path: root/plugins/SecureIM/splitmsg.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/SecureIM/splitmsg.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/SecureIM/splitmsg.cpp b/plugins/SecureIM/splitmsg.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4f0635cf..0000000000
--- a/plugins/SecureIM/splitmsg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#include "commonheaders.h"
-// разбивает сообщение szMsg на части длиной iLen, возвращает строку вида PARTzPARTzz
-LPSTR splitMsg(LPSTR szMsg, int iLen) {
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("split: msg: -----\n%s\n-----\n",szMsg);
- int len = (int)strlen(szMsg);
- LPSTR out = (LPSTR) mir_alloc(len*2);
- LPSTR buf = out;
- WORD msg_id = DBGetContactSettingWord(0, szModuleName, "msgid", 0) + 1;
- DBWriteContactSettingWord(0, szModuleName, "msgid", msg_id);
- int part_all = (len+iLen-1)/iLen;
- for(int part_num=0; part_num<part_all; part_num++) {
- int sz = (len>iLen)?iLen:len;
- mir_snprintf(buf,32,"%s%04X%02X%02X",SIG_SECP,msg_id,part_num,part_all);
- memcpy(buf+LEN_SECP+8,szMsg,sz);
- *(buf+LEN_SECP+8+sz) = '\0';
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("split: part: %s",buf);
- buf += LEN_SECP+8+sz+1;
- szMsg += sz;
- len -= sz;
- }
- *buf = '\0';
- return out;
-// собираем сообщение из частей, части храним в структуре у контакта
-LPSTR combineMessage(pUinKey ptr, LPSTR szMsg) {
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("combine: part: %s",szMsg);
- int msg_id,part_num,part_all;
- sscanf(szMsg,"%4X%2X%2X",&msg_id,&part_num,&part_all);
- //
- pPM ppm = NULL, pm = ptr->msgPart;
- if ( !ptr->msgPart ) {
- pm = ptr->msgPart = new partitionMessage;
- memset(pm,0,sizeof(partitionMessage));
- pm->id = msg_id;
- pm->message = new LPSTR[part_all];
- memset(pm->message,0,sizeof(LPSTR)*part_all);
- }
- else
- while(pm) {
- if ( pm->id == msg_id ) break;
- ppm = pm; pm = pm->nextMessage;
- }
- if (!pm) { // nothing to found
- pm = ppm->nextMessage = new partitionMessage;
- memset(pm,0,sizeof(partitionMessage));
- pm->id = msg_id;
- pm->message = new LPSTR[part_all];
- memset(pm->message,0,sizeof(LPSTR)*part_all);
- }
- pm->message[part_num] = new char[strlen(szMsg)];
- strcpy(pm->message[part_num],szMsg+8);
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("combine: save part: %s",pm->message[part_num]);
- int len=0,i;
- for ( i=0; i<part_all; i++ ) {
- if(pm->message[i]==NULL) break;
- len+=(int)strlen(pm->message[i]);
- }
- if ( i==part_all ) { // combine message
- SAFE_FREE(ptr->tmp);
- ptr->tmp = (LPSTR) mir_alloc(len+1); *(ptr->tmp)='\0';
- for ( i=0; i<part_all; i++ ) {
- strcat(ptr->tmp,pm->message[i]);
- delete pm->message[i];
- }
- delete pm->message;
- if(ppm) ppm->nextMessage = pm->nextMessage;
- else ptr->msgPart = pm->nextMessage;
- delete pm;
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("combine: all parts: -----\n%s\n-----\n", ptr->tmp);
- // собрали одно сообщение
- return ptr->tmp;
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(NETLIB_LOG)
- Sent_NetLog("combine: not all parts");
- // еще не собрали
- return NULL;
-// отправляет сообщение, если надо то разбивает на части
-int splitMessageSend(pUinKey ptr, LPSTR szMsg) {
- int ret;
- int len = (int)strlen(szMsg);
- int par = (getContactStatus(ptr->hContact)==ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)?ptr->proto->split_off:ptr->proto->split_on;
- if ( par && len>par ) {
- LPSTR msg = splitMsg(szMsg,par);
- LPSTR buf = msg;
- while( *buf ) {
- len = (int)strlen(buf);
- LPSTR tmp = mir_strdup(buf);
- ret = CallContactService(ptr->hContact,PSS_MESSAGE,(WPARAM)PREF_METANODB,(LPARAM)tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- buf += len+1;
- }
- SAFE_FREE(msg);
- }
- else {
- ret = CallContactService(ptr->hContact,PSS_MESSAGE,(WPARAM)PREF_METANODB,(LPARAM)szMsg);
- }
- return ret;
-// EOF