path: root/plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp b/plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp
index f66a6e374e..3839c51951 100644
--- a/plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp
+++ b/plugins/SmileyAdd/src/smileys.cpp
@@ -222,51 +222,42 @@ static DWORD_PTR ConvertServiceParam(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *param)
void SmileyType::CallSmileyService(MCONTACT hContact)
- _TPattern *srvsplit = _TPattern::compile(L"(.*)\\|(.*)\\|(.*)");
- _TMatcher *m0 = srvsplit->createWCMatcher(GetTriggerText());
- m0->findFirstMatch();
+ MRegexp16 srvsplit(L"(.*)\\|(.*)\\|(.*)");
+ srvsplit.match(m_TriggerText);
- CMStringW name = m0->getGroup(1);
- CMStringW par1 = m0->getGroup(2);
- CMStringW par2 = m0->getGroup(3);
+ CMStringW name = srvsplit.getGroup(1);
+ CMStringW par1 = srvsplit.getGroup(2);
+ CMStringW par2 = srvsplit.getGroup(3);
- delete m0;
- delete srvsplit;
const char *proto = "";
if (name[0] == '/') {
proto = (const char*)GetContactProto(hContact);
- if (proto == nullptr) return;
+ if (proto == nullptr)
+ return;
mir_snprintf(str, "%s%s", proto, _T2A(name.c_str()));
ConvertServiceParam(hContact, par1.c_str()),
ConvertServiceParam(hContact, par2.c_str()));
if (m_hSmList != nullptr) ImageList_Destroy(m_hSmList);
-static const wchar_t urlRegEx[] =
+static const wchar_t urlRegEx[] = L"(?:ftp|https|http|file|aim|webcal|irc|msnim|xmpp|gopher|mailto|news|nntp|telnet|wais|prospero)://?[\\w.?%:/$+;]*";
static const wchar_t pathRegEx[] = L"[\\s\"][a-zA-Z]:[\\\\/][\\w.\\-\\\\/]*";
static const wchar_t timeRegEx[] = L"\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}|\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}";
void SmileyPackType::AddTriggersToSmileyLookup(void)
- _TPattern *p = _TPattern::compile(L"\\s+");
- {
- CMStringW emptystr;
- m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(urlRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
- m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(pathRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
- m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(timeRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
- }
+ CMStringW emptystr;
+ m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(urlRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
+ m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(pathRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
+ m_SmileyLookup.insert(new SmileyLookup(timeRegEx, true, -1, emptystr));
for (int dist = 0; dist < m_SmileyList.getCount(); dist++) {
if (m_SmileyList[dist].IsRegEx()) {
@@ -280,50 +271,34 @@ void SmileyPackType::AddTriggersToSmileyLookup(void)
else if (!m_SmileyList[dist].IsService()) {
bool first = true;
- int li = 0;
- _TMatcher *m0 = p->createWCMatcher(m_SmileyList[dist].GetTriggerText());
- while (m0->findNextMatch()) {
- int stind = m0->getStartingIndex();
- if (li != stind) {
- CMStringW out;
- ReplaceAllSpecials(m0->getString().Mid(li, stind - li), out);
- SmileyLookup *dats = new SmileyLookup(out, false, dist, GetFilename());
- if (dats->IsValid()) {
- m_SmileyLookup.insert(dats);
- if (first) {
- m_SmileyList[dist].m_InsertText = out;
- first = false;
- }
- } // fallthrough
- }
- li = m0->getEndingIndex();
- }
- int stind = (int)m0->getString().GetLength();
- if (li < stind) {
- CMStringW out;
- ReplaceAllSpecials(m0->getString().Mid(li, stind - li), out);
- SmileyLookup *dats = new SmileyLookup(out, false, dist, GetFilename());
+ const CMStringW &text = m_SmileyList[dist].GetTriggerText();
+ int iStart = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ CMStringW wszWord = text.Tokenize(L" \t", iStart);
+ if (iStart == -1)
+ break;
+ ReplaceAllSpecials(wszWord, wszWord);
+ SmileyLookup *dats = new SmileyLookup(wszWord, false, dist, GetFilename());
if (dats->IsValid()) {
if (first) {
- m_SmileyList[dist].m_InsertText = out;
+ m_SmileyList[dist].m_InsertText = wszWord;
first = false;
- else
- delete dats;
+ else delete dats;
- delete m0;
- delete p;
void SmileyPackType::ReplaceAllSpecials(const CMStringW &Input, CMStringW &Output)
- Output = _TPattern::replace(L"%%_{1,2}%%", Input, L" ");
- Output = _TPattern::replace(L"%%''%%", Output, L"\"");
+ Output = Input;
+ Output.Replace(L"%%_%%", L" ");
+ Output.Replace(L"%%__%%", L" ");
+ Output.Replace(L"%%''%%", L"\"");
void SmileyPackType::Clear(void)
@@ -393,11 +368,7 @@ bool SmileyPackType::LoadSmileyFile(const CMStringW &filename, const CMStringW &
delete[] buf;
- bool res;
- if (filename.Find(L".xep") == -1)
- res = LoadSmileyFileMSL(tbuf, onlyInfo, modpath);
- else
- res = LoadSmileyFileXEP(tbuf, onlyInfo, modpath);
+ bool res = LoadSmileyFileMSL(tbuf, onlyInfo, modpath);
if (errorFound)
ReportError(TranslateT("There were problems loading smiley pack (it should be corrected).\nSee network log for details."));
@@ -409,305 +380,140 @@ bool SmileyPackType::LoadSmileyFileMSL(CMStringW &tbuf, bool onlyInfo, CMStringW
CMStringW pathstr, packstr;
- _TPattern *pathsplit = _TPattern::compile(L"(.*\\\\)(.*)\\.|$");
- _TMatcher *m0 = pathsplit->createWCMatcher(modpath);
- m0->findFirstMatch();
- pathstr = m0->getGroup(1);
- packstr = m0->getGroup(2);
- delete m0;
- delete pathsplit;
- }
- {
- _TPattern *otherf = _TPattern::compile(
- L"^\\s*(Name|Author|Date|Version|ButtonSmiley)\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"",
- _TMatcher *m0 = otherf->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- while (m0->findNextMatch()) {
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Name") m_Name = m0->getGroup(2);
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Author") m_Author = m0->getGroup(2);
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Date") m_Date = m0->getGroup(2);
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Version") m_Version = m0->getGroup(2);
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"ButtonSmiley") m_ButtonSmiley = m0->getGroup(2);
- }
- delete m0;
- delete otherf;
+ MRegexp16 pathsplit(L"(.*\\\\)(.*)\\.|$");
+ pathsplit.match(modpath);
+ pathstr = pathsplit.getGroup(1);
+ packstr = pathsplit.getGroup(2);
- if (!onlyInfo) {
+ if (!onlyInfo)
selec.x = selec.y = win.x = win.y = 0;
- {
- _TPattern *pat = _TPattern::compile(
- L"^\\s*(Selection|Window)Size\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+)",
- _TMatcher *m0 = pat->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- while (m0->findNextMatch()) {
- POINT tpt;
- tpt.x = _wtol(m0->getGroup(2).c_str());
- tpt.y = _wtol(m0->getGroup(3).c_str());
- if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Selection")
- selec = tpt;
- else if (m0->getGroup(1) == L"Window")
- win = tpt;
- }
- delete m0;
- delete pat;
- }
- _TPattern *smiley = _TPattern::compile(
- L"^\\s*Smiley(\\*)?\\s*=" // Is Hidden
- L"(?:\\s*\"(.*)\")" // Smiley file name
- L"(?:[\\s,]+(\\-?\\d+))" // Icon resource id
- L"(?:[\\s,]+(R|S)?\"(.*?)\")" // Trigger text
- L"(?:[\\s,]+\"(.*?)\")?" // Tooltip or insert text
- L"(?:[\\s,]+\"(.*?)\")?", // Tooltip text
- SmileyVectorType hiddenSmileys;
- unsigned smnum = 0;
- {
- _TMatcher *m0 = smiley->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- while (m0->findNextMatch()) {
- CMStringW resname = m0->getGroup(2);
- if (resname.Find(L"http://") != -1) {
- if (GetSmileyFile(resname, packstr))
- continue;
- }
- else if (!resname.IsEmpty())
- resname.Insert(0, pathstr);
- SmileyType *dat = new SmileyType;
- const int iconIndex = _wtol(m0->getGroup(3).c_str());
- dat->SetHidden(m0->getStartingIndex(1) >= 0);
- if (m0->getStartingIndex(4) >= 0) {
- dat->SetRegEx(m0->getGroup(4) == L"R");
- dat->SetService(m0->getGroup(4) == L"S");
- }
- dat->m_TriggerText = m0->getGroup(5);
- if (dat->IsRegEx()) {
- if (m0->getStartingIndex(6) >= 0)
- ReplaceAllSpecials(m0->getGroup(6), dat->m_InsertText);
- if (m0->getStartingIndex(7) >= 0)
- ReplaceAllSpecials(m0->getGroup(7), dat->m_ToolText);
- else
- dat->m_ToolText = dat->m_InsertText;
- }
- else {
- if (m0->getStartingIndex(6) >= 0)
- ReplaceAllSpecials(m0->getGroup(6), dat->m_ToolText);
- else
- ReplaceAllSpecials(dat->m_TriggerText, dat->m_ToolText);
- }
+ int iStart = 0;
+ MRegexp16 otherf(L"^\\s*(Name|Author|Date|Version|ButtonSmiley)\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"");
+ MRegexp16 size(L"^\\s*(Selection|Window)Size\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+)");
+ MRegexp16 smiley(
+ L"^\\s*Smiley(\\*)?\\s*=" // Is Hidden
+ L"(?:\\s*\"(.*)\")" // Smiley file name
+ L"(?:[\\s,]+(\\-?\\d+))" // Icon resource id
+ L"(?:[\\s,]+(R|S)?\"(.*?)\")" // Trigger text
+ L"(?:[\\s,]+\"(.*?)\")?" // Tooltip or insert text
+ L"(?:[\\s,]+\"(.*?)\")?"); // Tooltip text
+ SmileyVectorType hiddenSmileys;
+ unsigned smnum = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ CMStringW line = tbuf.Tokenize(L"\r\n", iStart);
+ if (iStart == -1)
+ break;
- bool noerr;
- if (resname.IsEmpty()) {
- dat->SetHidden(true);
- dat->SetText(true);
- noerr = true;
- }
- else noerr = dat->LoadFromResource(resname, iconIndex);
+ if (line.IsEmpty() || line[0] == ';')
+ continue;
- if (dat->IsHidden())
- hiddenSmileys.insert(dat);
- else
- m_SmileyList.insert(dat);
- if (!noerr) {
- static const wchar_t errmsg[] = LPGENW("Smiley #%u in file %s for smiley pack %s not found.");
- wchar_t msgtxt[1024];
- mir_snwprintf(msgtxt, TranslateW(errmsg), smnum, resname.c_str(), modpath.c_str());
- Netlib_LogW(hNetlibUser, msgtxt);
- errorFound = true;
- }
- smnum++;
- }
- delete smiley;
- delete m0;
+ if (otherf.match(line) >= 0) {
+ CMStringW key(otherf.getGroup(1)), value(otherf.getGroup(2));
+ if (key == L"Name")
+ m_Name = value;
+ else if (key == L"Author")
+ m_Author = value;
+ else if (key == L"Date")
+ m_Date = value;
+ else if (key == L"Version")
+ m_Version = value;
+ else if (key == L"ButtonSmiley")
+ m_ButtonSmiley = value;
+ continue;
- m_VisibleCount = m_SmileyList.getCount();
- m_SmileyList.splice(hiddenSmileys);
- AddTriggersToSmileyLookup();
- }
- return true;
-static void DecodeHTML(CMStringW &str)
- if (str.Find('&') != -1) {
- str = _TPattern::replace(CMStringW(L"&lt;"), str, CMStringW(L"<"));
- str = _TPattern::replace(CMStringW(L"&gt;"), str, CMStringW(L">"));
- }
-static IStream* DecodeBase64Data(const char *pData)
- unsigned dataLen;
- ptrA data((char*)mir_base64_decode(pData, &dataLen));
- if (data == NULL)
- return nullptr;
- // Read image list
- HGLOBAL hBuffer = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dataLen);
- if (!hBuffer)
- return nullptr;
- void *dst = GlobalLock(hBuffer);
- memcpy(dst, data, dataLen);
- GlobalUnlock(hBuffer);
- IStream *pStream = nullptr;
- CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hBuffer, TRUE, &pStream);
- return pStream;
+ if (onlyInfo)
+ continue;
+ if (size.match(line) >= 0) {
+ POINT tpt;
+ tpt.x = _wtol(size.getGroup(2));
+ tpt.y = _wtol(size.getGroup(3));
-bool SmileyPackType::LoadSmileyFileXEP(CMStringW &tbuf, bool onlyInfo, CMStringW&)
- _TMatcher *m0, *m1, *m2;
- _TPattern *dbname_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<DataBaseName>\\s*\"(.*?)\"\\s*</DataBaseName>",
- _TPattern *author_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<PackageAuthor>\\s*\"(.*?)\"\\s*</PackageAuthor>",
- _TPattern *settings_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<settings>(.*?)</settings>",
- m0 = settings_re->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- if (m0->findFirstMatch()) {
- CMStringW settings = m0->getGroup(1);
- m1 = author_re->createWCMatcher(settings);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- m_Author = m1->getGroup(1);
- DecodeHTML(m_Author);
+ if (size.getGroup(1) == L"Selection")
+ selec = tpt;
+ else if (size.getGroup(1) == L"Window")
+ win = tpt;
+ continue;
- delete m1;
- m1 = dbname_re->createWCMatcher(settings);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- m_Name = m1->getGroup(1);
- DecodeHTML(m_Name);
- }
- delete m1;
- }
- delete m0;
- delete dbname_re;
- delete author_re;
- delete settings_re;
- if (!onlyInfo) {
- _TPattern *record_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<record.*?ImageIndex=\"(.*?)\".*?>(?:\\s*\"(.*?)\"?(.*?)</record>)",
- _TPattern *expression_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<Expression>\\s*\"(.*?)\"\\s*</Expression>",
- _TPattern *pastetext_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<PasteText>\\s*\"(.*?)\"\\s*</PasteText>",
- _TPattern *images_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<images>(.*?)</images>",
- _TPattern *image_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<Image>(.*?)</Image>",
- _TPattern *imagedt_re = _TPattern::compile(L"<!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]>",
- m0 = images_re->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- if (m0->findFirstMatch()) {
- CMStringW images = m0->getGroup(1);
- m1 = imagedt_re->createWCMatcher(images);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- IStream *pStream = DecodeBase64Data(_T2A(m1->getGroup(1).c_str()));
- if (pStream != nullptr) {
- if (m_hSmList != nullptr) ImageList_Destroy(m_hSmList);
- m_hSmList = ImageList_Read(pStream);
- pStream->Release();
- }
+ if (smiley.match(line)) {
+ CMStringW resname = smiley.getGroup(2);
+ if (resname.Find(L"http://") != -1) {
+ if (GetSmileyFile(resname, packstr))
+ continue;
- delete m1;
- }
- delete m0;
+ else if (!resname.IsEmpty())
+ resname.Insert(0, pathstr);
- m0 = record_re->createWCMatcher(tbuf);
- while (m0->findNextMatch()) {
SmileyType *dat = new SmileyType;
- dat->SetRegEx(true);
- dat->SetImList(m_hSmList, _wtol(m0->getGroup(1).c_str()));
- dat->m_ToolText = m0->getGroup(2);
- DecodeHTML(dat->m_ToolText);
+ const int iconIndex = _wtol(smiley.getGroup(3));
- CMStringW rec = m0->getGroup(3);
+ dat->SetHidden(!smiley.getGroup(1).IsEmpty());
- m1 = expression_re->createWCMatcher(rec);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- dat->m_TriggerText = m1->getGroup(1);
- DecodeHTML(dat->m_TriggerText);
+ CMStringW wszGrp4(smiley.getGroup(4));
+ if (!wszGrp4.IsEmpty()) {
+ dat->SetRegEx(wszGrp4 == L"R");
+ dat->SetService(wszGrp4 == L"S");
- delete m1;
- m1 = pastetext_re->createWCMatcher(rec);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- dat->m_InsertText = m1->getGroup(1);
- DecodeHTML(dat->m_InsertText);
+ dat->m_TriggerText = smiley.getGroup(5);
+ CMStringW wszGrp6(smiley.getGroup(6)), wszGrp7(smiley.getGroup(7));
+ if (dat->IsRegEx()) {
+ if (!wszGrp6.IsEmpty())
+ ReplaceAllSpecials(wszGrp6, dat->m_InsertText);
+ if (!wszGrp7.IsEmpty())
+ ReplaceAllSpecials(wszGrp7, dat->m_ToolText);
+ else
+ dat->m_ToolText = dat->m_InsertText;
- delete m1;
- dat->SetHidden(dat->m_InsertText.IsEmpty());
- m1 = image_re->createWCMatcher(rec);
- if (m1->findFirstMatch()) {
- CMStringW images = m1->getGroup(1);
- m2 = imagedt_re->createWCMatcher(images);
- if (m2->findFirstMatch()) {
- IStream *pStream = DecodeBase64Data(_T2A(m2->getGroup(1).c_str()));
- if (pStream != nullptr) {
- dat->LoadFromImage(pStream);
- pStream->Release();
- }
- }
- delete m2;
+ else {
+ if (!wszGrp6.IsEmpty())
+ ReplaceAllSpecials(wszGrp6, dat->m_ToolText);
+ else
+ ReplaceAllSpecials(dat->m_TriggerText, dat->m_ToolText);
+ }
+ bool noerr;
+ if (resname.IsEmpty()) {
+ dat->SetHidden(true);
+ dat->SetText(true);
+ noerr = true;
- delete m1;
+ else noerr = dat->LoadFromResource(resname, iconIndex);
- m_SmileyList.insert(dat);
+ if (dat->IsHidden())
+ hiddenSmileys.insert(dat);
+ else
+ m_SmileyList.insert(dat);
+ if (!noerr) {
+ static const wchar_t errmsg[] = LPGENW("Smiley #%u in file %s for smiley pack %s not found.");
+ wchar_t msgtxt[1024];
+ mir_snwprintf(msgtxt, TranslateW(errmsg), smnum, resname.c_str(), modpath.c_str());
+ Netlib_LogW(hNetlibUser, msgtxt);
+ errorFound = true;
+ }
+ smnum++;
- delete m0;
- delete record_re;
- delete expression_re;
- delete pastetext_re;
- delete images_re;
- delete image_re;
- delete imagedt_re;
m_VisibleCount = m_SmileyList.getCount();
+ m_SmileyList.splice(hiddenSmileys);
- selec.x = 0;
- selec.y = 0;
- win.x = 0;
- win.y = 0;
return true;
// SmileyPackListType
bool SmileyPackListType::AddSmileyPack(CMStringW &filename, CMStringW &packname)
@@ -724,7 +530,6 @@ bool SmileyPackListType::AddSmileyPack(CMStringW &filename, CMStringW &packname)
return res;
SmileyPackType* SmileyPackListType::GetSmileyPack(CMStringW &filename)
CMStringW modpath;
@@ -743,11 +548,8 @@ void SmileyPackListType::ClearAndFreeAll()
// SmileyCategoryType
SmileyCategoryType::SmileyCategoryType(SmileyPackListType *pSPS, const CMStringW &name,
const CMStringW &displayName, const CMStringW &defaultFilename, SmcType typ)
@@ -775,21 +577,18 @@ void SmileyCategoryType::Load(void)
SmileyPackType* SmileyCategoryType::GetSmileyPack(void)
return m_pSmileyPackStore->GetSmileyPack(m_Filename);
void SmileyCategoryType::SaveSettings(void)
opt.WritePackFileName(m_Filename, m_Name);
// SmileyCategoryListType
void SmileyCategoryListType::ClearAndLoadAll(void)
@@ -799,7 +598,6 @@ void SmileyCategoryListType::ClearAndLoadAll(void)
SmileyCategoryType* SmileyCategoryListType::GetSmileyCategory(const CMStringW &name)
for (int i = 0; i < m_SmileyCategories.getCount(); i++)
@@ -809,20 +607,17 @@ SmileyCategoryType* SmileyCategoryListType::GetSmileyCategory(const CMStringW &n
return nullptr;
SmileyCategoryType* SmileyCategoryListType::GetSmileyCategory(unsigned index)
return index < (unsigned)m_SmileyCategories.getCount() ? &m_SmileyCategories[index] : nullptr;
SmileyPackType* SmileyCategoryListType::GetSmileyPack(CMStringW &categoryname)
SmileyCategoryType *smc = GetSmileyCategory(categoryname);
return smc != nullptr ? smc->GetSmileyPack() : nullptr;
void SmileyCategoryListType::SaveSettings(void)
CMStringW catstr;
@@ -836,7 +631,6 @@ void SmileyCategoryListType::SaveSettings(void)
void SmileyCategoryListType::AddAndLoad(const CMStringW &name, const CMStringW &displayName)
if (GetSmileyCategory(name) != nullptr)
@@ -848,14 +642,12 @@ void SmileyCategoryListType::AddAndLoad(const CMStringW &name, const CMStringW &
m_SmileyCategories[m_SmileyCategories.getCount() - 1].Load();
void SmileyCategoryListType::AddCategory(const CMStringW &name, const CMStringW &displayName, SmcType typ, const CMStringW &defaultFilename)
if (GetSmileyCategory(name) == nullptr)
m_SmileyCategories.insert(new SmileyCategoryType(m_pSmileyPackStore, name, displayName, defaultFilename, typ));
bool SmileyCategoryListType::DeleteCustomCategory(int index)
if (index < m_SmileyCategories.getCount()) {
@@ -1056,60 +848,37 @@ static const CMStringW testString(L"Test String");
SmileyLookup::SmileyLookup(const CMStringW &str, const bool regexs, const int ind, const CMStringW &smpt)
- wchar_t msgtxt[1024];
m_ind = ind;
if (regexs) {
- m_pattern = _TPattern::compile(str);
- m_valid = m_pattern != nullptr;
- if (m_valid) {
- _TMatcher *matcher = m_pattern->createWCMatcher(testString);
- m_valid &= (!matcher->findFirstMatch() ||
- matcher->getStartingIndex() != matcher->getEndingIndex());
- if (!m_valid) {
- static const wchar_t errmsg[] = LPGENW("Regular expression \"%s\" in smiley pack \"%s\" could produce \"empty matches\".");
- mir_snwprintf(msgtxt, TranslateW(errmsg), str.c_str(), smpt.c_str());
- }
- delete matcher;
- }
- else {
- static const wchar_t errmsg[] = LPGENW("Regular expression \"%s\" in smiley pack \"%s\" malformed.");
- mir_snwprintf(msgtxt, TranslateW(errmsg), str.c_str(), smpt.c_str());
- }
- if (!m_valid)
+ m_pattern.compile(str);
+ m_valid = m_pattern.isValid();
+ if (!m_valid) {
+ wchar_t msgtxt[1024];
+ mir_snwprintf(msgtxt, TranslateT("Regular expression \"%s\" in smiley pack \"%s\" malformed."), str.c_str(), smpt.c_str());
Netlib_LogW(hNetlibUser, msgtxt);
+ }
else {
m_text = str;
- m_pattern = nullptr;
m_valid = !str.IsEmpty();
- delete m_pattern;
-void SmileyLookup::Find(const CMStringW &str, SmileyLocVecType &smlcur, bool firstOnly) const
+void SmileyLookup::Find(const CMStringW &str, SmileyLocVecType &smlcur, bool firstOnly)
if (!m_valid) return;
if (m_text.IsEmpty()) {
- _TMatcher *matcher = m_pattern->createWCMatcher(str);
- while (matcher->findNextMatch()) {
- int st = matcher->getStartingIndex();
- int sz = matcher->getEndingIndex() - st;
- if (sz != 0) {
- smlcur.insert(new SmileyLocType(st, sz));
- if (firstOnly && m_ind != -1)
- return;
- }
+ while (m_pattern.nextMatch(str) >= 0) {
+ CMStringW wszMatch(m_pattern.getMatch());
+ smlcur.insert(new SmileyLocType(m_pattern.getPos(), wszMatch.GetLength()));
+ if (firstOnly && m_ind != -1)
+ return;
- delete matcher;
else {
const wchar_t *pos = str.c_str();