path: root/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_skinned_profile.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_skinned_profile.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_skinned_profile.h b/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_skinned_profile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ab85c606..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Modernb/hdr/modern_skinned_profile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef modern_skinned_profile_h__
-#define modern_skinned_profile_h__
-//#include "modern_commonheaders.h"
-//#include "modern_commonprototypes.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-//#include <atlstr.h>
-class MString
- TCHAR * _buffer;
- MString() : _buffer( NULL ) {};
- MString( const TCHAR * str ) { _buffer = str ? _tcsdup( str ) : NULL; }
- MString( const MString& str ) { _buffer = str._buffer ? _tcsdup( str._buffer ) : NULL; }
- MString& operator=( const MString& str )
- {
- if ( _buffer ) free( _buffer );
- _buffer = str._buffer ? _tcsdup( str._buffer ) : NULL;
- }
- TCHAR* operator()( const MString& str ) { return _buffer; }
- ~MString()
- {
- if ( _buffer )
- free( _buffer );
- _buffer = NULL;
- }
-#ifdef _UNICODE
- MString( const char * str)
- {
- if ( !str )
- _buffer = NULL;
- else
- {
- int cbLen = MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0 );
- wchar_t* _buffer = ( wchar_t* )malloc( sizeof( wchar_t )*(cbLen+1));
- if ( _buffer == NULL ) return;
- MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0, str, -1, _buffer, cbLen );
- _buffer[ cbLen ] = 0;
- }
- }
-class CAutoCriticalSection
- CAutoCriticalSection() //Init critical section here
- : _pLinkedCS( NULL )
- {
- InitializeCriticalSection( &_CS );
- _ifCSOwner = true;
- _ifLocked = false;
- }
- CAutoCriticalSection( CAutoCriticalSection& Locker, bool doLock = true )
- : _pLinkedCS ( &Locker )
- {
- _ifCSOwner = false;
- _ifLocked = false;
- if ( doLock )
- Lock();
- }
- ~CAutoCriticalSection() // Leave if auto locker, and destroy if not
- {
- if ( _ifLocked )
- Unlock();
- if ( _ifCSOwner )
- DeleteCriticalSection( &_CS );
- }
- void Lock() // Enter Section
- {
- if ( _ifLocked ) return;
- if ( _ifCSOwner ) EnterCriticalSection( &_CS );
- else _pLinkedCS->Lock();
- _ifLocked = true;
- return;
- }
- void Unlock() // Leave Section
- {
- if ( !_ifLocked ) return;
- if ( _ifCSOwner ) LeaveCriticalSection( &_CS );
- else _pLinkedCS->Unlock();
- _ifLocked = false;
- }
- CAutoCriticalSection * _pLinkedCS;
- bool _ifCSOwner;
- bool _ifLocked;
-class ValueVariant
- ValueVariant() : _type( VVT_EMPTY ) {};
- ValueVariant( BYTE bValue ) : _type( VVT_BYTE ), _bValue( bValue ) {};
- ValueVariant( WORD wValue ) : _type( VVT_WORD ), _wValue( wValue ) {};
- ValueVariant( DWORD dwValue ) : _type( VVT_DWORD ), _dwValue( dwValue ) {};
- ValueVariant( const MString& strValue ) : _type( VVT_STRING ), _strValue( strValue ) {};
- ValueVariant( const char * szValue ) : _type( VVT_STRING ), _strValue( szValue ) {};
-#ifdef _UNICODE
- ValueVariant( const wchar_t * szValue ) : _type( VVT_STRING ), _strValue( szValue ) {};
- BYTE GetByte()
- {
- switch ( _type )
- {
- case VVT_BYTE:
- return ( BYTE ) _bValue;
- case VVT_WORD:
- case VVT_DWORD:
- DebugBreak();
- return ( BYTE ) _bValue;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- WORD GetWord()
- {
- switch ( _type )
- {
- case VVT_WORD:
- return ( WORD ) _wValue;
- case VVT_BYTE:
- case VVT_DWORD:
- DebugBreak();
- return ( WORD ) _wValue;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD GetDword()
- {
- switch ( _type )
- {
- case VVT_DWORD:
- return ( DWORD ) _dwValue;
- case VVT_BYTE:
- case VVT_WORD:
- DebugBreak();
- return ( DWORD ) _dwValue;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- MString GetString()
- {
- switch ( _type )
- {
- case VVT_STRING:
- return _strValue;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- }
- return "";
- }
- const MString& GetStringStatic()
- {
- switch ( _type )
- {
- case VVT_STRING:
- return _strValue;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- }
- return _strValue;
- }
- bool IsEmpty() { return _type==VVT_EMPTY; }
- enum
- {
- VVT_EMPTY = 0,
- };
- int _type;
- union
- {
- BYTE _bValue;
- WORD _wValue;
- DWORD _dwValue;
- };
- MString _strValue;
-// this is single tone class to represent some profile settings to be skinned
-class CSkinnedProfile
- static CSkinnedProfile _me;
- CSkinnedProfile();
- ~CSkinnedProfile();
- // Skinned profile holded attributes
- MString _strSkinFilename;
- bool _bLoadedFonts;
- bool _bLoadedOthers;
- typedef std::map<HashStringKeyNoCase, ValueVariant> ValueList_t;
- typedef std::map<HashStringKeyNoCase, ValueList_t> KeyList_t;
- KeyList_t SkinnedProfile;
- ValueVariant* _GetValue( const char * szSection, const char * szKey );
- CAutoCriticalSection _Lock; // critical section to matable skinned profile access
- static CSkinnedProfile* SkinProfile() { return &_me; }
- HRESULT Init();
- HRESULT Clear();
- static BYTE SpiGetSkinByte ( HANDLE hContact, const char * szSection, const char * szKey, const BYTE defValue );
- static WORD SpiGetSkinWord ( HANDLE hContact, const char * szSection, const char * szKey, const WORD defValue );
- static DWORD SpiGetSkinDword( HANDLE hContact, const char * szSection, const char * szKey, const DWORD defValue );
- static BOOL SpiCheckSkinned( HANDLE hContact, const char * szSection, const char * szKey );
-#endif // modern_skinned_profile_h__ \ No newline at end of file