diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDTextLog.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDTextLog.cpp | 440 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDTextLog.cpp b/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDTextLog.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index d1abb9d704..0000000000 --- a/plugins/MirandaG15/LCDFramework/src/CLCDTextLog.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,440 +0,0 @@ -#include "StdAfx.h"
-#include "CLCDTextLog.h"
-// Constructor
- m_dwLastScroll = 0;
- m_iLogSize = 10;
- m_iPosition = 0;
- m_iTextLines = 0;
- m_pScrollbar = NULL;
- m_eExpandMode = EXPAND_SCROLL;
- m_eAutoScroll = SCROLL_MESSAGE;
- m_iLastScrollDirection = 0;
-// Destructor
- ClearLog();
-// Initializes the log
-bool CLCDTextLog::Initialize()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Initialize())
- return false;
- return true;
-// Deinitializes the log
-bool CLCDTextLog::Shutdown()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Shutdown())
- return false;
- return true;
-// updates the log
-bool CLCDTextLog::Update()
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Update())
- return false;
- return true;
-// draws the log
-bool CLCDTextLog::Draw(CLCDGfx *pGfx)
- if(!CLCDTextObject::Draw(pGfx))
- return false;
- if (m_Entrys.empty())
- return true;
- // select current font
- SelectObject(pGfx->GetHDC(), m_hFont);
- int iLineCount = (GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- int iSpacing = (GetHeight() - iLineCount*m_iFontHeight)/2;
- list<CLogEntry*>::iterator iter = m_Entrys.begin();
- CLogEntry *pEntry = NULL;
- RECT rBoundary = { 0, iSpacing,GetWidth() , GetHeight()-iSpacing};
- int iPosition = 0;
- int iLinesDrawn = 0;
- while(iLinesDrawn < iLineCount && iter != m_Entrys.end())
- {
- pEntry = *(iter++);
- // This Message has something to draw
- if(iPosition + pEntry->iLines > m_iPosition )
- {
- int iLine = (m_iPosition + iLinesDrawn) - iPosition;
- for(;iLinesDrawn < iLineCount && iLine < pEntry->iLines;iLine++)
- {
- DrawTextEx(pGfx->GetHDC(), (LPTSTR)pEntry->vLines[iLine].c_str(), pEntry->vLines[iLine].size(), &rBoundary, m_iTextFormat, &m_dtp);
- rBoundary.top += m_iFontHeight;
- rBoundary.bottom += m_iFontHeight;
- iLinesDrawn++;
- }
- }
- iPosition += pEntry->iLines;
- }
- return true;
-// associates a scrollbar with the log
-void CLCDTextLog::SetScrollbar(CLCDBar *pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar = pScrollbar;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,m_iTextLines-1);
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iPosition);
- m_pScrollbar->SetAlignment(TOP);
- }
-// sets the autoscrolling mode
-void CLCDTextLog::SetAutoscrollMode(EScrollMode eMode)
- m_eAutoScroll = eMode;
-// sets the expand mode
-void CLCDTextLog::SetExpandMode(EExpandMode eMode)
- m_eExpandMode = eMode;
-// sets the logs text
-void CLCDTextLog::SetText(tstring strText)
- ClearLog();
- AddText(strText);
-// adds some text to the log
-void CLCDTextLog::AddText(tstring strText,bool bForceAutoscroll)
- CLogEntry *pEntry = new CLogEntry();
- pEntry->strString = strText;
- pEntry->iLines = 0;
- WrapMessage(pEntry);
- m_Entrys.push_back(pEntry);
- if(m_Entrys.size() > m_iLogSize)
- {
- CLogEntry *pOldestEntry = *(m_Entrys.begin());
- m_Entrys.pop_front();
- if(m_iPosition >= pOldestEntry->iLines)
- m_iPosition -= pOldestEntry->iLines;
- else
- m_iPosition = 0;
- m_iTextLines -= pOldestEntry->iLines;
- delete pOldestEntry;
- }
- m_iTextLines += pEntry->iLines;
- // Autoscrolling
- if(m_dwLastScroll + 10000 < GetTickCount() || bForceAutoscroll)
- {
- int iLineCount = (GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- if(m_eAutoScroll == SCROLL_LINE)
- ScrollTo(m_iTextLines - iLineCount);
- else if(m_eAutoScroll == SCROLL_MESSAGE)
- ScrollTo(m_iTextLines - pEntry->iLines);
- if(m_eAutoScroll != SCROLL_NONE)
- m_iLastScrollDirection = 1;
- }
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,m_iTextLines-1);
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iPosition);
- }
-// sets the maximum number of log entrys
-void CLCDTextLog::SetLogSize(int iSize)
- m_iLogSize = iSize;
-// clears the log
-void CLCDTextLog::ClearLog()
- m_dwLastScroll = 0;
- m_iTextLines = 0;
- m_iPosition = 0;
- CLogEntry *pEvent;
- while(!m_Entrys.empty())
- {
- pEvent = *(m_Entrys.begin());
- m_Entrys.pop_front();
- delete pEvent;
- }
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- {
- m_pScrollbar->SetRange(0,0);
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(0);
- }
-// scrolls one line up
-bool CLCDTextLog::ScrollUp()
- if(m_iPosition > 0)
- {
- m_iPosition--;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollUp();
- m_dwLastScroll = GetTickCount();
- m_iLastScrollDirection = -1;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// scrolls one line down
-bool CLCDTextLog::ScrollDown()
- int iLineCount = (GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- if(m_iPosition < m_iTextLines - iLineCount)
- {
- m_iPosition++;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollDown();
- m_iLastScrollDirection = 1;
- m_dwLastScroll = GetTickCount();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// scrolls to the specified line
-bool CLCDTextLog::ScrollTo(int iIndex)
- int m_iOldPosition = m_iPosition;
- m_iPosition = iIndex;
- int iLineCount = (GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- if(m_iPosition > m_iTextLines - iLineCount)
- m_iPosition = m_iTextLines - iLineCount;
- if( m_iPosition < 0)
- m_iPosition = 0;
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->ScrollTo(m_iPosition);
- bool bRes = m_iOldPosition != m_iPosition;
- return bRes;
-// wraps the specified log entry
-void CLCDTextLog::WrapMessage(CLogEntry *pEntry)
- pEntry->iLines = 0;
- pEntry->vLines.clear();
- tstring strString = pEntry->strString;
- HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- SelectObject(hDC, m_hFont);
- if(NULL == hDC)
- return;
- int iLen = strString.size();
- int i = 0;
- tstring strLine = _T("");
- tstring strWord = _T("");
- SIZE sizeWord = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeChar = {0, 0};
- SIZE sizeLine = {0, 0};
- int *piExtents = new int[strString.length()];
- TCHAR *szString = (TCHAR*)strString.c_str();
- int iMaxChars = 0;
- tstring::size_type pos = 0;
- if(GetWidth() == 0)
- pEntry->vLines.push_back(strString);
- else
- {
- while(i<iLen)
- {
- GetTextExtentExPoint(hDC,szString+i,strString.length()-i,GetWidth(),&iMaxChars,piExtents,&sizeLine);
- // filter out spaces or line breaks at the beginning of a new line
- if(strString[i] == '\n' || strString[i] == ' ')
- i++;
- pos = strString.rfind(_T("\n"),i+iMaxChars);
- // check for linebreaks
- if(pos != tstring::npos && pos != i && pos >= i && pos != i+iMaxChars)
- iMaxChars = 1 + pos - i;
- // if the string doesnt fit, try to wrap the last word to the next line
- else if(iMaxChars < iLen - i || sizeLine.cx >= GetWidth())
- {
- // find the last space in the line ( substract -1 from offset to ignore spaces as last chars )
- pos = strString.rfind(_T(" "),i + iMaxChars -1 );
- if(pos != tstring::npos && pos != i && pos >= i & pos != i+iMaxChars)
- iMaxChars = 1 + pos - i;
- }
- pEntry->vLines.push_back(strString.substr(i,iMaxChars));
- i += iMaxChars;
- }
- }
- free(piExtents);
- /*
- while(i<=iLen)
- {
- if(i != iLen && strString[i] != 13 && strString[i] != 10)
- strWord += strString[i];
- GetTextExtentPoint(hDC,&(strString[i]),1,&sizeChar);
- sizeWord.cx += sizeChar.cx;
- if(i == iLen || strString[i] == ' ' || strString[i] == 10)
- {
- sizeLine.cx += sizeWord.cx;
- strLine += strWord;
- strWord = _T("");
- sizeWord.cx = 0;
- }
- if(i == iLen || strString[i] == '\n' || sizeLine.cx + sizeWord.cx >= GetWidth())
- {
- if(sizeWord.cx >= GetWidth())
- {
- strLine += strWord.substr(0,strWord.length()-1);
- strWord = strString[i];
- sizeWord.cx = sizeChar.cx;
- }
- pEntry->vLines.push_back(strLine);
- strLine = _T("");
- sizeLine.cx = 0;
- }
- i++;
- }
- */
- DeleteObject(hDC);
- pEntry->iLines = pEntry->vLines.size();
-// called when the logs font has changed
-void CLCDTextLog::OnFontChanged()
- RefreshLines();
-// called when the logs size has changed
-void CLCDTextLog::OnSizeChanged(SIZE OldSize)
- // check in which direction the log should expand on height changes
- int iLines = GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight;
- int iOldLines = OldSize.cy/m_iFontHeight;
- int iPosition =m_iPosition;
- if(m_eExpandMode == EXPAND_UP || (m_eExpandMode == EXPAND_SCROLL && m_iLastScrollDirection == 1))
- iPosition = (m_iPosition + iOldLines) - iLines;
- // revalidate position
- ScrollTo(iPosition);
- // update the scrollbar
- if(m_pScrollbar)
- m_pScrollbar->SetSliderSize(GetHeight()/m_iFontHeight);
- // if the width hasn't changed, return
- if(GetWidth() == OldSize.cx)
- return;
- RefreshLines();
-// rewraps all textlines
-void CLCDTextLog::RefreshLines()
- if(m_Entrys.empty())
- return;
- m_iTextLines = 0;
- CLogEntry *pEntry = NULL;
- list<CLogEntry*>::iterator iter = m_Entrys.begin();
- while(iter != m_Entrys.end())
- {
- pEntry = *(iter);
- WrapMessage(pEntry);
- m_iTextLines += pEntry->iLines;
- iter++;
- }
- ScrollTo(m_iPosition);
- SetScrollbar(m_pScrollbar);