path: root/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins')
2 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Default/MyDetails.msk b/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Default/MyDetails.msk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93c46b457a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Default/MyDetails.msk
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+function configure()
+ // Options for this skin
+ opts.align_right.description = "Align to right"
+ opts.align_right.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.align_right.value = false
+ opts.show_avatar.description = "Show avatar"
+ opts.show_avatar.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_avatar.value = true
+ opts.avatar_allow_grow.description = "Allow avatar to grow (be bigger than original image)"
+ opts.avatar_allow_grow.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.avatar_allow_grow.value = false
+ opts.avatar_use_fixed_size.description = "Use fixed size avatar"
+ opts.avatar_use_fixed_size.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.avatar_use_fixed_size.value = false
+ opts.avatar_fixed_size.description = "Avatar fixed size (pixels)"
+ opts.avatar_fixed_size.type = NUMBER
+ opts.avatar_fixed_size.value = 30
+ opts.avatar_fixed_size.min = 1
+ opts.avatar_fixed_size.max = 255
+ opts.show_protocol.description = "Show protocol"
+ opts.show_protocol.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_protocol.value = true
+ opts.show_email.description = "Show unread mail count"
+ opts.show_email.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_email.value = true
+ opts.show_status.description = "Show status"
+ opts.show_status.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_status.value = true
+ opts.show_status_msg.description = "Show status message"
+ opts.show_status_msg.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_status_msg.value = true
+ opts.show_listening.description = "Show listening to"
+ opts.show_listening.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_listening.value = true
+ opts.show_protocol_cycle.description = "Show protocol cycle buttons"
+ opts.show_protocol_cycle.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.show_protocol_cycle.value = false
+ opts.use_under_avatar.description = "Use free space (under avatar) to other texts"
+ opts.use_under_avatar.type = CHECKBOX
+ opts.use_under_avatar.value = true
+ opts.border_left.description = "Left border"
+ opts.border_left.type = NUMBER
+ opts.border_left.value = 8
+ opts.border_left.min = 0
+ opts.border_left.max = 100
+ opts.border_top.description = "Top border"
+ opts.border_top.type = NUMBER
+ opts.border_top.value = 8
+ opts.border_top.min = 0
+ opts.border_top.max = 100
+ opts.border_right.description = "Right border"
+ opts.border_right.type = NUMBER
+ opts.border_right.value = 8
+ opts.border_right.min = 0
+ opts.border_right.max = 100
+ opts.border_bottom.description = "Bottom border"
+ opts.border_bottom.type = NUMBER
+ opts.border_bottom.value = 8
+ opts.border_bottom.min = 0
+ opts.border_bottom.max = 100
+ // Default fonts
+ nickname.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ nickname.font.size = 13
+ nickname.font.bold = true
+ nickname.font.color = RGB(0,0,0)
+ protocol.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ protocol.font.size = 8
+ protocol.font.color = RGB(0,0,0)
+ email.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ email.font.size = 8
+ email.font.color = RGB(0,0,0)
+ status_name.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ status_name.font.size = 8
+ status_name.font.color = RGB(0,0,0)
+ status_msg.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ status_msg.font.size = 8
+ status_msg.font.italic = true
+ status_msg.font.color = RGB(150,150,150)
+ listening.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ listening.font.size = 8
+ listening.font.italic = true
+ listening.font.color = RGB(150,150,150)
+function valign_center(top)
+ var height = 0
+ for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ height = Math.max(height, arguments[i].height)
+ for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ arguments[i].top = top + (height - arguments[i].height)/2
+ return top + height
+// Resize a field, keeping its aspect ratio
+function resize(field, maxWidth, maxHeight, allowGrow)
+ if (allowGrow == null)
+ allowGrow = true
+ var factor = Math.min(maxWidth / field.width, maxHeight / field.height)
+ if (!allowGrow && factor >= 1)
+ return
+ field.width *= factor
+ field.height *= factor
+function draw()
+ // Default texts
+ if (nickname.enabled && nickname.text == "")
+ nickname.text = "<no nickname>"
+ if (status_msg.enabled && status_msg.text == "")
+ status_msg.text = "<no status message>"
+ if (listening.enabled && listening.text == "")
+ listening.text = "<nothing playing>"
+ if (info.protocol.locked)
+ status_name.text += " (locked)"
+ // ToolTips
+ nickname.toolTip = nickname.text
+ protocol.toolTip = protocol.text
+ status_icon.toolTip = status_name.toolTip = status_name.text
+ status_msg.toolTip = status_msg.text
+ listening_icon.toolTip = listening.toolTip = listening.text
+ next_proto.toolTip = "Show next protocol"
+ prev_proto.toolTip = "Show previous protocol"
+ email_icon.toolTip = email.toolTip = "Unread Email Count: " + email.text
+ // Borders
+ window.borders.left = opts.border_left
+ = opts.border_top
+ window.borders.right = opts.border_right
+ window.borders.bottom = opts.border_bottom
+ // Visible
+ nickname.visible = true
+ prev_proto.visible = next_proto.visible = opts.show_protocol_cycle && !IsEmpty(next_proto, prev_proto)
+ avatar.visible = opts.show_avatar && avatar.enabled && !IsEmpty(avatar)
+ protocol.visible = opts.show_protocol && protocol.enabled
+ status_icon.visible = status_name.visible = opts.show_status && status_name.enabled
+ status_msg.visible = opts.show_status_msg && !IsEmpty(status_msg)
+ listening_icon.visible = listening.visible = opts.show_listening && !IsEmpty(listening_icon, listening)
+ email_icon.visible = email.visible = opts.show_email && email.enabled && !IsEmpty(email_icon, email) && email.text > 0
+ // Space to draw the frame around
+ var BORDER_SPACE = 2
+ nickname.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ protocol.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ status_icon.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ status_name.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ status_msg.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ listening_icon.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ listening.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ email_icon.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ email.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ if (avatar.visible)
+ {
+ if (opts.avatar_use_fixed_size)
+ resize(avatar, opts.avatar_fixed_size, opts.avatar_fixed_size, opts.avatar_allow_grow)
+ else
+ resize(avatar, window.width/2.5, window.height - (!info.resize_frame && prev_proto.visible ? prev_proto.height : 0), opts.avatar_allow_grow)
+ }
+ if (!info.resize_frame && prev_proto.visible)
+ {
+ prev_proto.left = 0
+ prev_proto.bottom = window.height
+ next_proto.right = window.width
+ next_proto.bottom = window.height
+ }
+ var avatar_bottom = avatar.bottom
+ if (opts.show_avatar && opts.avatar_use_fixed_size)
+ avatar_bottom = opts.avatar_fixed_size
+ var top = 0
+ if (opts.align_right)
+ {
+ // Align
+ nickname.hAlign = RIGHT
+ protocol.hAlign = RIGHT
+ status_name.hAlign = RIGHT
+ status_msg.hAlign = RIGHT
+ listening.hAlign = RIGHT
+ var right = window.right
+ function updateTopRight(val)
+ {
+ top = val
+ if (opts.use_under_avatar && top > avatar_bottom)
+ right = window.right
+ }
+ if (avatar.visible)
+ {
+ avatar.right = window.right
+ = 0
+ right = avatar.left - 6
+ }
+ if (opts.show_avatar && opts.avatar_use_fixed_size)
+ right = window.right - opts.avatar_fixed_size - 6
+ nickname.right = right
+ = top
+ updateTopRight(nickname.bottom)
+ if (protocol.visible)
+ {
+ protocol.right = right
+ = top
+ if (email.visible)
+ {
+ email_icon.right = protocol.left - 10
+ email.right = email_icon.left
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, protocol, email_icon, email)
+ updateTopRight(bottom)
+ }
+ else
+ updateTopRight(protocol.bottom)
+ }
+ else if (email.visible)
+ {
+ email_icon.borders.left = 0
+ email_icon.right = right
+ email.right = email_icon.left
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, email_icon, email)
+ updateTopRight(bottom)
+ }
+ if (status_name.visible)
+ {
+ status_icon.right = right
+ status_name.right = status_icon.left
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, status_icon, status_name)
+ updateTopRight(bottom)
+ }
+ if (status_msg.visible)
+ {
+ status_msg.right = right
+ = top
+ updateTopRight(status_msg.bottom)
+ }
+ if (listening.visible)
+ {
+ listening_icon.borders.left = 0
+ listening_icon.right = right
+ listening.right = listening_icon.left
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, listening_icon, listening)
+ updateTopRight(bottom)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var left = 0
+ function updateTopLeft(val)
+ {
+ top = val
+ if (opts.use_under_avatar && top > avatar_bottom)
+ left = 0
+ }
+ if (avatar.visible)
+ {
+ avatar.left = 0
+ = 0
+ left = avatar.right + 6
+ }
+ if (opts.show_avatar && opts.avatar_use_fixed_size)
+ left = opts.avatar_fixed_size + 6
+ nickname.left = left
+ = top
+ updateTopLeft(nickname.bottom)
+ if (protocol.visible)
+ {
+ protocol.left = left
+ = top
+ if (email.visible)
+ {
+ email_icon.left = protocol.right + 10
+ email.left = email_icon.right
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, protocol, email_icon, email)
+ updateTopLeft(bottom)
+ }
+ else
+ updateTopLeft(protocol.bottom)
+ }
+ else if (email.visible)
+ {
+ email_icon.borders.right = 0
+ email_icon.left = left
+ email.left = email_icon.right
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, email_icon, email)
+ updateTopLeft(bottom)
+ }
+ if (status_name.visible)
+ {
+ status_icon.left = left
+ status_name.left = status_icon.right
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, status_icon, status_name)
+ updateTopLeft(bottom)
+ }
+ if (status_msg.visible)
+ {
+ status_msg.left = left
+ = top
+ updateTopLeft(status_msg.bottom)
+ }
+ if (listening.visible)
+ {
+ listening_icon.borders.right = 0
+ listening_icon.left = left
+ listening.borders.left = 0
+ listening.left = listening_icon.right
+ var bottom = valign_center(top, listening_icon, listening)
+ updateTopLeft(bottom)
+ }
+ }
+ if (info.resize_frame)
+ {
+ if (prev_proto.visible)
+ {
+ top = Math.max(avatar.bottom, top)
+ prev_proto.left = 0
+ = top
+ next_proto.right = window.width
+ = top
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Pidgin/MyDetails.msk b/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Pidgin/MyDetails.msk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89295899f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MyDetails/Docs/Skins/Pidgin/MyDetails.msk
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+function configure()
+ // Default fonts
+ status_msg.font.face = "Tahoma"
+ status_msg.font.size = 8
+ status_msg.font.color = RGB(0,0,0)
+function draw()
+ if (status_msg.text == "")
+ status_msg.text = status_name.text
+ // ToolTips
+ status_icon.toolTip = protocol.text + " : " + status_name.text
+ if (info.protocol.locked)
+ status_icon.toolTip += " (locked)"
+ if (email.text > 0)
+ status_icon.toolTip += " [" + email.text + " emails]"
+ status_msg.toolTip = status_msg.text
+ // Borders
+ window.borders = 10
+ // Visible
+ status_msg.visible = true
+ avatar.visible = true
+ status_icon.visible = true
+ status_name.visible = false
+ protocol.visible = false
+ nickname.visible = false
+ prev_proto.visible = next_proto.visible = false
+ listening_icon.visible = listening.visible = false
+ email_icon.visible = email.visible = false
+ // Space to draw the frame around
+ var BORDER_SPACE = 2
+ status_icon.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ status_msg.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ status_name.borders = BORDER_SPACE
+ // Positions
+ var HEIGHT = 45
+ avatar.right = window.right
+ = 0
+ avatar.width = HEIGHT
+ avatar.height = HEIGHT
+ status_icon.left = 0
+ = (HEIGHT - status_icon.height) / 2
+ status_msg.left = status_icon.right + 5
+ = (HEIGHT - status_msg.height) / 2
+ status_msg.right = avatar.left - 5