diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Utils.pas/kolsizer.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Utils.pas/kolsizer.pas | 538 |
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Utils.pas/kolsizer.pas b/plugins/Utils.pas/kolsizer.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28361a4585 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Utils.pas/kolsizer.pas @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +unit KOLSizer;
+// purpose: KOL control sizercontrol and design grid
+// author: © 2004, Thaddy de Koning
+// Remarks: Tnx in part to Marco Cantu for the sizer idea in DDH3
+// copyrighted freeware.
+ Windows, Messages, Kol;
+ PDesigner=^TDesigner;
+ TDesigner=object(TStrlistEx)
+ private
+ fOwner:pControl;
+ fSpacing:Cardinal;
+ FOldPaint:TOnPaint;
+ fActive: boolean;
+ fSizer:PControl;
+ FOnControlChange: TonEvent;
+// FOnDblClick:TOnEvent;
+// FOnMouseDown:TOnMouse;
+ fCurrent: pControl;
+// FAction:integer;
+ procedure setactive(const Value: boolean);
+ function PrepareClassname(aControl: PControl): KOLString;
+ function UniqueName(aName: KOLString; flags:cardinal): KOLString;
+ procedure SetCurrent(const Value: pControl);
+ procedure InternalControlChange(sender:pObj);
+ procedure Setspacing(Space:cardinal = 8);
+ function GetFlags(aControl:pControl):cardinal;
+ protected
+ procedure init;virtual;
+ procedure DoKeyUp( Sender: PControl; var Key: Longint; Shift: DWORD);
+ procedure DoChar( Sender: PControl; var Key: KOLChar; Shift: DWORD);
+ public
+ destructor destroy;virtual;
+ procedure Connect(aName: KOLString; aControl: pControl; flags:cardinal=0);
+ procedure DisConnect(aControl: pControl);
+ procedure Paintgrid(sender:pControl;DC:HDC);
+ property Spacing:cardinal read fSpacing write setspacing;
+ property Active:boolean read fActive write setactive;
+// property Action:integer read FAction write Faction;
+ property Current:pControl read fCurrent write SetCurrent;
+ property OnControlChange:TOnEvent Read FOnControlChange write FOnControlChange;
+// property OnDblClick:TonEvent read fOnDblClick write FOnDblClick;
+// property OnMouseDown:TOnMouse read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown;
+ end;
+function NewSizerControl(AControl: PControl;aDesigner:PDesigner;flags:cardinal=0):PControl;
+function NewDesigner(aOwner:pControl):pDesigner;
+ FlagDelimeterChar='@';
+ // Size and move commands for SysCommand
+ SZ_LEFT = $F001;
+ SZ_RIGHT = $F002;
+ SZ_TOP = $F003;
+ SZ_TOPLEFT = $F004;
+ SZ_TOPRIGHT = $F005;
+ SZ_BOTTOM = $F006;
+ SZ_MOVE = $F012;
+ TPosInfo = record
+ Rect :Trect;
+ Pos :integer;
+ Direction:integer;
+ end;
+ PSizerdata=^ TSizerdata;
+ TSizerdata= object(Tobj)
+ FControl :PControl;
+ FPosInfo :array [0..7] of TPosInfo;
+ Szflags :cardinal;
+ Direction:longint;
+ procedure DoPaint(sender:pControl;DC:HDC);
+ end;
+ PHack =^ THack;
+ THack = object(Tcontrol)
+ end;
+ LocalDesigner:PDesigner=nil;
+function DesignHandlerProc(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean;
+//var MouseData:TMouseEventData;
+ Result:=false;
+ case msg.message of
+ WM_CHAR: begin
+// if loword(msg.wParam)=VK_TAB then
+ Messagebox(0,'222','',0);
+ end;
+ if LocalDesigner.fOwner<>Sender then LocalDesigner.Current:=Sender;
+ Result:=true;
+ {
+ if assigned(Localdesigner.OnMousedown) then
+ // Borrowed from KOL.pas
+ // enables us to pass on KOL mouse events back to the designer
+ // without having to connect to true KOL eventproperties.
+ with MouseData do
+ begin
+ Shift := Msg.wParam;
+ if GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 then
+ Shift := Shift or MK_ALT;
+ X := LoWord(Msg.lParam);
+ Y := HiWord(Msg.lParam);
+ Button := mbNone;
+ StopHandling := true;
+ Rslt := 0; // needed ?
+ LocalDesigner.OnMousedown(sender,Mousedata);
+ Result:=true
+ end;
+ }
+ end
+ end;
+// TSizerControl methods
+function WndProcSizer( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean;
+ Pt: TPoint;
+ i: Integer;
+ R:Trect;
+ Data:PSizerData;
+ Data:=PSizerData(Sender.CustomObj);
+ Result:=True;
+ with Sender^, Data^ do
+ begin
+ case msg.message of
+ WM_CHAR: begin
+// if loword(msg.wParam)=VK_TAB then
+ Messagebox(0,'111','',0);
+ end;
+ Pt := MakePoint(loword(Msg.lparam), hiword(Msg.lparam));
+ Pt := Screen2Client (Pt);
+ Rslt:=0;
+ for i := 0 to 7 do
+ if PtInRect (FPosInfo [i].rect, Pt) then
+ begin
+ // The value of rslt is passed on and makes
+ // the system select the correct cursor
+ // without us having to do anything more.
+ Rslt :=FPosInfo[i].pos;
+ Direction:=FPosInfo[i].direction;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if Rslt = 0 then
+ Result:=False;
+ end;
+ WM_SIZE: begin
+ R := BoundsRect;
+ InflateRect (R, -2, -2);
+ Fcontrol.BoundsRect := R;
+ FPosInfo[0].rect:=MakeRect (0 ,0 ,5 ,5);
+ FPosInfo[1].rect:=MakeRect (Width div 2-3,0 ,Width div 2+2,5);
+ FPosInfo[2].rect:=MakeRect (Width-5 ,0 ,Width ,5);
+ FPosInfo[3].rect:=MakeRect (Width-5 ,Height div 2-3,Width ,Height div 2+2);
+ FPosInfo[4].rect:=MakeRect (Width-5 ,Height-5 ,Width ,Height);
+ FPosInfo[5].rect:=MakeRect (Width div 2-3,Height-5 ,Width div 2+2,Height);
+ FPosInfo[6].rect:=MakeRect (0 ,Height-5 ,5 ,Height);
+ FPosInfo[7].rect:=MakeRect (0 ,Height div 2-3,5 ,Height div 2+2);
+ end;
+ Perform (WM_SYSCOMMAND, Direction, 0);
+ WM_MOVE: begin
+ R := BoundsRect;
+ InflateRect (R, -2, -2);
+ fControl.Invalidate;
+ fControl.BoundsRect := R;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+function NewSizerControl(AControl: PControl;aDesigner:PDesigner;flags:cardinal):PControl;
+ R: TRect;
+ Data:PSizerData;
+ New(Data,Create);
+ Result:={NewPanel(aControl,esNone);//}NewPaintBox(aControl);
+ Result.ExStyle:=Result.ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;
+// Result.TabStop:=true;
+// Result.OnChar:=aDesigner.DoChar;
+// Result.OnKeyDown:=aDesigner.DoKeyUp;
+// Result.OnKeyUp:=aDesigner.DoKeyUp;
+ if aDesigner.fowner<>aControl then
+ With result^, Data^ do
+ begin
+ Szflags := flags;
+ FControl := AControl;
+ // set the size and position
+ R := aControl.BoundsRect;
+ InflateRect (R, 2, 2);
+ BoundsRect := R;
+ // set the parent
+ Parent := aControl.Parent;
+ // create the list of positions
+ FPosInfo [0].pos := htTopLeft ; FPosInfo [0].direction := SZ_TOPLEFT;
+ FPosInfo [1].pos := htTop ; FPosInfo [1].direction := SZ_TOP;
+ FPosInfo [2].pos := htTopRight ; FPosInfo [2].direction := SZ_TOPRIGHT;
+ FPosInfo [3].pos := htRight ; FPosInfo [3].direction := SZ_RIGHT;
+ FPosInfo [4].pos := htBottomRight; FPosInfo [4].direction := SZ_BOTTOMRIGHT;
+ FPosInfo [5].pos := htBottom ; FPosInfo [5].direction := SZ_BOTTOM;
+ FPosInfo [6].pos := htBottomLeft ; FPosInfo [6].direction := SZ_BOTTOMLEFT;
+ FPosInfo [7].pos := htLeft ; FPosInfo [7].direction := SZ_LEFT;
+ CustomObj:=Data;
+ OnPaint:=DoPaint;
+ AttachProc(WndProcSizer);
+ Bringtofront;
+ Focused:=true
+ end;
+procedure TSizerData.DoPaint(sender:pControl;DC:HDC);
+ i: Integer;
+ // I simply use the current pen and brush
+ for i := 0 to 7 do
+ with pSizerdata(sender.Customobj).FPosInfo[i].Rect do
+ Rectangle(DC, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
+{ TDesigner }
+function NewDesigner(aOwner:pControl):pDesigner;
+ if Assigned(LocalDesigner) then
+ begin
+ result:=LocalDesigner;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ New(Result,Create);
+ with result^ do
+ begin
+ Fowner:=aOwner;
+ Connect('',Fowner);
+ FOldPaint:=Fowner.OnPaint;
+ LocalDesigner:=Result;
+ //Result.Current:=aOwner;
+ end
+ end
+procedure TDesigner.init;
+ inherited;
+ Fspacing:=8;
+procedure TDesigner.PaintGrid(Sender: pControl; DC: HDC);
+ i, j: Integer;
+ i := 0;
+ j := 0;
+ Sender.Canvas.FillRect(Sender.Canvas.ClipRect);
+ if Assigned(FOldPaint) then FOldPaint(Sender,DC);
+ repeat
+ repeat
+ MoveToEx(Dc,i, j,nil);
+ LineTo(Dc,i + 1,j);
+ inc(i, fSpacing);
+ until i > Sender.ClientWidth;
+ i := 0;
+ inc(j, fSpacing);
+ until j > Sender.ClientHeight;
+procedure TDesigner.SetSpacing(Space: cardinal);
+ fSpacing:=Space;
+ fOwner.invalidate;
+destructor TDesigner.destroy;
+ SetActive(false);
+ FOwner.OnPaint:=FOldPaint;
+ inherited;
+//Note: Make shure that whatever happens, all pointers are nil or valid!
+// Took a long time to debug spurious crashes.
+// So this is not excessively safe.
+procedure TDesigner.SetActive(const Value: boolean);
+ i:integer;
+ FActive := Value;
+ if FActive then
+ begin
+ fOwner.OnPaint:=PaintGrid;
+ if count > 1 then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(fCurrent) then
+ fSizer:=NewSizerControl(fCurrent,@self,GetFlags(fCurrent));
+ for i:=0 to count -1 do
+ if not PControl(Objects[i]).IsprocAttached(DesignHandlerProc) then
+ PControl(Objects[i]).AttachProc(DesignHandlerProc);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if count > 0 then // always coz Owner is first
+ for i:=0 to count -1 do
+ PControl(Objects[i]).DetachProc(DesignHandlerProc);
+ if Assigned(fSizer) then
+ begin
+ fSizer.free;
+ fSizer:=nil;
+ end;
+ fCurrent:=nil;
+ fOwner.OnPaint:=FOldPaint;
+ end;
+ fOwner.Invalidate;
+procedure TDesigner.Connect(aName: KOLString; aControl: pControl; flags:cardinal=0);
+ if (IndexOfObj(aControl) = -1) then
+ begin
+ if aName = '' then
+ aName := PrepareClassName(aControl);
+ AddObject(UniqueName(aName,flags), Cardinal(aControl));
+ InternalControlChange(aControl);
+ SetCurrent(aControl);
+ if Active then
+ if not aControl.IsprocAttached(DesignHandlerProc) then
+ aControl.AttachProc(DesignHandlerProc);
+ end;
+procedure TDesigner.DisConnect(aControl: pControl);
+ index: Integer;
+ index := IndexOfObj(aControl);
+ if index = -1 then
+ exit;
+ Delete(index);
+ InternalControlChange(nil);
+function TDesigner.GetFlags(aControl:pControl):cardinal;
+ idx,dummy:integer;
+ tmpstr:KOLString;
+ idx:=IndexOfObj(aControl);
+ tmpstr:=Items[idx];
+ idx:=IndexOfChar(tmpstr,FlagDelimeterChar);
+ if idx<0 then result:=0
+ else
+ begin
+ val(copy(tmpstr,idx+1,15),result,dummy);
+ end;
+procedure TDesigner.SetCurrent(const Value: pControl);
+ if Assigned(fSizer) then
+ begin
+ fSizer.free;
+ fsizer:=nil;
+ end;
+ if Value <> nil then
+ begin
+ fCurrent := Value;
+ if fActive and (fCurrent<>nil) and (fCurrent<>fOwner) then
+ fSizer:=NewSizerControl(Value,@self,GetFlags(Value));
+ InternalControlChange(Value);
+ end;
+procedure TDesigner.InternalControlChange(sender: pObj);
+ if fActive then
+ if Assigned(OnControlChange)then
+ FOnControlChange(sender);
+procedure TDesigner.DoChar( Sender: PControl; var Key: KOLChar; Shift: DWORD);
+// messagebox(0,'444','',0);
+procedure TDesigner.DoKeyUp(Sender: PControl; var Key: Integer; Shift: DWORD);
+ procedure DeleteControl(Index:integer);
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ C:PControl;
+ begin
+ C:=PControl(Objects[index]);
+ // delete children, not owner
+ if C.ChildCount>0 then
+ for i:=C.ChildCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if C<>fOwner then DeleteControl(i);
+ if C<>fOwner then
+ begin
+ C.free;
+ Delete(0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ i:integer;
+// if Key = VK_TAB then
+// messagebox(0,'333','',0);
+ if Key = VK_DELETE then
+ begin
+ i:=IndexOfObj(LocalDesigner.Current);
+ if i<>-1 then
+ begin
+ DeleteControl(i);
+ InternalControlChange(nil);
+ PostMessage(Sender.Handle,WM_CLOSE,0,0); //???
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Converts an object name to a Delphi compatible control name that
+ // is unique for the designer, i.e 'Button' becomes 'Button1',
+ // the next button becomes 'Button2', always unless the
+ // control is already named by the user in which case the name is preserved
+ // unless there are conficts. In that case the control is silently
+ // renamed with a digit suffix without raising exceptions.
+ // Deleted names are re-used.
+ // It's not a beauty but it works.
+ // (A severe case of programming 48 hours without sleep)
+function TDesigner.UniqueName(aName: KOLString; flags:cardinal): KOLString;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ T: KOLString;
+ // Strip obj_ prefix and all other prefix+underscores from
+ // subclassname property: 'obj_BUTTON' becomes 'Button'
+ T := LowerCase(aName);
+ while T <> '' do aName := Parse(T, '_');
+// aName[1]:=UpCase(aName[1]);
+ //Propercase it
+ T := aName[1];
+ T := UpperCase(T);
+ aName[1] := T[1];
+ Result := aName;
+ // Add at least a 1 to the name if the last char
+ // is not a digit.
+ if not (AnsiChar(aName[length(aName)]) in ['0'..'9']) then
+ Result := Format('%s%d', [aName, 1]);
+ J := 1;
+ repeat
+ I := IndexOf(Result);
+ if I > -1 then
+ begin
+ inc(J);
+ Result := Format('%s%d', [aName, J]);
+ end;
+ until I = -1;
+ if flags<>0 then
+ begin
+ Str(flags,T);
+ Result:=Result+FlagDelimeterChar+T;
+ end;
+// This is probably not complete yet.
+function TDesigner.PrepareClassName(aControl: PControl): KOLString;
+ Result := aControl.subclassname;
+ with aControl^ do
+ if subClassname = 'obj_STATIC' then
+ begin
+ // Only place where panel and label differ
+ // consistently???
+ // why not aControl.SizeRedraw ??
+ if pHack(aControl).SizeRedraw = True then
+ Result := 'obj_LABEL'
+ else
+ Result := 'obj_PANEL'
+ end
+ else if subclassname = 'obj_BUTTON' then
+ begin
+ if Boolean(Style and BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) then Result := 'obj_CHECKBOX'
+ else if Boolean(style and BS_RADIOBUTTON ) then Result := 'obj_RADIOBOX'
+ else if Boolean(style and BS_OWNERDRAW ) then Result := 'obj_BITBTN'
+ else if Boolean(style and BS_GROUPBOX ) then Result := 'obj_GROUPBOX';
+ end
+ else if IndexOfStr(UpperCase(subclassname), 'RICHEDIT')>-1 then
+ Result := 'obj_RICHEDIT';