path: root/plugins/IMO2sProxy/src/imo2skype/socksproxy.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/IMO2sProxy/src/imo2skype/socksproxy.c')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/IMO2sProxy/src/imo2skype/socksproxy.c b/plugins/IMO2sProxy/src/imo2skype/socksproxy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20c56a7a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/IMO2sProxy/src/imo2skype/socksproxy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+/* Module: imo2skypeproxy.c
+ Purpose: Implementation of imo2skype API as Skype proxy (for Miranda Skype plugin)
+ Author: leecher
+ Date: 01.09.2009
+ Changelog:
+ 1.00 - 01.09.2009 - Initial release
+ 1.01 - 02.09.2009 - Little bugfix for Onlinestatus, introduced mutex for send thread.
+ 1.02 - 02.09.2009 - Added support for incoming call notifications and expired sessions.
+ 1.03 - 03.09.2009 - As WIN32-port of libcurl is a total mess, Win32-version now uses WinINET.
+ 1.04 - 04.09.2009 - Added support for searching, adding and removing buddies
+ 1.05 - 06.09.2009 - * Mapped "busy" to DND, not NA, as forum user AL|EN proposed.
+ * Mood text will now also be sent on status change of a contact
+ (doesn't really have an effect though)
+ * New Parameter -d (daemonize) to launch proxy in background
+ * Fixed a bug with a crash when encoding umlauts on Win32
+ 1.06 - 25.09.2009 - Added parameter -t for local timestamps.
+ 1.07 - 07.10.2009 - Bugfix: Added parsing of multiple JSON messages
+ Added support for writing to logfile while in daemon mode (-l)
+ 1.08 - 18.10.2009 - Added support for voice calls via flash on WIN32 (-i)
+ - Limited memory queues to 50 entries to reduce memory usage.
+ 1.09 - 07.11.2009 - Split command line main module and proxy module to make proxy
+ accessible by different layers (i.e. new Miranda Plugin layer)
+ 1.10 - 14.12.2009 - Bug in the cJson library. The authors used the String as second
+ sprintf-Parameter which contains the format string instead of
+ ["%s", StringParam] causing problems sending Messages containt a %
+ - Added some space in the dialog for translations and added Translate()
+ function to some strings in the Wrapper-DLL
+ - More verbose output if you enable logging
+ - Fixes a Bug that caused the plugin to block after going offline
+ and reconnecting back online
+ - Hopefully fixed a severe threading problem: The Send-Mutex was not
+ covering a full transaction, but only 1 send causing the receiver
+ the receive garbled data causing "An existing connection was forcibly
+ closed by the remote host." error.
+ - Imo2S_Exit freed the temporary buffer too early resulting in a crash
+ on exit.
+ 1.12 - 19.04.2010 - POST interface changed from to
+ 1.13 - 19.12.2010 - modified their interface, so tried to adapt the communication
+ routines at low level to be compatible again. There still may be
+ many bugs. Don't forget to turn off history logging in the options
+ at
+ There also seems to be a nice new feature called "reflection" so that
+ you can login from multiple sessions and messages etc. entered there
+ will be reflected to the current session. This may be addressed in one
+ of the next builds...
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "imo2sproxy.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <process.h>
+#define thread_t HANDLE
+#define LockMutex(x) EnterCriticalSection (&x)
+#define UnlockMutex(x) LeaveCriticalSection(&x)
+#define InitMutex(x) InitializeCriticalSection(&x)
+#define ExitMutex(x) DeleteCriticalSection(&x)
+#define strcasecmp stricmp
+#define strncasecmp stricmpn
+#define mutex_t CRITICAL_SECTION
+#define SHUT_WR SD_SEND
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#define SOCKET int
+#define thread_t pthread_t
+#define mutex_t pthread_mutex_t
+#define INVALID_SOCKET -1
+#define closesocket close
+#define LockMutex(x) pthread_mutex_lock(&x)
+#define UnlockMutex(x) pthread_mutex_unlock(&x)
+#define InitMutex(x) pthread_mutex_init(&x, NULL);
+#define ExitMutex(x)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "memlist.h"
+#include "socksproxy.h"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define AUTHENTICATE 0x01
+#define CAPABILITIES 0x02
+typedef struct
+ IMO2SPROXY vtbl; // Must be first!
+ SOCKET listen_fd;
+ volatile int iRunning;
+ mutex_t loopmutex;
+typedef struct
+ SOCKET hSock;
+ thread_t hThread;
+ IMOSAPI *hInst;
+ int iConnectionStat;
+ mutex_t connected;
+ mutex_t sendmutex;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void EventHandler(char *pszMsg, void *pUser);
+static void DispatcherThread(void *pUser);
+static int Dispatcher_Start(CONNINST *pInst);
+static int Dispatcher_Stop(CONNINST *pInst);
+static char *GetError(void);
+static int RcvPacket (CONNINST *pInst, void *buf, int len);
+static int SendPacket (CONNINST *pInst, void *buf, int len);
+static void FreeConnection (CONNINST *pInst);
+static void CleanConnections (TYP_LIST *hList);
+static SOCKET Init(unsigned long int lHost, short sPort, int iMaxConn);
+static void Loop(SOCKET listen_fd);
+static void Exit(SOCKET listen_fd);
+static int Imo2sproxy_Open(IMO2SPROXY *hInst);
+static void Imo2sproxy_Loop(IMO2SPROXY *hInst);
+static void Imo2sproxy_Exit(IMO2SPROXY *hInst);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void EventHandler(char *pszMsg, void *pUser)
+ CONNINST *pInst = (CONNINST*)pUser;
+ unsigned int uiLen = strlen (pszMsg);
+ static BOOL bFirstLogin = TRUE;
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ {
+ fprintf (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "%03d> %s\n", pInst->hSock, pszMsg);
+ fflush (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog);
+ }
+ if (bFirstLogin && strncmp (pszMsg, "CONNSTATUS", 10) == 0 &&
+ strcmp(pszMsg+11, "CONNECTING"))
+ {
+ pInst->iConnectionStat = (strcmp(pszMsg+11, "ONLINE")==0);
+ UnlockMutex (pInst->connected);
+ bFirstLogin = FALSE;
+ }
+ LockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ if (!(SendPacket (pInst, &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen)) && SendPacket (pInst, pszMsg, uiLen)))
+ {
+ //Dispatcher_Stop(pInst);
+ //FreeConnection (pInst);
+ }
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void DispatcherThread(void *pUser)
+ CONNINST *pInst = (CONNINST*)pUser;
+ char *pszUser, *pszPass, *pszError, *pszMsgBuf=NULL;
+ unsigned int uiLength, cbMsgBuf=0, bAuthenticated = 0, iConnected=0, iLogin=1;
+ char command=0, reply=0;
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ fprintf (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Imo2sproxy::DispatcherThread()\n");
+ if (!(pInst->hInst = Imo2S_Init(EventHandler, pInst, pInst->hProxy->pCfg->iFlags)))
+ {
+ pInst->hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Connection %d: Cannot start Imo2Skype instance.\n", pInst->hSock);
+ FreeConnection (pInst);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: Static user+pass from cmdline, until there is a possibility for
+ // a client to authenticate
+ pszUser = pInst->hProxy->pCfg->pszUser;
+ pszPass = pInst->hProxy->pCfg->pszPass;
+ // FIXME: We should enable logging dependent on a loglevel rather than just enabling it
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose)
+ Imo2S_SetLog (pInst->hInst, pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog);
+ while (pInst->hProxy->iRunning)
+ {
+ if (RcvPacket(pInst, &uiLength, sizeof(uiLength))<=0) break;
+ LockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ if (uiLength == 0)
+ {
+ if (RcvPacket(pInst, &command, 1)<=0)
+ {
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (command)
+ {
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pMyCfg->pszAuthPass) reply=1;
+ break;
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pMyCfg->pszAuthPass) reply=USE_AUTHENTICATION;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SendPacket (pInst, &reply, 1)<=0)
+ {
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ break;
+ }
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (uiLength >= cbMsgBuf)
+ {
+ pszMsgBuf = realloc (pszMsgBuf, uiLength+1);
+ if (!pszMsgBuf)
+ {
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ break;
+ }
+ cbMsgBuf=uiLength+1;
+ }
+ if (RcvPacket(pInst, pszMsgBuf, uiLength)<=0)
+ {
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (command)
+ {
+ if (command == AUTHENTICATE)
+ {
+ bAuthenticated = pInst->hProxy->pMyCfg->pszAuthPass && strcmp(pInst->hProxy->pMyCfg->pszAuthPass, pszMsgBuf) == 0;
+ if (SendPacket (pInst, &bAuthenticated, 1)<=0)
+ {
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ command = 0;
+ }
+ UnlockMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ if (iLogin)
+ {
+ if (Imo2S_Login (pInst->hInst, pszUser, pszPass, &pszError) != 1)
+ {
+ pInst->hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Connection %d: Cannot login with (%s/****): %s\n",
+ pInst->hSock, pszUser, pszError);
+ FreeConnection (pInst);
+ return;
+ }
+ iLogin = 0;
+ }
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pMyCfg->pszAuthPass && !bAuthenticated)continue;
+ pszMsgBuf[uiLength]=0;
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ {
+ fprintf (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "%03d< [%s]\n", pInst->hSock, pszMsgBuf);
+ fflush (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog);
+ }
+ if (!iConnected)
+ {
+ LockMutex (pInst->connected);
+ iConnected = pInst->iConnectionStat;
+ if (!iConnected)
+ {
+ pInst->hProxy->pCfg->logerror(stderr, "Invalid username / password");
+ }
+ }
+ Imo2S_Send (pInst->hInst, pszMsgBuf);
+ }
+ FreeConnection (pInst);
+ if (pszMsgBuf) free (pszMsgBuf);
+ return;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef WIN32
+static int Dispatcher_Start(CONNINST *pInst)
+ DWORD ThreadID;
+ return (pInst->hThread=(thread_t)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0,
+ (unsigned(__stdcall *)(void*))DispatcherThread, pInst, 0, &ThreadID))!=0;
+static int Dispatcher_Stop(CONNINST *pInst)
+ return pInst->hThread?TerminateThread (pInst->hThread, 0):1;
+static char *GetError(void)
+ static char szMessage[1024];
+ DWORD dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
+ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwErr, 0, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), NULL);
+ return szMessage;
+static int Dispatcher_Start(CONNINST *pInst)
+ return pthread_create(&pInst->hThread, NULL, DispatcherThread, pInst)==0;
+static int Dispatcher_Stop(CONNINST *pInst)
+ if (!pInst->hThread || pthread_cancel(pInst->hThread))
+ {
+ pInst->hThread=0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static char *GetError(void)
+ return strerror (errno);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static int RcvPacket (CONNINST *pInst, void *buf, int len)
+ int iReceived = recv (pInst->hSock, buf, len, 0);
+ if (iReceived <= 0)
+ pInst->hProxy->pCfg->logerror(stderr, "Connection %d (Receive): %s", pInst->hSock, GetError());
+ return iReceived;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static int SendPacket (CONNINST *pInst, void *buf, int len)
+ int iSent;
+ iSent = send (pInst->hSock, buf, len, 0);
+ if (iSent <= 0)
+ pInst->hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Connection %d (Send): %s", pInst->hSock, GetError());
+ return iSent;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void FreeConnection (CONNINST *pInst)
+ if (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ {
+ fprintf (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Closed connection %d\n", pInst->hSock);
+ fflush (pInst->hProxy->pCfg->fpLog);
+ }
+ if (pInst->hSock != INVALID_SOCKET)
+ closesocket(pInst->hSock);
+ pInst->hSock = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ pInst->hThread = 0;
+ ExitMutex (pInst->connected);
+ ExitMutex (pInst->sendmutex);
+ if (pInst->hInst)
+ {
+ IMOSAPI *hInst = pInst->hInst;
+ pInst->hInst = NULL;
+ Imo2S_Exit(hInst);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void CleanConnections (TYP_LIST *hList)
+ unsigned int i;
+ CONNINST *hInst;
+ for (i=0; i<List_Count(hList); i++)
+ {
+ hInst = List_ElementAt (hList, i);
+ if (hInst->hThread == 0)
+ {
+ free (List_RemoveElementAt(hList, i));
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SocksProxy_Defaults (SOCKSPROXY_CFG *pMyCfg)
+ memset (pMyCfg, 0, sizeof(SOCKSPROXY_CFG));
+ pMyCfg->lAddr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ pMyCfg->sPort = 1401;
+ pMyCfg->iMaxConn = SOMAXCONN;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IMO2SPROXY_INST *pstInst = calloc(sizeof(IMO2SPROXY_INST), 1);
+ pstInst->vtbl.Open = Imo2sproxy_Open;
+ pstInst->vtbl.Loop = Imo2sproxy_Loop;
+ pstInst->vtbl.Exit = Imo2sproxy_Exit;
+ pstInst->pCfg = pCfg;
+ pstInst->pMyCfg = pMyCfg;
+ InitMutex(pstInst->loopmutex);
+ return (IMO2SPROXY*)pstInst;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static int Imo2sproxy_Open(IMO2SPROXY *hInst)
+ struct sockaddr_in sock={0};
+ int yes = 1;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0)
+ {
+ hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "WSAStartup failed");
+ }
+ if (hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ fprintf (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Socksproxy:Loop(Start)\n");
+ hProxy->listen_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if(hProxy->listen_fd == INVALID_SOCKET) return -1;
+ if (setsockopt(hProxy->listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&yes, sizeof(int))<0)
+ {
+ hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Cannot set socket options to SO_REUSEADDR");
+ closesocket(hProxy->listen_fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ sock.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sock.sin_addr.s_addr = hProxy->pMyCfg->lAddr;
+ sock.sin_port = htons(hProxy->pMyCfg->sPort);
+ if (bind(hProxy->listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sock, sizeof(sock)) != 0)
+ {
+ hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Cannot bind socket");
+ closesocket(hProxy->listen_fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (listen(hProxy->listen_fd, hProxy->pMyCfg->iMaxConn) < 0)
+ {
+ hProxy->pCfg->logerror (stderr, "Cannot listen on socket");
+ closesocket(hProxy->listen_fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void Imo2sproxy_Loop(IMO2SPROXY *hInst)
+ struct sockaddr_in sock;
+ int socklen;
+ SOCKET new_fd;
+ TYP_LIST *hConns = List_Init(32);
+ CONNINST *pInst;
+ fd_set fdListen;
+ if (hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ fprintf (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Socksproxy:Loop(Start)\n");
+ hProxy->iRunning = 1;
+ LockMutex(hProxy->loopmutex);
+ while (hProxy->iRunning)
+ {
+ FD_ZERO(&fdListen);
+ FD_SET(hProxy->listen_fd, &fdListen);
+ socklen = sizeof(sock);
+ if (select (0, &fdListen, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SOCKET_ERROR && FD_ISSET(hProxy->listen_fd, &fdListen))
+ {
+ new_fd = accept(hProxy->listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sock, &socklen);
+ if (hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ {
+ fprintf (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Connection from %s:%d -> Connection: %d\n", inet_ntoa(sock.sin_addr),
+ ntohs(sock.sin_port), new_fd);
+ fflush (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog);
+ }
+ if (new_fd != INVALID_SOCKET && (pInst = calloc (1, sizeof(CONNINST))))
+ {
+ CleanConnections (hConns);
+ List_Push(hConns, pInst);
+ pInst->hSock = new_fd;
+ pInst->hProxy = hProxy;
+ InitMutex(pInst->connected);
+ LockMutex(pInst->connected);
+ InitMutex(pInst->sendmutex);
+ Dispatcher_Start(pInst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ fprintf (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Socksproxy:Loop(End)\n");
+ CleanConnections (hConns);
+ while (pInst=List_Pop(hConns))
+ {
+ Dispatcher_Stop(pInst);
+ FreeConnection(pInst);
+ free (pInst);
+ }
+ List_Exit(hConns);
+ UnlockMutex(hProxy->loopmutex);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void Imo2sproxy_Exit(IMO2SPROXY *hInst)
+ if (hProxy->pCfg->bVerbose && hProxy->pCfg->fpLog)
+ fprintf (hProxy->pCfg->fpLog, "Socksproxy:Exit()\n");
+ hProxy->iRunning = 0;
+ shutdown (hProxy->listen_fd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ closesocket (hProxy->listen_fd);
+ LockMutex(hProxy->loopmutex);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ WSACleanup();
+ UnlockMutex(hProxy->loopmutex);
+ ExitMutex(hProxy->loopmutex);
+ free (hProxy);