path: root/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_clcpaint.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_clcpaint.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_clcpaint.h b/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_clcpaint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c2a2d68d6..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_clcpaint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef modern_clcpaint_h__
-#define modern_clcpaint_h__
-extern class CLCPaint g_clcPainter;
-class CLCPaint
- CLCPaint();
- ~CLCPaint() {};
- CLINTERFACE void cliPaintClc( HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint );
- CLINTERFACE tPaintCallbackProc PaintCallbackProc( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, RECT * rcPaint, HRGN rgn, DWORD dFlags, void * CallBackData );
- BOOL IsForegroundWindow( HWND hWnd );
- HFONT ChangeToFont( HDC hdc, struct ClcData *dat, int id, int *fontHeight );
- int GetBasicFontID( struct ClcContact * contact );
- void GetTextSize( SIZE *text_size, HDC hdcMem, RECT free_row_rc, TCHAR *szText, SortedList *plText, UINT uTextFormat, int smiley_height );
- void AddParam( MODERNMASK * mpModernMask, DWORD dwParamHash, const char* szValue, DWORD dwValueHash );
- BOOL CheckMiniMode( struct ClcData *dat, BOOL selected, BOOL hot );
- static const int HORIZONTAL_SPACE;
- static const int EXTRA_CHECKBOX_SPACE;
- static const int EXTRA_SPACE;
- static const int SELECTION_BORDER;
- static const int MIN_TEXT_WIDTH;
- static const int BUF2SIZE;
- static const BYTE GIM_HOT_AFFECT;
- static const BYTE GIM_TEMP_AFFECT;
- static const BYTE GIM_IDLE_AFFECT;
- static const BYTE GIM_AVATAR_AFFECT;
- enum tagenumHASHINDEX
- {
- hi_Module=0,
- hi_ID,
- hi_Type,
- hi_Open,
- hi_IsEmpty,
- hi_SubPos,
- hi_Protocol,
- hi_RootGroup,
- hi_Status,
- hi_HasAvatar,
- hi_GroupPos,
- hi_Selected,
- hi_Hot,
- hi_Odd,
- hi_Indent,
- hi_Index,
- hi_Name,
- hi_Group,
- hi_True,
- hi_False,
- hi_ONLINE,
- hi_AWAY,
- hi_DND,
- hi_NA,
- hi_IDLE,
- hi_Row,
- hi_CL,
- hi_SubContact,
- hi_MetaContact,
- hi_Contact,
- hi_Divider,
- hi_Info,
- hi_First_Single,
- hi_First,
- hi_Middle,
- hi_Mid,
- hi_Single,
- hi_Last,
- hi_Rate,
- hi_None,
- hi_Low,
- hi_Medium,
- hi_High,
- hi_State,
- hi_stActive,
- hi_stInactive,
- //ADD new item above here
- hi_LastItem
- } enumHASHINDEX;
- static const char * HASHTEXT[hi_LastItem];
- static DWORD HASH[hi_LastItem];
- void _FillQuickHash();
- void _SetHotTrackColour( HDC hdc, struct ClcData *dat );
- int _GetStatusOnlineness( int status );
- int _GetGeneralisedStatus();
- int _GetRealStatus( struct ClcContact * pContact, int nStatus );
- RECT _GetRectangle( struct ClcData *dat, RECT *row_rc, RECT *free_row_rc, int *left_pos, int *right_pos, BOOL left, int real_width, int width, int height, int horizontal_space );
- void _DrawTextSmiley( HDC hdcMem, RECT * free_rc, SIZE * text_size, TCHAR *szText, int len, SortedList *plText, UINT uTextFormat, BOOL ResizeSizeSmiley );
- void _AddParameter( MODERNMASK * mpModernMask, MASKPARAM * lpParam );
- void _AddParamShort( MODERNMASK * mpModernMask, DWORD dwParamIndex, DWORD dwValueIndex );
- void _FillParam( MASKPARAM * lpParam, DWORD dwParamHash, const char* szValue, DWORD dwValueHash );
- MODERNMASK * _GetCLCContactRowBackModernMask( struct ClcGroup * group, struct ClcContact * Drawing, int indent, int index, BOOL selected, BOOL hottrack, struct ClcData * dat );
- void _RTLRect( RECT *rect, int width, int offset );
- void _PaintRowItemsEx( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT row_rc, RECT free_row_rc, int left_pos, int right_pos, int selected, int hottrack, RECT *rcPaint );
- void _DrawStatusIcon( struct ClcContact * Drawing, struct ClcData *dat, int iImage, HDC hdcMem, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DWORD colorbg, DWORD colorfg, int mode );
- BOOL _DrawNonEnginedBackground( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMem, RECT * rcPaint, RECT clRect, struct ClcData * dat );
- void _PaintClc( HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint );
- void _StoreItemPos( struct ClcContact *contact, int ItemType, RECT * rc );
- void _CalcItemsPos( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT *in_row_rc, RECT *in_free_row_rc, int left_pos, int right_pos, int selected, int hottrack );
- BOOL __IsVisible( RECT * firtRect, RECT * secondRect );
- void _GetBlendMode( IN struct ClcData *dat, IN struct ClcContact * Drawing, IN BOOL selected, IN BOOL hottrack, IN BOOL bFlag, OUT COLORREF * OutColourFg, OUT int * OutMode );
- void _DrawContactItems( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT *row_rc, RECT *free_row_rc, int left_pos, int right_pos, int selected, int hottrack, RECT *rcPaint );
- void _PaintRowItems ( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT row_rc, RECT free_row_rc, int left_pos, int right_pos, int selected, int hottrack, RECT *rcPaint );
- void _DrawContactAvatar ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT *row_rc, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * prcItem );
- void _DrawContactIcon ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * prcItem );
- void _DrawContactText ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * prcItem, UINT uTextFormat );
- void _DrawContactSubText ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * prcItem, UINT uTextFormat, BYTE itemType );
- void _DrawContactTime ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * prcItem );
- void _DrawContactExtraIcon ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT& text_rc, RECT * rc, int iImage );
- void _DrawContactSelection ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, int& selected, int& hottrack, RECT *rcPaint, RECT * prcItem );
- void _DrawContactLine ( HDC hdcMem, struct ClcData *dat, struct ClcContact *Drawing, RECT *free_row_rc, RECT *rcPaint, RECT& text_rc );
- int _rcWidth( RECT *rc ) { return rc->right-rc->left; }
- int _rcHeight( RECT *rc ) { return rc->bottom-rc->top; }
- enum enDrawMode
- {
- DM_LAYERED = 1, // Draw normal skin on 32 bit with alpha layer
- DM_NON_LAYERED = 2, // Draw skinnable, but does not take care about alpha
- DM_CLASSIC = 4, // Old style draw for classic
- DM_CONTROL = 8, // Draw as control according to windows color scheme
- DM_FLOAT = 16, // Float mode
- DM_GRAY = 32, // Grayed mode
- DM_GREYALTERNATE = 64, // Gray odd lines
- };
- inline int _DetermineDrawMode( HWND hWnd, struct ClcData *dat );
- struct _PaintContext
- {
- enum
- { release_none = 0,
- release_hdcmem2 = 1,
- release_hdcmem = 2
- };
- HDC hdcMem;
- HDC hdcMem2;
- HBITMAP hBmpOsb2;
- HBITMAP oldbmp2;
- HBITMAP hBmpOsb;
- HBITMAP oldbmp;
- HBRUSH hBrushAlternateGrey;
- COLORREF tmpbkcolour;
- COLORREF tmpforecolour;
- DWORD fRelease;
- _PaintContext( HDC _hdcMem = NULL) :
- hdcMem ( _hdcMem ), hdcMem2( NULL ),
- hBmpOsb2( NULL ), oldbmp2( NULL ),
- hBmpOsb( NULL ), oldbmp( NULL ),
- hBrushAlternateGrey ( NULL ),
- tmpbkcolour( 0 ), tmpforecolour( 0 ),
- fRelease ( release_none ) {};
- };
- inline void _PreparePaintContext( HWND hWnd, struct ClcData * dat, HDC hdc, int paintMode, RECT& clRect, _PaintContext& pc );
- inline void _DrawBackground( HWND hWnd, struct ClcData * dat, HDC hdc, int paintMode, RECT* rcPaint, RECT& clRect, _PaintContext& pc );
- inline void _DrawLines( HWND hWnd, struct ClcData * dat, HDC hdc, int paintMode, RECT* rcPaint, RECT& clRect, _PaintContext& pc );
- inline void _DrawInsertionMark( struct ClcData * dat, RECT& clRect, _PaintContext& pc );
- inline void _CopyPaintToDest( HWND hWnd, struct ClcData * dat, HDC hdc, int paintMode, RECT* rcPaint, RECT& clRect, _PaintContext& pc );
- inline void _FreePaintContext( _PaintContext& pc );
- // void _PaintClcOld( HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint );
-#endif // modern_clcpaint_h__