path: root/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
index 9afa313492..a40902dc0d 100644
--- a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
+++ b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
@@ -1406,227 +1406,6 @@ void CSkin::ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *itemname)
delete szImageFileName;
-/* DISABLED code
-void CSkin::ReadButtonItem(const TCHAR *itemName) const
- ButtonItem tmpItem, *newItem;
- TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
- char szBufferA[1024];
- CImageItem *imgItem = m_ImageItems;
- HICON *phIcon;
- ZeroMemory(&tmpItem, sizeof(tmpItem));
- mir_snprintf(tmpItem.szName, safe_sizeof(tmpItem.szName), "%s", &szItemNameA[1]);
- tmpItem.width = GetPrivateProfileInt(itemName, _T("Width"), 16, m_tszFileName);
- tmpItem.height = GetPrivateProfileInt(itemName,_T( "Height"), 16, m_tszFileName);
- tmpItem.xOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(itemName, _T("xoff"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- tmpItem.yOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(itemName, _T("yoff"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= GetPrivateProfileInt(itemName, _T("toggle"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? BUTTON_ISTOGGLE : 0;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Pressed"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default")))
- tmpItem.imgPressed = SkinItems[ID_EXTBKBUTTONSPRESSED].imageItem;
- else {
- while (imgItem) {
- if (!_tcsicmp(imgItem->getName(), szBuffer)) {
- tmpItem.imgPressed = imgItem;
- break;
- }
- imgItem = imgItem->getNextItem();
- }
- }
- imgItem = m_ImageItems;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Normal"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default")))
- tmpItem.imgNormal = SkinItems[ID_EXTBKBUTTONSNPRESSED].imageItem;
- else {
- while (imgItem) {
- if (!_tcsicmp(imgItem->getName(), szBuffer)) {
- tmpItem.imgNormal = imgItem;
- break;
- }
- imgItem = imgItem->getNextItem();
- }
- }
- imgItem = m_ImageItems;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Hover"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default")))
- tmpItem.imgHover = SkinItems[ID_EXTBKBUTTONSMOUSEOVER].imageItem;
- else {
- while (imgItem) {
- if (!_tcsicmp(imgItem->getName(), szBuffer)) {
- tmpItem.imgHover = imgItem;
- break;
- }
- imgItem = imgItem->getNextItem();
- }
- }
- tmpItem.uId = IDC_TBFIRSTUID - 1;
- tmpItem.pfnAction = tmpItem.pfnCallback = NULL;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Action"), _T("Custom"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("service"))) {
- tmpItem.szService[0] = 0;
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(szItemNameA, "Service", "None", szBufferA, 1000, szFileNameA);
- if (_stricmp(szBufferA, "None")) {
- mir_snprintf(tmpItem.szService, 256, "%s", szBufferA);
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= BUTTON_ISSERVICE;
- tmpItem.uId = nextButtonID++;
- }
- } else if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("protoservice"))) {
- tmpItem.szService[0] = 0;
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(szItemNameA, "Service", "None", szBufferA, 1000, szFileNameA);
- if (_stricmp(szBufferA, "None")) {
- mir_snprintf(tmpItem.szService, 256, "%s", szBufferA);
- tmpItem.uId = nextButtonID++;
- }
- } else if (!_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("database"))) {
- int n;
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(szItemNameA, "Module", "None", szBufferA, 1000, szFileNameA);
- if (_stricmp(szBufferA, "None"))
- mir_snprintf(tmpItem.szModule, 256, "%s", szBufferA);
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(szItemNameA, "Setting", "None", szBufferA, 1000, szFileNameA);
- if (_stricmp(szBufferA, "None"))
- mir_snprintf(tmpItem.szSetting, 256, "%s", szBufferA);
- if (GetPrivateProfileIntA(szItemNameA, "contact", 0, szFileNameA) != 0)
- for (n = 0; n <= 1; n++) {
- char szKey[20];
- BYTE *pValue;
- strcpy(szKey, n == 0 ? "dbonpush" : "dbonrelease");
- pValue = (n == 0 ? tmpItem.bValuePush : tmpItem.bValueRelease);
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(szItemNameA, szKey, "None", szBufferA, 1000, szFileNameA);
- switch (szBufferA[0]) {
- case 'b': {
- BYTE value = (BYTE)atol(&szBufferA[1]);
- pValue[0] = value;
- tmpItem.type = DBVT_BYTE;
- break;
- }
- case 'w': {
- WORD value = (WORD)atol(&szBufferA[1]);
- *((WORD *)&pValue[0]) = value;
- tmpItem.type = DBVT_WORD;
- break;
- }
- case 'd': {
- DWORD value = (DWORD)atol(&szBufferA[1]);
- *((DWORD *)&pValue[0]) = value;
- tmpItem.type = DBVT_DWORD;
- break;
- }
- case 's': {
- mir_snprintf((char *)pValue, 256, &szBufferA[1]);
- tmpItem.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tmpItem.szModule[0] && tmpItem.szSetting[0]) {
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= BUTTON_ISDBACTION;
- if (tmpItem.szModule[0] == '$' && (tmpItem.szModule[1] == 'c' || tmpItem.szModule[1] == 'C'))
- tmpItem.uId = nextButtonID++;
- }
- } else if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("Custom"))) {
- if (BTN_GetStockItem(&tmpItem, szBuffer))
- goto create_it;
- }
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("PassContact"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("None"))) {
- if (szBuffer[0] == 'w' || szBuffer[0] == 'W')
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= BUTTON_PASSHCONTACTW;
- else if (szBuffer[0] == 'l' || szBuffer[0] == 'L')
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= BUTTON_PASSHCONTACTL;
- }
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Tip"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("None"))) {
- mir_sntprintf(tmpItem.szTip, 256, _T("%s"), szBuffer);
- } else
- tmpItem.szTip[0] = 0;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("Label"), _T("None"), szBuffer, 40, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("None"))) {
- mir_sntprintf(tmpItem.tszLabel, 40, _T("%s"), szBuffer);
- tmpItem.dwFlags |= BUTTON_HASLABEL;
- } else
- tmpItem.tszLabel[0] = 0;
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("NormalGlyph"), _T("0, 0, 0, 0"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default"))) {
- if ((phIcon = BTN_GetIcon(szBuffer)) != 0) {
- tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[0] = (LONG_PTR)phIcon;
- } else {
- _tscanf(szBuffer, _T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), &tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[0], &tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[1],
- &tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[2], &tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[3]);
- tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[2] = (tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[2] - tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[0]) + 1;
- tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[3] = (tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[3] - tmpItem.normalGlyphMetrics[1]) + 1;
- }
- }
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("PressedGlyph"), _T("0, 0, 0, 0"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default"))) {
- if ((phIcon = BTN_GetIcon(szBuffer)) != 0) {
- tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[0] = (LONG_PTR)phIcon;
- } else {
- _tscanf(szBuffer, _T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), &tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[0], &tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[1],
- &tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[2], &tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[3]);
- tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[2] = (tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[2] - tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[0]) + 1;
- tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[3] = (tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[3] - tmpItem.pressedGlyphMetrics[1]) + 1;
- }
- }
- GetPrivateProfileString(itemName, _T("HoverGlyph"), _T("0, 0, 0, 0"), szBuffer, 1000, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcsicmp(szBuffer, _T("default"))) {
- if ((phIcon = BTN_GetIcon(szBuffer)) != 0) {
- tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[0] = (LONG_PTR)phIcon;
- } else {
- _tscanf(szBuffer, _T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), &tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[0], &tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[1],
- &tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[2], &tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[3]);
- tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[2] = (tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[2] - tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[0]) + 1;
- tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[3] = (tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[3] - tmpItem.hoverGlyphMetrics[1]) + 1;
- }
- }
- newItem = (ButtonItem *)malloc(sizeof(ButtonItem));
- ZeroMemory(newItem, sizeof(ButtonItem));
- if (g_ButtonSet.items == NULL) {
- g_ButtonSet.items = newItem;
- *newItem = tmpItem;
- newItem->nextItem = 0;
- } else {
- ButtonItem *curItem = g_ButtonSet.items;
- while (curItem->nextItem)
- curItem = curItem->nextItem;
- *newItem = tmpItem;
- newItem->nextItem = 0;
- curItem->nextItem = newItem;
- }
- mir_free((void*)szItemNameA);
- return;
* Load the skin from the .tsk file
* It reads and initializes all static values for the skin. Afterwards
@@ -1645,158 +1424,156 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
m_fHaveGlyph = false;
- if (m_tszFileName[0]) {
- if (::PathFileExists(m_tszFileName)) {
- TCHAR *p;
- TCHAR *szSections = (TCHAR *)malloc(6004);
- int i = 1, j = 0;
- UINT data;
- TCHAR buffer[500];
+ if ( !m_tszFileName[0] || !::PathFileExists(m_tszFileName))
+ return;
- if (!(GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("Version"), 0, m_tszFileName) >= 1 &&
- GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("Signature"), 0, m_tszFileName) == 101))
- return;
+ TCHAR *p;
+ TCHAR *szSections = (TCHAR *)malloc(6004);
+ int i = 1, j = 0;
+ UINT data;
+ TCHAR buffer[500];
- i = 0;
- while (_tagSettings[i].szIniKey != NULL) {
- data = 0;
- data = GetPrivateProfileInt(_tagSettings[i].szIniKey, _tagSettings[i].szIniName,
- _tagSettings[i].defaultval, m_tszFileName);
- switch (_tagSettings[i].size) {
- case 1:
- M->WriteByte(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, (BYTE)data);
- break;
- case 4:
- M->WriteDword(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, data);
- break;
- case 2:
- DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL, SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, (WORD)data);
- break;
- case 5:
- GetPrivateProfileString(_tagSettings[i].szIniKey, _tagSettings[i].szIniName, _T("000000"),
- buffer, 10, m_tszFileName);
- M->WriteDword(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, HexStringToLong(buffer));
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
+ if (!(GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("Version"), 0, m_tszFileName) >= 1 && GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("Signature"), 0, m_tszFileName) == 101))
+ return;
- m_DisableScrollbars = M->GetByte("disableVScroll", 0) ? true : false;
- ZeroMemory(szSections, 6000);
- p = szSections;
- GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(szSections, 3000, m_tszFileName);
- szSections[3001] = szSections[3000] = 0;
- p = szSections;
- while (lstrlen(p) > 1) {
- if (p[0] != '%') {
- p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
- continue;
- }
- for (i=0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
- if (!_tcsicmp(&p[1], SkinItems[i].szName[0] == '{' ? &SkinItems[i].szName[3] : SkinItems[i].szName)) {
- ReadItem(i, p);
- break;
- }
- }
- p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
- j++;
- }
+ i = 0;
+ while (_tagSettings[i].szIniKey != NULL) {
+ data = 0;
+ data = GetPrivateProfileInt(_tagSettings[i].szIniKey, _tagSettings[i].szIniName,
+ _tagSettings[i].defaultval, m_tszFileName);
+ switch (_tagSettings[i].size) {
+ case 1:
+ M->WriteByte(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, (BYTE)data);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ M->WriteDword(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, data);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL, SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, (WORD)data);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_tagSettings[i].szIniKey, _tagSettings[i].szIniName, _T("000000"),
+ buffer, 10, m_tszFileName);
+ M->WriteDword(SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, HexStringToLong(buffer));
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ m_DisableScrollbars = M->GetByte("disableVScroll", 0) ? true : false;
- if (j > 0) {
- m_skinEnabled = true;
- M->getAeroState(); // refresh aero state (set to false when a skin is successfully loaded and active)
+ ZeroMemory(szSections, 6000);
+ p = szSections;
+ GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(szSections, 3000, m_tszFileName);
+ szSections[3001] = szSections[3000] = 0;
+ p = szSections;
+ while (lstrlen(p) > 1) {
+ if (p[0] != '%') {
+ p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
+ if (!_tcsicmp(&p[1], SkinItems[i].szName[0] == '{' ? &SkinItems[i].szName[3] : SkinItems[i].szName)) {
+ ReadItem(i, p);
+ break;
+ }
+ p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
+ j++;
+ }
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Avatars"), _T("BorderColor"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- m_avatarBorderClr = (COLORREF)HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ if (j > 0) {
+ m_skinEnabled = true;
+ M->getAeroState(); // refresh aero state (set to false when a skin is successfully loaded and active)
+ }
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Avatars"), _T("BorderColor"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ m_avatarBorderClr = (COLORREF)HexStringToLong(buffer);
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("SideBarBG"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
- m_sideBarContainerBG = (COLORREF)HexStringToLong(buffer);
- else
- m_sideBarContainerBG = SkinItems[ID_EXTBKSIDEBARBG].COLOR;
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("SideBarBG"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
+ m_sideBarContainerBG = (COLORREF)HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ else
+ m_sideBarContainerBG = SkinItems[ID_EXTBKSIDEBARBG].COLOR;
- m_bAvatarBorderType = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Avatars"), _T("BorderType"), 1, m_tszFileName);
+ m_bAvatarBorderType = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Avatars"), _T("BorderType"), 1, m_tszFileName);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("CloseGlyph"), &CSkin::m_closeIcon);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MaximizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_maxIcon);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MinimizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_minIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("CloseGlyph"), &CSkin::m_closeIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MaximizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_maxIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MinimizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_minIcon);
- m_frameSkins = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("framelessmode"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
- m_DisableScrollbars = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("NoScrollbars"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
+ m_frameSkins = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("framelessmode"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
+ m_DisableScrollbars = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("NoScrollbars"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
- m_SkinnedFrame_left = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("left"), 4, m_tszFileName);
- m_SkinnedFrame_right = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("right"), 4, m_tszFileName);
- m_SkinnedFrame_caption = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("Caption"), 24, m_tszFileName);
- m_SkinnedFrame_bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("bottom"), 4, m_tszFileName);
+ m_SkinnedFrame_left = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("left"), 4, m_tszFileName);
+ m_SkinnedFrame_right = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("right"), 4, m_tszFileName);
+ m_SkinnedFrame_caption = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("Caption"), 24, m_tszFileName);
+ m_SkinnedFrame_bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("bottom"), 4, m_tszFileName);
- = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonWidth"), 24, m_tszFileName);
- = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonHeight"), 12, m_tszFileName);
- m_titleButtonTopOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonTopOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonWidth"), 24, m_tszFileName);
+ = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonHeight"), 12, m_tszFileName);
+ m_titleButtonTopOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleButtonTopOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- m_titleBarRightOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleBarRightOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- m_titleBarLeftOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleBarLeftOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ m_titleBarRightOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleBarRightOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ m_titleBarLeftOff = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("TitleBarLeftOffset"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- m_captionOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("CaptionOffset"), 3, m_tszFileName);
- m_captionPadding = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("CaptionPadding"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- m_sidebarTopOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ClientArea"), _T("SidebarTop"), -1, m_tszFileName);
- m_sidebarBottomOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ClientArea"), _T("SidebarBottom"), -1, m_tszFileName);
+ m_captionOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("CaptionOffset"), 3, m_tszFileName);
+ m_captionPadding = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("CaptionPadding"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ m_sidebarTopOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ClientArea"), _T("SidebarTop"), -1, m_tszFileName);
+ m_sidebarBottomOffset = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ClientArea"), _T("SidebarBottom"), -1, m_tszFileName);
- m_bClipBorder = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("ClipFrame"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;;
+ m_bClipBorder = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("ClipFrame"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;;
- BYTE radius_tl, radius_tr, radius_bl, radius_br;
- TCHAR szFinalName[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH], szPath[MAX_PATH];
+ BYTE radius_tl, radius_tr, radius_bl, radius_br;
+ TCHAR szFinalName[MAX_PATH];
+ TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH], szPath[MAX_PATH];
- radius_tl = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusTL"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- radius_tr = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusTR"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- radius_bl = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusBL"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- radius_br = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusBR"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ radius_tl = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusTL"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ radius_tr = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusTR"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ radius_bl = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusBL"), 0, m_tszFileName);
+ radius_br = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("WindowFrame"), _T("RadiusBR"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- CSkin::m_bRoundedCorner = radius_tl;
+ CSkin::m_bRoundedCorner = radius_tl;
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Theme"), _T("File"), _T("None"), buffer, MAX_PATH, m_tszFileName);
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Theme"), _T("File"), _T("None"), buffer, MAX_PATH, m_tszFileName);
- _tsplitpath(m_tszFileName, szDrive, szPath, NULL, NULL);
- mir_sntprintf(szFinalName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s\\%s"), szDrive, szPath, buffer);
- if (PathFileExists(szFinalName)) {
- ReadThemeFromINI(szFinalName, 0, FALSE, m_fLoadOnStartup ? 0 : M->GetByte("skin_loadmode", 0));
- CacheLogFonts();
- CacheMsgLogIcons();
- }
+ _tsplitpath(m_tszFileName, szDrive, szPath, NULL, NULL);
+ mir_sntprintf(szFinalName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s\\%s"), szDrive, szPath, buffer);
+ if (PathFileExists(szFinalName)) {
+ ReadThemeFromINI(szFinalName, 0, FALSE, m_fLoadOnStartup ? 0 : M->GetByte("skin_loadmode", 0));
+ CacheLogFonts();
+ CacheMsgLogIcons();
+ }
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("MenuBarBG"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
- if (m_MenuBGBrush) {
- DeleteObject(m_MenuBGBrush);
- m_MenuBGBrush = 0;
- }
- if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
- m_MenuBGBrush = CreateSolidBrush(data);
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("MenuBarBG"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ if (m_MenuBGBrush) {
+ DeleteObject(m_MenuBGBrush);
+ m_MenuBGBrush = 0;
+ }
+ if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
+ m_MenuBGBrush = CreateSolidBrush(data);
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("LightShadow"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
- CSkin::m_SkinLightShadowPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(GetRValue(data), GetGValue(data), GetBValue(data)));
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("DarkShadow"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
- CSkin::m_SkinDarkShadowPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(GetRValue(data), GetGValue(data), GetBValue(data)));
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("LightShadow"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ CSkin::m_SkinLightShadowPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(GetRValue(data), GetGValue(data), GetBValue(data)));
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("DarkShadow"), _T("000000"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ data = HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ CSkin::m_SkinDarkShadowPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(GetRValue(data), GetGValue(data), GetBValue(data)));
- SkinCalcFrameWidth();
+ SkinCalcFrameWidth();
- GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("FontColor"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
- if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
- CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = HexStringToLong(buffer);
- else
- CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
- buffer[499] = 0;
- free(szSections);
+ GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Global"), _T("FontColor"), _T("None"), buffer, 20, m_tszFileName);
+ if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
+ CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = HexStringToLong(buffer);
+ else
+ CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
+ buffer[499] = 0;
+ free(szSections);
- LoadItems();
- ::FreeTabConfig();
- ::ReloadTabConfig();
- }
- }
+ LoadItems();
+ ::FreeTabConfig();
+ ::ReloadTabConfig();
#define SECT_BUFFER_SIZE 2500
@@ -2272,9 +2049,8 @@ UINT CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID
LRESULT orig = mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, MyWndProc, msg, wParam, lParam);
if (0 == mwdat)
- return(orig);
+ return orig;
if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled) {
CSkinItem *item = &SkinItems[skinID];
@@ -2312,7 +2088,8 @@ UINT CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID
UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, WNDPROC OldWndProc)
- LRESULT result = mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, OldWndProc, msg, wParam, lParam); // do default processing (otherwise, NO scrollbar as it is painted in NC_PAINT)
+ // do default processing (otherwise, NO scrollbar as it is painted in NC_PAINT)
+ LRESULT result = mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, OldWndProc, msg, wParam, lParam);
if (0 == mwdat)
return result;
@@ -2339,7 +2116,8 @@ UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID,
if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled && !item->IGNORED) {
right_off = item->MARGIN_RIGHT;
bottom_off = item->MARGIN_BOTTOM;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
right_off = left_off;
bottom_off = top_off;
@@ -2352,7 +2130,8 @@ UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID,
if (CSkin::m_skinEnabled && !item->IGNORED) {
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
return result;
- } else if (CMimAPI::m_pfnDrawThemeBackground) {
+ }
+ if (CMimAPI::m_pfnDrawThemeBackground) {
if (isMultipleReason || isEditNotesReason || isSendLaterReason) {
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(isMultipleReason ? RGB(255, 130, 130) : (isEditNotesReason ? RGB(80, 255, 80) : RGB(80, 80, 255)));
FillRect(hdc, &rcWindow, br);