path: root/plugins/TabSRMM
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/TabSRMM')
2 files changed, 568 insertions, 613 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
index 37fbbc6072..02002eea66 100644
--- a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
+++ b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.cpp
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
- * Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
- * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
- * listed in contributors.txt.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda.
- *
- * (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors
- *
- * Implements the skinning engine and most parts of the aero support in
- * tabSRMM 3.x+
- *
- */
+* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+* Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+* all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+* listed in contributors.txt.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda.
+* (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors
+* Implements the skinning engine and most parts of the aero support in
+* tabSRMM 3.x+
#include "commonheaders.h"
@@ -55,61 +55,57 @@ ButtonSet g_ButtonSet = {0};
- * initialize static class data
+// initialize static class data
-int CSkin::m_bAvatarBorderType = 0;
-COLORREF CSkin::m_avatarBorderClr = 0;
-COLORREF CSkin::m_tmp_tb_low = 0, CSkin::m_tmp_tb_high = 0;
-COLORREF CSkin::m_sideBarContainerBG;
-BLENDFUNCTION CSkin::m_default_bf = {0}; // a global blend function, used in various places
- // when you use it, reset SourceConstantAlpha to 255 and
- // the blending mode to AC_SRC_ALPHA.
+int CSkin::m_bAvatarBorderType = 0;
+COLORREF CSkin::m_avatarBorderClr = 0;
+COLORREF CSkin::m_tmp_tb_low = 0, CSkin::m_tmp_tb_high = 0;
+COLORREF CSkin::m_sideBarContainerBG;
-bool CSkin::m_bClipBorder = false, CSkin::m_DisableScrollbars = false,
- CSkin::m_skinEnabled = false, CSkin::m_frameSkins = false;
+// a global blend function, used in various places
+// when you use it, reset SourceConstantAlpha to 255 and
+// the blending mode to AC_SRC_ALPHA.
+BLENDFUNCTION CSkin::m_default_bf = { 0 };
-char CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_left = 0, CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_right = 0,
- CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_bottom = 0, CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_caption = 0;
+bool CSkin::m_bClipBorder = false, CSkin::m_DisableScrollbars = false,
+ CSkin::m_skinEnabled = false, CSkin::m_frameSkins = false;
-char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_left = 0;
-char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_right = 0;
-char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_bottom = 0;
-char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_caption = 0;
+char CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_left = 0, CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_right = 0,
+ CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_bottom = 0, CSkin::m_SkinnedFrame_caption = 0;
-int CSkin::m_titleBarLeftOff = 0, CSkin::m_titleButtonTopOff = 0, CSkin::m_captionOffset = 0, CSkin::m_captionPadding = 0,
- CSkin::m_titleBarRightOff = 0, CSkin::m_sidebarTopOffset = 0, CSkin::m_sidebarBottomOffset = 0, CSkin::m_bRoundedCorner = 0;
+char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_left = 0;
+char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_right = 0;
+char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_bottom = 0;
+char CSkin::m_realSkinnedFrame_caption = 0;
-CImageItem* CSkin::m_switchBarItem = 0,
- *CSkin::m_tabTop = 0,
- *CSkin::m_tabBottom = 0,
- *CSkin::m_tabGlowTop = 0,
- *CSkin::m_tabGlowBottom = 0;
+int CSkin::m_titleBarLeftOff = 0, CSkin::m_titleButtonTopOff = 0, CSkin::m_captionOffset = 0, CSkin::m_captionPadding = 0,
+ CSkin::m_titleBarRightOff = 0, CSkin::m_sidebarTopOffset = 0, CSkin::m_sidebarBottomOffset = 0, CSkin::m_bRoundedCorner = 0;
-bool CSkin::m_fAeroSkinsValid = false;
+CImageItem *CSkin::m_switchBarItem = 0, *CSkin::m_tabTop = 0, *CSkin::m_tabBottom = 0, *CSkin::m_tabGlowTop = 0, *CSkin::m_tabGlowBottom = 0;
-SIZE CSkin::m_titleBarButtonSize = {0};
+bool CSkin::m_fAeroSkinsValid = false;
-COLORREF CSkin::m_ContainerColorKey = 0, CSkin::m_dwmColorRGB = 0, CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = 0;
-HBRUSH CSkin::m_ContainerColorKeyBrush = 0, CSkin::m_MenuBGBrush = 0;
+SIZE CSkin::m_titleBarButtonSize = {0};
-HPEN CSkin::m_SkinLightShadowPen = 0, CSkin::m_SkinDarkShadowPen = 0;
+COLORREF CSkin::m_ContainerColorKey = 0, CSkin::m_dwmColorRGB = 0, CSkin::m_DefaultFontColor = 0;
+HBRUSH CSkin::m_ContainerColorKeyBrush = 0, CSkin::m_MenuBGBrush = 0;
-HICON CSkin::m_closeIcon = 0, CSkin::m_maxIcon = 0, CSkin::m_minIcon = 0;
+HPEN CSkin::m_SkinLightShadowPen = 0, CSkin::m_SkinDarkShadowPen = 0;
-UINT CSkin::m_aeroEffect = 0;
-DWORD CSkin::m_glowSize = 0;
-HBRUSH CSkin::m_BrushBack = 0, CSkin::m_BrushFill = 0;
+HICON CSkin::m_closeIcon = 0, CSkin::m_maxIcon = 0, CSkin::m_minIcon = 0;
-HBITMAP CSkin::m_tabCloseBitmap = 0, CSkin::m_tabCloseOldBitmap = 0;
-HDC CSkin::m_tabCloseHDC = 0;
+UINT CSkin::m_aeroEffect = 0;
+DWORD CSkin::m_glowSize = 0;
+HBRUSH CSkin::m_BrushBack = 0, CSkin::m_BrushFill = 0;
- * aero effects
- */
+HBITMAP CSkin::m_tabCloseBitmap = 0, CSkin::m_tabCloseOldBitmap = 0;
+HDC CSkin::m_tabCloseHDC = 0;
+// aero effects
-AeroEffect CSkin::m_currentAeroEffect;
-AeroEffect* CSkin::m_pCurrentAeroEffect = 0;
+AeroEffect CSkin::m_currentAeroEffect;
+AeroEffect *CSkin::m_pCurrentAeroEffect = 0;
AeroEffect CSkin::m_aeroEffects[AERO_EFFECT_LAST] = {
@@ -192,9 +188,7 @@ AeroEffect CSkin::m_aeroEffects[AERO_EFFECT_LAST] = {
- * definition of the availbale skin items
- */
+// definition of the availbale skin items
CSkinItem SkinItems[] = {
{_T("Container"), "TSKIN_Container", ID_EXTBKCONTAINER,
@@ -326,32 +320,9 @@ static DWORD __inline argb_from_cola(COLORREF col, UINT32 alpha)
void TSAPI DrawAlpha(HDC hDC, PRECT rc, DWORD clr_base, int alpha, DWORD clr_dest, BYTE clr_dest_trans, BYTE bGradient,
BYTE bCorner, DWORD dwRadius, CImageItem *imageItem)
- HBRUSH BrMask;
- HBRUSH holdbrush;
- HDC hdc;
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- HBITMAP holdbitmap;
- VOID *pvBits;
- UINT32 x, y;
- ULONG ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight;
- UCHAR ubAlpha = 0xFF;
- UCHAR ubRedFinal = 0xFF;
- UCHAR ubGreenFinal = 0xFF;
- UCHAR ubBlueFinal = 0xFF;
- UCHAR ubRed;
- UCHAR ubGreen;
- UCHAR ubBlue;
- UCHAR ubRed2;
- UCHAR ubGreen2;
- UCHAR ubBlue2;
- FLOAT fAlphaFactor;
- int realx;
if (rc == NULL)
LONG realHeight = (rc->bottom - rc->top);
LONG realWidth = (rc->right - rc->left);
LONG realHeightHalf = realHeight >> 1;
@@ -364,10 +335,7 @@ void TSAPI DrawAlpha(HDC hDC, PRECT rc, DWORD clr_base, int alpha, DWORD clr_de
if (rc->right < rc->left || rc->bottom < rc->top || (realHeight <= 0) || (realWidth <= 0))
- /*
- * use GDI fast gradient drawing when no corner radi exist
- */
+ // use GDI fast gradient drawing when no corner radi exist
if (bCorner == 0 && dwRadius == 0) {
TRIVERTEX tvtx[2];
@@ -400,21 +368,24 @@ void TSAPI DrawAlpha(HDC hDC, PRECT rc, DWORD clr_base, int alpha, DWORD clr_de
- hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
+ HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
if (!hdc)
ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ int ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight;
if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE && (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL)) {
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = realWidth;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = 1;
- } else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE && (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)) {
+ }
+ else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE && (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)) {
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = realHeight;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = 1;
@@ -427,50 +398,58 @@ void TSAPI DrawAlpha(HDC hDC, PRECT rc, DWORD clr_base, int alpha, DWORD clr_de
if (ulBitmapWidth <= 0 || ulBitmapHeight <= 0)
- hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
+ void *pvBits;
+ HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
if (hbitmap == NULL || pvBits == NULL) {
- holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
+ HBITMAP holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
// convert basecolor to RGB and then merge alpha so its ARGB
clr_base = argb_from_cola(revcolref(clr_base), alpha);
clr_dest = argb_from_cola(revcolref(clr_dest), alpha);
- ubRed = (UCHAR)(clr_base >> 16);
- ubGreen = (UCHAR)(clr_base >> 8);
- ubBlue = (UCHAR) clr_base;
+ UCHAR ubRed = (UCHAR)(clr_base >> 16);
+ UCHAR ubGreen = (UCHAR)(clr_base >> 8);
+ UCHAR ubBlue = (UCHAR)clr_base;
- ubRed2 = (UCHAR)(clr_dest >> 16);
- ubGreen2 = (UCHAR)(clr_dest >> 8);
- ubBlue2 = (UCHAR) clr_dest;
+ UCHAR ubRed2 = (UCHAR)(clr_dest >> 16);
+ UCHAR ubGreen2 = (UCHAR)(clr_dest >> 8);
+ UCHAR ubBlue2 = (UCHAR)clr_dest;
+ // DRAW BASE - make corner space 100% transparent
+ UCHAR ubAlpha = 0xFF;
+ UCHAR ubRedFinal = 0xFF;
+ UCHAR ubGreenFinal = 0xFF;
+ UCHAR ubBlueFinal = 0xFF;
- //DRAW BASE - make corner space 100% transparent
- for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0 ; x < ulBitmapWidth ; x++) {
+ for (int y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++) {
if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE) {
if (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL) {
- realx = x + realHeightHalf;
- realx = (ULONG) realx > ulBitmapWidth ? ulBitmapWidth : realx;
+ int realx = x + realHeightHalf;
+ realx = realx > ulBitmapWidth ? ulBitmapWidth : realx;
gradientHorizontal(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapWidth, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, realx, &ubAlpha);
} else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)
gradientVertical(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapHeight, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, y, &ubAlpha);
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
} else {
ubAlpha = percent_to_byte(alpha);
ubRedFinal = ubRed;
ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = (UCHAR)(clr_base >> 24);
@@ -482,92 +461,88 @@ void TSAPI DrawAlpha(HDC hDC, PRECT rc, DWORD clr_base, int alpha, DWORD clr_de
// corners
- BrMask = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF));
- {
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = realHeightHalf;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = realHeight;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = ulBitmapWidth * ulBitmapHeight * 4;
+ HBRUSH BrMask = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF));
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = realHeightHalf;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = realHeight;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = ulBitmapWidth * ulBitmapHeight * 4;
- if (ulBitmapWidth <= 0 || ulBitmapHeight <= 0) {
- DeleteDC(hdc);
- DeleteObject(BrMask);
- return;
- }
+ if (ulBitmapWidth <= 0 || ulBitmapHeight <= 0) {
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+ DeleteObject(BrMask);
+ return;
+ }
- hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
+ hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
+ if (hbitmap == 0 || pvBits == NULL) {
+ DeleteObject(BrMask);
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+ return;
+ }
- if (hbitmap == 0 || pvBits == NULL) {
- DeleteObject(BrMask);
- DeleteDC(hdc);
- return;
- }
+ HBRUSH holdbrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, BrMask);
+ holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
+ RoundRect(hdc, -1, -1, ulBitmapWidth * 2 + 1, (realHeight + 1), dwRadius, dwRadius);
+ for (int y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++) {
+ if (((((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth]) << 8) == 0xFF00FF00 || (y < ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_BL && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE)) || (y > ulBitmapHeight >> 2 && !(bCorner & CORNER_TL && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE))) {
+ if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE) {
+ if (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL)
+ gradientHorizontal(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, realWidth, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, x, &ubAlpha);
+ else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)
+ gradientVertical(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapHeight, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, y, &ubAlpha);
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float)ubAlpha / (float)0xff;
+ ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
+ } else {
+ ubAlpha = percent_to_byte(alpha);
+ ubRedFinal = ubRed;
+ ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
+ ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float)ubAlpha / (float)0xff;
- holdbrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, BrMask);
- holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
- RoundRect(hdc, -1, -1, ulBitmapWidth * 2 + 1, (realHeight + 1), dwRadius, dwRadius);
- for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++) {
- if (((((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth]) << 8) == 0xFF00FF00 || (y < ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_BL && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE)) || (y > ulBitmapHeight >> 2 && !(bCorner & CORNER_TL && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE))) {
- if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE) {
- if (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL)
- gradientHorizontal(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, realWidth, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, x, &ubAlpha);
- else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)
- gradientVertical(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapHeight, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, y, &ubAlpha);
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
- ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- } else {
- ubAlpha = percent_to_byte(alpha);
- ubRedFinal = ubRed;
- ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
- ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
- ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- }
+ ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- GdiAlphaBlend(hDC, rc->left, rc->top, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf);
- SelectObject(hdc, holdbitmap);
- DeleteObject(hbitmap);
- hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
- //SelectObject(hdc, BrMask); // already BrMask?
- holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
- RoundRect(hdc, -1 - ulBitmapWidth, -1, ulBitmapWidth + 1, (realHeight + 1), dwRadius, dwRadius);
- for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++) {
- if (((((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth]) << 8) == 0xFF00FF00 || (y < ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_BR && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE)) || (y > ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_TR && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE))) {
- if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE) {
- if (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL) {
- realx = x + realWidth;
- realx = realx > realWidth ? realWidth : realx;
- gradientHorizontal(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, realWidth, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, realx, &ubAlpha);
- } else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)
- gradientVertical(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapHeight, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, y, &ubAlpha);
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
- ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- } else {
- ubAlpha = percent_to_byte(alpha);
- ubRedFinal = ubRed;
- ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
- ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
- fAlphaFactor = (float) ubAlpha / (float) 0xff;
- ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- }
+ }
+ GdiAlphaBlend(hDC, rc->left, rc->top, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf);
+ SelectObject(hdc, holdbitmap);
+ DeleteObject(hbitmap);
+ hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
+ holdbitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
+ RoundRect(hdc, -1 - ulBitmapWidth, -1, ulBitmapWidth + 1, (realHeight + 1), dwRadius, dwRadius);
+ for (int y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++) {
+ if (((((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth]) << 8) == 0xFF00FF00 || (y < ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_BR && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE)) || (y > ulBitmapHeight >> 1 && !(bCorner & CORNER_TR && bCorner & CORNER_ACTIVE))) {
+ if (bGradient & GRADIENT_ACTIVE) {
+ if (bGradient & GRADIENT_LR || bGradient & GRADIENT_RL) {
+ int realx = x + realWidth;
+ realx = realx > realWidth ? realWidth : realx;
+ gradientHorizontal(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, realWidth, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, realx, &ubAlpha);
+ } else if (bGradient & GRADIENT_TB || bGradient & GRADIENT_BT)
+ gradientVertical(&ubRedFinal, &ubGreenFinal, &ubBlueFinal, ulBitmapHeight, ubRed, ubGreen, ubBlue, ubRed2, ubGreen2, ubBlue2, bGradient, clr_dest_trans, y, &ubAlpha);
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float)ubAlpha / (float)0xff;
+ ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
+ } else {
+ ubAlpha = percent_to_byte(alpha);
+ ubRedFinal = ubRed;
+ ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
+ ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
+ float fAlphaFactor = (float)ubAlpha / (float)0xff;
+ ((UINT32 *) pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = (ubAlpha << 24) | ((UCHAR)(ubRedFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | ((UCHAR)(ubGreenFinal * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | ((UCHAR)(ubBlueFinal * fAlphaFactor));
- GdiAlphaBlend(hDC, rc->right - realHeightHalf, rc->top, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf);
+ GdiAlphaBlend(hDC, rc->right - realHeightHalf, rc->top, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf);
SelectObject(hdc, holdbitmap);
SelectObject(hdc, holdbrush);
@@ -581,23 +556,25 @@ void __inline gradientHorizontal(UCHAR *ubRedFinal, UCHAR *ubGreenFinal, UCHAR *
// solid to transparent
if (transparent) {
- *ubAlpha = (UCHAR)((float) x / (float) ulBitmapWidth * 255);
+ *ubAlpha = (UCHAR)((float)x / (float)ulBitmapWidth * 255);
*ubAlpha = FLG_GRADIENT & GRADIENT_LR ? 0xFF - (*ubAlpha) : (*ubAlpha);
*ubRedFinal = ubRed;
*ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
*ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
- } else { // solid to solid2
+ }
+ else { // solid to solid2
- fSolidMulti = ((float) x / (float) ulBitmapWidth);
+ fSolidMulti = ((float)x / (float)ulBitmapWidth);
fInvSolidMulti = 1 - fSolidMulti;
- } else {
- fInvSolidMulti = ((float) x / (float) ulBitmapWidth);
+ }
+ else {
+ fInvSolidMulti = ((float)x / (float)ulBitmapWidth);
fSolidMulti = 1 - fInvSolidMulti;
- *ubRedFinal = (UCHAR)((((float) ubRed * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float) ubRed2 * (float) fSolidMulti)));
- *ubGreenFinal = (UCHAR)((UCHAR)(((float) ubGreen * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float) ubGreen2 * (float) fSolidMulti)));
- *ubBlueFinal = (UCHAR)((((float) ubBlue * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (UCHAR)(((float) ubBlue2 * (float) fSolidMulti)));
+ *ubRedFinal = (UCHAR)((((float)ubRed * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float)ubRed2 * (float)fSolidMulti)));
+ *ubGreenFinal = (UCHAR)((UCHAR)(((float)ubGreen * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float)ubGreen2 * (float)fSolidMulti)));
+ *ubBlueFinal = (UCHAR)((((float)ubBlue * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (UCHAR)(((float)ubBlue2 * (float)fSolidMulti)));
*ubAlpha = 0xFF;
@@ -609,36 +586,38 @@ void __inline gradientVertical(UCHAR *ubRedFinal, UCHAR *ubGreenFinal, UCHAR *ub
// solid to transparent
if (transparent) {
- *ubAlpha = (UCHAR)((float) y / (float) ulBitmapHeight * 255);
+ *ubAlpha = (UCHAR)((float)y / (float)ulBitmapHeight * 255);
*ubAlpha = FLG_GRADIENT & GRADIENT_BT ? 0xFF - *ubAlpha : *ubAlpha;
*ubRedFinal = ubRed;
*ubGreenFinal = ubGreen;
*ubBlueFinal = ubBlue;
- } else { // solid to solid2
+ }
+ else { // solid to solid2
- fSolidMulti = ((float) y / (float) ulBitmapHeight);
+ fSolidMulti = ((float)y / (float)ulBitmapHeight);
fInvSolidMulti = 1 - fSolidMulti;
- } else {
- fInvSolidMulti = ((float) y / (float) ulBitmapHeight);
+ }
+ else {
+ fInvSolidMulti = ((float)y / (float)ulBitmapHeight);
fSolidMulti = 1 - fInvSolidMulti;
- *ubRedFinal = (UCHAR)((((float) ubRed * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float) ubRed2 * (float) fSolidMulti)));
- *ubGreenFinal = (UCHAR)((((float) ubGreen * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float) ubGreen2 * (float) fSolidMulti)));
- *ubBlueFinal = (UCHAR)(((float) ubBlue * (float) fInvSolidMulti)) + (UCHAR)(((float) ubBlue2 * (float) fSolidMulti));
+ *ubRedFinal = (UCHAR)((((float)ubRed * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float)ubRed2 * (float)fSolidMulti)));
+ *ubGreenFinal = (UCHAR)((((float)ubGreen * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (((float)ubGreen2 * (float)fSolidMulti)));
+ *ubBlueFinal = (UCHAR)(((float)ubBlue * (float)fInvSolidMulti)) + (UCHAR)(((float)ubBlue2 * (float)fSolidMulti));
*ubAlpha = 0xFF;
- * Renders the image item to the given target device context and rectangle
- *
- * @param hdc HDC: target device context
- * @param rc RECT *: client rectangle inside the target DC.
- * @param fIgnoreGlyph: bool: will ignore any glyph item. Set it to true when
- * using this function from _outside_ a skin
- */
+// Renders the image item to the given target device context and rectangle
+// @param hdc HDC: target device context
+// @param rc RECT *: client rectangle inside the target DC.
+// @param fIgnoreGlyph: bool: will ignore any glyph item. Set it to true when
+// using this function from _outside_ a skin
void __fastcall CImageItem::Render(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, bool fIgnoreGlyph) const
BYTE l = m_bLeft, r = m_bRight, t = m_bTop, b = m_bBottom;
@@ -654,7 +633,8 @@ void __fastcall CImageItem::Render(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, bool fIgnoreGl
if (m_hdc == 0) {
hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcSrc, isGlyph ? Skin->getGlyphItem()->getHbm() : m_hbm);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
if (fIgnoreGlyph)
hdcSrc = m_hdc;
@@ -680,7 +660,8 @@ void __fastcall CImageItem::Render(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, bool fIgnoreGl
rcFill.right = rc->right - r;
rcFill.bottom = rc->bottom - b;
FillRect(hdc, &rcFill, m_fillBrush);
- } else
+ }
+ else
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left + l, rc->top + t, width - l - r, height - t - b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + l, srcOrigY + t, m_inner_width, m_inner_height, m_bf);
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->right - r, rc->top + t, r, height - t - b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + (m_width - r), srcOrigY + t, r, m_inner_height, m_bf);
@@ -701,13 +682,16 @@ void __fastcall CImageItem::Render(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, bool fIgnoreGl
if (top + m_height <= rc->bottom) {
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, top, width, m_height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, m_width, m_height, m_bf);
top += m_height;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, top, width, rc->bottom - top, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, m_width, rc->bottom - top, m_bf);
- } while (true);
- break;
+ }
+ while (true);
+ break;
// tile horizontally, stretch to height
@@ -717,13 +701,16 @@ void __fastcall CImageItem::Render(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, bool fIgnoreGl
if (left + m_width <= rc->right) {
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, left, rc->top, m_width, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, m_width, m_height, m_bf);
left += m_width;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, left, rc->top, rc->right - left, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, rc->right - left, m_height, m_bf);
- } while (true);
- break;
+ }
+ while (true);
+ break;
// stretch the image in both directions...
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, rc->top, width, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, m_width, m_height, m_bf);
@@ -743,7 +730,8 @@ static CSkinItem StatusItem_Default = {
-static struct {
+static struct
TCHAR *szIniKey, *szIniName;
char *szSetting;
unsigned int size;
@@ -797,32 +785,33 @@ void CImageItem::Create(const TCHAR *szImageFile)
- * Reads the definitions for an image item from the given .tsk file
- * It does _not_ create the image itself, a call to CImageItem::Create() must be done
- * to read the image in memory and prepare
- *
- * @param szFilename char*: full path and filename to the .TSK file
- *
- * @return char*: full path and filename to the .png image which represents this image item.
- * caller MUST delete it.
- */
+// Reads the definitions for an image item from the given .tsk file
+// It does _not_ create the image itself, a call to CImageItem::Create() must be done
+// to read the image in memory and prepare
+// @param szFilename char*: full path and filename to the .TSK file
+// @return char*: full path and filename to the .png image which represents this image item.
+// caller MUST delete it.
TCHAR* CImageItem::Read(const TCHAR *szFilename)
- TCHAR buffer[501];
- TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH], szPath[MAX_PATH];
+ TCHAR buffer[501];
+ TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH], szPath[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR *szFinalName = 0;
GetPrivateProfileString(m_szName, _T("Glyph"), _T("None"), buffer, 500, szFilename);
if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None"))) {
_stscanf(buffer, _T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), &m_glyphMetrics[0], &m_glyphMetrics[1],
- &m_glyphMetrics[2], &m_glyphMetrics[3]);
+ &m_glyphMetrics[2], &m_glyphMetrics[3]);
if (m_glyphMetrics[2] > m_glyphMetrics[0] && m_glyphMetrics[3] > m_glyphMetrics[1]) {
m_dwFlags |= IMAGE_GLYPH;
m_glyphMetrics[2] = (m_glyphMetrics[2] - m_glyphMetrics[0]) + 1;
m_glyphMetrics[3] = (m_glyphMetrics[3] - m_glyphMetrics[1]) + 1;
GetPrivateProfileString(m_szName, _T("Image"), _T("None"), buffer, 500, szFilename);
if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")) || m_dwFlags & IMAGE_GLYPH) {
szFinalName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
@@ -836,7 +825,7 @@ TCHAR* CImageItem::Read(const TCHAR *szFilename)
m_alpha = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szName, _T("Alpha"), 100, szFilename);
m_alpha = min(m_alpha, 100);
- m_alpha = (BYTE)((FLOAT)(((FLOAT) m_alpha) / 100) * 255);
+ m_alpha = (BYTE)((FLOAT)(((FLOAT)m_alpha) / 100) * 255);
m_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = m_alpha;
m_bLeft = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szName, _T("Left"), 0, szFilename);
m_bRight = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szName, _T("Right"), 0, szFilename);
@@ -868,7 +857,8 @@ TCHAR* CImageItem::Read(const TCHAR *szFilename)
COLORREF fillColor = CSkin::HexStringToLong(buffer);
m_fillBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fillColor);
- } else
+ }
+ else
m_fillBrush = 0;
GetPrivateProfileString(m_szName, _T("Colorkey"), _T("None"), buffer, 500, szFilename);
if (_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None"))) {
@@ -893,12 +883,12 @@ TCHAR* CImageItem::Read(const TCHAR *szFilename)
return 0;
- * Free all resources allocated by an image item
- */
+// Free all resources allocated by an image item
void CImageItem::Free()
- if (m_hdc ) {
+ if (m_hdc) {
::SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbmOld);
@@ -911,21 +901,17 @@ void CImageItem::Free()
ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(CImageItem));
- * Set the alpha value for a 32bit RGBA bitmap to the given value
- *
- * @param hBitmap bitmap handle
- * @param bAlpha new alpha value (0 -> fully transparent, 255 -> opaque)
- * default value is 255
- */
+// Set the alpha value for a 32bit RGBA bitmap to the given value
+// @param hBitmap bitmap handle
+// @param bAlpha new alpha value (0 -> fully transparent, 255 -> opaque)
+// default value is 255
void CImageItem::SetBitmap32Alpha(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE bAlpha)
- int x, y;
- BOOL fixIt = TRUE;
GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp);
if (bmp.bmBitsPixel != 32)
@@ -937,10 +923,10 @@ void CImageItem::SetBitmap32Alpha(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE bAlpha)
GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, p);
- for (y = 0; y < bmp.bmHeight; ++y) {
+ for (int y = 0; y < bmp.bmHeight; ++y) {
BYTE *px = p + bmp.bmWidth * 4 * y;
- for (x = 0; x < bmp.bmWidth; ++x) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < bmp.bmWidth; ++x) {
px[3] = bAlpha;
px += 4;
@@ -969,8 +955,9 @@ void CImageItem::PreMultiply(HBITMAP hBitmap, int mode)
px[0] = px[0] * alpha / 255;
px[1] = px[1] * alpha / 255;
px[2] = px[2] * alpha / 255;
- } else
- px[3] = 255;
+ }
+ else px[3] = 255;
px += 4;
@@ -981,26 +968,23 @@ void CImageItem::PreMultiply(HBITMAP hBitmap, int mode)
void CImageItem::Colorize(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE dr, BYTE dg, BYTE db, BYTE alpha)
- BYTE *p = NULL;
- DWORD dwLen;
- int width, height, x, y;
- BITMAP bmp;
float r = (float)dr / 2.55;
float g = (float)dg / 2.55;
float b = (float)db / 2.55;
+ BITMAP bmp;
::GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp);
- width = bmp.bmWidth;
- height = bmp.bmHeight;
- dwLen = width * height * 4;
- p = (BYTE *)mir_alloc(dwLen);
+ int width = bmp.bmWidth;
+ int height = bmp.bmHeight;
+ int dwLen = width * height * 4;
+ BYTE *p = (BYTE *)mir_alloc(dwLen);
if (p) {
::GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, p);
- for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
BYTE *px = p + width * 4 * y;
- for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
px[0] = (int)(px[0] + b) > 255 ? 255 : px[0] + b;
px[1] = (int)(px[1] + g) > 255 ? 255 : px[1] + g;
px[2] = (int)(px[2] + r) > 255 ? 255 : px[2] + r;
@@ -1013,9 +997,8 @@ void CImageItem::Colorize(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE dr, BYTE dg, BYTE db, BYTE alpha
- * load PNG image using core service (advaimg)
- */
+// load PNG image using core service(advaimg)
HBITMAP TSAPI CImageItem::LoadPNG(const TCHAR *szFilename)
@@ -1025,12 +1008,12 @@ HBITMAP TSAPI CImageItem::LoadPNG(const TCHAR *szFilename)
- * set filename and load parameters from the database
- * called on:
- * ) init
- * ) manual loading on user's request
- */
+// set filename and load parameters from the database
+// called on:
+// ) init
+// ) manual loading on user's request
void CSkin::setFileName()
@@ -1043,9 +1026,9 @@ void CSkin::setFileName()
m_fLoadOnStartup = M.GetByte("useskin", 0) ? true : false;
- * initialize the skin object
- */
+// initialize the skin object
void CSkin::Init(bool fStartup)
@@ -1058,10 +1041,8 @@ void CSkin::Init(bool fStartup)
m_sideBarContainerBG = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE);
m_SkinItems[ID_EXTBKINFOPANELBG] = _defInfoPanel;
- /*
- * read current skin name from db
- */
+ // read current skin name from db
m_DisableScrollbars = M.GetByte("disableVScroll", 0) ? true : false;
@@ -1070,31 +1051,31 @@ void CSkin::Init(bool fStartup)
- * throws a warning to close all message windows before a skin can
- * be loaded. user can cancel it
- * @return: bool: true if windows were closed (or none was open) -> skin can be loaded
- *
- */
+// throws a warning to close all message windows before a skin can
+// be loaded. user can cancel it
+// @return: bool: true if windows were closed (or none was open) -> skin can be loaded
bool CSkin::warnToClose() const
if (::pFirstContainer == NULL)
return true;
if (MessageBox(0,
- TranslateT("All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?"),
- TranslateT("Change skin"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) != IDYES)
+ TranslateT("All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?"),
+ TranslateT("Change skin"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) != IDYES)
return false;
return true;
- * mir_free the aero tab bitmaps
- * only called on exit, NOT when a skin is unloaded as these elements
- * are always needed (even without a skin)
- */
+// mir_free the aero tab bitmaps
+// only called on exit, NOT when a skin is unloaded as these elements
+// are always needed (even without a skin)
void CSkin::UnloadAeroTabs()
if (m_tabTop) {
@@ -1123,27 +1104,23 @@ void CSkin::UnloadAeroTabs()
- * Unload the skin. Free everything allocated.
- * Called when:
- * * user unloads the skin from the dialog box
- * * a new skin is loaded by user's request.
- */
+// Unload the skin.Free everything allocated.
+// Called when:
+// * user unloads the skin from the dialog box
+// * a new skin is loaded by user's request.
void CSkin::Unload()
// do nothing when user decides to not close any window
if (warnToClose() == false)
- return;
- /*
- * delete all image items
- */
+ return;
+ // delete all image items
m_skinEnabled = m_frameSkins = false;
CImageItem *tmp = m_ImageItems, *nextItem;
- while(tmp) {
+ while (tmp) {
nextItem = tmp->getNextItem();
delete tmp;
tmp = nextItem;
@@ -1170,7 +1147,7 @@ void CSkin::Unload()
m_SkinDarkShadowPen = 0;
if (m_SkinItems) {
- for (int i=0; i < ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
m_SkinItems[i].IGNORED = 1;
m_SkinItems[i].imageItem = 0;
@@ -1203,8 +1180,8 @@ void CSkin::Unload()
m_closeIcon = m_maxIcon = m_minIcon = 0;
- for (int i=0; i < m_nrSkinIcons; i++)
- if (m_skinIcons[i].phIcon )
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_nrSkinIcons; i++)
+ if (m_skinIcons[i].phIcon)
@@ -1221,13 +1198,12 @@ void CSkin::Unload()
m_DisableScrollbars = M.GetByte("disableVScroll", 0) ? true : false;
-void CSkin::LoadIcon(const TCHAR *szSection, const TCHAR *name, HICON *hIcon)
+void CSkin::LoadIcon(const TCHAR *szSection, const TCHAR *name, HICON &hIcon)
+ if (hIcon != 0)
+ DestroyIcon(hIcon);
TCHAR buffer[512];
- if (hIcon == NULL)
- return;
- if (*hIcon != 0)
- DestroyIcon(*hIcon);
GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, name, _T("none"), buffer, 250, m_tszFileName);
buffer[500] = 0;
@@ -1236,20 +1212,21 @@ void CSkin::LoadIcon(const TCHAR *szSection, const TCHAR *name, HICON *hIcon)
_tsplitpath(m_tszFileName, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL);
mir_sntprintf(szImagePath, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s\\%s"), szDrive, szDir, buffer);
- *hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(0, szImagePath, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
+ hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(0, szImagePath, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
+ else hIcon = NULL;
- * Read a skin item (not a image item - these are handled elsewhere)
- * Reads all values from the .ini style .tsk file and fills the
- * structure.
- *
- * @param id int: zero-based index into the table of predefined skin items
- * @param szItem char *: the section name in the ini file which holds the definition for this
- * item.
- */
+// Read a skin item (not a image item - these are handled elsewhere)
+// Reads all values from the .ini style .tsk file and fills the
+// structure.
+// @param id int: zero-based index into the table of predefined skin items
+// @param szItem char *: the section name in the ini file which holds the definition for this
+// item.
void CSkin::ReadItem(const int id, const TCHAR *szItem)
TCHAR buffer[512];
@@ -1287,7 +1264,7 @@ void CSkin::ReadItem(const int id, const TCHAR *szItem)
if (this_item->CORNER)
- this_item->GRADIENT = defaults->GRADIENT & GRADIENT_ACTIVE ? defaults->GRADIENT : 0;
+ this_item->GRADIENT = defaults->GRADIENT & GRADIENT_ACTIVE ? defaults->GRADIENT : 0;
GetPrivateProfileString(szItem, _T("Gradient"), _T("None"), buffer, 400, m_tszFileName);
if (_tcsstr(buffer, _T("left")))
@@ -1311,12 +1288,12 @@ void CSkin::ReadItem(const int id, const TCHAR *szItem)
this_item->IGNORED = 0;
- * stub to read a single item. Called from CSkin::LoadItems()
- * The real work is done by the CImageItem::Read().
- *
- * @param itemname char *: image item name, also section name in the .tsk file
- */
+// stub to read a single item. Called from CSkin::LoadItems()
+// The real work is done by the CImageItem::Read().
+// @param itemname char *: image item name, also section name in the .tsk file
void CSkin::ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *itemname)
TCHAR buffer[512], szItemNr[30];
@@ -1336,23 +1313,20 @@ void CSkin::ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *itemname)
- /*
- * handle the assignments of image items to skin items
- */
- for (int n = 0;;n++) {
+ // handle the assignments of image items to skin items
+ for (int n = 0;; n++) {
mir_sntprintf(szItemNr, 30, _T("Item%d"), n);
GetPrivateProfileString(itemname, szItemNr, _T("None"), buffer, 500, m_tszFileName);
if (!_tcscmp(buffer, _T("None")))
- for (int i=0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
if (!_tcsicmp(SkinItems[i].szName[0] == '{' ? &SkinItems[i].szName[3] : SkinItems[i].szName, buffer)) {
if (!(tmpItem.getFlags() & IMAGE_GLYPH)) {
if (szImageFileName)
else {
- return; // no reference to the glpyh image and no valid image file name -> invalid item
+ return; // no reference to the glpyh image and no valid image file name -> invalid item
if (tmpItem.getHbm() || (tmpItem.getFlags() & IMAGE_GLYPH)) {
@@ -1376,12 +1350,12 @@ void CSkin::ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *itemname)
delete[] szImageFileName;
- * Load the skin from the .tsk file
- * It reads and initializes all static values for the skin. Afterwards
- * it calls ReadItems() to read additional skin information like image items,
- * buttons and icons.
- */
+// Load the skin from the .tsk file
+// It reads and initializes all static values for the skin. Afterwards
+// it calls ReadItems() to read additional skin information like image items,
+// buttons and icons.
void CSkin::Load(void)
if (warnToClose() == false)
@@ -1394,7 +1368,7 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
m_fHaveGlyph = false;
- if ( !m_tszFileName[0] || !::PathFileExists(m_tszFileName))
+ if (!m_tszFileName[0] || !::PathFileExists(m_tszFileName))
@@ -1410,7 +1384,7 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
while (_tagSettings[i].szIniKey != NULL) {
data = 0;
data = GetPrivateProfileInt(_tagSettings[i].szIniKey, _tagSettings[i].szIniName,
- _tagSettings[i].defaultval, m_tszFileName);
+ _tagSettings[i].defaultval, m_tszFileName);
switch (_tagSettings[i].size) {
case 1:
db_set_b(0, SRMSGMOD_T, _tagSettings[i].szSetting, (BYTE)data);
@@ -1442,7 +1416,7 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
- for (i=0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= ID_EXTBK_LAST; i++) {
if (!_tcsicmp(&p[1], SkinItems[i].szName[0] == '{' ? &SkinItems[i].szName[3] : SkinItems[i].szName)) {
ReadItem(i, p);
@@ -1468,9 +1442,9 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
m_bAvatarBorderType = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Avatars"), _T("BorderType"), 1, m_tszFileName);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("CloseGlyph"), &CSkin::m_closeIcon);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MaximizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_maxIcon);
- LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MinimizeGlyph"), &CSkin::m_minIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("CloseGlyph"), CSkin::m_closeIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MaximizeGlyph"), CSkin::m_maxIcon);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Global"), _T("MinimizeGlyph"), CSkin::m_minIcon);
m_frameSkins = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("framelessmode"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
m_DisableScrollbars = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("Global"), _T("NoScrollbars"), 0, m_tszFileName) ? true : false;
@@ -1548,15 +1522,15 @@ void CSkin::Load(void)
#define SECT_BUFFER_SIZE 2500
- * Load additional skin items (like image items, buttons, icons etc.)
- * This is called AFTER ReadItems() has read the basic skin items
- */
+// Load additional skin items (like image items, buttons, icons etc.)
+// This is called AFTER ReadItems() has read the basic skin items
void CSkin::LoadItems()
TCHAR *szSections = NULL;
TCHAR *p, *p1;
- TIconDesc tmpIconDesc = {0};
+ TIconDesc tmpIconDesc = { 0 };
CImageItem *pItem = m_ImageItems;
@@ -1577,7 +1551,7 @@ void CSkin::LoadItems()
if (p1)
*p1 = 0;
if (m_nrSkinIcons < NR_MAXSKINICONS && p1) {
- LoadIcon(_T("Icons"), p, (HICON *)&tmpIconDesc.uId);
+ LoadIcon(_T("Icons"), p, *(HICON*)&tmpIconDesc.uId);
if (tmpIconDesc.uId) {
ZeroMemory(&m_skinIcons[m_nrSkinIcons], sizeof(TIconDesc));
m_skinIcons[m_nrSkinIcons].uId = tmpIconDesc.uId;
@@ -1605,13 +1579,7 @@ void CSkin::LoadItems()
p = szSections;
- /*
- while (lstrlen(p) > 1) {
- if (p[0] == '!')
- ReadButtonItem(p);
- p += (lstrlen(p) + 1);
- }
- */
mir_free(szSections); = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ButtonArea"), _T("top"), 0, m_tszFileName);
g_ButtonSet.bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ButtonArea"), _T("bottom"), 0, m_tszFileName);
@@ -1619,15 +1587,15 @@ void CSkin::LoadItems()
g_ButtonSet.right = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("ButtonArea"), _T("right"), 0, m_tszFileName);
- * setup and cache the bitmap for the close button on tabs and switch bar
- * buttons.
- * re-created when:
- * ) theme changes
- * ) icons change (via ico lib service)
- *
- * @param fDeleteOnly: only delete GDI resources (this is ONLY used at plugin shutdown)
- */
+// setup and cache the bitmap for the close button on tabs and switch bar
+// buttons.
+// re-created when:
+// ) theme changes
+// ) icons change (via ico lib service)
+// @param fDeleteOnly: only delete GDI resources (this is ONLY used at plugin shutdown)
void CSkin::setupTabCloseBitmap(bool fDeleteOnly)
if (m_tabCloseHDC || fDeleteOnly) {
@@ -1641,7 +1609,7 @@ void CSkin::setupTabCloseBitmap(bool fDeleteOnly)
bool fFree = false;
- RECT rc = {0, 0, 20, 20};
+ RECT rc = { 0, 0, 20, 20 };
HDC dc = ::GetDC(PluginConfig.g_hwndHotkeyHandler);
m_tabCloseHDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
@@ -1679,23 +1647,24 @@ void CSkin::setupTabCloseBitmap(bool fDeleteOnly)
::ReleaseDC(PluginConfig.g_hwndHotkeyHandler, dc);
- * load and setup some images which are used to draw tabs in aero mode
- * there is one image for tabs (it is flipped vertically for bottom tabs)
- * and one image for the glowing effect on tabs (also flipped for bottom
- * tabs).
- *
- * support for custom images added
- * user can place images with a custom_ prefix into the images folder and
- * they will be loaded instead the default ones.
- *
- * the 3rd image acts as background for switch bar buttons
- *
- * this is executed when:
- * ) dwm mode changes
- * ) aero effect is changed by the user
- * ) glow colorization is changed by user's request
- */
+// load and setup some images which are used to draw tabs in aero mode
+// there is one image for tabs (it is flipped vertically for bottom tabs)
+// and one image for the glowing effect on tabs (also flipped for bottom
+// tabs).
+// support for custom images added
+// user can place images with a custom_ prefix into the images folder and
+// they will be loaded instead the default ones.
+// the 3rd image acts as background for switch bar buttons
+// this is executed when:
+// ) dwm mode changes
+// ) aero effect is changed by the user
+// ) glow colorization is changed by user's request
void CSkin::setupAeroSkins()
@@ -1747,19 +1716,21 @@ void CSkin::setupAeroSkins()
if (!isOpaque && alphafactor > 150 && !(fr == fg && fg == fb)) {
- float fmax = max(max(fr,fg), fb);
+ float fmax = max(max(fr, fg), fb);
if (fmax == fr) {
fr *= (alphafactor / 100 * 2.2);
fr = min(fr, 255);
fb = min(fb * alphafactor / 100, 255);
fg = min(fg * alphafactor / 100, 255);
- } else if (fmax == fg) {
+ }
+ else if (fmax == fg) {
fg *= (alphafactor / 100 * 2.2);
fg = min(fg, 255);
fr = min(fr * alphafactor / 100, 255);
fb = min(fb * alphafactor / 100, 255);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
fb *= (alphafactor / 100 * 2.2);
fb = min(fb, 255);
fr = min(fr * alphafactor / 100, 255);
@@ -1774,38 +1745,34 @@ void CSkin::setupAeroSkins()
HBITMAP hbm = FIF->FI_CreateHBITMAPFromDIB(fib);
CImageItem::Colorize(hbm, GetRValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
+ GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
+ GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
CImageItem::PreMultiply(hbm, 1);
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
m_tabTop = new CImageItem(4, 4, 4, 4, 0, hbm, IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED | IMAGE_PERPIXEL_ALPHA,
- 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
+ 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
m_tabTop->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, 255);
m_tabTop->setMetrics(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
- /*
- * created inverted bitmap for bottom tabs
- */
+ // created inverted bitmap for bottom tabs
hbm = FIF->FI_CreateHBITMAPFromDIB(fib);
CImageItem::Colorize(hbm, GetRValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
+ GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
+ GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
CImageItem::PreMultiply(hbm, 1);
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
m_tabBottom = new CImageItem(4, 4, 4, 4, 0, hbm, IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED | IMAGE_PERPIXEL_ALPHA,
- 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
+ 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
m_tabBottom->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, 255);
m_tabBottom->setMetrics(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
@@ -1824,7 +1791,7 @@ void CSkin::setupAeroSkins()
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
m_tabGlowTop = new CImageItem(4, 4, 4, 4, 0, hbm, IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED | IMAGE_PERPIXEL_ALPHA,
- 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
+ 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
m_tabGlowTop->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, 255);
m_tabGlowTop->setMetrics(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
@@ -1838,39 +1805,37 @@ void CSkin::setupAeroSkins()
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
m_tabGlowBottom = new CImageItem(4, 4, 4, 4, 0, hbm, IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED | IMAGE_PERPIXEL_ALPHA,
- 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
+ 0, 255, 30, 80, 50, 100);
m_tabGlowBottom->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, 255);
m_tabGlowBottom->setMetrics(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
- /*
- * background item for the button switch bar
- */
+ // background item for the button switch bar
mir_sntprintf(tszFilename, MAX_PATH, _T("%scustom_tabskin_aero_button.png"), tszBasePath);
if (!PathFileExists(tszFilename))
mir_sntprintf(tszFilename, MAX_PATH, _T("%stabskin_aero_button.png"), tszBasePath);
- hbm = (HBITMAP)CallService(MS_IMG_LOAD, (WPARAM)tszFilename, IMGL_TCHAR);
+ hbm = (HBITMAP)CallService(MS_IMG_LOAD, (WPARAM)tszFilename, IMGL_TCHAR);
CImageItem::Colorize(hbm, GetRValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
- GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
+ GetGValue(m_dwmColorRGB),
+ GetBValue(m_dwmColorRGB));
CImageItem::PreMultiply(hbm, 1);
GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
m_switchBarItem = new CImageItem(4, 4, 4, 4, 0, hbm, IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED | IMAGE_PERPIXEL_ALPHA,
- 0, 255, 2, 12, 10, 20);
+ 0, 255, 2, 12, 10, 20);
m_switchBarItem->setAlphaFormat(AC_SRC_ALPHA, 255);
m_switchBarItem->setMetrics(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
- * Calculate window frame borders for a skin with the ability to paint the window frame.
- * Uses system metrics to determine predefined window borders and caption bar size.
- */
+// Calculate window frame borders for a skin with the ability to paint the window frame.
+// Uses system metrics to determine predefined window borders and caption bar size.
void CSkin::SkinCalcFrameWidth()
int xBorder, yBorder, yCaption;
@@ -1885,16 +1850,15 @@ void CSkin::SkinCalcFrameWidth()
m_realSkinnedFrame_caption = m_SkinnedFrame_caption - yCaption;
+// Draws part of the background to the foreground control
+// @param hwndClient HWND: target window
+// @param hwnd HWND: source window (usually the parent, needed for transforming client coordinates
+// @param pContainer ContainerWindowData *: needed to access the cached DC of the container window
+// @param rcClient RECT *: client rectangle (target area)
+// @param hdcTarget HDC: device context of the target window
- * Draws part of the background to the foreground control
- *
- * @param hwndClient HWND: target window
- * @param hwnd HWND: source window (usually the parent, needed for transforming client coordinates
- * @param pContainer ContainerWindowData *: needed to access the cached DC of the container window
- * @param rcClient RECT *: client rectangle (target area)
- * @param hdcTarget HDC: device context of the target window
- */
void CSkin::SkinDrawBG(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwnd, TContainerData *pContainer, RECT *rcClient, HDC hdcTarget)
RECT rcWindow;
@@ -1917,17 +1881,17 @@ void CSkin::SkinDrawBG(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwnd, TContainerData *pContainer, R
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc);
- * Draws part of the background to the foreground control
- * same as above, but can use any source DC, not just the
- * container
- *
- * @param hwndClient HWND: target window
- * @param hwnd HWND: source window (usually the parent, needed for transforming client coordinates
- * @param pContainer ContainerWindowData *: needed to access the cached DC of the container window
- * @param rcClient RECT *: client rectangle (target area)
- * @param hdcTarget HDC: device context of the target window
- */
+// Draws part of the background to the foreground control
+// same as above, but can use any source DC, not just the
+// container
+// @param hwndClient HWND: target window
+// @param hwnd HWND: source window (usually the parent, needed for transforming client coordinates
+// @param pContainer ContainerWindowData *: needed to access the cached DC of the container window
+// @param rcClient RECT *: client rectangle (target area)
+// @param hdcTarget HDC: device context of the target window
void CSkin::SkinDrawBGFromDC(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwnd, RECT *rcClient, HDC hdcTarget)
@@ -1945,9 +1909,8 @@ void CSkin::SkinDrawBGFromDC(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwnd, RECT *rcClient, HDC hdc
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdcSrc);
- * draw an icon "Dimmed" (small amount of transparency applied)
+// draw an icon "Dimmed" (small amount of transparency applied)
void CSkin::DrawDimmedIcon(HDC hdc, LONG left, LONG top, LONG dx, LONG dy, HICON hIcon, BYTE alpha)
@@ -2004,17 +1967,16 @@ UINT CSkin::NcCalcRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID
return orig;
if ((mwdat->sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE || mwdat->sendMode & SMODE_CONTAINER ||
- mwdat->fEditNotesActive || mwdat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER) && skinID == ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA) {
+ mwdat->fEditNotesActive || mwdat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER) && skinID == ID_EXTBKINPUTAREA) {
InflateRect(&nccp->rgrc[0], -1, -1);
return WVR_REDRAW;
return orig;
- * process WM_NCPAINT for the rich edit control. Draw a visual style border and avoid classic static edge / client edge
- * may also draw a colorized border around the control
- */
+// process WM_NCPAINT for the rich edit control. Draws a visual style border and avoid
+// classic static edge / client edge may also draw a colorized border around the control
UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, WNDPROC OldWndProc)
@@ -2065,7 +2027,8 @@ UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID,
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(isMultipleReason ? RGB(255, 130, 130) : (isEditNotesReason ? RGB(80, 255, 80) : RGB(80, 80, 255)));
FillRect(hdc, &rcWindow, br);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
if (PluginConfig.m_cRichBorders) {
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(PluginConfig.m_cRichBorders);
FillRect(hdc, &rcWindow, br);
@@ -2078,15 +2041,15 @@ UINT CSkin::DrawRichEditFrame(HWND hwnd, const TWindowData *mwdat, UINT skinID,
return result;
- * convert a html-style color string (without the #) to a 32bit COLORREF value
- *
- * @param szSource TCHAR*: the color value as string. format:
- * html-style without the leading #. e.g.
- * "f3e355"
- *
- * @return COLORREF representation of the string value.
- */
+// convert a html-style color string (without the #) to a 32bit COLORREF value
+// @param szSource TCHAR*: the color value as string. format:
+// html-style without the leading #. e.g.
+// "f3e355"
+// @return COLORREF representation of the string value.
DWORD __fastcall CSkin::HexStringToLong(const TCHAR *szSource)
TCHAR *stopped;
@@ -2096,48 +2059,44 @@ DWORD __fastcall CSkin::HexStringToLong(const TCHAR *szSource)
return(RGB(GetBValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetRValue(clr)));
- * Render text to the given HDC. This function is aero aware and will use uxtheme DrawThemeTextEx() when needed.
- * Paramaters are pretty much comparable to GDI DrawText() API
- *
- * @return
- */
+// Render text to the given HDC. This function is aero aware and will use uxtheme DrawThemeTextEx() when needed.
+// Paramaters are pretty much comparable to GDI DrawText() API
int CSkin::RenderText(HDC hdc, HANDLE hTheme, const TCHAR *szText, RECT *rc, DWORD dtFlags, const int iGlowSize, COLORREF clr, bool fForceAero)
if ((PluginConfig.m_bIsVista && !CSkin::m_skinEnabled && hTheme) || fForceAero) {
- DTTOPTS dto = {0};
+ DTTOPTS dto = { 0 };
dto.dwSize = sizeof(dto);
if (iGlowSize && (M.isAero() || fForceAero)) {
dto.iGlowSize = iGlowSize;
else {
dto.crText = clr;
dto.iBorderSize = 10;
return(CMimAPI::m_pfnDrawThemeTextEx(hTheme, hdc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, PBS_NORMAL, szText, -1, dtFlags, rc, &dto));
- else {
- ::SetTextColor(hdc, clr);
- return(::DrawText(hdc, szText, -1, rc, dtFlags));
- }
+ ::SetTextColor(hdc, clr);
+ return(::DrawText(hdc, szText, -1, rc, dtFlags));
- * Resize a bitmap using image service. The function does not care about the image aspect ratio.
- * The caller is responsible to submit proper values for the desired height and width.
- *
- * @param hBmpSrc HBITMAP: the source bitmap
- * @param width LONG: width of the destination bitmap
- * @param height LONG: height of the new bitmap
- * @param mustFree bool: indicates that the new bitmap had been
- *resized and either the source or destination
- *bitmap should be freed.
- *
- * @return HBTIAMP: handle to a bitmap with the desired size.
- */
+// Resize a bitmap using image service. The function does not care about the image aspect ratio.
+// The caller is responsible to submit proper values for the desired height and width.
+// @param hBmpSrc HBITMAP: the source bitmap
+// @param width LONG: width of the destination bitmap
+// @param height LONG: height of the new bitmap
+// @param mustFree bool: indicates that the new bitmap had been
+//resized and either the source or destination
+//bitmap should be freed.
+// @return HBTIAMP: handle to a bitmap with the desired size.
HBITMAP CSkin::ResizeBitmap(HBITMAP hBmpSrc, LONG width, LONG height, bool &mustFree)
@@ -2162,62 +2121,62 @@ HBITMAP CSkin::ResizeBitmap(HBITMAP hBmpSrc, LONG width, LONG height, bool &must
- * Draw the given skin item to the target rectangle and dc
- *
- * @param hdc HDC: device context
- * @param rc RECT: target rectangle
- * @param item CSkinItem*: fully initialiized skin item
- *
- * @return bool: true if the item has been painted, false if not
- * (only reason: the ignore flag in the item is set).
- */
+// Draw the given skin item to the target rectangle and dc
+// @param hdc HDC: device context
+// @param rc RECT: target rectangle
+// @param item CSkinItem*: fully initialiized skin item
+// @return bool: true if the item has been painted, false if not
+// (only reason: the ignore flag in the item is set).
bool __fastcall CSkin::DrawItem(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, const CSkinItem *item)
if (!item->IGNORED) {
::DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), item->COLOR, item->ALPHA, item->COLOR2, item->COLOR2_TRANSPARENT,
- item->GRADIENT, item->CORNER, item->BORDERSTYLE, item->imageItem);
+ item->GRADIENT, item->CORNER, item->BORDERSTYLE, item->imageItem);
return true;
return false;
- * Create a 32bit RGBA bitmap, compatible for rendering with alpha channel.
- * Required by anything which would render on a transparent aero surface.
- * the image is a "bottom up" bitmap, as it has a negative
- * height. This is a requirement for some UxTheme APIs (e.g.
- * DrawThemeTextEx).
- *
- * @param rc RECT &: the rectangle describing the target area.
- * @param dc The device context for which the bitmap should be created.
- *
- * @return HBITMAP: handle to the bitmap created.
- */
+// Create a 32bit RGBA bitmap, compatible for rendering with alpha channel.
+// Required by anything which would render on a transparent aero surface.
+// the image is a "bottom up" bitmap, as it has a negative
+// height. This is a requirement for some UxTheme APIs (e.g.
+// DrawThemeTextEx).
+// @param rc RECT &: the rectangle describing the target area.
+// @param dc The device context for which the bitmap should be created.
+// @return HBITMAP: handle to the bitmap created.
HBITMAP CSkin::CreateAeroCompatibleBitmap(const RECT &rc, HDC dc)
- BITMAPINFO dib = {0};
+ BITMAPINFO dib = { 0 };
dib.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = rc.right - rc.left;
- dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(rc.bottom -;
- dib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- dib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- dib.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = rc.right - rc.left;
+ dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(rc.bottom -;
+ dib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ dib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ dib.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- return(CreateDIBSection(dc, &dib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0 ));
+ return(CreateDIBSection(dc, &dib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0));
- * Map a given rectangle within the window, specified by hwndClient
- * to the client area of another window.
- *
- * @param hwndClient HWND: Client window
- * @param hwndParent HWND: The window to which the coordinates should be mapped
- * @param rc RECT &: Rectangular area within the client area of hwndClient.
- *
- *It will receive the transformed coordinates, relative to the client area of hwndParent
- */
+// Map a given rectangle within the window, specified by hwndClient
+// to the client area of another window.
+// @param hwndClient HWND: Client window
+// @param hwndParent HWND: The window to which the coordinates should be mapped
+// @param rc RECT &: Rectangular area within the client area of hwndClient.
+//It will receive the transformed coordinates, relative to the client area of hwndParent
void CSkin::MapClientToParent(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwndParent, RECT &rc)
@@ -2235,14 +2194,14 @@ void CSkin::MapClientToParent(HWND hwndClient, HWND hwndParent, RECT &rc)
rc.bottom = + cy;
- * Draw the background for the message window tool bar
- *
- * @param dat _MessageWindowData *: structure describing the message session
- *
- * @param hdc HDC: handle to the device context in which painting should occur.
- * @param rcWindow RECT &: The window rectangle of the message dialog window
- */
+// Draw the background for the message window tool bar
+// @param dat _MessageWindowData *: structure describing the message session
+// @param hdc HDC: handle to the device context in which painting should occur.
+// @param rcWindow RECT &: The window rectangle of the message dialog window
void CSkin::RenderToolbarBG(const TWindowData *dat, HDC hdc, const RECT &rcWindow)
if (dat) {
@@ -2294,7 +2253,7 @@ void CSkin::RenderToolbarBG(const TWindowData *dat, HDC hdc, const RECT &rcWindo
LONG cx = rcToolbar.right - rcToolbar.left;
LONG cy = rcToolbar.bottom -;
- RECT rcCachedToolbar = {0};
+ RECT rcCachedToolbar = { 0 };
rcCachedToolbar.right = cx;
rcCachedToolbar.bottom = cy;
@@ -2319,60 +2278,57 @@ void CSkin::RenderToolbarBG(const TWindowData *dat, HDC hdc, const RECT &rcWindo
else {
dat->pContainer->bTBRenderingMode = (M.isVSThemed() ? 1 : 0);
m_tmp_tb_high = PluginConfig.m_tbBackgroundHigh ? PluginConfig.m_tbBackgroundHigh :
- ((bAero && m_pCurrentAeroEffect) ? m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_clrToolbar : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
+ ((bAero && m_pCurrentAeroEffect) ? m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_clrToolbar : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
m_tmp_tb_low = PluginConfig.m_tbBackgroundLow ? PluginConfig.m_tbBackgroundLow :
- ((bAero && m_pCurrentAeroEffect) ? m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_clrToolbar2 : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
+ ((bAero && m_pCurrentAeroEffect) ? m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_clrToolbar2 : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
bAlphaOffset = PluginConfig.m_tbBackgroundHigh ? 40 : 0;
::DrawAlpha(dat->pContainer->cachedToolbarDC, &rcCachedToolbar, m_tmp_tb_high, 55 + bAlphaOffset, m_tmp_tb_low, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0);
::BitBlt(hdc, rcToolbar.left,, cx, cy,
- dat->pContainer->cachedToolbarDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+ dat->pContainer->cachedToolbarDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- * Initiate a buffered paint operation
- *
- * @param hdcSrc The source device context (usually obtained by BeginPaint())
- * @param rc RECT&: the target rectangle that receives the painting
- * @param hdcOut HDC& (out) receives the buffered device context handle
- *
- * @return
- */
+// Initiate a buffered paint operation
+// @param hdcSrc The source device context (usually obtained by BeginPaint())
+// @param rc RECT&: the target rectangle that receives the painting
+// @param hdcOut HDC& (out) receives the buffered device context handle
HANDLE CSkin::InitiateBufferedPaint(const HDC hdcSrc, RECT& rc, HDC& hdcOut)
- HANDLE hbp = CMimAPI::m_pfnBeginBufferedPaint(hdcSrc, &rc, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, NULL, &hdcOut);
- return(hbp);
+ return CMimAPI::m_pfnBeginBufferedPaint(hdcSrc, &rc, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, NULL, &hdcOut);
- * finalize buffered paint cycle and apply (if applicable) the global alpha value
- *
- * @param hbp HANDLE: handle of the buffered paint context
- * @param rc RECT*: target rectangly where alpha value should be applied
- */
+// finalize buffered paint cycle and apply (if applicable) the global alpha value
+// @param hbp HANDLE: handle of the buffered paint context
+// @param rc RECT*: target rectangly where alpha value should be applied
void CSkin::FinalizeBufferedPaint(HANDLE hbp, RECT *rc)
if (m_pCurrentAeroEffect && m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_finalAlpha > 0)
CMimAPI::m_pfnBufferedPaintSetAlpha(hbp, rc, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_finalAlpha);
CMimAPI::m_pfnEndBufferedPaint(hbp, TRUE);
- * Apply an effect to a aero glass area
- *
- * @param hdc HDC: device context
- * @param rc RECT*: target rectangle
- * @param iEffectArea
- * int: area identifier (specifies which area we are drawing, so that allows to
- * have different effects on different areas).
- * Area can be the status bar, info panel, menu
- * bar etc.
- * @param hbp HANDLE: handle to a buffered paint identifier.
- * default is none, needed forsome special
- * effects. default paramenter is 0
- */
+// Apply an effect to a aero glass area
+// @param hdc HDC: device context
+// @param rc RECT*: target rectangle
+// @param iEffectArea
+// int: area identifier (specifies which area we are drawing, so that allows to
+// have different effects on different areas).
+// Area can be the status bar, info panel, menu
+// bar etc.
+// @param hbp HANDLE: handle to a buffered paint identifier.
+// default is none, needed forsome special
+// effects. default paramenter is 0
void CSkin::ApplyAeroEffect(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectArea, HANDLE hbp)
@@ -2383,9 +2339,8 @@ void CSkin::ApplyAeroEffect(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectArea, HAND
m_pCurrentAeroEffect->pfnEffectRenderer(hdc, rc, iEffectArea);
-/** aero effect callbacks
- *
- */
+// aero effect callbacks
void CSkin::AeroEffectCallback_Milk(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectArea)
@@ -2397,7 +2352,7 @@ void CSkin::AeroEffectCallback_Milk(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectAr
DWORD corner = (iEffectArea == AERO_EFFECT_AREA_INFOPANEL) ? m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius : 6;
DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseColor, alpha, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor,
- color2_trans, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, corner, 0);
+ color2_trans, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, corner, 0);
@@ -2405,8 +2360,8 @@ void CSkin::AeroEffectCallback_Carbon(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffect
if (iEffectArea < 0x1000)
DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseColor, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseAlpha,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType,
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
void CSkin::AeroEffectCallback_Solid(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectArea)
@@ -2414,18 +2369,18 @@ void CSkin::AeroEffectCallback_Solid(const HDC hdc, const RECT *rc, int iEffectA
if (iEffectArea < 0x1000) {
::DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseColor, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseAlpha,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, GRADIENT_TB + 1,
- 0, 2, 0);
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, GRADIENT_TB + 1,
+ 0, 2, 0);
::DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseColor, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseAlpha,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 0, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientType,
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
else {
::DrawAlpha(hdc, const_cast<RECT *>(rc), m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_baseColor, 70,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 1, bGradient,
- m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_gradientColor, 1, bGradient,
+ m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerType, m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_cornerRadius, 0);
@@ -2456,7 +2411,8 @@ void CSkin::initAeroEffect()
m_BrushBack = ::CreateSolidBrush(m_pCurrentAeroEffect->m_clrBack);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
m_pCurrentAeroEffect = 0;
m_glowSize = 10;
m_BrushBack = ::CreateSolidBrush(0);
@@ -2484,11 +2440,11 @@ void CSkin::setAeroEffect(LRESULT effect)
db_set_dw(0, SRMSGMOD_T, "aerostyle", m_aeroEffect);
- * extract the aero skin images from the DLL and store them in
- * the private data folder.
- * runs at every startup
- */
+// extract the aero skin images from the DLL and store them in
+// the private data folder.
+// runs at every startup
void CSkin::extractSkinsAndLogo(bool fForceOverwrite) const
TCHAR tszBasePath[MAX_PATH];
@@ -2500,15 +2456,14 @@ void CSkin::extractSkinsAndLogo(bool fForceOverwrite) const
m_fAeroSkinsValid = true;
- for (int i=0; i < SIZEOF(my_default_skin); i++)
- if ( !Utils::extractResource(g_hInst, my_default_skin[i].ulID, _T("SKIN_GLYPH"), tszBasePath, my_default_skin[i].tszName, fForceOverwrite))
+ for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(my_default_skin); i++)
+ if (!Utils::extractResource(g_hInst, my_default_skin[i].ulID, _T("SKIN_GLYPH"), tszBasePath, my_default_skin[i].tszName, fForceOverwrite))
m_fAeroSkinsValid = false;
- * redraw the splitter area between the message input and message log
- * area only
- */
+// redraw the splitter area between the message input and message log area only
void CSkin::UpdateToolbarBG(TWindowData *dat, DWORD dwRdwOptFlags)
RECT rcUpdate, rcTmp;
@@ -2530,19 +2485,19 @@ void CSkin::UpdateToolbarBG(TWindowData *dat, DWORD dwRdwOptFlags)
if (M.isAero() || M.isDwmActive())
dat->fLimitedUpdate = true; // skip unrelevant window updates when we have buffered paint avail
- ::RedrawWindow(dat->hwnd, &rcUpdate, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_ERASE|RDW_UPDATENOW);
+ ::RedrawWindow(dat->hwnd, &rcUpdate, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_UPDATENOW);
dat->fLimitedUpdate = false;
- * fill a background area with the default color. This can be either the configured
- * fill color or default system color.
- *
- * @param hdc: device context
- * @param rc: area to fill.
- */
+// fill a background area with the default color. This can be either the configured
+// fill color or default system color.
+// @param hdc: device context
+// @param rc: area to fill.
void CSkin::FillBack(const HDC hdc, RECT* rc)
if (0 == CSkin::m_BrushFill) {
diff --git a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.h b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.h
index 4d0e81e363..47ea5dcfcc 100644
--- a/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.h
+++ b/plugins/TabSRMM/src/themes.h
@@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ public:
- void Init(bool fStartup = false);
- void Load(void);
- void Unload();
- void UnloadAeroTabs();
- void setFileName();
- void ReadItem(const int id, const TCHAR *section);
- void LoadItems();
- void LoadIcon(const TCHAR *szSection, const TCHAR *name, HICON *hIcon);
- void ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *szItemName);
- void ReadButtonItem(const TCHAR *itemName) const;
- bool haveGlyphItem() const { return(m_fHaveGlyph); }
- int getNrIcons() const { return(m_nrSkinIcons); }
- const DWORD getDwmColor() const { return(m_dwmColor); }
+ void Init(bool fStartup = false);
+ void Load(void);
+ void Unload();
+ void UnloadAeroTabs();
+ void setFileName();
+ void ReadItem(const int id, const TCHAR *section);
+ void LoadItems();
+ void LoadIcon(const TCHAR *szSection, const TCHAR *name, HICON &hIcon);
+ void ReadImageItem(const TCHAR *szItemName);
+ void ReadButtonItem(const TCHAR *itemName) const;
+ bool haveGlyphItem() const { return(m_fHaveGlyph); }
+ int getNrIcons() const { return(m_nrSkinIcons); }
+ DWORD getDwmColor() const { return(m_dwmColor); }
const TIconDescW* getIconDesc(const int id) const { return(&m_skinIcons[id]); }