path: root/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDGfx.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDGfx.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 798 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDGfx.cpp b/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDGfx.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7240263a79..0000000000
--- a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDGfx.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-// LCDGfx.cpp
-// The CLCDGfx class abstracts GDI/bitmap details. It is used in the
-// OnDraw event.
-// Logitech LCD SDK
-// Copyright 2005 Logitech Inc.
-#include "StdAfx.h"
-#include "CLCDGfx.h"
-#include "math.h"
-// CLCDGfx::CLCDGfx
- m_nWidth = 0;
- m_nHeight = 0;
- m_pBitmapInfo = NULL;
- m_hDC = NULL;
- m_hBitmap = NULL;
- m_hPrevBitmap = NULL;
- m_pBitmapBits = NULL;
- m_pLcdBitmapBits = NULL;
- m_pSavedBitmapBits = NULL;
- m_bInitialized = false;
- m_bTransition = false;
- m_dwTransitionStart = 0;
- m_dwLastDraw = 0;
- m_dWave = 0;
-// CLCDGfx::~CLCDGfx
- Shutdown();
-// CLCDGfx::Initialize
-bool CLCDGfx::Initialize(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, PBYTE pLcdBitmapBits)
- m_pLcdBitmapBits = pLcdBitmapBits;
- m_nWidth = nWidth;
- m_nHeight = nHeight;
- m_nBPP = nBPP;
- m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- if(NULL == m_hDC)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CLCDGfx::Initialize(): failed to create compatible DC.\n"));
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- int nBMISize = sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
- m_pBitmapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) new BYTE [nBMISize];
- if(NULL == m_pBitmapInfo)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CLCDGfx::Initialize(): failed to allocate bitmap info.\n"));
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- ZeroMemory(m_pBitmapInfo, nBMISize);
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader);
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = m_nWidth;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = -m_nHeight;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8*m_nBPP;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth * m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight * m_nBPP;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 3200;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 3200;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256;
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 256;
- if(m_nBPP == 1) {
- for(int nColor = 0; nColor < 256; ++nColor)
- {
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiColors[nColor].rgbRed = (BYTE)((nColor > 128) ? 255 : 0);
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiColors[nColor].rgbGreen = (BYTE)((nColor > 128) ? 255 : 0);
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiColors[nColor].rgbBlue = (BYTE)((nColor > 128) ? 255 : 0);
- m_pBitmapInfo->bmiColors[nColor].rgbReserved = 0;
- }
- }
- m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(m_hDC, m_pBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (PVOID *) &m_pBitmapBits, NULL, 0);
- if(NULL == m_hBitmap)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CLCDGfx::Initialize(): failed to create bitmap.\n"));
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- m_bInitialized = true;
- return true;
-// CLCDGfx::IsInitialized
-bool CLCDGfx::IsInitialized()
- return m_bInitialized;
-// CLCDGfx::Shutdown
-bool CLCDGfx::Shutdown(void)
- EndTransition();
- if(NULL != m_hBitmap)
- {
- DeleteObject(m_hBitmap);
- m_hBitmap = NULL;
- m_pBitmapBits = NULL;
- }
- ASSERT(NULL == m_hPrevBitmap);
- m_hPrevBitmap = NULL;
- if(NULL != m_pBitmapInfo)
- {
- delete [] m_pBitmapInfo;
- m_pBitmapInfo = NULL;
- }
- if(NULL != m_hDC)
- {
- DeleteDC(m_hDC);
- m_hDC = NULL;
- }
- m_nWidth = 0;
- m_nHeight = 0;
- m_bInitialized = false;
- return true;
-// CLCDGfx::SetClipRegion
-void CLCDGfx::SetClipRegion(int iX,int iY,int iWidth,int iHeight)
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- m_rClipRegion.left = iX;
- m_rClipRegion.right = iX+iWidth;
- = iY;
- m_rClipRegion.bottom = iY+iHeight;
- HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgn(iX,iY,iX+iWidth,iY+iHeight);
- SelectClipRgn(GetHDC(), hRgn);
- DeleteObject(hRgn);
-// CLCDGfx::GetClipRegion
-RECT CLCDGfx::GetClipRegion()
- return m_rClipRegion;
-// CLCDGfx::BeginDraw
-void CLCDGfx::BeginDraw(void)
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hBitmap);
- if(m_hPrevBitmap != NULL)
- Sleep(1);
- ASSERT(NULL == m_hPrevBitmap);
- if(NULL == m_hPrevBitmap)
- {
- m_hPrevBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBitmap);
- SetTextColor(m_hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- SetBkColor(m_hDC, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- }
-// CLCDGfx::ClearScreen
-void CLCDGfx::ClearScreen(void)
- // this means, we're inside BeginDraw()/EndDraw()
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- RECT rc = { 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight };
- FillRect(m_hDC, &rc, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
-// CLCDGfx::GetPixel
-COLORREF CLCDGfx::GetPixel(int nX, int nY) {
- return ::GetPixel(m_hDC,nX,nY);
-// CLCDGfx::SetPixel
-void CLCDGfx::SetPixel(int nX, int nY, COLORREF color) {
- // this means, we're inside BeginDraw()/EndDraw()
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- ::SetPixel(m_hDC, nX, nY, color);
-void CLCDGfx::SetPixel(int nX, int nY, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)
- if(m_nBPP==1) {
- ref = (r || g || b) ? RGB(255, 255, 255) : RGB(0, 0, 0);
- } else {
- ref = RGB(r,g,b);
- }
- SetPixel(nX,nY,ref);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawLine
-void CLCDGfx::DrawLine(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2)
- // this means, we're inside BeginDraw()/EndDraw()
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- HPEN hPrevPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(m_hDC, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN));
- ::MoveToEx(m_hDC, nX1, nY1, NULL);
- ::LineTo(m_hDC, nX2, nY2);
- SelectObject(m_hDC, hPrevPen);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawFilledRect
-void CLCDGfx::DrawFilledRect(int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight)
- // this means, we're inside BeginDraw()/EndDraw()
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- HBRUSH hPrevBrush = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(m_hDC, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
- RECT r = { nX, nY, nX + nWidth, nY + nHeight };
- ::FillRect(m_hDC, &r, hPrevBrush);
- SelectObject(m_hDC, hPrevBrush);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawFilledRect
-void CLCDGfx::DrawRect(int iX, int iY, int iWidth, int iHeight)
- // this means, we're inside BeginDraw()/EndDraw()
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- HBRUSH hPrevBrush = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(m_hDC, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
- // top line
- DrawLine(iX+1,iY,iX+iWidth-1,iY);
- // bottom line
- DrawLine(iX+1,iY+iHeight-1,iX+iWidth-1,iY+iHeight-1);
- // left line
- DrawLine(iX,iY,iX,iY+iHeight);
- // right line
- DrawLine(iX+iWidth-1,iY,iX+iWidth-1,iY+iHeight);
- SelectObject(m_hDC, hPrevBrush);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawText
-void CLCDGfx::DrawText(int nX, int nY, LPCTSTR sText)
- // map mode text, with transparency
- int nOldMapMode = SetMapMode(m_hDC, MM_TEXT);
- int nOldBkMode = SetBkMode(m_hDC, TRANSPARENT);
- ZeroMemory(&dtp, sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS));
- dtp.cbSize = sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS);
- RECT rBounds = {nX,nY,GetClipWidth(),GetClipHeight()};
- DrawTextEx(m_hDC,(LPTSTR)sText,lstrlen(sText),&rBounds,(DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX),&dtp);
- // restores
- SetMapMode(m_hDC, nOldMapMode);
- SetBkMode(m_hDC, nOldBkMode);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawText
-void CLCDGfx::DrawText(int nX,int nY,int nWidth,tstring strText)
- SIZE sizeChar = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeLine = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeCutOff = {0, 0};
- GetTextExtentPoint(GetHDC(),_T("..."),3,&sizeCutOff);
- int *piWidths = new int[strText.length()];
- int iMaxChars = 0;
- GetTextExtentExPoint(GetHDC(),strText.c_str(),strText.length(),nWidth,&iMaxChars,piWidths,&sizeLine);
- if(iMaxChars < strText.length())
- {
- for(iMaxChars--;iMaxChars>0;iMaxChars--)
- {
- if(piWidths[iMaxChars] + <= nWidth)
- break;
- }
- DrawText(nX,nY,(strText.substr(0,iMaxChars) + _T("...")).c_str());
- }
- else
- DrawText(nX,nY,strText.c_str());
- free(piWidths);
-// CLCDGfx::DrawBitmap
-void CLCDGfx::DrawBitmap(int nX, int nY,int nWidth, int nHeight, HBITMAP hBitmap)
- HDC hCompatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(GetHDC());
- HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hCompatibleDC, hBitmap);
- BitBlt(GetHDC(), nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, hCompatibleDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- // restores
- SelectObject(hCompatibleDC, hOldBitmap);
- DeleteDC(hCompatibleDC);
-// CLCDGfx::EndDraw
-void CLCDGfx::EndDraw(void)
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap);
- if(NULL != m_hPrevBitmap)
- {
- GdiFlush();
- m_hPrevBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hPrevBitmap);
- ASSERT(m_hPrevBitmap == m_hBitmap);
- m_hPrevBitmap = NULL;
- }
- if(m_nBPP != 1 || !m_bTransition)
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits, m_pBitmapBits, m_nWidth * m_nHeight * m_nBPP);
- else
- {
- if(m_dwTransitionStart == 0) {
- Cache();
- }
- PBYTE pScreen1 = m_pSavedBitmapBits;
- PBYTE pScreen2 = m_pBitmapBits;
- DWORD dwTimeElapsed = GetTickCount() - m_dwTransitionStart;
- /* if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_BT || m_eTransition == TRANSITION_TB)
- {
- int iCols = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nHeight;
- if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_TB)
- {
- iCols = m_nHeight - iCols;
- pScreen1 = m_pBitmapBits;
- pScreen2 = m_pSavedBitmapBits;
- }
- if(iCols > m_nHeight)
- iCols = m_nHeight;
- if(iCols < 0)
- iCols = 0;
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits,pScreen1+(iCols*m_nWidth),((m_nHeight-iCols)*m_nWidth));
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+((m_nHeight-iCols)*m_nWidth),pScreen2,iCols *m_nWidth);
- }
- else if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_LR || m_eTransition == TRANSITION_RL)
- {
- int iCols = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nWidth;
- if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_LR)
- {
- iCols = m_nWidth - iCols;
- pScreen1 = m_pBitmapBits;
- pScreen2 = m_pSavedBitmapBits;
- }
- if(iCols > m_nWidth)
- iCols = m_nWidth;
- if(iCols < 0)
- iCols = 0;
- for(int i=0;i<m_nHeight;i++)
- {
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+(i*m_nWidth),pScreen1+(i*m_nWidth)+iCols,m_nWidth-iCols);
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+(i*m_nWidth)+(m_nWidth-iCols),pScreen2+(i*m_nWidth),iCols);
- }
- }
- else*/ if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_HLINES)
- {
- int iCols = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nHeight;
- if(iCols%2 == 1)
- iCols--;
- if(iCols > m_nHeight)
- iCols = m_nHeight;
- if(iCols < 2)
- iCols = 2;
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits,pScreen1,m_nHeight*m_nWidth);
- for(int i=0;i<m_nHeight;i += m_nHeight/iCols)
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+(i*m_nWidth),pScreen2+(i*m_nWidth),m_nWidth);
- }
- else if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_VLINES)
- {
- int iCols = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nWidth;
- if(iCols%2 == 1)
- iCols--;
- if(iCols > m_nWidth)
- iCols = m_nWidth;
- if(iCols < 2)
- iCols = 2;
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits,pScreen1,m_nHeight*m_nWidth);
- for(int i=0;i<m_nHeight;i++)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<m_nWidth;j+=m_nWidth/iCols)
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+(i*m_nWidth)+j,pScreen2+(i*m_nWidth)+j,1);
- }
- }
- else if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_FADE)
- {
- int iCols = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nHeight;
- if(iCols%2 == 1)
- iCols--;
- if(iCols > m_nHeight)
- iCols = m_nHeight;
- if(iCols < 2)
- iCols = 2;
- int iCols2 = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION)*m_nWidth;
- if(iCols2%2 == 1)
- iCols2--;
- if(iCols2 > m_nWidth)
- iCols2 = m_nWidth;
- if(iCols2 < 2)
- iCols2 = 2;
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits,pScreen1,m_nHeight*m_nWidth);
- for(int i=0;i<m_nHeight;i += m_nHeight/iCols)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<m_nWidth;j+=m_nWidth/iCols2)
- memcpy(m_pLcdBitmapBits+(i*m_nWidth)+j,pScreen2+(i*m_nWidth)+j,1);
- }
- }
- else if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_MORPH)
- {
- double dPercent = ((float)dwTimeElapsed/(float)TRANSITION_DURATION);
- double dPixelPercent = dPercent;
- memset(m_pLcdBitmapBits,0x00,m_nHeight * m_nWidth);
- SLCDPixel *pPixel = NULL;
- vector<SLCDPixel*>::iterator iter = m_LMovingPixels.begin();
- int iPosition = 0;
- int iIndex = 0,iMoved = 0;
- double dTest = sin(3.14/2);
- while(iter != m_LMovingPixels.end())
- {
- pPixel = *iter;
- if(pPixel->Position.x != pPixel->Destination.x ||pPixel->Position.y != pPixel->Destination.y) {
- iMoved++;
- dPixelPercent = dPercent * pPixel->dSpeed;
- if(dPixelPercent > 1.0f)
- dPixelPercent = 1.0f;
- if(pPixel->Start.x < pPixel->Destination.x)
- pPixel->Position.x = pPixel->Start.x + dPixelPercent*(pPixel->Destination.x-pPixel->Start.x);
- else if(pPixel->Start.x > pPixel->Destination.x)
- pPixel->Position.x = pPixel->Start.x - dPixelPercent*(pPixel->Start.x-pPixel->Destination.x);
- if(pPixel->Start.y < pPixel->Destination.y)
- pPixel->Position.y = pPixel->Start.y + dPixelPercent*(pPixel->Destination.y-pPixel->Start.y);
- else if(pPixel->Start.y > pPixel->Destination.y)
- pPixel->Position.y = pPixel->Start.y - dPixelPercent*(pPixel->Start.y-pPixel->Destination.y);
- }
- iIndex = pPixel->Position.y*m_nWidth + pPixel->Position.x;
- if(iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < m_nHeight * m_nWidth)
- m_pLcdBitmapBits[iIndex] = pPixel->cValue;
- iter++;
- }
- iter = m_LStaticPixels.begin();
- while(iter != m_LStaticPixels.end())
- {
- pPixel = *iter;
- iIndex = pPixel->Position.y*m_nWidth + pPixel->Position.x;
- m_pLcdBitmapBits[iIndex] = pPixel->cValue;
- iter++;
- }
- if(iMoved == 0)
- EndTransition();
- }
- if(m_eTransition != TRANSITION_MORPH && dwTimeElapsed > TRANSITION_DURATION) {
- EndTransition();
- }
- }
- m_dwLastDraw = GetTickCount();
-// CLCDGfx::GetHDC
-HDC CLCDGfx::GetHDC(void)
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hDC);
- return m_hDC;
-// CLCDGfx::GetBitmapInfo
-BITMAPINFO *CLCDGfx::GetBitmapInfo(void)
- ASSERT(NULL != m_pBitmapInfo);
- return m_pBitmapInfo;
- ASSERT(NULL != m_hBitmap);
- return m_hBitmap;
-int CLCDGfx::findNearestMatch(PBYTE targetArray,int iSourceIndex) {
- int startY = iSourceIndex/m_nWidth;
- int startX = iSourceIndex - (iSourceIndex/m_nWidth)*m_nWidth;
- int iIndex;
- int iY=0,iX=0;
- for(int iPass=1;iPass<m_nWidth;iPass++)
- {
- for(iY = startY-iPass;iY<=startY+iPass;iY+=iPass*2)
- for(iX=startX-iPass;iX<startX+iPass;iX++)
- {
- // skip illegal coordinates
- if(iY < 0 || iY >= m_nHeight || iX <0 || iX >= m_nWidth)
- continue;
- iIndex = iY*m_nWidth + iX;
- if(targetArray[iIndex] != 0)
- return iIndex;
- }
- for(iX = startX-iPass;iX<=startX+iPass;iX+=iPass*2)
- for(iY=startY-iPass;iY<startY+iPass;iY++)
- {
- // skip illegal coordinates
- if(iY < 0 || iY >= m_nHeight || iX <0 || iX >= m_nWidth)
- continue;
- iIndex = iY*m_nWidth + iX;
- if(targetArray[iIndex] != 0)
- return iIndex;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-// CLCDGfx::StartTransition
-void CLCDGfx::Cache()
- DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount();
- // Initialize pixels
- if(m_eTransition == TRANSITION_MORPH)
- {
- SLCDPixel *pPixel = NULL;
- SLCDPixel *pSource = NULL;
- int iIndex = 0;
- bool bBreak = false;
- bool bSearch = true;
- int iTransitionPixels = 0;
- POINT pt;
- for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
- {
- iIndex = 0;
- for(int i=0;i<m_nHeight * m_nWidth;i++)
- {
- pt.y = i/m_nWidth;
- pt.x = i - (i/m_nWidth)*m_nWidth;
- if((j==0 && !PtInRect(&m_rTransitionRegion,pt)) || (m_pSavedBitmapBits[i] != 0x00 && (j==1 || m_pBitmapBits[i] != 0x00)))
- {
- iIndex = i;
- pPixel = new SLCDPixel();
- pPixel->dSpeed = GetRandomDouble()*0.5 + 1;
- if(!PtInRect(&m_rTransitionRegion,pt)) {
- pPixel->cValue = m_pBitmapBits[i];
- } else {
- pPixel->cValue = m_pSavedBitmapBits[i];
- }
- pPixel->Start.y = pt.y;
- pPixel->Start.x = pt.x;
- pPixel->Position = pPixel->Start;
- bBreak = false;
- if(j==1 && bSearch)
- {
- // search for a pixel in circles with increasing radius around the location
- iIndex = findNearestMatch(m_pBitmapBits,i);
- if(iIndex < 0) {
- iIndex = i;
- } else {
- bBreak = true;
- }
- }
- if(j==0 || bBreak)
- {
- pPixel->Destination.y = iIndex/m_nWidth;
- pPixel->Destination.x = iIndex - (iIndex/m_nWidth)*m_nWidth;
- m_pBitmapBits[iIndex] = 0;
- m_pSavedBitmapBits[i] = 0;
- if(bBreak)
- iTransitionPixels++;
- }
- else
- {
- if(m_LMovingPixels.size() > 0 && iTransitionPixels > 0)
- {
- pSource = m_LMovingPixels[GetRandomInt(0,m_LMovingPixels.size()-1)];
- pPixel->Destination = pSource->Destination;
- }
- else
- {
- pPixel->Destination.x = GetRandomInt(0,m_nWidth-1);
- pPixel->Destination.y = GetRandomInt(0,1)==1?-1:m_nHeight+1;
- }
- bSearch = false;
- }
- if(j == 0)
- m_LStaticPixels.push_back(pPixel);
- else {
- m_LMovingPixels.push_back(pPixel);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool bRandom = false;
- if(m_LMovingPixels.size() <= 0)
- bRandom = true;
- for(iIndex=0;iIndex<m_nHeight * m_nWidth;iIndex++)
- {
- if(m_pBitmapBits[iIndex] == 0)
- continue;
- pPixel = new SLCDPixel();
- pPixel->dSpeed = GetRandomDouble()*0.5 + 1;
- pPixel->cValue = m_pBitmapBits[iIndex];
- if(!bRandom)
- {
- pSource = m_LMovingPixels[GetRandomInt(0,m_LMovingPixels.size()-1)];
- pPixel->Start = pSource->Start;
- }
- else
- {
- pPixel->Start.x = GetRandomInt(0,m_nWidth-1);
- pPixel->Start.y = GetRandomInt(0,1)==1?-1:m_nHeight+1;
- }
- pPixel->Position = pPixel->Start;
- pPixel->Destination.y = iIndex/m_nWidth;
- pPixel->Destination.x = iIndex - (iIndex/m_nWidth)*m_nWidth;
- m_LMovingPixels.push_back(pPixel);
- }
- }
- m_dwTransitionStart = GetTickCount();
- TRACE(_T("Textmorphing: time consumed: %0.2f\n"),(double)(m_dwTransitionStart-dwStart)/(double)1000);
-// CLCDGfx::StartTransition
-void CLCDGfx::StartTransition(ETransitionType eType,LPRECT rect)
- if(!m_bInitialized)
- return;
- if(rect != NULL) {
- m_rTransitionRegion.left = rect->left;
- m_rTransitionRegion.right = rect->right;
- = rect->top;
- m_rTransitionRegion.bottom = rect->bottom;
- } else {
- SetRect(&m_rTransitionRegion,0,0,m_nWidth,m_nHeight);
- }
- m_eTransition = static_cast<ETransitionType>(GetRandomInt(0,2));
- else
- m_eTransition = eType;
- if(m_bTransition) {
- EndTransition();
- memcpy(m_pBitmapBits,m_pLcdBitmapBits,sizeof(BYTE)*m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nBPP);
- }
- if(m_pSavedBitmapBits == NULL)
- m_pSavedBitmapBits = (BYTE*)malloc(sizeof(BYTE)*m_nWidth*m_nHeight*m_nBPP);
- memcpy(m_pSavedBitmapBits, m_pBitmapBits,sizeof(BYTE)* m_nWidth * m_nHeight * m_nBPP);
- m_dwTransitionStart = 0;
- m_bTransition = true;
-void CLCDGfx::EndTransition()
- if(m_pSavedBitmapBits != NULL)
- free(m_pSavedBitmapBits);
- m_pSavedBitmapBits = NULL;
- if(!m_LMovingPixels.empty())
- {
- vector<SLCDPixel*>::iterator iter = m_LMovingPixels.begin();
- while(iter != m_LMovingPixels.end())
- {
- delete *iter;
- iter++;
- }
- m_LMovingPixels.clear();
- iter = m_LStaticPixels.begin();
- while(iter != m_LStaticPixels.end())
- {
- delete *iter;
- iter++;
- }
- m_LStaticPixels.clear();
- }
- m_bTransition = false;
-} \ No newline at end of file