path: root/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/CustomizeToolbar.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/CustomizeToolbar.pas')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/CustomizeToolbar.pas b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/CustomizeToolbar.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9637ac0706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/CustomizeToolbar.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+ History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov.
+ History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+unit CustomizeToolbar;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Dialogs, CommCtrl,
+ Forms, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CheckLst, Buttons,
+ hpp_global, HistoryControls,
+ m_api, hpp_forms;
+ TfmCustomizeToolbar = class(TForm)
+ bnAdd: TButton;
+ bnRemove: TButton;
+ lbAdded: TListBox;
+ lbAvailable: TListBox;
+ laAvailable: TLabel;
+ laAdded: TLabel;
+ bnUp: TButton;
+ bnDown: TButton;
+ Bevel1: TBevel;
+ bnOK: TButton;
+ bnCancel: TButton;
+ bnReset: TButton;
+ tiScroll: TTimer;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure lbAvailableDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect;
+ State: TOwnerDrawState);
+ procedure lbAddedDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
+ var Accept: Boolean);
+ procedure lbAddedDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure lbAvailableDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
+ var Accept: Boolean);
+ procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ procedure lbAvailableDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure bnResetClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure OnWMChar(var Message: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR;
+ procedure bnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tiScrollTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure lbAvailableClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnUpClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnDownClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ ItemBmp: TBitmap;
+ DragOverIndex: Integer;
+ TimerScrollDirection: Integer;
+ procedure FillButtons;
+ procedure UpdateControlButtons;
+ procedure TranslateForm;
+ procedure AddItem(src: Integer; dst: Integer = -1);
+ procedure RemoveItem(src: Integer);
+ function GenerateToolbarString: AnsiString;
+ procedure SaveToolbar(ToolbarStr: AnsiString);
+ procedure HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_ICONS2CHANGED;
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ end;
+ fmCustomizeToolbar: TfmCustomizeToolbar = nil;
+uses HistoryForm, hpp_database, hpp_options;
+{$R *.dfm}
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAddedDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+ src, dst: Integer;
+ tiScroll.Enabled := False;
+ if Source = lbAvailable then
+ begin
+ src := lbAvailable.ItemIndex;
+ dst := lbAdded.ItemAtPos(Point(X, Y), False);
+ AddItem(src, dst);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ src := lbAdded.ItemIndex;
+ dst := lbAdded.ItemAtPos(Point(X, Y), True);
+ lbAdded.Items.Move(src, dst);
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := dst;
+ end;
+ lbAdded.SetFocus;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAddedDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
+ State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
+ idx: Integer;
+ r: TRect;
+ Accept := True;
+ if (lbAdded.ClientHeight - Y) < 10 then
+ TimerScrollDirection := 1
+ else if Y < 10 then
+ TimerScrollDirection := 2
+ else
+ TimerScrollDirection := 0;
+ tiScroll.Enabled := (TimerScrollDirection <> 0);
+ idx := DragOverIndex;
+ if idx = lbAdded.Count then
+ Dec(idx);
+ r := lbAdded.ItemRect(idx);
+ InvalidateRect(lbAdded.Handle, @r, False);
+ DragOverIndex := lbAdded.ItemAtPos(Point(X, Y), False);
+ idx := DragOverIndex;
+ if idx = lbAdded.Count then
+ Dec(idx);
+ r := lbAdded.ItemRect(idx);
+ InvalidateRect(lbAdded.Handle, @r, False);
+ lbAdded.Update;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAvailableClick(Sender: TObject);
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAvailableDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+ RemoveItem(lbAdded.ItemIndex);
+ lbAvailable.SetFocus;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAvailableDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
+ State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
+ Accept := (Source = lbAdded) and (lbAdded.ItemIndex <> -1);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.lbAvailableDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
+ Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
+ txtW: String;
+ r: TRect;
+ r2: TRect;
+ but: THppToolButton;
+ fm: THistoryFrm;
+ src, dst: Integer;
+ lb: TListBox;
+ can: TCanvas;
+ tf: DWord;
+ DrawLineTop, DrawLineBottom: Boolean;
+ if Control = lbAdded then
+ lb := lbAdded
+ else
+ lb := lbAvailable;
+ ItemBmp.Width := Rect.Right - Rect.Left;
+ ItemBmp.Height := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top;
+ can := ItemBmp.Canvas;
+ can.Font := lb.Font;
+ r := can.ClipRect;
+ if (odSelected in State) and (odFocused in State) then
+ begin
+ can.Brush.Color := clHighlight;
+ can.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ can.Brush.Color := clWindow;
+ can.Font.Color := clWindowText;
+ end;
+ can.FillRect(r);
+ txtW := lb.Items[Index];
+ if (odSelected in State) and (not(odFocused in State)) then
+ begin
+ r2 := r;
+ InflateRect(r2, -1, -1);
+ can.Pen.Color := clHighlight;
+ can.Rectangle(r2);
+ end;
+ if txtW <> '-' then
+ begin
+ r2 := r;
+ r2.Left := r2.Left + 20 + 4;
+ DrawText(can.Handle, PChar(txtW), Length(txtW), r2, tf);
+ r2 := Classes.Rect(r.Left + 2, r.Top + 2, r.Left + 20 + 2, r.Bottom - 2);
+ { can.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ can.FillRect(r2); }
+ fm := THistoryFrm(Owner);
+ if lb.Items.Objects[Index] is THppToolButton then
+ begin
+ but := THppToolButton(lb.Items.Objects[Index]);
+ ImageList_Draw(fm.ilToolbar.Handle, but.ImageIndex, can.Handle, r2.Left + 2, r2.Top + 2,
+ end
+ else if lb.Items.Objects[Index] = fm.tbEventsFilter then
+ begin
+ DrawIconEx(can.Handle, r2.Left + 2, r2.Top + 2, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW].Handle,
+ 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
+ end
+ else if lb.Items.Objects[Index] = fm.tbHistory then
+ begin
+ DrawIconEx(can.Handle, r2.Left + 2, r2.Top + 2, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].Handle,
+ 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r2 := Classes.Rect(r.Left, r.Top + ((r.Bottom - r.Top) div 2), r.Right, r.Bottom);
+ r2.Bottom := r2.Top + 1;
+ InflateRect(r2, -((r2.Right - r2.Left) div 10), 0);
+ can.Pen.Color := can.Font.Color;
+ can.MoveTo(r2.Left, r2.Top);
+ can.LineTo(r2.Right, r2.Top);
+ end;
+ if (lbAdded.Dragging) or (lbAvailable.Dragging) and (lb = lbAdded) then
+ begin
+ DrawLineTop := False;
+ DrawLineBottom := False;
+ dst := DragOverIndex;
+ can.Pen.Color := clHighlight;
+ if lbAdded.Dragging then
+ begin
+ src := lbAdded.ItemIndex;
+ if Index = dst then
+ begin
+ if (dst < src) then
+ DrawLineTop := True
+ else
+ DrawLineBottom := True
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Index = dst then
+ DrawLineTop := True;
+ end;
+ if (dst = lb.Count) and (Index = lb.Count - 1) then
+ DrawLineBottom := True;
+ if DrawLineTop then
+ begin
+ can.MoveTo(r.Left, r.Top);
+ can.LineTo(r.Right, r.Top);
+ end;
+ if DrawLineBottom then
+ begin
+ can.MoveTo(r.Left, r.Bottom - 1);
+ can.LineTo(r.Right, r.Bottom - 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ BitBlt(lb.Canvas.Handle,Rect.Left,Rect.Top,ItemBmp.Width,ItemBmp.Height,can.Handle,0,0,SRCCOPY);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.OnWMChar(var Message: TWMChar);
+ if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ with Message do
+ begin
+ Result := 1;
+ if (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and DLGC_WANTCHARS = 0) and
+ (GetParentForm(Self).Perform(CM_DIALOGCHAR, CharCode, KeyData) <> 0) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.RemoveItem(src: Integer);
+ if (src = -1) or (src > lbAdded.Count - 1) then
+ Exit;
+ if (lbAdded.Items.Objects[src] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // delete last item -- separator
+ lbAvailable.Items.Delete(lbAvailable.Items.Count - 1);
+ // add item
+ lbAvailable.AddItem(lbAdded.Items[src], lbAdded.Items.Objects[src]);
+ // sort
+ lbAvailable.Sorted := True;
+ lbAvailable.Sorted := False;
+ // add separator back
+ lbAvailable.AddItem('-', nil);
+ end;
+ lbAvailable.ItemIndex := lbAvailable.Items.IndexOfObject(lbAdded.Items.Objects[src]);
+ lbAdded.Items.Delete(src);
+ if src < lbAdded.Count then
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := src
+ else if src - 1 < lbAdded.Count then
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := src - 1;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.SaveToolbar(ToolbarStr: AnsiString);
+ if ToolbarStr = '' then
+ if ToolbarStr = DEF_HISTORY_TOOLBAR then
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(0, hppDBName, 'HistoryToolbar')
+ else
+ WriteDBStr(hppDBName, 'HistoryToolbar', ToolbarStr);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.tiScrollTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ case TimerScrollDirection of
+ 1: lbAdded.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
+ 2: lbAdded.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0)
+ else
+ tiScroll.Enabled := False;
+ end;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.AddItem(src, dst: Integer);
+ if (src = -1) or (src > lbAvailable.Count - 1) then
+ Exit;
+ lbAdded.AddItem(lbAvailable.Items[src], lbAvailable.Items.Objects[src]);
+ if lbAvailable.Items[src] <> '-' then
+ lbAvailable.Items.Delete(src);
+ if (dst <> lbAdded.Count - 1) and (dst <> -1) then
+ begin
+ lbAdded.Items.Move(lbAdded.Count - 1, dst);
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := dst;
+ end
+ else
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := lbAdded.Count - 1;
+ if src < lbAvailable.Count then
+ lbAvailable.ItemIndex := src
+ else if src - 1 < lbAvailable.Count then
+ lbAvailable.ItemIndex := src - 1;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
+ AddItem(lbAvailable.ItemIndex, lbAdded.ItemIndex);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.FillButtons;
+ i: Integer;
+ fm: THistoryFrm;
+ but: TControl;
+ txt: String;
+ lbAdded.Clear;
+ lbAvailable.Clear;
+ fm := THistoryFrm(Owner);
+ for i := 0 to fm.Toolbar.ButtonCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ but := fm.Toolbar.Buttons[i];
+ txt := '';
+ if but is THppToolButton then
+ begin
+ if THppToolButton(but).Style in [tbsSeparator, tbsDivider] then
+ txt := '-'
+ else
+ txt := THppToolButton(but).Hint
+ end
+ else if but = fm.tbEventsFilter then
+ txt := TranslateW('Event Filters')
+ else if but is TSpeedButton then
+ txt := TSpeedButton(but).Hint;
+ if txt <> '' then
+ begin
+ if but.Visible then
+ begin
+ if txt = '-' then
+ lbAdded.AddItem(txt, nil)
+ else
+ lbAdded.AddItem(txt, but);
+ end
+ else
+ lbAvailable.AddItem(txt, but);
+ end;
+ end;
+ lbAvailable.Sorted := True;
+ lbAvailable.Sorted := False;
+ lbAvailable.AddItem('-', nil);
+ if lbAdded.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := 0;
+ if Visible then
+ lbAdded.SetFocus
+ else
+ ActiveControl := lbAdded;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lbAvailable.ItemIndex := 0;
+ if Visible then
+ lbAvailable.SetFocus
+ else
+ ActiveControl := lbAvailable;
+ end;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ Action := caFree;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ fmCustomizeToolbar := Self;
+ DesktopFont := True;
+ MakeFontsParent(Self);
+ TranslateForm;
+ ItemBmp := TBitmap.Create;
+ FillButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ fmCustomizeToolbar := nil;
+ ItemBmp.Free;
+ try
+ THistoryFrm(Owner).CustomizeToolbarForm := nil;
+ except
+ // "eat" exceptions if any
+ end;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ Mask: Integer;
+ with Sender as TWinControl do
+ begin
+ if Perform(CM_CHILDKEY, Key, LPARAM(Sender)) <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ Mask := 0;
+ case Key of
+ end;
+ if (Mask <> 0) and (Perform(CM_WANTSPECIALKEY, Key, 0) = 0) and
+ (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and Mask = 0) and (Self.Perform(CM_DIALOGKEY, Key, 0) <> 0)
+ then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+function TfmCustomizeToolbar.GenerateToolbarString: AnsiString;
+ i: Integer;
+ but: TControl;
+ but_str: AnsiString;
+ fm: THistoryFrm;
+ Result := '';
+ fm := THistoryFrm(Owner);
+ for i := 0 to lbAdded.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ but := TControl(lbAdded.Items.Objects[i]);
+ if but = nil then but_str := ' '
+ else if but = fm.tbSessions then but_str := '[SESS]'
+ else if but = fm.tbBookmarks then but_str := '[BOOK]'
+ else if but = fm.tbSearch then but_str := '[SEARCH]'
+ else if but = fm.tbFilter then but_str := '[FILTER]'
+ else if but = fm.tbCopy then but_str := '[COPY]'
+ else if but = fm.tbDelete then but_str := '[DELETE]'
+ else if but = fm.tbSave then but_str := '[SAVE]'
+ else if but = fm.tbHistory then but_str := '[HISTORY]'
+ else if but = fm.tbHistorySearch then but_str := '[GLOBSEARCH]'
+ else if but = fm.tbEventsFilter then but_str := '[EVENTS]'
+ else if but = fm.tbUserMenu then but_str := '[USERMENU]'
+ else if but = fm.tbUserDetails then but_str := '[USERDETAILS]';
+ Result := Result + but_str;
+ end;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage);
+ lbAvailable.Repaint;
+ lbAdded.Repaint;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
+ SaveToolbar(GenerateToolbarString);
+ NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_TOOLBARCHANGED, 0, 0);
+ close;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
+ close;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnDownClick(Sender: TObject);
+ idx: Integer;
+ idx := lbAdded.ItemIndex;
+ if (idx < 0) or (idx > lbAdded.Count - 1) then
+ Exit;
+ lbAdded.Items.Move(idx, idx + 1);
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := idx + 1;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
+ RemoveItem(lbAdded.ItemIndex);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnResetClick(Sender: TObject);
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(0, hppDBName, 'HistoryToolbar');
+ NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_TOOLBARCHANGED, 0, 0);
+ FillButtons;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.bnUpClick(Sender: TObject);
+ idx: Integer;
+ idx := lbAdded.ItemIndex;
+ if idx < 1 then
+ Exit;
+ lbAdded.Items.Move(idx, idx - 1);
+ lbAdded.ItemIndex := idx - 1;
+ UpdateControlButtons;
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.TranslateForm;
+ Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(Caption);
+ laAvailable.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laAvailable.Caption);
+ laAdded.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laAdded.Caption);
+ bnOK.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnOK.Caption);
+ bnCancel.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnCancel.Caption);
+ bnReset.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnReset.Caption);
+ bnAdd.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnAdd.Caption);
+ bnRemove.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnRemove.Caption);
+ bnUp.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnUp.Caption);
+ bnDown.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnDown.Caption);
+procedure TfmCustomizeToolbar.UpdateControlButtons;
+ bnAdd.Enabled := (lbAvailable.ItemIndex <> -1);
+ bnRemove.Enabled := (lbAdded.ItemIndex <> -1);
+ bnUp.Enabled := (lbAdded.ItemIndex <> -1) and (lbAdded.ItemIndex > 0);
+ bnDown.Enabled := (lbAdded.ItemIndex <> -1) and (lbAdded.ItemIndex < lbAdded.Count - 1);
+ bnOK.Enabled := (lbAdded.Count > 0);