path: root/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDInput.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDInput.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 859 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDInput.cpp b/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDInput.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d482099de3..0000000000
--- a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDInput.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "CLCDInput.h"
-#include "CLCDOutputManager.h"
-// CLCDInput::CLCDInput
- m_lInputTime = 0;
- m_iLinePosition = 0;
- ZeroMemory(&m_Marker,2*sizeof(SMarker));
- m_pScrollbar = NULL;
- m_bShowSymbols = true;
- m_iBreakKeys = KEYS_RETURN;
- m_bShowMarker = false;
- m_lBlinkTimer = 0;
- m_iLineCount = 0;
-// SetScrollbarAlignment(TOP);
- Reset();
-// CLCDInput::~CLCDInput
- m_vLineOffsets.clear();
-// CLCDInput::Initialize
-bool CLCDInput::Initialize()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Initialize())
- return false;
-// m_pParent = pParent;
- return true;
-// CLCDInput::Shutdown
-bool CLCDInput::Shutdown()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Shutdown())
- return false;
- return true;
-// CLCDInput::Update
-void CLCDInput::SetScrollbar(CLCDBar *pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar = pScrollbar;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(m_iLineCount);
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,m_vLineOffsets.size());
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iLinePosition);
- }
-// CLCDInput::GetLastInputTime
-long CLCDInput::GetLastInputTime()
- return m_lInputTime;
-// CLCDInput::Update
-bool CLCDInput::Update()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Update())
- return false;
- if(m_lBlinkTimer + 500 <= GetTickCount())
- {
- m_bShowMarker = !m_bShowMarker;
- m_lBlinkTimer = GetTickCount();
- }
- return true;
-// CLCDInput::Draw
-bool CLCDInput::Draw(CLCDGfx *pGfx)
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Draw(pGfx))
- return false;
- SelectObject(pGfx->GetHDC(),m_hFont);
- RECT rBoundary = { 0, 0,0 + GetWidth(), 0 + GetHeight() };
- int iLine = m_iLinePosition;
- int iEndLine = m_iLinePosition + m_iLineCount;
- int iLen = 0;
- TCHAR *pcOffset = NULL;
- while(iLine < iEndLine && iLine < m_vLineOffsets.size())
- {
- // Calculate the text length
- if(iLine < m_vLineOffsets.size() -1)
- {
- iLen = m_vLineOffsets[iLine+1].iOffset - m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iOffset;
- // Draw the linebreak marker
- if(m_bShowSymbols && m_vLineOffsets[iLine+1].bLineBreak)
- pGfx->DrawFilledRect(m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth+1,,m_iFontHeight/3,m_iFontHeight/3);
- }
- else
- iLen = m_strText.length() - m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iOffset;
- // Draw the text
- pcOffset = (TCHAR*)m_strText.c_str() + m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iOffset;
- DrawTextEx(pGfx->GetHDC(),
- (LPTSTR)pcOffset,
- iLen,
- &rBoundary,
- m_iTextFormat,
- &m_dtp);
- // Draw the input cursor
- if(m_pInput && m_bShowMarker && m_Marker[0].iLine == iLine)
- {
- // insert-mode cursor
- if(m_bInsert ||m_Marker[0].iXWidth == 1)
- {
- pGfx->DrawFilledRect(m_Marker[0].iXLine,
- m_iFontHeight*(iLine-m_iLinePosition),
- 1,
- m_iFontHeight);
- }
- // replace-mode cursor
- else
- {
- RECT rMarker = {m_Marker[0].iXLine,
- m_iFontHeight*(iLine-m_iLinePosition),
- m_Marker[0].iXLine+m_Marker[0].iXWidth,
- m_iFontHeight*(iLine-m_iLinePosition+1)};
- InvertRect(pGfx->GetHDC(),&rMarker);
- }
- }
- += m_iFontHeight;
- rBoundary.bottom += m_iFontHeight;
- iLine++;
- }
- return true;
-// CLCDInput::ShowSymbols
-void CLCDInput::ShowSymbols(bool bShow)
- m_bShowSymbols = bShow;
-// CLCDInput::SetBreakKeys
-void CLCDInput::SetBreakKeys(int iKeys)
- m_iBreakKeys = iKeys;
-// returns wether the input is currently active
-bool CLCDInput::IsInputActive()
- return m_pInput != NULL;
-// CLCDInput::OnSizeChanged
-void CLCDInput::OnSizeChanged(SIZE OldSize)
- // if the width has changed, offsets need to be recalculated
- if(GetWidth() !=
- OnFontChanged();
- // otherwise, just update scrollbar & linecount
- else if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_iLineCount = GetHeight() / m_iFontHeight;
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(m_iLineCount);
- }
-// CLCDInput::OnFontChanged
-void CLCDInput::OnFontChanged()
- if(m_iFontHeight == 0)
- return;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(m_iLineCount);
- m_iLinePosition = 0;
- m_iLineCount = GetHeight() / m_iFontHeight;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(m_iLineCount);
- m_Marker[0].iLine = 0;
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = 0;
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = m_strText.length();
- // Delete all offsets and recalculate them
- m_vLineOffsets.clear();
- // Create a new offset
- SLineEntry offset;
- offset.bLineBreak = false;
- offset.iOffset = 0;
- m_vLineOffsets.push_back(offset);
- UpdateOffsets(0);
- UpdateMarker();
- if(m_iLineCount > 0)
- ScrollToMarker();
-// CLCDInput::ActivateInput
-void CLCDInput::ActivateInput()
- if(m_pInput)
- return;
- CLCDConnection *pLCDCon = CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->GetLCDConnection();
- pLCDCon->SetAsForeground(1);
- m_hKBHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, CLCDInput::KeyboardHook, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
- if(!m_hKBHook)
- return;
- m_pInput = this;
- GetKeyboardState(m_acKeyboardState);
-// CLCDInput::DeactivateInput
-void CLCDInput::DeactivateInput()
- if(!m_pInput)
- return;
- UnhookWindowsHookEx(m_hKBHook);
- m_hKBHook = NULL;
- m_pInput = NULL;
- CLCDConnection *pLCDCon = CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->GetLCDConnection();
- pLCDCon->SetAsForeground(0);
-// CLCDInput::KeyboardHook
-CLCDInput* CLCDInput::m_pInput = NULL;
-LRESULT CALLBACK CLCDInput::KeyboardHook(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- return m_pInput->ProcessKeyEvent(Code,wParam,lParam);
-// CLCDInput::ProcessKeyEvent
-LRESULT CLCDInput::ProcessKeyEvent(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- // Event verarbeiten
- if(Code == HC_ACTION)
- {
- bool bKeyDown = !(key->flags & LLKHF_UP);
- bool bToggled = (m_acKeyboardState[key->vkCode] & 0x0F);
- if(bKeyDown)
- bToggled = !bToggled;
- m_acKeyboardState[key->vkCode] = (bKeyDown?0x80:0x00) | (bToggled?0x01:0x00);
- if(key->vkCode == VK_LSHIFT || key->vkCode == VK_RSHIFT)
- m_acKeyboardState[VK_SHIFT] = m_acKeyboardState[key->vkCode];
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_LCONTROL || key->vkCode == VK_RCONTROL)
- m_acKeyboardState[VK_CONTROL] = m_acKeyboardState[key->vkCode];
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_LMENU || key->vkCode == VK_RMENU)
- m_acKeyboardState[VK_MENU] = m_acKeyboardState[key->vkCode];
- /*
- if(bKeyDown)
- TRACE(_T("Key pressed: %i\n"),key->vkCode);
- else
- TRACE(_T("Key released: %i\n"),key->vkCode);
- */
- // Only handle Keyup
- if(bKeyDown)
- {
- // Actions with Control/Menu keys
- if((m_acKeyboardState[VK_LMENU] & 0x80 || m_acKeyboardState[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80)
- && m_acKeyboardState[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80)
- {
- ActivateKeyboardLayout((HKL)HKL_NEXT,0);//KLF_SETFORPROCESS);
- TRACE(_T("Keyboardlayout switched!\n"));
- return 1;
- }
- int res = 0,size = 0,dir = MARKER_HORIZONTAL,scroll = 0;
- if(key->vkCode == VK_DELETE) {
- dir = MARKER_HOLD;
- res = -1;
- if(m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition] == '\r')
- res = -2;
- if(m_strText.length() >= m_Marker[0].iPosition + -res) {
- m_strText.erase(m_Marker[0].iPosition,-res);
- scroll = 1;
- size = 1;
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- }
- else */if(key->vkCode == VK_BACK )
- {
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition != 0)
- {
- res = -1;
- if(m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition+res] == '\n')
- res = -2;
- m_strText.erase(m_Marker[0].iPosition+res,-res);
- scroll = 1;
- size = res;
- }
- }
- // Marker navigation
- else if (key->vkCode == VK_INSERT)
- {
- m_bInsert = !m_bInsert;
- }
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_HOME)
- {
- res = m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine].iOffset - m_Marker[0].iPosition;
- scroll = 1;
- }
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_END)
- {
- if(m_vLineOffsets.size()-1 == m_Marker[0].iLine)
- res = m_strText.length() - m_Marker[0].iPosition;
- else
- {
- res = (m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine+1].iOffset - 1 - m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine+1].bLineBreak) -m_Marker[0].iPosition;
- }
- scroll = 1;
- }
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_UP)
- {
- res = -1;
- }
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_DOWN)
- {
- res = 1;
- }
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_LEFT)
- res = -1;
- else if(key->vkCode == VK_RIGHT)
- res = 1;
- else
- {
-#ifdef _UNICODE
- TCHAR output[4];
- unsigned char output[2];
- if(key->vkCode == VK_RETURN)
- {
- bool bCtrlDown = (bool)(m_acKeyboardState[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80);
- if( bCtrlDown != (m_iBreakKeys == KEYS_RETURN))
- {
- DeactivateInput();
- //m_pParent->OnInputFinished();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- res = 2;
- output[0] = '\r';
- output[1] = '\n';
- output[2] = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
-#ifdef _UNICODE
- res = ToUnicode(key->vkCode,key->scanCode,m_acKeyboardState,output,4,0);
- res = ToAscii( key->vkCode,key->scanCode,m_acKeyboardState,(WORD*)output,0);
- }
- if(res <= 0)
- res = 0;
- else
- {
- if(output[0] != '\r' && output[0] <= 0x001F)
- return 1;
- if(m_bInsert || m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition] == '\r')
- m_strText.insert(m_Marker[0].iPosition,(TCHAR*)output,res);
- else
- m_strText.replace(m_Marker[0].iPosition,res,(TCHAR*)output);
- scroll = 1;
- size = res;
- }
- }
- if(res != 0)
- {
- if(dir != MARKER_HOLD) {
- MoveMarker(dir,res);
- }
- UpdateOffsets(size);
- UpdateMarker();
- ScrollToMarker();
- m_lInputTime = GetTickCount();
- }
- //WrapLine();
- // ----
- // Block this KeyEvent
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return CallNextHookEx(m_hKBHook, Code, wParam, lParam);
-// CLCDInput::MoveMarker
-void CLCDInput::MoveMarker(int iDir,int iMove,bool bShift)
- // Just cursor
- if(!bShift)
- {
- m_lBlinkTimer = GetTickCount();
- m_bShowMarker = true;
- {
- m_Marker[0].iPosition += iMove;
- }
- {
- if(iMove < 0 && m_Marker[0].iLine == 0)
- return;
- if(iMove > 0 && m_Marker[0].iLine == m_vLineOffsets.size()-1)
- return;
- m_Marker[0].iLine += iMove;
- int iX = 0,iX2 = 0;
- SIZE sizeChar = {0,0};
- int iBegin = m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine].iOffset;
- int iLen = 0;
- if(m_Marker[0].iLine < m_vLineOffsets.size() -1)
- iLen = m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine+1].iOffset - m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine].iOffset;
- else
- iLen = m_strText.length() - m_vLineOffsets[m_Marker[0].iLine].iOffset;
- HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- if(NULL == hDC)
- return;
- SelectObject(hDC, m_hFont);
- m_Marker[0].iXWidth = 1;
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = -1;
- int *piWidths = new int[iLen];
- int iMaxChars;
- int iChar=iBegin;
- GetTextExtentExPoint(hDC,m_strText.c_str() + iBegin,iLen,GetWidth(),&iMaxChars,piWidths,&sizeChar);
- for(;iChar<iBegin+iMaxChars;iChar++)
- {
- iX2 = iX;
- iX = piWidths[iChar-iBegin];
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition >= 0 &&
- iChar >= m_Marker[0].iPosition)
- {
- m_Marker[0].iXWidth =;
- break;
- }
- if(iX >= m_Marker[0].iXLine || (iChar < iBegin+iLen -1 && m_strText[iChar+1] == 10))
- {
- if( m_Marker[0].iXLine - iX2 <= iX - m_Marker[0].iXLine)
- {
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = iChar;
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = iX2;
- m_Marker[0].iXWidth =;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = iChar+1;
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = iX;
- }
- }
- }
- free(piWidths);
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition == -1)
- {
- m_Marker[0].iPosition = iChar;
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = iX;
- }
- DeleteObject(hDC);
- }
- for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
- {
- if(m_Marker[i].iPosition < 0)
- m_Marker[i].iPosition = 0;
- else if(m_Marker[i].iPosition > m_strText.length() )
- m_Marker[i].iPosition = m_strText.length();
- }
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition > 0 && m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition-1] == '\r')
- m_Marker[0].iPosition+= (iDir == MARKER_HORIZONTAL && iMove>0)?1:-1;
- }
-// CLCDInput::GetText
-tstring CLCDInput::GetText()
- return m_strText;
-// CLCDInput::Reset
-void CLCDInput::Reset()
- m_lInputTime = 0;
- m_bInsert = true;
- ZeroMemory(&m_Marker[0],sizeof(SMarker));
- m_strText = _T("");
- m_vLineOffsets.clear();
- m_iLinePosition = 0;
- SLineEntry offset;
- offset.bLineBreak = false;
- offset.iOffset = 0;
- m_vLineOffsets.push_back(offset);
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(0);
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,0);
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(m_iLineCount);
- }
-// CLCDInput::UpdateOffsets
-void CLCDInput::UpdateOffsets(int iModified)
- if(m_vLineOffsets.size() == 0 && m_strText.empty())
- return;
- // Reset the marker
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = 0;
- m_Marker[0].iXWidth = 1;
- // Initialize variables
- int iLen = m_strText.length();
- int *piWidths = new int[iLen];
- TCHAR *pszText = (TCHAR*)m_strText.c_str();
- tstring::size_type pos = 0;
- int iMaxChars = 0;
- SIZE sizeWord = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeChar = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeLine = {0, 0};
- HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- if(NULL == hDC)
- return;
- SelectObject(hDC, m_hFont);
- int iLine = -1;
- // Find the first line to update
- for(int i=m_vLineOffsets.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
- if(m_vLineOffsets[i].iOffset <= m_Marker[0].iPosition)
- {
- iLine = i;
- break;
- }
- if(iModified < 0 && iLine-1 >= 0)
- iLine--;
- bool bLineClosed = false;
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: Begin Update at #%i\n"),iLine);
- for(;iLine<m_vLineOffsets.size();iLine++)
- {
- bLineClosed = false;
- int iChar = m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iOffset;
- int iWordOffset = iChar;
- if(!(iLen == 0) && iChar > iLen)
- {
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: Deleted offset #%i\n"),iLine);
- m_vLineOffsets.erase(m_vLineOffsets.begin()+iLine);
- continue;
- }
- = 0;
- = 0;
- iWordOffset = iChar+1;
- while(iChar<iLen)
- {
- iWordOffset= iChar;
- GetTextExtentExPoint(hDC,pszText+iChar,iLen-iChar,GetWidth(),&iMaxChars,piWidths,&sizeLine);
- pos = m_strText.find(_T("\n"),iChar);
- // check for linebreaks
- if(pos != tstring::npos & pos >= iChar && pos <= iChar + iMaxChars)
- {
- iWordOffset = pos + 1;
- iMaxChars = pos - iChar;
- }
- // if the string doesnt fit, try to wrap the last word to the next line
- else
- {
- // find the last space in the line
- pos = m_strText.rfind(_T(" "),iChar + iMaxChars);
- if(pos != tstring::npos && pos >= iChar)
- iWordOffset = pos +1;
- else
- iWordOffset = iChar+iMaxChars;
- }
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition >= iChar && m_Marker[0].iPosition <= iChar + iMaxChars)
- {
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition > iChar)
- {
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = piWidths[m_Marker[0].iPosition -1 - iChar];
- if(m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition -1] == '\n' )
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = 0;
- }
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition < iChar + iMaxChars)
- {
- if(m_strText[m_Marker[0].iPosition] > 0x001F)
- m_Marker[0].iXWidth = piWidths[m_Marker[0].iPosition - iChar]-m_Marker[0].iXLine;
- }
- }
- //iChar += iMaxChars;
- if(m_strText[iChar] == '\n' || > GetWidth())
- {
- bLineClosed = true;
- int iDistance = INFINITE;
- // Check if a matching offset already exists
- for(int iLine2 = iLine+1;iLine2<m_vLineOffsets.size();iLine2++)
- {
- if(m_vLineOffsets[iLine2].bLineBreak == (m_strText[iChar] == '\n'))
- {
- iDistance = iChar - (m_vLineOffsets[iLine2].iOffset-1);
- if(m_vLineOffsets[iLine2].iOffset == iWordOffset || iDistance == iModified)
- {
- // if there are other offsets in front of this one, delete them
- if(iLine2 != iLine + 1 )
- {
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: Deleted offsets #%i to #%i\n"),iLine+1,iLine2-1);
- m_vLineOffsets.erase(m_vLineOffsets.begin()+iLine+1,m_vLineOffsets.begin()+iLine2);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // A matching offset was found
- if(iDistance == iModified)
- {
- if(iModified != 0)
- {
- // Update line's width
- if(iMaxChars > 0)
- {
- if(m_strText[iChar] == '\n' && iMaxChars >= 2)
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = piWidths[iMaxChars-2];
- else
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = piWidths[iMaxChars-1];
- }
- else
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = 0;
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: shifted offsets #%i to end %i position(s)\n"),iLine+1,iDistance);
- for(iLine++;iLine<m_vLineOffsets.size();iLine++)
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iOffset += iDistance;
- goto finished;
- }
- }
- // if no matching offset was found, a new one has to be created
- else if(iDistance != 0)
- {
- SLineEntry offset;
- offset.bLineBreak = (m_strText[iChar] == '\n');
- offset.iOffset = iWordOffset;
- if(iLine == m_vLineOffsets.size()-1)
- m_vLineOffsets.push_back(offset);
- else
- m_vLineOffsets.insert(m_vLineOffsets.begin()+iLine+1,offset);
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: Inserted new %soffset at #%i\n"),m_strText[iChar] == '\n'?_T("linebreak "):_T(""),iLine+1);
- }
- break;
- }
- iChar += iMaxChars;
- }
- // Update line's width
- if(iMaxChars > 0)
- {
- if(m_strText[iChar-1] == '\n' && iMaxChars >= 2)
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = piWidths[iMaxChars-2];
- else
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = piWidths[iMaxChars-1];
- }
- else
- m_vLineOffsets[iLine].iWidth = 0;
- if(iLine != m_vLineOffsets.size() - 1 && !bLineClosed)
- {
- // TRACE(_T("InputText: Deleted offsets #%i to #%i\n"),iLine+1,m_vLineOffsets.size()-1);
- m_vLineOffsets.erase(m_vLineOffsets.begin()+iLine+1,m_vLineOffsets.end());
- }
- }
- free(piWidths);
- DeleteObject(hDC);
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,m_vLineOffsets.size()-1);
-// CLCDInput::UpdateMarker
-void CLCDInput::UpdateMarker()
- // Adjust the markers propertys
- for(int i=m_vLineOffsets.size()-1;i>= 0;i--)
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition >= m_vLineOffsets[i].iOffset)
- {
- if(m_Marker[0].iPosition == m_vLineOffsets[i].iOffset)
- m_Marker[0].iXLine = 0;
- m_Marker[0].iLine = i;
- break;
- }
-// CLCDInput::ScrollLine
-bool CLCDInput::ScrollLine(bool bDown)
- if(bDown && m_iLinePosition + (m_iLineCount-1) < m_vLineOffsets.size() -1)
- m_iLinePosition++;
- else if(!bDown && m_iLinePosition > 0)
- m_iLinePosition--;
- else
- return false;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iLinePosition);
- return true;
-// CLCDInput::ScrollToMarker
-void CLCDInput::ScrollToMarker()
- if(m_Marker[0].iLine < m_iLinePosition)
- m_iLinePosition = m_Marker[0].iLine;
- if(m_Marker[0].iLine > m_iLinePosition + (m_iLineCount-1))
- {
- ScrollLine();
- if(m_Marker[0].iLine > m_iLinePosition + (m_iLineCount-1))
- m_iLinePosition = (m_Marker[0].iLine / m_iLineCount )*m_iLineCount;
- }
- if(m_iLinePosition > m_vLineOffsets.size()-1)
- m_iLinePosition = m_vLineOffsets.size() -1;
- if(m_iLinePosition < 0)
- m_iLinePosition = 0;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iLinePosition);
-// CLCDInput::GetLineCount
-int CLCDInput::GetLineCount()
- return m_vLineOffsets.size();
-// CLCDInput::GetLine
-int CLCDInput::GetLine()
- return m_iLinePosition;
-} \ No newline at end of file