path: root/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDOutputManager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDOutputManager.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDOutputManager.h b/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDOutputManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1011e5d551..0000000000
--- a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDOutputManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include "CLCDGfx.h"
-#include "CLCDScreen.h"
-#include "CLCDConnection.h"
-#include "CLCDDevice.h"
-class CLCDOutputManager
-friend CLCDConnection;
-friend class CLCDConnectionLogitech;
- // constructor
- CLCDOutputManager();
- // destructor
- ~CLCDOutputManager();
- // Get the OutputManager Instance
- static CLCDOutputManager *GetInstance();
- // Initializes the Outputmanager
- virtual bool Initialize(tstring strAppletName,bool bAutostart=false, bool bConfigDialog=false);
- // return wether the Outputmanager is initialized
- virtual bool IsInitialized();
- // Deinitializes the Outputmanager
- virtual bool Shutdown();
- // Updates the Outputmanager
- virtual bool Update();
- // Add a screen to the managers list
- bool AddScreen(CLCDScreen *pScreen);
- // Removes a screen from the managers list
- bool RemoveScreen(CLCDScreen *pScreen);
- // Activates the specified screen
- bool ActivateScreen(CLCDScreen *pScreen);
- // Deactivates the active screen
- bool DeactivateScreen();
- // returns the active scren
- CLCDScreen *GetActiveScreen();
- // returns the active lcdconnection
- CLCDConnection *GetLCDConnection();
- // specifies the button repeat delay
- void SetButtonRepeatDelay(DWORD dwDelay);
- // starts a screen transition
- void StartTransition(ETransitionType eTransition = TRANSITION_RANDOM,LPRECT rect = NULL);
- // called by CLCDConnection when connected to a device
- void OnDeviceConnected();
- // called by CLCDConnection when disconnected from a device
- void OnDeviceDisconnected();
- // Called by the LCDManager to open a config dialog
- static DWORD WINAPI configDialogCallback(IN int connection,IN const PVOID pContext);
- void InitializeGfxObject();
- void DeinitializeGfxObject();
- // Called when the connection state has changed
- virtual void OnConnectionChanged(int iConnectionState);
- // Called when the LCD has been plugged in
- virtual void OnLCDConnected();
- // Called when the LCD has been unplugged
- virtual void OnLCDDisconnected();
- // Called when an LCD button is pressed
- virtual void OnLCDButtonDown(int iButton);
- // Called when an LCD button is released
- virtual void OnLCDButtonUp(int iButton);
- // Called when an LCD button is repeated
- virtual void OnLCDButtonRepeated(int iButton);
- virtual void OnScreenExpired(CLCDScreen *pScreen);
- virtual void OnScreenDeactivated(CLCDScreen *pScreen);
- // Called when a config dialog is requested
- virtual DWORD OnConfigDialogRequest(int connection, const PVOID pContext);
- CLCDGfx *m_pGfx;
- DWORD m_dwLastUpdate;
- DWORD m_dwButtonRepeatDelay;
- bool m_bInitialized;
- static CLCDOutputManager* m_pInstance;
- bool *m_pbButtonStates;
- DWORD *m_pdwButtonRepeatTimers;
- DWORD *m_pdwButtonRepeatStarts;
- tstring m_strAppletName;
- CLCDConnection *m_pLcdConnection;
- vector<CLCDScreen*> m_Screens;
- CLCDScreen *m_pActiveScreen;
-#endif \ No newline at end of file