranda IM directory.]
-;[Cancel Import]
-;[Database Import Complete]
-;[Database Setting Change]
-;[Database encryption]
-;[Database settings are being imported from]
-;[Do you want to allow this change?]
-;[Do you want to import the settings now?]
-;[Install Database Settings]
-;[Login to Miranda IM]
-;[New password]
-;[No to all]
-;[Old password]
-;[Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are not known to be safe.]
-;[The import has completed from]
-;[This file wishes to change the setting]
-;[Unique ID:]
-;[What do you want to do with the file now?]
-;[to the value]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/dialogs.cpp
-;[Database Features]
-;[Password is too short!]
-;[Passwords do not match!]
-;[Please enter your new password]
-;[Set password]
-;[Wrong password!]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/init.cpp
-;[Running mmap_sa is forbidden under license violating products, sorry]
-; ../../plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/security.cpp
-;[Crypto module hasn't been chosen, using first one found]
-;[Crypto modules not found]
-;[DB is already secured!]
-;[Set Password]
-;[current database]