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-<!DOCTYPE html
-PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-<title>Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol version 2 - DRAFT</title>
-<style type="text/css">
- body { background: white; color: black }
- h1 { text-align: center }
- dd ul.note { list-style: none }
- dl.doublespace dd { margin-bottom: 2ex }
-<h1>Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol version 2</h1>
-<p>This document describes version 2 of the Off-the-Record Messaging
-protocol. The main changes over version 1 include:</p>
-<li>Resolving the identity-binding flaw identified by Di Raimondo,
-Gennaro, and Krawczyk</li>
-<li>Not revealing the users' public keys to passive eavesdroppers; this
-could be useful if the application sending the OTR messages is also
-<li>Supporting fragmentation of OTR messages, to support IM networks
-whose maximum message size is very small.</li>
-<li>Adding a way to authenticate without the use of fingerprints.</li>
-<li>Better protocol version control, for future extensibility.</li>
-<h2>Very high level overview</h2>
-<p>OTR assumes a network model which provides in-order delivery of
-messages, but that some messages may not get delivered at all
-(for example, if the user disconnects). There may be
-an active attacker, who is allowed to perform a Denial of
-Service attack, but not to learn the contents of messages.</p>
-<li>Alice signals to Bob that she would like (using an OTR Query Message)
-or is willing (using a whitespace-tagged plaintext message) to use OTR
-to communicate. Either mechanism should convey the version(s) of OTR
-that Alice is willing to use.</li>
-<li>Bob initiates the authenticated key exchange (AKE) with Alice.
-Version 2 of OTR uses a variant of the SIGMA protocol as its AKE.</li>
-<li>Alice and Bob exchange Data Messages to send information to each
-<h2>High level overview</h2>
-<h3>Requesting an OTR conversation</h3>
-<p>There are two ways Alice can inform Bob that she is willing to use
-the OTR protocol to speak with him: by sending him the OTR Query Message,
-or by including a special "tag" consisting of whitespace characters in
-one of her messages to him. Each method also includes a way for Alice
-to communicate to Bob which versions of the OTR protocol she is willing
-to speak with him.</p>
-<p>The semantics of the OTR Query Message are that Alice is
-<em>requesting</em> that Bob start an OTR conversation with her (if, of
-course, he is willing and able to do so). On the other hand, the
-semantics of the whitespace tag are that Alice is merely
-<em>indicating</em> to Bob that she is willing and able to have an OTR
-conversation with him. If Bob has a policy of "only use OTR when it's
-explicitly requested", for example, then he <em>would</em> start an OTR
-conversation upon receiving an OTR Query Message, but <em>would not</em>
-upon receiving the whitespace tag.</p>
-<h3>Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE)</h3>
-<p>This section outlines the version of the SIGMA protocol used as the
-AKE. All exponentiations are done modulo a particular 1536-bit prime,
-and g is a generator of that group, as indicated in the detailed
-description below. Alice and Bob's long-term authentication public keys
-are pub<sub>A</sub> and pub<sub>B</sub>, respectively.</p>
-<p>The general idea is that Alice and Bob do an <em>unauthenticated</em>
-Diffie-Hellman (D-H) key exchange to set up an encrypted channel, and
-then do mutual authentication <em>inside</em> that channel.</p>
-<p>Bob will be initiating the AKE with Alice.</p>
-<li>Picks a random value r (128 bits)</li>
-<li>Picks a random value x (at least 320 bits)</li>
-<li>Sends Alice AES<sub>r</sub>(g<sup>x</sup>), HASH(g<sup>x</sup>)</li>
-<li>Picks a random value y (at least 320 bits)</li>
-<li>Sends Bob g<sup>y</sup></li>
-<li>Verifies that Alice's g<sup>y</sup> is a legal value (2 &lt;=
-g<sup>y</sup> &lt;= modulus-2)</li>
-<li>Computes s = (g<sup>y</sup>)<sup>x</sup></li>
-<li>Computes two AES keys c, c' and four MAC keys m1, m1', m2, m2' by
-hashing s in various ways</li>
-<li>Picks keyid<sub>B</sub>, a serial number for his D-H key
-<li>Computes M<sub>B</sub> = MAC<sub>m1</sub>(g<sup>x</sup>, g<sup>y</sup>,
-pub<sub>B</sub>, keyid<sub>B</sub>)</li>
-<li>Computes X<sub>B</sub> = pub<sub>B</sub>, keyid<sub>B</sub>,
-<li>Sends Alice r, AES<sub>c</sub>(X<sub>B</sub>),
-<li>Uses r to decrypt the value of g<sup>x</sup> sent earlier</li>
-<li>Verifies that HASH(g<sup>x</sup>) matches the value sent earlier</li>
-<li>Verifies that Bob's g<sup>x</sup> is a legal value (2 &lt;=
-g<sup>x</sup> &lt;= modulus-2)</li>
-<li>Computes s = (g<sup>x</sup>)<sup>y</sup> (note that this will be the
-same as the value of s Bob calculated)</li>
-<li>Computes two AES keys c, c' and four MAC keys m1, m1', m2, m2' by
-hashing s in various ways (the same as Bob)</li>
-<li>Uses m2 to verify MAC<sub>m2</sub>(AES<sub>c</sub>(X<sub>B</sub>))</li>
-<li>Uses c to decrypt AES<sub>c</sub>(X<sub>B</sub>) to obtain
-X<sub>B</sub> = pub<sub>B</sub>, keyid<sub>B</sub>,
-<li>Computes M<sub>B</sub> = MAC<sub>m1</sub>(g<sup>x</sup>,
-g<sup>y</sup>, pub<sub>B</sub>, keyid<sub>B</sub>)</li>
-<li>Uses pub<sub>B</sub> to verify sig<sub>B</sub>(M<sub>B</sub>)</li>
-<li>Picks keyid<sub>A</sub>, a serial number for her D-H key
-<li>Computes M<sub>A</sub> = MAC<sub>m1'</sub>(g<sup>y</sup>, g<sup>x</sup>,
-pub<sub>A</sub>, keyid<sub>A</sub>)</li>
-<li>Computes X<sub>A</sub> = pub<sub>A</sub>, keyid<sub>A</sub>,
-<li>Sends Bob AES<sub>c'</sub>(X<sub>A</sub>),
-<li>Uses m2' to verify MAC<sub>m2'</sub>(AES<sub>c'</sub>(X<sub>A</sub>))</li>
-<li>Uses c' to decrypt AES<sub>c'</sub>(X<sub>A</sub>) to obtain
-X<sub>A</sub> = pub<sub>A</sub>, keyid<sub>A</sub>,
-<li>Computes M<sub>A</sub> = MAC<sub>m1'</sub>(g<sup>y</sup>,
-g<sup>x</sup>, pub<sub>A</sub>, keyid<sub>A</sub>)</li>
-<li>Uses pub<sub>A</sub> to verify sig<sub>A</sub>(M<sub>A</sub>)</li>
-<li>If all of the verifications succeeded, Alice and Bob now know each
-other's Diffie-Hellman public keys, and share the value s. Alice is
-assured that s is known by someone with access to the private key
-corresponding to pub<sub>B</sub>, and similarly for Bob.</li>
-<h3>Exchanging data</h3>
-<p>This section outlines the method used to protect data being exchanged
-between Alice and Bob. As above, all exponentiations are done modulo
-a particular 1536-bit prime, and g is a generator of
-that group, as indicated in the detailed description below.</p>
-<p>Suppose Alice has a message (msg) to send to Bob.</p>
-<li>Picks the most recent of her own D-H encryption keys that Bob has
-acknowledged receiving (by using it in a Data Message, or failing that,
-in the AKE). Let key<sub>A</sub> by that key, and let keyid<sub>A</sub>
-be its serial number.</li>
-<li>If the above key is Alice's most recent key, she generates a new D-H key
-(next_dh), to get the serial number keyid<sub>A</sub>+1.</li>
-<li>Picks the most recent of Bob's D-H encryption keys that she has
-received from him (either in a Data Message or in the AKE). Let
-key<sub>B</sub> by that key, and let keyid<sub>B</sub> be its serial
-<li>Uses Diffie-Hellman to compute a shared secret from the two keys
-key<sub>A</sub> and key<sub>B</sub>, and generates the
-sending AES key, ek, and the sending MAC key, mk, as detailed
-<li>Collects any old MAC keys that were used in previous messages, but
-will never again be used (because their associated D-H keys are no
-longer the most recent ones) into a list, oldmackeys.</li>
-<li>Picks a value of the counter, ctr, so that the triple
-(key<sub>A</sub>, key<sub>B</sub>, ctr) is never the same for more
-than one Data Message Alice sends to Bob.</li>
-<li>Computes T<sub>A</sub> = (keyid<sub>A</sub>, keyid<sub>B</sub>, next_dh,
-ctr, AES-CTR<sub>ek,ctr</sub>(msg))</li>
-<li>Sends Bob T<sub>A</sub>, MAC<sub>mk</sub>(T<sub>A</sub>),
-<li>Uses Diffie-Hellman to compute a shared secret from the two keys
-labelled by keyid<sub>A</sub> and keyid<sub>B</sub>, and generates the
-receiving AES key, ek, and the receiving MAC key, mk, as detailed
-below. (These will be the same as the keys Alice generated, above.)</li>
-<li>Uses mk to verify MAC<sub>mk</sub>(T<sub>A</sub>).</li>
-<li>Uses ek and ctr to decrypt
-<h3>Socialist Millionaires' Protocol (SMP)</h3>
-<p>While data messages are being exchanged, either Alice or Bob may
-run SMP to detect impersonation or man-in-the-middle attacks.
-As above, all exponentiations are done modulo a particular 1536-bit
-prime, and g<sub>1</sub> is a generator of that group. All sent values
-include zero-knowledge proofs that they were generated according to
-this protocol, as indicated in the detailed description below.</p>
-<p>Suppose Alice and Bob have secret information x and y respectively,
-and they wish to know whether x = y. The Socialist Millionaires' Protocol
-allows them to compare x and y without revealing any other information
-than the value of (x == y). For OTR, the secrets contain
-information about both parties' long-term authentication public keys,
-as well as information entered by the users themselves. If x = y,
-this means that Alice and Bob entered the same secret information, and
-so must be the same entities who established that secret to begin with.</p>
-<p>Assuming that Alice begins the exchange:</p>
-<li>Picks random exponents a<sub>2</sub> and a<sub>3</sub></li>
-<li>Sends Bob g<sub>2a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>a<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Picks random exponents b<sub>2</sub> and b<sub>3</sub></li>
-<li>Computes g<sub>2b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>b<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Computes g<sub>2</sub> = g<sub>2a</sub><sup>b<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3</sub> = g<sub>3a</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Picks random exponent r</li>
-<li>Computes P<sub>b</sub> = g<sub>3</sub><sup>r</sup> and
-Q<sub>b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup> g<sub>2</sub><sup>y</sup></li>
-<li>Sends Alice g<sub>2b</sub>, g<sub>3b</sub>, P<sub>b</sub> and
-<li>Computes g<sub>2</sub> = g<sub>2b</sub><sup>a<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3</sub> = g<sub>3b</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Picks random exponent s</li>
-<li>Computes P<sub>a</sub> = g<sub>3</sub><sup>s</sup> and
-Q<sub>a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>s</sup> g<sub>2</sub><sup>x</sup></li>
-<li>Computes R<sub>a</sub> = (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)
-<li>Sends Bob P<sub>a</sub>, Q<sub>a</sub> and R<sub>a</sub></li>
-<li>Computes R<sub>b</sub> = (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)
-<li>Computes R<sub>ab</sub> = R<sub>a</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Checks whether R<sub>ab</sub> == (P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>)</li>
-<li>Sends Alice R<sub>b</sub></li>
-<li>Computes R<sub>ab</sub> = R<sub>b</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Checks whether R<sub>ab</sub> == (P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>)</li>
-<li>If everything is done correctly, then R<sub>ab</sub> should hold the
-value of (P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>) times
-(g<sub>2</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub>b<sub>3</sub></sup>)<sup>(x - y)</sup>, which means that the test at the end of
-the protocol will only succeed if x == y. Further, since
-g<sub>2</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub>b<sub>3</sub></sup> is a random number
-not known to any party, if x is not equal to y, no other information is
-<h2>Details of the protocol</h2>
-<h3>Unencoded messages</h3>
-<p>This section describes the messages in the OTR protocol that are not
-base-64 encoded binary.</p>
-<h4>OTR Query Messages</h4>
-<p>If Alice wishes to communicate to Bob that she would like to use OTR,
-she sends a message containing the string "?OTR" followed by an
-indication of what versions of OTR she is willing to use with Bob. The
-version string is constructed as follows:</p>
-<li>If she is willing to use OTR version 1, the version string must
-start with "?".</li>
-<li>If she is willing to use OTR versions other than 1, a "v" followed
-by the byte identifiers for the versions in question, followed by "?".
-The byte identifier for OTR version 2 is "2". The order of the
-identifiers between the "v" and the "?" does not matter, but none should
-be listed more than once.</li>
-<p>For example:</p>
-<dd>Version 1 only</dd>
-<dd>Version 2 only</dd>
-<dd>Versions 1 and 2</dd>
-<dd>Version 2, and hypothetical future versions identified by "4" and
-<dd>Versions 1, 2, and hypothetical future versions identified by "4" and
-<dd>Also version 1 only</dd>
-<dd>A bizarre claim that Alice would like to start an OTR conversation,
-but is unwilling to speak any version of the protocol</dd>
-<p>These strings may be hidden from the user (for example, in
-an attribute of an HTML tag), and/or may be accompanied by an
-explanitory message ("Alice has requested an Off-the-Record private
-conversation."). If Bob is willing to use OTR with Alice (with a
-protocol version that Alice has offered), he should start the AKE.</p>
-<h4>Tagged plaintext messages</h4>
-<p>If Alice wishes to communicate to Bob that she is willing to use OTR,
-she can attach a special whitespace tag to any plaintext message she
-sends him. This tag may occur anywhere in the message, and may be
-hidden from the user (as in the Query Messages, above).</p>
-<p>The tag consists of the following 16 bytes, followed by one or more
-sets of 8 bytes indicating the version of OTR Alice is willing to
-<li>Always send "\x20\x09\x20\x20\x09\x09\x09\x09"
-"\x20\x09\x20\x09\x20\x09\x20\x20", followed by one or more of:</li>
-<li>"\x20\x09\x20\x09\x20\x20\x09\x20" to indicate a willingness to use
-OTR version 1 with Bob (note: this string must come before all other
-whitespace version tags, if it is present, for backwards
-<li>"\x20\x20\x09\x09\x20\x20\x09\x20" to indicate a willingness to use
-OTR version 2 with Bob</li>
-<p>If Bob is willing to use OTR with Alice (with a protocol version that
-Alice has offered), he should start the AKE. On the other hand, if
-Alice receives a plaintext message from Bob (rather than an initiation
-of the AKE), she should stop sending him the whitespace tag.</p>
-<h4>OTR Error Messages</h4>
-<p>Any message containing the string "?OTR Error:" is an OTR Error
-Message. The following part of the message should contain
-human-readable details of the error.</p>
-<h3>Encoded messages</h3>
-<p>This section describes the byte-level format of the base-64 encoded
-binary OTR messages. The binary form of each of the messages is
-described below. To transmit one of these messages, construct the ASCII
-string consisting of the five bytes "?OTR:", followed by the base-64
-encoding of the binary form of the message, followed by the byte
-<p>For the Diffie-Hellman group computations, the group is the one
-defined in RFC 3526 with 1536-bit modulus (hex, big-endian):</p>
-29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD
-EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245
-E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED
-EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE45B3D
-C2007CB8 A163BF05 98DA4836 1C55D39A 69163FA8 FD24CF5F
-83655D23 DCA3AD96 1C62F356 208552BB 9ED52907 7096966D
-670C354E 4ABC9804 F1746C08 CA237327 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
-<p>and a generator (g) of 2. Note that this means that whenever you see a
-Diffie-Hellman exponentiation in this document, it always means that the
-exponentiation is done modulo the above 1536-bit number.</p>
-<h4>Data types</h4>
-<dt>Bytes (BYTE):</dt>
-<dd> 1 byte unsigned value</dd>
-<dt>Shorts (SHORT):</dt>
-<dd> 2 byte unsigned value, big-endian</dd>
-<dt>Ints (INT):</dt>
-<dd> 4 byte unsigned value, big-endian</dd>
-<dt>Multi-precision integers (MPI):</dt>
-<dd> 4 byte unsigned len, big-endian
-<br /> len byte unsigned value, big-endian
-<br /> (MPIs must use the minimum-length encoding; i.e. no leading 0x00
- bytes. This is important when calculating public key
- fingerprints.)</dd>
-<dt>Opaque variable-length data (DATA):</dt>
-<dd> 4 byte unsigned len, big-endian
-<br /> len byte data</dd>
-<dt>Initial CTR-mode counter value (CTR):</dt>
-<dd> 8 bytes data</dd>
-<dt>Message Authentication Code (MAC):</dt>
-<dd> 20 bytes MAC data</dd>
-<h4>Public keys, signatures, and fingerprints</h4>
-<p>OTR users have long-lived public keys that they use for
-authentication (but <em>not</em> encryption). The current version of
-the OTR protocol only supports DSA public keys, but there is a key type
-marker for future extensibility.</p>
-<dt>OTR public authentication DSA key (PUBKEY):</dt>
-<dd>Pubkey type (SHORT)
-<ul class="note"><li>DSA public keys have type 0x0000</li></ul>
-p (MPI)
-<br />q (MPI)
-<br />g (MPI)
-<br />y (MPI)
-<ul class="note"><li>(p,q,g,y) are the DSA public key parameters</li></ul>
-<p>OTR public keys are used to generate <b>signatures</b>; different
-types of keys produce signatures in different formats. The format for a
-signature made by a DSA public key is as follows:</p>
-<dt>DSA signature (SIG):</dt>
-<dd> (len is the length of the DSA public parameter q)
-<br /> len byte unsigned r, big-endian
-<br /> len byte unsigned s, big-endian</dd>
-<p>OTR public keys have <b>fingerprints</b>, which are hex strings that
-serve as identifiers for the public key. The fingerprint is calculated
-by taking the SHA-1 hash of the byte-level representation of the public
-key. However, there is an exception for backwards compatibility: if the
-pubkey type is 0x0000, those two leading 0x00 bytes are omitted from the
-data to be hashed. The encoding assures that, assuming the hash
-function itself has no useful collisions, and DSA keys have length less
-than 524281 bits (500 times larger than most DSA keys), no two public
-keys will have the same fingerprint.</p>
-<h4>D-H Commit Message</h4>
-<p>This is the first message of the AKE. Bob sends it to Alice to
-commit to a choice of D-H encryption key (but the key itself is not yet
-revealed). This allows the secure session id to be much shorter than in
-OTR version 1, while still preventing a man-in-the-middle attack on
-<dt>Protocol version (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The version number of this protocol is 0x0002.</dd>
-<dt>Message type (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The D-H Commit Message has type 0x02.</dd>
-<dt>Encrypted g<sup>x</sup> (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>Produce this field as follows:
-<li>Choose a random value r (128 bits)</li>
-<li>Choose a random value x (at least 320 bits)</li>
-<li>Serialize g<sup>x</sup> as an MPI, gxmpi. [gxmpi will probably be
-196 bytes long, starting with "\x00\x00\x00\xc0".]</li>
-<li>Encrypt gxmpi using AES128-CTR, with key r and initial counter value
-0. The result will be the same length as gxmpi.</li>
-<li>Encode this encrypted value as the DATA field.</li>
-<dt>Hashed g<sup>x</sup> (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>This is the SHA256 hash of gxmpi.</dd>
-<h4>D-H Key Message</h4>
-<p>This is the second message of the AKE. Alice sends it to Bob, and it
-simply consists of Alice's D-H encryption key.</p>
-<dt>Protocol version (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The version number of this protocol is 0x0002.</dd>
-<dt>Message type (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The D-H Key Message has type 0x0a.</dd>
-<dt>g<sup>y</sup> (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>Choose a random value y (at least 320 bits), and calculate
-<h4>Reveal Signature Message</h4>
-<p>This is the third message of the AKE. Bob sends it to Alice,
-revealing his D-H encryption key (and thus opening an encrypted
-channel), and also authenticating himself (and the parameters of the
-channel, preventing a man-in-the-middle attack on the channel itself) to
-<dt>Protocol version (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The version number of this protocol is 0x0002.</dd>
-<dt>Message type (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The Reveal Signature Message has type 0x11.</dd>
-<dt>Revealed key (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>This is the value r picked earlier.</dd>
-<dt>Encrypted signature (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>This field is calculated as follows:
-<li>Compute the Diffie-Hellman shared secret s.</li>
-<li>Use s to compute an AES key c and two MAC keys m1 and m2, as specified below.</li>
-<li>Select keyid<sub>B</sub>, a serial number for the D-H key computed
-earlier. It is an INT, and must be greater than 0.</li>
-<li>Compute the 32-byte value M<sub>B</sub> to be the SHA256-HMAC of the
-following data, using the key m1:<dl>
-<dt>g<sup>x</sup> (MPI)</dt>
-<dt>g<sup>y</sup> (MPI)</dt>
-<dt>pub<sub>B</sub> (PUBKEY)</dt>
-<dt>keyid<sub>B</sub> (INT)</dt>
-<li>Let X<sub>B</sub> be the following structure:<dl>
-<dt>pub<sub>B</sub> (PUBKEY)</dt>
-<dt>keyid<sub>B</sub> (INT)</dt>
-<dt>sig<sub>B</sub>(M<sub>B</sub>) (SIG)</dt>
-<dd>This is the signature, using the private part of the key
-pub<sub>B</sub>, of the 32-byte M<sub>B</sub> (which does not need to be
-hashed again to produce the signature).</dd>
-<li>Encrypt X<sub>B</sub> using AES128-CTR with key c and initial
-counter value 0.</li>
-<li>Encode this encrypted value as the DATA field.</li>
-<dt>MAC'd signature (MAC)</dt>
-<dd>This is the SHA256-HMAC-160 (that is, the first 160 bits of the
-SHA256-HMAC) of the encrypted signature field (including the four-byte
-length), using the key m2.</dd>
-<h4>Signature Message</h4>
-<p>This is the final message of the AKE. Alice sends it to Bob,
-authenticating herself and the channel parameters to him.</p>
-<dt>Protocol version (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The version number of this protocol is 0x0002.</dd>
-<dt>Message type (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The Signature Message has type 0x12.</dd>
-<dt>Encrypted signature (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>This field is calculated as follows:
-<li>Compute the Diffie-Hellman shared secret s.</li>
-<li>Use s to compute an AES key c' and two MAC keys m1' and m2', as specified below.</li>
-<li>Select keyid<sub>A</sub>, a serial number for the D-H key computed
-earlier. It is an INT, and must be greater than 0.</li>
-<li>Compute the 32-byte value M<sub>A</sub> to be the SHA256-HMAC of the
-following data, using the key m1':<dl>
-<dt>g<sup>y</sup> (MPI)</dt>
-<dt>g<sup>x</sup> (MPI)</dt>
-<dt>pub<sub>A</sub> (PUBKEY)</dt>
-<dt>keyid<sub>A</sub> (INT)</dt>
-<li>Let X<sub>A</sub> be the following structure:<dl>
-<dt>pub<sub>A</sub> (PUBKEY)</dt>
-<dt>keyid<sub>A</sub> (INT)</dt>
-<dt>sig<sub>A</sub>(M<sub>A</sub>) (SIG)</dt>
-<dd>This is the signature, using the private part of the key
-pub<sub>A</sub>, of the 32-byte M<sub>A</sub> (which does not need to be
-hashed again to produce the signature).</dd>
-<li>Encrypt X<sub>A</sub> using AES128-CTR with key c' and initial
-counter value 0.</li>
-<li>Encode this encrypted value as the DATA field.</li>
-<dt>MAC'd signature (MAC)</dt>
-<dd>This is the SHA256-HMAC-160 (that is, the first 160 bits of the
-SHA256-HMAC) of the encrypted signature field (including the four-byte
-length), using the key m2'.</dd>
-<h4>Data Message</h4>
-<p>This message is used to transmit a private message to the
-correspondent. It is also used to reveal old MAC keys.</p>
-<p>The plaintext message (either before encryption, or after decryption)
-consists of a human-readable message (encoded in UTF-8, optionally with
-HTML markup), optionally followed by:</p>
-<li>a single NUL (a BYTE with value 0x00), <b>and</b></li>
-<li>zero or more TLV (type/length/value) records (with no padding
-between them)</li>
-<p>Each TLV record is of the form:</p>
-<dt>Type (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The type of this record. Records with unrecognized types should be
-<dt>Length (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The length of the following field</dd>
-<dt>Value (len BYTEs) [where len is the value of the Length field]</dt>
-<dd>Any pertinent data for the record type.</dd>
-<p>Some TLV examples:</p>
-<dd>A TLV of type 1, containing no data</dd>
-<dd>A TLV of type 0, containing the value "hello"</dd>
-<p>The currently defined TLV record types are:</p>
-<dt>Type 0: Padding</dt>
-<dd>The value may be an arbitrary amount of data, which should be
-ignored. This type can be used to disguise the length of the plaintext
-<dt>Type 1: Disconnected</dt>
-<dd>If the user requests to close the private connection, you may send a
-message (possibly with empty human-readable part) containing a record
-with this TLV type just before you discard the session keys, and
-transition to MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT (see below). If you receive a TLV
-record of this type, you should transition to MSGSTATE_FINISHED (see
-below), and inform the user that his correspondent has closed his end of
-the private connection, and the user should do the same.</dd>
-<dt>Type 2: SMP Message 1</dt>
-<dd>The value represents an initiating message of the Socialist
-Millionaires' Protocol, described below.</dd>
-<dt>Type 3: SMP Message 2</dt>
-<dd>The value represents the second message in an instance of SMP.</dd>
-<dt>Type 4: SMP Message 3</dt>
-<dd>The value represents the third message in an instance of SMP.</dd>
-<dt>Type 5: SMP Message 4</dt>
-<dd>The value represents the final message in an instance of SMP.</dd>
-<dt>Type 6: SMP Abort Message</dt>
-<dd>If the user cancels SMP prematurely or encounters an error in the
-protocol and cannot continue, you may send a message (possibly with empty
-human-readable part) with this TLV type to instruct the other party's
-client to abort the protocol. The associated length should be zero and
-the associated value should be empty. If you receive a TLV of this type,
-you should change the SMP state to SMP_EXPECT1 (see below).</dd>
-<p>SMP Message TLVs (types 2-5) all carry data sharing the same general
-<dt>MPI count (INT)</dt>
-<dd>The number of MPIs contained in the remainder of the TLV.</dd>
-<dt>MPI 1 (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>The first MPI of the TLV, serialized into a byte array.</dd>
-<dt>MPI 2 (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>The second MPI of the TLV, serialized into a byte array.</dd>
-<p>There should be as many MPIs as declared in the MPI count field. For
-the exact MPIs passed for each SMP TLV, see the SMP state machine
-<p>A message with an empty human-readable part (the plaintext is of zero
-length, or starts with a NUL) is a "heartbeat" packet, and should not
-be displayed to the user. (But it's still useful to effect key
-<p>Data Message format:</p>
-<dt>Protocol version (SHORT)</dt>
-<dd>The version number of this protocol is 0x0002.</dd>
-<dt>Message type (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The Data Message has type 0x03.</dd>
-<dt>Flags (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The bitwise-OR of the flags for this message. Usually you should
-set this to 0x00. The only currently defined flag is:<dl>
-<dt>IGNORE_UNREADABLE (0x01)</dt>
-<dd>If you receive a Data Message with this flag set, and you are unable
-to decrypt the message or verify the MAC (because, for example, you
-don't have the right keys), just ignore the message instead of producing
-some kind of error or notification to the user.</dd>
-<dt>Sender keyid (INT)</dt>
-<dd>Must be strictly greater than 0, and increment by 1 with each key
-<dt>Recipient keyid (INT)</dt>
-<dd>Must therefore be strictly greater than 0, as the receiver has no
-key with id 0.
-<br />The sender and recipient keyids are those used to encrypt and MAC
-this message.</dd>
-<dt>DH y (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>The *next* [i.e. sender_keyid+1] public key for the sender</dd>
-<dt>Top half of counter init (CTR)</dt>
-<dd>This should monotonically increase (as a big-endian value) for
- each message sent with the same (sender keyid, recipient keyid)
- pair, and must not be all 0x00.</dd>
-<dt>Encrypted message (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>Using the appropriate encryption key (see below) derived from the
- sender's and recipient's DH public keys (with the keyids given in
- this message), perform AES128 counter-mode (CTR) encryption of the
- message. The initial counter is a 16-byte value whose first 8
- bytes are the above "top half of counter init" value, and whose
- last 8 bytes are all 0x00. Note that counter mode does not change
- the length of the message, so no message padding needs to be done.
- If you *want* to do message padding (to disguise the length of
- your message), use the above TLV of type 0.</dd>
-<dt>Authenticator (MAC)</dt>
-<dd>The SHA1-HMAC, using the appropriate MAC key (see below) of everything
- from the Protocol version to the end of the encrypted message</dd>
-<dt>Old MAC keys to be revealed (DATA)</dt>
-<dd>See "Revealing MAC Keys", below.</dd>
-<h3>Socialist Millionaires' Protocol (SMP)</h3>
-<p>The Socialist Millionaires' Protocol allows two parties with secret
-information x and y respectively to check whether (x==y) without revealing
-any additional information about the secrets. The protocol used by OTR is
-based on the work of Boudot, Schoenmakers and Traore (2001). A full
-justification for its use in OTR is made by Alexander and Goldberg,
-in a paper to be published this year. The following is a technical account
-of what is transmitted during the course of the protocol.</p>
-<h4>Secret information</h4>
-<p>The secret information x and y compared during this protocol contains
-not only information entered by the users, but also information unique to
-the conversation in which SMP takes place. Specifically, the format is:</p>
-<dt>Version (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>The version of SMP used. The version described here is 1.</dd>
-<dt>Initiator fingerprint (20 BYTEs)</dt>
-<dd>The fingerprint that the party initiating SMP is using in
-the current conversation.</dd>
-<dt>Responder fingerprint (20 BYTEs)</dt>
-<dd>The fingerprint that the party that did not initiate SMP is
-using in the current conversation.</dd>
-<dt>Secure Session ID</dt>
-<dd>The ssid described below.</dd>
-<dt>User input</dt>
-<dd>The input string given by the user at runtime.</dd>
-<p>Then the SHA256 hash of the above is taken, and the digest becomes the
-actual secret (x or y) to be used in SMP. The additional fields insure
-that not only do both parties know the same secret input string, but no
-man-in-the-middle is capable of reading their communication either.</p>
-<h3>The SMP state machine</h3>
-<p>Whenever the OTR message state machine has MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED set
-(see below), the SMP state machine may progress. If at any point
-MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED becomes unset, SMP must abandon its state and return
-to its initial setup. The SMP state consists of one main variable, as
-well as information from the partial computations at each protocol step.</p>
-<h4>Expected Message</h4>
-<p>This main state variable for SMP controls what SMP-specific TLVs will
-be accepted. This variable has no effect on type 0 or type 1 TLVs, which
-are always allowed. smpstate can take one of four values:</p>
-<dd>This state indicates that only type 2 TLVs (SMP message 1) should
-be accepted. This is the default state when SMP has not yet begun. This
-state is also reached whenever an error occurs or SMP is aborted, and the
-protocol must be restarted from the beginning.</dd>
-<dd>This state indicates that only type 3 TLVs (SMP message 2) should
-be accepted.</dd>
-<dd>This state indicates that only type 4 TLVs (SMP message 3) should
-be accepted.</dd>
-<dd>This state indicates that only type 5 TLVs (SMP message 4) should
-be accepted.</dd>
-<h4>State Transitions</h4>
-<p>There are 7 actions that an OTR client must handle:</p>
-<li>Received TLVs:
-<li>SMP Message 1</li>
-<li>SMP Message 2</li>
-<li>SMP Message 3</li>
-<li>SMP Message 4</li>
-<li>SMP Abort Message</li>
-<li>User actions:</li>
-<li>User requests to begin SMP</li>
-<li>User requests to abort SMP</li>
-<p>The following sections outline what is to be done in each case. They
-all assume that MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED is set. For simplicity, they also
-assume that Alice has begun SMP, and Bob is responding to her.</p>
-<h4>SMP Hash function</h4>
-<p>In the following actions, there are many places where a SHA256 hash of
-an integer followed by one or two MPIs is taken. The input to this hash
-function is:</p>
-<dt>Version (BYTE)</dt>
-<dd>This distinguishes calls to the hash function at different points in
-the protocol, to prevent Alice from replaying Bob's zero knowledge proofs
-or vice versa.</dd>
-<dt>First MPI (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>The first MPI given as input, serialized in the usual way.</dd>
-<dt>Second MPI (MPI)</dt>
-<dd>The second MPI given as input, if present, serialized in the usual way.
-If only one MPI is given as input, this field is simply omitted.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a type 2 TLV (SMP message 1)</h4>
-<p>SMP message 1 is sent by Alice to begin a DH exchange to determine two
-new generators, g<sub>2</sub> and g<sub>3</sub>. It contains the
-following mpi values:</p>
-<dd>Alice's half of the DH exchange to determine g<sub>2</sub>.</dd>
-<dt>c2, D2</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that Alice knows the exponent associated with
-her transmitted value g<sub>2a</sub>.</dd>
-<dd>Alice's half of the DH exchange to determine g<sub>3</sub>.</dd>
-<dt>c3, D3</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that Alice knows the exponent associated with
-her transmitted value g<sub>3a</sub>.</dd>
-<p>When Bob receives this TLV he should do:</p>
-<dt>If smpstate is not SMPSTATE_EXPECT1:</dt>
-<dd>Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1 and send a type 6 TLV (SMP abort)
-to Alice.</dd>
-<dt>If smpstate is SMPSTATE_EXPECT1:</dt>
-<dd>Verify Alice's zero-knowledge proofs for g<sub>2a</sub> and
-<li>Check that c2 = SHA256(1, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D2</sup>
-<li>Check that c3 = SHA256(2, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D3</sup>
-Create a type 3 TLV (SMP message 2) and send it to Alice:
-<li>Determine Bob's secret input y, which is to be compared to Alice's
-secret x.</li>
-<li>Pick random exponents b<sub>2</sub> and b<sub>3</sub>.
-These will used during the DH exchange to pick generators.</li>
-<li>Pick random exponents r2, r3, r4, r5 and r6.
-These will be used to add a blinding factor to the final results, and
-to generate zero-knowledge proofs that this message was created honestly.</li>
-<li>Compute g<sub>2b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>b<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that the exponent b<sub>2</sub> is
-known by setting c2 = SHA256(3, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r2</sup>) and
-D2 = r2 - b<sub>2</sub> c2.</li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that the exponent b<sub>3</sub> is
-known by setting c3 = SHA256(4, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r3</sup>) and
-D3 = r3 - b<sub>3</sub> c3.</li>
-<li>Compute g<sub>2</sub> = g<sub>2a</sub><sup>b<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3</sub> = g<sub>3a</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Compute P<sub>b</sub> = g<sub>3</sub><sup>r4</sup> and
-Q<sub>b</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>r4</sup> g<sub>2</sub><sup>y</sup></li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that P<sub>b</sub> and Q<sub>b</sub>
-were created according to the protocol by setting
-cP = SHA256(5, g<sub>3</sub><sup>r5</sup>, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r5</sup>
-g<sub>2</sub><sup>r6</sup>), D5 = r5 - r4 cP and D6 = r6 - y cP.</li>
-<li>Store the values of g<sub>3a</sub>, g<sub>2</sub>, g<sub>3</sub>,
-b<sub>3</sub>, P<sub>b</sub> and Q<sub>b</sub> for use later in the
-<li>Send Alice a type 3 TLV (SMP message 2) containing g<sub>2b</sub>,
-c2, d2, g<sub>3b</sub>, c3, d3, P<sub>b</sub>, Q<sub>b</sub>, cP, D5
-and D6, in that order.</li>
-Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT3.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a type 3 TLV (SMP message 2)</h4>
-<p>SMP message 2 is sent by Bob to complete the DH exchange to
-determine the new generators, g<sub>2</sub> and g<sub>3</sub>.
-It also begins the construction of the values used in the final
-comparison of the protocol. It contains the following mpi values:</p>
-<dd>Bob's half of the DH exchange to determine g<sub>2</sub>.</dd>
-<dt>c2, D2</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that Bob knows the exponent associated with
-his transmitted value g<sub>2b</sub>.</dd>
-<dd>Bob's half of the DH exchange to determine g<sub>3</sub>.</dd>
-<dt>c3, D3</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that Bob knows the exponent associated with
-his transmitted value g<sub>3b</sub>.</dd>
-<dt>P<sub>b</sub>, Q<sub>b</sub></dt>
-<dd>These values are used in the final comparison to determine if Alice
-and Bob share the same secret.</dd>
-<dt>cP, D5, D6</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that P<sub>b</sub> and Q<sub>b</sub> were
-created according to the protcol given above.</dd>
-<p>When Alice receives this TLV she should do:</p>
-<dt>If smpstate is not SMPSTATE_EXPECT2:</dt>
-<dd>Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1 and send a type 6 TLV (SMP abort)
-to Bob.</dd>
-<dt>If smpstate is SMPSTATE_EXPECT2:</dt>
-<dd>Verify Bob's zero-knowledge proofs for g<sub>2b</sub>,
-g<sub>3b</sub>, P<sub>b</sub> and Q<sub>b</sub>:
-<li>Check that c2 = SHA256(3, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D2</sup>
-<li>Check that c3 = SHA256(4, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D3</sup>
-<li>Check that cP = SHA256(5, g<sub>3</sub><sup>D5</sup>
-P<sub>b</sub><sup>cP</sup>, g<sub>2</sub><sup>d6</sup>
-Create a type 4 TLV (SMP message 3) and send it to Bob:
-<li>Pick random exponents r4, r5, r6 and r7.
-These will be used to add a blinding factor to the final results, and
-to generate zero-knowledge proofs that this message was created honestly.</li>
-<li>Compute g<sub>2</sub> = g<sub>2b</sub><sup>a<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3</sub> = g<sub>3b</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Compute P<sub>a</sub> = g<sub>3</sub><sup>r4</sup> and
-Q<sub>a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>r4</sup> g<sub>2</sub><sup>x</sup></li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that P<sub>a</sub> and Q<sub>a</sub>
-were created according to the protocol by setting
-cP = SHA256(6, g<sub>3</sub><sup>r5</sup>, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r5</sup>
-g<sub>2</sub><sup>r6</sup>), D5 = r5 - r4 cP and D6 = r6 - x cP.</li>
-<li>Compute R<sub>a</sub> = (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that R<sub>a</sub> was created
-according to the protocol by setting cR = SHA256(7, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r7</sup>,
-(Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)<sup>r7</sup>) and
-D7 = r7 - a<sub>3</sub> cR.</li>
-<li>Store the values of g<sub>3b</sub>, (P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>),
-(Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>) and R<sub>b</sub> for use later in the
-<li>Send Bob a type 4 TLV (SMP message 3) containing P<sub>a</sub>,
-Q<sub>a</sub>, cP, D5, D6, R<sub>a</sub>, cR and D7 in that order.</li>
-Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT4.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a type 4 TLV (SMP message 3)</h4>
-<p>SMP message 3 is Alice's final message in the SMP exchange. It
-has the last of the information required by Bob to determine if x = y.
-It contains the following mpi values:</p>
-<dt>P<sub>a</sub>, Q<sub>a</sub></dt>
-<dd>These values are used in the final comparison to determine if Alice
-and Bob share the same secret.</dd>
-<dt>cP, D5, D6</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that P<sub>a</sub> and Q<sub>a</sub> were
-created according to the protcol given above.</dd>
-<dd>This value is used in the final comparison to determine if Alice
-and Bob share the same secret.</dd>
-<dt>cR, D7</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that R<sub>a</sub> was
-created according to the protcol given above.</dd>
-<p>When Bob receives this TLV he should do:</p>
-<dt>If smpstate is not SMPSTATE_EXPECT3:</dt>
-<dd>Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1 and send a type 6 TLV (SMP abort)
-to Bob.</dd>
-<dt>If smpstate is SMPSTATE_EXPECT3:</dt>
-<dd>Verify Alice's zero-knowledge proofs for P<sub>a</sub>, Q<sub>a</sub>
-and R<sub>a</sub>:
-<li>Check that cP = SHA256(5, g<sub>3</sub><sup>D5</sup>
-P<sub>a</sub><sup>cP</sup>, g<sub>2</sub><sup>d6</sup>
-<li>Check that cR = SHA256(7, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D7</sup>
-g<sub>3a</sub><sup>cR</sup>, (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)<sup>D7</sup>
-Create a type 5 TLV (SMP message 4) and send it to Alice:
-<li>Pick a random exponent r7.
-This will be used to generate Bob's final zero-knowledge proof that
-this message was created honestly.</li>
-<li>Compute R<sub>b</sub> = (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that R<sub>b</sub> was created
-according to the protocol by setting cR = SHA256(8, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r7</sup>,
-(Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)<sup>r7</sup>) and
-D7 = r7 - b<sub>3</sub> cR.</li>
-<li>Send Alice a type 5 TLV (SMP message 4) containing R<sub>b</sub>,
-cR and D7 in that order.</li>
-Check whether the protocol was successful:
-<li>Compute R<sub>ab</sub> = R<sub>a</sub><sup>b<sub>3</sub></sup>.</li>
-<li>Determine if x = y by checking the equivalent condition that
-(P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>) = R<sub>ab</sub>.</li>
-Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1, as no more messages are expected from
-<h4>Receiving a type 5 TLV (SMP message 4)</h4>
-<p>SMP message 4 is Bob's final message in the SMP exchange. It
-has the last of the information required by Alice to determine if x = y.
-It contains the following mpi values:</p>
-<dd>This value is used in the final comparison to determine if Alice
-and Bob share the same secret.</dd>
-<dt>cR, D7</dt>
-<dd>A zero-knowledge proof that R<sub>b</sub> was
-created according to the protcol given above.</dd>
-<p>When Alice receives this TLV she should do:</p>
-<dt>If smpstate is not SMPSTATE_EXPECT4:</dt>
-<dd>Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1 and send a type 6 TLV (SMP abort)
-to Bob.</dd>
-<dt>If smpstate is SMPSTATE_EXPECT4:</dt>
-<dd>Verify Bob's zero-knowledge proof for R<sub>b</sub>:
-<li>Check that cR = SHA256(8, g<sub>1</sub><sup>D7</sup>
-g<sub>3b</sub><sup>cR</sup>, (Q<sub>a</sub> / Q<sub>b</sub>)<sup>D7</sup>
-Check whether the protocol was successful:
-<li>Compute R<sub>ab</sub> = R<sub>b</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup>.</li>
-<li>Determine if x = y by checking the equivalent condition that
-(P<sub>a</sub> / P<sub>b</sub>) = R<sub>ab</sub>.</li>
-Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1, as no more messages are expected from
-<h4>User requests to begin SMP</h4>
-<dt>If smpstate is not set to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1:</dt>
-<dd>SMP is already underway. If you wish to restart SMP, send a
-type 6 TLV (SMP abort) to the other party and then proceed as if
-smpstate was SMPSTATE_EXPECT1. Otherwise, you may simply continue the
-current SMP instance.</dd>
-<dt>If smpstate is set to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1:</dt>
-<dd>No current exchange is underway. In this case, Alice should
-create a valid type 2 TLV (SMP message 1) as follows:
-<li>Determine her secret input x, which is to be compared to Bob's
-secret y.</li>
-<li>Pick random values a<sub>2</sub> and a<sub>3</sub> (128 bits).
-These will be Alice's exponents for the DH exchange to pick generators.</li>
-<li>Pick random values r2 and r3 (128 bits).
-These will be used to generate zero-knowledge proofs that this message
-was created according to the protocol.</li>
-<li>Compute g<sub>2a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>a<sub>2</sub></sup> and
-g<sub>3a</sub> = g<sub>1</sub><sup>a<sub>3</sub></sup></li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that the exponent a<sub>2</sub> is
-known by setting c2 = SHA256(1, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r2</sup>) and
-D2 = r2 - a<sub>2</sub> c2.</li>
-<li>Generate a zero-knowledge proof that the exponent a<sub>3</sub> is
-known by setting c3 = SHA256(2, g<sub>1</sub><sup>r3</sup>) and
-D3 = r3 - a<sub>3</sub> c3.</li>
-<li>Store the values of x, a<sub>2</sub> and a<sub>3</sub>
-for use later in the protocol.</li>
-<li>Send Bob a type 2 TLV (SMP message 1) containing g<sub>2a</sub>,
-c2, d2, g<sub>3a</sub>, c3 and D3 in that order.</li>
-Set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT2.</dd>
-<h4>User requests to abort SMP</h4>
-<p>In all cases, send a type 6 TLV (SMP abort) to the correspondent and
-set smpstate to SMPSTATE_EXPECT1.</p>
-<h3>Key Management</h3>
-<p>For each correspondent, keep track of:</p>
-<dt>Your two most recent DH public/private key pairs</dt>
-<dd>our_dh[our_keyid] (most recent) and our_dh[our_keyid-1] (previous)</dd>
-<dt>His two most recent DH public keys</dt>
-<dd>their_y[their_keyid] (most recent) and their_y[their_keyid-1]
-<p>When starting a private conversation with a correspondent, generate
-two DH key pairs for yourself, and set our_keyid = 2. Note that all DH
-key pairs should have a private part that is at least 320 bits long.</p>
-<dl class="doublespace">
-<dt>When you send AKE messages:</dt>
-<dd>Send the public part of our_dh[our_keyid-1], with the keyid field,
- of course, set to (our_keyid-1).</dd>
-<dt>Upon completing the AKE:</dt>
-<dd>If the specified keyid equals either their_keyid or their_keyid-1,
- and the DH pubkey contained in the AKE messages matches the
- one you've stored for that keyid, that's great. Otherwise, forget
- all values of their_y[], and of their_keyid, and set their_keyid to
- the keyid value given in the AKE messages, and
- their_y[their_keyid] to the DH pubkey value given in the AKE
- messages. their_y[their_keyid-1] should be set to NULL.</dd>
-<dt>When you send a Data Message:</dt>
-<dd>Set the sender keyid to (our_keyid-1), and the recipient keyid to
- (their_keyid). Set the DH pubkey in the Data message to the public
- part of our_dh[our_keyid]. Use our_dh[our_keyid-1] and
- their_y[their_keyid] to calculate session keys, as outlined below.
- Use the "sending AES key" to encrypt the message, and the "sending
- MAC key" to calculate its MAC.</dd>
-<dt>When you receive a Data Message:</dt>
-<dd>Use the keyids in the message to select which of your DH key pairs
- and which of his DH pubkeys to use to verify the MAC. If the keyids
- do not represent either the most recent key or the previous key (for
- either the sender or receiver), reject the message. Also reject the
- message if the sender keyid is their_keyid-1, but
- their_y[their_keyid-1] is NULL.
- <p>Otherwise, calculate the session keys as outlined below. Use the
- "receiving MAC key" to verify the MAC on the message. If it does not
- verify, reject the message.</p>
- <p>Check that the counter in the Data message is strictly larger than the
- last counter you saw using this pair of keys. If not, reject the
- message.</p>
- <p>If the MAC verifies, decrypt the message using the "receiving AES
- key".</p>
- <p>Finally, check if keys need rotation:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>If the "recipient keyid" in the Data message equals our_keyid, then
- he's seen the public part of our most recent DH key pair, so you
- must securely forget our_dh[our_keyid-1], increment our_keyid, and set
- our_dh[our_keyid] to a new DH key pair which you generate.</li>
- <li>If the "sender keyid" in the Data message equals their_keyid,
- increment their_keyid, and set their_y[their_keyid] to the new DH
- pubkey specified in the Data message.</li>
- </ul></dd>
-<h4>Computing AES keys, MAC keys, and the secure session id</h4>
-<p>OTR uses Diffie-Hellman to calculate shared secrets in the usual way:
-if Bob knows x, and tells Alice g<sup>x</sup>, and Alice knows y, and
-tells Bob g<sup>y</sup>, then they each can calculate s =
-g<sup>xy</sup>: Alice calculates (g<sup>x</sup>)<sup>y</sup>, and Bob
-calculates (g<sup>y</sup>)<sup>x</sup>.</p>
-<p>During the AKE, Alice and Bob each calculate s in this way, and then
-they each compute seven values based on s:</p>
-<li>A 64-bit secure session id, ssid</li>
-<li>Two 128-bit AES encryption keys, c and c'</li>
-<li>Four 256-bit SHA256-HMAC keys, m1, m2, m1', and m2'</li>
-<p>This is done in the following way:</p>
-<li>Write the value of s as a minimum-length MPI, as specified above
-(4-byte big-endian len, len-byte big-endian value). Let this
-(4+len)-byte value be "secbytes".</li>
-<li>For a given byte b, define h2(b) to be the 256-bit output of the
-SHA256 hash of the (5+len) bytes consisting of the byte b, followed by
-<li>Let ssid be the first 64 bits of h2(0x00).</li>
-<li>Let c be the first 128 bits of h2(0x01), and let c' be the second
-128 bits of h2(0x01).</li>
-<li>Let m1 be h2(0x02).</li>
-<li>Let m2 be h2(0x03).</li>
-<li>Let m1' be h2(0x04).</li>
-<li>Let m2' be h2(0x05).</li>
-<p>c, m1, and m2 are used to create and verify the Reveal Signature
-Message; c', m1', and m2' are used to create and verify the Signature
-<p>If the user requests to see the secure session id, it should be
-displayed as two 32-bit bigendian unsigned values, in C "%08x" format.
-If the user transmitted the Reveal Signature message during the AKE that
-produced this ssid, then display the first 32 bits in bold, and the
-second 32 bits in non-bold. If the user transmitted the Signature
-message instead, display the first 32 bits in non-bold, and the
-second 32 bits in bold. This session id can be used by the parties to
-verify (say, over the telephone, assuming the parties recognize each
-others' voices) that there is no man-in-the-middle by having each side
-read his bold part to the other. [Note that this only needs to be done
-in the event that the users do not trust that their long-term signature
-keys have not been compromised.]</p>
-<p>During the exchange of Data Messages, Alice and Bob use the keyids
-listed in the Data Message to select Diffie-Hellman keys to use to
-compute s, and the (4+len)-byte value of secbytes, as above.</p>
-<p>From this, they calculate four values:</p>
-<li>Two 128-bit AES encryption keys, the "sending AES key", and the
-"receiving AES key"</li>
-<li>Two 160-bit SHA1-HMAC keys, the "sending MAC key", and the
-"receiving MAC key"</li>
-<p>These keys are calculated as follows:</p>
-<li>Alice (and similarly for Bob) determines if she is the "low" end
-or the "high" end of this Data Message. If Alice's public key is
-numerically greater than Bob's public key, then she
-is the "high" end. Otherwise, she is the "low" end. Note that who is the
-"low" end and who is the "high" end can change every time a new D-H
-public key is exchanged in a Data Message.</li>
-<li>She sets the values of "sendbyte" and "recvbyte" according to
-whether she is the the "low" or the "high" end of the Data Message:
-<li>If she is the "high" end, she sets "sendbyte" to 0x01 and "recvbyte"
-to 0x02.</li>
-<li>If she is the "low" end, she sets "sendbyte" to 0x02 and "recvbyte"
-to 0x01.</li>
-<li>For a given byte b, define h1(b) to be the 160-bit output of the
-SHA-1 hash of the (5+len) bytes consisting of the byte b, followed by
-<li>The "sending AES key" is the first 16 bytes of h1(sendbyte).</li>
-<li>The "sending MAC key" is the 20-byte SHA-1 hash of the 16-byte
-sending AES key.</li>
-<li>The "receiving AES key" is the first 16 bytes of h1(recvbyte).</li>
-<li>The "receiving MAC key" is the 20-byte SHA-1 hash of the 16-byte
-receiving AES key.</li>
-<h4>Revealing MAC keys</h4>
-<p>Whenever you are about to forget either one of your old D-H key pairs, or
-one of your correspondent's old D-H public keys, take all of the
-receiving MAC keys
-that were generated by that key (note that there are up to two: the
-receiving MAC keys produced by the pairings of that key with
-each of two of the other side's keys; but note that you only need to
-take MAC keys that were actually used to verify a MAC on a message), and
-put them (as a set of
-concatenated 20-byte values) into the "Old MAC keys to be revealed"
-section of the next Data Message you send. This in done to allow the
-forgeability of OTR transcripts: once the MAC keys are revealed, anyone
-can modify an OTR message and still have it appear valid. But since we
-don't reveal the MAC keys until their corresponding pubkeys are being
-discarded, there is no danger of accepting a message as valid which
-uses a MAC key which has already been revealed.</p>
-<p>Some networks may have a maximum message size that is too small to
-contain an encoded OTR message. In that event, the sender may choose
-to split the message into a number of <em>fragments</em>. This section
-describes the format of the fragments. All OTR version 2 clients must
-be able to assemble received fragments, but performing fragmentation on
-outgoing messages is optional.</p>
-<dl class="doublespace">
-<dt>Transmitting Fragments</dt>
-<dd>If you have information about the maximum size of message you are
- able to send (the different IM networks have different limits), you
- can fragment an encoded OTR message as follows:
- <ul>
- <li>Start with the OTR message as you would normally transmit it. For
- example, a Data Message would start with "?OTR:AAED" and end
- with ".".</li>
- <li>Break it up into sufficiently small pieces. Let the number of
- pieces be (n), and the pieces be
- piece[1],piece[2],...,piece[n].</li>
- <li>Transmit (n) messages with the following (printf-like) structure
- (as k runs from 1 to n inclusive):
- <p>"?OTR,%hu,%hu,%s," , k , n , piece[k]</p></li>
- <li>Note that k and n are unsigned short ints (2 bytes), and each has
- a maximum value of 65535. Also, each piece[k] must be
- non-empty.</li>
- </ul></dd>
-<dt>Receiving Fragments:</dt>
-<dd>If you receive a message containing "?OTR," (note that you'll need
- to check for this _before_ checking for any of the other "?OTR:"
- markers):
- <ul>
- <li>Parse it as the printf statement above into k, n, and
- piece.</li>
- <li>Let (K,N) be your currently stored fragment number, and F be your
- currently stored fragment. [If you have no currently stored
- fragment, then K = N = 0 and F = "".]</li>
- <li>If k == 0 or n == 0 or k &gt; n, discard this (illegal)
- fragment.</li>
- <li>If k == 1:
- <ul>
- <li>Forget any stored fragment you may have</li>
- <li>Store (piece) as F.</li>
- <li>Store (k,n) as (K,N).</li>
- </ul></li>
- <li>If n == N and k == K+1:
- <ul>
- <li>Append (piece) to F.</li>
- <li>Store (k,n) as (K,N).</li>
- </ul></li>
- <li>Otherwise:
- <ul>
- <li>Forget any stored fragment you may have</li>
- <li>Store "" as F.</li>
- <li>Store (0,0) as (K,N).</li>
- </ul></li>
- </ul>
- <p>After this, if N &gt; 0 and K == N, treat F as the received
- message.</p>
- <p>If you receive a non-OTR message, or an unfragmented message,
- forget any stored fragment you may have, store "" as F and store
- (0,0) as (K,N).</p></dd>
-<p>For example, here is a Data Message we would like to transmit over a
-network with an unreasonably small maximum message size:</p>
- <p>We could fragment this message into (for example) three
- pieces:</p>
-<h3>The protocol state machine</h3>
-<p>An OTR client maintains separate state for every correspondent. For
-example, Alice may have an active OTR conversation with Bob, while
-having an unprotected conversation with Charlie. This state consists of
-two main state variables, as well as some other information (such as
-encryption keys). The two main state variables are:</p>
-<h4>Message state</h4>
-<p>The message state variable, msgstate, controls what happens to
-outgoing messages typed by the user. It can take one of three
-<dd>This state indicates that outgoing messages are sent without
-encryption. This is the state that is used before an OTR conversation
-is initiated. This is the initial state, and the only way to
-subsequently enter this state is for the user to explicitly request to
-do so via some UI operation.</dd>
-<dd>This state indicates that outgoing messages are sent encrypted.
-This is the state that is used during an OTR conversation. The only way
-to enter this state is for the authentication state machine (below) to
-successfully complete.</dd>
-<dd>This state indicates that outgoing messages are not delivered at
-all. This state is entered only when the other party indicates he has
-terminated his side of the OTR conversation. For example, if Alice and
-Bob are having an OTR conversation, and Bob instructs his OTR client to
-end its private session with Alice (for example, by logging out), Alice
-will be notified of this, and <em>her</em> client will switch to
-MSGSTATE_FINISHED mode. This prevents Alice from accidentally sending a
-message to Bob in plaintext. (Consider what happens if Alice was in the
-middle of typing a private message to Bob when he suddenly logs out,
-just as Alice hits Enter.)</dd>
-<h4>Authentication state</h4>
-<p>The authentication state variable, authstate, can take one of four
-values (plus one extra for OTR version 1 compatibility):</p>
-<dd>This state indicates that the authentication protocol is not
-currently in progress. This is the initial state.</dd>
-<dd>After Bob initiates the authentication protocol by sending Alice
-the D-H Commit Message, he enters this state to await Alice's reply.</dd>
-<dd>After Alice receives Bob's D-H Commit Message, and replies with her
-own D-H Key Message, she enters this state to await Bob's reply.</dd>
-<dd>After Bob receives Alice's D-H Key Message, and replies with his own
-Reveal Signature Message, he enters this state to await Alice's reply.</dd>
-<dd>For OTR version 1 compatibility, if Bob sends a version 1 Key
-Exchange Message to Alice, he enters this state to await Alice's
-<li>Alice (in AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG) receives Bob's Reveal
-Signature Message (and replies with her own Signature Message),</li>
-<li>Alice (in AUTHSTATE_NONE) receives Bob's Version 1 Key Exchange
-Message (and replies with her own Key Exchange Message),</li>
-<li>Bob (in AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_SIG) receives Alice's Signature Message,
-<li>Bob (in AUTHSTATE_V1_SETUP) receives Alice's Version 1 Key Exchange
-assuming the signature verifications succeed, the msgstate
-variable is transitioned to MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED. Regardless of whether
-the signature verifications succeed, the authstate variable is
-transitioned to AUTHSTATE_NONE.</p>
-<p>OTR clients can set different <b>policies</b> for different
-correspondents. For example, Alice could set up her client so that it
-speaks only OTR version 2, except with Charlie, who she knows has only
-an old client; so that it will opportunistically start an OTR conversation
-whenever it detects the correspondent supports it; or so that it refuses
-to send non-encrypted messages to Bob, ever.</p>
-<p>The policies that can be set (on a global or per-correspondent basis)
-are any combination of the following boolean flags:</p>
-<dd>Allow version 1 of the OTR protocol to be used.</dd>
-<dd>Allow version 2 of the OTR protocol to be used.</dd>
-<dd>Refuse to send unencrypted messages.</dd>
-<dd>Advertise your support of OTR using the whitespace tag.</dd>
-<dd>Start the OTR AKE when you receive a whitespace tag.</dd>
-<dd>Start the OTR AKE when you receive an OTR Error Message.</dd>
-<p>The four old version 1 policies correspond to the following
-combinations of flags (adding an allowance for version 2 of the
-<dd>No flags set</dd>
-<dd>ALLOW_V1 | ALLOW_V2</dd>
-<p>Note that it is possible for UIs simply to offer the old
-"combinations" of options, and not ask about each one separately.</p>
-<h4>State transitions</h4>
-<p>There are thirteen actions an OTR client must handle:</p>
-<li>Received messages:
-<li>Plaintext without the whitespace tag</li>
-<li>Plaintext with the whitespace tag</li>
-<li>Query Message</li>
-<li>Error Message</li>
-<li>D-H Commit Message</li>
-<li>D-H Key Message</li>
-<li>Reveal Signature Message</li>
-<li>Signature Message</li>
-<li>Version 1 Key Exchange Message</li>
-<li>Data Message</li>
-<li>User actions:
-<li>User requests to start an OTR conversation</li>
-<li>User requests to end an OTR conversation</li>
-<li>User types a message to be sent</li>
-<p>The following sections will outline what actions to take in each
-case. They all assume that at least one of ALLOW_V1 or ALLOW_V2 is set;
-if not, then OTR is completely disabled, and no special handling of
-messages should be done at all.</p>
-<h4>Receiving plaintext without the whitespace tag</h4>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT:</dt>
-<dd>Simply display the message to the user. If REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION is
-set, warn him that the message was received unencrypted.</dd>
-<dd>Display the message to the user, but warn him that the message was
-received unencrypted.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving plaintext with the whitespace tag</h4>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT:</dt>
-<dd>Remove the whitespace tag and display the message to the user. If
-REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION is set, warn him that the message was received
-<dd>Remove the whitespace tag and display the message to the user, but
-warn him that the message was received unencrypted.</dd>
-<p>In any event, if WHITESPACE_START_AKE is set:</p>
-<dt>If the tag offers OTR version 2 and ALLOW_V2 is set:</dt>
-<dd>Send a D-H Commit Message, and transition authstate to
-<dt>Otherwise, if the tag offers OTR version 1 and ALLOW_V1 is set:</dt>
-<dd>Send a Version 1 Key Exchange Message, and transition authstate to
-<h4>Receiving a Query Message</h4>
-<dt>If the Query Message offers OTR version 2 and ALLOW_V2 is set:</dt>
-<dd>Send a D-H Commit Message, and transition authstate to
-<dt>Otherwise, if the message offers OTR version 1 and ALLOW_V1 is set:</dt>
-<dd>Send a Version 1 Key Exchange Message, and transition authstate to
-<h4>Receiving an Error Message</h4>
-<p>Display the message to the user. If ERROR_START_AKE is set, reply
-with a Query Message.</p>
-<h4>User requests to start an OTR conversation</h4>
-<p>Send an OTR Query Message to the correspondent.</p>
-<h4>Receiving a D-H Commit Message</h4>
-<p>If ALLOW_V2 is not set, ignore this message. Otherwise:</p>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_NONE:</dt>
-<dd>Reply with a D-H Key Message, and transition authstate to
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_DHKEY:</dt>
-<dd>This is the trickiest transition in the whole protocol. It
-indicates that you have already sent a D-H Commit message to your
-correspondent, but that he either didn't receive it, or just didn't
-receive it <em>yet</em>, and has sent you one as well. The symmetry
-will be broken by comparing the hashed g<sup>x</sup> you sent in your
-D-H Commit Message with the one you received, considered as 32-byte
-unsigned big-endian values.
-<dt>If yours is the higher hash value:</dt>
-<dd>Ignore the incoming D-H Commit message, but resend your D-H
-Commit message.</dd>
-<dd>Forget your old g<sup>x</sup> value that you sent (encrypted)
-earlier, and pretend you're in AUTHSTATE_NONE; i.e. reply with a D-H Key
-Message, and transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG.</dd>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG:</dt>
-<dd>Retransmit your D-H Key Message (the same
-one as you sent when you entered AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG). Forget
-the old D-H Commit message, and use this new one instead. There
-are a number of reasons this might happen, including:
-<li>Your correspondent simply started a new AKE.</li>
-<li>Your correspondent resent his D-H Commit message, as specified
-<li>On some networks, like AIM, if your correspondent is logged in
-multiple times, each of his clients will send a D-H Commit Message in
-response to a Query Message; resending the same D-H Key Message in
-response to each of those messages will prevent compounded confusion,
-since each of his clients will see each of the D-H Key Messages you
-send. [And the problem gets even worse if you are <em>each</em> logged
-in multiple times.]</li>
-<dd>Reply with a new D-H Key message, and transition authstate to
-<h4>Receiving a D-H Key Message</h4>
-<p>If ALLOW_V2 is not set, ignore this message. Otherwise:</p>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_DHKEY:</dt>
-<dd>Reply with a Reveal Signature Message and transition authstate to
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_SIG:</dt>
-<dt>If this D-H Key message is the same the one you received earlier
-(when you entered AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_SIG):</dt>
-<dd>Retransmit your Reveal Signature Message.</dd>
-<dd>Ignore the message.</dd>
-<dd>Ignore the message.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a Reveal Signature Message</h4>
-<p>If ALLOW_V2 is not set, ignore this message. Otherwise:</p>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_REVEALSIG:</dt>
-<dd>Use the received value of r to decrypt the value of g<sup>x</sup>
-received in the D-H Commit Message, and verify the hash therein.
-Decrypt the encrypted signature, and verify the signature and the MACs.
-If everything checks out:
-<li>Reply with a Signature Message.</li>
-<li>Transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_NONE.</li>
-<li>Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED.</li>
-<li>If there is a recent stored message, encrypt it and send it as a
-Data Message.</li>
-Otherwise, ignore the message.</dd>
-<dd>Ignore the message.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a Signature Message</h4>
-<p>If ALLOW_V2 is not set, ignore this message. Otherwise:</p>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_AWAITING_SIG:</dt>
-<dd>Decrypt the encrypted signature, and verify the signature and the MACs.
-If everything checks out:
-<li>Transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_NONE.</li>
-<li>Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED.</li>
-<li>If there is a recent stored message, encrypt it and send it as a
-Data Message.</li>
-Otherwise, ignore the message.</dd>
-<dd>Ignore the message.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a Version 1 Key Exchange Message</h4>
-<p>If ALLOW_V1 is not set, ignore this message. Otherwise:</p>
-<dd><dl><dt>If the reply field is not set to 0x01:</dt>
-<dd>Verify the information in the Key Exchange Message. If the
-verification succeeds:
-<li>Reply with a Key Exchange Message with the reply field set to
-<li>Transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_NONE.</li>
-<li>Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED.</li>
-<li>If there is a recent stored message, encrypt it and send it as a
-Data Message.</li>
-Otherwise, ignore the message.</dd>
-<dt>Otherwise, ignore the message.</dt></dl></dd>
-<dt>If authstate is AUTHSTATE_V1_SETUP:</dt>
-<dd>Verify the information in the Key Exchange Message. If the
-verification succeeds:
-<li>If the received Key Exchange Message did not have the reply field
-set to 0x01, reply with a Key Exchange Message with the reply field set
-to 0x01.</li>
-<li>Transition authstate to AUTHSTATE_NONE.</li>
-<li>Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED.</li>
-<li>If there is a recent stored message, encrypt it and send it as a
-Data Message.</li>
-Otherwise, ignore the message.</dd>
-<h4>User types a message to be sent</h4>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT:</dt>
-<dd><dl><dt>If REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION is set:</dt>
-<dd>Store the plaintext message for possible retransmission, and send a
-Query Message.</dd>
-<dd>If SEND_WHITESPACE_TAG is set, and you have not received a plaintext
-message from this correspondent since last entering MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT,
-attach the whitespace tag to the message. Send the (possibly modified)
-message as plaintext.</dd></dl></dd>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED:</dt>
-<dd>Encrypt the message, and send it as a Data Message. Store the
-plaintext message for possible retransmission.</dd>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_FINISHED:</dt>
-<dd>Inform the user that the message cannot be sent at this time. Store
-the plaintext message for possible retransmission.</dd>
-<h4>Receiving a Data Message</h4>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED:</dt>
-<dd>Verify the information (MAC, keyids, ctr value, etc.) in the
-<dt>If the verification succeeds:</dt>
-<li>Decrypt the message and display the human-readable part (if
-non-empty) to the user.</li>
-<li>Update the D-H encryption keys, if necessary.</li>
-<li>If you have not sent a message to this correspondent in some
-(configurable) time, send a "heartbeat" message, consisting of a Data
-Message encoding an empty plaintext. The heartbeat message should have
-the IGNORE_UNREADABLE flag set.</li>
-<li>If the received message contains a TLV type 1, forget all encryption
-keys for this correspondent, and transition msgstate to
-<dt>Otherwise, inform the user that an unreadable encrypted message was
-received, and reply with an Error Message.</dt>
-<dd>Inform the user that an unreadable encrypted message was received,
-and reply with an Error Message.</dd>
-<h4>User requests to end an OTR conversation</h4>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT:</dt>
-<dd>Do nothing.</dd>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED:</dt>
-<dd>Send a Data Message, encoding a message with an empty human-readable
-part, and TLV type 1. Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT.</dd>
-<dt>If msgstate is MSGSTATE_FINISHED:</dt>
-<dd>Transition msgstate to MSGSTATE_PLAINTEXT.</dd>