path: root/plugins/Pascal_Headers/reserve/helpers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Pascal_Headers/reserve/helpers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 986 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Pascal_Headers/reserve/helpers/ b/plugins/Pascal_Headers/reserve/helpers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f40d161e2..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Pascal_Headers/reserve/helpers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Triggers
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This section explains how to create your own trigger. A trigger can be seen
-// as an event which can result in a set of actions that will be performed.
-// Implementing a trigger consists of two parts. First, you register a trigger
-// with MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERTRIGGER to allow a user to configure it in the
-// options dialog. Second, when the event occurs belonging to your registered
-// trigger, you inform the trigger plugin with MS_TRIGGER_REPORTEVENT. You can
-// send a 'payload' together with this notification. This payload, called
-// 'TriggerData', can consist of a certain contact, protocol, status and/or a
-// piece of text.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Triggers: Register a trigger
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERTRIGGER = '/TriggerPlugin/RegisterTrigger';
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)0
-// Pointer to a structure describing the trigger to add (see below).
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns 0 on success, nozero otherwise. Registering an already existing
-// trigger will replace this previously registered trigger.
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(TRIGGERREGISTER).
- pszName :PAnsiChar; // Used as identifier and shown in the options dialog,
- // must be unique.
- hInstance :HINSTANCE; // Only needed when options screen is available.
- pfnDlgProc :DLGPROC; // Optional, the callback procedure for the options page.
- pszTemplate:PAnsiChar; // Optional, template for the options page; must be
- // WS_CHILD.
- flags :int; // Flags, see below.
- dFlags :int; // Specify the default DF_* flags which your trigger can
- // send (see below).
- end;
-// Flags
- TRF_NOEXPORT = 01; // This trigger cannot be exported. Set this flag
- // in case you stored settings not using the helper
- // functions at the end of this header. On export,
- // TriggerPlugin will search for these settings
- // and export them automatically. Contact-specific
- // settings are never exported.
-// Please specify the dFlags to indicate what kind of data your trigger is
-// able to send as TriggerData. Please specify the maximum set, if your trigger
-// does not always send a certain data, please specify it anyway.
- DF_CONTACT = $01; // The trigger might send a contact handle with the
- // TriggerData.
- DF_PROTO = $02; // The trigger might send a protocol ID with the
- // TriggerData.
- DF_STATUS = $04; // The trigger might send a status code with the
- // TriggerData.
- DF_TEXT = $08; // The trigger might send a string with the
- // TriggerData.
- DF_LPARAM = $10; // The trigger might send a custom parameter with the
- // TriggerData.
- DF_UNICODE = $20; // The trigger processes WCHAR strings.
-// Dialog Messages
-// The following message should be processed by your options dialog procedure,
-// if available. You can create an options dialog to give the user the
-// possibility to report your event only under certain circumstances. Each
-// trigger is assigned a certain ID. This ID can be used to store the settings
-// for your trigger.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(DWORD)triggerID
-// The trigger ID for which the options are to be set. This can be a new ID
-// or an ID of a trigger which is being edited. Initialize your options
-// dialog accordingly. There are helper function at the end of this header
-// file to read your settings for a certain trigger ID.
-// 'OK' is pressed and a new trigger will be added. Save your settings using
-// the given trigger ID.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)triggerID
-// The trigger ID for which the settings are to be stored. There are helper
-// function at the end of this header file to store your settings with a
-// certain trigger ID.
-// lParam = 0
-// The trigger addociated with the given trigger ID will be removed.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)triggerID
-// The trigger ID for which the settings are to be removed. There is a
-// helper service at the end of this header file to easily cleanup settings
-// for a certain trigger ID.
-// lParam = 0
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Triggers: Report the Event
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// When the event occurs, you report it with MS_TRIGGER_REPORTEVENT. If your
-// trigger is configurable, so it has an options screen, you might want to
-// report your trigger for certain trigger ID's only. Please use the
-// MS_TRIGGER_FINDNEXTTRIGGERID to enumerate over the trigger ID's associated
-// with your trigger in the correct order as specified by the user. It's up
-// to you to found out whether or not the trigger is to be reported for a
-// certain ID.
- MS_TRIGGER_FINDNEXTTRIGGERID = '/TriggerPlugin/FindNextTriggerID';
-// Enumerate over the associated trigger ID's for your trigger in the correct
-// order.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)triggerID
-// 0 to retrieve the first trigger ID for your trigger or the previous ID
-// returned by this service to get the next one.
-// lParam = 0
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns the next trigger ID given the parameter or 0 if no more trigger IDs
-// are available.
- MS_TRIGGER_REPORTEVENT = '/TriggerPlugin/ReportEvent';
-// Report your event for further processing. This can be a general event for
-// which no individual settings exist, or a specific event for a given
-// trigger ID.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = 0
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(REPORTINFO *)&ri
-// See below.
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns CRV_TRUE if all conditions specific to this trigger hold and the
-// chain was executed. Returns CRV_FALSE if these conditions did not hold and
-// the chain were not processed.
-// The structure below can be used to send TriggerData with your trigger. This
-// can be used by the associated conditions and actions.
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(TRIGGERDATA)
- dFlags :int; // Indicate which members are valid using the DF_* flags
- hContact:THANDLE; // Associate a contact handle to this event.
- szProto :PAnsiChar; // Associate a protocol ID to this event.
- status :int; // Associcate a status code to this event.
- szText :TChar; // Associate a string to this event.
- lParam :LPARAM; // Associate custom data to this trigger.
- end;
- TREPORTINFO = record
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(REPORTINFO).
- triggerID:DWORD; // The trigger ID of the event to trigger or 0 if
- // this does not apply.
- pszName :PAnsiChar; // The name of the trigger (this may be NULL if
- // triggerID is not 0).
- flags :int; // On of the TRG_* flags, see below.
- td :PTRIGGERDATA; // Optional, the associated TriggerData, see above.
- end;
- TRG_PERFORM = $01; // Indicates the event for this trigger actually
- // occured and needs to be processed accordingly.
- TRG_CLEANUP = $02; // Indicates the trigger instructs to remove the
- // itself and all associated information. This can
- // be used for "one time triggers". Remove your own
- // settings by yourself.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Actions
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// An actions might be performed as a reaction to a reported event by a
-// trigger. You first register your action so it can be associated to a
-// trigger in the options screen. Next, your provided service or function
-// will be called when necessary.
- MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERACTION = '/TriggerPlugin/RegisterAction';
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)0
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(ACTIONREGISTER *)&ar
-// Pointer to a structure describing the action to add (see below).
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns 0 on success, nozero otherwise. Registering an already existing
-// action will replace this previously registered action.
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(ACTIONREGISTER).
- pszName :PAnsiChar; // The name of this action, it must be a unique string.
- pszService :PAnsiChar; // A service (called with wParam =
- // (WPARAM)(DWORD)actionID, lParam =
- // (LPARAM)(REPORTINFO *)&ri) or function to be called
- // when the action has to be performed.
-// or actionFunction: function (actionID:dword; ri:PREPORTINFO):int;
- hInstance :HINSTANCE;// Only needed when an options screen is available.
- pfnDlgProc :DLGPROC; // Optional, the callback procedure for the options
- // dialog.
- pszTemplate:PAnsiChar; // Optional, template for the options dialog, must be
- // WS_CHILD.
- flags :int; // One of the ARF_* flags, see below.
- end;
- ARF_UNICODE = $01; // This action processes unicode strings.
- ARF_FUNCTION = $02; // The actionFunction will be called instead of the service.
- ARF_NOEXPORT = $04; // This action cannot be exported. Set this flag in
- // case you stored settings not using the helper
- // functions at the end of this header. On export,
- // TriggerPlugin will search for these settings
- // and export them automatically. Contact-specific
- // settings are never exported.
-// The service or actionFunction will be called with a pointer to a REPORTINFO
-// struct, containing information about the trigger event. If you can use
-// TriggerData from this struct, always check the ri->td->dFlags before using
-// it. It's up to you to deal with an action in case the expected TriggerData
-// is not available. It's recommened though, to cancel your action. The
-// ri->flags is a combination of the ACT_* flags, indicating how to process the
-// call, see below.
- ACT_PERFORM = $01; // Your action is to be performed.
- ACT_CLEANUP = $02; // The settings associated to this action should be removed.
-// Dialog Messages
-// The following messages are to be processed by the options dialog, if there
-// is one.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(DWORD)actionID
-// The action ID for which the options are to be set. This can be a new ID
-// or an ID of an action which is being edited. Initialize your options
-// dialog accordingly. There are helper function at the end of this header
-// file to read your settings for a certain action ID.
-// 'OK' is pressed and a new action will be added. Save your settings using
-// the given action ID. Helper functions can be found at the end of this
-// header file.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)actionID
-// The action ID for which the settings are to be saved. There are helper
-// functions at the end of this header file to store settings with a certain
-// action ID.
-// lParam = 0
-// Dialog Messages
-// You can send the following messages to the parent window of your dialog.
-// When initalizing your dialog, you might be interested in the TriggerData
-// the associated trigger is able to provide, you can do so by sending the
-// folowing message to the parent of your dialog.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = 0
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(TRIGGERINFO *)&ti
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns 0 on success, the struct given will be filled with the requested
-// information. Returns any other value on error.
- cbSize:int; // (in) Set to sizeof(TRIGGERINFO).
- dFlags:int; // (out) The default DF_* flags used by the trigger (as indicated
- end;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Conditions
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Depending on the configuration of the user, a condition may need to hold
-// for an action to be performed. A condition function is called and its
-// return value specifies whether or not the condition holds. A condition
-// needs to be registered. After its registered, the condition function might
-// be called to check whether or not the condition holds.
- MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERCONDITION = '/TriggerPlugin/RegisterCondition';
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)0
-// Pointer to a structure describing the condition to add (see below).
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns 0 on success, nozero otherwise. Registering an already existing
-// condition will replace this previously registered condition.
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(CONDITIONREGISTER).
- pszName :PAnsiChar; // The name identifying this condition, must be unique.
- pszService :PAnsiChar; // The service (wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)conditionID,
- // lParam = (LPARAM)(REPORTINFO *)&ri) or function which
- // is called to see whether the condition holds. Must
- // return CRV_TRUE if the condition holds, CRV_FALSE
- // otherwise.
-// or conditionFunction:function(conditionID:dword; ri:PREPORTINFO):int;
- hInstance :HINSTANCE; // Only needed when an options dialog is available.
- pfnDlgProc :DLGPROC; // Optional, the dialog procedure for the options
- // dialog.
- pszTemplate:PAnsiChar; // Optional, template for the options dialog, must be
- // WS_CHILD.
- flags :int; // CRF_* flags, see below.
- end;
-// The flags that can be used to register the condition.
- CRF_UNICODE = $01; // The condition function or service processes
- // unicode strings.
- CRF_FUNCTION = $02; // The conditionFunction will be called instead of
- // the service.
- CRF_NOEXPORT = $04; // This condition cannot be exported. Set this flag
- // in case you stored settings not using the helper
- // functions at the end of this header. On export,
- // TriggerPlugin will search for these settings
- // and export them automatically. Contact-specific
- // settings are never exported.
-// The service or conditionFunction will be called with a pointer to a
-// REPORTINFO struct, containing information about the trigger event. If you
-// can use TriggerData from this struct, always check the ri->td->dFlags before
-// using it. It's up to you to deal with an condition in case the expected
-// TriggerData is not available. It's recommened though, to return CRV_FALSE in
-// those cases. The ri->flags is a combination of the CND_* flags, indicating
-// how to process the call, see below.
-// Return values for the condition function or service. The condition service
-// or function is expected to return one of the following.
- CRV_FALSE = 0; // The condition does not hold.
- CRV_TRUE = 1; // The condition does hold.
-// REPORTINFO flags, received by the condition function or service. These
-// indicate how to process the call.
- CND_PERFORM = 01; // Perform your condition and return either
- // CRV_TRUE or CRV_FALSE to indicate whether or not
- // your condition holds at this moment.
- CND_CLEANUP = 02; // The condition is deleted. Remove your settings
- // from the DB. There is a helper service below to
- // easily remove settings given a condition ID.
-// Dialog Messages
-// The following messages are to be processed by the options dialog, if there
-// is one.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(DWORD)conditionID
-// The condition ID for which the options are to be set. This can be a new ID
-// or an ID of a condition which is being edited. Initialize your options
-// dialog accordingly. There are helper function at the end of this header
-// file to read your settings for a certain condition ID.
-// 'OK' is pressed and a new condition will be added. Save your settings using
-// the given condition ID. Helper functions can be found at the end of this
-// header file.
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)conditionID
-// The condition ID for which the settings are to be saved. There are helper
-// functions at the end of this header file to store settings with a certain
-// condition ID.
-// lParam = 0
-// When initalizing your dialog, you might be interested in the TriggerData the
-// associated trigger is able to provide, you can find out by sending a
-// TM_GETTRIGGERINFO message to the parent of your dialog. See the section on
-// dialog messages for actions for more information (above).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Misc. Services
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MS_TRIGGER_ENABLETRIGGER = '/TriggerPlugin/EnableTrigger';
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD)triggerID
-// The triggerID to set or get the state from or 0 for the global state.
-// lParam = (LPARAM)(int)type
-// One of ETT_* (see below).
-// Pointer to a structure describing the settings to remove (see below).
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns the state (0=disabled) if ETT_GETSTATE is given as lParam.
-// Otherwise, it returns 0 if setting the state was succesful or any other on
-// failure. The global state must be enabled if a single state is to be
-// changed.
- ETT_DISABLE = 0; // Disable the trigger(s).
- ETT_ENABLE = 1; // Enable the trigger(s).
- ETT_TOGGLE = 2; // Toggle the state of the trigger(s).
- ETT_GETSTATE = 3; // Retrieve the state of the trigger (0=disabled).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Database Helper Services
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The rest of this header file defines helper services and functions to easily
-// store and retrieve settings for a certain trigger, action or condition.
- MS_TRIGGER_REMOVESETTINGS = '/TriggerPlugin/RemoveSettings';
-// Parameters:
-// ------------------------
-// wParam = (WPARAM)0
-// Pointer to a structure describing the settings to remove (see below).
-// Return Value:
-// ------------------------
-// Returns the number of settings removed from the database.
-// This service helps you remove all settings you have written with the DB
-// helper functions, defined at the end of this header file.
- cbSize :int; // Set to sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS).
- prefix :PAnsiChar; // A string indicating what kind of setting are to be
- // removed, see below.
- id :DWORD; // The ID of the set of settings to be removed.
- szModule:PAnsiChar; // The module where the settings are stored.
- hContact:THANDLE; // The contact for which the setting are to be removed. Can
- // be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to remove the settings for all
- // contacts and NULL.
- end;
-// The following prefixes indicate what kind of settings are to be removed from
-// the database.
- PREFIX_ACTIONID = 'aid'; // The prefix for a DB setting associated to
- // an action.
- PREFIX_TRIGGERID = 'tid'; // The prefix for a DB setting associated to
- // a trigger.
- PREFIX_CONDITIONID = 'cid'; // The prefix for a DB setting associated
- // to a condition.
-// Helper #1: RemoveAllTriggerSettings
-// ------------------------
-// Remove all settings from the DB given the triggerID and module.
-static __inline int RemoveAllTriggerSettings(DWORD triggerID, AnsiChar *szModule) {
- rts.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
- rts.prefix = PREFIX_TRIGGERID;
- = triggerID;
- rts.szModule = szModule;
- rts.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- return CallService(MS_TRIGGER_REMOVESETTINGS, 0, (LPARAM)&rts);
-// Helper #2: RemoveAllActionSettings
-// ------------------------
-// Remove all settings from the DB given the actionID and module.
-static __inline int RemoveAllActionSettings(DWORD actionID, AnsiChar *szModule) {
- rts.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
- rts.prefix = PREFIX_ACTIONID;
- = actionID;
- rts.szModule = szModule;
- rts.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- return CallService(MS_TRIGGER_REMOVESETTINGS, 0, (LPARAM)&rts);
-// Helper #1: RemoveAllConditionSettings
-// ------------------------
-// Remove all settings from the DB given the conditionID and module.
-static __inline int RemoveAllConditionSettings(DWORD conditionID, AnsiChar *szModule) {
- rts.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
- rts.prefix = PREFIX_CONDITIONID;
- = conditionID;
- rts.szModule = szModule;
- rts.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- return CallService(MS_TRIGGER_REMOVESETTINGS, 0, (LPARAM)&rts);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Database Helper Functions
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Basically, these function work the same as Miranda's helper functions for
-// getting/setting DB settings. There is one extra parameter, the ID for the
-// trigger/action/condition. The settings are named as follows:
-// DBWriteTriggerSetting*(DWORD triggerID, ...) to write a setting given a
-// trigger ID.
-// DBGetTriggerSetting*(DWORD triggerID, ...) to read a setting given a
-// trigger ID.
-// DBWriteActionSetting*(DWORD actionID, ...) to write a setting given an
-// action ID.
-// DBGetActionSetting*(DWORD actionID, ...) to read a setting given an
-// action ID.
-// DBWriteConditionSetting*(DWORD conditionID, ...) to write a setting given a
-// condition ID.
-// DBGetConditionSetting*(DWORD conditionID, ...) to read a setting given a
-// condition ID.
-#define MAX_SETTING_LEN 255 // Max. length of a DB setting including the
- // prefix and ID.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Database Helper Functions: Triggers
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingByte(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,BYTE val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingWord(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,WORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingDword(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,DWORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingString(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingTString(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const TCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingWString(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const WCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteTriggerSettingStringUtf(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSettingByte(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static WORD __inline DBGetTriggerSettingWord(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static DWORD __inline DBGetTriggerSettingDword(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSetting(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSettingW(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingW(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSettingTString(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSettingWString(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetTriggerSettingStringUtf(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBDeleteTriggerSetting(DWORD triggerID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_TRIGGERID, triggerID, szSetting);
- return DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Database Helper Functions: Actions
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingByte(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,BYTE val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingWord(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,WORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingDword(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,DWORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingString(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingTString(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const TCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingWString(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const WCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteActionSettingStringUtf(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSettingByte(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static WORD __inline DBGetActionSettingWord(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static DWORD __inline DBGetActionSettingDword(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSetting(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSettingW(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingW(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSettingTString(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSettingWString(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetActionSettingStringUtf(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBDeleteActionSetting(DWORD actionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ACTIONID, actionID, szSetting);
- return DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Database Helper Functions: Conditions
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingByte(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,BYTE val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingWord(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,WORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingDword(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,DWORD val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingString(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingTString(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const TCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingWString(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const WCHAR *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBWriteConditionSettingStringUtf(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting,const AnsiChar *val) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSettingByte(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static WORD __inline DBGetConditionSettingWord(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static DWORD __inline DBGetConditionSettingDword(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, int errorValue) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSetting(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact, const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSettingW(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingW(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSettingTString(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSettingWString(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingWString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBGetConditionSettingStringUtf(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule, const AnsiChar *szSetting,DBVARIANT *dbv) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
-static int __inline DBDeleteConditionSetting(DWORD conditionID, HANDLE hContact,const AnsiChar *szModule,const AnsiChar *szSetting) {
- AnsiChar dbSetting[MAX_SETTING_LEN];
- mir_snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_CONDITIONID, conditionID, szSetting);
- return DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting);