diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/HistoryForm.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/HistoryForm.pas | 4120 |
1 files changed, 4120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/HistoryForm.pas b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/HistoryForm.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e6e83eb404 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/HistoryForm.pas @@ -0,0 +1,4120 @@ +(*
+ History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov.
+ History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HistoryForm (historypp project)
+ Version: 1.4
+ Created: xx.03.2003
+ Author: Oxygen
+ [ Description ]
+ Main window with history listing
+ [ History ]
+ 1.4
+ - Fixed bug on closing history window with FindDialog opened
+ 1.3 ()
+ + Added XML export
+ + URL & File highlight handling
+ * "Reply Quoted" now is "Forward Message", and it forwards now,
+ instead of sending
+ - Fixed possible bug when opening hist. window and deleting contact
+ now hist. window closes on contact deletion.
+ 1.2
+ 1.1
+ 1.0 (xx.02.03) First version.
+ [ Modifications ]
+ * (29.05.2003) Added FindDialog.CloseDialog to Form.OnClose so now
+ closing history window without closing find dialog don't throws
+ exception
+ [ Known Issues ]
+ * Not very good support of EmailExpress events (togeter
+ with HistoryGrid.pas)
+ Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+unit HistoryForm;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, RichEdit,
+ Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons, StdCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls,
+ m_api,
+ hpp_global, hpp_database, hpp_messages, hpp_events, hpp_contacts, hpp_itemprocess,
+ hpp_bookmarks, hpp_forms, hpp_richedit, hpp_sessionsthread,
+ HistoryGrid, Checksum, DateUtils,
+ ImgList, HistoryControls, CommCtrl, ToolWin, ShellAPI, Themes;
+ TLastSearch = (lsNone, lsHotSearch, lsSearch);
+ TSearchMode = (smNone, smSearch, smFilter, smHotSearch);
+ // smHotSearch for possible future use
+ THistoryPanel = (hpSessions, hpBookmarks);
+ THistoryPanels = set of THistoryPanel;
+ THistoryFrm = class(TForm)
+ SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
+ pmGrid: TPopupMenu;
+ paClient: TPanel;
+ paGrid: TPanel;
+ hg: THistoryGrid;
+ sb: TStatusBar;
+ pmLink: TPopupMenu;
+ paSess: TPanel;
+ spHolder: TSplitter;
+ ilSessions: TImageList;
+ paSessInt: TPanel;
+ laSess: TLabel;
+ sbCloseSess: TSpeedButton;
+ N13: TMenuItem;
+ SaveSelected1: TMenuItem;
+ N2: TMenuItem;
+ Delete1: TMenuItem;
+ CopyText1: TMenuItem;
+ Copy1: TMenuItem;
+ N12: TMenuItem;
+ ReplyQuoted1: TMenuItem;
+ SendMessage1: TMenuItem;
+ N8: TMenuItem;
+ Details1: TMenuItem;
+ CopyLink: TMenuItem;
+ N1: TMenuItem;
+ OpenLinkNW: TMenuItem;
+ OpenLink: TMenuItem;
+ ContactRTLmode: TMenuItem;
+ ANSICodepage: TMenuItem;
+ RTLDisabled2: TMenuItem;
+ RTLEnabled2: TMenuItem;
+ RTLDefault2: TMenuItem;
+ SystemCodepage: TMenuItem;
+ sbClearFilter: TSpeedButton;
+ pbFilter: TPaintBox;
+ tiFilter: TTimer;
+ ilToolbar: TImageList;
+ Toolbar: THppToolBar;
+ paPassHolder: TPanel;
+ paPassword: TPanel;
+ laPass: TLabel;
+ Image1: TImage;
+ laPass2: TLabel;
+ edPass: TEdit;
+ bnPass: TButton;
+ pmHistory: TPopupMenu;
+ SaveasMContacts2: TMenuItem;
+ SaveasRTF2: TMenuItem;
+ SaveasXML2: TMenuItem;
+ SaveasHTML2: TMenuItem;
+ SaveasText2: TMenuItem;
+ tbSearch: THppToolButton;
+ ToolButton3: THppToolButton;
+ paSearch: TPanel;
+ tbFilter: THppToolButton;
+ tbDelete: THppToolButton;
+ tbSessions: THppToolButton;
+ ToolButton2: THppToolButton;
+ paSearchStatus: TPanel;
+ laSearchState: TLabel;
+ paSearchPanel: TPanel;
+ sbSearchNext: TSpeedButton;
+ sbSearchPrev: TSpeedButton;
+ edSearch: THppEdit;
+ pbSearch: TPaintBox;
+ tvSess: TTreeView;
+ tbSave: THppToolButton;
+ tbCopy: THppToolButton;
+ tbHistorySearch: THppToolButton;
+ imSearchEndOfPage: TImage;
+ imSearchNotFound: TImage;
+ ToolButton4: THppToolButton;
+ N4: TMenuItem;
+ EmptyHistory1: TMenuItem;
+ pmEventsFilter: TPopupMenu;
+ ShowAll1: TMenuItem;
+ Customize1: TMenuItem;
+ N6: TMenuItem;
+ Passwordprotection1: TMenuItem;
+ TopPanel: TPanel;
+ paSearchButtons: TPanel;
+ pmSessions: TPopupMenu;
+ SessCopy: TMenuItem;
+ SessSelect: TMenuItem;
+ SessDelete: TMenuItem;
+ N7: TMenuItem;
+ SessSave: TMenuItem;
+ tbUserMenu: THppToolButton;
+ tbUserDetails: THppToolButton;
+ ToolButton1: THppToolButton;
+ tbEventsFilter: TSpeedButton;
+ ToolButton5: THppToolButton;
+ pmToolbar: TPopupMenu;
+ Customize2: TMenuItem;
+ Bookmark1: TMenuItem;
+ paBook: TPanel;
+ paBookInt: TPanel;
+ laBook: TLabel;
+ sbCloseBook: TSpeedButton;
+ lvBook: TListView;
+ ilBook: TImageList;
+ tbBookmarks: THppToolButton;
+ pmBook: TPopupMenu;
+ DeleteBookmark1: TMenuItem;
+ N3: TMenuItem;
+ SaveSelected2: TMenuItem;
+ N11: TMenuItem;
+ RenameBookmark1: TMenuItem;
+ pmInline: TPopupMenu;
+ InlineReplyQuoted: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItem6: TMenuItem;
+ InlineCopy: TMenuItem;
+ InlineCopyAll: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItem10: TMenuItem;
+ InlineSelectAll: TMenuItem;
+ InlineTextFormatting: TMenuItem;
+ InlineSendMessage: TMenuItem;
+ N5: TMenuItem;
+ mmAcc: TMainMenu;
+ mmToolbar: TMenuItem;
+ mmService: TMenuItem;
+ mmHideMenu: TMenuItem;
+ mmShortcuts: TMenuItem;
+ mmBookmark: TMenuItem;
+ SelectAll1: TMenuItem;
+ tbHistory: THppToolButton;
+ paHolder: TPanel;
+ spBook: TSplitter;
+ UnknownCodepage: TMenuItem;
+ OpenFileFolder: TMenuItem;
+ BrowseReceivedFiles: TMenuItem;
+ N9: TMenuItem;
+ CopyFilename: TMenuItem;
+ FileActions: TMenuItem;
+ N10: TMenuItem;
+ pmFile: TPopupMenu;
+ SpeakMessage1: TMenuItem;
+ procedure tbHistoryClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SaveasText2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SaveasMContacts2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SaveasRTF2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SaveasXML2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SaveasHTML2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbSessionsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pbSearchStatePaint(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure sbSearchPrevClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure sbSearchNextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure edSearchChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgChar(Sender: TObject; var achar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure edSearchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure edSearchKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure tbSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pbSearchPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure paPassHolderResize(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tvSessMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ // procedure tvSessClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure sbCloseSessClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgItemFilter(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Show: Boolean);
+ procedure tvSessChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
+ // procedure bnConversationClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure LoadHistory(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure OnCNChar(var Message: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
+ MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
+ procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgItemData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: THistoryItem);
+ procedure hgTranslateTime(Sender: TObject; Time: Cardinal; var Text: String);
+ procedure hgPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgSearchFinished(Sender: TObject; Text: String; Found: Boolean);
+ procedure hgDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgItemDelete(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer);
+ procedure tbCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Details1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure hgState(Sender: TObject; State: TGridState);
+ procedure hgSelect(Sender: TObject; Item, OldItem: Integer);
+ procedure hgXMLData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TXMLItem);
+ procedure hgMCData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TMCItem; Stage: TSaveStage);
+ procedure OpenLinkClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure OpenLinkNWClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CopyLinkClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bnPassClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure edPassKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure edPassKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ procedure CopyText1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgUrlClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton);
+ procedure hgProcessRichText(Sender: TObject; Handle: THandle; Item: Integer);
+ procedure hgSearchItem(Sender: TObject; Item, ID: Integer; var Found: Boolean);
+ procedure hgKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure ContactRTLmode1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SendMessage1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ReplyQuoted1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CodepageChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure sbClearFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pbFilterPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure StartHotFilterTimer;
+ procedure EndHotFilterTimer(DoClearFilter: Boolean = False);
+ procedure tiFilterTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbHistorySearchClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure EmptyHistory1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure EventsFilterItemClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Passwordprotection1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SessSelectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pmGridPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pmHistoryPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbUserMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tvSessGetSelectedIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
+ procedure Customize1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbEventsFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgRTLEnabled(Sender: TObject; BiDiMode: TBiDiMode);
+ procedure ToolbarDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Customize2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bookmark1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tbUserDetailsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgBookmarkClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer);
+ procedure tbBookmarksClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure sbCloseBookClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure lvBookSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
+ procedure lvBookContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
+ procedure lvBookEdited(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var S: String);
+ procedure RenameBookmark1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgProcessInlineChange(Sender: TObject; Enabled: Boolean);
+ procedure hgInlinePopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure InlineCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure InlineCopyAllClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure InlineSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure InlineTextFormattingClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgInlineKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure InlineReplyQuotedClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pmEventsFilterPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mmToolbarClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure mmHideMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure lvBookKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure tvSessKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure paHolderResize(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure spBookMoved(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure pmToolbarPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgFilterChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure OpenFileFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure BrowseReceivedFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SpeakMessage1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure hgOptionsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ DelayedFilter: TMessageTypes;
+ StartTimestamp: DWord;
+ EndTimestamp: DWord;
+ FhContact, FhSubContact: THandle;
+ FProtocol, FSubProtocol: AnsiString;
+ FPasswordMode: Boolean;
+ SavedLinkUrl: String;
+ SavedFileDir: String;
+ HotFilterString: String;
+ FormState: TGridState;
+ PreHotSearchMode: TSearchMode;
+ FSearchMode: TSearchMode;
+ UserMenu: hMenu;
+ FPanel: THistoryPanels;
+ IsLoadingSessions: Boolean;
+ procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); message WM_GETMINMAXINFO;
+ procedure CMShowingChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SHOWINGCHANGED;
+ procedure WMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE;
+ procedure LoadPosition;
+ procedure SavePosition;
+ procedure HMEventAdded(var Message: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_EVENTADDED;
+ procedure HMEventDeleted(var Message: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_EVENTDELETED;
+ procedure HMPreShutdown(var Message: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_PRESHUTDOWN;
+ procedure HMContactDeleted(var Message: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_CONTACTDELETED;
+ procedure HMMetaDefaultChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_METADEFCHANGED;
+ procedure HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_ICONS2CHANGED;
+ procedure HMAccChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED;
+ procedure HMNickChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_NICKCHANGED;
+ procedure OpenDetails(Item: Integer);
+ procedure SetPasswordMode(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure ProcessPassword;
+ procedure TranslateForm;
+ procedure SethContact(const Value: THandle);
+ procedure LoadInOptions();
+ function IsFileEvent(Index: Integer): Boolean;
+ procedure PreLoadHistory;
+ procedure PostLoadHistory;
+ procedure SetSearchMode(const Value: TSearchMode);
+ procedure SetPanel(const Value: THistoryPanels);
+ procedure ToggleMainMenu(Enabled: Boolean);
+ protected
+ procedure LoadPendingHeaders(rowidx: Integer; count: Integer);
+ property SearchMode: TSearchMode read FSearchMode write SetSearchMode;
+ property Panel: THistoryPanels read FPanel write SetPanel;
+ procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
+ public
+ UserCodepage: Cardinal;
+ UseDefaultCP: Boolean;
+ LastSearch: TLastSearch;
+ HotString: String;
+ LastHotIdx: Integer;
+ EventDetailForm: TForm;
+ CustomizeFiltersForm: TForm;
+ CustomizeToolbarForm: TForm;
+ WindowList: TList;
+ History: array of THandle;
+ HistoryLength: Integer;
+ RecentFormat: TSaveFormat;
+ SessThread: TSessionsThread;
+ Sessions: TSessArray;
+ SeparatorButtonWidth: Integer;
+ procedure SearchNext(Rev: Boolean; Warp: Boolean = True);
+ procedure DeleteHistoryItem(ItemIdx: Integer);
+ procedure AddHistoryItem(hDBEvent: THandle);
+ procedure Load;
+ function GridIndexToHistory(Index: Integer): Integer;
+ function HistoryIndexToGrid(Index: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetItemData(Index: Integer): THistoryItem;
+ procedure ReplyQuoted(Item: Integer);
+ procedure OpenPassword;
+ procedure EmptyHistory;
+ procedure SMPrepare(var M: TMessage); message HM_SESS_PREPARE;
+ procedure SMItemsFound(var M: TMessage); message HM_SESS_ITEMSFOUND;
+ procedure SMFinished(var M: TMessage); message HM_SESS_FINISHED;
+ procedure AddEventToSessions(hDBEvent: THandle);
+ procedure DeleteEventFromSessions(ItemIdx: Integer);
+ procedure LoadSessionIcons;
+ procedure LoadBookIcons;
+ procedure LoadToolbarIcons;
+ procedure LoadEventFilterButton;
+ procedure LoadButtonIcons;
+ procedure CustomizeToolbar;
+ procedure LoadToolbar;
+ procedure LoadAccMenu;
+ procedure HMToolbarChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_TOOLBARCHANGED;
+ procedure SetRecentEventsPosition(OnTop: Boolean);
+ procedure Search(Next: Boolean; FromNext: Boolean = False);
+ procedure ShowAllEvents;
+ procedure ShowItem(Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetEventFilter(FilterIndex: Integer = -1; DelayApply: Boolean = False);
+ procedure CreateEventsFilterMenu;
+ procedure HMFiltersChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_FILTERSCHANGED;
+ procedure FillBookmarks;
+ procedure HMBookmarkChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_BOOKMARKCHANGED;
+ property PasswordMode: Boolean read FPasswordMode write SetPasswordMode;
+ property hContact: THandle read FhContact write SethContact;
+ property Protocol: AnsiString read FProtocol;
+ property hSubContact: THandle read FhSubContact;
+ property SubProtocol: AnsiString read FSubProtocol;
+ published
+ procedure AlignControls(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); override;
+ end;
+ HistoryFrm: THistoryFrm;
+ // function ParseUrlItem(Item: THistoryItem; out Url,Mes: WideString): Boolean;
+ // function ParseFileItem(Item: THistoryItem; out FileName,Mes: WideString): Boolean;
+uses EventDetailForm, PassForm, hpp_options, hpp_services, hpp_eventfilters,
+ CustomizeFiltersForm, CustomizeToolbar;
+{$R *.DFM}
+{$include inc\m_speak.inc}
+ HPP_SESS_DAYFORMAT = 'd (h:nn)';
+function Max(a, b: Integer): Integer;
+ if b > a then
+ Result := b
+ else
+ Result := a
+function NotZero(X: THandle): THandle;
+// used that array doesn't store 0 for already loaded data
+ if X = 0 then
+ Result := 1
+ else
+ Result := X
+{ function ParseUrlItem(Item: THistoryItem; out Url,Mes: WideString): Boolean;
+ var
+ tmp1,tmp2: WideString;
+ n: Integer;
+ begin
+ Url := '';
+ Mes := '';
+ Result := False;
+ if not (mtUrl in Item.MessageType) then exit;
+ tmp1 := Item.Text;
+ if tmp1 = '' then exit;
+ Result := True;
+ n := Pos(#10,tmp1);
+ if n <> 0 then begin
+ tmp2 := Copy(tmp1,1,n-2);
+ Delete(tmp1,1,n);
+ end else begin
+ tmp2 := tmp1;
+ tmp1 := '';
+ end;
+ Mes := tmp1;
+ n := Pos(':',tmp2);
+ if n <> 0 then begin
+ tmp2 := Copy(tmp2,n+2,Length(tmp2));
+ end else begin
+ Result := False;
+ tmp2 := '';
+ end;
+ url := tmp2;
+ end; }
+{ function ParseFileItem(Item: THistoryItem; out FileName,Mes: WideString): Boolean;
+ var
+ tmp1,tmp2: AnsiString;
+ n: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ FileName := '';
+ Mes := '';
+ if not (mtFile in Item.MessageType) then exit;
+ tmp1 := Item.Text;
+ n := Pos(#10,tmp1);
+ if n <> 0 then begin
+ Delete(tmp1,1,n)
+ end else
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ n := Pos(#10,tmp1);
+ if n <> 0 then begin
+ tmp2 := tmp1;
+ tmp1 := Copy(tmp2,1,n-2);
+ Delete(tmp2,1,n);
+ end;
+ Mes := tmp2;
+ FileName := tmp1;
+ end; }
+{ function GetEventInfo(hDBEvent: DWord): TDBEVENTINFO;
+ var
+ BlobSize:Integer;
+ begin
+ ZeroMemory(@Result,SizeOf(Result));
+ Result.cbSize:=SizeOf(Result);
+ Result.pBlob:=nil;
+ BlobSize:=CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE,hDBEvent,0);
+ GetMem(Result.pBlob,BlobSize);
+ Result.cbBlob:=BlobSize;
+ CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET,hDBEvent,LPARAM(@Result));
+ end; }
+ This function gets only name of the file
+ and tries to make it FAT-happy, so we trim out and
+ ":"-s, "\"-s and so on...
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadHistory(Sender: TObject);
+// Load the History from the Database and Display it in the grid
+ procedure FastLoadHandles;
+ var
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ LineIdx: Integer;
+ ToRead: Integer;
+ begin
+ HistoryLength := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETCOUNT, hContact, 0);
+ if HistoryLength = -1 then
+ begin
+ // contact is missing
+ // or other error ?
+ HistoryLength := 0;
+ end;
+ SetLength(History, HistoryLength);
+ if HistoryLength = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST, hContact, 0);
+ History[HistoryLength - 1] := NotZero(hDBEvent);
+ { if NeedhDBEvent = 0 then toRead := Max(0,HistoryLength-hppLoadBlock-1)
+ else toRead := 0; }
+ ToRead := Max(0, HistoryLength - hppFirstLoadBlock - 1);
+ LineIdx := HistoryLength - 2;
+ repeat
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV, hDBEvent, 0);
+ History[LineIdx] := NotZero(hDBEvent);
+ { if NeedhDBEvent = hDbEvent then begin
+ Result := HistoryLength-LineIdx-1;
+ toRead := Max(0,Result-hppLoadBlock shr 1);
+ end; }
+ dec(LineIdx);
+ until LineIdx < ToRead;
+ end;
+ FastLoadHandles;
+ hg.Contact := hContact;
+ hg.Protocol := Protocol;
+ // hContact,hSubContact,Protocol,SubProtocol should be
+ // already filled by calling hContact := Value;
+ hg.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, SubProtocol);
+ hg.ContactName := GetContactDisplayName(hContact, Protocol, True);
+ UserCodepage := GetContactCodePage(hContact, Protocol, UseDefaultCP);
+ hg.Codepage := UserCodepage;
+ hg.RTLMode := GetContactRTLModeTRTL(hContact, Protocol);
+ UnknownCodepage.Tag := Integer(UserCodepage);
+ UnknownCodepage.Caption := Format(TranslateW('Unknown codepage %u'), [UserCodepage]);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ Caption := TranslateW('System History')
+ else
+ Caption := Format(TranslateW('%s - History++'), [hg.ContactName]);
+ hg.Allocate(HistoryLength);
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ i: Integer;
+ mi: TMenuItem;
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ Icon.ReleaseHandle;
+ Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].Handle);
+ // delphi 2006 doesn't save toolbar's flat property in dfm if it is True
+ // delphi 2006 doesn't save toolbar's edgeborder property in dfm
+ Toolbar.Flat := True;
+ Toolbar.EdgeBorders := [];
+ LoadToolbarIcons;
+ LoadButtonIcons;
+ LoadSessionIcons;
+ LoadBookIcons;
+ Image1.Picture.Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIntIcons[0].Handle);
+ DesktopFont := True;
+ MakeFontsParent(Self);
+ DoubleBuffered := True;
+ MakeDoubleBufferedParent(Self);
+ TopPanel.DoubleBuffered := False;
+ hg.DoubleBuffered := False;
+ IsLoadingSessions := False;
+ SessThread := nil;
+ FormState := gsIdle;
+ DelayedFilter := [];
+ // if we do so, we'll never get selected if filters match
+ // hg.Filter := GenerateEvents(FM_EXCLUDE,[]);
+ for i := 0 to High(cpTable) do
+ begin
+ mi := NewItem(cpTable[i].name, 0, False, True, nil, 0, 'cp' + intToStr(i));
+ mi.Tag := cpTable[i].cp;
+ mi.OnClick := CodepageChangeClick;
+ mi.AutoCheck := True;
+ mi.RadioItem := True;
+ ANSICodepage.Add(mi);
+ end;
+ TranslateForm;
+ // File actions from context menu support
+ AddMenuArray(pmGrid, [FileActions], -1);
+ LoadAccMenu; // load accessability menu before LoadToolbar
+ // put here because we want to translate everything
+ // before copying to menu
+ // cbFilter.ItemIndex := 0;
+ RecentFormat := sfHtml;
+ // hg.InlineRichEdit.PopupMenu := pmGridInline;
+ // for i := 0 to pmOptions.Items.Count-1 do
+ // pmOptions.Items.Remove(pmOptions.Items[0]);
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadPosition;
+// load last position and filter setting
+// var
+// filt: Integer;
+// w,h,l,t: Integer;
+ // removed Utils_RestoreWindowPosition because it shows window sooner than we expect
+ Utils_RestoreFormPosition(Self, 0, hppDBName, 'HistoryWindow.');
+ SearchMode := TSearchMode(GetDBByte(hppDBName, 'SearchMode', 0));
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadSessionIcons;
+ il: THandle;
+ tvSess.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ ImageList_Remove(ilSessions.Handle, -1); // clears image list
+ il := ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 or ILC_MASK, 8, 2);
+ if il <> 0 then
+ ilSessions.Handle := il
+ else
+ il := ilSessions.Handle;
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESSION].Handle);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_SUMMER].Handle);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_AUTUMN].Handle);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_WINTER].Handle);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_SPRING].Handle);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_YEAR].Handle);
+ finally
+ tvSess.Items.EndUpdate;
+ // tvSess.Update;
+ end;
+ // simple hack to avoid dark icons
+ ilSessions.BkColor := tvSess.Color;
+// to do:
+// SAVEALL (???)
+// SENDMES (???)
+// REPLQUOTED (???)
+// COPYTEXT (???)
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadToolbar;
+ tool: array of TControl;
+ i, n: Integer;
+ tb_butt: THppToolButton;
+ butt: TControl;
+ butt_str, tb_str, str: String;
+ tb_str := String(GetDBStr(hppDBName, 'HistoryToolbar', DEF_HISTORY_TOOLBAR));
+ if (tb_str = '') then
+ begin // toolbar is disabled
+ Toolbar.Visible := False;
+ // should add "else T.Visible := True" to make it dynamic in run-time, but I will ignore it
+ // you can never know which Toolbar bugs & quirks you'll trigger with it :)
+ end;
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ tb_str := StringReplace(tb_str, '[SESS]', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
+ // tb_str := StringReplace(tb_str,'[BOOK]','',[rfReplaceAll]);
+ // tb_str := StringReplace(tb_str,'[EVENTS]','',[rfReplaceAll]);
+ end;
+ str := tb_str;
+ i := 0;
+ while True do
+ begin
+ if i = Toolbar.ControlCount then
+ break;
+ if Toolbar.Controls[i] is THppToolButton then
+ begin
+ tb_butt := THppToolButton(Toolbar.Controls[i]);
+ if (tb_butt.Style = tbsSeparator) or (tb_butt.Style = tbsDivider) then
+ begin
+ // adding separator in runtime results in too wide separators
+ // we'll remeber the currect width and later re-apply it
+ SeparatorButtonWidth := tb_butt.Width;
+ tb_butt.Free;
+ dec(i);
+ end
+ else
+ tb_butt.Visible := False;
+ end
+ else if Toolbar.Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then
+ TSpeedButton(Toolbar.Controls[i]).Visible := False;
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ try
+ while True do
+ begin
+ if str = '' then
+ break;
+ if (str[1] = ' ') or (str[1] = '|') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(tool) > 0) and (tool[High(tool)] is THppToolButton) then
+ begin
+ // don't add separator if previous button is separator
+ tb_butt := THppToolButton(tool[High(tool)]);
+ if (tb_butt.Style = tbsDivider) or (tb_butt.Style = tbsSeparator) then
+ begin
+ Delete(str, 1, 1);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Length(tool) = 0) then
+ begin
+ // don't add separator as first button
+ Delete(str, 1, 1);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ SetLength(tool, Length(tool) + 1);
+ tb_butt := THppToolButton.Create(Toolbar);
+ tb_butt.Visible := False;
+ if str[1] = ' ' then
+ tb_butt.Style := tbsSeparator
+ else
+ tb_butt.Style := tbsDivider;
+ Delete(str, 1, 1);
+ tb_butt.Parent := Toolbar;
+ tb_butt.Width := SeparatorButtonWidth;
+ tool[High(tool)] := tb_butt;
+ end
+ else if str[1] = '[' then
+ begin
+ n := Pos(']', str);
+ if n = -1 then
+ raise EAbort.Create('Wrong toolbar string format');
+ butt_str := Copy(str, 2, n - 2);
+ Delete(str, 1, n);
+ if butt_str = 'SESS' then butt := tbSessions
+ else if butt_str = 'BOOK' then butt := tbBookmarks
+ else if butt_str = 'SEARCH' then butt := tbSearch
+ else if butt_str = 'FILTER' then butt := tbFilter
+ else if butt_str = 'COPY' then butt := tbCopy
+ else if butt_str = 'DELETE' then butt := tbDelete
+ else if butt_str = 'SAVE' then butt := tbSave
+ else if butt_str = 'HISTORY' then butt := tbHistory
+ else if butt_str = 'GLOBSEARCH' then butt := tbHistorySearch
+ else if butt_str = 'EVENTS' then butt := tbEventsFilter
+ else if butt_str = 'USERMENU' then butt := tbUserMenu
+ else if butt_str = 'USERDETAILS' then butt := tbUserDetails
+ else
+ butt := nil;
+ if butt <> nil then
+ begin
+ SetLength(tool, Length(tool) + 1);
+ tool[High(tool)] := butt;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ raise EAbort.Create('Wrong toolbar string format');
+ end;
+ except
+ // if we have error, try loading default toolbar config or
+ // show error if it doesn't work
+ if tb_str = DEF_HISTORY_TOOLBAR then
+ begin
+ // don't think it should be translated:
+ HppMessageBox(Handle, 'Can not apply default toolbar configuration.' + #10#13 +
+ 'Looks like it is an internal problem.' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
+ 'Download new History++ version or report the error to the authors' + #10#13 +
+ '(include plugin version number and file date in the report).' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
+ 'You can find authors'' emails and plugin website in the Options->Plugins page.',
+ TranslateW('Error'), MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(0, hppDBName, 'HistoryToolbar');
+ LoadToolbar;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // move buttons in reverse order and set parent afterwards
+ // thanks Luu Tran for this tip
+ // http://groups.google.com/group/borland.public.delphi.vcl.components.using/browse_thread/thread/da4e4da814baa745/c1ce8b671c1dac20
+ for i := High(tool) downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if not(tool[i] is TSpeedButton) then
+ tool[i].Parent := nil;
+ tool[i].Left := -3;
+ tool[i].Visible := True;
+ if not(tool[i] is TSpeedButton) then
+ tool[i].Parent := Toolbar;
+ end;
+ // Thanks Primoz Gabrijeleie for this trick!
+ // http://groups.google.com/group/alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi/browse_thread/thread/da77e8db6d8f418a/dc4fd87eee6b1d54
+ // This f***ing toolbar has almost got me!
+ // A bit of explanation: without the following line loading toolbar when
+ // window is show results in unpredictable buttons placed on toolbar
+ Toolbar.Perform(CM_RECREATEWND, 0, 0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadToolbarIcons;
+ try
+ ImageList_Remove(ilToolbar.Handle, -1); // clears image list
+ il := ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 or ILC_MASK, 10, 2);
+ if il <> 0 then
+ ilToolbar.Handle := il
+ else
+ il := ilToolbar.Handle;
+ Toolbar.Images := ilToolbar;
+ // add other icons without processing
+ tbUserDetails.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACDETAILS].Handle);
+ tbUserMenu.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTMENU].Handle);
+ tbFilter.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER].Handle);
+ tbSearch.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH].Handle);
+ tbDelete.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETE].Handle);
+ tbSessions.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_SESSIONS].Handle);
+ tbSave.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_SAVE].Handle);
+ tbCopy.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_COPY].Handle);
+ tbHistorySearch.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].Handle);
+ tbBookmarks.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK].Handle);
+ tbHistory.ImageIndex := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].Handle);
+ LoadEventFilterButton;
+ finally
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SavePosition;
+// save position and filter setting
+ SearchModeForSave: TSearchMode;
+ Utils_SaveFormPosition(Self, 0, hppDBName, 'HistoryWindow.');
+ if (not PasswordMode) and (HistoryLength > 0) then
+ begin
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowBookmarksSystem', paBook.Visible);
+ if paBook.Visible then
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'PanelWidth', paBook.Width);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowSessions', paSess.Visible);
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowBookmarks', paBook.Visible);
+ if paHolder.Visible then
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'PanelWidth', paHolder.Width);
+ if spBook.Visible then
+ WriteDBByte(hppDBName, 'PanelSplit', spBook.Tag);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if hContact <> 0 then
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'ExpandHeaders', hg.ExpandHeaders);
+ if SearchMode = smHotSearch then
+ SearchModeForSave := PreHotSearchMode
+ else
+ SearchModeForSave := SearchMode;
+ WriteDBByte(hppDBName, 'SearchMode', Byte(SearchModeForSave));
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMEventAdded(var Message: TMessage);
+// new message added to history (wparam=hcontact, lparam=hdbevent)
+ // if for this contact
+ if THandle(message.wParam) = hContact then
+ begin
+ // receive message from database
+ AddHistoryItem(message.lParam);
+ hgState(hg, hg.State);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMEventDeleted(var Message: TMessage);
+ i: Integer;
+ { wParam - hContact; lParam - hDBEvent }
+ if hg.State = gsDelete then
+ Exit;
+ if THandle(message.wParam) <> hContact then
+ Exit;
+ for i := 0 to hg.count - 1 do
+ if (History[GridIndexToHistory(i)] = THandle(Message.lParam)) then
+ begin
+ hg.Delete(i);
+ hgState(hg, hg.State);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMFiltersChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ CreateEventsFilterMenu;
+ SetEventFilter(0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage);
+ Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].Handle);
+ LoadToolbarIcons;
+ LoadButtonIcons;
+ LoadSessionIcons;
+ LoadBookIcons;
+ pbFilter.Repaint;
+ // hg.Repaint;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMAccChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ ToggleMainMenu(Boolean(M.wParam));
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMBookmarkChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ i: Integer;
+ if THandle(M.wParam) <> hContact then
+ Exit;
+ for i := 0 to hg.count - 1 do
+ if History[GridIndexToHistory(i)] = THandle(M.lParam) then
+ begin
+ hg.Bookmarked[i] := BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[M.lParam];
+ break;
+ end;
+ FillBookmarks;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMPreShutdown(var Message: TMessage);
+ Close;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMContactDeleted(var Message: TMessage);
+ if THandle(Message.wParam) <> hContact then
+ Exit;
+ Close;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMToolbarChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ LoadToolbar;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMNickChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ if SubProtocol = '' then
+ Exit;
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ if M.wParam = 0 then
+ hg.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, SubProtocol)
+ else if THandle(M.wParam) = hContact then
+ begin
+ hg.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, SubProtocol);
+ hg.ContactName := GetContactDisplayName(hContact, Protocol, True);
+ Caption := Format(TranslateW('%s - History++'), [hg.ContactName]);
+ end;
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+ hg.Invalidate;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+procedure THistoryFrm.HMMetaDefaultChanged(var M: TMessage);
+ newSubContact: THandle;
+ newSubProtocol: AnsiString;
+ if THandle(M.wParam) <> hContact then
+ Exit;
+ GetContactProto(hContact, newSubContact, newSubProtocol);
+ if (hSubContact <> newSubContact) or (SubProtocol <> newSubProtocol) then
+ begin
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ FhSubContact := newSubContact;
+ FSubProtocol := newSubProtocol;
+ hg.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, newSubProtocol);
+ hg.ContactName := GetContactDisplayName(hContact, Protocol, True);
+ Caption := Format(TranslateW('%s - History++'), [hg.ContactName]);
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+ hg.Invalidate;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+ end;
+{ Unfortunatly when you make a form from a dll this form won't become the
+ normal messages specified by the VCL but only the basic windows messages.
+ Therefore neither tabs nor button shortcuts work on this form. As a workaround
+ i've make some functions: }
+procedure THistoryFrm.OnCNChar(var Message: TWMChar);
+// make tabs work!
+ if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ with Message do
+ begin
+ Result := 1;
+ if (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and DLGC_WANTCHARS = 0) and
+ (GetParentForm(Self).Perform(CM_DIALOGCHAR, CharCode, KeyData) <> 0) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ Mask: Integer;
+ if (Key = VK_ESCAPE) or ((Key = VK_F4) and (ssAlt in Shift)) then
+ begin
+ if (Key = VK_ESCAPE) and edSearch.Focused then
+ SearchMode := smNone
+ else
+ Close;
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (Key = VK_F10) and (Shift = []) and (not PasswordMode) then
+ begin
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', True);
+ NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED, ORD(True), 0);
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (Key = VK_F3) and ((Shift = []) or (Shift = [ssShift])) and (not PasswordMode) and
+ (SearchMode in [smSearch, smHotSearch]) then
+ begin
+ if ssShift in Shift then
+ sbSearchPrev.Click
+ else
+ sbSearchNext.Click;
+ Key := 0;
+ end;
+ // let only search keys be accepted if inline
+ if hg.State = gsInline then
+ Exit;
+ if not PasswordMode then
+ begin
+ if IsFormShortCut([mmAcc], Key, Shift) then
+ begin
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ with Sender as TWinControl do
+ begin
+ if Perform(CM_CHILDKEY, Key, lParam(Sender)) <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ Mask := 0;
+ case Key of
+ end;
+ if (Mask <> 0) and (Perform(CM_WANTSPECIALKEY, Key, 0) = 0) and
+ (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and Mask = 0) and (Perform(CM_DIALOGKEY, Key, 0) <> 0) then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FillBookmarks;
+ li: TListItem;
+ cb: TContactBookmarks;
+ i: Integer;
+ hi: THistoryItem;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ txt: String;
+ lvBook.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ lvBook.Items.Clear;
+ // prefetch contact bookmarks object so we don't seek for it every time
+ cb := BookmarkServer[hContact];
+ for i := 0 to cb.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ li := lvBook.Items.Add;
+ hDBEvent := cb.Items[i];
+ txt := cb.Names[i];
+ if txt = '' then
+ begin
+ hi := ReadEvent(hDBEvent, UserCodepage);
+ txt := Copy(hi.Text, 1, 100);
+ txt := StringReplace(txt, #13#10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
+ // without freeing Module AnsiString mem manager complains about memory leak! WTF???
+ Finalize(hi);
+ // hi.Module := '';
+ // hi.Proto := '';
+ // hi.Text := '';
+ end;
+ // compress spaces here!
+ li.Caption := txt;
+ li.Data := Pointer(hDBEvent);
+ li.ImageIndex := 0;
+ end;
+ finally
+ lvBook.Items.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ try
+ Action := caFree;
+ if Assigned(WindowList) then
+ begin
+ if WindowList.count = 1 then
+ begin
+ // we are the last left
+ if Assigned(PassCheckFm) then
+ FreeAndNil(PassCheckFm);
+ if Assigned(PassFm) then
+ FreeAndNil(PassFm);
+ end;
+ WindowList.Delete(WindowList.IndexOf(Self));
+ // Windows.ShowCaret(Handle);
+ // Windows.ShowCursor(True);
+ end;
+ SavePosition;
+ except
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
+ Flag: UINT;
+ AppSysMenu: THandle;
+ CanClose := (hg.State in [gsIdle, gsInline]);
+ if CanClose and IsLoadingSessions then
+ begin
+ // disable close button
+ AppSysMenu := GetSystemMenu(Handle, False);
+ Flag := MF_GRAYED;
+ EnableMenuItem(AppSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND or Flag);
+ sb.SimpleText := TranslateW('Please wait while closing the window...');
+ // terminate thread
+ SessThread.Terminate(tpHigher);
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages
+ until not IsLoadingSessions;
+ end;
+ if CanClose and Assigned(SessThread) then
+ FreeAndNil(SessThread);
+procedure THistoryFrm.Load;
+ PreLoadHistory;
+ LoadHistory(Self);
+ PostLoadHistory;
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadAccMenu;
+ i: Integer;
+ wstr: String;
+ menuitem: TMenuItem;
+ pm: TPopupMenu;
+ mmToolbar.Clear;
+ for i := Toolbar.ButtonCount - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if Toolbar.Buttons[i].Style = tbsSeparator then
+ begin
+ menuitem := TMenuItem.Create(mmToolbar);
+ menuitem.Caption := '-';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ menuitem := TMenuItem.Create(Toolbar.Buttons[i]);
+ wstr := Toolbar.Buttons[i].Caption;
+ if wstr = '' then
+ wstr := Toolbar.Buttons[i].Hint;
+ if wstr <> '' then
+ begin
+ pm := TPopupMenu(Toolbar.Buttons[i].PopupMenu);
+ if pm = nil then
+ menuitem.OnClick := Toolbar.Buttons[i].OnClick
+ else
+ begin
+ menuitem.Tag := uint_ptr(Pointer(pm));
+ end;
+ menuitem.Caption := wstr;
+ menuitem.ShortCut := TextToShortCut(Toolbar.Buttons[i].HelpKeyword);
+ menuitem.Enabled := Toolbar.Buttons[i].Enabled;
+ menuitem.Visible := Toolbar.Buttons[i].Visible;
+ end;
+ end;
+ mmToolbar.Insert(0, menuitem);
+ end;
+ mmToolbar.RethinkHotkeys;
+ SearchUpHint: String = 'Search Up (Ctrl+Up)';
+ SearchDownHint: String = 'Search Down (Ctrl+Down)';
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadBookIcons;
+ il: THandle;
+ lvBook.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ ImageList_Remove(ilBook.Handle, -1); // clears image list
+ il := ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 or ILC_MASK, 8, 2);
+ if il <> 0 then
+ ilBook.Handle := il
+ else
+ il := ilBook.Handle;
+ ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK_ON].Handle);
+ finally
+ lvBook.Items.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+ // simple hack to avoid dark icons
+ ilBook.BkColor := lvBook.Color;
+procedure sButtonIcon(var sb: TSpeedButton; Icon: HICON);
+ with sb.Glyph do
+ begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Icon, 16, 16, 0, Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadButtonIcons;
+ previc: HICON;
+ nextic: HICON;
+ // prev_hint, next_hint: WideString;
+ if hg.Reversed then
+ begin
+ nextic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHUP].Handle;
+ previc := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHDOWN].Handle;
+ sbSearchNext.Hint := SearchUpHint;
+ sbSearchPrev.Hint := SearchDownHint;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ nextic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHDOWN].Handle;
+ previc := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHUP].Handle;
+ sbSearchNext.Hint := SearchDownHint;
+ sbSearchPrev.Hint := SearchUpHint;
+ end;
+ sButtonIcon(sbSearchPrev, previc);
+ sButtonIcon(sbSearchNext, nextic);
+ sButtonIcon(sbClearFilter, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERCLEAR].Handle);
+ sButtonIcon(sbCloseSess, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle);
+ sButtonIcon(sbCloseBook, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle);
+ {
+ with sbSearchPrev.Glyph do begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle,0,0,
+ previc,16,16,0,Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ with sbSearchNext.Glyph do begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle,0,0,
+ nextic,16,16,0,Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ with sbClearFilter.Glyph do begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle,0,0,
+ hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERCLEAR].Handle,16,16,0,Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ with sbCloseSess.Glyph do begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle,0,0,
+ hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle,16,16,0,Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ with sbCloseBook.Glyph do begin
+ Width := 16;
+ Height := 16;
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle,0,0,
+ hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle,16,16,0,Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ }
+ imSearchNotFound.Picture.Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCH_NOTFOUND].Handle);
+ imSearchEndOfPage.Picture.Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCH_ENDOFPAGE].Handle);
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadEventFilterButton;
+ pad: DWord;
+ { PadV, } PadH, GlyphHeight: Integer;
+ sz: TSize;
+ FirstName, name: String;
+ PaintRect: TRect;
+ DrawTextFlags: Cardinal;
+ GlyphWidth: Integer;
+ FirstName := hppEventFilters[0].name;
+ Name := hppEventFilters[tbEventsFilter.Tag].name;
+ tbEventsFilter.Hint := Name; // show hint because the whole name may not fit in button
+ pad := SendMessage(Toolbar.Handle, TB_GETPADDING, 0, 0);
+ // PadV := HiWord(pad);
+ PadH := LoWord(pad);
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font := tbEventsFilter.Font;
+ sz := tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.TextExtent(FirstName);
+ GlyphHeight := Max(sz.cy, 16);
+ GlyphWidth := 16 + sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing;
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Height := GlyphHeight;
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Width := GlyphWidth * 2;
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.FillRect(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect);
+ DrawiconEx(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing,
+ ((GlyphHeight - 16) div 2), hppIcons[HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW].Handle, 16, 16, 0,
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL);
+ DrawState(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, 0, nil,
+ hppIcons[HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW].Handle, 0, sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing +
+ GlyphWidth, ((GlyphHeight - 16) div 2), 0, 0, DST_ICON or DSS_DISABLED);
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
+ PaintRect := Rect(0, ((GlyphHeight - sz.cy) div 2), GlyphWidth - 16 - tbEventsFilter.Spacing,
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Height);
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText;
+ DrawTextW(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, @Name[1], Length(Name), PaintRect,
+ DrawTextFlags);
+ OffsetRect(PaintRect, GlyphWidth, 0);
+ tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText;
+ DrawTextW(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, @Name[1], Length(Name), PaintRect,
+ DrawTextFlags);
+ tbEventsFilter.Width := GlyphWidth + 2 * PadH;
+ tbEventsFilter.NumGlyphs := 2;
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadPendingHeaders(rowidx: Integer; count: Integer);
+// reads hDBEvents from the database until this row (begin from end which was loaded at the startup)
+// 2006.02.13 reads a windows with rowidx at center. Prefeching
+ // startrowidx: integer;
+ fromRow, tillRow: Integer;
+ fromRowIdx, tillRowIdx: Integer;
+ ridx: Integer;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ if History[rowidx] <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ OutPutDebugString(PWideChar('Loading pending headers = ' + intToStr(rowidx)));
+ Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
+ try
+ fromRow := rowidx + hppLoadBlock shr 1;
+ if fromRow > HistoryLength - 1 then
+ fromRow := HistoryLength - 1;
+ fromRowIdx := rowidx;
+ repeat
+ Inc(fromRowIdx)
+ until (fromRowIdx > HistoryLength - 1) or (History[fromRowIdx] <> 0);
+ tillRow := rowidx - hppLoadBlock shr 1;
+ if tillRow < 0 then
+ tillRow := 0;
+ tillRowIdx := rowidx;
+ repeat
+ dec(tillRowIdx)
+ until (tillRowIdx < 0) or (History[tillRowIdx] <> 0);
+ if fromRowIdx - rowidx < rowidx - tillRowIdx then
+ begin
+ if fromRowIdx > HistoryLength - 1 then
+ begin
+ fromRowIdx := HistoryLength - 1;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST, hContact, 0);
+ History[fromRowIdx] := hDBEvent;
+ end
+ else
+ hDBEvent := History[fromRowIdx];
+ for ridx := fromRowIdx - 1 downto tillRow do
+ begin
+ if History[ridx] <> 0 then
+ break;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV, hDBEvent, 0);
+ History[ridx] := NotZero(hDBEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if tillRowIdx < 0 then
+ begin
+ tillRowIdx := 0;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST, hContact, 0);
+ History[tillRowIdx] := hDBEvent;
+ end
+ else
+ hDBEvent := History[tillRowIdx];
+ for ridx := tillRowIdx + 1 to fromRow do
+ begin
+ if History[ridx] <> 0 then
+ break;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT, hDBEvent, 0);
+ History[ridx] := NotZero(hDBEvent);
+ end;
+ end;
+ OutPutDebugString(PWideChar('... pending headers from ' + intToStr(fromRow) + ' to ' +
+ intToStr(tillRow)));
+ finally
+ Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ // this is the only event fired when history is open
+ // and miranda is closed
+ // (added: except now I added ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN hook, which should work)
+ if Assigned(CustomizeToolbarForm) then
+ CustomizeToolbarForm.Release;
+ if Assigned(CustomizeFiltersForm) then
+ CustomizeFiltersForm.Release;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ EventDetailForm.Release;
+procedure THistoryFrm.DeleteHistoryItem(ItemIdx: Integer);
+// history[itemidx] löschen (also row-1)
+// var
+// p: integer;
+ // for p:=ItemIdx to HistoryLength-2 do
+ // History[p]:=history[p+1];
+ dec(HistoryLength);
+ if ItemIdx <> HistoryLength then
+ begin
+ Move(History[ItemIdx + 1], History[ItemIdx], (HistoryLength - ItemIdx) *
+ SizeOf(History[0]));
+ // reset has_header and linked_to_pervous_messages fields
+ hg.ResetItem(HistoryIndexToGrid(ItemIdx));
+ end;
+ SetLength(History, HistoryLength);
+procedure THistoryFrm.AddEventToSessions(hDBEvent: THandle);
+ ts: DWord;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ idx: Integer;
+ year, month, day: TTreeNode;
+ AddNewSession: Boolean;
+ ts := GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent);
+ AddNewSession := True;
+ if Length(Sessions) > 0 then
+ begin
+ idx := High(Sessions);
+ if (ts - Sessions[idx].TimestampLast) <= SESSION_TIMEDIFF then
+ begin
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast := hDBEvent;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampLast := ts;
+ Inc(Sessions[idx].ItemsCount);
+ AddNewSession := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if AddNewSession then
+ begin
+ idx := Length(Sessions);
+ SetLength(Sessions, idx + 1);
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst := hDBEvent;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst := ts;
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast := Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampLast := Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst;
+ Sessions[idx].ItemsCount := 1;
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(ts);
+ year := nil;
+ if tvSess.Items.GetFirstNode <> nil then
+ begin
+ year := tvSess.Items.GetFirstNode;
+ while year.getNextSibling <> nil do
+ year := year.getNextSibling;
+ if int_ptr(year.Data) <> YearOf(dt) then
+ year := nil;
+ end;
+ if year = nil then
+ begin
+ year := tvSess.Items.AddChild(nil, FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_YEARFORMAT, dt));
+ year.Data := Pointer(YearOf(dt));
+ year.ImageIndex := 5;
+ // year.SelectedIndex := year.ImageIndex;
+ end;
+ month := nil;
+ if year.GetLastChild <> nil then
+ begin
+ month := year.GetLastChild;
+ if int_ptr(month.Data) <> MonthOf(dt) then
+ month := nil;
+ end;
+ if month = nil then
+ begin
+ month := tvSess.Items.AddChild(year, FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_MONTHFORMAT, dt));
+ month.Data := Pointer(MonthOf(dt));
+ case MonthOf(dt) of
+ 12, 1 .. 2: month.ImageIndex := 3;
+ 3 .. 5: month.ImageIndex := 4;
+ 6 .. 8: month.ImageIndex := 1;
+ 9 .. 11: month.ImageIndex := 2;
+ end;
+ // month.SelectedIndex := month.ImageIndex;
+ end;
+ day := tvSess.Items.AddChild(month, FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_DAYFORMAT, dt));
+ day.Data := Pointer(idx);
+ day.ImageIndex := 0;
+ // day.SelectedIndex := day.ImageIndex;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.AddHistoryItem(hDBEvent: THandle);
+// only add single lines, not whole histories, because this routine is pretty
+// slow
+ Inc(HistoryLength);
+ SetLength(History, HistoryLength);
+ History[HistoryLength - 1] := hDBEvent;
+ hg.AddItem;
+ if HistoryLength = 1 then
+ if GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowSessions', False) and not(hpSessions in Panel) then
+ Panel := Panel + [hpSessions];
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgItemData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: THistoryItem);
+ PrevTimestamp: DWord;
+ PrevMessageType: TMessageTypes;
+ HistoryIndex: Integer;
+ HistoryIndex := GridIndexToHistory(Index);
+ Item := GetItemData(HistoryIndex);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ Item.Proto := Item.Module
+ else
+ Item.Proto := Protocol;
+ Item.Bookmarked := BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[History[HistoryIndex]];
+ if HistoryIndex = 0 then
+ Item.HasHeader := IsEventInSession(Item.EventType)
+ else
+ begin
+ if History[HistoryIndex - 1] = 0 then
+ LoadPendingHeaders(HistoryIndex - 1, HistoryLength);
+ PrevTimestamp := GetEventTimestamp(History[HistoryIndex - 1]);
+ if IsEventInSession(Item.EventType) then
+ Item.HasHeader := ((DWord(Item.Time) - PrevTimestamp) > SESSION_TIMEDIFF);
+ if not Item.Bookmarked then
+ begin
+ PrevMessageType := GetEventMessageType(History[HistoryIndex - 1]);
+ if Item.MessageType = PrevMessageType then
+ Item.LinkedToPrev := ((DWord(Item.Time) - PrevTimestamp) < 60);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgTranslateTime(Sender: TObject; Time: Cardinal; var Text: String);
+ Text := TimestampToString(Time);
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ SpeakMessage1.Visible := MeSpeakEnabled;
+ Delete1.Visible := False;
+ SaveSelected1.Visible := False;
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ SendMessage1.Visible := False;
+ ReplyQuoted1.Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if hg.Selected <> -1 then
+ begin
+ Delete1.Visible := True;
+ if GridOptions.OpenDetailsMode then
+ Details1.Caption := TranslateW('&Pseudo-edit')
+ else
+ Details1.Caption := TranslateW('&Open');
+ SaveSelected1.Visible := (hg.SelCount > 1);
+ FileActions.Visible := IsFileEvent(hg.Selected);
+ if FileActions.Visible then
+ OpenFileFolder.Visible := (SavedFileDir <> '');
+ pmGrid.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgSearchFinished(Sender: TObject; Text: String; Found: Boolean);
+ t: String;
+ if LastSearch <> lsHotSearch then
+ LastHotIdx := hg.Selected;
+ LastSearch := lsHotSearch;
+ if Text = '' then
+ begin
+ if (LastHotIdx <> -1) and (HotString <> '') then
+ hg.Selected := LastHotIdx;
+ LastSearch := lsNone;
+ HotString := Text;
+ hgState(Self, gsIdle);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ HotString := Text;
+ {
+ if Found then t := 'Search: "'+Text+'" (Ctrl+Enter to search again)'
+ else t := 'Search: "'+Text+'" (not found)';
+ sb.SimpleText := t;
+ }
+ if not Found then
+ t := HotString
+ else
+ t := Text;
+ sb.SimpleText := Format(TranslateW('HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)'), [t]);
+ // if Found then HotString := Text;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgBookmarkClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer);
+ val: Boolean;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ hDBEvent := History[GridIndexToHistory(Item)];
+ val := not BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent];
+ BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent] := val;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgChar(Sender: TObject; var achar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState);
+ Mes: TWMChar;
+ if SearchMode = smNone then
+ SearchMode := smSearch;
+ edSearch.SetFocus;
+ edSearch.SelStart := Length(edSearch.Text);
+ edSearch.SelLength := 0;
+ // edSearch.Text := AnsiChar;
+ ZeroMemory(@Mes, SizeOf(Mes));
+ Mes.Msg := WM_CHAR;
+ Mes.CharCode := Word(achar);
+ Mes.KeyData := ShiftStateToKeyData(Shift);
+ edSearch.Perform(WM_CHAR, TMessage(Mes).wParam, TMessage(Mes).lParam);
+ achar := #0;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ if GridOptions.OpenDetailsMode then
+ OpenDetails(hg.Selected)
+ else
+ hg.EditInline(hg.Selected);
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ SaveFormat: TSaveFormat;
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ RecentFormat := TSaveFormat(GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', 0));
+ SaveFormat := RecentFormat;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, SaveFormat, True);
+ t := TranslateW('Partial History [%s] - [%s]');
+ t := Format(t, [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ // t := t + SaveDialog.DefaultExt;
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ // why SaveDialog.FileName shows '' here???
+ // who knows? In debugger FFileName shows right file, but
+ // FileName property returns ''
+ for SaveFormat := High(SaveFormats) downto Low(SaveFormats) do
+ if SaveDialog.FilterIndex = SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Index then
+ break;
+ if SaveFormat <> sfAll then
+ RecentFormat := SaveFormat;
+ // hg.SaveSelected(SaveDialog.FileName,RecentFormat);
+ hg.SaveSelected(SaveDialog.Files[0], RecentFormat);
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.sbCloseBookClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Panel := Panel - [hpBookmarks]
+procedure THistoryFrm.sbCloseSessClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Panel := Panel - [hpSessions]
+procedure THistoryFrm.sbSearchNextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Search(True, True);
+procedure THistoryFrm.sbSearchPrevClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Search(False, True);
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgItemDelete(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer);
+ idx: Integer;
+ hDBEvent: THANDLE;
+ if Index = -1 then
+ begin // routine is called from DeleteAll
+ if FormState = gsDelete then
+ begin // probably unnecessary considering prev check
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST, hContact, 0);
+ CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_DELETE, hContact, hDBEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ idx := GridIndexToHistory(Index);
+ if (FormState = gsDelete) and (History[idx] <> 0) then
+ CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_DELETE, hContact, History[idx]);
+ DeleteEventFromSessions(idx);
+ DeleteHistoryItem(idx);
+ end;
+ hgState(hg, hg.State);
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgItemFilter(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Show: Boolean);
+ // if we have AnsiString filter
+ if HotFilterString <> '' then
+ begin
+ if Pos(WideUpperCase(HotFilterString), WideUpperCase(hg.Items[Index].Text)) = 0 then
+ Show := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // if filter by sessions disabled, then exit
+ if StartTimestamp <> 0 then
+ begin
+ // Show := False;
+ if hg.Items[Index].Time >= StartTimestamp then
+ begin
+ if EndTimestamp = 0 then
+ Exit
+ else
+ begin
+ if hg.Items[Index].Time < EndTimestamp then
+ Exit
+ else
+ Show := False;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Show := False;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.SelCount = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.SelCount > 1 then
+ begin
+ if HppMessageBox(Handle,
+ WideFormat(TranslateW('Do you really want to delete selected items (%.0f)?'),
+ [hg.SelCount / 1]), TranslateW('Delete Selected'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if HppMessageBox(Handle, TranslateW('Do you really want to delete selected item?'),
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if hg.SelCount = hg.count then
+ EmptyHistory
+ else
+ begin
+ SetSafetyMode(False);
+ try
+ FormState := gsDelete;
+ hg.DeleteSelected;
+ finally
+ FormState := gsIdle;
+ SetSafetyMode(True);
+ end;
+ end;
+function THistoryFrm.GridIndexToHistory(Index: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := HistoryLength - 1 - Index;
+function THistoryFrm.HistoryIndexToGrid(Index: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := HistoryLength - 1 - Index;
+procedure THistoryFrm.mmHideMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+ WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', False);
+ NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED, WPARAM(False), 0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ CopyToClip(hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ClipCopyFormat), Handle, UserCodepage);
+procedure THistoryFrm.Details1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ if GridOptions.OpenDetailsMode then
+ hg.EditInline(hg.Selected)
+ else
+ OpenDetails(hg.Selected);
+procedure THistoryFrm.OpenDetails(Item: Integer);
+ if not Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ begin
+ EventDetailForm := TEventDetailsFrm.Create(Self);
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ParentForm := Self;
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).Item := Item;
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).Show;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).Item := Item;
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).Show;
+ end;
+function THistoryFrm.GetItemData(Index: Integer): THistoryItem;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ hDBEvent := History[Index];
+ if hDBEvent = 0 then
+ begin
+ LoadPendingHeaders(Index, HistoryLength);
+ hDBEvent := History[Index];
+ if hDBEvent = 0 then
+ raise EAbort.Create('can''t load event');
+ end;
+ Result := ReadEvent(hDBEvent, UserCodepage);
+ OutPutDebugString(PWideChar('Get item data from DB ' + intToStr(Index) + ' #' + intToStr(hDBEvent)));
+ WasReturnPressed: Boolean = False;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ pm: TPopupMenu;
+ if hg.State = gsInline then
+ pm := pmInline
+ else
+ pm := pmGrid;
+ if IsFormShortCut([pm], Key, Shift) then
+ begin
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ WasReturnPressed := (Key = VK_RETURN);
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgState(Sender: TObject; State: TGridState);
+ t: String;
+ if csDestroying in ComponentState then
+ Exit;
+ if PasswordMode then
+ t := ''
+ else
+ case State of
+ gsIdle:
+ t := Format(TranslateW('%.0n items in history'), [HistoryLength / 1]);
+ gsLoad:
+ t := TranslateW('Loading...');
+ gsSave:
+ t := TranslateW('Saving...');
+ gsSearch:
+ t := TranslateW('Searching...');
+ gsDelete:
+ t := TranslateW('Deleting...');
+ gsInline:
+ t := TranslateW('Pseudo-edit mode...');
+ end;
+ sb.SimpleText := t;
+procedure THistoryFrm.DeleteEventFromSessions(ItemIdx: Integer);
+ ts: DWord;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ year, month, day: TTreeNode;
+ i, idx: Integer;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ hDBEvent := History[ItemIdx];
+ ts := GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent);
+ // find idx in sessions array
+ idx := -1;
+ for i := Length(Sessions) - 1 downto 0 do
+ if (ts >= Sessions[i].TimestampFirst) and (ts <= Sessions[i].TimestampLast) then
+ begin
+ idx := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if idx = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ dec(Sessions[idx].ItemsCount);
+ // if the event is not first, we can do it faster
+ if Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst <> hDBEvent then
+ begin
+ if Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast = hDBEvent then
+ begin
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV, hDBEvent, 0);
+ if hDBEvent <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast := hDBEvent;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampLast := GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent);
+ end
+ else
+ begin // ????
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast := Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampLast := Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // now, the even is the first, probably the last in session
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(ts);
+ year := tvSess.Items.GetFirstNode;
+ while year <> nil do
+ begin
+ if int_ptr(year.Data) = YearOf(dt) then
+ break;
+ year := year.getNextSibling;
+ end;
+ if year = nil then
+ Exit; // ???
+ month := year.getFirstChild;
+ while month <> nil do
+ begin
+ if int_ptr(month.Data) = MonthOf(dt) then
+ break;
+ month := month.getNextSibling;
+ end;
+ if month = nil then
+ Exit; // ???
+ day := month.getFirstChild;
+ while day <> nil do
+ begin
+ if int_ptr(day.Data) = idx then
+ break;
+ day := day.getNextSibling;
+ end;
+ if day = nil then
+ Exit; // ???
+ if Sessions[idx].ItemsCount = 0 then
+ begin
+ day.Delete;
+ if month.count = 0 then
+ month.Delete;
+ if year.count = 0 then
+ year.Delete;
+ // hmm... should we delete record in sessions array?
+ // I'll not do it for the speed, I don't think there would be problems
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst := 0;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst := 0;
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast := 0;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampLast := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ hDBEvent := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT, hDBEvent, 0);
+ if hDBEvent <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst := hDBEvent;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst := GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent);
+ end
+ else
+ begin // ????
+ Sessions[idx].hDBEventFirst := Sessions[idx].hDBEventLast;
+ Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst := Sessions[idx].TimestampLast;
+ end;
+ ts := Sessions[idx].TimestampFirst;
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(ts);
+ day.Text := FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_DAYFORMAT, dt);
+ // next item
+ // Inc(ItemIdx);
+ // if ItemIdx >= HistoryLength then exit;
+ // hg.ResetItem(HistoryIndexToGrid(ItemIdx));
+procedure THistoryFrm.SaveasHTML2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, sfHtml);
+ t := Format(TranslateW('Full History [%s] - [%s]'), [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ RecentFormat := sfHtml;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0], sfHtml);
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo);
+ inherited;
+ with Message.MinMaxInfo^ do
+ begin
+ ptMinTrackSize.X := 320;
+ ptMinTrackSize.Y := 240;
+ end
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
+ MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
+ if PasswordMode then
+ Exit;
+ Handled := True;
+ (* we can get range check error (???) here
+ it looks that without range check it works ok
+ so turn it off *)
+ hg.Perform(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, MakeLong(MK_CONTROL, WheelDelta), 0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgSelect(Sender: TObject; Item, OldItem: Integer);
+ tbCopy.Enabled := (Item <> -1);
+ tbDelete.Enabled := (Item <> -1);
+ tbSave.Enabled := (hg.SelCount > 1);
+ if hg.HotString = '' then
+ begin
+ LastHotIdx := -1;
+ // redraw status bar
+ hgState(hg, gsIdle);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.Search(Next, FromNext: Boolean);
+ Down: Boolean;
+ Item: Integer;
+ ShowEndOfPage: Boolean;
+ ShowNotFound: Boolean;
+ if edSearch.Text = '' then
+ begin
+ paSearchStatus.Visible := False;
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if Next then
+ Down := not hg.Reversed
+ else
+ Down := hg.Reversed;
+ Item := hg.Search(edSearch.Text, False, False, False, FromNext, Down);
+ ShowEndOfPage := (Item = -1);
+ if Item = -1 then
+ Item := hg.Search(edSearch.Text, False, True, False, FromNext, Down);
+ if Item <> -1 then
+ begin
+ hg.Selected := Item;
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+ ShowNotFound := False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ edSearch.Color := $008080FF;
+ ShowEndOfPage := False;
+ ShowNotFound := True;
+ end;
+ if ShowNotFound or ShowEndOfPage then
+ begin
+ imSearchNotFound.Visible := ShowNotFound;
+ imSearchEndOfPage.Visible := ShowEndOfPage;
+ if ShowNotFound then
+ laSearchState.Caption := TranslateW('Phrase not found')
+ else if ShowEndOfPage then
+ begin
+ if Down then
+ laSearchState.Caption := TranslateW('Continued from the top')
+ else
+ laSearchState.Caption := TranslateW('Continued from the bottom');
+ end;
+ paSearchStatus.Width := 22 + laSearchState.Width + 3;
+ paSearchStatus.Left := paSearchButtons.Left - paSearchStatus.Width;
+ paSearchStatus.Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paSearchStatus.Visible := False;
+ // paSearchStatus.Width := 0;
+ end;
+ // paSearch2.Width := paSearchButtons.Left + paSearchButtons.Width;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SearchNext(Rev: Boolean; Warp: Boolean = True);
+// var
+// stext,t,tCap: WideString;
+// res: Integer;
+// mcase,down: Boolean;
+// WndHandle: HWND;
+ { if LastSearch = lsNone then exit;
+ if LastSearch = lsHotSearch then begin
+ stext := HotString;
+ mcase := False;
+ end else begin
+ stext := FindDialog.FindText;
+ mcase := (frMatchCase in FindDialog.Options);
+ end;
+ if stext = '' then exit;
+ down := not hg.reversed;
+ if Rev then Down := not Down;
+ res := hg.Search(stext, mcase, not Warp, False, Warp, Down);
+ if res <> -1 then begin
+ // found
+ hg.Selected := res;
+ if LastSearch = lsSearch then
+ t := TranslateW('Search: %s (F3 to find next)')
+ else
+ t := TranslateW('HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)');
+ sb.SimpleText := WideFormat(t,[stext]);
+ end else begin
+ if (LastSearch = lsSearch) and (FindDialog.Handle <> 0) then
+ WndHandle := FindDialog.Handle
+ else
+ WndHandle := Handle;
+ tCap := TranslateW('History++ Search');
+ // not found
+ if Warp and (down = not hg.Reversed) then begin
+ // do warp?
+ if HppMessageBox(WndHandle,
+ TranslateW('You have reached the end of the history.')+#10#13+
+ TranslateW('Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?'),
+ SearchNext(Rev,False);
+ end else begin
+ // not warped
+ hgState(Self,gsIdle);
+ // 25.03.03 OXY: FindDialog looses focus when
+ // calling ShowMessage, using MessageBox instead
+ t := TranslateW('"%s" not found');
+ HppMessageBox(WndHandle, WideFormat(t,[stext]),tCap, MB_OK or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or 0);
+ end;
+ end; }
+procedure THistoryFrm.ReplyQuoted(Item: Integer);
+ if (hContact = 0) or (hg.SelCount = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ SendMessageTo(hContact, hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ReplyQuotedFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.SaveasXML2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, sfXML);
+ t := Format(TranslateW('Full History [%s] - [%s]'), [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0], sfXML);
+ RecentFormat := sfXML;
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.SaveasText2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ SaveFormat: TSaveFormat;
+ SaveFormat := sfUnicode;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, SaveFormat);
+ t := Format(TranslateW('Full History [%s] - [%s]'), [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ case SaveDialog.FilterIndex of
+ 1: SaveFormat := sfUnicode;
+ 2: SaveFormat := sfText;
+ end;
+ RecentFormat := SaveFormat;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0], SaveFormat);
+ // hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.FileName,SaveFormat);
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgXMLData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TXMLItem);
+ tmp: AnsiString;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ Mes: String;
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(hg.Items[Index].Time);
+ Item.Time := MakeTextXMLedA(AnsiString(FormatDateTime('hh:mm:ss', dt)));
+ Item.Date := MakeTextXMLedA(AnsiString(FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', dt)));
+ Item.Contact := UTF8Encode(MakeTextXMLedW(hg.ContactName));
+ if mtIncoming in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then
+ Item.From := Item.Contact
+ else
+ Item.From := '&ME;';
+ Item.EventType := '&' + GetEventRecord(hg.Items[Index]).XML + ';';
+ Mes := hg.Items[Index].Text;
+ if GridOptions.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(Mes) then
+ begin
+ hg.ApplyItemToRich(Index);
+ Mes := GetRichString(hg.RichEdit.Handle, False);
+ end;
+ if GridOptions.BBCodesEnabled then
+ Mes := DoStripBBCodes(Mes);
+ Item.Mes := UTF8Encode(MakeTextXMLedW(Mes));
+ if mtFile in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then
+ begin
+ tmp := hg.Items[Index].Extended;
+ if tmp = '' then
+ Item.FileName := '&UNK;'
+ else
+ Item.FileName := UTF8Encode(MakeTextXMLedA(tmp));
+ end
+ else if mtUrl in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then
+ begin
+ tmp := hg.Items[Index].Extended;
+ if tmp = '' then
+ Item.Url := '&UNK;'
+ else
+ Item.Url := UTF8Encode(MakeTextXMLedA(tmp));
+ end
+ else if mtAvatarChange in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then
+ begin
+ tmp := hg.Items[Index].Extended;
+ if tmp = '' then
+ Item.FileName := '&UNK;'
+ else
+ Item.FileName := UTF8Encode(MakeTextXMLedA(tmp));
+ end;
+ { 2.8.2004 OXY: Change protocol guessing order. Now
+ first use protocol name, then, if missing, use module }
+ Item.Protocol := hg.Items[Index].Proto;
+ if Item.Protocol = '' then
+ Item.Protocol := MakeTextXMLedA(hg.Items[Index].Module);
+ if Item.Protocol = '' then
+ Item.Protocol := '&UNK;';
+ if mtIncoming in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then
+ Item.ID := GetContactID(hContact, Protocol, True)
+ else
+ Item.ID := GetContactID(0, SubProtocol);
+ if Item.ID = '' then
+ Item.ID := '&UNK;'
+ else
+ Item.ID := MakeTextXMLedA(Item.ID);
+procedure THistoryFrm.OpenLinkClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if SavedLinkUrl = '' then
+ Exit;
+ OpenUrl(SavedLinkUrl, False);
+ SavedLinkUrl := '';
+procedure THistoryFrm.OpenLinkNWClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if SavedLinkUrl = '' then
+ Exit;
+ OpenUrl(SavedLinkUrl, True);
+ SavedLinkUrl := '';
+procedure THistoryFrm.CopyLinkClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if SavedLinkUrl = '' then
+ Exit;
+ CopyToClip(SavedLinkUrl, Handle, CP_ACP);
+ SavedLinkUrl := '';
+procedure THistoryFrm.SetPanel(const Value: THistoryPanels);
+ Lock: Boolean;
+ FPanel := Value;
+ if (HistoryLength = 0) or ((hContact = 0) and (hpSessions in FPanel)) then
+ exclude(FPanel, hpSessions);
+ tbSessions.Down := (hpSessions in Panel);
+ tbBookmarks.Down := (hpBookmarks in Panel);
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ Lock := Visible;
+ if Lock then
+ Lock := LockWindowUpdate(Handle);
+ try
+ // if (FPanel = hpBookmarks) and paSess.Visible then
+ // paBook.Width := paSess.Width;
+ // if (FPanel = hpSessions) and paBook.Visible then
+ // paSess.Width := paBook.Width;
+ paSess.Visible := (hpSessions in Panel);
+ paBook.Visible := (hpBookmarks in Panel);
+ paHolder.Visible := paBook.Visible or paSess.Visible;
+ spHolder.Visible := paHolder.Visible;
+ spHolder.Left := paHolder.Left + paHolder.Width + 1;
+ spBook.Visible := paBook.Visible and paSess.Visible;
+ paHolderResize(Self);
+ spBook.Top := paSess.Top + paSess.Height + 1;
+ finally
+ if Lock then
+ LockWindowUpdate(0);
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SetPasswordMode(const Value: Boolean);
+ enb: Boolean;
+ FPasswordMode := Value;
+ enb := not Value;
+ hgState(hg, hg.State);
+ hg.Enabled := enb;
+ hg.Visible := enb;
+ paClient.Enabled := enb;
+ paClient.Visible := enb;
+ if Value then
+ paPassHolder.Align := TAlign(alClient);
+ paPassHolder.Enabled := not enb;
+ paPassHolder.Visible := not enb;
+ if Value then
+ begin
+ paPassword.Left := (paPassHolder.ClientWidth - paPassword.Width) div 2;
+ paPassword.Top := (paPassHolder.ClientHeight - paPassword.Height) div 2;
+ if Self.Visible then
+ edPass.SetFocus
+ else
+ Self.ActiveControl := edPass;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ToggleMainMenu(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', False));
+ // reset selected
+ hg.Selected := hg.Selected;
+ if Self.Visible then
+ hg.SetFocus
+ else
+ Self.ActiveControl := hg;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SetRecentEventsPosition(OnTop: Boolean);
+ hg.Reversed := not OnTop;
+ LoadButtonIcons;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SetSearchMode(const Value: TSearchMode);
+ SaveStr: String;
+ NotFound, Lock: Boolean;
+ if FSearchMode = Value then
+ Exit;
+ if Value = smHotSearch then
+ PreHotSearchMode := FSearchMode;
+ if FSearchMode = smFilter then
+ EndHotFilterTimer(True);
+ FSearchMode := Value;
+ Lock := Visible;
+ if Lock then
+ Lock := LockWindowUpdate(Handle);
+ try
+ tbFilter.Down := (FSearchMode = smFilter);
+ tbSearch.Down := (FSearchMode = smSearch);
+ paSearch.Visible := not(SearchMode = smNone);
+ if SearchMode = smNone then
+ begin
+ edSearch.Text := '';
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+ if Self.Visible then
+ hg.SetFocus
+ else
+ Self.ActiveControl := hg;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ SaveStr := edSearch.Text;
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ pbSearch.Visible := (FSearchMode in [smSearch, smHotSearch]);
+ pbFilter.Visible := (FSearchMode = smFilter);
+ if (FSearchMode = smFilter) then
+ paSearchStatus.Visible := False;
+ paSearchButtons.Visible := not(FSearchMode = smFilter);
+ NotFound := not(edSearch.Color = clWindow);
+ edSearch.Text := '';
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+ finally
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+ // don't search or filter if the AnsiString is not found
+ if not NotFound then
+ edSearch.Text := SaveStr;
+ finally
+ if Lock then
+ LockWindowUpdate(0);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.EventsFilterItemClick(Sender: TObject);
+ // tbEventsFilter.Caption := TMenuItem(Sender).Caption;
+ SetEventFilter(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag);
+procedure THistoryFrm.ShowAllEvents;
+ // TODO
+ // we run UpdateFilter two times here, one when set
+ // Filter property in SetEventFilter, one when reset hot filter
+ // make Begin/EndUpdate support batch UpdateFilter requests
+ // so we can make it run only one time on EndUpdate
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ SetEventFilter(GetShowAllEventsIndex);
+ edSearch.Text := '';
+ EndHotFilterTimer(True);
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+procedure THistoryFrm.ShowItem(Value: Integer);
+ hg.MakeTopmost(Value);
+ hg.Selected := Value;
+procedure THistoryFrm.bnPassClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if DigToBase(HashString(AnsiString(edPass.Text))) = GetPassword then
+ PasswordMode := False
+ else
+ { DONE: sHure }
+ HppMessageBox(Handle, TranslateW('You have entered the wrong password'),
+ TranslateW('History++ Password Protection'), MB_OK or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or MB_ICONSTOP);
+procedure THistoryFrm.edPassKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+procedure THistoryFrm.edSearchChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if SearchMode = smFilter then
+ StartHotFilterTimer
+ else
+ Search(True, False);
+procedure THistoryFrm.edSearchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ if SearchMode = smFilter then
+ begin
+ begin
+ SendMessage(hg.Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0);
+ Key := 0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (Shift = []) and (Key in [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT, VK_PRIOR, VK_END, VK_HOME]) then
+ begin
+ SendMessage(hg.Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0);
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) and (Key in [VK_UP, VK_DOWN]) then
+ begin
+ if (Key = VK_UP) xor hg.Reversed then
+ sbSearchNext.Click
+ else
+ sbSearchPrev.Click;
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.edSearchKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Enter
+ if (Key = VK_RETURN) then
+ begin
+ if hg.State in [gsIdle, gsInline] then
+ hg.SetFocus;
+ Key := 0;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.edPassKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Enter
+ // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Tab
+ // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Esc
+ if ORD(Key) in [VK_RETURN, VK_TAB, VK_ESCAPE] then
+ Key := #0;
+procedure THistoryFrm.PostLoadHistory;
+ tPanel: THistoryPanels;
+ LoadPosition;
+ ProcessPassword;
+ if not PasswordMode then
+ ToggleMainMenu(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', False));
+ // if hContact = 0 then paTop.Visible := False;
+ // set reversed here, after Allocate, because of some scrollbar
+ // "features", we'll load end of the list if put before Allocate
+ SetRecentEventsPosition(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'SortOrder', False));
+ // set ShowSessions here because we check for empty history
+ paHolder.Width := GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'PanelWidth', 150);
+ spBook.Tag := GetDBByte(hppDBName, 'PanelSplit', 127);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ if GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowBookmarksSystem', False) then
+ Panel := [hpBookmarks];
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowSessions', False) then
+ include(tPanel, hpSessions);
+ if GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowBookmarks', False) then
+ include(tPanel, hpBookmarks);
+ Panel := tPanel;
+ end;
+ CreateEventsFilterMenu;
+ // delay event filter applying till showing form
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ SetEventFilter(GetShowAllEventsIndex, True)
+ else
+ SetEventFilter(0, True);
+procedure THistoryFrm.PreLoadHistory;
+ // LoadPosition;
+ hg.ShowHeaders := (hContact <> 0);
+ hg.ExpandHeaders := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ExpandHeaders', False);
+ hg.GroupLinked := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'GroupHistoryItems', False);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ tbUserDetails.Enabled := False;
+ tbUserMenu.Enabled := False;
+ // tbEventsFilter.Enabled := False;
+ tbSessions.Enabled := False;
+ // hg.ShowBookmarks := False;
+ Customize2.Enabled := False; // disable toolbar customization
+ end;
+ if tbSessions.Enabled then
+ begin
+ SessThread := TSessionsThread.Create(True);
+ SessThread.ParentHandle := Handle;
+ SessThread.Contact := hContact;
+ SessThread.Priority := tpLower;
+ SessThread.Resume;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.ProcessPassword;
+ if IsPasswordBlank(GetPassword) then
+ Exit;
+ if IsUserProtected(hContact) or IsUserProtected(hSubContact) then
+ PasswordMode := True;
+procedure THistoryFrm.OpenPassword;
+ RunPassForm;
+procedure THistoryFrm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ // EndUpdate is better here, not in PostHistoryLoad, because it's faster
+ // when called from OnShow. Don't know why.
+ // Other form-modifying routines are better be kept at PostHistoryLoad for
+ // speed too.
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+ LoadToolbar;
+ FillBookmarks;
+procedure THistoryFrm.mmToolbarClick(Sender: TObject);
+ i, n: Integer;
+ pm: TPopupMenu;
+ mi: TMenuItem;
+ Flag: Boolean;
+ for i := 0 to mmToolbar.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner is THppToolButton then
+ begin
+ Flag := TToolButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Enabled
+ end
+ else if mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner is TSpeedButton then
+ begin
+ TMenuItem(mmToolbar.Items[i]).Caption := TSpeedButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Hint;
+ Flag := TSpeedButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Enabled
+ end
+ else
+ Flag := True;
+ mmToolbar.Items[i].Enabled := Flag;
+ if mmToolbar.Items[i].Tag = 0 then
+ continue;
+ pm := TPopupMenu(Pointer(mmToolbar.Items[i].Tag));
+ for n := pm.Items.count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ mi := TMenuItem(pm.Items[n]);
+ pm.Items.Remove(mi);
+ mmToolbar.Items[i].Insert(0, mi);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.ToolbarDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ CustomizeToolbar;
+procedure THistoryFrm.paPassHolderResize(Sender: TObject);
+ if PasswordMode then
+ begin
+ paPassword.Left := (ClientWidth - paPassword.Width) div 2;
+ paPassword.Top := (ClientHeight - paPassword.Height) div 2;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.Passwordprotection1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ OpenPassword;
+procedure THistoryFrm.TranslateForm;
+ Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(Caption);
+ hg.TxtFullLog := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtFullLog);
+ hg.TxtGenHist1 := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtGenHist1);
+ hg.TxtGenHist2 := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtGenHist2);
+ hg.TxtHistExport := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtHistExport);
+ hg.TxtNoItems := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtNoItems);
+ hg.TxtNoSuch := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtNoSuch);
+ hg.TxtPartLog := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtPartLog);
+ hg.TxtStartUp := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtStartUp);
+ hg.TxtSessions := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtSessions);
+ SearchUpHint := TranslateUnicodeString(SearchUpHint);
+ SearchDownHint := TranslateUnicodeString(SearchDownHint);
+ sbClearFilter.Hint := TranslateUnicodeString(sbClearFilter.Hint);
+ bnPass.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnPass.Caption);
+ laPass.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laPass.Caption);
+ laPass2.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laPass2.Caption);
+ laSess.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laSess.Caption);
+ laBook.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laBook.Caption);
+ SaveDialog.Title := TranslateUnicodeString(PWideChar(SaveDialog.Title));
+ TranslateToolbar(Toolbar);
+ TranslateMenu(pmGrid.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmInline.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmLink.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmFile.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmHistory.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmEventsFilter.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmSessions.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmToolbar.Items);
+ TranslateMenu(pmBook.Items);
+procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
+ Index, i: Integer;
+ Event: THandle;
+ if IsLoadingSessions then
+ Exit;
+ if Node = nil then
+ Exit;
+ if Node.Level <> 2 then
+ begin
+ Node := Node.getFirstChild;
+ if (Node <> nil) and (Node.Level <> 2) then
+ Node := Node.getFirstChild;
+ if Node = nil then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Event := Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)].hDBEventFirst;
+ Index := -1;
+ // looks like history starts to load from end?
+ // well, of course, we load from the last event!
+ for i := HistoryLength - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if History[i] = 0 then
+ LoadPendingHeaders(i, HistoryLength);
+ if History[i] = Event then
+ begin
+ Index := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Index = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.State = gsInline then
+ hg.CancelInline;
+ Index := HistoryIndexToGrid(Index);
+ ShowItem(Index);
+ // exit;
+ // OXY: try to make selected item the topmost
+ // while hg.GetFirstVisible <> Index do begin
+ // if hg.VertScrollBar.Position = hg.VertScrollBar.Range then break;
+ // hg.VertScrollBar.Position := hg.VertScrollBar.Position + 1;
+ // end;
+ { if Node = nil then begin
+ StartTimestamp := 0;
+ EndTimestamp := 0;
+ hg.GridUpdate([guFilter]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if Node.Level <> 2 then exit;
+ StartTimestamp := Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)][1];
+ EndTimestamp := 0;
+ if uint_ptr(Node.Data) <= Length(Sessions)-2 then begin
+ EndTimestamp := Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)+1][1];
+ end;
+ hg.GridUpdate([guFilter]); }
+{ procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessClick(Sender: TObject);
+ var
+ Node: TTreeNode;
+ begin
+ Node := tvSess.Selected;
+ if Node = nil then exit;
+ //tvSessChange(Self,Node);
+ end; }
+procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ Node: TTreeNode;
+ count, Time: DWord;
+ t: String;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ timestr: String;
+ Node := tvSess.GetNodeAt(X, Y);
+ if (Node = nil) or (Node.Level <> 2) then
+ begin
+ Application.CancelHint;
+ tvSess.ShowHint := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if uint_ptr(tvSess.Tag) <> (uint_ptr(Node.Data) + 1) then
+ begin
+ Application.CancelHint;
+ tvSess.ShowHint := False;
+ tvSess.Tag := uint_ptr(Node.Data) + 1;
+ // +1 because we have tag = 0 by default, and it will not catch first session then
+ end;
+ // else
+ // exit; // we are already showing the hint for this node
+ with Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)] do
+ begin
+ Time := TimestampLast - TimestampFirst;
+ count := ItemsCount;
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(TimestampFirst);
+ end;
+ t := FormatDateTime('[yyyy, mmmm, d]', dt) + #13#10;
+ if Time / 60 > 60 then
+ timestr := Format('%0.1n h', [Time / (60 * 60)])
+ else
+ timestr := Format('%d min', [Time div 60]);
+ if count = 1 then
+ tvSess.Hint := t + Format('' + TranslateW('%d event'), [count])
+ else
+ tvSess.Hint := t + Format('' + TranslateW('%0.n events (%s)'), [count / 1, timestr]);
+ tvSess.ShowHint := True;
+procedure THistoryFrm.CopyText1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ CopyToClip(hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ClipCopyTextFormat), Handle, UserCodepage);
+ // rtf copy works only if not more then one selected
+ // hg.ApplyItemToRich(hg.Selected,hg.RichEdit,False);
+ // hg.RichEdit.SelectAll;
+ // hg.RichEdit.CopyToClipboard;
+procedure THistoryFrm.CreateEventsFilterMenu;
+ i: Integer;
+ mi: TMenuItem;
+ ShowAllEventsIndex: Integer;
+ for i := pmEventsFilter.Items.count - 1 downto 0 do
+ if pmEventsFilter.Items[i].RadioItem then
+ pmEventsFilter.Items.Delete(i);
+ ShowAllEventsIndex := GetShowAllEventsIndex;
+ for i := 0 to Length(hppEventFilters) - 1 do
+ begin
+ mi := TMenuItem.Create(pmEventsFilter);
+ mi.Caption := StringReplace(hppEventFilters[i].name, '&', '&&', [rfReplaceAll]);
+ mi.GroupIndex := 1;
+ mi.RadioItem := True;
+ mi.Tag := i;
+ mi.OnClick := EventsFilterItemClick;
+ if i = ShowAllEventsIndex then
+ mi.Default := True;
+ pmEventsFilter.Items.Insert(i, mi);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.Customize1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if not Assigned(fmCustomizeFilters) then
+ begin
+ CustomizeFiltersForm := TfmCustomizeFilters.Create(Self);
+ CustomizeFiltersForm.Show;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ BringFormToFront(fmCustomizeFilters);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.Customize2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ CustomizeToolbar;
+procedure THistoryFrm.CustomizeToolbar;
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ if not Assigned(fmCustomizeToolbar) then
+ begin
+ CustomizeToolbarForm := TfmCustomizeToolbar.Create(Self);
+ CustomizeToolbarForm.Show;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ BringFormToFront(fmCustomizeToolbar);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgUrlClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton);
+ if URLText = '' then
+ Exit;
+ if (Button = mbLeft) or (Button = mbMiddle) then
+ OpenUrl(URLText, True)
+ else
+ begin
+ SavedLinkUrl := URLText;
+ pmLink.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgProcessRichText(Sender: TObject; Handle: THandle; Item: Integer);
+ ItemRenderDetails: TItemRenderDetails;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ if Handle = TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).EText.Handle then
+ begin
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ProcessRichEdit(Item);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ ZeroMemory(@ItemRenderDetails, SizeOf(ItemRenderDetails));
+ ItemRenderDetails.cbSize := SizeOf(ItemRenderDetails);
+ // use meta's subcontact info, if available
+ // ItemRenderDetails.hContact := hContact;
+ ItemRenderDetails.hContact := FhSubContact;
+ ItemRenderDetails.hDBEvent := History[GridIndexToHistory(Item)];
+ // use meta's subcontact info, if available
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ ItemRenderDetails.pProto := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Proto)
+ else
+ ItemRenderDetails.pProto := PAnsiChar(FSubProtocol);
+ ItemRenderDetails.pModule := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Module);
+ ItemRenderDetails.pText := nil;
+ ItemRenderDetails.pExtended := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Extended);
+ ItemRenderDetails.dwEventTime := hg.Items[Item].Time;
+ ItemRenderDetails.wEventType := hg.Items[Item].EventType;
+ ItemRenderDetails.IsEventSent := (mtOutgoing in hg.Items[Item].MessageType);
+ if Handle = hg.InlineRichEdit.Handle then
+ ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags := ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags or IRDF_INLINE;
+ if hg.IsSelected(Item) then
+ ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags := ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags or IRDF_SELECTED;
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ ItemRenderDetails.bHistoryWindow := IRDHW_GLOBALHISTORY
+ else
+ ItemRenderDetails.bHistoryWindow := IRDHW_CONTACTHISTORY;
+ NotifyEventHooks(hHppRichEditItemProcess, wParam(Handle), lParam(@ItemRenderDetails));
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgSearchItem(Sender: TObject; Item, ID: Integer; var Found: Boolean);
+ Found := (Cardinal(ID) = History[GridIndexToHistory(Item)]);
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ // this workaround was done because when we have password and
+ // press enter, if password is ok, we a brought to the
+ // history grid, and have VK_RETURN onkeyup event. So we have
+ // this var to help us. And no, if move this code to OnKeyDown,
+ // we will have problems with inline richedit not appearing
+ // on enter
+ if not WasReturnPressed then
+ Exit;
+ WasReturnPressed := False;
+ if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (Shift = []) then
+ begin
+ hgDblClick(hg);
+ Key := 0;
+ end;
+ if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then
+ begin
+ Details1.Click;
+ Key := 0;
+ end;
+function THistoryFrm.IsFileEvent(Index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := (Index <> -1) and (mtFile in hg.Items[Index].MessageType);
+ if Result then
+ begin
+ // Auto CP_ACP usage
+ SavedLinkUrl := ExtractFileName(String(hg.Items[Index].Extended));
+ SavedFileDir := ExtractFileDir(String(hg.Items[Index].Extended));
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.LoadInOptions();
+ i: Integer;
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ ContactRTLmode.Visible := False;
+ ANSICodepage.Visible := False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case hg.RTLMode of
+ hppRTLDefault: Self.RTLDefault2.Checked := True;
+ hppRTLEnable: Self.RTLEnabled2.Checked := True;
+ hppRTLDisable: Self.RTLDisabled2.Checked := True;
+ end;
+ if UseDefaultCP then
+ SystemCodepage.Checked := True
+ else
+ for i := 1 to ANSICodepage.count - 1 do
+ if ANSICodepage.Items[i].Tag = Integer(UserCodepage) then
+ begin
+ ANSICodepage.Items[i].Checked := True;
+ if i > 1 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ // no need to make it invisible if it was turned on
+ if UnknownCodepage.Checked then
+ UnknownCodepage.Visible := True;
+ end;
+// use that to delay events filtering until window will be visible
+procedure THistoryFrm.CMShowingChanged(var Message: TMessage);
+ inherited;
+ if Visible and (DelayedFilter <> []) then
+ begin
+ hg.ShowBottomAligned := True;
+ hg.Filter := DelayedFilter;
+ DelayedFilter := [];
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SetEventFilter(FilterIndex: Integer = -1; DelayApply: Boolean = False);
+ i, fi: Integer;
+ mi: TMenuItem;
+ if FilterIndex = -1 then
+ begin
+ fi := tbEventsFilter.Tag + 1;
+ if fi > High(hppEventFilters) then
+ fi := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ fi := FilterIndex;
+ tbEventsFilter.Tag := fi;
+ LoadEventFilterButton;
+ mi := TMenuItem(Customize1.Parent);
+ for i := 0 to mi.count - 1 do
+ if mi[i].RadioItem then
+ mi[i].Checked := (mi[i].Tag = fi);
+ hg.ShowHeaders := (tbSessions.Enabled) and (mtMessage in hppEventFilters[fi].Events);
+ if DelayApply then
+ DelayedFilter := hppEventFilters[fi].Events
+ else
+ begin
+ DelayedFilter := [];
+ hg.Filter := hppEventFilters[fi].Events;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SethContact(const Value: THandle);
+ // if FhContact = Value then exit;
+ FhContact := Value;
+ if FhContact = 0 then
+ begin
+ FhSubContact := 0;
+ FProtocol := 'ICQ';
+ FSubProtocol := FProtocol;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FProtocol := GetContactProto(hContact, FhSubContact, FSubProtocol);
+ end;
+// fix for infamous splitter bug!
+// thanks to Greg Chapman
+// http://groups.google.com/group/borland.public.delphi.objectpascal/browse_thread/thread/218a7511123851c3/5ada76e08038a75b%235ada76e08038a75b?sa=X&oi=groupsr&start=2&num=3
+procedure THistoryFrm.AlignControls(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect);
+ inherited;
+ if paHolder.Width = 0 then
+ paHolder.Left := spHolder.Left;
+ if paSess.Height = 0 then
+ paSess.Top := spBook.Top;
+procedure THistoryFrm.ContactRTLmode1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if RTLDefault2.Checked then
+ hg.RTLMode := hppRTLDefault
+ else
+ begin
+ if RTLEnabled2.Checked then
+ hg.RTLMode := hppRTLEnable
+ else
+ hg.RTLMode := hppRTLDisable;
+ end;
+ WriteContactRTLMode(hContact, hg.RTLMode, Protocol);
+procedure THistoryFrm.SMPrepare(var M: TMessage);
+ if tvSess.Visible then
+ tvSess.Enabled := False;
+ IsLoadingSessions := True;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SMItemsFound(var M: TMessage);
+ ti: TTreeNode;
+ i: Integer;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ ts: DWord;
+ PrevYearNode, PrevMonthNode: TTreeNode;
+ // wParam - array of hDBEvent, lParam - array size
+ PrevYearNode := nil;
+ PrevMonthNode := nil;
+ ti := nil;
+ Sessions := PSessArray(M.wParam)^;
+ FreeMem(PSessArray(M.wParam));
+ tvSess.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Length(Sessions) - 1 do
+ begin
+ ts := Sessions[i].TimestampFirst;
+ dt := TimestampToDateTime(ts);
+ if (PrevYearNode = nil) or (uint_ptr(PrevYearNode.Data) <> YearOf(dt)) then
+ begin
+ PrevYearNode := tvSess.Items.AddChild(nil, FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_YEARFORMAT, dt));
+ PrevYearNode.Data := Pointer(YearOf(dt));
+ PrevYearNode.ImageIndex := 5;
+ // PrevYearNode.SelectedIndex := PrevYearNode.ImageIndex;
+ PrevMonthNode := nil;
+ end;
+ if (PrevMonthNode = nil) or (uint_ptr(PrevMonthNode.Data) <> MonthOf(dt)) then
+ begin
+ PrevMonthNode := tvSess.Items.AddChild(PrevYearNode,
+ FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_MONTHFORMAT, dt));
+ PrevMonthNode.Data := Pointer(MonthOf(dt));
+ case MonthOf(dt) of
+ 12, 1 .. 2: PrevMonthNode.ImageIndex := 3;
+ 3 .. 5: PrevMonthNode.ImageIndex := 4;
+ 6 .. 8: PrevMonthNode.ImageIndex := 1;
+ 9 .. 11: PrevMonthNode.ImageIndex := 2;
+ end;
+ // PrevMonthNode.SelectedIndex := PrevMonthNode.ImageIndex;
+ end;
+ ti := tvSess.Items.AddChild(PrevMonthNode, FormatDateTime(HPP_SESS_DAYFORMAT, dt));
+ ti.Data := Pointer(i);
+ ti.ImageIndex := 0;
+ // ti.SelectedIndex := ti.ImageIndex;
+ end;
+ if PrevYearNode <> nil then
+ begin
+ PrevYearNode.Expand(False);
+ PrevMonthNode.Expand(True);
+ end;
+ if ti <> nil then
+ ti.Selected := True;
+ finally
+ tvSess.Items.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SMFinished(var M: TMessage);
+ if not tvSess.Enabled then
+ tvSess.Enabled := True;
+ IsLoadingSessions := False;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SendMessage1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if hContact <> 0 then
+ SendMessageTo(hContact);
+procedure THistoryFrm.ReplyQuoted1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.Selected <> -1 then
+ ReplyQuoted(hg.Selected);
+procedure THistoryFrm.CodepageChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
+ val: Cardinal;
+ val := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag;
+ WriteContactCodePage(hContact, val, Protocol);
+ // UserCodepage := val;
+ UserCodepage := GetContactCodePage(hContact, Protocol, UseDefaultCP);
+ hg.Codepage := UserCodepage;
+procedure THistoryFrm.sbClearFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if SearchMode = smFilter then
+ EndHotFilterTimer;
+ edSearch.Text := '';
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+ if Self.Visible then
+ hg.SetFocus
+ else
+ Self.ActiveControl := hg;
+procedure THistoryFrm.pbFilterPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ ic: HICON;
+ if tiFilter.Enabled then
+ ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERWAIT].Handle
+ else
+ ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER].Handle;
+ DrawiconEx(pbFilter.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ic, 16, 16, 0, pbFilter.Canvas.Brush.Handle,
+procedure THistoryFrm.pbSearchPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ DrawiconEx(pbSearch.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH].Handle, 16, 16, 0,
+ pbSearch.Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL);
+procedure THistoryFrm.pbSearchStatePaint(Sender: TObject);
+ { case laSearchState.Tag of
+ 1: DrawIconEx(pbSearchState.Canvas.Handle,0,0,hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH].Handle,
+ 16,16,0,pbSearchState.Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL);
+ 2: DrawIconEx(pbSearchState.Canvas.Handle,0,0,hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH].Handle,
+ 16,16,0,pbSearchState.Canvas.Brush.Handle,DI_NORMAL)
+ else
+ pbSearchState.Canvas.FillRect(pbSearchState.Canvas.ClipRect);
+ end; }
+procedure THistoryFrm.StartHotFilterTimer;
+// var
+// RepaintIcon: Boolean;
+ if tiFilter.Interval = 0 then
+ EndHotFilterTimer
+ else
+ begin
+ tiFilter.Enabled := False;
+ tiFilter.Enabled := True;
+ if pbFilter.Tag <> 1 then
+ begin // use Tag to not repaint every keystroke
+ pbFilter.Tag := 1;
+ pbFilter.Repaint;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.EmptyHistory;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ EventDetailForm.Release;
+ HistoryLength := 0;
+ SetLength(History, HistoryLength);
+ SetLength(Sessions, 0);
+ BookmarkServer.Contacts[hContact].Clear;
+ tvSess.Items.Clear;
+ lvBook.Items.Clear;
+ SetSafetyMode(False);
+ try
+ FormState := gsDelete;
+ hg.DeleteAll;
+ finally
+ FormState := gsIdle;
+ SetSafetyMode(True);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.EmptyHistory1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ CallService(MS_HPP_EMPTYHISTORY, hContact, 0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.EndHotFilterTimer(DoClearFilter: Boolean = False);
+ tiFilter.Enabled := False;
+ if DoClearFilter then
+ HotFilterString := ''
+ else
+ HotFilterString := edSearch.Text;
+ hg.GridUpdate([guFilter]);
+ if pbFilter.Tag <> 0 then
+ begin
+ pbFilter.Tag := 0;
+ pbFilter.Repaint;
+ end;
+ if (not DoClearFilter) and (hg.Selected = -1) then
+ edSearch.Color := $008080FF
+ else
+ edSearch.Color := clWindow;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbBookmarksClick(Sender: TObject);
+ // when called from menu item handler
+ if Sender <> tbBookmarks then
+ tbBookmarks.Down := not tbBookmarks.Down;
+ if tbBookmarks.Down then
+ Panel := Panel + [hpBookmarks]
+ else
+ Panel := Panel - [hpBookmarks];
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbEventsFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ p: TPoint;
+ p := tbEventsFilter.ClientOrigin;
+ tbEventsFilter.ClientToScreen(p);
+ pmEventsFilter.Popup(p.X, p.Y + tbEventsFilter.Height);
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
+ // when called from menu item handler
+ if Sender <> tbSearch then
+ tbSearch.Down := not tbSearch.Down;
+ if tbSearch.Down then
+ SearchMode := smSearch
+ else if tbFilter.Down then
+ SearchMode := smFilter
+ else
+ SearchMode := smNone;
+ if paSearch.Visible then
+ edSearch.SetFocus;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbFilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ // when called from menu item handler
+ if Sender <> tbFilter then
+ tbFilter.Down := not tbFilter.Down;
+ if tbSearch.Down then
+ SearchMode := smSearch
+ else if tbFilter.Down then
+ SearchMode := smFilter
+ else
+ SearchMode := smNone;
+ if paSearch.Visible then
+ edSearch.SetFocus;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbHistoryClick(Sender: TObject);
+ tbHistory.Down := True;
+ tbHistory.CheckMenuDropdown;
+ tbHistory.Down := False;
+ { if hg.SelCount > 1 then begin
+ SaveSelected1.Click
+ exit;
+ end;
+ RecentFormat := TSaveFormat(GetDBInt(hppDBName,'ExportFormat',0));
+ SaveFormat := RecentFormat;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog,SaveFormat,True);
+ t := Translate('Full History [%s] - [%s]');
+ t := Format(t,[WideToAnsiString(hg.ProfileName,CP_ACP),WideToAnsiString(hg.ContactName,CP_ACP)]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then exit;
+ case SaveDialog.FilterIndex of
+ 1: SaveFormat := sfHtml;
+ 2: SaveFormat := sfXml;
+ 3: SaveFormat := sfRTF;
+ 4: SaveFormat := sfUnicode;
+ 5: SaveFormat := sfText;
+ end;
+ RecentFormat := SaveFormat;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0],sfXML);
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName,'ExportFormat',Integer(RecentFormat)); }
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbSessionsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ // when called from menu item handler
+ if Sender <> tbSessions then
+ tbSessions.Down := not tbSessions.Down;
+ if tbSessions.Down then
+ Panel := Panel + [hpSessions]
+ else
+ Panel := Panel - [hpSessions];
+procedure THistoryFrm.tiFilterTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ EndHotFilterTimer;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SaveasRTF2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, sfRTF);
+ t := Format(TranslateW('Full History [%s] - [%s]'), [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0], sfRTF);
+ RecentFormat := sfRTF;
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.SaveasMContacts2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ t: String;
+ PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, sfMContacts);
+ t := Format(TranslateW('Full History [%s] - [%s]'), [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]);
+ t := MakeFileName(t);
+ SaveDialog.FileName := t;
+ if not SaveDialog.Execute then
+ Exit;
+ hg.SaveAll(SaveDialog.Files[0], sfMContacts);
+ RecentFormat := sfMContacts;
+ WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbHistorySearchClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure THistoryFrm.SessSelectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Items: Array of Integer;
+ function BuildIndexesFromSession(const Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
+ var
+ First, Last: THandle;
+ fFirst, fLast: Integer;
+ a, b, i, cnt: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if Node = nil then
+ Exit;
+ if Node.Level = 2 then
+ begin
+ First := Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)].hDBEventFirst;
+ Last := Sessions[uint_ptr(Node.Data)].hDBEventLast;
+ fFirst := -1;
+ fLast := -1;
+ for i := HistoryLength - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if History[i] = 0 then
+ LoadPendingHeaders(i, HistoryLength);
+ if History[i] = First then
+ fFirst := i;
+ if History[i] = Last then
+ fLast := i;
+ if (fLast >= 0) and (fFirst >= 0) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (fLast >= 0) and (fFirst >= 0) then
+ begin
+ if fFirst > fLast then
+ begin
+ a := fLast;
+ b := fFirst;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ a := fFirst;
+ b := fLast;
+ end;
+ cnt := Length(Items);
+ SetLength(Items, cnt + b - a + 1);
+ for i := b downto a do
+ Items[cnt + b - i] := HistoryIndexToGrid(i);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ for i := 0 to Node.count - 1 do
+ Result := BuildIndexesFromSession(Node.Item[i]) or Result;
+ end;
+ if IsLoadingSessions then
+ Exit;
+ BuildIndexesFromSession(tvSess.Selected);
+ hg.SelectRange(Items[0], Items[High(Items)]);
+ // w := w + hg.Items[i].Text+#13#10+'--------------'+#13#10;
+ // CopyToClip(w,Handle,UserCodepage);
+ SetLength(Items, 0);
+ // Index := HistoryIndexToGrid(Index);
+ // ShowItem(Index);
+ // exit;
+ // Events := MakeSessionEvents();
+{ procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ var
+ Node: TTreeNode;
+ begin
+ exit;
+ if (Button = mbRight) then begin
+ Node := tvSess.GetNodeAt(X,Y);
+ if Node <> nil then begin
+ if not Node.Selected then
+ tvSess.Select(Node);
+ tvSessChange(tvSess,Node);
+ if not Node.Focused then
+ Node.Focused := True;
+ tvSess.Invalidate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; }
+procedure THistoryFrm.pmEventsFilterPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ i: Integer;
+ pmi, mi: TMenuItem;
+ if Customize1.Parent <> pmEventsFilter.Items then
+ begin
+ pmi := TMenuItem(Customize1.Parent);
+ for i := pmi.count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ mi := TMenuItem(pmi.Items[i]);
+ pmi.Remove(mi);
+ pmEventsFilter.Items.Insert(0, mi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Application.CancelHint;
+procedure THistoryFrm.pmGridPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ LoadInOptions();
+ if hg.Items[hg.Selected].Bookmarked then
+ Bookmark1.Caption := TranslateW('Remove &Bookmark')
+ else
+ Bookmark1.Caption := TranslateW('Set &Bookmark');
+ AddMenuArray(pmGrid, [ContactRTLmode, ANSICodepage], -1);
+procedure THistoryFrm.pmHistoryPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ pmi, mi: TMenuItem;
+ i: Integer;
+ if SaveSelected2.Parent <> pmHistory.Items then
+ begin
+ pmi := TMenuItem(SaveSelected2.Parent);
+ for i := pmi.count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ mi := TMenuItem(pmi.Items[i]);
+ pmi.Remove(mi);
+ pmHistory.Items.Insert(0, mi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ LoadInOptions();
+ SaveSelected2.Visible := (hg.SelCount > 1);
+ AddMenuArray(pmHistory, [ContactRTLmode, ANSICodepage], 7);
+ Application.CancelHint;
+procedure THistoryFrm.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ case Message.Msg of
+ begin
+ if mmAcc.DispatchCommand(Message.wParam) then
+ Exit;
+ inherited;
+ if Message.Result <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ Message.Result := CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUPROCESSCOMMAND,
+ MAKEWPARAM(Message.WParamLo, MPCF_CONTACTMENU), hContact);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if Self.UserMenu <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUMEASUREITEM, Message.wParam,
+ Message.lParam);
+ if Message.Result <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if Self.UserMenu <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUDRAWITEM, Message.wParam,
+ Message.lParam);
+ if Message.Result <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbUserMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+ p: TPoint;
+ UserMenu := CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDCONTACT, hContact, 0);
+ if UserMenu <> 0 then
+ begin
+ p := tbUserMenu.ClientToScreen(Point(0, tbUserMenu.Height));
+ Application.CancelHint;
+ TrackPopupMenu(UserMenu, TPM_TOPALIGN or TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_LEFTBUTTON, p.X, p.Y, 0,
+ Handle, nil);
+ DestroyMenu(UserMenu);
+ UserMenu := 0;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessGetSelectedIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
+ // and we don't need to set SelectedIndex manually anymore
+ Node.SelectedIndex := Node.ImageIndex;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tvSessKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ if IsFormShortCut([pmBook], Key, Shift) then
+ Key := 0;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgRTLEnabled(Sender: TObject; BiDiMode: TBiDiMode);
+ edPass.BiDiMode := BiDiMode;
+ edSearch.BiDiMode := BiDiMode;
+ // tvSess.BiDiMode := BiDiMode;
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+procedure THistoryFrm.Bookmark1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ val: Boolean;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ hDBEvent := History[GridIndexToHistory(hg.Selected)];
+ val := not BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent];
+ BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent] := val;
+procedure THistoryFrm.tbUserDetailsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if hContact = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, hContact, 0);
+procedure THistoryFrm.lvBookSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
+ Index, i: Integer;
+ Event: THandle;
+ if not Selected then
+ Exit;
+ Event := THandle(Item.Data);
+ Index := -1;
+ // looks like history starts to load from end?
+ // well, of course, we load from the last event!
+ for i := HistoryLength - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if History[i] = 0 then
+ LoadPendingHeaders(i, HistoryLength);
+ if History[i] = Event then
+ begin
+ Index := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Index = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.State = gsInline then
+ hg.CancelInline;
+ Index := HistoryIndexToGrid(Index);
+ hg.BeginUpdate;
+ ShowAllEvents;
+ ShowItem(Index);
+ hg.EndUpdate;
+procedure THistoryFrm.SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ hg.SelectAll;
+procedure THistoryFrm.lvBookContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
+ var Handled: Boolean);
+ Item: TListItem;
+ Handled := True;
+ Item := TListItem(lvBook.GetItemAt(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y));
+ if Item = nil then
+ Exit;
+ lvBook.Selected := Item;
+ if BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[THandle(Item.Data)] then
+ begin
+ MousePos := lvBook.ClientToScreen(MousePos);
+ pmBook.Popup(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y);
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.lvBookEdited(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var S: String);
+ BookmarkServer[hContact].BookmarkName[THandle(Item.Data)] := S;
+procedure THistoryFrm.lvBookKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ if IsFormShortCut([pmBook], Key, Shift) then
+ Key := 0;
+procedure THistoryFrm.RenameBookmark1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ lvBook.Selected.EditCaption;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgProcessInlineChange(Sender: TObject; Enabled: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgInlinePopup(Sender: TObject);
+ InlineCopy.Enabled := hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength > 0;
+ InlineReplyQuoted.Enabled := InlineCopy.Enabled;
+ InlineTextFormatting.Checked := GridOptions.TextFormatting;
+ InlineSendMessage.Visible := (hContact <> 0);
+ InlineReplyQuoted.Visible := (hContact <> 0);
+ pmInline.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y);
+procedure THistoryFrm.InlineCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.CopyToClipboard;
+procedure THistoryFrm.InlineCopyAllClick(Sender: TObject);
+ cr: TCharRange;
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.Lines.BeginUpdate;
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.Perform(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr));
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.SelectAll;
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.CopyToClipboard;
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr));
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.Lines.EndUpdate;
+procedure THistoryFrm.InlineSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
+ hg.InlineRichEdit.SelectAll;
+procedure THistoryFrm.InlineTextFormattingClick(Sender: TObject);
+ GridOptions.TextFormatting := not GridOptions.TextFormatting;
+procedure THistoryFrm.InlineReplyQuotedClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if (hg.Selected = -1) or (hContact = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ SendMessageTo(hContact, hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ReplyQuotedTextFormat));
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgInlineKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ if IsFormShortCut([mmAcc, pmInline], Key, Shift) then
+ begin
+ Key := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ { if (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin
+ if key=Ord('T') then begin
+ InlineCopyAll.Click;
+ key:=0;
+ end;
+ if key=Ord('P') then begin
+ InlineTextFormatting.Click;
+ key:=0;
+ end;
+ if key=Ord('M') then begin
+ SendMessage1.Click;
+ key:=0;
+ end;
+ if key=Ord('R') then begin
+ InlineReplyQuoted.Click;
+ key:=0;
+ end;
+ end; }
+procedure THistoryFrm.ToggleMainMenu(Enabled: Boolean);
+ if Enabled then
+ begin
+ Toolbar.EdgeBorders := [ebTop];
+ Menu := mmAcc
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Toolbar.EdgeBorders := [];
+ Menu := nil;
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.WMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage);
+ inherited;
+ LoadToolbarIcons;
+ LoadButtonIcons;
+ LoadSessionIcons;
+ LoadBookIcons;
+ Repaint;
+procedure THistoryFrm.spBookMoved(Sender: TObject);
+ spBook.Tag := MulDiv(paSess.Height, 255, paHolder.ClientHeight);
+procedure THistoryFrm.paHolderResize(Sender: TObject);
+ if spBook.Visible then
+ paSess.Height := Max(spBook.MinSize, MulDiv(paHolder.ClientHeight, spBook.Tag, 255))
+ else if paSess.Visible then
+ paSess.Height := paHolder.ClientHeight;
+procedure THistoryFrm.pmToolbarPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ Application.CancelHint;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgFilterChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+procedure THistoryFrm.OpenFileFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if SavedFileDir = '' then
+ Exit;
+ ShellExecuteW(0, 'open', PWideChar(SavedFileDir), nil, nil, SW_SHOW);
+ SavedFileDir := '';
+procedure THistoryFrm.BrowseReceivedFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Path: Array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar;
+ CallService(MS_FILE_GETRECEIVEDFILESFOLDER, hContact, lParam(@Path));
+ ShellExecuteA(0, 'open', Path, nil, nil, SW_SHOW);
+procedure THistoryFrm.SpeakMessage1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ mesW: String;
+ mesA: AnsiString;
+ if not MeSpeakEnabled then
+ Exit;
+ if hg.Selected = -1 then
+ Exit;
+ mesW := hg.Items[hg.Selected].Text;
+ if GridOptions.BBCodesEnabled then
+ mesW := DoStripBBCodes(mesW);
+ if Boolean(ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAY_W)) then
+ CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAY_W, hContact, lParam(PChar(mesW)))
+ else
+ begin
+ mesA := WideToAnsiString(mesW, UserCodepage);
+ CallService(MS_SPEAK_SAY_A, hContact, lParam(PAnsiChar(mesA)));
+ end;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgOptionsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if Assigned(EventDetailForm) then
+ TEventDetailsFrm(EventDetailForm).ResetItem;
+procedure THistoryFrm.hgMCData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TMCItem; Stage: TSaveStage);
+ DBEventInfo: TDBEventInfo;
+ hDBEvent: THandle;
+ DataOffset: PAnsiChar;
+ if Stage = ssInit then
+ begin
+ Item.Size := 0;
+ hDBEvent := History[GridIndexToHistory(Index)];
+ if hDBEvent <> 0 then
+ begin
+ DBEventInfo := GetEventInfo(hDBEvent);
+ DBEventInfo.szModule := nil;
+ DBEventInfo.flags := DBEventInfo.flags and not DBEF_FIRST;
+ Item.Size := Cardinal(DBEventInfo.cbSize) + Cardinal(DBEventInfo.cbBlob);
+ end;
+ if Item.Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ GetMem(Item.Buffer, Item.Size);
+ DataOffset := PAnsiChar(Item.Buffer) + DBEventInfo.cbSize;
+ Move(DBEventInfo, Item.Buffer^, DBEventInfo.cbSize);
+ Move(DBEventInfo.pBlob^, DataOffset^, DBEventInfo.cbBlob);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if Stage = ssDone then
+ begin
+ if Item.Size > 0 then
+ FreeMem(Item.Buffer, Item.Size);
+ end;