path: root/plugins/QuickSearch/sr_window.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/QuickSearch/sr_window.pas')
1 files changed, 2943 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/QuickSearch/sr_window.pas b/plugins/QuickSearch/sr_window.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5df340f575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/QuickSearch/sr_window.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2943 @@
+unit sr_window;
+uses windows,m_api;
+function OpenSrWindow(apattern:PWideChar;flags:LPARAM):boolean;
+function BringToFront:integer;
+function CloseSrWindow:boolean;
+procedure WndChangeColumns(code:integer;column:integer=-1);
+function OnContactAdded (wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+function OnStatusChanged (wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+function OnContactDeleted(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+function OnAccountChanged(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+procedure RegisterColors;
+ grid:HWND = 0;
+uses messages,commctrl,sr_global,common,dbsettings,mirutils,
+ wrapper,sr_optdialog,protocols;
+ flt_show_offline = $100;
+ strCListDel:PAnsiChar='CList/DeleteContactCommand';
+ LVS_EX_LABELTIP = $4000;
+ hIconF :HICON = 0;
+ hIconM :HICON = 0;
+ mainwnd :HWND = 0;
+ StatusBar:HWND = 0;
+ sortcoldn:THANDLE = 0;
+ sortcolup:THANDLE = 0;
+ gridbrush:HBRUSH = 0;
+ OldLVProc :pointer = nil;
+ OldProc :pointer = nil;
+ OldEditProc:pointer = nil;
+ pattern:pWideChar = nil;
+ QSF_INLIST = $0001; // in constant list
+ QSF_ACTIVE = $0002; // contact in listview
+ QSF_DELETED = $0004; // contact deleted
+ QSF_PATTERN = $0008; // pattern check passed
+ QSF_ACCDEL = $0010; // account deleted
+ QSF_ACCOFF = $0020; // account disabled
+ QSF_META = $0040; // contact is metacontact
+ QSF_SUBMETA = $0080; // contact is part of metacontact
+ pQSRec = ^tQSRec;
+ tQSRec = record // cell
+ text:PWideChar;
+ data:uint_ptr;
+ end;
+ pQSFRec = ^tQSFRec;
+ tQSFRec = record // row
+ contact:THANDLE;
+ proto :uint_ptr;
+ flags :dword;
+ status :dword;
+ wparam :WPARAM;
+ lparam :LPARAM;
+ end;
+ colorhook:THANDLE;
+ MainBuf:array of array of tQSRec;
+ FlagBuf:array of tQSFRec;
+ LastMeta:integer;
+ tstrMale,
+ tstrFemale,
+ tstrUnknown:PWideChar;
+ colorder:array of integer;
+ tablecolumns:integer;
+ maxpattern = 8;
+ patterns:array [0..maxpattern-1] of record
+ str:PWideChar;
+ res:bool;
+ end;
+ patstr:PWideChar=nil;
+ numpattern:integer=0;
+ TTShowed:bool=false;
+ TTInstalled:bool = false;
+ bkg_norm:pAnsiChar = 'Normal background';
+ fgr_norm:pAnsiChar = 'Normal foreground';
+ bkg_odd :pAnsiChar = 'Odd background';
+ fgr_odd :pAnsiChar = 'Odd foreground';
+ bkg_dis :pAnsiChar = 'Disabled account background';
+ fgr_dis :pAnsiChar = 'Disabled account foreground';
+ bkg_del :pAnsiChar = 'Deleted account background';
+ fgr_del :pAnsiChar = 'Deleted account foreground';
+ bkg_hid :pAnsiChar = 'Hidden contact background';
+ fgr_hid :pAnsiChar = 'Hidden contact foreground';
+ bkg_meta:pAnsiChar = 'Metacontact background';
+ fgr_meta:pAnsiChar = 'Metacontact foreground';
+ bkg_sub :pAnsiChar = 'SubMetacontact background';
+ fgr_sub :pAnsiChar = 'SubMetacontact foreground';
+ cbkg_norm,
+ cfgr_norm,
+ cbkg_odd,
+ cfgr_odd,
+ cbkg_dis,
+ cfgr_dis,
+ cbkg_del,
+ cfgr_del,
+ cbkg_hid,
+ cfgr_hid,
+ cbkg_meta,
+ cfgr_meta,
+ cbkg_sub,
+ cfgr_sub:TCOLORREF;
+ AdvFilter:cardinal;
+function GetQSColumn(item:integer):LPARAM;
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if colorder[i]=item then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=-1;
+procedure SwitchOrder(var src,dst:array of dword);
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(src) do
+ begin
+ dst[src[i]]:=i;
+ end;
+procedure ShiftColumns(item,shift:integer); // item - table item, order - new screen order
+ i,col:integer;
+ buf:tQSRec;
+ lsize,lshift:integer;
+ col:=-1;
+ lshift:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if shift=0 then
+ col:=i; // new position
+ dec(shift);
+ end;
+ if colorder[i]=item then
+ begin
+ lshift:=i; // column in buffer
+ end;
+ end;
+ item:=lshift;
+ shift:=col-item;
+ col:=colorder[item];
+ lsize:=sizeof(tQSRec)*abs(shift);
+ lshift:=item+shift;
+ if shift>0 then
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ begin
+ buf:=MainBuf[i,item];
+ move(MainBuf[i,item+1],MainBuf[i,item],lsize);
+ MainBuf[i,lshift]:=buf;
+ end;
+ move(colorder[item+1],colorder[item],SizeOf(integer)*shift);
+ end
+ else // shift<0
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ begin
+ buf:=MainBuf[i,item];
+ move(MainBuf[i,lshift],MainBuf[i,lshift+1],lsize);
+ MainBuf[i,lshift]:=buf;
+ end;
+ move(colorder[lshift],colorder[lshift+1],sizeof(integer)*(-shift));
+ end;
+ colorder[lshift]:=col;
+ OptChangeColumns(wcUp,item,shift);
+function GetColor(name:pAnsiChar):TCOLORREF;
+ cid:TColourID;
+ cid.cbSize:=SizeOf(cid);
+ StrCopy(,'QuickSearch');
+ StrCopy( ,name);
+ result:=CallService(MS_COLOUR_GETA,lparam(@cid),0);
+procedure RegisterColors;
+ cid:TColourID;
+ cid.cbSize:=SizeOf(cid);
+ cid.flags :=0;
+ StrCopy(,'QuickSearch');
+ StrCopy(cid.dbSettingsGroup,qs_module);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_norm);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_norm');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00FFFFFF;
+ cid.order :=0;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_norm);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_norm');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=1;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_odd);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_odd');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00EBE6DE;
+ cid.order :=2;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_odd);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_odd');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=3;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_dis);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_dis');
+ cid.defcolour:=$008080FF;
+ cid.order :=4;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_dis);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_dis');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=5;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_del);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_del');
+ cid.defcolour:=$008000FF;
+ cid.order :=6;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_del);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_del');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=7;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_hid);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_hid');
+ cid.defcolour:=$0080FFFF;
+ cid.order :=8;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_hid);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_hid');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=9;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_meta);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_meta');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00BAE699;
+ cid.order :=10;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_meta);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_meta');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=11;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,bkg_sub);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'back_sub');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00B3CCC1;
+ cid.order :=12;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+ StrCopy( ,fgr_sub);
+ StrCopy(cid.setting,'fore_sub');
+ cid.defcolour:=$00000000;
+ cid.order :=13;
+ ColourRegister(@cid);
+function int2strw(i:integer):PWideChar;
+ buf:array [0..31] of WideChar;
+ IntToStr(buf,i);
+ StrDupW(result,buf);
+function int2hexw(i:integer):PWideChar;
+ buf:array [0..31] of WideChar;
+ IntToHex(buf,i);
+ StrDupW(result,buf);
+function BuildLastSeenTime(cont:THANDLE;modulename:PAnsiChar):PWideChar;
+ buf:array [0..19] of WideChar;
+ pc:pWideChar;
+ year:integer;
+ pc:=@buf;
+ year:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Year',0);
+ if year<>0 then
+ begin
+ IntToStr(pc,DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Day',0),2);
+ inc(pc,2);
+ pc^:='.'; inc(pc);
+ IntToStr(pc,DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Month',0),2);
+ inc(pc,2);
+ pc^:='.'; inc(pc);
+ IntToStr(pc,year,4);
+ inc(pc,4);
+ pc^:=' '; inc(pc);
+ pc^:='-'; inc(pc);
+ pc^:=' '; inc(pc);
+ IntToStr(pc,DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Hours',0),2);
+ inc(pc,2);
+ pc^:=':'; inc(pc);
+ IntToStr(pc,DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Minutes',0),2);
+ StrDupW(result,@buf);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+ vars:array [0..4] of uint_ptr;
+ vars[2]:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Year',0);
+ if vars[2]<>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(result,20*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ vars[1]:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Month' ,0);
+ vars[0]:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Day' ,0);
+ vars[3]:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Hours' ,0);
+ vars[4]:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Minutes',0);
+ wvsprintfw(result,'%.2lu.%.2lu.%.4lu - %.2lu:%.2lu',@vars);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+function BuildLastSeenTimeInt(cont:thandle;modulename:PAnsiChar):cardinal;
+ Day,Month,Year,Hours,Minutes:word;
+ Year:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Year',0);
+ if Year<>0 then
+ begin
+ Month :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Month' ,0);
+ Day :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Day' ,0);
+ Hours :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Hours' ,0);
+ Minutes:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Minutes',0);
+ result:=Minutes+Hours*60+Day*60*24+Month*60*24*31+(Year-1980)*60*24*31*356; // was 366
+ end
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function IPtoStr(ip:dword):PWideChar;
+ buf:array [0..16] of WideChar;
+ p:PWideChar;
+ p:=@buf;
+ IntToStr(buf,ip shr 24);
+ while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p);
+ IntToStr(p,(ip shr 16) and $FF);
+ while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p);
+ IntToStr(p,HIByte(ip));
+ while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p);
+ IntToStr(p,LOByte(ip));
+ StrDupW(result,buf);
+function TimeToStrW(data:dword):PWideChar;
+ strdatetime:array [0..63] of WideChar;
+ dbtts.cbDest :=sizeof(strdatetime);
+ dbtts.szDest.w :=@strdatetime;
+ dbtts.szFormat.w:='d - t';
+ CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRINGT,data,lparam(@dbtts));
+ StrDupW(result,strdatetime);
+function FindMeta(hMeta:THANDLE;var MetaNum:WPARAM):LPARAM;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ begin
+ with FlagBuf[i] do
+ begin
+ if contact=hMeta then
+ begin
+ if wparam=0 then // new meta
+ begin
+ inc(LastMeta);
+ wparam :=LastMeta;
+ lparam :=0;
+ end;
+ MetaNum:=wparam;
+ inc(lparam);
+ result:=lparam;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function DoMeta(hContact:THANDLE):pointer;
+ pw:pWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=nil;
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ begin
+ with FlagBuf[i] do
+ begin
+ if contact=hContact then
+ begin
+ if (flags and QSF_META)<>0 then // adding new meta count
+ begin
+ if wparam=0 then
+ begin
+ inc(LastMeta);
+ wparam:=LastMeta;
+// lparam:=0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (flags and QSF_SUBMETA)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lparam:=FindMeta(CallService(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT,hContact,0),wparam);
+ end;
+ if wparam>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(result,32);
+ pw:=result;
+ pw[0]:='[';
+ IntToStr(pw+1,wparam,3);
+ pw[4]:=']';
+ if lparam>0 then
+ begin
+ pw[5]:=' ';
+ IntToStr(pw+6,lparam);
+ end
+ else
+ pw[5]:=#0;
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure LoadOneItem(hContact:THANDLE;num:integer;proto:integer; var res:tQSRec);
+ hDbEvent:cardinal;
+ tmp:int_ptr;
+ protov:PAnsiChar;
+ FillChar(res,SizeOf(tQSRec),0);
+ res.text:=nil;
+ with qsopt.columns[num] do
+ begin
+ if module_name<>nil then
+ protov:=module_name
+ else
+ protov:=GetProtoName(proto);
+ case setting_type of
+ res.text:=DoMeta(hContact);
+ end;
+ ST_SCRIPT: begin
+ res.text:=ParseVarString(wparam.w,hContact);
+ end;
+ ST_SERVICE: begin
+ if wparam._type=ptCurrent then wparam.n:=hContact;
+ if lparam._type=ptCurrent then lparam.n:=hContact;
+ tmp:=CallService(protov,wparam.n,lparam.n);
+ if int_ptr(tmp)=int_ptr(CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) then exit;
+ case setting_cnftype of
+ ptString: begin
+ AnsiToWide(PAnsiChar(tmp),res.text);
+ end;
+ ptUnicode: begin
+ StrDupW(res.text,PWideChar(tmp));
+ end;
+ ptNumber,ptInteger:begin
+ res.text:=int2strw(tmp);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FillChar(cni,SizeOf(cni),0);
+ cni.cbSize :=sizeof(cni);
+ cni.dwFlag:=setting_cnftype or CNF_UNICODE;
+ cni.hContact:=hContact;
+ cni.szProto :=GetProtoName(proto);
+ if CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,0,tlparam(@cni))=0 then
+ begin
+ case cni._type of
+ CNFT_ASCIIZ: begin
+ if cni.retval.szVal.w<>nil then
+ begin
+ StrDupW(res.text,cni.retval.szVal.w);
+ mir_free(cni.retval.szVal.w);
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ CNFT_BYTE :begin
+ if setting_cnftype=CNF_GENDER then
+ begin
+ if not ( in [70,77]) then
+ exit;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ res.text:=int2strw(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ST_STRING: begin
+ res.text:=DBReadUnicode(hContact,protov,wparam.a,nil)
+ end;
+ ST_BYTE: begin
+ res.text:=int2strw(;
+ end;
+ ST_WORD: begin
+ res.text:=int2strw(;
+ end;
+ ST_INT: begin
+ if (module_name=nil) and (wparam.a=nil) then
+ begin
+ res.text:=int2hexw(;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ res.text:=int2strw(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ST_LASTSEEN: begin
+ res.text:=BuildLastSeenTime (hContact,protov);
+ end;
+ ST_IP: begin
+ res.text:=IPtoStr(;
+ end;
+ if<>0 then
+ res.text:=TimeToStrW(;
+ end;
+ hDbEvent:=CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST,hContact,0);
+ if hDbEvent<>0 then
+ begin
+ ZeroMemory(@dbei,sizeof(dbei));
+ dbei.cbSize:=SizeOf(dbei);
+ CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET,hDbEvent,tlparam(@dbei));
+ res.text:=TimeToStrW(;
+ end
+ else
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function CompareItem(lParam1,lParam2:LPARAM;SortType:LPARAM):int; stdcall;
+ typ1,typ2:boolean;
+ res1,res2:pQSRec;
+ i1,i2:uint_ptr;
+ result:=0;
+ if SortType=StatusSort then //sort by status
+ begin
+ i1:=FlagBuf[lParam1].status;
+ i2:=FlagBuf[lParam2].status;
+ // offline - to the end
+ // not string parameters
+ typ1:=false;
+ typ2:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ res1:=@MainBuf[lParam1,SortType];
+ res2:=@MainBuf[lParam2,SortType];
+ i1 := res1^.data;
+ i2 := res2^.data;
+ typ1:=i1=uint_ptr(-1);
+ typ2:=i2=uint_ptr(-1);
+ if (typ1 and typ2) then // string & string
+ begin
+ if (res2.text=nil) and (res1.text=nil) then // nil
+ result:=0
+ else if res2.text=nil then
+ result:=1
+ else if res1.text=nil then
+ result:=-1
+ else
+ result:=lstrcmpiw(res1.text,res2.text);
+ end
+ else if typ1 or typ2 then // string & num
+ begin
+ if typ1 then
+ result:=1
+ else
+ result:=-1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not (typ1 or typ2) then // not strings
+ begin
+ if i1>i2 then
+ result:=1
+ else if i1<i2 then
+ result:=-1
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ if not qsopt.ascendsort then
+ result:=-result;
+function FindBufNumber(hContact:THANDLE):integer;
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ begin
+ if FlagBuf[i].contact=hContact then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=-1;
+function FindItem(num:integer):integer;
+ if num>=0 then
+ begin
+ FillChar(fi,SizeOf(fi),0);
+ fi.flags :=LVFI_PARAM;
+ fi.lParam:=num;
+ result:=SendMessage(grid,LVM_FINDITEM,wparam(-1),lparam(@fi));
+ end
+ else
+ result:=num;
+procedure AddContactToList(hContact:THANDLE;num:integer);
+ i:integer;
+ li:LV_ITEMW;
+ FillChar(li,SizeOf(li),0);
+ li.iItem :=100000; //!! need append
+ li.mask :=LVIF_IMAGE or LVIF_PARAM;
+ li.iImage:=CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTICON,hContact,0);
+ li.lParam:=num;
+ li.iItem :=SendMessageW(grid,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,lparam(@li));
+ li.iImage:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ begin
+ // Client icons preprocess
+ li.pszText :=MainBuf[num,i].text;
+ if (((qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_CLIENT)<>0) and
+ (li.pszText<>NIL) and qsopt.showclienticons) OR
+ ((qsopt.columns[i].flags and (COL_XSTATUS or COL_GENDER))<>0) then
+ li.mask:=LVIF_IMAGE or LVIF_TEXT
+ else
+ li.mask:=LVIF_TEXT;
+ li.iSubItem:=colorder[i];
+ SendMessageW(grid,LVM_SETITEMW,0,lparam(@li));
+ end;
+ end;
+ pSBDataRecord = ^tSBDataRecord;
+ tSBDataRecord = record
+ flags :cardinal;
+ total :cardinal; // in clist
+ found :cardinal; // by pattern
+ online:cardinal; // clist online
+ liston:cardinal; // pattern online
+ end;
+ tSBData = array [0..63] of tSBDataRecord;
+procedure DrawSBW(const SBData:tSBData);
+ aPartPos:array [0..63 ] of integer;
+ buf :array [0..255] of WideChar;
+ fmtstr :array [0..255] of WideChar;
+ all:integer;
+ i,j:integer;
+ p,pc,po,pd,poff,pa:PWideChar;
+ rc:TRECT;
+ dc:HDC;
+ icon:HICON;
+ protocnt:integer;
+ p:=@buf;
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,SBData[0].found));
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,TranslateW(' users found ('));
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,Length(FlagBuf)));
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,TranslateW(') Online: '));
+ IntToStr(p,SBData[0].online);
+ dc:=GetDC(StatusBar);
+ DrawTextW(dc,pWidechar(@buf),-1,rc,DT_CALCRECT);
+ ReleaseDC(StatusBar,dc);
+ all:=rc.right-rc.left;
+ aPartPos[0]:=all;
+ protocnt:=GetNumProto;
+ i:=1;
+ while i<=protocnt do
+ begin
+ inc(all,55);
+ aPartPos[i]:=all;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ aPartPos[i]:=-1;
+ SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETPARTS,protocnt+2,lparam(@aPartPos));
+ SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTEXTW,0,lparam(@buf));
+ po :=TranslateW('Online');
+ pd :=TranslateW('deleted');
+ poff:=TranslateW('off');
+ pa :=TranslateW('active');
+ for i:=1 to protocnt do
+ begin
+ if ((SBData[i].flags and (QSF_ACCDEL or QSF_ACCOFF))<>0) then
+ begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ icon:=CallService(
+ end;
+ FastAnsiToWideBuf(GetProtoName(i),fmtstr);
+ SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETICON,i,icon);
+ j:=High(buf);//(SizeOf(buf) div SizeOf(WideChar))-1;
+ buf[j]:=#0;
+ // fill by spaces
+ p:=@buf[0];
+ while j>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(j);
+ p^:=' ';
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ if (SBData[i].flags and QSF_ACCDEL)<>0 then
+ begin
+ buf [0]:='!';
+ pc:=pd;
+ end
+ else if (SBData[i].flags and QSF_ACCOFF)<>0 then
+ begin
+ buf [0]:='?';
+ pc:=poff
+ end
+ else
+ pc:=pa;
+ IntToStr(pWideChar(@buf[2]),SBData[i].found);
+ StrEndW(buf)^:=' ';
+ SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTEXTW,i,lparam(@buf));
+// create tooltip
+ p:=@buf;
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,fmtstr); // Protocol
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p^:='('; inc(p);
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,pc); // Protocol status
+ p^:=')'; inc(p);
+ p^:=':'; inc(p);
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ with SBData[i] do
+ begin
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,found));
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p^:='('; inc(p);
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,total));
+ p^:=')'; inc(p);
+ p^:=';'; inc(p);
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,po);
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,liston));
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p^:='('; inc(p);
+ p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,online));
+ p^:=')'; inc(p);
+ end;
+ p^:=#0;
+ SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTIPTEXTW,i,lparam(@buf));
+ end;
+procedure UpdateSB;
+ SBData: tSBData;
+ j:integer;
+ p:pSBDataRecord;
+ FillChar(SBData,SizeOf(SBData),0);
+ // for all contacts
+ for j:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ begin
+ p:=@SBData[FlagBuf[j].proto];
+ p^.flags:=FlagBuf[j].flags;
+ inc(p^.total);
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ inc(p^.found);
+ inc(SBData[0].found);
+ end;
+ if FlagBuf[j].status<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE then
+ begin
+ inc(p^.online);
+ inc(SBData[0].online);
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ inc(p^.liston);
+ inc(SBData[0].liston);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DrawSBW(SBData);
+procedure Sort;
+ if qsopt.columnsort>=tablecolumns then
+ qsopt.columnsort:=StatusSort;
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_SORTITEMS,GetQSColumn(qsopt.columnsort),LPARAM(@CompareItem));
+// ListView_SortItems(grid,@CompareItem,GetQSColumn(qsopt.columnsort));
+ if (qsopt.columnsort<>StatusSort) and qsopt.sortbystatus then
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_SORTITEMS,StatusSort,LPARAM(@CompareItem));
+// ListView_SortItems(grid,@CompareItem,StatusSort);
+procedure MakePatternW;
+ wasquote:bool;
+ lpatptr:PWideChar;
+ numpattern:=0;
+ mFreeMem(patstr);
+ if (pattern<>nil) and (pattern^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ wasquote:=false;
+ StrDupW(patstr,pattern);
+ lpatptr:=patstr;
+ repeat
+ while lpatptr^=' ' do inc(lpatptr);
+ if lpatptr^<>#0 then
+ begin
+ if lpatptr^='"' then
+ begin
+ inc(lpatptr);
+ wasquote:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ patterns[numpattern].str:=lpatptr;
+ inc(numpattern);
+ while lpatptr^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ if wasquote then
+ begin
+ if lpatptr^='"' then
+ begin
+ wasquote:=false;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if lpatptr^=' ' then
+ break;
+ inc(lpatptr);
+ end;
+ if lpatptr^<>#0 then
+ begin
+ lpatptr^:=#0;
+ inc(lpatptr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if numpattern=maxpattern then break;
+ end;
+ until lpatptr^=#0;
+ end;
+function CheckPatternW(cnt:integer):boolean;
+ lstr:array [0..1023] of WideChar;
+ i,j:integer;
+ if numpattern>0 then
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to numpattern-1 do
+ patterns[i].res:=false;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0) and
+ (MainBuf[cnt,i].text<>nil) then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(lstr,MainBuf[cnt,i].text,HIGH(lstr));
+ CharLowerW(lstr);
+ for j:=0 to numpattern-1 do
+ if not patterns[j].res then
+ begin
+ if StrPosW(lstr,patterns[j].str)<>nil then //!!
+ patterns[j].res:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=true;
+ for i:=0 to numpattern-1 do
+ result:=result and patterns[i].res;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=true;
+procedure ProcessLine(num:integer;test:boolean=true);
+ p:pQSFRec;
+ l:boolean;
+ p:=@FlagBuf[num];
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_DELETED)<>0 then
+ exit;
+ if qsopt.showonlyinlist then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_INLIST)=0 then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if test then
+ begin
+ l:=CheckPatternW(num);
+ if l then
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags or QSF_PATTERN
+ else
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags and not QSF_PATTERN;
+ end
+ else
+ l:=(p^.flags and QSF_PATTERN)<>0;//true;
+ if l then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)=0 then
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.showoffline) or (p^.status<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) then
+ begin
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags or QSF_ACTIVE;
+ AddContactToList(p^.contact,num);
+ end;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags and not QSF_ACTIVE;
+ ListView_DeleteItem(grid,FindItem(num));
+ end;
+ end;
+function AdvancedFilter:integer;
+ p:pQSFRec;
+ i:integer;
+ show:boolean;
+ result:=0;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ begin
+ p:=@FlagBuf[i];
+ // firstly = proto
+ show:=(LoByte(AdvFilter)=0) or (p^.proto=LoByte(AdvFilter));
+ // secondary = show/hide offline
+ show:=show and ((p^.status<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) or ((AdvFilter and flt_show_offline)<>0));
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_PATTERN)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if show then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)=0 then
+ ProcessLine(i,false);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags and not QSF_ACTIVE;
+ ListView_DeleteItem(grid,FindItem(i));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
+ InvalidateRect(grid,nil,false);
+ Sort;
+ UpdateSB;
+procedure FillGrid;
+ cnt:integer;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);
+ MakePatternW;
+ for cnt:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do
+ ProcessLine(cnt);
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
+ InvalidateRect(grid,nil,false);
+ Sort;
+ UpdateSB;
+ AdvancedFilter; //!!
+ ListView_SetItemState(grid,0,LVIS_FOCUSED or LVIS_SELECTED,
+procedure AddContact(num:integer;hContact:THANDLE);
+ i:integer;
+ tmpstr:array [0..63] of AnsiChar;
+ FillChar(FlagBuf[num],SizeOf(tQSFRec),0);
+ with FlagBuf[num] do
+ begin
+ contact:=hContact;
+ flags :=0;
+ i:=IsContactActive(hContact,tmpstr);
+ proto:=FindProto(tmpstr);
+ case i of
+ -2: flags:=flags or QSF_ACCDEL; // deleted account
+ -1: flags:=flags or QSF_ACCOFF; // disabled account
+// 0 : ; // hidden contact
+ 1 : flags:=flags or QSF_META; // metacontact
+ 2 : flags:=flags or QSF_SUBMETA; // subMetacontact
+ end;
+ if i>0 then
+ flags:=flags or QSF_INLIST; // normal contact
+ if (proto=0) or (i<0) then
+ else
+ status:=DBReadWord(contact,GetProtoName(proto),'Status',ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ LoadOneItem(contact,i,proto,MainBuf[num,i]);
+ end;
+function PrepareToFill:boolean;
+ cnt,cnt1:integer;
+ hContact:THANDLE;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=false;
+ if qsopt.numcolumns=0 then
+ exit;
+ // calculating contacts
+ cnt:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETCOUNT,0,0);
+ if cnt=0 then
+ exit;
+ result:=true;
+ // Allocate mem
+ SetLength(MainBuf,cnt,qsopt.numcolumns);
+ SetLength(FlagBuf,cnt);
+ // filling buffer
+ LastMeta:=0;
+ cnt1:=0;
+ hContact:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST,0,0);
+ while hContact<>0 do
+ begin
+ //!! check account
+ AddContact(cnt1,hContact);
+ inc(cnt1);
+ if cnt1=cnt then break; // additional checking
+ hContact:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,hContact,0);
+ end;
+ if cnt1<>cnt then
+ begin
+ SetLength(MainBuf,cnt1);
+ SetLength(FlagBuf,cnt1);
+ end;
+ SetLength(colorder,qsopt.numcolumns);
+ cnt:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ begin
+ colorder[i]:=cnt;
+ inc(cnt);
+ qsopt.columns[i].flags := qsopt.columns[i].flags or COL_INIT;
+ end
+ else
+ colorder[i]:=-1;
+ end;
+function GetFocusedhContact:THANDLE;
+ i:integer;
+ i:=LV_GetLParam(grid);
+ if i=-1 then
+ result:=0
+ else
+ result:=FlagBuf[i].contact;
+procedure ShowContactMsgDlg(hContact:THANDLE);
+ if hContact<>0 then
+ begin
+ ShowContactDialog(hContact);
+ if qsopt.closeafteraction then DestroyWindow(mainwnd);
+ end;
+procedure DeleteOneContact(hContact:THANDLE);
+ if ServiceExists(strCListDel)>0 then
+ CallService(strCListDel,hContact,0)
+ else
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE,hContact,0);
+procedure DeleteByList;
+ i,j:integer;
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(grid)-1;
+ i:=MessageBoxW(0,TranslateW('Do you really want to delete selected contacts?'),
+ TranslateW('Warning'),MB_OKCANCEL+MB_ICONWARNING);
+ if i=IDOK then
+ begin
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);
+ for i:=j downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE,FlagBuf[LV_GetLParam(grid,i)].contact,0);
+ end;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
+ end;
+procedure ConvertToMeta;
+ i,j:integer;
+ hMeta:THANDLE;
+ tmp:THANDLE;
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(grid)-1;
+ hMeta:=0;
+ for i:=j downto 0 do // check
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=CallService(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT,FlagBuf[LV_GetLParam(grid,i)].contact,0);
+ if tmp<>0 then
+ if hMeta=0 then
+ hMeta:=tmp
+ else if tmp<>hMeta then
+ begin
+ MessageBoxW(0,
+ TranslateW('Some of selected contacts in different metacontacts already'),
+ 'Quick Search',MB_ICONERROR);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if hMeta<>0 then
+ begin
+ i:=MessageBoxW(0,
+ TranslateW('One or more contacts in same Meta already. Try to convert anyway?'),
+ if i<>IDYES then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // convert if needed
+ for i:=j downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if hMeta=0 then
+ hMeta:=CallService(MS_MC_CONVERTTOMETA,FlagBuf[LV_GetLParam(grid,i)].contact,0)
+ else
+ CallService(MS_MC_ADDTOMETA,FlagBuf[LV_GetLParam(grid,i)].contact,hMeta);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure MoveToGroup(group:PWideChar);
+ i,j,grcol:integer;
+ contact:THANDLE;
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(grid)-1;
+ grcol:=-1;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ with qsopt.columns[i] do
+ if (setting_type=ST_STRING) and
+ (StrCmp(module_name,'CList')=0) and
+ (StrCmp(wparam.a ,'Group')=0) then
+ begin
+ if (flags and COL_ON)=0 then
+ flags:=flags and not COL_INIT
+ else
+ grcol:=i;
+ break;
+ end
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to j do
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ contact:=FlagBuf[LV_GetLParam(grid,i)].contact;
+ DBWriteUnicode(contact,strCList,'Group',group);
+ if (not qsopt.closeafteraction) and (grcol>=0) then
+ begin
+ LoadOneItem(contact,grcol,0,MainBuf[i,grcol]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (not qsopt.closeafteraction) and (grcol>=0) then
+ FillGrid;
+function IsColumnMinimized(num:integer):bool;
+ result:=ListView_GetColumnWidth(grid,num)<=10;
+procedure CopyMultiLinesW(num:integer);
+ i,j,k:integer;
+ p,buf:PWideChar;
+ tmpcnt,cnt:integer;
+ cnt:=0;
+ if qsopt.exportheaders then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ while k<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(k)) then
+ inc(cnt,StrLenW(TranslateW(qsopt.columns[k].title))+1);
+ Inc(k);
+ end;
+ if cnt>0 then
+ inc(cnt,2);
+ end;
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(grid)-1;
+ tmpcnt:=cnt;
+ for i:=0 to j do
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ num:=LV_GetLParam(grid,i);
+ while k<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(k)) then
+ inc(cnt,StrLenW(MainBuf[num,k].text)+1);
+ Inc(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if tmpcnt<>cnt then
+ inc(cnt,2);
+ end;
+ if cnt=0 then
+ exit;
+ inc(cnt);
+ mGetMem(buf,cnt*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ p:=buf;
+ if qsopt.exportheaders then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ while k<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(k)) then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(p,TranslateW(qsopt.columns[k].title));
+ p:=StrEndW(p);
+ p^:=#9;
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ inc(k);
+ end;
+ (p-1)^:=#13;
+ p^ :=#10;
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to j do
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetItemState(grid,i,LVIS_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ num:=LV_GetLParam(grid,i);
+ while k<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(k)) then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(p,MainBuf[num,k].text);
+ p:=StrEndW(p);
+ p^:=#9;
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ inc(k);
+ end;
+ (p-1)^:=#13;
+ p^ :=#10;
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+ p^:=#0;
+ CopyToClipboard(buf,false);
+ mFreeMem(buf);
+ HintWnd:HWND;
+function NewLVProc(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
+ OldHItem :integer=0;
+ OldHSubItem:integer=0;
+ buf :array [0..255] of WideChar; //!! for spec columns and patterns now only
+ buf1:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ p,pp:PWideChar;
+ i,num,cnt:integer;
+ TI:TToolInfoW;
+// qsr:tQSRec;
+ tmpCursor:TPOINT;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ WM_DESTROY: begin
+ if TTInstalled then
+ KillTimer(Dialog,TIMERID_HOVER);
+ end;
+ ShowContactMsgDlg(GetFocusedhContact);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ WM_CHAR: begin
+ if wParam=27 then // ESC
+ begin
+ PostMessage(GetParent(Dialog),WM_COMMAND,(BN_CLICKED shl 16)+IDCANCEL,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case wParam of
+ 1: begin
+ ListView_SetItemState(grid,-1,LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED);
+ end;
+ // Ctrl-C
+ 3: begin
+ i:=ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid);
+ if (i>1) or qsopt.singlecsv then
+ begin
+ CopyMultiLinesW(i);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ cnt:=0;
+ num:=LV_GetLParam(grid,ListView_GetNextItem(grid,-1,LVNI_FOCUSED));
+ i:=0;
+ while i<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(i)) then
+ begin
+ p:=TranslateW(qsopt.columns[i].title);
+ inc(cnt,StrLenW(p)+1);
+ if (StrEndW(p)-1)^<>':' then
+ inc(cnt);
+ inc(cnt,StrLenW(MainBuf[num,i].text)+2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if cnt=0 then
+ exit;
+ mGetMem(pp,(cnt+1)*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ p:=pp;
+ i:=0;
+ while i<qsopt.numcolumns do
+ begin
+ if not (qsopt.skipminimized and IsColumnMinimized(i)) then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(p,TranslateW(qsopt.columns[i].title));
+ p:=StrEndW(p);
+ if (p-1)^<>':' then
+ begin
+ p^:=':';
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ StrCopyW(p,MainBuf[num,i].text);
+ p:=StrEndW(p);
+ p^:=#13; (p+1)^:=#10; inc(p,2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ p^:=#0;
+ CopyToClipboard(pp,false);
+ mFreeMem(pp);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // backspace
+ 8: begin
+ if pattern<>nil then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(buf,pattern);
+ p:=StrEndW(buf);
+ (p-1)^:=#0;
+ SetDlgItemTextW(mainwnd,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT,buf);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // letters
+ 32..127: begin
+ if pattern<>nil then
+ StrCopyW(buf,pattern)
+ else
+ buf[0]:=#0;
+ p:=StrEndW(buf);
+ p^:=WideChar(wParam);
+ (p+1)^:=#0;
+ SetDlgItemTextW(mainwnd,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT,buf);
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ WM_TIMER: begin
+ if wParam=TIMERID_HOVER then
+ begin
+ KillTimer(Dialog,TIMERID_HOVER);
+ if GetForegroundWindow<>mainwnd then exit;
+ i:=LV_GetLParam(grid,OldHItem);
+ FillChar(info,SizeOf(info),0);
+ with info do
+ begin
+ cbSize :=SizeOf(info);
+ hItem :=FlagBuf[i].contact;
+ GetCursorPos(ptCursor);
+ tmpCursor :=ptCursor;
+ ptCursor.x:=loword(lParam);
+ ptCursor.y:=hiword(lParam);
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_GETITEMRECT,OldHItem,tlparam(@rcItem));
+ ScreenToClient(grid,tmpCursor);
+ if not PtInRect(rcItem,tmpCursor) then exit;
+ end;
+// mGetMem(txt,16384*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ p:=txt;
+ for cnt:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf[0]) do
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.columns[cnt].flags and COL_ON)=0 then
+ begin
+ LoadOneItem(info.hItem,cnt,FlagBuf[i].proto,qsr);
+ if qsr.text<>nil then
+ begin
+ if qsr.text^<>#0 then
+ begin
+//!! need: buffer free space check here
+if (16384-num)>(p-txt) then
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,qsopt.columns[cnt].title);
+ p^:=':'; inc(p); p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ p:=StrCopyEW(p,qsr.text);
+ p^:=#13; inc(p); p^:=#10; inc(p);
+ mFreeMem(qsr.text);
+ break;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(qsr.text);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ p^:=#0;
+ CallService(MS_TIPPER_SHOWTIPW,0{dword(txt)},tlparam(@info));
+// mFreeMem(txt);
+ TTShowed:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ pinfo.flags:=0;
+ if integer(SendMessage(grid,LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST,0,tlparam(@pinfo)))<>-1 then
+ begin
+ if (pinfo.iItem<>OldHItem) or (pinfo.iSubItem<>OldHSubItem) then
+ begin
+ OldHSubItem:=pinfo.iSubItem;
+ OldHItem :=pinfo.iItem;
+ if TTInstalled then
+ begin
+ if TTShowed then
+ begin
+ TTShowed:=false;
+ CallService(MS_TIPPER_HIDETIP,0,0);
+ end;
+ KillTimer(Dialog, TIMERID_HOVER);
+ if OldHSubItem=0 then
+ begin
+ SetTimer(Dialog, TIMERID_HOVER, 450, nil);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ with TI do
+ begin
+ cbSize:=SizeOf(TI);
+ hWnd :=mainwnd;
+ uId :=Dialog;
+ hInst :=0;
+ end;
+ OldHSubItem:=GetQSColumn(OldHSubItem);
+ if (qsopt.columns[OldHSubItem].flags and
+ (COL_XSTATUS or COL_GENDER))<>0 then
+ begin
+ i:=LV_GetLParam(grid,OldHItem);
+// TTShowed:=true;
+ if (qsopt.columns[OldHSubItem].flags and COL_GENDER)<>0 then
+ begin
+ case MainBuf[i,OldHSubItem].data of
+ 77: TI.lpszText:=tstrMale;
+ 70: TI.lpszText:=tstrFemale;
+ else
+ TI.lpszText:=tstrUnknown;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // if (qsopt.columns[OldHSubItem].flags and COL_XSTATUS)<>0 then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(buf,MainBuf[i,OldHSubItem].text);
+ StrCopy(StrCopyE(buf1,GetProtoName(FlagBuf[i].proto)),PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUSEX);
+ i:=StrToInt(buf);
+ ics.wParam:=@i;
+ ics.cbSize:=SizeOf(ics);
+ ics.szName.w:=@buf;
+ CallService(buf1,0,tlparam(@ics));
+ TI.lpszText:=TranslateW(@buf);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TI.lpszText:=nil;
+// TTShowed:=false;
+ end;
+ SendMessageW(HintWnd,TTM_SETTOOLINFOW,0,tlparam(@TI));
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_KEYUP: begin
+ case wParam of
+ VK_RETURN: begin
+ if ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid)=1 then
+ ShowContactMsgDlg(GetFocusedhContact);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ VK_INSERT: begin
+ CallService(MS_FINDADDFINDADD,0,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ VK_DELETE: begin
+ lParam:=ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid);
+ if lParam>1 then
+ DeleteByList
+ else if lParam=1 then
+ DeleteOneContact(GetFocusedhContact);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ VK_F5: begin
+ PostMessage(GetParent(Dialog),WM_COMMAND,(BN_CLICKED shl 16)+IDC_REFRESH,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_NOTIFY: begin
+ if integer(PNMHdr(lParam)^.code)=HDN_ENDDRAG then
+ begin
+ ShiftColumns(PHDNotify(lParam)^.Item,PHDNotify(lParam)^.pitem^.iOrder);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=CallWindowProc(OldLVProc,Dialog,hMessage,wParam,lParam);
+procedure ColumnClick(wnd:HWND;num:integer);
+ hdi:THDITEM;
+ header:HWND;
+ zeromemory(@hdi,sizeof(hdi));
+ hdi.mask:=HDI_BITMAP or HDI_FORMAT;
+ hdi.fmt :=HDF_LEFT or HDF_STRING;
+ header:=ListView_GetHeader(wnd);
+ SendMessage(header,HDM_SETITEM,qsopt.columnsort,lparam(@hdi));
+ if qsopt.columnsort<>num then
+ begin
+ qsopt.ascendsort:=true;
+ qsopt.columnsort:=num;
+ end
+ else
+ qsopt.ascendsort:=not qsopt.ascendsort;
+ if qsopt.ascendsort then
+ hdi.hbm:=sortcoldn
+ else
+ hdi.hbm:=sortcolup;
+ Header_SetItem(header,num,hdi);
+ Sort;
+procedure MakeColumnMenu;
+ menu:HMENU;
+ flag,id:integer;
+ pt:TPOINT;
+ menu:=CreatePopupMenu;
+ if menu<>0 then
+ begin
+ for id:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if (qsopt.columns[id].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ else
+ AppendMenuW(menu,flag,100+id,TranslateW(qsopt.columns[id].title));
+ end;
+ GetCursorPos(pt);
+ id:=integer(TrackPopupMenu(menu,TPM_RETURNCMD+TPM_NONOTIFY,pt.x,pt.y,0,mainwnd,nil));
+ if id>100 then
+ begin
+ dec(id,100);
+ with qsopt.columns[id] do
+ begin
+ flags:=flags xor COL_ON;
+ if (flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ flag:=wcShow
+ else
+ flag:=wcHide;
+ end;
+ WndChangeColumns(flag,id);
+ OptChangeColumns(wcShow,id,ord(flag=wcShow));
+ end;
+ DestroyMenu(menu);
+ end;
+function NewLVHProc(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
+ case hMessage of
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ MakeColumnMenu;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=CallWindowProc(OldProc,Dialog,hMessage,wParam,lParam);
+procedure SetCellColor(lplvcd:PNMLVCUSTOMDRAW;idx:integer);
+ if qsopt.colorize then
+ begin
+ with FlagBuf[idx] do
+ begin
+ if (flags and QSF_ACCDEL)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_del;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_del;
+ end
+ else if (flags and QSF_ACCOFF)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_dis;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_dis;
+ end
+ else if (flags and QSF_META)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_meta;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_meta;
+ end
+ else if (flags and QSF_SUBMETA)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_sub;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_sub;
+ end
+ else if (flags and QSF_INLIST)=0 then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_hid;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_hid;
+ end
+ else
+ idx:=-1;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ idx:=-1;
+ if idx<0 then
+ begin
+ if (not qsopt.drawgrid) and odd(lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec) then
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_odd;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_odd;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lplvcd^.clrTextBk:=cbkg_norm;
+ lplvcd^.clrText :=cfgr_norm;
+ end;
+ end;
+function ProcessCustomDraw(lParam:LPARAM):integer;
+ rc:TRECT;
+ h:HICON;
+ buf:array [0..255] of AnsiChar;
+ i,j,sub:integer;
+ lplvcd:=pointer(lParam);
+ case lplvcd^.nmcd.dwDrawStage of
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SetCellColor(lplvcd,LV_GetLParam(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ i:=LV_GetLParam(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec);
+ SetCellColor(lplvcd,i);
+ sub:=GetQSColumn(lplvcd^.iSubItem);
+ if (qsopt.columns[sub].flags and COL_GENDER)<>0 then
+ begin
+ ListView_GetSubItemRect(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec,lplvcd^.iSubItem,LVIR_ICON,@rc);
+ case MainBuf[i,sub].data of
+ 70: h:=hIconF;
+ 77: h:=hIconM;
+ else
+ h:=0;
+ end;
+ if h<>0 then
+ begin
+ DrawIconEx(lplvcd^.nmcd.hdc,rc.left+1,,h,16,16,0,0,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (qsopt.columns[sub].flags and COL_XSTATUS)<>0 then
+ begin
+ j:=StrToInt(MainBuf[i,sub].text);
+ if j>0 then
+ begin
+ StrCopy(StrCopyE(buf,GetProtoName(FlagBuf[i].proto)),PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUSICON);
+ if ServiceExists(buf)<>0 then
+ begin
+ h:=CallService(buf,j,LR_SHARED);
+ ListView_GetSubItemRect(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec,lplvcd^.iSubItem,LVIR_ICON,@rc);
+ DrawIconEx(lplvcd^.nmcd.hdc,rc.left+1,,h,16,16,0,0,DI_NORMAL);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if qsopt.showclienticons and
+ ((qsopt.columns[sub].flags and COL_CLIENT)<>0) then
+ end;
+ sub:=GetQSColumn(lplvcd^.iSubItem);
+ if (qsopt.columns[sub].flags and COL_CLIENT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ i:=LV_GetLParam(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec);
+ FastWideToAnsiBuf(MainBuf[i,sub].text,buf);
+// ListView_GetItemTextA(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec,lplvcd^.iSubItem,buf,SizeOf(buf));
+ if buf[0]<>#0 then
+ begin
+ h:=CallService(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICON,tlparam(@buf),0);
+ ListView_GetSubItemRect(grid,lplvcd^.nmcd.dwItemSpec,lplvcd^.iSubItem,LVIR_ICON,@rc);
+ DrawIconEx(lplvcd^.nmcd.hdc,rc.left+1,,h,16,16,0,0,DI_NORMAL);
+ DestroyIcon(h);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function NewEditProc(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
+ count,current,next,perpage:integer;
+ li:LV_ITEM;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ WM_CHAR: if wParam=27 then
+ begin
+ PostMessage(GetParent(Dialog),WM_COMMAND,(BN_CLICKED shl 16)+IDCANCEL,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ WM_KEYUP: if wParam=VK_RETURN then
+ begin
+ if ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid)=1 then
+ ShowContactMsgDlg(GetFocusedhContact);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ WM_KEYDOWN: begin
+ count :=ListView_GetItemCount(grid);
+ current:=ListView_GetNextItem(grid,-1,LVNI_FOCUSED);
+ next:=-1;
+ if count>0 then
+ case wParam of
+ perpage:=ListView_GetCountPerPage(grid);
+ if wParam=VK_NEXT then
+ next:=Min(current+perpage,count)
+ else
+ next:=Max(current-perpage,0);
+ end;
+ VK_UP: begin
+ if current>0 then
+ next:=current-1
+ end;
+ VK_DOWN: begin
+ if current<count-1 then
+ next:=current+1
+ end;
+ VK_F5: begin
+ PostMessage(GetParent(Dialog),WM_COMMAND,(BN_CLICKED shl 16)+IDC_REFRESH,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if next>=0 then
+ begin
+ li.statemask:=LVIS_SELECTED;
+ li.state:=0;
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_SETITEMSTATE,twparam(-1),tlparam(@li));
+ ListView_SetItemState(grid,next,LVIS_FOCUSED or LVIS_SELECTED,
+ // ListView_EnsureVisible(grid,next,false);
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,next,0);
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=CallWindowProc(OldEditProc,Dialog,hMessage,wParam,lParam);
+function ShowContactMenu(wnd:HWND;hContact:THANDLE):HMENU;
+ pt:tpoint;
+ if hContact<>0 then
+ begin
+ GetCursorPos(pt);
+ result:=CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDCONTACT,hContact,0);
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ TrackPopupMenu(result,0,pt.x,pt.y,0,wnd,nil);
+ DestroyMenu(result);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=0;
+procedure ShowMultiPopup(cnt:integer);
+ mmenu,grpmenu:HMENU;
+ i:integer;
+ buf:array [0..255] of WideChar;
+ p:PWideChar;
+ pt:TPOINT;
+ mmenu:=CreatePopupMenu;
+ if mmenu=0 then
+ exit;
+ StrCopyW(buf,TranslateW('Selected'));
+ p:=@buf;
+ while p^<>#0 do inc(p);
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ IntToStr(p,cnt);
+ while p^<>#0 do inc(p);
+ p^:=' '; inc(p);
+ StrCopyW(p,TranslateW('contacts'));
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_DISABLED+MF_STRING,0,buf);
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_SEPARATOR,0,nil);
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_STRING,101,TranslateW('&Delete'));
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_STRING,102,TranslateW('&Copy'));
+ if ServiceExists(MS_MC_CONVERTTOMETA)<>0 then
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_STRING,103,TranslateW('C&onvert to Meta'));
+ grpmenu:=MakeGroupMenu(400);
+// grpmenu:=CallService(MS_CLIST_GROUPBUILDMENU,0,0);
+ AppendMenuW(mmenu,MF_POPUP,grpmenu,TranslateW('&Move to Group'));
+ GetCursorPos(pt);
+ i:=integer(TrackPopupMenu(mmenu,TPM_RETURNCMD+TPM_NONOTIFY,pt.x,pt.y,0,mainwnd,nil));
+ case i of
+ 101: DeleteByList;
+ 102: begin
+ CopyMultiLinesW(ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid))
+ end;
+ 103: ConvertToMeta;
+ else
+ if i>0 then
+ begin // move to group
+ if i=400 then // root group
+ buf[0]:=#0
+ else
+ begin
+ GetMenuStringW(grpmenu,i,buf,SizeOf(buf),MF_BYCOMMAND);
+ end;
+ MoveToGroup(buf);
+ end;
+ end;
+ DestroyMenu(mmenu);
+ if qsopt.closeafteraction then
+ CloseSrWindow;
+procedure addcolumn(handle:hwnd;num,width:integer;title:PWideChar);
+ lvcol:LV_COLUMNW;
+ zeromemory(@lvcol,sizeof(lvcol));
+ lvcol.mask :=LVCF_TEXT or LVCF_WIDTH;
+ lvcol.pszText :=title;
+ :=width;
+ SendMessageW(handle,LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW,num,lparam(@lvcol));
+// from zero!!
+function GetNthByMask(const arr:tcolumnarray; num:cardinal; mask:dword):tcolumnitem;
+ i:cardinal;
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(arr) do
+ begin
+ if (arr[i].flags and mask)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if num=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=arr[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+ dec(num);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=arr[0];
+function ColorReload(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ cbkg_norm:=GetColor(bkg_norm);
+ cfgr_norm:=GetColor(fgr_norm);
+ cbkg_odd :=GetColor(bkg_odd);
+ cfgr_odd :=GetColor(fgr_odd);
+ cbkg_dis :=GetColor(bkg_dis);
+ cfgr_dis :=GetColor(fgr_dis);
+ cbkg_del :=GetColor(bkg_del);
+ cfgr_del :=GetColor(fgr_del);
+ cbkg_hid :=GetColor(bkg_hid);
+ cfgr_hid :=GetColor(fgr_hid);
+ cbkg_meta:=GetColor(bkg_meta);
+ cfgr_meta:=GetColor(fgr_meta);
+ cbkg_sub :=GetColor(bkg_sub);
+ cfgr_sub :=GetColor(fgr_sub);
+procedure ClearBuffers;
+ w,h:integer;
+ for w:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ for h:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf[0]) do
+ mFreeMem(MainBuf[w,h].text);
+procedure SetSpecialColumns(num:integer);
+ with qsopt.columns[num] do
+ begin
+ if (setting_type=ST_BYTE) and
+ (lstrcmpia(wparam.a,'XStatusId')=0) then
+ begin
+ flags:=flags or COL_XSTATUS;
+ end
+ else if (setting_type=ST_CONTACTINFO) and
+ (setting_cnftype=CNF_GENDER) then
+ begin
+ if hIconF=0 then hIconF:=CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON,0,tlparam(QS_FEMALE));
+ if hIconM=0 then hIconM:=CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON,0,tlparam(QS_MALE));
+ flags:=flags or COL_GENDER;
+ tstrMale :=TranslateW('Male');
+ tstrFemale :=TranslateW('Female');
+ tstrUnknown:=TranslateW('Unknown');
+ end
+ else if (wparam.a<>NIL) and // FingerPrint preprocess
+ (setting_type=ST_STRING) and
+ (lstrcmpia(wparam.a,'MirVer')=0) and
+ (ServiceExists(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICON)<>0) then
+ flags:=flags or COL_CLIENT;
+ end;
+function FindAddDlgResizer(Dialog:HWND;lParam:LPARAM;urc:PUTILRESIZECONTROL):int; cdecl;
+ case urc^.wId of
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+procedure PrepareTable(reset:boolean=false);
+ i:integer;
+ old:integer;
+ old:=tablecolumns;
+ tablecolumns:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ with qsopt.columns[i] do
+ begin
+ if (flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ begin
+ addcolumn(grid,tablecolumns,width,TranslateW(title));
+ inc(tablecolumns);
+ end;
+ SetSpecialColumns(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if reset then
+ begin
+ for i:=old+tablecolumns-1 downto tablecolumns do
+ begin
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_DELETECOLUMN,i,0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ListView_DeleteAllItems(grid);
+ ListView_SetItemCount(grid,HIGH(FlagBuf)+1);
+procedure FillProtoCombo(cb:HWND);
+ i:integer;
+ buf:array [0..63] of WideChar;
+ SendMessage(cb,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0);
+ CB_AddStrDataW(cb,TranslateW('All'));
+ for i:=1 to GetNumProto do
+ begin
+ CB_AddStrDataW(cb,FastAnsiToWideBuf(GetProtoName(i),@buf),i);
+ end;
+ SendMessage(cb,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0);
+function QSMainWndProc(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
+ tmp:LONG_PTR;
+ tmph:THANDLE;
+ w,h:uint_ptr;
+ i:integer;
+ buf:array [0..255] of WideChar;
+ rc:TRECT;
+ pt:TPOINT;
+ smenu:HMENU;
+ TI:tToolInfoW;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ WM_DESTROY: begin
+ UnhookEvent(colorhook);
+ StatusBar:=0;
+ DeleteObject(gridbrush);
+ GetWindowRect(Dialog,rc);
+ CopyRect(qsopt.grrect,rc);
+ // set column width - only for enabled columns
+ for tmp:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ begin
+ if {(qsopt.columns[tmp].flags and COL_ON)<>0} colorder[tmp]>=0 then
+ begin
+ w:=ListView_GetColumnWidth(grid,colorder[tmp]);
+ if w<>0 then
+ qsopt.columns[tmp].width:=w;
+ end;
+ end;
+ saveopt_wnd;
+ ListView_SetImageList(grid,0,LVSIL_SMALL);
+ opened:=false;
+ tmp:=GetDC(grid);
+ h:=GetCurrentObject(tmp,OBJ_FONT);
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETFONT,0,1);
+ DeleteObject(h);
+ ReleaseDC(grid,tmp);
+ grid:=0;
+ if qsopt.savepattern then
+ DBWriteUnicode(0,qs_module,'pattern',pattern);
+ mFreeMem(patstr);
+ mFreeMem(pattern);
+ ClearBuffers;
+ end;
+ tmph:=GetModuleHandle(nil);
+ if sortcoldn=0 then
+ sortcoldn:=LoadImageA(tmph,PAnsiChar(240),IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
+ if sortcolup=0 then
+ sortcolup:=LoadImageA(tmph,PAnsiChar(239),IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
+ SetWindowTextW(Dialog,'Quick Search');
+ StatusBar:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_STATUSBAR);
+ smenu:=GetSystemMenu(Dialog,false);
+ InsertMenu (smenu,5,MF_BYPOSITION or MF_SEPARATOR,0,nil);
+ InsertMenuW(smenu,6,MF_BYPOSITION or MF_STRING,
+ IDM_STAYONTOP,TranslateW('Stay on Top'));
+ if qsopt.stayontop then
+ begin
+ SetWindowPos(Dialog,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE);
+ end;
+ AdvFilter:=0;
+ if qsopt.showoffline then
+ begin
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_CH_SHOWOFFLINE,ORD(qsopt.showoffline));
+ AdvFilter:=AdvFilter or flt_show_offline;
+ end;
+ if qsopt.colorize then
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_CH_COLORIZE,ORD(qsopt.colorize));
+ gridbrush:=CreateSolidBrush(RGB(222,230,235));
+ mainwnd:=Dialog;
+ tmp:=GetWindowLongPtrW(Dialog,GWL_EXSTYLE);
+ if qsopt.usetoolstyle then
+ tmp:=tmp or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
+ else
+ tmp:=tmp and not WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
+ SetWindowLongPtrW(Dialog,GWL_EXSTYLE,tmp);
+ SendMessage(Dialog,WM_SETICON,ICON_SMALL,//LoadIcon(hInstance,PAnsiChar(IDI_QS))
+ CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON,0,tlparam(QS_QS)));
+ grid:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LIST);
+ ListView_SetImageList(grid,
+ if qsopt.drawgrid then
+ tmp:=tmp or LVS_EX_GRIDLINES;
+ OldLVProc :=pointer(SetWindowLongPtrW(grid,GWL_WNDPROC,LONG_PTR(@NewLVProc)));
+ OldEditProc:=pointer(SetWindowLongPtrW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT),
+ OldProc:=pointer(SetWindowLongPtrW(
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_GETHEADER,0,0),
+ FillProtoCombo(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CB_PROTOCOLS));
+ PrepareTable;
+ if pattern<>nil then
+ begin
+ SetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT,pattern)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ buf[0]:=#0;
+ SetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT,@buf);
+ FillGrid;
+ end;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog);
+ SnapToScreen(qsopt.grrect);
+ with qsopt.grrect do
+ MoveWindow(Dialog,left,top,right-left,bottom-top,false);
+ with TI do
+ begin
+ cbSize :=SizeOf(TI);
+ hWnd :=Dialog;
+ uId :=grid;
+ hInst :=0;
+ lpszText :=nil;
+ end;
+ HintWnd:=CreateWindowExW(0,TOOLTIPS_CLASS,nil,0,
+ integer(CW_USEDEFAULT),integer(CW_USEDEFAULT),
+ integer(CW_USEDEFAULT),integer(CW_USEDEFAULT),
+ Dialog,0,HInstance,NIL);
+ SendMessageW(HintWnd,TTM_ADDTOOLW,0,tlparam(@TI));
+// SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,@QSKbdHook,0,GetCurrentThreadId);
+ colorhook:=HookEvent(ME_COLOUR_RELOAD,@ColorReload);
+ opened:=true;
+ end;
+ with PMINMAXINFO(lParam)^ do
+ begin
+ ptMinTrackSize.x:=300;
+ ptMinTrackSize.y:=160;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_SIZE: begin
+ SendMessage(StatusBar,WM_SIZE,0,0);
+ FillChar(urd,SizeOf(TUTILRESIZEDIALOG),0);
+ urd.cbSize :=SizeOf(urd);
+ urd.hwndDlg :=Dialog;
+ urd.hInstance :=hInstance;
+ urd.lParam :=0;
+ urd.pfnResizer:=@FindAddDlgResizer;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG,0,tlparam(@urd));
+ end;
+ if wParam=IDM_STAYONTOP then
+ begin
+ if qsopt.stayontop then
+ begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ end;
+ CheckMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(Dialog,false),IDM_STAYONTOP,h);
+ SetWindowPos(Dialog,w,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE);
+ qsopt.stayontop:=not qsopt.stayontop;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if wParam=tWPARAM(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LIST)) then
+ begin
+ w:=ListView_GetSelectedCount(grid);
+ if w>1 then
+ ShowMultiPopup(w)
+ else
+ ShowContactMenu(Dialog,GetFocusedhContact);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // refresh table to add contact
+ i:=Length(MainBuf);
+ SetLength(MainBuf,i+1);
+ SetLength(MainBuf[i],qsopt.numcolumns);
+ SetLength(FlagBuf,i+1);
+ AddContact(i,wParam);
+ ProcessLine(i);
+ Sort;
+ UpdateSB;
+ end;
+ i:=FindBufNumber(wParam);
+ if i>=0 then
+ begin
+ FlagBuf[i].flags:=(FlagBuf[i].flags or QSF_DELETED) and not QSF_ACTIVE;
+ for w:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf[0]) do
+ mFreeMem(MainBuf[i,w].text);
+ i:=FindItem(i);
+ if i>=0 then
+ ListView_DeleteItem(grid,i);
+ UpdateSB;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUMEASUREITEM,wParam,lParam);
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUDRAWITEM,wParam,lParam);
+ if TTInstalled then
+ begin
+ GetWindowRect(grid,rc);
+ pt.x:=loword(lParam);
+ pt.y:=hiword(lParam);
+ ClientToScreen(Dialog,pt);
+ if not PtInRect(rc,pt) then
+ begin
+ if TTShowed then
+ begin
+ TTShowed:=false;
+ CallService(MS_TIPPER_HIDETIP,0,0);
+ end;
+ KillTimer(grid,TIMERID_HOVER);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_KEYDOWN: begin
+ case wParam of
+ VK_F5: begin
+ PostMessage(Dialog,WM_COMMAND,(BN_CLICKED shl 16)+IDC_REFRESH,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_COMMAND: begin
+ if opened and (CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUPROCESSCOMMAND,
+ GetFocusedhContact)<>0) then
+ begin
+ if qsopt.closeafteraction then
+ CloseSrWindow;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case wParam shr 16 of
+ AdvFilter:=(AdvFilter and not $FF) or cardinal(CB_GetData(lParam));
+ AdvancedFilter;
+ end;
+ EN_CHANGE: begin
+ GetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_E_SEARCHTEXT,buf,sizeOf(buf));
+ mFreeMem(pattern);
+ StrDupW(pattern,buf);
+ if pattern<>nil then
+ CharLowerW(pattern);
+ FillGrid; //!!
+ end;
+ BN_CLICKED: begin
+ case loword(wParam) of
+ qsopt.showoffline:=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_CH_SHOWOFFLINE)<>BST_UNCHECKED;
+ if qsopt.showoffline then
+ AdvFilter:=AdvFilter or flt_show_offline
+ else
+ AdvFilter:=AdvFilter and not flt_show_offline;
+ AdvancedFilter;
+ end;
+ qsopt.colorize:=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_CH_COLORIZE)<>BST_UNCHECKED;
+ RedrawWindow(grid,nil,0,RDW_INVALIDATE);
+ end;
+ IDC_REFRESH: begin
+ ClearBuffers;
+ PrepareToFill;
+ PrepareTable(true);
+ FillGrid;
+ end;
+ IDCANCEL: CloseSrWindow();
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_NOTIFY: begin
+ case integer(PNMHdr(lParam)^.code) of
+ ColumnClick(PNMListView(lParam)^.hdr.hwndFrom,PNMListView(lParam)^.iSubItem);
+ end;
+ if PNMHdr(lParam)^.hwndFrom=grid then
+ begin
+ SetWindowLongPtrW(Dialog,DWL_MSGRESULT,ProcessCustomDraw(lParam));
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// else
+// result:=DefWindowProc(Dialog,hMessage,wParam,lParam);
+ end;
+function CloseSrWindow:boolean;
+ result:=true;
+ if opened and (mainwnd<>0) then
+ begin
+ DestroyWindow(mainwnd);
+ opened:=false;
+ mainwnd:=0;
+ end;
+ FreeProtoList;
+function OpenSRWindow(apattern:PWideChar;flags:LPARAM):boolean;
+ result:=true;
+ if opened then
+ exit;
+ TTInstalled := ServiceExists(MS_TIPPER_SHOWTIP)<>0;
+ // too lazy to move pattern and flags to thread
+ if apattern<>nil then
+ begin
+ if flags=0 then
+ StrDupW(pattern,apattern)
+ else
+ AnsiToWide(PAnsiChar(apattern),pattern);
+ CharLowerW(pattern);
+ end
+ else if qsopt.savepattern then
+ pattern:=DBReadUnicode(0,qs_module,'pattern',nil)
+ else
+ pattern:=nil;
+ CreateProtoList;
+ if PrepareToFill then
+ begin
+//!! SetLength(colorder,qsopt.numcolumns);
+ ColorReload(0,0);
+ CreateDialogW(hInstance,PWideChar(IDD_MAIN),0,@QSMainWndProc);
+ end;
+function BringToFront:integer;
+ result:=1;
+ wp.length:=SizeOf(TWINDOWPLACEMENT);
+ GetWindowPlacement(mainwnd,@wp);
+ if wp.showCmd=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED then
+ ShowWindow(mainwnd,SW_RESTORE);
+ SetForegroundWindow(mainwnd);
+procedure ChangeStatusPicture(row:integer; hContact:THANDLE;Pic:integer);
+ li:LV_ITEM;
+ row:=FindItem(row);
+ if row>=0 then
+ begin
+ li.iItem :=row;
+ li.iSubItem:=0;
+ li.mask :=LVIF_IMAGE;
+ li.iImage :=Pic;//CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTICON,hContact,0);
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_SETITEM,0,lparam(@li));
+ end;
+function OnStatusChanged(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ j:integer;
+ oldstat,newstat:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ if not opened then exit;
+ j:=FindBufNumber(wParam);
+ if j>=0 then
+ begin
+ oldstat:=FlagBuf[j].status;
+ newstat:=DBReadWord(wParam,GetProtoName(FlagBuf[j].proto),'Status',ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
+ FlagBuf[j].status:=newstat;
+ if (oldstat<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) and (newstat<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) then
+ ChangeStatusPicture(j,wParam,lParam)
+ else if (oldstat=ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {and (newstat<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)} then
+ begin
+ if qsopt.showoffline then
+ ChangeStatusPicture(j,wParam,lParam)
+ else
+ ProcessLine(j,false) // why false? need to filter!
+ end
+ else if {(oldstat<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) and} (newstat=ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) then
+ begin
+ if qsopt.showoffline then
+ ChangeStatusPicture(j,wParam,lParam)
+ else
+ begin
+ FlagBuf[j].flags:=FlagBuf[j].flags and not QSF_ACTIVE;
+ ListView_DeleteItem(grid,FindItem(j));
+ end;
+ end;
+ // refresh table to new filtering
+ if qsopt.sortbystatus then
+ Sort;
+ UpdateSB;
+ end;
+function OnContactAdded(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ if opened then
+ PostMessage(mainwnd,WM_MYADDCONTACT,wParam,lParam);
+function OnContactDeleted(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ if opened then
+ PostMessage(mainwnd,WM_MYDELETECONTACT,wParam,lParam);
+function OnAccountChanged(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ if not opened then exit;
+ case wParam of
+ PRAC_ADDED: begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ with PPROTOACCOUNT(lParam)^ do
+ begin
+ if bIsEnabled<>0 then
+ begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function ShiftIndex(idx:integer;var order:array of integer):pointer;
+ i,n:integer;
+ n:=colorder[idx];
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ if order[i]>n then dec(order[i]);
+ result:=@order;
+procedure FillLVColumn(column,lvcolumn:integer);
+ li:LV_ITEMW;
+ i:integer;
+ FillChar(li,SizeOf(li),0);
+ for i:=0 to ListView_GetItemCount(grid)-1 do
+ begin
+ li.iItem :=i;
+ li.mask :=LVIF_PARAM;
+ li.iSubItem:=0;
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_GETITEM,0,lparam(@li));
+ li.pszText :=MainBuf[li.lParam,column].text;
+ // Client icons preprocess
+ if (((qsopt.columns[column].flags and COL_CLIENT)<>0) and
+ (li.pszText<>NIL) and qsopt.showclienticons) OR
+ ((qsopt.columns[column].flags and (COL_XSTATUS or COL_GENDER))<>0) then
+ li.mask:=LVIF_IMAGE or LVIF_TEXT
+ else
+ li.mask:=LVIF_TEXT;
+ li.iSubItem:=lvcolumn;
+ SendMessageW(grid,LVM_SETITEMW,0,lparam(@li));
+ end;
+procedure SetColumnOrder;
+ i,col:integer;
+ lcol:array [0..99] of integer;
+ col:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ if colorder[i]>=0 then
+ begin
+ lcol[col]:=colorder[i];
+ inc(col);
+ end;
+ SendMessageW(grid,LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY,col,lparam(@lcol[0]));
+ InvalidateRect(grid,nil,false);
+procedure WndChangeColumns(code:integer;column:integer=-1);
+ i,col:integer;
+ coldata:tQSRec;
+// lcol:array of integer;
+ incr:integer;
+ if (grid<>0) and
+ ((code=wcRefresh) or ((column>=0) and (column<qsopt.numcolumns))) then
+ begin
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);
+ case code of
+ wcUp,wcDown: begin
+ // changing buffer data
+ if code=wcUp then
+ incr:=-1
+ else
+ incr:=1;
+ // memory
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ begin
+ coldata :=MainBuf[i,column];
+ MainBuf[i,column ]:=MainBuf[i,column+incr];
+ MainBuf[i,column+incr]:=coldata;
+ end;
+ // index
+ col :=colorder[column];
+ colorder[column ]:=colorder[column+incr];
+ colorder[column+incr]:=col;
+ // check needs for screen resort (columns are AFTER resort)
+ if ((qsopt.columns[column ].flags and COL_ON)=COL_ON) and
+ ((qsopt.columns[column+incr].flags and COL_ON)=COL_ON) then // both visible
+ begin // need resort on screen
+ SetColumnOrder;
+ end;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ wcHide: begin // hide column
+ // screen
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_DELETECOLUMN,colorder[column],0);
+ dec(tablecolumns);
+ // index
+ ShiftIndex(column,colorder);
+ colorder[column]:=-1;
+ end;
+ wcDelete: begin // delete column
+ // screen
+ SendMessage(grid,LVM_DELETECOLUMN,colorder[column],0);
+ dec(tablecolumns);
+ // memory
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(MainBuf[i,column].text);
+ if column<qsopt.numcolumns then
+ move(MainBuf[i,column+1],MainBuf[i,column],SizeOf(tQSRec));
+ end;
+ SetLength(MainBuf,Length(MainBuf),qsopt.numcolumns); //!!!!
+ // index
+ if column<qsopt.numcolumns then
+ move(colorder[column+1],colorder[column],SizeOf(integer));
+ SetLength(colorder,qsopt.numcolumns);
+ end;
+ wcShow: begin // show column
+ // memory
+ if (qsopt.columns[column].flags and COL_INIT)=0 then
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do // contacts
+ begin
+ LoadOneItem(FlagBuf[i].contact,column,FlagBuf[i].proto,MainBuf[i,column]);
+ end;
+ qsopt.columns[column].flags:=qsopt.columns[column].flags or COL_INIT;
+ end;
+ // screen
+ with qsopt.columns[column] do // atm - to the end only
+ addcolumn(grid,tablecolumns,width,TranslateW(title));
+ // fill new column
+ FillLVColumn(column,tablecolumns);
+ // index
+ colorder[column]:=tablecolumns;
+ inc(tablecolumns);
+ SetColumnOrder;
+ SetLength(lcol,tablecolumns);
+ col:=0;
+ for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do
+ if colorder[i]>=0 then
+ begin
+ lcol[col]:=colorder[i];
+ inc(col);
+ end;
+ SendMessageW(grid,LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY,tablecolumns,dword(@lcol[0]));
+ InvalidateRect(grid,nil,false);
+ end;
+ wcInsert: begin // add column
+ // memory
+ SetLength(MainBuf,Length(MainBuf),qsopt.numcolumns+1); //!!!!
+ SetSpecialColumns(column);
+ // index
+ SetLength(colorder,qsopt.numcolumns+1);
+ // screen
+ if (qsopt.columns[column].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ WndChangeColumns(wcShow,column)
+ else
+ colorder[column]:=-1;
+ end;
+ wcChange: begin // change column
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(MainBuf) do
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(MainBuf[i,column].text);
+ end;
+ SetSpecialColumns(column);
+ qsopt.columns[column].flags:=qsopt.columns[column].flags and not COL_INIT;
+ if (qsopt.columns[column].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then
+ FillLVColumn(column,colorder[column]);
+ end;
+ wcRefresh: begin // refresh all info
+ ClearBuffers;
+ PrepareToFill;
+ PrepareTable(true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ FillGrid;
+ SendMessage(grid,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
+ end;