path: root/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/hid/hidpi.h
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--- a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/hid/hidpi.h
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- /*++
-Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
-Module Name:
- Public Interface to the HID parsing library.
- Kernel & user mode
-Revision History:
- 09-29-95 : created by Kenneth D. Ray
-#ifndef __HIDPI_H__
-#define __HIDPI_H__
-#include <pshpack4.h>
-// Please include "hidsdi.h" to use the user space (dll / parser)
-// Please include "hidpddi.h" to use the kernel space parser
-typedef enum _HIDP_REPORT_TYPE
- HidP_Input,
- HidP_Output,
- HidP_Feature
-typedef struct _USAGE_AND_PAGE
- USAGE Usage;
- USAGE UsagePage;
-typedef struct _HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS
- USAGE UsagePage;
- UCHAR ReportID;
- BOOLEAN IsAlias;
- USHORT BitField;
- USHORT LinkCollection; // A unique internal index pointer
- USAGE LinkUsage;
- USAGE LinkUsagePage;
- BOOLEAN IsRange;
- BOOLEAN IsStringRange;
- BOOLEAN IsDesignatorRange;
- BOOLEAN IsAbsolute;
- ULONG Reserved[10];
- union {
- struct {
- USAGE UsageMin, UsageMax;
- USHORT StringMin, StringMax;
- USHORT DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax;
- USHORT DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax;
- } Range;
- struct {
- USAGE Usage, Reserved1;
- USHORT StringIndex, Reserved2;
- USHORT DesignatorIndex, Reserved3;
- USHORT DataIndex, Reserved4;
- } NotRange;
- };
-typedef struct _HIDP_VALUE_CAPS
- USAGE UsagePage;
- UCHAR ReportID;
- BOOLEAN IsAlias;
- USHORT BitField;
- USHORT LinkCollection; // A unique internal index pointer
- USAGE LinkUsage;
- USAGE LinkUsagePage;
- BOOLEAN IsRange;
- BOOLEAN IsStringRange;
- BOOLEAN IsDesignatorRange;
- BOOLEAN IsAbsolute;
- BOOLEAN HasNull; // Does this channel have a null report union
- UCHAR Reserved;
- USHORT BitSize; // How many bits are devoted to this value?
- USHORT ReportCount; // See Note below. Usually set to 1.
- USHORT Reserved2[5];
- ULONG UnitsExp;
- ULONG Units;
- LONG LogicalMin, LogicalMax;
- LONG PhysicalMin, PhysicalMax;
- union {
- struct {
- USAGE UsageMin, UsageMax;
- USHORT StringMin, StringMax;
- USHORT DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax;
- USHORT DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax;
- } Range;
- struct {
- USAGE Usage, Reserved1;
- USHORT StringIndex, Reserved2;
- USHORT DesignatorIndex, Reserved3;
- USHORT DataIndex, Reserved4;
- } NotRange;
- };
-// Notes:
-// ReportCount: When a report descriptor declares an Input, Output, or
-// Feature main item with fewer usage declarations than the report count, then
-// the last usage applies to all remaining unspecified count in that main item.
-// (As an example you might have data that required many fields to describe,
-// possibly buffered bytes.) In this case, only one value cap structure is
-// allocated for these associtated fields, all with the same usage, and Report
-// Count reflects the number of fields involved. Normally ReportCount is 1.
-// The link collection tree consists of an array of LINK_COLLECTION_NODES
-// where the index into this array is the same as the collection number.
-// Given a collection A which contains a subcollection B, A is defined to be
-// the parent B, and B is defined to be the child.
-// Given collections A, B, and C where B and C are children of A, and B was
-// encountered before C in the report descriptor, B is defined as a sibling of
-// C. (This implies, of course, that if B is a sibling of C, then C is NOT a
-// sibling of B).
-// B is defined as the NextSibling of C if and only if there exists NO
-// child collection of A, call it D, such that B is a sibling of D and D
-// is a sibling of C.
-// E is defined to be the FirstChild of A if and only if for all children of A,
-// F, that are not equivalent to E, F is a sibling of E.
-// (This implies, of course, that the does not exist a child of A, call it G,
-// where E is a sibling of G). In other words the first sibling is the last
-// link collection found in the list.
-// With that in mind, the following describes conclusively a data structure
-// that provides direct traversal up, down, and accross the link collection
-// tree.
- USAGE LinkUsage;
- USAGE LinkUsagePage;
- USHORT Parent;
- USHORT NumberOfChildren;
- USHORT NextSibling;
- USHORT FirstChild;
- ULONG CollectionType: 8; // As defined in of HID spec
- ULONG IsAlias : 1; // This link node is an allias of the next link node.
- ULONG Reserved: 23;
- PVOID UserContext; // The user can hang his coat here.
-// When a link collection is described by a delimiter, alias link collection
-// nodes are created. (One for each usage within the delimiter).
-// The parser assigns each capability description listed above only one
-// link collection.
-// If a control is defined within a collection defined by
-// delimited usages, then that control is said to be within multiple link
-// collections, one for each usage within the open and close delimiter tokens.
-// Such multiple link collecions are said to be aliases. The first N-1 such
-// collections, listed in the link collection node array, have their IsAlias
-// bit set. The last such link collection is the link collection index used
-// in the capabilities described above.
-// Clients wishing to set a control in an aliased collection, should walk the
-// collection array once for each time they see the IsAlias flag set, and use
-// the last link collection as the index for the below accessor functions.
-// NB: if IsAlias is set, then NextSibling should be one more than the current
-// link collection node index.
-typedef struct _HIDP_CAPS
- USAGE Usage;
- USAGE UsagePage;
- USHORT InputReportByteLength;
- USHORT OutputReportByteLength;
- USHORT FeatureReportByteLength;
- USHORT Reserved[17];
- USHORT NumberLinkCollectionNodes;
- USHORT NumberInputButtonCaps;
- USHORT NumberInputValueCaps;
- USHORT NumberInputDataIndices;
- USHORT NumberOutputButtonCaps;
- USHORT NumberOutputValueCaps;
- USHORT NumberOutputDataIndices;
- USHORT NumberFeatureButtonCaps;
- USHORT NumberFeatureValueCaps;
- USHORT NumberFeatureDataIndices;
-typedef struct _HIDP_DATA
- USHORT DataIndex;
- USHORT Reserved;
- union {
- ULONG RawValue; // for values
- BOOLEAN On; // for buttons MUST BE TRUE for buttons.
- };
-// The HIDP_DATA structure is used with HidP_GetData and HidP_SetData
-// functions.
-// The parser contiguously assigns every control (button or value) in a hid
-// device a unique data index from zero to NumberXXXDataIndices, exclusive.
-// This value is found in HidP_ButtonCaps and HIDP_VALUE_CAPS and
-// HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS structures.
-// Most clients will find the Get/Set Buttons / Value accessor functions
-// sufficient to their needs, as it will allow them to access the data known
-// to them, while ignoring the other controls.
-// More complex clients, which actually read the Button / Value Caps, and which
-// do a value add service to these routines (EG Direct Input), will need to
-// access all the data in the device without interest in the individual usage
-// or link collection location. These are the clients that will find
-// HidP_Data useful.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetCaps (
- OUT PHIDP_CAPS Capabilities
- );
-Routine Description:
- Returns a list of capabilities of a given hid device as described by its
- preparsed data.
- PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from Hidclass.
- Capabilities a HIDP_CAPS structure
-Return Value:
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes (
- IN OUT PULONG LinkCollectionNodesLength,
- );
-Routine Description:
- Return a list of PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODEs used to describe the link
- collection tree of this hid device. See the above description of
- LinkCollectionNodes - a caller allocated array into which
- HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes will store the information
- LinKCollectionNodesLength - the caller sets this value to the length of the
- the array in terms of number of elements.
- HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes sets this value to the actual
- number of elements set. The total number of node required to
- describe this HID device can be found in the
- NumberLinkCollectionNodes field in the HIDP_CAPS structure.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetButtonCaps (
- IN OUT PUSHORT ButtonCapsLength,
-#define HidP_GetButtonCaps(_Type_, _Caps_, _Len_, _Data_) \
- HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps (_Type_, 0, 0, 0, _Caps_, _Len_, _Data_)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps (
- IN USAGE UsagePage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN USAGE Usage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN OUT PUSHORT ButtonCapsLength,
- );
- HidP_GetButtonCaps returns all the buttons (binary values) that are a part
- of the given report type for the Hid device represented by the given
- preparsed data.
- ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature.
- ButtonCaps A _HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS array contain information about all the
- binary values in the given report. This buffer is provided by
- the caller.
- ButtonLength Starts off as the length of the caller provided buffer, and
- ends up the length of the button values. Both are in units
- array elemenst, not byte length. The number of button caps
- returned can be found in the HIDP_CAPS structure.
- PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from Hidclass.
-Return Value
-HidP_GetButtonCaps returns the following error codes:
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetValueCaps (
- IN OUT PUSHORT ValueCapsLength,
-#define HidP_GetValueCaps(_Type_, _Caps_, _Len_, _Data_) \
- HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps (_Type_, 0, 0, 0, _Caps_, _Len_, _Data_)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps (
- IN USAGE UsagePage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN USAGE Usage, // Optional (0 => ignore)
- IN OUT PUSHORT ValueCapsLength,
- );
- HidP_GetValueCaps returns all the values (non-binary) that are a part
- of the given report type for the Hid device represented by the given
- preparsed data.
- ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature.
- ValueCaps A _HIDP_Value_CAPS array contain information about all the
- binary values in the given report. This buffer is provided by
- the caller.
- ValueLength Starts off as the length of the caller provided buffer, and
- ends up the length of the button values. Both are in units
- array elemenst, not byte length. The number returned
- can be found in the HIDP_CAPS structure.
- PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from Hidclass.
-Return Value
-HidP_GetValueCaps returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL (all given entries however have been filled in)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_SetData (
- IN OUT PULONG DataLength,
- IN OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
- Please Note: For obvious reasons HidP_SetData and HidP_GetData will not
- access UsageValueArrays.
-Return Value
- HidP_SetData returns the following error codes. Upon an error the report
- packet is in an unknown state.
-· HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS upon successful insertion of usages into the report packet.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if there exists a byte in the usage list for
- which there is no corresponding control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH the length of the report packet is not the
- size expected.
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if there are not enough entries in a given Main
- Array Item to list all of the given usages. The user needs
- to split his request to set usages up.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetData (
- IN OUT PULONG DataLength,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
- Please Note: For obvious reasons HidP_SetData and HidP_GetData will not
- access UsageValueArrays.
-Return Value
-ULONG __stdcall
-HidP_MaxDataListLength (
- );
-Routine Description:
- This function returns the maximum length of HIDP_DATA elements that
- HidP_GetData could return for the given report type.
- ReportType One of HidP_Input or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, for which HidP_GetUsage will
- search in the report, refer to this same usage page.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
-Return Value:
- The length of the usage list array required for the HidpGetUsage
- function call.
- If UsagePage is set to zero, then MaxUsageListLength returns the number
- of
-#define HidP_SetButtons(Rty, Up, Lco, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, Rle) \
- HidP_SetUsages(Rty, Up, Lco, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, Rle)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_SetUsages (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN PUSAGE UsageList,
- IN OUT PULONG UsageLength,
- IN OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
- This function sets binary values (buttons) in the report. Given an
- initialized packet of correct length, it modifies the report packet so that
- each element in the given list of usages has been set in the report packet.
- For example, in an output report with 5 LED’s, each with a given usage,
- an application could turn on any subset of these lights by placing their
- usages in any order into the byte array (usageList). HidP_SetUsage would,
- in turn, set the appropriate bit or add the corresponding byte into the
- HID Main Array Item.
- A properly initialized Report packet is one of the correct byte length,
- and all zeros.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, which HidP_SetUsage will
- set in the report, refer to this same usage page.
- If the client wishes to set usages in a packet for multiple
- usage pages then that client needs to make subsequent SetUsages
- calls.
- UsageList A byte array containing the usages that HidP_SetUsage will set in
- the report packet.
- UsageLength The length of the given byte array.
- The parser sets this value to the position in the usage array at
- where it stoped processing. In the successful case UsageList
- will be unchanged. In any error condition this parameter
- reflects how many of the usages in the usage list have
- actually been set by the parser. This is useful for finding
- the usage in the list which caused the error. However, in
- the event of an error condition, the report packet itself is in
- an unknown state.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value
-HidP_SetUsage returns the following error codes. Upon an error the report
-packet is in an unknown state.
-· HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS upon successful insertion of usages into the report packet.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if there exists a byte in the usage list for
- which there is no corresponding control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH the length of the report packet is not the
- size expected.
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if there are not enough entries in a given Main
- Array Item to list all of the given usages. The user needs
- to split his request to set usages up.
-#define HidP_UnsetButtons(Rty, Up, Lco, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, Rle) \
- HidP_UnsetUsages(Rty, Up, Lco, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, Rle)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_UnsetUsages (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN PUSAGE UsageList,
- IN OUT PULONG UsageLength,
- IN OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
- This function sets binary values (buttons) in the report. Given an
- initialized packet of correct length, it modifies the report packet so that
- each element in the given list of usages has been set in the report packet.
- For example, in an output report with 5 LED’s, each with a given usage,
- an application could turn on any subset of these lights by placing their
- usages in any order into the byte array (usageList). HidP_SetUsage would,
- in turn, set the appropriate bit or add the corresponding byte into the
- HID Main Array Item.
- A properly initialized Report packet is one of the correct byte length,
- and all zeros.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, which HidP_SetUsage will
- set in the report, refer to this same usage page.
- If the client wishes to set usages in a packet for multiple
- usage pages then that client needs to make subsequent SetUsages
- calls.
- UsageList A byte array containing the usages that HidP_SetUsage will set in
- the report packet.
- UsageLength The length of the given byte array.
- The parser sets this value to the position in the usage array at
- where it stoped processing. In the successful case UsageList
- will be unchanged. In any error condition this parameter
- reflects how many of the usages in the usage list have
- actually been set by the parser. This is useful for finding
- the usage in the list which caused the error. However, in
- the event of an error condition, the report packet itself is in
- an unknown state.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value
-HidP_SetUsage returns the following error codes. Upon an error the report
-packet is in an unknown state.
-· HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS upon successful insertion of usages into the report packet.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if there exists a byte in the usage list for
- which there is no corresponding control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH the length of the report packet is not the
- size expected.
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if there are not enough entries in a given Main
- Array Item to list all of the given usages. The user needs
- to split his request to set usages up.
-#define HidP_GetButtons(Rty, UPa, LCo, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, RLe) \
- HidP_GetUsages(Rty, UPa, LCo, ULi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, RLe)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetUsages (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- OUT USAGE * UsageList,
- IN OUT ULONG * UsageLength,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
-This function returns the binary values (buttons) in a HID report.
-Given a report packet of correct length, it searches the report packet
-for each usage for the given usage page and returns them in the usage list.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, which HidP_SetUsage will
- retrieve in the report, refer to this same usage page.
- If the client wishes to get usages in a packet for multiple
- usage pages then that client needs to make subsequent getUsages
- calls.
- UsageList A byte array containing the usages that HidP_GetUsage found in
- the report packet.
- UsageLength The length of the given byte array.
- This value initially describes the length of the usage list,
- but HidP_GetUsage sets this value to the length of found usages.
- Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to determine the maximum length list
- of usages that a given report packet may contain.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value
-HidpGetUsage returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if no control for this device matches the given
- usagePage.
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the given usageList is not long enough to
- hold the usages found in the given report packet.
- HidP_MaxUsageListLength should be used to prevent
- this error.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA if the given preparsed data is invalid
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is not
- the size expected.
-#define HidP_GetButtonsEx(Rty, LCo, BLi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, RLe) \
- HidP_GetUsagesEx(Rty, LCo, BLi, ULe, Ppd, Rep, RLe)
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetUsagesEx (
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN OUT ULONG * UsageLength,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Description:
-This function returns the binary values (buttons) in a HID report.
-Given a report packet of correct length, it searches the report packet
-for each usage for the given usage page and returns them in the usage list.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- ButtonList An array of USAGE_AND_PAGE structures describing all the
- buttons currently ``down'' in the device.
- UsageLength The length of the given array in terms of elements.
- This value initially describes the length of the usage list,
- but HidP_GetUsage sets this value to the length of found usages.
- Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to determine the maximum length list
- of usages that a given report packet may contain.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value
-HidpGetUsage returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if no button controls are found for this device.
-· HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the given usageList is not long enough to
- hold the usages found in the given report packet.
- HidP_MaxUsageListLength should be used to prevent
- this error.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA if the given preparsed data is invalid
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is not
- the size expected.
-#define HidP_GetButtonListLength(RTy, UPa, Ppd) \
- HidP_GetUsageListLength(Rty, UPa, Ppd)
-ULONG __stdcall
-HidP_MaxUsageListLength (
- IN USAGE UsagePage, // Optional
- );
-Routine Description:
- This function returns the maximum length of usages that a HidpGetUsage
- could return for the given HID Report and Usage Page.
- ReportType One of HidP_Input or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, for which HidP_GetUsage will
- search in the report, refer to this same usage page.
- PreparsedData the preparsed data recevied from the HidClass device object.
-Return Value:
- The length of the usage list array required for the HidpGetUsage
- function call.
- If UsagePage is set to zero, then MaxUsageListLength returns the number
- of
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_SetUsageValue (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- IN ULONG UsageValue,
- IN OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
- HidpSetUsageValue inserts the given value into the given HID Report Packet,
- in the field corresponding to the given usage page and usage.
- HidP_SetUsageValue casts this value to the appropriate bit length. If there
- are two channel in the report packet with the same usage and UsagePage, then
- they can be destinguished with the optional LinkCollection Field.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_SetUsageValue will set.
- UsageValue The value. This value must be within the logical range or
- null value specified by the Report Descriptor.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value:
- HidpSetUsageValue returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if the given usage does not correspond to a
- control on the device, or if it refers to a button
- style control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is not
- the size expected given the HIDP_CHANNELS structure.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_SetScaledUsageValue (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- IN LONG UsageValue,
- IN OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
- HidpSetUsageValue inserts the given value into the given HID Report Packet,
- in the field corresponding to the given usage page and usage.
- HidP_SetUsageValue casts this value to the appropriate bit length. If there
- are two channel in the report packet with the same usage and UsagePage, then
- they can be destinguished with the optional LinkCollection Field.
- ScaledUsageValue converts from the signed physical value given as UsageValue
- to the logical value placed in the report.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_SetUsageValue will set.
- UsageValue The value. This value must be within the logical range or
- null value specified by the Report Descriptor.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value:
- HidpSetUsageValue returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if the given usage does not correspond to a
- control on the device, or if it refers to a button
- style control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is not
- the size expected given the HIDP_CHANNELS structure.
-· HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE The physical value given was out of range,
- but this field does not accept null values. In this
- case the field remains unchanged.
-· HIDP_STATUS_NULL A null value was written into the field, because the
- physical value given was out of range and this field
- supports null values. The value written was outside the
- range of LogicalMin and LogicalMax and is specifically
- set to the most negative value.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_SetUsageValueArray (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- IN PCHAR UsageValue,
- IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength,
- OUT PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Descripton:
- The last usage in the list of usages describing a main item must be
- repeated if there are less usages than there are report counts declared
- for the given main item. In this case a single value cap is allocated
- for that usage and the report count of that value cap is set to refect the
- numer of fields to which that usage refers.
- HidP_SetUsageValueArray sets the raw bits for that usage which spans
- more than one field in a report.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_SetUsageValueArray will set.
- UsageValue A pointer to an array characters where the value will be placed.
- The number of BITS required is found by multiplying the
- BitSize and ReportCount fields of the given Value Cap for this
- control. The least significant bit of this control found in the
- given report will be placed in the least significan bit location
- of the array given (little-endian format), regardless of whether
- or not the field is byte alligned or if the BitSize is a multiple
- of sizeof (CHAR).
- UsageValueByteLength
- the length of the given UsageValue buffer.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value:
- Same as others
- HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY this is not a value array control use instead
- HidP_SetUsageValue.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetUsageValue (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- OUT PULONG UsageValue,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
- HidP_GetUsageValue retrieves the given value from the given HID Report
- Packet, for the specified usage.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetUsageValue will retreive.
- UsageValue The value. This value must be within the logical range or
- null value specified by the Report Descriptor.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value:
- HidpSetUsageValue returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if the given usage does not correspond to a
- control on the device, or if it refers to a button
- style control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is
- not the size expected given the HIDP_CHANNELS structure.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetScaledUsageValue (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- OUT PLONG UsageValue,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
- HidP_GetScaledUsageValue retrieves the given value from the given HID Report
- Packet, for the specified usage. This function assums a linear
- extrapolation between the physical Max/min and the Logical Max/min.
- (Where logical is the values reported by the device, and physical is the
- value returned by this function.)
- If the data field requested is of fewer bytes than 32, then
- HidP_GetScaledUsageValue will sign extend those bits to 32.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetUsageValue will retreive.
- UsageValue The value. This value must be within the logical range or
- null value specified by the Report Descriptor.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-Return Value:
- HidpSetUsageValue returns the following error codes:
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE if reportType is not valid.
-· HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND if the given usage does not correspond to a
- control on the device, or if it refers to a button
- style control.
-· HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH if the length of the report packet is
- not the size expected given the HIDP_CHANNELS structure.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_GetUsageValueArray (
- IN USAGE UsagePage,
- IN USHORT LinkCollection, // Optional
- IN USAGE Usage,
- OUT PCHAR UsageValue,
- IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength,
- IN PCHAR Report,
- IN ULONG ReportLength
- );
-Routine Descripton:
- The last usage in the list of usages describing a main item must be
- repeated if there are less usages than there are report counts declared
- for the given main item. In this case a single value cap is allocated
- for that usage and the report count of that value cap is set to refect the
- numer of fields to which that usage refers.
- HidP_GetUsageValueArray retrieved the raw bits for that usage which spans
- more than one field in a report.
- ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature.
- UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers.
- LinkCollection (Optional) If there are more than one channel with the
- given usage and usage page, then the client may used this field
- to distinguish them. A LinkValue of zero is ingnored. The
- first channel that matches the given usage page, usage page, and
- Link number is the one affected.
- Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetUsageValueArray will retreive.
- UsageValue A pointer to an array characters where the value will be placed.
- The number of BITS required is found by multiplying the
- BitSize and ReportCount fields of the given Value Cap for this
- control. The least significant bit of this control found in the
- given report will be placed in the least significan bit location
- of the array given (little-endian format), regardless of whether
- or not the field is byte alligned or if the BitSize is a multiple
- of sizeof (CHAR).
- UsageValueByteLength
- the length of the given UsageValue buffer.
- PreparsedData The data retreived from the HID device
- Report The report packet.
- ReportLength Length of the given report packet.
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_UsageListDifference (
- IN PUSAGE PreviousUsageList,
- IN PUSAGE CurrentUsageList,
- OUT PUSAGE BreakUsageList,
- OUT PUSAGE MakeUsageList,
- IN ULONG UsageListLength
- );
-Routine Description:
- Given two list of usages (as might be returned from HidP_GetUsages),
- determine the difference; that is, return a list of usages that are in
- the current list but not in the previous list (NewUsageList), as well as a
- list of usages that are in the previous list but not the current list
- (OldUsageList).
- PreviousUsageList The list of usages before.
- CurrentUsageList The list of usages now.
- BreakUsageList Previous - Current.
- MakeUsageList Current - Previous.
- All usage lists have a maximum of UsageListLength bytes.
- Any zero found in the list indicates early termination of the list.
- Any characters found after the first zero will be ignored.
-// Produce Make or Break Codes
- HidP_Keyboard_Break,
- HidP_Keyboard_Make
-// A bitmap of the current shift state of the keyboard when using the
-// below keyboard usages to i8042 translation function.
- union {
- struct {
- ULONG LeftControl: 1;
- ULONG LeftShift: 1;
- ULONG LeftAlt: 1;
- ULONG LeftGUI: 1;
- ULONG RightControl: 1;
- ULONG RightShift: 1;
- ULONG RightAlt: 1;
- ULONG RigthGUI: 1;
- ULONG CapsLock: 1;
- ULONG ScollLock: 1;
- ULONG NumLock: 1;
- ULONG Reserved: 21;
- };
- ULONG ul;
- };
-// A call back function to give the i8042 scan codes to the caller of
-// the below translation function.
- IN PVOID Context, // Some caller supplied context.
- IN PCHAR NewScanCodes, // A list of i8042 scan codes.
- IN ULONG Length // the length of the scan codes.
- );
-NTSTATUS __stdcall
-HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes (
- IN PUSAGE ChangedUsageList,
- IN ULONG UsageListLength,
- IN PVOID InsertCodesContext
- );
-Routine Description:
-// Define NT Status codes with Facility Code of FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE
-// BUGBUG defined in ntstatus.h
- ((NTSTATUS) (((SEV) << 28) | (FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE << 16) | (CODE)))
-#include <poppack.h>