diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Utils.pas/syswin.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Utils.pas/syswin.pas | 725 |
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Utils.pas/syswin.pas b/plugins/Utils.pas/syswin.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7cc646184a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Utils.pas/syswin.pas @@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ +unit syswin;
+{$include compilers.inc}
+uses windows;
+ tFFWFilterProc = function(fname:pWideChar):boolean;
+ ThreadTimeout = 50;
+ gffdMultiThread = 1;
+ gffdOld = 2;
+function GetWorkOfflineStatus:integer;
+function SendString(wnd:HWND;astr:PWideChar):integer; overload;
+function SendString(wnd:HWND;astr:PAnsiChar):integer; overload;
+procedure ProcessMessages;
+function GetFocusedChild(wnd:HWND):HWND;
+function GetAssoc(key:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+function GetFileFromWnd(wnd:HWND;Filter:tFFWFilterProc;
+ flags:dword=gffdMultiThread+gffdOld;timeout:cardinal=ThreadTimeout):pWideChar;
+function WaitFocusedWndChild(Wnd:HWnd):HWnd;
+function ExecuteWaitW(AppPath:pWideChar; CmdLine:pWideChar=nil; DfltDirectory:PWideChar=nil;
+ Show:DWORD=SW_SHOWNORMAL; TimeOut:DWORD=0; ProcID:PDWORD=nil):dword;
+function ExecuteWait(AppPath:PAnsiChar; CmdLine:PAnsiChar=nil; DfltDirectory:PAnsiChar=nil;
+ Show:DWORD=SW_SHOWNORMAL; TimeOut:DWORD=0; ProcID:PDWORD=nil):dword;
+function GetEXEbyWnd(w:HWND; var dst:pWideChar):pWideChar; overload;
+function GetEXEbyWnd(w:HWND; var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; overload;
+function IsExeRunning(exename:PWideChar):boolean; {hwnd}
+ {$IFNDEF FPC}shellapi,{$ENDIF}
+ WinAPI.PsApi,
+ psapi,
+ common,messages;
+type pqword = ^int64;
+function ExecuteWaitW(AppPath:pWideChar; CmdLine:pWideChar=nil; DfltDirectory:PWideChar=nil;
+ Show:DWORD=SW_SHOWNORMAL; TimeOut:DWORD=0; ProcID:PDWORD=nil):dword;
+ Flags: DWORD;
+ Startup: StartupInfo;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Startup: StartupInfoW;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ProcInf: TProcessInformation;
+ App: array [0..1023] of widechar;
+ p:PWideChar;
+ ext1,ext2:array [0..7] of widechar;
+ Result := cardinal(-1);
+ if FindExecutableW(AppPath,DfltDirectory,App)<=32 then
+ exit;
+ if lstrcmpiw(GetExt(AppPath,ext1,7),GetExt(App,ext2,7))<>0 then
+ CmdLine:=AppPath;
+ if Show = SW_HIDE then
+ Flags := Flags or CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
+ FillChar(Startup, SizeOf(Startup),0);
+ with Startup do
+ begin
+ cb :=SizeOf(Startup);
+ wShowWindow:=Show;
+ end;
+ if ProcID <> nil then
+ ProcID^ := 0;
+ p:=StrEndW(App);
+ if (CmdLine<>nil) and (CmdLine^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ p^:=' ';
+ inc(p);
+ StrCopyW(p,CmdLine);
+ end;
+ if CreateProcessW(nil,App,nil,nil,FALSE,Flags,nil,DfltDirectory,Startup,ProcInf) then
+ begin
+ if TimeOut<>0 then
+ begin
+ if WaitForSingleObject(ProcInf.hProcess,TimeOut)=WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
+ begin
+ GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInf.hProcess,result);
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ if ProcID<>nil then
+ ProcID^:=ProcInf.hProcess;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInf.hProcess,result);
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hThread);
+ end;
+function ExecuteWait(AppPath:PAnsiChar; CmdLine:PAnsiChar=nil; DfltDirectory:PAnsiChar=nil;
+ Show:DWORD=SW_SHOWNORMAL; TimeOut:DWORD=0; ProcID:PDWORD=nil):dword;
+ Flags: DWORD;
+ Startup: StartupInfo;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Startup: StartupInfoA;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ProcInf: TProcessInformation;
+ App: array [0..1023] of AnsiChar;
+ p:PAnsiChar;
+ ext1,ext2:array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
+ Result := cardinal(-1);
+ if FindExecutableA(AppPath,DfltDirectory,App)<=32 then
+ exit;
+ if lstrcmpia(GetExt(AppPath,ext1,7),GetExt(App,ext2,7))<>0 then
+ CmdLine:=AppPath;
+ if Show = SW_HIDE then
+ Flags := Flags or CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
+ FillChar(Startup, SizeOf(Startup),0);
+ with Startup do
+ begin
+ cb :=SizeOf(Startup);
+ wShowWindow:=Show;
+ end;
+ if ProcID <> nil then
+ ProcID^ := 0;
+ p:=StrEnd(App);
+ if (CmdLine<>nil) and (CmdLine^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ p^:=' ';
+ inc(p);
+ StrCopy(p,CmdLine);
+ end;
+ if CreateProcessA(nil,App,nil,nil,FALSE,Flags,nil,DfltDirectory,Startup,ProcInf) then
+ begin
+ if TimeOut<>0 then
+ begin
+ if WaitForSingleObject(ProcInf.hProcess,TimeOut)=WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
+ begin
+ GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInf.hProcess,result);
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ if ProcID<>nil then
+ ProcID^:=ProcInf.hProcess;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInf.hProcess,result);
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(ProcInf.hThread);
+ end;
+//----- Information functions -----
+function GetWorkOfflineStatus:integer;
+ lKey:HKEY;
+ len,typ:dword;
+ result:=0;
+ 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings',0,
+ begin
+ len:=4;
+ typ:=REG_DWORD;
+ if RegQueryValueEx(lKey,'GlobalUserOffline',NIL,@typ,@result,@len)=ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ ;
+ RegCloseKey(lKey);
+ end;
+function GetAssoc(key:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ lKey:HKEY;
+ tmpbuf:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ len:integer;
+ result:=nil;
+ if RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,key,0,
+ begin
+ len:=511;
+ if (RegQueryValueExA(lKey,NIL,NIL,NIL,@tmpbuf,@len)=ERROR_SUCCESS) then
+ begin
+ StrDup(result,tmpbuf);
+// only path
+// while result[len]<>'\' do dec(len);
+// StrCopy(result,result+2,len-3);
+ end;
+ RegCloseKey(lKey);
+ end;
+function GetFocusedChild(wnd:HWND):HWND;
+ dwTargetOwner:DWORD;
+ dwThreadID:DWORD;
+ res:boolean;
+ dwTargetOwner:=GetWindowThreadProcessId(wnd,nil);
+ dwThreadID:=GetCurrentThreadId();
+ res:=false;
+ if (dwTargetOwner<>dwThreadID) then
+ res:=AttachThreadInput(dwThreadID,dwTargetOwner,TRUE);
+ result:=GetFocus;
+ if res then
+ AttachThreadInput(dwThreadID,dwTargetOwner,FALSE);
+function WaitFocusedWndChild(Wnd:HWnd):HWnd;
+ T1,T2:Integer;
+ W:HWnd;
+ Sleep(50);
+ T1:=GetTickCount;
+ repeat
+ W:=GetTopWindow(Wnd);
+ if W=0 then W:=Wnd;
+ W:=GetFocusedChild(W);
+ if W<>0 then
+ begin
+ Wnd:=W;
+ break;
+ end;
+ T2:=GetTickCount;
+ if Abs(T1-T2)>100 then break;
+ until false;
+ Result:=Wnd;
+function SendString(wnd:HWND;astr:PWideChar):integer;
+ s,s0:PWideChar;
+ style:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ if (astr=nil) or (astr^=#0) then exit;
+ if wnd=0 then
+ begin
+ wnd:=WaitFocusedWndChild(GetForegroundWindow);
+ if wnd=0 then Exit;
+ end;
+ style:=GetWindowLongW(wnd,GWL_STYLE);
+ if (style and (WS_DISABLED or ES_READONLY))=0 then
+ begin
+ StrDupW(s,astr); //??
+ s0:=s;
+ while s^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ if s^<>#10 then
+ PostMessageW(wnd,WM_CHAR,ord(s^),1);
+ Inc(s);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(s0); //??
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+function SendString(wnd:HWND;astr:PAnsiChar):integer;
+ s,s0:PAnsiChar;
+ style:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ if (astr=nil) or (astr^=#0) then exit;
+ if wnd=0 then
+ begin
+ wnd:=WaitFocusedWndChild(GetForegroundWindow);
+ if wnd=0 then Exit;
+ end;
+ style:=GetWindowLongA(wnd,GWL_STYLE);
+ if (style and (WS_DISABLED or ES_READONLY))=0 then
+ begin
+ StrDup(s,astr); //??
+ s0:=s;
+ while s^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ if s^<>#10 then
+ PostMessageA(wnd,WM_CHAR,ord(s^),1);
+ Inc(s);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(s0); //??
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+procedure ProcessMessages;
+ Unicode: Boolean;
+ MsgExists: Boolean;
+ Msg:tMsg;
+ repeat
+ if PeekMessageA(Msg,0,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE) then
+ begin
+ Unicode:=(Msg.hwnd<>0) and IsWindowUnicode(Msg.hwnd);
+ if Unicode then
+ MsgExists:=PeekMessageW(Msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE)
+ else
+ MsgExists:=PeekMessageA(Msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE);
+ if not MsgExists then break;
+ if Msg.Message<>WM_QUIT then
+ begin
+ TranslateMessage({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Msg);
+ if Unicode then
+ DispatchMessageW({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Msg)
+ else
+ DispatchMessageA({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Msg);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ until false;
+//----- work with EXE -----
+function GetEXEbyWnd(w:HWND; var dst:pWideChar):pWideChar;
+ hProcess:THANDLE;
+ ModuleName: array [0..300] of WideChar;
+ dst:=nil;
+ GetWindowThreadProcessId(w,@ProcID);
+ if ProcID<>0 then
+ begin
+ if hProcess<>0 then
+ begin
+ ModuleName[0]:=#0;
+ GetModuleFilenameExW(hProcess,0,ModuleName,SizeOf(ModuleName));
+ StrDupW(dst,ModuleName);
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=dst;
+function GetEXEbyWnd(w:HWND; var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ hProcess:THANDLE;
+ ModuleName: array [0..300] of AnsiChar;
+ dst:=nil;
+ GetWindowThreadProcessId(w,@ProcID);
+ if ProcID<>0 then
+ begin
+ if hProcess<>0 then
+ begin
+ ModuleName[0]:=#0;
+ GetModuleFilenameExA(hProcess,0,ModuleName,SizeOf(ModuleName));
+ StrDup(dst,ModuleName);
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=dst;
+function IsExeRunning(exename:PWideChar):boolean;{hwnd}
+ nCount = 4096;
+ Processes:array [0..nCount-1] of dword;
+ nProcess:dword;
+ hProcess:THANDLE;
+ ModuleName: array [0..300] of WideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=false;
+ EnumProcesses(pointer(@Processes),nCount*SizeOf(DWORD),nProcess);
+ nProcess:=(nProcess div 4)-1;
+ for i:=2 to nProcess do //skip Idle & System
+ begin
+ False,Processes[i]);
+ if hProcess<>0 then
+ begin
+ GetModuleFilenameExW(hProcess,0,ModuleName,SizeOf(ModuleName));
+ result:=lstrcmpiw(ExtractW(ModuleName,true),exename)=0;
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ if result then exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+//----- work with handles -----
+function GetProcessHandleCount(hProcess:THANDLE;var pdwHandleCount:dword):bool; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+function NtQueryObject(ObjectHandle:THANDLE;ObjectInformationClass:integer;
+ ObjectInformation:pointer;Length:ulong;var ResultLength:longint):cardinal; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll';
+ ObjectNameInformation = 1; // +4 bytes
+ ObjectTypeInformation = 2; // +$60 bytes
+function TranslatePath(fn:PWideChar):PWideChar;
+ LANPrefix:PWideChar = '\Device\LanmanRedirector\';
+ szTemp:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ szName:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ p:PWideChar;
+ uNameLen:word;
+ szTempFile:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ if StrPosW(fn,LANPrefix)=fn then
+ begin
+ uNameLen:=StrLenW(LANPrefix);
+ mGetMem(result,(StrLenW(fn)-uNameLen+3)*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ result[0]:='\';
+ result[1]:='\';
+ StrCopyW(result+2,fn+uNameLen);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if GetLogicalDriveStringsW(255,@szTemp)<>0 then
+ begin
+ p:=szTemp;
+ repeat
+ p[2]:=#0;
+ if QueryDosDeviceW(p,szName,255)<>0 then
+ begin
+ uNameLen:=StrLenW(szName)+1;
+ if uNameLen<255 then
+ begin
+ StrCopyW(szTempFile,fn,uNameLen-1);
+ if lstrcmpiw(szTempFile,szName)=0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(result,(StrLenW(fn+uNameLen)+4)*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ result[0]:=WideChar(ORD(p[0]));
+ result[1]:=':';
+ result[2]:='\';
+ StrCopyW(result+3,fn+uNameLen);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(p,4);
+ until p^=#0;
+ end;
+ StrDupW(result,fn);
+ maxhandles = 15;
+ har,hold:array [0..maxhandles-1] of PWideChar;
+ harcnt:integer;
+ oldcnt:integer=0;
+procedure ArSwitch(idx:integer);
+ h:pWideChar;
+//clear old
+ while oldcnt>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(oldcnt);
+ FreeMem(hold[oldcnt]);
+ end;
+//copy new to old
+ move(har,hold,SizeOf(har));
+ oldcnt:=harcnt;
+// move active to begin
+ if idx<>0 then
+ begin
+ h :=hold[idx];
+ hold[idx]:=hold[0];
+ hold[0] :=h;
+ end;
+function CheckHandles(ReturnNew:bool):integer;
+ i,j:integer;
+ flg:boolean;
+ result:=0;
+ if oldcnt=0 then //first time
+ begin
+ ArSwitch(0);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ i:=0;
+ if ReturnNew then
+ begin
+ while i<harcnt do
+ begin
+ flg:=false;
+ j:=0;
+ while j<oldcnt do
+ begin
+ if StrCmpW(har[i],hold[j])=0 then
+ begin
+ flg:=true; //old=new
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ if not flg then // new!!
+ begin
+ ArSwitch(i);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ while i<oldcnt do
+ begin
+ j:=0;
+ while j<harcnt do
+ begin
+ if StrCmpW(hold[i],har[j])=0 then
+ begin
+ ArSwitch(j);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ArSwitch(0);
+ result:=-1;
+ MaxHandle = $2000;
+ ptrec = ^trec;
+ trec = record
+ handle:thandle;
+ fname:pWideChar;
+ end;
+ pint_ptr = ^int_ptr;
+function GetName(param:pointer):integer; //stdcall;
+ BufSize = $800;
+ // depends of record align
+ offset=SizeOf(Pointer) div 2; // 4 for win64, 2 for win32
+ TmpBuf:array [0..BufSize-1] of WideChar;
+ dummy:longint;
+ size:integer;
+ pc:pWideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ if NtQueryObject(ptrec(param)^.handle,ObjectNameInformation,
+ @TmpBuf,BufSize*SizeOf(WideChar),dummy)=0 then
+ begin
+ // UNICODE_STRING: 2b - length, 2b - maxlen, (align), next - pWideChar
+ size:=pword(@TmpBuf)^; // length in bytes
+ if size>=0 then
+ begin
+ GetMem(ptrec(param)^.fname,size+SizeOf(WideChar)); // length in bytes
+ pc:=pWideChar(pint_ptr(@TmpBuf[offset])^);
+ move(pc^,ptrec(param)^.fname^,size); // can be without zero
+ pword(pAnsiChar(ptrec(param)^.fname)+size)^:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ ptrec(param)^.fname:=nil;
+ end;
+function TestHandle(Handle:THANDLE;MultiThread:bool;timeout:cardinal):pWideChar;
+ hThread:THANDLE;
+ rec:trec;
+// dummy:longint;
+ res:{$IFDEF COMPILER_16_UP}Longword{$ELSE}uint_ptr{$ENDIF};
+ result:=nil;
+ // check what it - file
+ if (NtQueryObject(Handle,ObjectTypeInformation,
+ @TmpBuf,BufSize*SizeOf(WideChar),dummy)<>0) or
+ (StrCmpW(TmpBuf+$30,'File')<>0) then
+ Exit;
+ // check what it disk file
+//!!! need to check again
+ if GetFileType(Handle)<>FILE_TYPE_DISK then exit;
+ rec.handle:=Handle;
+ rec.fname:=nil;
+ if not MultiThread then
+ begin
+ GetName(@rec);
+ result:=rec.fname;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ hThread:=BeginThread(nil,0,@GetName,@rec,0,res);
+ if WaitForSingleObject(hThread,timeout)=WAIT_TIMEOUT then
+ begin
+ TerminateThread(hThread,0);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=rec.fname;
+ CloseHandle(hThread);
+ end;
+function GetFileFromWnd(wnd:HWND;Filter:tFFWFilterProc;
+ flags:dword=gffdMultiThread+gffdOld;timeout:cardinal=ThreadTimeout):pWideChar;
+ hProcess,h:THANDLE;
+ pid:THANDLE;
+ handles:dword;
+ pc:pWideChar;
+ result:=nil;
+ GetWindowThreadProcessId(wnd,@c);
+ pid:=OpenProcess(//PROCESS_VM_READ or
+ true,c);
+ if pid=0 then exit;
+ harcnt:=0;
+ if GetProcessHandleCount(pid,handles) then
+ begin
+ handles:=handles*4; // count no matter, check "every 4th" handle
+// Handles:=Handles*SizeOf(THANDLE);
+ hProcess:=GetCurrentProcess;
+ i:=SIZEOF(THANDLE); // skip first
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if DuplicateHandle(pid,i,hProcess,@h,GENERIC_READ,false,0) then
+ begin
+ pc:=TestHandle(h,(flags and gffdMultiThread)<>0,timeout);
+ if pc<>nil then
+ begin
+ // if GetFileType(h)=FILE_TYPE_DISK then
+ begin
+ if (@Filter=nil) or Filter(pc) and (harcnt<maxhandles) then
+ begin
+ har[harcnt]:=pc;
+ inc(harcnt);
+ end
+ else
+ FreeMem(pc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(h);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+// inc(handles,SizeOf(THANDLE)); //????skip empty number and non-duplicates
+ inc(handles,4); //????skip empty number and non-duplicates
+ if handles>MaxHandle then break; //file not found
+ end;
+ inc(i,4);
+//!! inc(i,SizeOf(THANDLE));
+ if i>handles then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(pid);
+ if harcnt>0 then
+ begin
+ CheckHandles((flags and gffdOld)=0);
+ result:=TranslatePath(hold[0]);
+ end
+procedure ClearHandles;
+ while oldcnt>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(oldcnt);
+ FreeMem(hold[oldcnt]);
+ end;
+ ClearHandles;