path: root/plugins/Pascal_Headers/
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+Chat module plugin for Miranda IM
+Copyright (C) 2003 Jörgen Persson
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ This plugin provides event driven chat rooms for protocols that wish to use it.
+ It is built for IRC, which I also develop and is naturally biased towards IRC,
+ but it should work very well with other protocols too. I will try to explain as
+ careful as possible in this document how to use chat.dll
+ -- General guidelines --
+ There is ONE rule a protocol MUST follow to use this:
+ 1. Do NOT touch hContacts that has a byte "ChatRoom" set to ANYTHING other than 0! (Could be 1, 2, 3, ...)
+ This is because chat.dll adds contacts to the clist using the protocol name
+ supplied by the protocol. But this will naturally not work well if the
+ protocol also tampers with the contacts. The value of the BYTE indicates which type of
+ window/contact it is (see the GCW_* flags below). There is two exceptions to this rule:
+ * You should continue to handle the right click menu items of these
+ contacts as usual, by hooking the menu prebuild hook etc. Chat.dll can not
+ handle this in an efficient manner!
+ * You should also handle when the user deletes the contact/room from the
+ contact list, as the protocol will then most likely have to send some message
+ to the server that the user has left the room.
+ NOTE. Chat keeps its own copies of strings passed.
+ * * Example of implementing this rule * *:
+ * * This is a code snippet that is common in protocols * *:
+ hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ while (hContact)
+ {
+ szProto = (AnsiChar * ) CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL && !lstrcmpi(szProto, PROTONAME))
+ {
+ ... do something with the hContact here;
+ }
+ hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
+ }
+ * * You should do this instead * *:
+ hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ while (hContact)
+ {
+ szProto = (AnsiChar * ) CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL && !lstrcmpi(szProto, PROTONAME))
+ {
+ if (DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, PROTONAME, "ChatRoom", 0) == 0)
+ {
+ ... do something with the hContact here;
+ }
+ }
+ hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
+ }
+ There is not more to it than that! To recapitulate: do NOT touch contacts where the
+ BYTE "ChatRoom" is set to anything other than 0,
+ OK, enough of the precautions, HOW DO YOU USE CHAT? In short you need to do FOUR things:
+ 1. REGISTER your protocol with Chat
+ Only registered protocols can use Chat
+ 2. CREATE SESSIONS when your protocol are joining a group chat room. (One per room joined)
+ These sessions will be put on the contact-list and are managed totally by chat.
+ This is the reason you must obey to the "precautions" I mentioned above.
+ Do not tamper directly with Chat's hContacts. Use Services provided by Chat instead.
+ 3. SEND EVENTS to the sessions created in #3.
+ These events reflect users joining/leaving/speaking etc.
+ 4. DESTROY SESSIONS when the user leaves the room (ie the session is not needed anymore).
+ These four points are implemented in three services: MS_GC_REGISTER, MS_GC_NEWSESSION
+ and MS_GC_EVENT.
+//------------------------- SERVICES ------------------------
+ Step 1. -- REGISTER with Chat --
+ The first thing that a protocol need to do is register with Chat. This is best done
+ when ALL modules has loaded (ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED). The registration is
+ needed to make sure that the protocol obey rule 1 mentioned above, but also to
+ set protocol specific preferences.
+ * Use MS_GC_REGISTER like this: CallService(MS_GC_REGISTER, 0, (LPARAM)(GCREGISTER *) &gcr;
+ * returns 0 on success or error code on failure.
+// Flags
+ GC_BOLD = $0001; //enable the 'bold' button
+ GC_ITALICS = $0002; //enable the 'italics' button
+ GC_UNDERLINE = $0004; //enable the 'underline' button
+ GC_COLOR = $0008; //enable the 'foreground color' button
+ GC_BKGCOLOR = $0010; //enable the 'background color' button
+ GC_ACKMSG = $0020; //the protocol must acknowlege messages sent
+ GC_TYPNOTIF = $0040; //NOT SUPPORTED YET! Enable typing notifications.
+ GC_CHANMGR = $0080; //enable the 'channel settings' button
+ GC_SINGLEFORMAT = $0100; //the protocol supports only 1 formatting per message
+ GC_FONTSIZE = $0200; //enable font size selection
+ GC_UNICODE = $1000; //NOT SUPPORTED YET! Enable unicode (if chat supports it),
+ //Pass UNICODE instead of ASCII. Note that
+ //registration will fail if the unicode version of chat is not installed
+// Error messages
+ GC_REGISTER_WRONGVER = 1; //You appear to be using the wrong version of this API. Registration failed.
+ GC_REGISTER_ERROR = 2; //An internal error occurred. Registration failed.
+ GC_REGISTER_NOUNICODE = 3; //MS_GC_REGISTER returns this error if the Unicode version of chat
+ //is not installed and GC_UNICODE is set. Registration failed
+// GCREGISTER struct
+ TGCREGISTER = record
+ cbSize :int; //Set to sizeof(GCREGISTER);
+ dwFlags :DWORD; //Use GC_* flags above to indicate features supported
+ pszModule :PAnsiChar; //This MUST be the protocol name as registered with Miranda IM
+ pszModuleDispName:TChar; //This is the protocol's real name as it will be displayed to the user
+ iMaxText :int; //Max message length the protocol supports. Will limit the typing area input. 0 = no limit
+ nColors :int; //Number of colors in the colorchooser menu for the color buttons. Max = 100
+ pColors :^TCOLORREF;//pointer to the first item in a static COLORREF array containing the colors
+ //that should be showed in the colorchooser menu.
+ //ie: COLORREF crCols[nColors];
+ // pColors = &crCols[0];
+ end;
+ MS_GC_REGISTER:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/Register';
+ Step 2. -- CREATE a new SESSION --
+ Create a new session (chat room) and set various settings related to it.
+ The chat room will not be shown to the user until the 'set up' phase is
+ completed and SESSION_INITDONE is sent. See the MS_GC_EVENT for that.
+ * Use MS_GC_NEWSESSION like this: CallService(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, 0, (LPARAM)(GCSESSION *) &gcr;
+ * returns 0 on success or error code on failure
+// Session type
+ GCW_CHATROOM = 1; // the session is a dedicated multi user chat room. ex "IRC channels".
+ // A hContact will be added for the session
+ GCW_SERVER = 2; // the session is used as a network console. ex "IRC server window"
+ // A hContact will be added for the session, but it will default to being
+ // hidden (on the CList)
+ GCW_PRIVMESS = 3; // NOT SUPPORTED YET! the session is a 1 to 1 session, but with additional
+ // support for adding more users etc. ex "MSN session".
+// Error messages
+ GC_NEWSESSION_WRONGVER = 1; //You appear to be using the wrong version of this API.
+ GC_NEWSESSION_ERROR = 2; //An internal error occurred.
+// GCSESSION structure
+ TGCSESSION = record
+ cbSize :int; //Set to sizeof(GCSESSION);
+ iType :int; //Use one of the GCW_* flags above to set the type of session
+ pszModule :PAnsiChar; //The name of the protocol owning the session (the same as pszModule when you register)
+ szName :TCHAR; //The name of the session as it will be displayed to the user
+ szID :TCHAR; //The unique identifier for the session.
+ szStatusbarText:TCHAR; //Optional text to set in the statusbar of the chat room window, or NULL.
+ dwFlags :dword;
+ dwItemData :dword; //Set user defined data for this session. Retrieve it by using the GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA event
+ end;
+ MS_GC_NEWSESSION:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/NewChat';
+ Step 3 -- SEND an EVENT --
+ Events is what drives Chat! After having created the session in Step 2
+ it is time to make it work for real. Follow these guidelines:
+ 1. Start off by telling Chat what possible statuses a user can have (in the nicklist)
+ by sending GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP as many times as needed. Also supply an icon
+ to go with this status. Ex "Voice status" on IRC
+ 2.Then send "JOIN" events (GC_EVENT_JOIN) to populate the user list.
+ You will need to send one event per user that should be added. As long as
+ SESSION_INITDONE has not been sent these events will not show up in the log.
+ 3.When you are done with filling the user list it is a good time to end
+ the set up phase and make the window visible by calling GC_EVENT_CONTROL event
+ with wParam = SESSION_INITDONE.
+ 4.You will also want to send a GC_EVENT_CONTROL with wParam = SESSION_ONLINE to
+ make the statusbar and the CList item go to "online" status
+ You have now set up the session and made it active. A CList hContact has been added
+ to the contact list and a chat room window is associated to the session. Send EVENTS to
+ Chat users speaking, users joining and so on. See below for full
+ list of what events are possible.
+ IMPORTANT: For sending events you'll use the GCEVENT and GCDEST structures. A GCDEST
+ structure pointer is passed inside GCEVENT and it tells Chat what event type it is
+ and what session it is related to. The GCDEST structure and its members are ALWAYS
+ used (but the members can be NULL in some occasions). Depending on what type of event
+ you are sending, the members of GCEVENT have different usage. Each event and how to
+ use the members are discussed below. The "bAddToLog" and "time" members are always valid
+ and always mean the same. bAddToLog = TRUE means that the event is added to the disk log
+ (at least when this makes sense). This can be used by Jabber for instance, when
+ it needs to add channel history to the window, but without logging to disk.
+ The "time" member is the timestamp of the event.(Tip. use the function time(NULL)
+ to set the current time)
+ NOTE. It is possible to send formatted text (bold, italics, underlined, foreground color
+ and background color) to Chat by using the following identifiers in the text (pszText):
+ %cXX - set the foreground color ( XX is the zero based decimal index of the color registered in MS_GC_REGISTER.. Always use two digits )
+ %C - reset foreground color to default
+ %fXX - set the background color ( XX is the zero based decimal index of the color registered in MS_GC_REGISTER.. Always use two digits )
+ %F - reset the background color to default
+ %b - enable bold
+ %B - disable bold
+ %u - enable underlined
+ %U - disable underlined
+ %i - enable italics
+ %I - disable italics
+ %r - reset all to default
+ %% - escape the formatting. Translates to %
+ IMPORTANT. If you have specified GC_COLOR or GC_BKGCOLOR when you registered you can expect to
+ get these identifiers in the text you receive from Chat as well. Make sure % is ALWAYS
+ translated to %% in text you send to Chat to avoid accidental formatting.
+ NOTE. You will not get %cRRRGGGBBB back, instead you will get the index of the colour as
+ registered with GC_REGISTER. Eg %c3 (the fourth colour of your index)
+ * Use MS_GC_EVENT like this: CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)(GCEVENT *) &gce;
+ * returns 0 on success or error code on failure
+// * List of possible events to send to Chat. Unlisted members are not valid *
+// * for the event. Listed members are mandatory unless otherwise specified *
+// GC_EVENT_JOIN - "<pszNick> has joined" (A user is joining the session)
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier of the user
+// pszStatus - Which status does the user have. Should be a status previously
+// registered with GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP. Ex "Voice" in IRC
+// bIsMe - Set to TRUE if it is the Miranda user
+// Chat needs to know which user in the userlist that is "self"
+// It cannot highlight a message containing the "own" nick without this info
+// NOTE. if time == NULL, then the event will not be shown in the message log
+ GC_EVENT_JOIN = $0001;
+// GC_EVENT_PART - "<pszNick> has left: <pszText>" (A user left the session)
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// pszText - Optional part message, can be NULL
+ GC_EVENT_PART = $0002;
+// GC_EVENT_QUIT - "<pszNick> disconnected: pszText" (A user disconnected from the network)
+// pszID(in GCDEST) - Should be NULL as a disconnect event is global.
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// pszText - Optional disconnect message, can be NULL
+ GC_EVENT_QUIT = $0004;
+// GC_EVENT_KICK - "<pszStatus> kicked <pszNick>: <pszText>" (A user is kicking another user from the room)
+// pszNick - Display name of the one being being kicked
+// pszUID - Unique identifier of the one being kicked
+// pszStatus - Name of user who is doing the kicking
+// pszText - Optional kick message, can be NULL
+ GC_EVENT_KICK = $0008;
+// GC_EVENT_NICK - "<pszNick> is now known as <pszText>" (A user changed his name)
+// NOTE, see GC_EVENT_CHUID also
+// pszID(in GCDEST) - Should be NULL as a nick change event is global.
+// pszNick - Old display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// pszText - New display name of the user. Color codes are not valid
+ GC_EVENT_NICK = $0010;
+// GC_EVENT_NOTICE - "Notice from <pszNick>: <pszText>" (An IRC type notice)
+// pszID(in GCDEST) - Should be NULL to send to the active window
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// pszText - Notice text
+ GC_EVENT_NOTICE = $0020;
+// GC_EVENT_MESSAGE - "<pszNick>: <pszText> (A user is speaking)
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// bIsMe - Set to TRUE if it is the Miranda user
+// pszText - Message text.
+// GC_EVENT_TOPIC - "Topic is <pszText> (Set by: <pszNick>" (The room topic was changed/set)
+// pszNick - Optional display name of who set the topic, can be NULL
+// pszUID - Optional unique identifier of who set the topic, can be NULL
+// pszText - Topic text
+ GC_EVENT_TOPIC = $0080;
+// GC_EVENT_INFORMATION (Informational text) Ex a server response to a /WHO command in IRC
+// pszID(in GCDEST) - NULL to send to the active window
+// pszText - Information text
+// GC_EVENT_ACTION - "<pszNick> <pszText>" (An IRC Style action event)
+// pszNick - Display name
+// pszUID - Unique identifier
+// bIsMe - Set to TRUE if it is the Miranda user
+// pszText - Message text.
+ GC_EVENT_ACTION = $0200;
+// GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS - "<pszText> enables '<pszStatus>' for <pszNick>" (A status change has occured for a user)
+// NOTE. Status changes are cumulative. The user will show in the nicklist with the highest status received.
+// Ex, IRC users can have "Op" and "Voice" statuses simultaneously but s/he will be displayed as "Op"
+// pszNick - Display name of the one who receives a new status
+// pszUID - Unique identifier of the one who receives a new status
+// pszText - The display name of the one who is setting the status. Color codes are not valid
+// pszStatus - The status. Should be a status previously
+// registered with GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP. Ex "Voice" in IRC
+// GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS - "<pszText> disables '<pszStatus>' for <pszNick>" (A status change has occured for a user)
+// NOTE. Status changes are cumulative. The user will show in the nicklist with the highest status received.
+// Ex, IRC users can have "Op" and "Voice" statuses simultaneously but s/he will be displayed as "Op"
+// pszNick - Display name of the one who got a status mode disabled
+// pszUID - Unique identifier of the one who got a status mode disabled
+// pszText - The display name of the one disabling the status. Color codes are not valid
+// pszStatus - The status. Should be a status previously
+// registered with GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP. Ex "Voice" in IRC
+// GC_EVENT_CHUID - not shown in the log (Change the unique identifier of a contact)
+// pszID(in GCDEST) - Should be NULL as a unique id's are global.
+// pszUID - The current unique identifier
+// pszText - The new unique identifier. Color codes are not valid
+ GC_EVENT_CHUID = $1000;
+// GC_EVENT_CHANGESESSIONAME - not shown in the log (Change the display name of a session)
+// pszText - The new name. Color codes are not valid
+// GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP - not shown in the log (Add a possible status mode to the nicklist, ex IRC uses "Op", "Voice", "Normal" etc )
+// NOTE. When adding several statuses, start with the highest status
+// pszStatus - The new group name
+// dwItemData - Optional HICON handle to a 10x10 icon. Set to NULL to use the built in icons.
+// GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA & GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA - not shown in the log (Get/Set the user defined data of a session)
+// dwItemData - The itemdata to set or get
+// GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT - not shown in the log (Set the text of the statusbar for a chat room window)
+// pszText - Statusbar text. Color codes are not valid
+// GC_EVENT_ACK - not shown in the log (Acknowledge a outgoing message, when GC_ACKMSG is set
+ GC_EVENT_ACK = $1007;
+// GC_EVENT_SENDMESSAGE - not shown in the log ("Fake" a message from a chat room as if the user had typed it). Used by IRC to broadcast /AME and /AMSG messages
+// pszText - The text
+// GC_EVENT_SETSTATUSEX - not shown in the log (Space or tab delimited list of pszUID's to indicate as away).
+// Used by IRC to mark users as away in the nicklist. If UIDs can contain spaces, use tabs
+// pszText - Space or tab delimited list of pszUID's
+ GC_SSE_ONLYLISTED = $0001; // processes only listed contacts, resets all contacts otherwise
+ GC_SSE_ONLINE = $0002; // displays a contact online, otherwise away
+ GC_SSE_TABDELIMITED = $0004; // use tabs as delimiters
+// GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS - sets status icon for contact
+// pszUID - Unique identifier of the one who receives a new status
+// pszStatus - (DWORD)ID_STATUS_* or zero to remove status icon
+// GC_EVENT_CONTROL - not shown in the log (Control window associated to a session and the session itself)
+// NOTE 1: No members of GCEVENT are used, send one of the below flags in wParam instead,
+// NOTE 2: The first four control events are the only ones you should use most likely!
+// The ones below them are used by IRC to join channels hidden or maximized and show the server window from the system menu.
+// do that as it will override any settings the user has made in the Chat options
+// NOTE 3: If pszID (of GCDEST) = NULL then this message will be broadcasted to all sessions, which can be usefule for terminating
+// all sessions when the protocol was disconnected
+ SESSION_INITDONE = 1; //send this when the session is fully set up (all users have ben added to the nicklist)
+ SESSION_TERMINATE = 7; //send to terminate a session and close the window associated with it
+ SESSION_OFFLINE = 8; //send to set the session as "online" (hContact is set to Online etc)
+ SESSION_ONLINE = 9; //send to set the session as "offline" (hContact is set to Offline etc)
+ WINDOW_VISIBLE = 2; //make the room window visible
+ WINDOW_HIDDEN = 3; //close the room window. Session is not terminated.
+ WINDOW_MAXIMIZE = 4; //make the room window maximized
+ WINDOW_MINIMIZE = 5; //make the room window minimized
+ WINDOW_CLEARLOG = 6; //clear the log of the room window
+// Error messages
+ GC_EVENT_WRONGVER = 1; //You appear to be using the wrong version of this API.
+ GC_EVENT_ERROR = 2; //An internal error occurred.
+// The GCDEST structure. It is passed to Chat inside GCEVENT.
+ TGCDEST = record
+ pszModule:PAnsiChar; //Name of the protocol (same as you registered with)
+ szID :TCHAR; //Unique identifier of the session, or NULL to broadcast to all sessions as specified above
+ iType :int; //Use GC_EVENT_* as defined above. Only one event per service call.
+ end;
+// The GCEVENT structure
+ TGCEVENT = record
+ cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(GCEVENT);
+ pDest :PGCDEST; // pointer to a GCDEST structure which specifies the session to receive the event
+ szText :TCHAR; // usage depends on type of event, max 2048 characters
+ szNick :TCHAR; // usage depends on type of event
+ szUID :TCHAR; // usage depends on type of event, Do NOT use spaces for unique user identifiers.
+ szStatus :TCHAR; // usage depends on type of event
+ szUserInfo:TCHAR; // Additional user information that is displayed after the nickname.
+ // IRC use it to display a hostmask for JOIN, PART (and more) events.
+ bIsMe :bool; // Is this event from the Miranda user?
+ dwFlags :dword; // event flags: GCEF_ADDTOLOG, GC_UNICODE
+ // FALSE any other time than when initializing the window (before sending SESSION_INITDONE)
+ dwItemData:dword_ptr; // User specified data.
+ time :dword; // Timestamp of the event
+ end;
+ MS_GC_EVENT:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/NewEvent';
+ GCEF_ADDTOLOG = $0001;
+// OK! That was about everything that you need to know about for operating Chat in a basic way.
+// There are however some more things you will need to know about. Some you may use and some you may not need,
+ -- GETTING info about a SESSION or session data --
+ Use this service to get information on different aspects of the sessions that are registered with Chat.
+ * Use MS_GC_GETINFO like this: CallService(MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)(AnsiChar *) pszModule);
+ * returns -1 on failure and the sessioncount on success
+ MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/GetCount';
+ -- GETTING info about a SESSION or session data --
+ Use this service to get information on different aspects of the sessions that are registered with Chat.
+ * Use MS_GC_GETINFO like this: CallService(MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)(GC_INFO *) &gci;
+ * returns 0 on success or error code on failure
+// Flags
+ GCI_BYINDEX = $0001; // iItem is valid and should contain the index of the session to get
+ GCI_BYID = $0002; // pszID is valid and should contain the ID of the session to get. This is the default if no
+ GCI_HCONTACT = $0004; // hContact is valid
+ GCI_DATA = $0008; // wItemData is valid
+ GCI_ID = $0010; // pszID is valid.
+ GCI_NAME = $0020; // pszName is valid
+ GCI_ITYPE = $0040; // iType is valid
+ GCI_COUNT = $0080; // iCount is valid
+ GCI_USERS = $0100; // pszUsers is valid
+// The GC_INFO structure
+ TGC_INFO = record
+ Flags :dword; // use a combination of the above flags
+ iItem :int; // session type (GCW_*)
+ iType :int; // session type (GCW_*)
+ pszModule :PAnsiChar; // the module name as registered in MS_GC_REGISTER
+ pszID :TCHAR; // unique ID of the session
+ pszName :TCHAR; // display name of the session
+ dwItemData:dword_ptr; // user specified data.
+ iCount :int; // count of users in the nicklist
+ pszUsers :PAnsiChar; // space separated string containing the UID's of the users in the user list.
+ // NOTE. Use Mirandas mmi_free() on the returned string.
+ hContact :THANDLE; // hContact for the session (can be NULL)
+ end;
+ MS_GC_GETINFO:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/GetInfo';
+//------------------------- HOOKS ------------------------
+ -- user interaction --
+ Hook this to receive notifications about when user take actions in a chat room window.
+ Check for the below flags to find out what type of user interaction it is. See the
+ to find out which members of GCHOOK that are valid.
+ * wParam=0
+ * lParam=(LPARAM)(GCEVENT *)pgch
+ * Returning nonzero from your hook will stop other hooks from being called.
+ GC_USER_MESSAGE = 1; // user sent a message, with \n delimiting lines, pszText contains the text.
+ GC_USER_CHANMGR = 2; // user clicked the settings button in a chat room
+ GC_USER_LOGMENU = 3; // user has selected a message log menu item, dwData is valid. See ME_GC_BUILDMENU
+ GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU = 4; // user has selected a userlist menu item, valid members: dwData. See ME_GC_BUILDMENU
+ GC_USER_PRIVMESS = 6; // user requests to send a private message to a user. pszUID is valid
+ GC_USER_LEAVE = 8; // user requests to leave the session
+ GC_USER_CLOSEWND = 9; // user closed the window (this is usually not an indication that the protocol
+ // should take action, but MSN may want to terminate the session here)
+ GC_SESSION_TERMINATE = 7; // the session is about to be terminated, the "user defined data" is passed in dwData, which can be good free'ing any allocated memory.
+ ME_GC_EVENT:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/OutgoingEvent';
+ TGCHOOK = record
+ pDest :PGCDEST; // pointer to a GCDEST structure which specifies from which session the hook was triggered
+ szText:TCHAR; // usage depends on type of event
+ szUID :TCHAR; // unique identifier, usage depends on type of event
+ dwData:dword_ptr; // user defined data, usage depends on type of event}
+ end;
+ -- Build the pop up menus --
+ The user wants to show a right click (popup) menu and your protocol should tell what
+ items should be added to the menu. You should create a static array of struct gc_item's.
+ When you get this notification you should set "nItems" to the number of gc_item's
+ you want to show on the user's popup menu and then set the "Item" member to point to that array.
+ * wParam=0
+ * lParam=(LPARAM)(GCMENUITEM *)gcmi
+ Returning nonzero from your hook will stop other hooks from being called.
+// type of item to add to the popup menu
+ MENU_NEWPOPUP = 1; // add submenu
+ MENU_POPUPITEM = 2; // add item to current submenu
+ MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR = 3; // add separator to current submenu
+ MENU_SEPARATOR = 4; // add separator to menu
+ MENU_ITEM = 5; // add item
+ MENU_POPUPCHECK = 6; // add checked item to current submenu
+ MENU_CHECK = 7; // add checked item
+ MENU_POPUPHMENU = 8; // add custom submenu to current submenu, use dwID to specify HMENU
+ MENU_HMENU = 9; // add custom submenu, use dwID to specify HMENU
+// type of menu that is being requested
+ MENU_ON_LOG = 1; // pop up menu on the message log
+ MENU_ON_NICKLIST = 2; // pop up menu on the user list
+// contains info on a menuitem to be added
+ pgc_item = ^tgc_item;
+ tgc_item = record
+ szDesc :TCHAR; // Textual description of the menu item to add
+ dwID :dword; // when/if the user selects this menu item this
+ // value will be returned via the above hook, GC_USER_LOGMENU
+ // or GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU. Must not be 0 and must be unique.
+ uType :int; // What kind of menu item is it? Use MENU_* flags above
+ bDisabled:bool; // should the menu item be shown as disabled
+ end;
+ pszModule:PAnsiChar; // Contains the protocol name, do NOT change.
+ pszID :TCHAR; // The unique identifier of the session that triggered the hook, do NOT change.
+ pszUID :TCHAR; // Contains the unique identifier if Type = MENU_ON_NICKLIST. do NOT change.
+ _Type :int; // Type of menu. MENU_ON_* flags used. do NOT change.
+ nItems :int; // Set this to the number of menu items you want to add
+ Item :pgc_item; // pointer to the first in the array of gc_item's
+ end;
+ ME_GC_BUILDMENU:PAnsiChar = 'GChat/BuildMenu';
+ * Example of how to add 2 items to the popup menu for the userlist *
+ if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_NICKLIST)
+ {
+ static struct gc_item Item[] = {
+ {Translate("User &details"), 1, MENU_ITEM, FALSE},
+ {Translate("&Op"), 2, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE},
+ };
+ gcmi->nItems = sizeof(Item)/sizeof(Item[0]);
+ gcmi->Item = &Item[0];
+ gcmi->Item[gcmi->nItems-1].bDisabled = bFlag;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Get Chat ToolTip Text for buddy
+ wParam = (WPARAM)(TCHAR*) roomID parentdat->ptszID
+ lParam = (WPARAM)(TCHAR*) userID ui1->pszUID
+ result (int)(TCHAR*)mir_tstrdup("tooltip text")
+ returns pointer to text of tooltip and starts owns it