diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Variables/src')
93 files changed, 20362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/ac/ac.h b/plugins/Variables/src/ac/ac.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d0790f32b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/ac/ac.h @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// AMIP public API
+#ifndef _AC_H_
+#define _AC_H_
+enum ac_StartMode {
+enum ac_ErrorCode {
+#define AC_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
+// flags for event listener
+#define AC_EVT_PLAY 0x0001
+#define AC_EVT_PAUSE 0x0002
+#define AC_EVT_STOP 0x0004
+#define AC_EVT_START 0x0008
+#define AC_EVT_EXIT 0x0010
+#define AC_EVT_TIMER 0x0020
+#define AC_EVT_MSG 0x0040
+#define AC_EVT_CHANGE 0x0080
+#define AC_EVT_PLCHANGE 0x0100
+#define AC_EVT_PLREADY 0x0200
+// doesn't include AC_EVT_TIMER, because it can be expensive and usually not necessary to use
+// doesn't include AC_EVT_MSG. It's delivered to the message callback function and is never delivered to
+// event callback function
+typedef VOID (CALLBACK* AC_MSG_CALLBACK) (const char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ // Initializes client part of the component. Parameters specify host and port client
+ // should connect to (where AMIP is running), connection timeout in milliseconds, number
+ // of seconds (dsec) to suspend connections for if failed to connect dcount times.
+ // returns 1 if client was initialized properly, 0 otherwise
+ int WINAPI ac_init_client(const char *host, int port, int timeout, int dsec, int dcount);
+ // Initializes and starts the server part of the component. Server part listens for
+ // incoming connections from AMIP, it receives messages and events on specified host and port.
+ // returns 1 if server was started successfully, 0 otherwise
+ int WINAPI ac_init_server(const char *host, int port);
+ // Alternative method to start services, differs from 2 specified above in the way
+ // where it gets the configuration data. Startup data is read from the ac.ini file.
+ // Don't use ac_init() together with ac_init_client() and ac_init_server()!
+ // Call to start services (AC_START_ALL to start both client and server)
+ // AC_START_CLIENT will start client only (you can query and control AMIP)
+ // AC_START_SERVER will start server only (you can accept song announcements from AMIP)
+ void WINAPI ac_init(int mode);
+ // Call when you finished working with AMIP (e.g. on exit)
+ void WINAPI ac_uninit();
+ // Useful if you need to uninit the client to init it later with different options
+ void WINAPI ac_uninit_client();
+ // Stops the server, you can start it again with different options later
+ // Subsequent calls to ac_uninit_client() and ac_stop_server() can be replaced with the
+ // single call to ac_uninit()
+ void WINAPI ac_stop_server();
+ // Passes command to AMIP. For the list of commands see AMIP Help.
+ // Remove '/dde mplug' prefix to get the real command, for instance
+ // in the help you see '/dde mplug announce preset 1' command, this
+ // function will accept 'announce preset 1' as the parameter
+ int WINAPI ac_exec(const char *cmd);
+ // Evaluates AMIP's variable and puts the result into the result buffer
+ // cmd can be var_<variable>, where variable is any of the AMIP variables
+ // without %, for instance %name becomes var_name. Also cfg_<parameter>
+ // variables are supported (cfg_enabled, cfg_rmienabled, etc.)
+ // Basically, all the $dde variables from help can be evaluated via this
+ // function ('$dde mplug format "%name"' becomes 'format "%name"')
+ // Warning: result buffer must have AC_BUFFER_SIZE capacity
+ int WINAPI ac_eval(const char *cmd, char *result);
+ // same as ac_eval but takes a format spec string and evaluates it all, the format
+ // spec may look like "%1 - %2 (%br~kbps)"
+ int WINAPI ac_format(const char *cmd, char *result);
+ // ac_exec and ac_eval return one of the AC_ERR_* codes
+ // if function succeeds, the return code is AC_ERR_NOERROR (0)
+ // if ac_eval fails, empty string is placed into the result buffer
+ // Registers callback function which will receive all messages from AMIP.
+ // Pass address of your function taking char* as an argument and it will
+ // be called every time AMIP has something to say you
+ void WINAPI ac_register_msg_callback(AC_MSG_CALLBACK);
+ // Event callback will accept events from AMIP if listener for events was added
+ void WINAPI ac_register_evt_callback(AC_EVT_CALLBACK);
+ // Adds listener to AMIP, AMIP will notify host:port about the events specified by flags
+ // until listener is removed or fail_count limit is reached. If notification fails
+ // fail_count times, AMIP automatically removes listener for the specified host:port.
+ // AMIP keeps listeners even between restarts (in plugin.ini file)
+ int WINAPI ac_add_event_listener(const char *host, int port, int timeout, UINT flags, UINT fail_count);
+ // You must unregister all listeners that you have registered before your application exits
+ int WINAPI ac_remove_event_listener(const char *host, int port);
+ // Ping server on the specified address and port
+ // returns true if there is AMIP server running
+ // returns false if server cannot be reached within the specified timeout (ms)
+ BOOL WINAPI ac_pingServer(const char *host, int port, int timeout);
+ // Playlist related functions:
+ // Gets playlist from AMIP and caches it, you should use this function every time playlist changes
+ // (AC_EVT_PLCHANGE event received) and before using any other playlist related functions.
+ // The correct usage sequence:
+ // 1. Register listener for AC_EVT_PLCHANGE and AC_EVT_PLREADY events
+ // 2. When you receive AC_EVT_PLCHANGE event via callback or upon first usage you must re-index playlist
+ // using ac_exec("reindexq") function call (AMIP builds playlist cache)
+ // 3. When playlist is re-indexed, you will receive AC_EVT_PLREADY event, only at this moment you should
+ // call ac_get_pl() function (this function gets cached playlist from AMIP)
+ // Return code is the same as for ac_exec and ac_eval functions, see ac_ErrorCode enum
+ int WINAPI ac_get_pl();
+ // Returns the size of playlist cached by client. You can compare it with the size of real playlist, the
+ // size of playlist cached by AMIP and do re-index and ac_get_pl to be in sync if necessary
+ int WINAPI ac_get_plsize();
+ // Returns 1 if title is not NULL and within playlist bounds, 0 otherwise
+ // Title with the specified zero-based idx is copied to buff. buff must have at least AC_BUFFER_SIZE size
+ // Make sure to prepare playlist first, see ac_get_pl() function comments, use ac_get_plsize() to determine
+ // playlist size
+ int WINAPI ac_get_title(UINT idx, char *buff);
+ // configuring Client
+ // AMIP port client will try to connect to (default 60333)
+ void WINAPI ac_setDestPort(int port);
+ // AMIP host client will try to connect to (default
+ void WINAPI ac_setDestHost(const char *host);
+ // Client timeout
+ void WINAPI ac_setTimeout(int ms);
+ // Source port the client will listen for AMIP commands on (default 60334)
+ void WINAPI ac_setSrcPort(int port);
+ // Source host interface which will accept AMIP connections (default
+ void WINAPI ac_setSrcHost(const char *host);
+ // get configuration
+ int WINAPI ac_getSrcPort();
+ int WINAPI ac_getDestPort();
+ void WINAPI ac_getSrcHost(char *out_host);
+ void WINAPI ac_getDestHost(char *out_host);
+ // Reload the configuration and restart services
+ void WINAPI ac_rehash();
+ // Returns the major part of API version (for ac 1.2 will return 1)
+ int WINAPI ac_version_major();
+ // Returns the mainor part of API version (for ac 1.2 will return 2)
+ int WINAPI ac_version_minor();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__cplusplus*/
+#endif /*_AC_H_*/
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/action_variables.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/action_variables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4d1a17aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/action_variables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// This file has not been converted to unicode yet
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "m_trigger.h"
+#include "trigger_variables.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+static void parseStringThread(void *arg) {
+ TCHAR *tszParsed;
+ fi = (FORMATINFO *)arg;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tszParsed = (TCHAR*)CallService(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING, (WPARAM)fi, 0);
+ log_debugA("parseStringThread: %s > %s", fi->tszFormat, tszParsed);
+ if (tszParsed != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszParsed);
+ }
+ if (fi->tszFormat != NULL) {
+ mir_free(fi->tszFormat);
+ }
+ if (fi->tszExtraText != NULL) {
+ mir_free(fi->tszExtraText);
+ }
+ mir_free(fi);
+int ParseStringAction(DWORD actionID, REPORTINFO *ri) {
+ if (ri->flags&ACT_PERFORM) {
+ if (!DBGetActionSettingTString(actionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, &dbv)) {
+ if (DBGetActionSettingByte(actionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSEASYNC, 0)) {
+ fi = ( FORMATINFO* )mir_alloc(sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ ZeroMemory(fi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ fi->cbSize = sizeof(FORMATINFO);
+ fi->tszFormat = mir_tstrdup(dbv.ptszVal);
+ fi->tszExtraText = ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_TEXT))?mir_tstrdup(ri->td->tszText):NULL;
+ fi->hContact = ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_CONTACT))?ri->td->hContact:NULL;
+ fi->flags |= FIF_TCHAR;
+ //forkthread(parseStringThread, 0, fi);
+ mir_forkthread(parseStringThread, fi);
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(variables_parsedup(dbv.ptszVal, ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_TEXT))?ri->td->tszText:NULL, ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_CONTACT))?ri->td->hContact:NULL));
+ }
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ri->flags&ACT_CLEANUP) {
+ ras.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
+ ras.prefix = PREFIX_ACTIONID;
+ ras.id = actionID;
+ ras.szModule = MODULENAME;
+ ras.hContact = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptsParseString(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ switch (msg) {
+ DWORD actionID;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ actionID = (DWORD)lParam;
+ if (!DBGetActionSettingTString(actionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, &dbv)) {
+ SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING, dbv.ptszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ variables_skin_helpbutton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHELP);
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ case IDC_SHOWHELP: {
+ int flags;
+ ZeroMemory(&ti, sizeof(TRIGGERINFO));
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), TM_GETTRIGGERINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+ ZeroMemory(&vhi, sizeof(VARHELPINFO));
+ vhi.cbSize = sizeof(VARHELPINFO);
+ vhi.flags = VHF_INPUT;
+ if (ti.dFlags&DF_TEXT) {
+ vhi.flags |= VHF_EXTRATEXT;
+ vhi.szExtraTextDesc = "TriggerData: Text";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if (ti.dFlags&DF_CONTACT) {
+ flags |= VHF_SUBJECT;
+ vhi.szSubjectDesc = "TriggerData: Contact";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ vhi.hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING);
+ CallService(MS_VARS_SHOWHELPEX, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, (LPARAM)&vhi);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TM_ADDACTION: {
+ // wParam = action ID
+ // lParam = 0
+ DWORD actionID = (DWORD)wParam;
+ TCHAR *tszText = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING);
+ if (tszText != NULL) {
+ DBWriteActionSettingTString(actionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, tszText);
+ mir_free(tszText);
+ }
+ DBWriteActionSettingByte(actionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSEASYNC, (BYTE)IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSEASYNC));
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/buildnumber.h b/plugins/Variables/src/buildnumber.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e38a77fad --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/buildnumber.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#ifndef _BUILDNUMBER_
+#define BUILDNUMBER 0
+#define __FILEVERSION_STRING 0,2,3,9
+#define __VERSION_STRING ""
+#define __VERSION_DWORD 0x20309
+#endif //_BUILDNUMBER_
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/condition_variables.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/condition_variables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c58703cc54 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/condition_variables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// This file has not been converted to unicode yet
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "m_trigger.h"
+#include "trigger_variables.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+int ParseStringCondition(DWORD conditionID, REPORTINFO *ri) {
+ int res;
+ res = CRV_TRUE;
+ if (ri->flags&CND_PERFORM) {
+ if (!DBGetConditionSettingTString(conditionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, &dbv)) {
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ fi.cbSize = sizeof(FORMATINFO);
+ fi.tszFormat = dbv.ptszVal;
+ fi.tszExtraText = ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_TEXT))?ri->td->tszText:NULL;
+ fi.hContact = ((ri->td!=NULL)&&(ri->td->dFlags&DF_CONTACT))?ri->td->hContact:NULL;
+ fi.flags |= FIF_TCHAR;
+ mir_free((TCHAR*)CallService(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING, (WPARAM)&fi, 0));
+ log_debugA("err: %d", fi.eCount);
+ res = fi.eCount==0?CRV_TRUE:CRV_FALSE;
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ri->flags&CND_CLEANUP) {
+ ras.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
+ ras.prefix = PREFIX_CONDITIONID;
+ ras.id = conditionID;
+ ras.szModule = MODULENAME;
+ ras.hContact = NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptsCondition(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ switch (msg) {
+ DWORD conditionID;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ conditionID = (DWORD)lParam;
+ if (!DBGetConditionSettingTString(conditionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, &dbv)) {
+ SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING, dbv.ptszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ case IDC_SHOWHELP: {
+ int flags;
+ ZeroMemory(&vhi, sizeof(VARHELPINFO));
+ vhi.cbSize = sizeof(VARHELPINFO);
+ ZeroMemory(&ti, sizeof(TRIGGERINFO));
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), TM_GETTRIGGERINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+ vhi.flags = VHF_INPUT;
+ if (ti.dFlags&DF_TEXT) {
+ vhi.flags |= VHF_EXTRATEXT;
+ vhi.szExtraTextDesc = "TriggerData: Text";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if (ti.dFlags&DF_CONTACT) {
+ flags |= VHF_SUBJECT;
+ vhi.szSubjectDesc = "TriggerData: Contact";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ vhi.hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING);
+ CallService(MS_VARS_SHOWHELPEX, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, (LPARAM)&vhi);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ DWORD conditionID;
+ TCHAR *tszText;
+ conditionID = (DWORD)wParam;
+ tszText = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_PARSESTRING);
+ if (tszText != NULL) {
+ DBWriteConditionSettingTString(conditionID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PARSESTRING, tszText);
+ mir_free(tszText);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/contact.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/contact.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e2f08c83e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/contact.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,555 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "contact.h"
+struct _tagType
+ int cnfCode;
+ TCHAR* str;
+static builtinCnfs[] =
+ { CNF_AGE, _T(STR_AGE) },
+ { CNF_FAX, _T(STR_FAX) },
+ { CNF_ZIP, _T(STR_ZIP) },
+typedef struct {
+ TCHAR* tszContact;
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ DWORD flags;
+} CONTACTCE; /* contact cache entry */
+/* cache for 'getcontactfromstring' service */
+static CONTACTCE *cce = NULL;
+static int cacheSize = 0;
+static CRITICAL_SECTION csContactCache;
+static HANDLE hContactSettingChangedHook;
+static HANDLE hGetContactFromStringService;
+ converts a string into a CNF_ type
+BYTE getContactInfoType(TCHAR* type) {
+ int i;
+ if (type == NULL || _tcslen(type) == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ for ( i=0; i < SIZEOF(builtinCnfs); i++ )
+ if (!_tcscmp( builtinCnfs[i].str, type ))
+ return builtinCnfs[i].cnfCode;
+ return 0;
+ returns info about a contact as a string
+TCHAR* getContactInfoT(BYTE type, HANDLE hContact)
+ /* returns dynamic allocated buffer with info, or NULL if failed */
+ TCHAR *res = NULL, *szStatus;
+ char *szProto, protoname[128], szVal[16];
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ szProto = (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (g_mirandaVersion < PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION( 0,8,0,0 ))
+ return NULL;
+ {
+ PROTOACCOUNT* pa = ProtoGetAccount(szProto);
+ return pa ? mir_tstrdup(pa->tszAccountName) : NULL;
+ }
+ if (CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETNAME, (WPARAM)sizeof(protoname), (LPARAM)protoname))
+ return NULL;
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_a2t(protoname);
+ szStatus = (TCHAR*)CallService(
+ (WPARAM)DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE),
+ if (szStatus == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(szStatus);
+ {
+ DWORD ip = DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, szProto, (type == CCNF_INTERNALIP) ? "RealIP" : "IP", 0);
+ if (ip == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ struct in_addr in;
+ in.s_addr = htonl(ip);
+ char* dotted = inet_ntoa(in);
+ if (dotted == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_a2t(dotted);
+ }
+ case CCNF_GROUP:
+ if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv))
+ {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_wstrdup(dbv.pwszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ return res;
+ }
+ break;
+ //UID for ChatRoom
+ if (DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, szProto, "ChatRoom", 0) == 1)
+ {
+ if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, szProto, "ChatRoomID", &dbv ))
+ {
+ res = mir_tstrdup( dbv.ptszVal );
+ DBFreeVariant( &dbv );
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ //UID for other contact
+ break;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&ci,sizeof(CONTACTINFO));
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(CONTACTINFO);
+ ci.hContact = hContact;
+ ci.dwFlag = type | CNF_UNICODE;
+ memset(szVal, '\0', sizeof(szVal));
+ switch(ci.type)
+ {
+ case CNFT_BYTE:
+ if (type != CNF_GENDER)
+ return itot(ci.bVal);
+ szVal[0] = (char)ci.bVal;
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_a2t(szVal);
+ case CNFT_WORD:
+ return itot(ci.wVal);
+ case CNFT_DWORD:
+ return itot(ci.dVal);
+ if (ci.pszVal != NULL)
+ {
+ res = mir_tstrdup(ci.pszVal);
+ mir_free(ci.pszVal);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return res;
+int getContactFromString( CONTACTSINFO* ci )
+ /* service to retrieve a contact's HANDLE from a given string */
+ char *szProto;
+ TCHAR *szFind, *cInfo, *tszContact, *tszProto;
+ BOOL bMatch;
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ int count, i;
+ if (ci == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (ci->flags&CI_UNICODE) {
+ tszContact = NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(ci->tszContact);
+ }
+ else {
+ WCHAR* tmp = mir_a2t(ci->szContact);
+ tszContact = NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(tmp);
+ mir_free(tmp);
+ }
+ if ((tszContact == NULL) || (_tcslen(tszContact) == 0))
+ return -1;
+ ci->hContacts = NULL;
+ count = 0;
+ /* search the cache */
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ for (i=0;i<cacheSize;i++) {
+ if ((!_tcscmp(cce[i].tszContact, tszContact)) && (ci->flags == cce[i].flags)) {
+ /* found in cache */
+ ci->hContacts = ( HANDLE* )mir_alloc(sizeof(HANDLE));
+ if (ci->hContacts == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ci->hContacts[0] = cce[i].hContact;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ /* contact was not in cache, do a search */
+ hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ while (hContact != NULL) {
+ szFind = NULL;
+ bMatch = FALSE;
+ ZeroMemory(&dbv, sizeof(DBVARIANT));
+ szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto == NULL) {
+ hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,(WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // <proto:id> (exact)
+ if (ci->flags&CI_PROTOID)
+ {
+ cInfo = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (cInfo == NULL)
+ {
+ // <HANDLE:hContact>
+ cInfo = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(32);
+ _stprintf(cInfo, _T("%p"), hContact);
+ szFind = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(cInfo) + _tcslen(_T(PROTOID_HANDLE)) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szFind != NULL)
+ {
+ wsprintf(szFind, _T("<%s:%s>"), _T(PROTOID_HANDLE), cInfo);
+ if (!_tcsncmp(tszContact, szFind, _tcslen(tszContact)))
+ {
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ mir_free(cInfo);
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szFind = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(cInfo) + strlen(szProto) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szFind != NULL)
+ {
+ tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if ((tszProto != NULL) && (szFind != NULL))
+ {
+ wsprintf(szFind, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, cInfo);
+ mir_free(cInfo);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ if (!_tcsncmp(tszContact, szFind, _tcslen(tszContact)))
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // id (exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_UNIQUEID) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind))
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // nick (not exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_NICK) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_NICK, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind))
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // list name (not exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_LISTNAME) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_DISPLAY, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind))
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // firstname (exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_FIRSTNAME) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_FIRSTNAME, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind)) {
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // lastname (exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_LASTNAME) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_LASTNAME, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind)) {
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // email (exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_EMAIL) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT(CNF_EMAIL, hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind)) {
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ // CNF_ (exact)
+ if ((ci->flags&CI_CNFINFO) && (!bMatch)) {
+ szFind = getContactInfoT((BYTE)(ci->flags&~(CI_CNFINFO|CI_TCHAR)), hContact);
+ if (szFind != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tszContact, szFind)) {
+ bMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ mir_free(szFind);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bMatch) {
+ ci->hContacts = ( HANDLE* )mir_realloc(ci->hContacts, (count+1)*sizeof(HANDLE));
+ if (ci->hContacts == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ci->hContacts[count] = hContact;
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,(WPARAM)hContact,0);
+ }
+ if (count == 1) { /* cache the found result */
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ cce = ( CONTACTCE* )mir_realloc(cce, (cacheSize+1)*sizeof(CONTACTCE));
+ if (cce == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ return count;
+ }
+ cce[cacheSize].hContact = ci->hContacts[0];
+ cce[cacheSize].flags = ci->flags;
+ cce[cacheSize].tszContact = mir_tstrdup(tszContact);
+ if (cce[cacheSize].tszContact != NULL)
+ cacheSize += 1;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ }
+ return count;
+/* keep cache consistent */
+static int contactSettingChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ int i;
+ char *szProto, *uid;
+ uid = NULL;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ for (i=0;i<cacheSize;i++) {
+ if ((HANDLE)wParam != cce[i].hContact && (cce[i].flags & CI_CNFINFO) == 0 )
+ continue;
+ szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, wParam,0);
+ if (szProto == NULL)
+ continue;
+ uid = (char*)CallProtoService(szProto,PS_GETCAPS,PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING,0);
+ if (((!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, "Nick")) && (cce[i].flags&CI_NICK)) ||
+ ((!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, "FirstName")) && (cce[i].flags&CI_FIRSTNAME)) ||
+ ((!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, "LastName")) && (cce[i].flags&CI_LASTNAME)) ||
+ ((!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, "e-mail")) && (cce[i].flags&CI_EMAIL)) ||
+ ((!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, "MyHandle")) && (cce[i].flags&CI_LISTNAME)) ||
+ (cce[i].flags & CI_CNFINFO) != 0 || // lazy; always invalidate CNF info cache entries
+ (( ((INT_PTR)uid != CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) && (uid != NULL)) && (!strcmp(dbw->szSetting, uid)) && (cce[i].flags & CI_UNIQUEID)))
+ {
+ /* remove from cache */
+ mir_free(cce[i].tszContact);
+ if (cacheSize > 1) {
+ MoveMemory(&cce[i], &cce[cacheSize-1], sizeof(CONTACTCE));
+ cce = ( CONTACTCE* )mir_realloc(cce, (cacheSize-1)*sizeof(CONTACTCE));
+ cacheSize -= 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(cce);
+ cce = NULL;
+ cacheSize = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ return 0;
+static INT_PTR getContactFromStringSvc( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ return getContactFromString(( CONTACTSINFO* )wParam );
+int initContactModule()
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ hContactSettingChangedHook = HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, contactSettingChanged);
+ hGetContactFromStringService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_GETCONTACTFROMSTRING, getContactFromStringSvc);
+ return 0;
+int deinitContactModule()
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hGetContactFromStringService);
+ UnhookEvent(hContactSettingChangedHook);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&csContactCache);
+ return 0;
+// returns a string in the form <PROTOID:UNIQUEID>, cannot be _HANDLE_!
+// result must be freed
+TCHAR *encodeContactToString(HANDLE hContact)
+ char *szProto;
+ TCHAR *tszUniqueId, *tszResult, *tszProto;
+ ZeroMemory(&dbv, sizeof(DBVARIANT));
+ szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ tszUniqueId = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (szProto == NULL || tszUniqueId == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ tszResult = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((_tcslen(tszUniqueId) + strlen(szProto) + 4) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (tszResult == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (tszProto == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ wsprintf(tszResult, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, tszUniqueId);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ return tszResult;
+// returns a contact from a string in the form <PROTOID:UNIQUEID>
+// returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in case of an error.
+HANDLE *decodeContactFromString(TCHAR *tszContact)
+ int count;
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(CONTACTSINFO));
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(CONTACTSINFO);
+ ci.tszContact = tszContact;
+ ci.flags = CI_PROTOID|CI_TCHAR;
+ count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count != 1) {
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return ( HANDLE* )hContact;
+ }
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ return ( HANDLE* )hContact;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/contact.h b/plugins/Variables/src/contact.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d980801f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/contact.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define STR_FIRSTNAME "first"
+#define STR_LASTNAME "last"
+#define STR_NICK "nick"
+#define STR_CUSTOMNICK "cnick"
+#define STR_EMAIL "email"
+#define STR_CITY "city"
+#define STR_STATE "state"
+#define STR_COUNTRY "country"
+#define STR_PHONE "phone"
+#define STR_HOMEPAGE "homepage"
+#define STR_ABOUT "about"
+#define STR_GENDER "gender"
+#define STR_AGE "age"
+#define STR_FIRSTLAST "firstlast"
+#define STR_UNIQUEID "id"
+#define STR_DISPLAY "display"
+#define STR_FAX "fax"
+#define STR_CELLULAR "cellular"
+#define STR_TIMEZONE "timezone"
+#define STR_MYNOTES "mynotes"
+#define STR_BIRTHDAY "bday"
+#define STR_BIRTHMONTH "bmonth"
+#define STR_BIRTHYEAR "byear"
+#define STR_STREET "street"
+#define STR_ZIP "zip"
+#define STR_LANGUAGE1 "lang1"
+#define STR_LANGUAGE2 "lang2"
+#define STR_LANGUAGE3 "lang3"
+#define STR_CONAME "coname"
+#define STR_CODEPT "codept"
+#define STR_COPOSITION "copos"
+#define STR_COSTREET "costreet"
+#define STR_COCITY "cocity"
+#define STR_COSTATE "costate"
+#define STR_COZIP "cozip"
+#define STR_COCOUNTRY "cocountry"
+#define STR_COHOMEPAGE "cohomepage"
+#define STR_ACCOUNT "account"
+#define STR_PROTOCOL "protocol"
+#define STR_STATUS "status"
+#define STR_INTERNALIP "intip"
+#define STR_EXTERNALIP "extip"
+#define STR_GROUP "group"
+#define STR_PROTOID "protoid"
+#define CCNF_ACCOUNT 51 // CUSTOM, returns contact's account name (0.8.0+)
+#define CCNF_PROTOCOL 50 // CUSTOM, returns the contact's protocol (human-readable)
+#define CCNF_STATUS 49 // CUSTOM, returns status mode description
+#define CCNF_INTERNALIP 48 // CUSTOM, returns the contact's internal IP
+#define CCNF_EXTERNALIP 47 // CUSTOM, returns the contact's external IP
+#define CCNF_GROUP 46 // CUSTOM, returns group name
+#define CCNF_PROTOID 45 // CUSTOM, returns protocol ID instead of name
+TCHAR *encodeContactToString(HANDLE hContact);
+HANDLE *decodeContactFromString(TCHAR *tszContact);
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/dbhelpers.h b/plugins/Variables/src/dbhelpers.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3eb3c7e330 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/dbhelpers.h @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#ifndef PREFIX_ITH
+#define PREFIX_ITH ""
+// database helpers
+static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingByte(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,BYTE val) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
+static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingWord(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,WORD val) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
+static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingDword(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,DWORD val) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
+static int __inline DBWriteIthSettingString(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting,const char *val) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, val);
+static int __inline DBGetIthSettingByte(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
+static WORD __inline DBGetIthSettingWord(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
+static DWORD __inline DBGetIthSettingDword(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, errorValue);
+static int __inline DBGetIthSetting(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBGetContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting, dbv);
+static int __inline DBDeleteIthSetting(DWORD i, HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szSetting) {
+ char dbSetting[128];
+ _snprintf(dbSetting, sizeof(dbSetting), "%s%u_%s", PREFIX_ITH, i, szSetting);
+ return DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, szModule, dbSetting);
+#define db_getb(a,b) DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_getw(a,b) DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_getd(a,b) DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_gets(a,b) DBGetContactSetting(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_setb(a,b) DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (BYTE)(b))
+#define db_sets(a,b) DBWriteContactSettingString(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_setts(a,b) DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, MODULENAME, a, b)
+#define db_setw(a,b) DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (WORD)(b))
+#define db_setd(a,b) DBWriteContactSettingDword(NULL, MODULENAME, a, (DWORD)(b))
+#define db_del(a) DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, MODULENAME, a);
+#define dbi_getb(a,b,c) DBGetIthSettingByte(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
+#define dbi_getw(a,b,c) DBGetIthSettingWord(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
+#define dbi_getd(a,b,c) DBGetIthSettingDword(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
+#define dbi_gets(a,b,c) DBGetIthSetting(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
+#define dbi_setb(a,b,c) DBWriteIthSettingByte(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (BYTE)(c))
+#define dbi_sets(a,b,c) DBWriteIthSettingString(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, c)
+#define dbi_setw(a,b,c) DBWriteIthSettingWord(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (WORD)(c))
+#define dbi_setd(a,b,c) DBWriteIthSettingDword(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b, (DWORD)(c))
+#define dbi_del(a,b) DBDeleteIthSetting(a, NULL, MODULENAME, b);
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56df0acfc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// This file has been copied from msdn.microsoft.com
+// EnumProc.c
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tlhelp32.h>
+#include <vdmdbg.h>
+#include "enumprocs.h"
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD lParam;
+ BOOL bEnd;
+} EnumInfoStruct;
+BOOL WINAPI Enum16(DWORD dwThreadId, WORD hMod16, WORD hTask16,
+ PSZ pszModName, PSZ pszFileName, LPARAM lpUserDefined);
+// The EnumProcs function takes a pointer to a callback function
+// that will be called once per process with the process filename
+// and process ID.
+// lpProc -- Address of callback routine.
+// lParam -- A user-defined LPARAM value to be passed to
+// the callback routine.
+// Callback function definition:
+// BOOL CALLBACK Proc(DWORD dw, WORD w, LPCSTR lpstr, LPARAM lParam);
+ HANDLE hSnapShot = NULL;
+ PROCESSENTRY32 procentry;
+ BOOL bFlag;
+ DWORD dwSize;
+ DWORD dwSize2;
+ DWORD dwIndex;
+ HANDLE hProcess;
+ char szFileName[MAX_PATH];
+ EnumInfoStruct sInfo;
+ // ToolHelp Function Pointers.
+ HANDLE (WINAPI *lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD, DWORD);
+ // PSAPI Function Pointers.
+ BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcesses)(DWORD *, DWORD, DWORD *);
+ BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcessModules)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD,
+ // VDMDBG Function Pointers.
+ // Retrieve the OS version
+ osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osver);
+ if (!GetVersionEx(&osver))
+ return FALSE;
+ // If Windows NT 4.0
+ if (osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
+ && osver.dwMajorVersion == 4) {
+ __try {
+ // Get the procedure addresses explicitly. We do
+ // this so we don't have to worry about modules
+ // failing to load under OSes other than Windows NT 4.0
+ // because references to PSAPI.DLL can't be resolved.
+ hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("PSAPI.DLL");
+ if (hInstLib == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ hInstLib2 = LoadLibraryA("VDMDBG.DLL");
+ if (hInstLib2 == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ // Get procedure addresses.
+ lpfEnumProcesses = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(DWORD *, DWORD, DWORD*))
+ GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "EnumProcesses");
+ lpfEnumProcessModules = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE *,
+ DWORD, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib,
+ "EnumProcessModules");
+ lpfGetModuleBaseName = (DWORD (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE,
+ LPTSTR, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib,
+ "GetModuleBaseNameA");
+ LPARAM)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib2, "VDMEnumTaskWOWEx");
+ if (lpfEnumProcesses == NULL
+ || lpfEnumProcessModules == NULL
+ || lpfGetModuleBaseName == NULL
+ || lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ //
+ // Call the PSAPI function EnumProcesses to get all of the
+ // ProcID's currently in the system.
+ //
+ // NOTE: In the documentation, the third parameter of
+ // EnumProcesses is named cbNeeded, which implies that you
+ // can call the function once to find out how much space to
+ // allocate for a buffer and again to fill the buffer.
+ // This is not the case. The cbNeeded parameter returns
+ // the number of PIDs returned, so if your buffer size is
+ // zero cbNeeded returns zero.
+ //
+ // NOTE: The "HeapAlloc" loop here ensures that we
+ // actually allocate a buffer large enough for all the
+ // PIDs in the system.
+ //
+ dwSize2 = 256 * sizeof(DWORD);
+ do {
+ if (lpdwPIDs) {
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs);
+ dwSize2 *= 2;
+ }
+ lpdwPIDs = (LPDWORD) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
+ dwSize2);
+ if (lpdwPIDs == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ if (!lpfEnumProcesses(lpdwPIDs, dwSize2, &dwSize))
+ __leave;
+ } while (dwSize == dwSize2);
+ // How many ProcID's did we get?
+ dwSize /= sizeof(DWORD);
+ // Loop through each ProcID.
+ for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwSize; dwIndex++) {
+ szFileName[0] = 0;
+ // Open the process (if we can... security does not
+ // permit every process in the system to be opened).
+ hProcess = OpenProcess(
+ FALSE, lpdwPIDs[dwIndex]);
+ if (hProcess != NULL) {
+ // Here we call EnumProcessModules to get only the
+ // first module in the process. This will be the
+ // EXE module for which we will retrieve the name.
+ if (lpfEnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hMod,
+ sizeof(hMod), &dwSize2)) {
+ // Get the module name
+ if (!lpfGetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hMod,
+ (TCHAR*)szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)))
+ szFileName[0] = 0;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ }
+ // Regardless of OpenProcess success or failure, we
+ // still call the enum func with the ProcID.
+ if (!lpProc(lpdwPIDs[dwIndex], 0, szFileName, lParam))
+ break;
+ // Did we just bump into an NTVDM?
+ if ( _stricmp(szFileName, "NTVDM.EXE") == 0) {
+ // Fill in some info for the 16-bit enum proc.
+ sInfo.dwPID = lpdwPIDs[dwIndex];
+ sInfo.lpProc = lpProc;
+ sInfo.lParam = (DWORD) lParam;
+ sInfo.bEnd = FALSE;
+ // Enum the 16-bit stuff.
+ lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx(lpdwPIDs[dwIndex],
+ (TASKENUMPROCEX) Enum16, (LPARAM) &sInfo);
+ // Did our main enum func say quit?
+ if (sInfo.bEnd)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } __finally {
+ if (hInstLib)
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib);
+ if (hInstLib2)
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib2);
+ if (lpdwPIDs)
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs);
+ }
+ // If any OS other than Windows NT 4.0.
+ } else if (osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
+ || (osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
+ && osver.dwMajorVersion > 4)) {
+ __try {
+ hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("Kernel32.DLL");
+ if (hInstLib == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ // If NT-based OS, load VDMDBG.DLL.
+ if (osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
+ hInstLib2 = LoadLibraryA("VDMDBG.DLL");
+ if (hInstLib2 == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ }
+ // Get procedure addresses. We are linking to
+ // these functions explicitly, because a module using
+ // this code would fail to load under Windows NT,
+ // which does not have the Toolhelp32
+ // functions in KERNEL32.DLL.
+ lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot =
+ GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");
+ lpfProcess32First =
+ GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "Process32First");
+ lpfProcess32Next =
+ GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "Process32Next");
+ if (lpfProcess32Next == NULL
+ || lpfProcess32First == NULL
+ || lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ if (osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
+ LPARAM)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib2, "VDMEnumTaskWOWEx");
+ if (lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx == NULL)
+ __leave;
+ }
+ // Get a handle to a Toolhelp snapshot of all processes.
+ hSnapShot = lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
+ if (hSnapShot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Get the first process' information.
+ procentry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
+ bFlag = lpfProcess32First(hSnapShot, &procentry);
+ // While there are processes, keep looping.
+ while (bFlag) {
+ // Call the enum func with the filename and ProcID.
+ if (lpProc(procentry.th32ProcessID, 0,
+ (char *)procentry.szExeFile, lParam)) {
+ // Did we just bump into an NTVDM?
+ if ( _stricmp((char *)procentry.szExeFile, "NTVDM.EXE") == 0) {
+ // Fill in some info for the 16-bit enum proc.
+ sInfo.dwPID = procentry.th32ProcessID;
+ sInfo.lpProc = lpProc;
+ sInfo.lParam = (DWORD) lParam;
+ sInfo.bEnd = FALSE;
+ // Enum the 16-bit stuff.
+ lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx(procentry.th32ProcessID,
+ (TASKENUMPROCEX) Enum16, (LPARAM) &sInfo);
+ // Did our main enum func say quit?
+ if (sInfo.bEnd)
+ break;
+ }
+ procentry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
+ bFlag = lpfProcess32Next(hSnapShot, &procentry);
+ } else
+ bFlag = FALSE;
+ }
+ } __finally {
+ if (hInstLib)
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib);
+ if (hInstLib2)
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib2);
+ }
+ } else
+ return FALSE;
+ // Free the library.
+ FreeLibrary(hInstLib);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL WINAPI Enum16(DWORD dwThreadId, WORD hMod16, WORD hTask16,
+ PSZ pszModName, PSZ pszFileName, LPARAM lpUserDefined) {
+ BOOL bRet;
+ EnumInfoStruct *psInfo = (EnumInfoStruct *)lpUserDefined;
+ bRet = psInfo->lpProc(psInfo->dwPID, hTask16, pszFileName,
+ psInfo->lParam);
+ if (!bRet)
+ psInfo->bEnd = TRUE;
+ return !bRet;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.h b/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..118c40b67c --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/enumprocs.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+/*** Process names are ANSI only ***/
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/help.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/help.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b852b7f6c --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/help.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "contact.h"
+#include <commctrl.h>
+#include <m_clui.h>
+#include <m_clc.h>
+extern BOOL (WINAPI *pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture)(HANDLE, DWORD);
+ HWND hwndSubjectDlg;
+ HWND hwndExtraTextDlg;
+ HWND hwndInputDlg;
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK inputDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
+extern HINSTANCE hInst;
+extern HCURSOR hCurSplitNS;
+static WNDPROC OldSplitterProc;
+static HWND hwndHelpDialog = NULL;
+static HICON hHelpIcon = NULL;
+static int defaultHelpDialogResize(HWND hwndDlg, LPARAM lParam, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) {
+ switch(urc->wId) {
+ case IDC_ABOUT:
+ }
+// dialog box for the %extratext% input
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK extratextDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) {
+ switch(msg) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ break;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EXTRATEXT), WM_SETTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EXTRATEXT), WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EXTRATEXT), WM_GETTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ if (!IsIconic( hwndDlg )) {
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.pfnResizer = defaultHelpDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// dialog box for the %subject% selection
+void ResetCList(HWND hwndDlg) {
+ int i;
+ if ((CallService(MS_CLUI_GETCAPS, 0, 0) & CLUIF_DISABLEGROUPS && !DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, "CList", "UseGroups", SETTING_USEGROUPS_DEFAULT)) || !(GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST), GWL_STYLE)&CLS_USEGROUPS))
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETUSEGROUPS, (WPARAM) FALSE, 0);
+ else
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETUSEGROUPS, (WPARAM) TRUE, 0);
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETHIDEEMPTYGROUPS, 1, 0);
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETGREYOUTFLAGS, 0, 0);
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETLEFTMARGIN, 2, 0);
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETBKCOLOR, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), 0);
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETINDENT, 10, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i <= FONTID_MAX; i++)
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETTEXTCOLOR, i, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
+static int clistDialogResize(HWND hwndDlg, LPARAM lParam, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) {
+ switch(urc->wId) {
+ case IDC_ABOUT:
+ case IDC_NULL:
+ }
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK clistDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ switch(msg) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ ResetCList(hwndDlg);
+ CheckRadioButton(hwndDlg, IDC_NULL, IDC_CONTACT, IDC_NULL);
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT));
+ break;
+ LPARAM res = 0;
+ HANDLE hContact, hItem;
+ hContact = (HANDLE)wParam;
+ log_debugA("VARM_SETSUBJECT: %u", hContact);
+ if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ TCHAR *tszContact = db_get_tsa(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_SUBJECT);
+ log_debugA("VARM_SETSUBJECT: %s", tszContact);
+ if (tszContact != NULL) {
+ hContact = decodeContactFromString(tszContact);
+ log_debugA("VARM_SETSUBJECT decoded: %u", hContact);
+ mir_free(tszContact);
+ } }
+ if ((hContact != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (hContact != NULL))
+ hItem = (HANDLE)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ else
+ hItem = NULL;
+ if (hItem != NULL)
+ res = (LPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)hItem, 0);
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT));
+ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST));
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LPARAM)res);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT) ? SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETSELECTION, 0, 0) : 0));
+ return TRUE;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ if (!IsIconic( hwndDlg )) {
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.lParam = 0;
+ /* ! uses ANSI version ! */
+ urd.pfnResizer = clistDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ if ((wParam) && (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT)))
+ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST));
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ case IDC_NULL:
+ CheckRadioButton(hwndDlg, IDC_NULL, IDC_CONTACT, LOWORD(wParam));
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT));
+ if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACT))
+ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST));
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ switch (((NMHDR *) lParam)->idFrom) {
+ case IDC_CLIST:
+ switch (((NMHDR *) lParam)->code) {
+ ResetCList(hwndDlg);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_CLOSE:
+ DestroyWindow(hwndDlg);
+ break;
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ {
+ HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETSUBJECT, 0, 0);
+ if (hContact != NULL) {
+ TCHAR *tszContact = encodeContactToString(hContact);
+ if (tszContact != NULL) {
+ db_set_ts(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_SUBJECT, tszContact);
+ mir_free(tszContact);
+ } } }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// dialog box for the tokens
+static TCHAR *getTokenCategory(TOKENREGISTEREX *tr) {
+ TCHAR *res;
+ char *cat, *cur, *helpText;
+ if (tr == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cat = NULL;
+ helpText = mir_strdup(tr->szHelpText);
+ if (helpText == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cur = helpText;
+ while (*cur != _T('\0')) {
+ if (*cur == _T('\t')) {
+ *cur = _T('\0');
+ helpText = ( char* )mir_realloc(helpText, strlen(helpText)+1);
+ res = mir_a2t(helpText);
+ mir_free(helpText);
+ return res;
+ }
+ cur++;
+ }
+ res = mir_a2t(helpText);
+ mir_free(helpText);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *getHelpDescription(TOKENREGISTEREX *tr)
+ if (tr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ char *cur = tr->szHelpText + strlen(tr->szHelpText);
+ while (cur > tr->szHelpText) {
+ if (*cur == _T('\t')) {
+ cur = mir_strdup(cur+1);
+ TCHAR *res = mir_a2t(cur);
+ mir_free(cur);
+ return res;
+ }
+ cur--;
+ }
+ return mir_a2t(tr->szHelpText);
+static TCHAR *getTokenDescription(TOKENREGISTEREX *tr)
+ int len;
+ char *args, *helpText, *cur, *first, *second;
+ TCHAR *desc, *tArgs;
+ if (tr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ args = NULL;
+ tArgs = NULL;
+ if (tr->szHelpText == NULL)
+ return mir_tstrdup(tr->tszTokenString);
+ helpText = mir_strdup(tr->szHelpText);
+ if (helpText == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cur = helpText;
+ first = second = NULL;
+ while (*cur != _T('\0')) {
+ if (*cur == _T('\t')) {
+ if (first == NULL)
+ first = cur;
+ else if (second == NULL)
+ second = cur;
+ }
+ cur++;
+ }
+ if ((first != NULL) && (second != NULL)) {
+ *second = _T('\0');
+ args = first+1;
+ }
+ else args = NULL;
+ len = _tcslen(tr->tszTokenString) + (args!=NULL?strlen(args):0) + 3;
+ desc = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc(len * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (desc == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (tr->flags&TRF_FIELD)
+ mir_sntprintf(desc, len, _T("%c%s%c"), _T(FIELD_CHAR), tr->szTokenString, _T(FIELD_CHAR));
+ else {
+ if (args != NULL)
+ tArgs = mir_a2t(args);
+ mir_sntprintf(desc, len, _T("%c%s%s"), _T(FUNC_CHAR), tr->tszTokenString, (tArgs!=NULL?tArgs:_T("")));
+ }
+ if (tArgs != NULL)
+ mir_free(tArgs);
+ if (helpText != NULL)
+ mir_free(helpText);
+ return desc;
+static int CALLBACK compareTokenHelp(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) {
+ TCHAR *cat1, *cat2;
+ int res;
+ res = 0;
+ tr1 = (TOKENREGISTEREX *)lParam1;
+ tr2 = (TOKENREGISTEREX *)lParam2;
+ if (tr1 == NULL || tr2 == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ cat1 = getTokenCategory(tr1);
+ cat2 = getTokenCategory(tr2);
+ if (cat1 != NULL && cat2 != NULL) {
+ res = _tcscmp(cat1, cat2);
+ mir_free(cat1);
+ mir_free(cat2);
+ cat1 = cat2 = NULL;
+ if (res != 0)
+ return res;
+ if (tr1->tszTokenString == NULL || tr2->tszTokenString == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return _tcscmp(tr1->tszTokenString, tr2->tszTokenString);
+ }
+ if (cat1 != NULL)
+ mir_free(cat1);
+ if (cat2 != NULL)
+ mir_free(cat2);
+ return 0;
+static BOOL CALLBACK processTokenListMessage(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) {
+ /* hwndDlg must be a child of the help dialog */
+ switch(msg) {
+ HWND hList;
+ LVITEM lvItem;
+ TCHAR *tszTokenDesc, *tszHelpDesc, *last, *cat, *text;
+ int i;
+ // token list things
+ hList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TOKENLIST);
+ memset(&lvCol,0,sizeof(lvCol));
+ lvCol.mask = LVCF_TEXT;
+ lvCol.pszText=TranslateT("Token");
+ ListView_InsertColumn(hList, 0, &lvCol);
+ lvCol.pszText=TranslateT("Description");
+ ListView_InsertColumn(hList, 1, &lvCol);
+ hdd = (HELPDLGDATA *)GetWindowLongPtr(GetParent(hwndDlg), GWLP_USERDATA);
+ i = -1;
+ do {
+ i += 1;
+ tszHelpDesc = tszTokenDesc = NULL;
+ tr = getTokenRegister(i);
+ if ((tr == NULL) || (tr->tszTokenString == NULL)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (hdd != NULL) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(tr->tszTokenString, _T(SUBJECT))) {
+ if (hdd->vhs->flags&VHF_HIDESUBJECTTOKEN) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (hdd->vhs->szSubjectDesc != NULL) {
+ tszHelpDesc = mir_a2t(hdd->vhs->szSubjectDesc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_tcscmp(tr->tszTokenString, _T(EXTRATEXT))) {
+ if (hdd->vhs->flags&VHF_HIDEEXTRATEXTTOKEN) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (hdd->vhs->szExtraTextDesc != NULL) {
+ tszHelpDesc = mir_a2t(hdd->vhs->szExtraTextDesc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ memset(&lvItem,0,sizeof(lvItem));
+ lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM;
+ lvItem.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hList);
+ lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
+ lvItem.lParam = (LPARAM)tr;
+ tszTokenDesc = getTokenDescription(tr);
+ if (tszTokenDesc == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ lvItem.pszText = tszTokenDesc;
+ ListView_InsertItem(hList, &lvItem);
+ mir_free(tszTokenDesc);
+ lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
+ if (tszHelpDesc == NULL) {
+ tszHelpDesc = getHelpDescription(tr);
+ }
+ if (tszHelpDesc == NULL) {
+ tszHelpDesc = mir_tstrdup(_T("unknown"));
+ }
+ lvItem.iSubItem = 1;
+ lvItem.pszText = TranslateTS(tszHelpDesc);
+ ListView_SetItem(hList, &lvItem);
+ mir_free(tszHelpDesc);
+ } while (tr != NULL);
+ ListView_SetColumnWidth(hList, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ ListView_SetColumnWidth(hList, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ ListView_SortItems(hList, compareTokenHelp, 0);
+ last = text = NULL;
+ for (i=0;i<ListView_GetItemCount(hList);i++) {
+ lvItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
+ lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
+ lvItem.iItem = i;
+ if (ListView_GetItem(hList, &lvItem) == FALSE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ cat = getTokenCategory((TOKENREGISTEREX *)lvItem.lParam);
+ if (cat != NULL) {
+ text = mir_tstrdup(TranslateTS(cat));
+ mir_free(cat);
+ }
+ else {
+ text = NULL;
+ }
+ if ((text != NULL) && ((last == NULL) || (_tcsicmp(last, text)))) {
+ lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
+ lvItem.pszText = text;
+ ListView_InsertItem(hList, &lvItem);
+ if (last != NULL) {
+ mir_free(last);
+ lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
+ lvItem.pszText = _T("");
+ ListView_InsertItem(hList, &lvItem);
+ }
+ last = text;
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(text);
+ }
+ }
+ if (last != NULL) {
+ mir_free(last);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ if ((((NMHDR*)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_TOKENLIST) && (((NMHDR*)lParam)->code == NM_DBLCLK)) {
+ HWND hList, hwndInputDlg;
+ LVITEM lvItem;
+ int len, item;
+ TCHAR *tokenString;
+ hwndInputDlg = (HWND)SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), VARM_GETDIALOG, (WPARAM)VHF_INPUT, 0);
+ if (hwndInputDlg == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ hList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TOKENLIST);
+ item = ListView_GetNextItem(hList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED|LVNI_FOCUSED);
+ ZeroMemory(&lvItem, sizeof(lvItem));
+ lvItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
+ lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
+ lvItem.iItem = item;
+ if (ListView_GetItem(hList, &lvItem) == FALSE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ tr = (TOKENREGISTER *)lvItem.lParam;
+ if (tr == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ len = _tcslen(tr->tszTokenString) + 2;
+ if (len < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ tokenString = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (tokenString == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(tokenString, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ wsprintf(tokenString, _T("%c%s%c"), (tr->flags&TRF_FIELD?_T(FIELD_CHAR):_T(FUNC_CHAR)), tr->tszTokenString, (tr->flags&TRF_FIELD?_T(FIELD_CHAR):_T('(')));
+ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndInputDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING, EM_REPLACESEL, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)tokenString);
+ mir_free(tokenString);
+ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndInputDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// "token only" dialog proc
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK tokenHelpDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ processTokenListMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ switch(msg) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ if (!IsIconic( hwndDlg )) {
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.pfnResizer = defaultHelpDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// token + input dialog proc
+// from SRMM
+static LRESULT CALLBACK SplitterSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ switch (msg) {
+ return HTCLIENT;
+ {
+ RECT rc;
+ GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
+ //SetCursor(rc.right > rc.bottom ? hCurSplitNS : hCurSplitWE);
+ if (rc.right > rc.bottom)
+ SetCursor(hCurSplitNS);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ SetCapture(hwnd);
+ return 0;
+ if (GetCapture() == hwnd) {
+ RECT rc;
+ GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), DM_SPLITTERMOVED, rc.right > rc.bottom ? (short) HIWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.bottom / 2 : (short) LOWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.right / 2, (LPARAM) hwnd);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return CallWindowProc(OldSplitterProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ int splitterPos;
+ int originalSplitterPos;
+ POINT minInputSize;
+ POINT minResultSize;
+ HWND hwndHelpDlg;
+static int iFrameX, iFrameY;
+static int inputDialogResize(HWND hwndDlg, LPARAM lParam, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc)
+ switch(urc->wId) {
+ urc->rcItem.bottom -= dat->splitterPos - dat->originalSplitterPos;
+ urc->rcItem.top -= dat->splitterPos - dat->originalSplitterPos;
+ urc->rcItem.bottom -= dat->splitterPos - dat->originalSplitterPos;
+ case IDC_RESULT:
+ urc->rcItem.top -= dat->splitterPos - dat->originalSplitterPos;
+ }
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK inputDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ static INPUTDLGDATA *dat = (INPUTDLGDATA *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
+ processTokenListMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ switch(msg) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ dat = ( INPUTDLGDATA* )mir_alloc(sizeof(INPUTDLGDATA));
+ ZeroMemory(dat, sizeof(INPUTDLGDATA));
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)dat);
+ // splitter things
+ dat->splitterPos = (INT_PTR)db_get_dw(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_SPLITTERPOS, -1);
+ {
+ RECT rc;
+ POINT pt;
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SPLITTER), &rc);
+ pt.y = (rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2;
+ pt.x = 0;
+ ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt);
+ dat->originalSplitterPos = pt.y;
+ if (dat->splitterPos == -1)
+ dat->splitterPos = dat->originalSplitterPos;
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHELP), &rc);
+ OldSplitterProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SPLITTER), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) SplitterSubclassProc);
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), &rc);
+ dat->minInputSize.x = rc.right - rc.left;
+ dat->minInputSize.y = rc.bottom - rc.top;
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESULT), &rc);
+ dat->minResultSize.x = rc.right - rc.left;
+ dat->minResultSize.y = rc.bottom - rc.top;
+ }
+ dat->hwndHelpDlg = GetParent(hwndDlg);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ SetTimer(hwndDlg, IDT_PARSE, 1000, NULL);
+ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING));
+ break;
+ {
+ POINT pt;
+ RECT rc, rcTeststring, rcResult;
+ int oldSplitterY;
+ if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SPLITTER)) {
+ GetClientRect(hwndDlg, &rc);
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = wParam;
+ ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt);
+ oldSplitterY = dat->splitterPos;
+ dat->splitterPos = rc.bottom - pt.y + 223;
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), &rcTeststring);
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESULT), &rcResult);
+ if ((((rcTeststring.bottom - rcTeststring.top) - (dat->splitterPos - oldSplitterY)) < dat->minInputSize.y) || (((rcResult.bottom - rcResult.top) + (dat->splitterPos - oldSplitterY)) < dat->minResultSize.y))
+ dat->splitterPos = oldSplitterY;
+ } }
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SIZE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE)
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ RECT rc, rcTeststring;
+ GetWindowRect(GetParent(hwndDlg), &rc);
+ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), &rcTeststring);
+ ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y = (rc.bottom - rc.top) - (((rcTeststring.bottom - rcTeststring.top) - dat->minResultSize.y));
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ if (!IsIconic( hwndDlg )) {
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.lParam = (LPARAM)dat;
+ urd.pfnResizer = inputDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ }
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ if (wParam)
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ break;
+ case VARM_PARSE:
+ {
+ TCHAR *string = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), *extraText;
+ int len = SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), VARM_GETEXTRATEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ extraText = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1)* sizeof(TCHAR));
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), VARM_GETEXTRATEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)extraText);
+ }
+ else extraText = NULL;
+ if (string != NULL) {
+ TCHAR *newString = variables_parsedup(string, extraText, (HANDLE)SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), VARM_GETSUBJECT, 0, 0));
+ if (newString != NULL) {
+ TCHAR *oldString = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_RESULT);
+ if (oldString == NULL || _tcscmp(oldString, newString))
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESULT), newString);
+ mir_free(newString);
+ if (oldString != NULL)
+ mir_free(oldString);
+ }
+ mir_free(string);
+ } }
+ break;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), WM_SETTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TESTSTRING), WM_GETTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ case WM_TIMER:
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ KillTimer(hwndDlg, IDT_PARSE);
+ db_set_dw(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_SPLITTERPOS, dat->splitterPos);
+ SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SPLITTER), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) OldSplitterProc);
+ if (dat != NULL) {
+ mir_free(dat);
+ dat = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// help info dialog
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK helpInfoDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ switch(msg) {
+ SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_HELPDESC, \
+"--- Special characters ---\r\n\r\n\
+The following characters have a special meaning in a formatting string:\r\n\r\n\
+This will parse the function given the arguments, the result will be parsed again. Example: Today is ?cdate(yyyy/MM/dd).\r\n\r\n\
+This will parse the function given the arguments, the result will not be parsed again. Example: Message waiting: !message(,first,rcvd,unread).\r\n\r\n\
+This will parse the given field. Example: I installed Miranda at: %mirandapath%.\r\n\r\n\
+This will not parse the given string, any function, field or special character in the string will shown in the result without being translated. Example: Use `%mirandapath%` to show the installation path.\r\n\r\n\
+This will add a comment in the formatting string. Everything from the # character to the end of the line will be removed. Example: %dbprofile% #this is a useless comment.\r\n\r\n\r\n\
+--- Contacts ---\r\n\r\n\
+Whenever a functions requires a contact as an argument, you can specify it in two ways:\r\n\r\n\
+(1) Using a unique id (UIN for ICQ, email for MSN) or, a protocol id followed by a unique id in the form <PROTOID:UNIQUEID>, for example <MSN:miranda@hotmail.com> or <ICQ:123456789>.\r\n\r\n\
+(2) Using the contact function:\r\n\
+A contact will be searched which will have value x for its property y, y can be one of the following:\r\n\
+first, last, nick, email, id or display\r\n\r\n\
+For example: ?contact(miranda@hotmail.com,email) or ?contact(Miranda,nick). The contact function will return either a unique contact according to the arguments or nothing if none or multiple contacts exists with the given property.\
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ if (!IsIconic( hwndDlg )) {
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.lParam = 0;
+ urd.pfnResizer = defaultHelpDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// the parent page (tabs)
+static int helpDialogResize(HWND hwndDlg, LPARAM lParam, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc)
+ switch(urc->wId) {
+ case IDC_OK:
+ case IDC_CANCEL:
+ }
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK helpDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ switch(msg) {
+ int tabCount;
+ HWND hTab, hShow, hPage;
+ TCITEM tci;
+ RECT rcTabs, rcParent;
+ hwndHelpDialog = hwndDlg;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ dat = ( HELPDLGDATA* )mir_alloc(sizeof(HELPDLGDATA));
+ ZeroMemory(dat, sizeof(HELPDLGDATA));
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)dat);
+ dat->vhs = (VARHELPINFO *)lParam;
+ // set tabs
+ tabCount = 0;
+ hTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS);
+ GetWindowRect(hTab, &rcTabs);
+ GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rcParent);
+ ZeroMemory(&tci, sizeof(TCITEM));
+ hShow = 0;
+ if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_TOKENS) {
+ // token tab
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_PARAM;
+ tci.pszText = TranslateT("Tokens");
+ hPage = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TOKENS_DIALOG), hwndDlg, tokenHelpDlgProc, (LPARAM)GetParent(hwndDlg));
+ if (pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture)
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hPage, ETDT_ENABLETAB);
+ tci.lParam = (LPARAM)hPage;
+ MoveWindow(hPage, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ ShowWindow(hPage, SW_HIDE);
+ TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTab, tabCount++, &tci);
+ hShow = hShow==0?hPage:hShow;
+ }
+ if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_INPUT) {
+ // input tab
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_PARAM;
+ tci.pszText = TranslateT("Input");
+ dat->hwndInputDlg = hPage = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INPUT_DIALOG), hwndDlg, inputDlgProc, (LPARAM)GetParent(hwndDlg));
+ if (pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture) {
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hPage, ETDT_ENABLETAB);
+ }
+ tci.lParam = (LPARAM)hPage;
+ MoveWindow(hPage, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ ShowWindow(hPage, SW_HIDE);
+ TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTab, tabCount++, &tci);
+ hShow = hShow==0?hPage:hShow;
+ if ((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (dat->vhs->fi->szFormat != NULL)) {
+ if (dat->vhs->fi->flags & FIF_UNICODE)
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETINPUTTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->tszFormat);
+ else {
+ WCHAR *wszFormatString = mir_a2t(dat->vhs->fi->szFormat);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETINPUTTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)wszFormatString);
+ mir_free(wszFormatString);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dat->vhs->hwndCtrl != NULL) {
+ TCHAR *tszText;
+ tszText = Hlp_GetWindowText(dat->vhs->hwndCtrl);
+ if (tszText != NULL) {
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETINPUTTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)tszText);
+ mir_free(tszText);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dat->vhs->fi != NULL || dat->vhs->hwndCtrl != NULL) {
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CANCEL), TranslateT("Cancel"));
+ ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OK), SW_SHOW);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((dat->vhs->flags&VHF_SUBJECT) ||
+ ((dat->vhs->flags&VHF_INPUT) && (((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (dat->vhs->fi->hContact != NULL)) || (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_SETLASTSUBJECT)))) {
+ // subject window is created, but not necessarily shown
+ dat->hwndSubjectDlg = hPage = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CLIST_DIALOG), hwndDlg, clistDlgProc, (LPARAM)GetParent(hwndDlg));
+ if (pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture) {
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hPage, ETDT_ENABLETAB);
+ }
+ MoveWindow(hPage, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ ShowWindow(hPage, SW_HIDE);
+ if ((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (dat->vhs->fi->hContact != NULL))
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETSUBJECT, (WPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->hContact, 0);
+ else if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_SETLASTSUBJECT)
+ if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_SUBJECT) {
+ // create subject tab
+ tci.lParam = (LPARAM)hPage;
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_PARAM;
+ tci.pszText = TranslateT("%subject%");
+ TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTab, tabCount++, &tci);
+ hShow = hShow==0?hPage:hShow;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((dat->vhs->flags&VHF_EXTRATEXT) ||
+ ((dat->vhs->flags&VHF_INPUT) && (dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (dat->vhs->fi->tszExtraText != NULL))) {
+ // extratext window is created, but not necessarily shown
+ dat->hwndExtraTextDlg = hPage = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_EXTRATEXT_DIALOG), hwndDlg, extratextDlgProc, (LPARAM)GetParent(hwndDlg));
+ if (pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture)
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hPage, ETDT_ENABLETAB);
+ MoveWindow(hPage, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ ShowWindow(hPage, SW_HIDE);
+ if ((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (dat->vhs->fi->tszExtraText != NULL)) {
+ if (dat->vhs->fi->flags & FIF_UNICODE)
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETEXTRATEXT, 0, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->tszExtraText);
+ else {
+ WCHAR *wszSource = mir_a2t(dat->vhs->fi->szExtraText);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_SETEXTRATEXT, 0, (LPARAM)wszSource);
+ mir_free(wszSource);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_EXTRATEXT) {
+ // create extratext tab
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_PARAM;
+ tci.pszText = TranslateT("%extratext%");
+ tci.lParam = (LPARAM)hPage;
+ TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTab, tabCount++, &tci);
+ hShow = hShow==0?hPage:hShow;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dat->vhs->flags&VHF_HELP) {
+ // helpinfo tab
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_PARAM;
+ tci.pszText = TranslateT("Help");
+ hPage = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HELPINFO_DIALOG), hwndDlg, helpInfoDlgProc, (LPARAM)GetParent(hwndDlg));
+ if (pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture)
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hPage, ETDT_ENABLETAB);
+ tci.lParam = (LPARAM)hPage;
+ MoveWindow(hPage, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ ShowWindow(hPage, SW_HIDE);
+ TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTab, tabCount++, &tci);
+ hShow = hShow==0?hPage:hShow;
+ }
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoMove(hwndDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, "help");
+ SetWindowText(hwndDlg, TranslateT("Variables Help"));
+ ShowWindow(hShow, SW_SHOW);
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ case IDC_OK:
+ if ((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (!(dat->vhs->flags&VHF_DONTFILLSTRUCT))) {
+ int len = SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if ((dat->vhs->fi != NULL) && (!(dat->vhs->flags&VHF_DONTFILLSTRUCT))) {
+ if (dat->vhs->fi->flags&FIF_UNICODE) {
+ dat->vhs->fi->tszFormat = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->tszFormat);
+ }
+ else {
+ dat->vhs->fi->szFormat = ( char* )mir_calloc(len+1);
+ SendMessageA(hwndDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->szFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dat->vhs->hwndCtrl != NULL) {
+ int len = SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ TCHAR *tszText;
+ tszText = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (tszText != NULL) {
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)tszText);
+ SetWindowText(dat->vhs->hwndCtrl, tszText);
+ mir_free(tszText);
+ }
+ }
+ SendMessage(GetParent(dat->vhs->hwndCtrl),
+ MAKEWPARAM(GetDlgCtrlID(dat->vhs->hwndCtrl),
+ (LPARAM)dat->vhs->hwndCtrl);
+ }
+ if ((dat->vhs->flags&VHF_FULLFILLSTRUCT) && (dat->vhs->fi != NULL)) {
+ int len = SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETEXTRATEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ if (dat->vhs->fi->flags&FIF_UNICODE) {
+ dat->vhs->fi->tszExtraText = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETEXTRATEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->tszExtraText);
+ }
+ else {
+ dat->vhs->fi->szExtraText = ( char* )mir_calloc(len+1);
+ SendMessageA(hwndDlg, VARM_GETEXTRATEXT, (WPARAM)len+1, (LPARAM)dat->vhs->fi->szExtraText);
+ }
+ }
+ dat->vhs->fi->hContact = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_GETSUBJECT, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // fall through
+ case IDC_CANCEL:
+ if (GetParent(hwndDlg) == NULL)
+ DestroyWindow(hwndDlg);
+ else
+ EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndSubjectDlg, VARM_SETSUBJECT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndSubjectDlg, VARM_GETSUBJECT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndExtraTextDlg, VARM_SETEXTRATEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndExtraTextDlg, VARM_GETEXTRATEXTLENGTH, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndExtraTextDlg, VARM_GETEXTRATEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndInputDlg, VARM_SETINPUTTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndInputDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXTLENGTH, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,
+ SendMessage(dat->hwndInputDlg, VARM_GETINPUTTEXT, wParam, lParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ switch (wParam) {
+ case VHF_INPUT:
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LPARAM)dat->hwndInputDlg);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ int i, count;
+ TCITEM tci;
+ RECT rcParent;
+ HWND hTab;
+ MINMAXINFO pageMinMax;
+ GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rcParent);
+ // defaults
+ ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x = 400;
+ ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y = 400;
+ hTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS);
+ tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
+ count = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(hTab);
+ // return the largest of all pages
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
+ TabCtrl_GetItem(hTab, i, &tci);
+ ZeroMemory(&pageMinMax, sizeof(pageMinMax));
+ SendMessage((HWND)tci.lParam, WM_GETMINMAXINFO, wParam, (LPARAM)&pageMinMax);
+ ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x = max(((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x, pageMinMax.ptMinTrackSize.x);
+ ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y = max(((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y, pageMinMax.ptMinTrackSize.y);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE: {
+ TCITEM tci;
+ int i, count;
+ HWND hTab;
+ RECT rcTabs, rcParent;
+ if(IsIconic(hwndDlg))
+ break;
+ urd.cbSize = sizeof(urd);
+ urd.hInstance = hInst;
+ urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
+ urd.lParam = (LPARAM)0;
+ // ! uses ANSI version !
+ urd.pfnResizer = helpDialogResize;
+ CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM)&urd);
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_MOVE, 0, 0);
+ hTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS);
+ GetWindowRect(hTab, &rcTabs);
+ GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rcParent);
+ tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
+ count = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(hTab);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
+ TabCtrl_GetItem(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_TABS), i, &tci);
+ MoveWindow((HWND)tci.lParam, (rcTabs.left - rcParent.left), (rcTabs.top - rcParent.top), (rcTabs.right - rcTabs.left) - 2*iFrameX, (rcTabs.bottom - rcTabs.top) - 2*iFrameY, TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ if ((((NMHDR*)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_TABS)) {
+ if (((NMHDR*)lParam)->code == TCN_SELCHANGING) {
+ TCITEM tci;
+ tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
+ TabCtrl_GetItem(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS), TabCtrl_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS)), &tci);
+ ShowWindow((HWND)tci.lParam, SW_HIDE);
+ }
+ else if (((NMHDR*)lParam)->code == TCN_SELCHANGE) {
+ TCITEM tci;
+ tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
+ TabCtrl_GetItem(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS), TabCtrl_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS)), &tci);
+ ShowWindow((HWND)tci.lParam, SW_SHOW);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_CLOSE:
+ if (GetParent(hwndDlg) == NULL)
+ DestroyWindow(hwndDlg);
+ else
+ EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, "help");
+ {
+ HWND hTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS);
+ TCITEM tci;
+ tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
+ int count = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(hTab);
+ for ( int i=0; i < count; i++ ) {
+ TabCtrl_GetItem(hTab, i, &tci);
+ if (((HWND)tci.lParam != dat->hwndSubjectDlg) && ((HWND)tci.lParam != dat->hwndExtraTextDlg))
+ DestroyWindow((HWND)tci.lParam);
+ } }
+ // these windows might have been created, but not inserted as tabs
+ if (IsWindow(dat->hwndSubjectDlg))
+ DestroyWindow(dat->hwndSubjectDlg);
+ if (IsWindow(dat->hwndExtraTextDlg))
+ DestroyWindow(dat->hwndExtraTextDlg);
+ mir_free(dat);
+ dat = NULL;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG)NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+INT_PTR showHelpExService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (IsWindow(hwndHelpDialog)) {
+ SetFocus(hwndHelpDialog);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (lParam == 0)
+ return -1;
+ iFrameX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
+ iFrameY = 3 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
+ if (wParam)
+ DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HELP_DIALOG), (HWND)wParam, helpDlgProc, (LPARAM)lParam);
+ else
+ CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HELP_DIALOG), NULL, helpDlgProc, (LPARAM)lParam);
+ return 0;
+INT_PTR showHelpService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ static VARHELPINFO *vhs = NULL;
+ static FORMATINFO *fi = NULL;
+ if (fi == NULL)
+ fi = ( FORMATINFO* )mir_alloc(sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ ZeroMemory(fi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ fi->cbSize = sizeof(FORMATINFO);
+ fi->szFormat = (char *)lParam;
+ if (vhs == NULL)
+ vhs = ( VARHELPINFO* )mir_alloc(sizeof(VARHELPINFO));
+ ZeroMemory(vhs, sizeof(VARHELPINFO));
+ vhs->cbSize = sizeof(VARHELPINFO);
+ vhs->fi = fi;
+ vhs->hwndCtrl = (HWND)wParam;
+ return showHelpExService(0, (LPARAM)vhs);
+INT_PTR getSkinItemService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ int item = lParam;
+ if (item == 0)
+ return (INT_PTR)NULL;
+ switch (item) {
+ if (hHelpIcon == NULL) {
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_SKIN2_GETICON))
+ hHelpIcon = (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON, 0, (LPARAM)"vars_help");
+ if (hHelpIcon == NULL)
+ hHelpIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_V), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), 0);
+ }
+ return (INT_PTR)hHelpIcon;
+ return (INT_PTR)Translate("Open String Formatting Help");
+ }
+ return (INT_PTR)NULL;
+int iconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ hHelpIcon = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/DOCBparser.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/DOCBparser.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..75fb0b2ac8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/DOCBparser.h @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * DOCBparser.h : interface for a DocBook SGML non-verifying parser + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __DOCB_PARSER_H__ +#define __DOCB_PARSER_H__ +#include "libxml/parser.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Most of the back-end structures from XML and SGML are shared. + */ +typedef xmlParserCtxt docbParserCtxt; +typedef xmlParserCtxtPtr docbParserCtxtPtr; +typedef xmlParserNodeInfo docbParserNodeInfo; +typedef xmlSAXHandler docbSAXHandler; +typedef xmlSAXHandlerPtr docbSAXHandlerPtr; +typedef xmlParserInput docbParserInput; +typedef xmlParserInputPtr docbParserInputPtr; +typedef xmlDocPtr docbDocPtr; +typedef xmlNodePtr docbNodePtr; + +/* + * There is only few public functions. + */ +int docbEncodeEntities(unsigned char *out, + int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, + int *inlen, int quoteChar); + +docbDocPtr docbSAXParseDoc (xmlChar *cur, + const char *encoding, + docbSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *userData); +docbDocPtr docbParseDoc (xmlChar *cur, + const char *encoding); +docbDocPtr docbSAXParseFile(const char *filename, + const char *encoding, + docbSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *userData); +docbDocPtr docbParseFile (const char *filename, + const char *encoding); + +/** + * Interfaces for the Push mode. + */ +void docbFreeParserCtxt (docbParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +docbParserCtxtPtr docbCreatePushParserCtxt(docbSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *chunk, + int size, + const char *filename, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +int docbParseChunk (docbParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *chunk, + int size, + int terminate); +docbParserCtxtPtr docbCreateFileParserCtxt(const char *filename, + const char *encoding); +int docbParseDocument (docbParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __DOCB_PARSER_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLparser.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLparser.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a98ecbe8e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLparser.h @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* + * HTMLparser.h : interface for an HTML 4.0 non-verifying parser + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __HTML_PARSER_H__ +#define __HTML_PARSER_H__ +#include "libxml/parser.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Most of the back-end structures from XML and HTML are shared. + */ +typedef xmlParserCtxt htmlParserCtxt; +typedef xmlParserCtxtPtr htmlParserCtxtPtr; +typedef xmlParserNodeInfo htmlParserNodeInfo; +typedef xmlSAXHandler htmlSAXHandler; +typedef xmlSAXHandlerPtr htmlSAXHandlerPtr; +typedef xmlParserInput htmlParserInput; +typedef xmlParserInputPtr htmlParserInputPtr; +typedef xmlDocPtr htmlDocPtr; +typedef xmlNodePtr htmlNodePtr; + +/* + * Internal description of an HTML element, representing HTML 4.01 + * and XHTML 1.0 (which share the same structure). + */ +typedef struct _htmlElemDesc htmlElemDesc; +typedef htmlElemDesc *htmlElemDescPtr; +struct _htmlElemDesc { + const char *name; /* The tag name */ + char startTag; /* Whether the start tag can be implied */ + char endTag; /* Whether the end tag can be implied */ + char saveEndTag; /* Whether the end tag should be saved */ + char empty; /* Is this an empty element ? */ + char depr; /* Is this a deprecated element ? */ + char dtd; /* 1: only in Loose DTD, 2: only Frameset one */ + char isinline; /* is this a block 0 or inline 1 element */ + const char *desc; /* the description */ + +/* NRK Jan.2003 + * New fields encapsulating HTML structure + * + * Bugs: + * This is a very limited representation. It fails to tell us when + * an element *requires* subelements (we only have whether they're + * allowed or not), and it doesn't tell us where CDATA and PCDATA + * are allowed. Some element relationships are not fully represented: + * these are flagged with the word MODIFIER + */ + const char** subelts; /* allowed sub-elements of this element */ + const char* defaultsubelt; /* subelement for suggested auto-repair + if necessary or NULL */ + const char** attrs_opt; /* Optional Attributes */ + const char** attrs_depr; /* Additional deprecated attributes */ + const char** attrs_req; /* Required attributes */ +}; + +/* + * Internal description of an HTML entity. + */ +typedef struct _htmlEntityDesc htmlEntityDesc; +typedef htmlEntityDesc *htmlEntityDescPtr; +struct _htmlEntityDesc { + unsigned int value; /* the UNICODE value for the character */ + const char *name; /* The entity name */ + const char *desc; /* the description */ +}; + +/* + * There is only few public functions. + */ +const htmlElemDesc * htmlTagLookup (const xmlChar *tag); +const htmlEntityDesc * htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name); +const htmlEntityDesc * htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value); + +int htmlIsAutoClosed(htmlDocPtr doc, + htmlNodePtr elem); +int htmlAutoCloseTag(htmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + htmlNodePtr elem); +const htmlEntityDesc * htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **str); +int htmlParseCharRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void htmlParseElement(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +int htmlParseDocument(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +htmlDocPtr htmlSAXParseDoc (xmlChar *cur, + const char *encoding, + htmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *userData); +htmlDocPtr htmlParseDoc (xmlChar *cur, + const char *encoding); +htmlDocPtr htmlSAXParseFile(const char *filename, + const char *encoding, + htmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *userData); +htmlDocPtr htmlParseFile (const char *filename, + const char *encoding); +int UTF8ToHtml (unsigned char *out, + int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, + int *inlen); +int htmlEncodeEntities(unsigned char *out, + int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, + int *inlen, int quoteChar); +int htmlIsScriptAttribute(const xmlChar *name); +int htmlHandleOmittedElem(int val); + +/** + * Interfaces for the Push mode. + */ +void htmlFreeParserCtxt (htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +htmlParserCtxtPtr htmlCreatePushParserCtxt(htmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *chunk, + int size, + const char *filename, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +int htmlParseChunk (htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *chunk, + int size, + int terminate); + +/* NRK/Jan2003: further knowledge of HTML structure + */ +typedef enum { + HTML_NA = 0 , /* something we don't check at all */ + HTML_INVALID = 0x1 , + HTML_DEPRECATED = 0x2 , + HTML_VALID = 0x4 , + HTML_REQUIRED = 0xc /* VALID bit set so ( & HTML_VALID ) is TRUE */ +} htmlStatus ; + +/* Using htmlElemDesc rather than name here, to emphasise the fact + that otherwise there's a lookup overhead +*/ +htmlStatus htmlAttrAllowed(const htmlElemDesc*, const xmlChar*, int) ; +int htmlElementAllowedHere(const htmlElemDesc*, const xmlChar*) ; +htmlStatus htmlElementStatusHere(const htmlElemDesc*, const htmlElemDesc*) ; +htmlStatus htmlNodeStatus(const htmlNodePtr, int) ; +#define htmlDefaultSubelement(elt) elt->defaultsubelt +#define htmlElementAllowedHereDesc(parent,elt) \ + htmlElementAllowedHere((parent), (elt)->name) +#define htmlRequiredAttrs(elt) (elt)->attrs_req + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __HTML_PARSER_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLtree.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLtree.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9944b3b25 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/HTMLtree.h @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/* + * HTMLtree.h : describes the structures found in an tree resulting + * from an XML parsing. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __HTML_TREE_H__ +#define __HTML_TREE_H__ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/HTMLparser.h" + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/** + * HTML_TEXT_NODE: + * + * Macro. A text node in a HTML document is really implemented + * the same way as a text node in an XML document. + */ +#define HTML_TEXT_NODE XML_TEXT_NODE +/** + * HTML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: + * + * Macro. An entity reference in a HTML document is really implemented + * the same way as an entity reference in an XML document. + */ +#define HTML_ENTITY_REF_NODE XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE +/** + * HTML_COMMENT_NODE: + * + * Macro. A comment in a HTML document is really implemented + * the same way as a comment in an XML document. + */ +#define HTML_COMMENT_NODE XML_COMMENT_NODE +/** + * HTML_PRESERVE_NODE: + * + * Macro. A preserved node in a HTML document is really implemented + * the same way as a CDATA section in an XML document. + */ +#define HTML_PRESERVE_NODE XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE +/** + * HTML_PI_NODE: + * + * Macro. A processing instruction in a HTML document is really implemented + * the same way as a processing instruction in an XML document. + */ +#define HTML_PI_NODE XML_PI_NODE + +htmlDocPtr htmlNewDoc (const xmlChar *URI, + const xmlChar *ExternalID); +htmlDocPtr htmlNewDocNoDtD (const xmlChar *URI, + const xmlChar *ExternalID); +const xmlChar * htmlGetMetaEncoding (htmlDocPtr doc); +int htmlSetMetaEncoding (htmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *encoding); +void htmlDocDumpMemory (xmlDocPtr cur, + xmlChar **mem, + int *size); +int htmlDocDump (FILE *f, + xmlDocPtr cur); +int htmlSaveFile (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur); +int htmlNodeDump (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur); +void htmlNodeDumpFile (FILE *out, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur); +int htmlNodeDumpFileFormat (FILE *out, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); +int htmlSaveFileEnc (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding); +int htmlSaveFileFormat (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); + +void htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); +void htmlDocContentDumpOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding); +void htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); + +int htmlIsBooleanAttr (const xmlChar *name); +void htmlNodeDumpOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur, const char *encoding); + + + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __HTML_TREE_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/SAX.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/SAX.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a46e14c78e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/SAX.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + * SAX.h : Default SAX handler interfaces. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com> + */ + + +#ifndef __XML_SAX_H__ +#define __XML_SAX_H__ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include "libxml/parser.h" +#include "libxml/xlink.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +const xmlChar * getPublicId (void *ctx); +const xmlChar * getSystemId (void *ctx); +void setDocumentLocator (void *ctx, + xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc); + +int getLineNumber (void *ctx); +int getColumnNumber (void *ctx); + +int isStandalone (void *ctx); +int hasInternalSubset (void *ctx); +int hasExternalSubset (void *ctx); + +void internalSubset (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +void externalSubset (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlEntityPtr getEntity (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlEntityPtr getParameterEntity (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlParserInputPtr resolveEntity (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId); + +void entityDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId, + xmlChar *content); +void attributeDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *elem, + const xmlChar *fullname, + int type, + int def, + const xmlChar *defaultValue, + xmlEnumerationPtr tree); +void elementDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + xmlElementContentPtr content); +void notationDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId); +void unparsedEntityDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId, + const xmlChar *notationName); + +void startDocument (void *ctx); +void endDocument (void *ctx); +void attribute (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *fullname, + const xmlChar *value); +void startElement (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *fullname, + const xmlChar **atts); +void endElement (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +void reference (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +void characters (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *ch, + int len); +void ignorableWhitespace (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *ch, + int len); +void processingInstruction (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *target, + const xmlChar *data); +void globalNamespace (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *href, + const xmlChar *prefix); +void setNamespace (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlNsPtr getNamespace (void *ctx); +int checkNamespace (void *ctx, + xmlChar *nameSpace); +void namespaceDecl (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *href, + const xmlChar *prefix); +void comment (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *value); +void cdataBlock (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *value, + int len); + +void initxmlDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler *hdlr, + int warning); +#ifdef LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED +void inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler *hdlr); +#endif +#ifdef LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED +void initdocbDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler *hdlr); +#endif +void xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +void htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +void docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_SAX_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/c14n.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/c14n.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..75ace8a4a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/c14n.h @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +/* + * "Canonical XML" implementation + * http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n + * + * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" implementation + * http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n + + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Author: Aleksey Sanin <aleksey@aleksey.com> + */ +#ifndef __XML_C14N_H__ +#define __XML_C14N_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#include <libxml/tree.h> +#include <libxml/xpath.h> + +/* + * XML Canonicazation + * http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n + * + * Exclusive XML Canonicazation + * http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n + * + * Canonical form of an XML document could be created if and only if + * a) default attributes (if any) are added to all nodes + * b) all character and parsed entity references are resolved + * In order to achive this in libxml2 the document MUST be loaded with + * following global setings: + * + * xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS; + * xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); + * + * or corresponding parser context setting: + * xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt; + * + * ... + * ctxt->loadsubset = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS; + * ctxt->replaceEntities = 1; + * ... + */ + + +int xmlC14NDocSaveTo (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + int exclusive, + xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes, + int with_comments, + xmlOutputBufferPtr buf); + +int xmlC14NDocDumpMemory (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + int exclusive, + xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes, + int with_comments, + xmlChar **doc_txt_ptr); + +int xmlC14NDocSave (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + int exclusive, + xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes, + int with_comments, + const char* filename, + int compression); + + +/** + * This is the core C14N function + */ +typedef int (*xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback) (void* user_data, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr parent); + +int xmlC14NExecute (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback, + void* user_data, + int exclusive, + xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes, + int with_comments, + xmlOutputBufferPtr buf); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#endif /* __XML_C14N_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/catalog.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/catalog.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6ee04815e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/catalog.h @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/** + * catalog.h: interfaces of the Catalog handling system + * + * Reference: SGML Open Technical Resolution TR9401:1997. + * http://www.jclark.com/sp/catalog.htm + * + * XML Catalogs Working Draft 12 Jun 2001 + * http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-06-12.html + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_CATALOG_H__ +#define __XML_CATALOG_H__ + +#include <stdio.h> + +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#ifdef LIBXML_CATALOG_ENABLED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XML_CATALOGS_NAMESPACE: + * + * The namespace for the XML Catalogs elements. + */ +#define XML_CATALOGS_NAMESPACE \ + (const xmlChar *) "urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" +/** + * XML_CATALOG_PI: + * + * The specific XML Catalog Processing Instuction name. + */ +#define XML_CATALOG_PI \ + (const xmlChar *) "oasis-xml-catalog" + +/* + * The API is voluntarily limited to general cataloging. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_CATA_PREFER_NONE = 0, + XML_CATA_PREFER_PUBLIC = 1, + XML_CATA_PREFER_SYSTEM +} xmlCatalogPrefer; + +typedef enum { + XML_CATA_ALLOW_NONE = 0, + XML_CATA_ALLOW_GLOBAL = 1, + XML_CATA_ALLOW_DOCUMENT = 2, + XML_CATA_ALLOW_ALL = 3 +} xmlCatalogAllow; + +typedef struct _xmlCatalog xmlCatalog; +typedef xmlCatalog *xmlCatalogPtr; + +/* + * Operations on a given catalog. + */ +xmlCatalogPtr xmlNewCatalog (int sgml); +xmlCatalogPtr xmlLoadACatalog (const char *filename); +xmlCatalogPtr xmlLoadSGMLSuperCatalog (const char *filename); +int xmlConvertSGMLCatalog (xmlCatalogPtr catal); +int xmlACatalogAdd (xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *type, + const xmlChar *orig, + const xmlChar *replace); +int xmlACatalogRemove (xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlChar * xmlACatalogResolve (xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *pubID, + const xmlChar *sysID); +xmlChar * xmlACatalogResolveSystem(xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *sysID); +xmlChar * xmlACatalogResolvePublic(xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *pubID); +xmlChar * xmlACatalogResolveURI (xmlCatalogPtr catal, + const xmlChar *URI); +void xmlACatalogDump (xmlCatalogPtr catal, + FILE *out); +void xmlFreeCatalog (xmlCatalogPtr catal); +int xmlCatalogIsEmpty (xmlCatalogPtr catal); + +/* + * Global operations. + */ +void xmlInitializeCatalog (void); +int xmlLoadCatalog (const char *filename); +void xmlLoadCatalogs (const char *paths); +void xmlCatalogCleanup (void); +void xmlCatalogDump (FILE *out); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogResolve (const xmlChar *pubID, + const xmlChar *sysID); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogResolveSystem (const xmlChar *sysID); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogResolvePublic (const xmlChar *pubID); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogResolveURI (const xmlChar *URI); +int xmlCatalogAdd (const xmlChar *type, + const xmlChar *orig, + const xmlChar *replace); +int xmlCatalogRemove (const xmlChar *value); +xmlDocPtr xmlParseCatalogFile (const char *filename); +int xmlCatalogConvert (void); + +/* + * Strictly minimal interfaces for per-document catalogs used + * by the parser. + */ +void xmlCatalogFreeLocal (void *catalogs); +void * xmlCatalogAddLocal (void *catalogs, + const xmlChar *URL); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogLocalResolve (void *catalogs, + const xmlChar *pubID, + const xmlChar *sysID); +xmlChar * xmlCatalogLocalResolveURI(void *catalogs, + const xmlChar *URI); +/* + * Preference settings. + */ +int xmlCatalogSetDebug (int level); +xmlCatalogPrefer xmlCatalogSetDefaultPrefer(xmlCatalogPrefer prefer); +void xmlCatalogSetDefaults (xmlCatalogAllow allow); +xmlCatalogAllow xmlCatalogGetDefaults (void); + + +/* DEPRECATED interfaces */ +const xmlChar * xmlCatalogGetSystem (const xmlChar *sysID); +const xmlChar * xmlCatalogGetPublic (const xmlChar *pubID); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* LIBXML_CATALOG_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __XML_CATALOG_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/debugXML.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/debugXML.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..444acb408e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/debugXML.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* + * debugXML.h : Interfaces to a set of routines used for debugging the tree + * produced by the XML parser. + * + * Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com> + */ + +#ifndef __DEBUG_XML__ +#define __DEBUG_XML__ +#include <stdio.h> +#include "libxml/tree.h" + +#ifdef LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED + +#include "libxml/xpath.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * The standard Dump routines. + */ +void xmlDebugDumpString (FILE *output, + const xmlChar *str); +void xmlDebugDumpAttr (FILE *output, + xmlAttrPtr attr, + int depth); +void xmlDebugDumpAttrList (FILE *output, + xmlAttrPtr attr, + int depth); +void xmlDebugDumpOneNode (FILE *output, + xmlNodePtr node, + int depth); +void xmlDebugDumpNode (FILE *output, + xmlNodePtr node, + int depth); +void xmlDebugDumpNodeList (FILE *output, + xmlNodePtr node, + int depth); +void xmlDebugDumpDocumentHead(FILE *output, + xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlDebugDumpDocument (FILE *output, + xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlDebugDumpDTD (FILE *output, + xmlDtdPtr dtd); +void xmlDebugDumpEntities (FILE *output, + xmlDocPtr doc); + +void xmlLsOneNode (FILE *output, xmlNodePtr node); +int xmlLsCountNode (xmlNodePtr node); + +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT const char *xmlBoolToText (int boolval); + +/**************************************************************** + * * + * The XML shell related structures and functions * + * * + ****************************************************************/ + +/** + * xmlShellReadlineFunc: + * @prompt: a string prompt + * + * This is a generic signature for the XML shell input function. + * + * Returns a string which will be freed by the Shell. + */ +typedef char * (* xmlShellReadlineFunc)(char *prompt); + +/** + * xmlShellCtxt: + * + * A debugging shell context. + * TODO: add the defined function tables. + */ +typedef struct _xmlShellCtxt xmlShellCtxt; +typedef xmlShellCtxt *xmlShellCtxtPtr; +struct _xmlShellCtxt { + char *filename; + xmlDocPtr doc; + xmlNodePtr node; + xmlXPathContextPtr pctxt; + int loaded; + FILE *output; + xmlShellReadlineFunc input; +}; + +/** + * xmlShellCmd: + * @ctxt: a shell context + * @arg: a string argument + * @node: a first node + * @node2: a second node + * + * This is a generic signature for the XML shell functions. + * + * Returns an int, negative returns indicating errors. + */ +typedef int (* xmlShellCmd) (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); + +void xmlShellPrintXPathError (int errorType, + const char *arg); +void xmlShellPrintNode (xmlNodePtr node); +void xmlShellPrintXPathResult(xmlXPathObjectPtr list); +int xmlShellList (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellBase (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellDir (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellCat (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellLoad (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *filename, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellWrite (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *filename, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellSave (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *filename, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellValidate (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *dtd, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellDu (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *arg, + xmlNodePtr tree, + xmlNodePtr node2); +int xmlShellPwd (xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt, + char *buffer, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr node2); + +/* + * The Shell interface. + */ +void xmlShell (xmlDocPtr doc, + char *filename, + xmlShellReadlineFunc input, + FILE *output); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __DEBUG_XML__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/encoding.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/encoding.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..012f6d9cf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/encoding.h @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/* + * encoding.h : interface for the encoding conversion functions needed for + * XML + * + * Related specs: + * rfc2044 (UTF-8 and UTF-16) F. Yergeau Alis Technologies + * [ISO-10646] UTF-8 and UTF-16 in Annexes + * [ISO-8859-1] ISO Latin-1 characters codes. + * [UNICODE] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard -- + * Worldwide Character Encoding -- Version 1.0", Addison- + * Wesley, Volume 1, 1991, Volume 2, 1992. UTF-8 is + * described in Unicode Technical Report #4. + * [US-ASCII] Coded Character Set--7-bit American Standard Code for + * Information Interchange, ANSI X3.4-1986. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_CHAR_ENCODING_H__ +#define __XML_CHAR_ENCODING_H__ + +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#ifdef LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED +#include <iconv.h> +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xmlCharEncoding: + * + * Predefined values for some standard encodings. + * Libxml don't do beforehand translation on UTF8, ISOLatinX. + * It also support UTF16 (LE and BE) by default. + * + * Anything else would have to be translated to UTF8 before being + * given to the parser itself. The BOM for UTF16 and the encoding + * declaration are looked at and a converter is looked for at that + * point. If not found the parser stops here as asked by the XML REC + * Converter can be registered by the user using xmlRegisterCharEncodingHandler + * but the current form doesn't allow stateful transcoding (a serious + * problem agreed !). If iconv has been found it will be used + * automatically and allow stateful transcoding, the simplest is then + * to be sure to enable icon and to provide iconv libs for the encoding + * support needed. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ERROR= -1, /* No char encoding detected */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE= 0, /* No char encoding detected */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8= 1, /* UTF-8 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16LE= 2, /* UTF-16 little endian */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16BE= 3, /* UTF-16 big endian */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4LE= 4, /* UCS-4 little endian */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4BE= 5, /* UCS-4 big endian */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_EBCDIC= 6, /* EBCDIC uh! */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4_2143=7, /* UCS-4 unusual ordering */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS4_3412=8, /* UCS-4 unusual ordering */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UCS2= 9, /* UCS-2 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1= 10,/* ISO-8859-1 ISO Latin 1 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_2= 11,/* ISO-8859-2 ISO Latin 2 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_3= 12,/* ISO-8859-3 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_4= 13,/* ISO-8859-4 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_5= 14,/* ISO-8859-5 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_6= 15,/* ISO-8859-6 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_7= 16,/* ISO-8859-7 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_8= 17,/* ISO-8859-8 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_9= 18,/* ISO-8859-9 */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_2022_JP= 19,/* ISO-2022-JP */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_SHIFT_JIS=20,/* Shift_JIS */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_EUC_JP= 21,/* EUC-JP */ + XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ASCII= 22 /* pure ASCII */ +} xmlCharEncoding; + +/** + * xmlCharEncodingInputFunc: + * @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the UTF-8 result + * @outlen: the length of @out + * @in: a pointer to an array of chars in the original encoding + * @inlen: the length of @in + * + * Take a block of chars in the original encoding and try to convert + * it to an UTF-8 block of chars out. + * + * Returns the number of byte written, or -1 by lack of space, or -2 + * if the transcoding failed. + * The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed + * as the return value is positive, else unpredictiable. + * The value of @outlen after return is the number of octets consumed. + */ +typedef int (* xmlCharEncodingInputFunc)(unsigned char *out, int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, int *inlen); + + +/** + * xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc: + * @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the result + * @outlen: the length of @out + * @in: a pointer to an array of UTF-8 chars + * @inlen: the length of @in + * + * Take a block of UTF-8 chars in and try to convert it to an other + * encoding. + * Note: a first call designed to produce heading info is called with + * in = NULL. If stateful this should also initialize the encoder state. + * + * Returns the number of byte written, or -1 by lack of space, or -2 + * if the transcoding failed. + * The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed + * as the return value is positive, else unpredictiable. + * The value of @outlen after return is the number of ocetes consumed. + */ +typedef int (* xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc)(unsigned char *out, int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, int *inlen); + + +/* + * Block defining the handlers for non UTF-8 encodings. + * If iconv is supported, there is two extra fields. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlCharEncodingHandler xmlCharEncodingHandler; +typedef xmlCharEncodingHandler *xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr; +struct _xmlCharEncodingHandler { + char *name; + xmlCharEncodingInputFunc input; + xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc output; +#ifdef LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED + iconv_t iconv_in; + iconv_t iconv_out; +#endif /* LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED */ +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Interfaces for encoding handlers. + */ +void xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers (void); +void xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers (void); +void xmlRegisterCharEncodingHandler (xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr handler); +xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr + xmlGetCharEncodingHandler (xmlCharEncoding enc); +xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr + xmlFindCharEncodingHandler (const char *name); +xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr + xmlNewCharEncodingHandler (const char *name, + xmlCharEncodingInputFunc input, + xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc output); + +/* + * Interfaces for encoding names and aliases. + */ +int xmlAddEncodingAlias (const char *name, + const char *alias); +int xmlDelEncodingAlias (const char *alias); +const char * + xmlGetEncodingAlias (const char *alias); +void xmlCleanupEncodingAliases (void); +xmlCharEncoding + xmlParseCharEncoding (const char *name); +const char * + xmlGetCharEncodingName (xmlCharEncoding enc); + +/* + * Interfaces directly used by the parsers. + */ +xmlCharEncoding + xmlDetectCharEncoding (const unsigned char *in, + int len); + +int xmlCharEncOutFunc (xmlCharEncodingHandler *handler, + xmlBufferPtr out, + xmlBufferPtr in); + +int xmlCharEncInFunc (xmlCharEncodingHandler *handler, + xmlBufferPtr out, + xmlBufferPtr in); +int xmlCharEncFirstLine (xmlCharEncodingHandler *handler, + xmlBufferPtr out, + xmlBufferPtr in); +int xmlCharEncCloseFunc (xmlCharEncodingHandler *handler); + +/* + * Export a few useful functions + */ +int UTF8Toisolat1 (unsigned char *out, + int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, + int *inlen); +int isolat1ToUTF8 (unsigned char *out, + int *outlen, + const unsigned char *in, + int *inlen); +int xmlGetUTF8Char (const unsigned char *utf, + int *len); +/* + * exports additional "UTF-8 aware" string routines which are. + */ + +int xmlCheckUTF8 (const unsigned char *utf); + +int xmlUTF8Strsize (const xmlChar *utf, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlUTF8Strndup (const xmlChar *utf, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlUTF8Strpos (const xmlChar *utf, + int pos); +int xmlUTF8Strloc (const xmlChar *utf, + const xmlChar *utfchar); +xmlChar * xmlUTF8Strsub (const xmlChar *utf, + int start, + int len); + +int xmlUTF8Strlen (const xmlChar *utf); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_CHAR_ENCODING_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/entities.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/entities.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3dfc4deba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/entities.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* + * entities.h : interface for the XML entities handling + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_ENTITIES_H__ +#define __XML_ENTITIES_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * The different valid entity types. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY = 1, + XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY = 2, + XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED_ENTITY = 3, + XML_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY = 4, + XML_EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY = 5, + XML_INTERNAL_PREDEFINED_ENTITY = 6 +} xmlEntityType; + +/* + * An unit of storage for an entity, contains the string, the value + * and the linkind data needed for the linking in the hash table. + */ + +struct _xmlEntity { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_ENTITY_DECL, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Entity name */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* First child link */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* Last child link */ + struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + + xmlChar *orig; /* content without ref substitution */ + xmlChar *content; /* content or ndata if unparsed */ + int length; /* the content length */ + xmlEntityType etype; /* The entity type */ + const xmlChar *ExternalID; /* External identifier for PUBLIC */ + const xmlChar *SystemID; /* URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC Entity */ + + struct _xmlEntity *nexte; /* unused */ + const xmlChar *URI; /* the full URI as computed */ + int owner; /* does the entity own the childrens */ +}; + +/* + * All entities are stored in an hash table. + * There is 2 separate hash tables for global and parameter entities. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlEntitiesTable; +typedef xmlEntitiesTable *xmlEntitiesTablePtr; + +/* + * External functions: + */ + +void xmlInitializePredefinedEntities (void); +xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDocEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDtdEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlEntityPtr xmlGetPredefinedEntity (const xmlChar *name); +xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDocEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDtdEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlEntityPtr xmlGetParameterEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +const xmlChar * xmlEncodeEntities (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *input); +xmlChar * xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *input); +xmlChar * xmlEncodeSpecialChars (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *input); +xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCreateEntitiesTable (void); +xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCopyEntitiesTable (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table); +void xmlFreeEntitiesTable (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpEntitiesTable (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlEntitiesTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpEntityDecl (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlEntityPtr ent); +void xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities(void); + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +# endif /* __XML_ENTITIES_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/globals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/globals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a5e8c88e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/globals.h @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +/* + * globals.h: interface for all global variables of the library + * + * The bottom of this file is automatically generated by build_glob.py + * based on the description file global.data + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Gary Pennington <Gary.Pennington@uk.sun.com> + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_GLOBALS_H +#define __XML_GLOBALS_H + +#include "libxml/parser.h" +#include "libxml/xmlerror.h" +#include "libxml/SAX.h" +#include "libxml/xmlmemory.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Externally global symbols which need to be protected for backwards + * compatibility support. + */ + +#undef docbDefaultSAXHandler +#undef htmlDefaultSAXHandler +#undef oldXMLWDcompatibility +#undef xmlBufferAllocScheme +#undef xmlDefaultBufferSize +#undef xmlDefaultSAXHandler +#undef xmlDefaultSAXLocator +#undef xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue +#undef xmlFree +#undef xmlGenericError +#undef xmlGenericErrorContext +#undef xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue +#undef xmlIndentTreeOutput +#undef xmlTreeIndentString +#undef xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue +#undef xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue +#undef xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue +#undef xmlMalloc +#undef xmlMemStrdup +#undef xmlParserDebugEntities +#undef xmlParserVersion +#undef xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue +#undef xmlRealloc +#undef xmlSaveNoEmptyTags +#undef xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue +#undef xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue +#undef xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue + +typedef void (*xmlRegisterNodeFunc) (xmlNodePtr node); +typedef void (*xmlDeregisterNodeFunc) (xmlNodePtr node); + +typedef struct _xmlGlobalState xmlGlobalState; +typedef xmlGlobalState *xmlGlobalStatePtr; +struct _xmlGlobalState +{ + const char *xmlParserVersion; + + xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator; + xmlSAXHandler xmlDefaultSAXHandler; + xmlSAXHandler docbDefaultSAXHandler; + xmlSAXHandler htmlDefaultSAXHandler; + + xmlFreeFunc xmlFree; + xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc; + xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup; + xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc; + + xmlGenericErrorFunc xmlGenericError; + void *xmlGenericErrorContext; + + int oldXMLWDcompatibility; + + xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme; + int xmlDefaultBufferSize; + + int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue; + int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue; + int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue; + int xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue; + int xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue; + int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue; + int xmlParserDebugEntities; + int xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue; + + int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags; + int xmlIndentTreeOutput; + const char *xmlTreeIndentString; + + xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue; + xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue; +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/threads.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void xmlInitializeGlobalState(xmlGlobalStatePtr gs); + +xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefault(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func); +xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefault(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func); + +/* + * In general the memory allocation entry points are not kept + * thread specific but this can be overridden by LIBXML_THREAD_ALLOC_ENABLED + * - xmlMalloc + * - xmlRealloc + * - xmlMemStrdup + * - xmlFree + */ + +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ALLOC_ENABLED +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +extern xmlMallocFunc *__xmlMalloc(void); +#define xmlMalloc \ +(*(__xmlMalloc())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc; +#endif + +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +extern xmlReallocFunc *__xmlRealloc(void); +#define xmlRealloc \ +(*(__xmlRealloc())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc; +#endif + +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +extern xmlFreeFunc *__xmlFree(void); +#define xmlFree \ +(*(__xmlFree())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlFreeFunc xmlFree; +#endif + +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +extern xmlStrdupFunc *__xmlMemStrdup(void); +#define xmlMemStrdup \ +(*(__xmlMemStrdup())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup; +#endif +#else /* !LIBXML_THREAD_ALLOC_ENABLED */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlFreeFunc xmlFree; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup; +#endif /* LIBXML_THREAD_ALLOC_ENABLED */ + +#ifdef LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED +extern xmlSAXHandler *__docbDefaultSAXHandler(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define docbDefaultSAXHandler \ +(*(__docbDefaultSAXHandler())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler docbDefaultSAXHandler; +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED +extern xmlSAXHandler *__htmlDefaultSAXHandler(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define htmlDefaultSAXHandler \ +(*(__htmlDefaultSAXHandler())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler htmlDefaultSAXHandler; +#endif +#endif + + +/* + * Everything starting from the line below is + * Automatically generated by build_glob.py. + * Do not modify the previous line. + */ + + +extern int *__oldXMLWDcompatibility(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define oldXMLWDcompatibility \ +(*(__oldXMLWDcompatibility())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int oldXMLWDcompatibility; +#endif + +extern xmlBufferAllocationScheme *__xmlBufferAllocScheme(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlBufferAllocScheme \ +(*(__xmlBufferAllocScheme())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlDefaultBufferSize(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlDefaultBufferSize \ +(*(__xmlDefaultBufferSize())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlDefaultBufferSize; +#endif + +extern xmlSAXHandler *__xmlDefaultSAXHandler(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlDefaultSAXHandler \ +(*(__xmlDefaultSAXHandler())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler xmlDefaultSAXHandler; +#endif + +extern xmlSAXLocator *__xmlDefaultSAXLocator(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlDefaultSAXLocator \ +(*(__xmlDefaultSAXLocator())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern xmlGenericErrorFunc *__xmlGenericError(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlGenericError \ +(*(__xmlGenericError())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlGenericErrorFunc xmlGenericError; +#endif + +extern void * *__xmlGenericErrorContext(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlGenericErrorContext \ +(*(__xmlGenericErrorContext())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern void * xmlGenericErrorContext; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlIndentTreeOutput(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlIndentTreeOutput \ +(*(__xmlIndentTreeOutput())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlIndentTreeOutput; +#endif + +extern const char * *__xmlTreeIndentString(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlTreeIndentString \ +(*(__xmlTreeIndentString())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const char * xmlTreeIndentString; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlParserDebugEntities(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlParserDebugEntities \ +(*(__xmlParserDebugEntities())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlParserDebugEntities; +#endif + +extern const char * *__xmlParserVersion(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlParserVersion \ +(*(__xmlParserVersion())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const char * xmlParserVersion; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlSaveNoEmptyTags(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlSaveNoEmptyTags \ +(*(__xmlSaveNoEmptyTags())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags; +#endif + +extern int *__xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern xmlRegisterNodeFunc *__xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue; +#endif + +extern xmlDeregisterNodeFunc *__xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue(void); +#ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#define xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue \ +(*(__xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue())) +#else +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue; +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_GLOBALS_H */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/hash.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/hash.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24c5f214c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/hash.h @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/* + * hash.h: chained hash tables + * + * Copyright (C) 2000 Bjorn Reese and Daniel Veillard. + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED + * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUTHORS AND + * CONTRIBUTORS ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY IN ANY CONCEIVABLE MANNER. + * + * Author: bjorn.reese@systematic.dk + */ + +#ifndef __XML_HASH_H__ +#define __XML_HASH_H__ + +#include "libxml/parser.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * The hash table. + */ +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlHashTable; +typedef xmlHashTable *xmlHashTablePtr; + +/* + * function types: + */ +/** + * xmlHashDeallocator: + * @payload: the data in the hash + * @name: the name associated + * + * Callback to free data from a hash. + */ +typedef void (*xmlHashDeallocator)(void *payload, xmlChar *name); +/** + * xmlHashCopier: + * @payload: the data in the hash + * @name: the name associated + * + * Callback to copy data from a hash. + * + * Returns a copy of the data or NULL in case of error. + */ +typedef void *(*xmlHashCopier)(void *payload, xmlChar *name); +/** + * xmlHashScanner: + * @payload: the data in the hash + * @data: extra scannner data + * @name: the name associated + * + * Callback when scanning data in a hash with the simple scanner. + */ +typedef void (*xmlHashScanner)(void *payload, void *data, xmlChar *name); +/** + * xmlHashScannerFull: + * @payload: the data in the hash + * @data: extra scannner data + * @name: the name associated + * @name2: the second name associated + * @name3: the third name associated + * + * Callback when scanning data in a hash with the full scanner. + */ +typedef void (*xmlHashScannerFull)(void *payload, void *data, + const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3); + +/* + * Constructor and destructor. + */ +xmlHashTablePtr xmlHashCreate (int size); +void xmlHashFree (xmlHashTablePtr table, + xmlHashDeallocator f); + +/* + * Add a new entry to the hash table. + */ +int xmlHashAddEntry (xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + void *userdata); +int xmlHashUpdateEntry(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + void *userdata, + xmlHashDeallocator f); +int xmlHashAddEntry2(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + void *userdata); +int xmlHashUpdateEntry2(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + void *userdata, + xmlHashDeallocator f); +int xmlHashAddEntry3(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3, + void *userdata); +int xmlHashUpdateEntry3(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3, + void *userdata, + xmlHashDeallocator f); + +/* + * Remove an entry from the hash table. + */ +int xmlHashRemoveEntry(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, + xmlHashDeallocator f); +int xmlHashRemoveEntry2(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, xmlHashDeallocator f); +int xmlHashRemoveEntry3(xmlHashTablePtr table, const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, const xmlChar *name3, + xmlHashDeallocator f); + +/* + * Retrieve the userdata. + */ +void * xmlHashLookup (xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name); +void * xmlHashLookup2 (xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2); +void * xmlHashLookup3 (xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3); + +/* + * Helpers. + */ +xmlHashTablePtr xmlHashCopy (xmlHashTablePtr table, + xmlHashCopier f); +int xmlHashSize (xmlHashTablePtr table); +void xmlHashScan (xmlHashTablePtr table, + xmlHashScanner f, + void *data); +void xmlHashScan3 (xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3, + xmlHashScanner f, + void *data); +void xmlHashScanFull (xmlHashTablePtr table, + xmlHashScannerFull f, + void *data); +void xmlHashScanFull3(xmlHashTablePtr table, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *name2, + const xmlChar *name3, + xmlHashScannerFull f, + void *data); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* ! __XML_HASH_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/list.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/list.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c9515fe1d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/list.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * list.h: lists interfaces + * + * Copyright (C) 2000 Gary Pennington and Daniel Veillard. + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any + * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED + * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUTHORS AND + * CONTRIBUTORS ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY IN ANY CONCEIVABLE MANNER. + * + * Author: Gary.Pennington@uk.sun.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_LINK_INCLUDE__ +#define __XML_LINK_INCLUDE__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct _xmlLink xmlLink; +typedef xmlLink *xmlLinkPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlList xmlList; +typedef xmlList *xmlListPtr; + +/** + * xmlListDeallocator: + * @lk: the data to deallocate + * + * Callback function used to free data from a list. + */ +typedef void (*xmlListDeallocator) (xmlLinkPtr lk); +/** + * xmlListDataCompare: + * @data0: the first data + * @data1: the second data + * + * Callback function used to compare 2 data. + * + * Returns 0 is equality, -1 or 1 otherwise depending on the ordering. + */ +typedef int (*xmlListDataCompare) (const void *data0, const void *data1); +/** + * xmlListWalker: + * @data: the data found in the list + * @user: extra user provided data to the walker + * + * Callback function used when walking a list with xmlListWalk(). + * + * Returns 0 to stop walking the list, 1 otherwise. + */ +typedef int (*xmlListWalker) (const void *data, const void *user); + +/* Creation/Deletion */ +xmlListPtr xmlListCreate (xmlListDeallocator deallocator, + xmlListDataCompare compare); +void xmlListDelete (xmlListPtr l); + +/* Basic Operators */ +void * xmlListSearch (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +void * xmlListReverseSearch (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +int xmlListInsert (xmlListPtr l, + void *data) ; +int xmlListAppend (xmlListPtr l, + void *data) ; +int xmlListRemoveFirst (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +int xmlListRemoveLast (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +int xmlListRemoveAll (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +void xmlListClear (xmlListPtr l); +int xmlListEmpty (xmlListPtr l); +xmlLinkPtr xmlListFront (xmlListPtr l); +xmlLinkPtr xmlListEnd (xmlListPtr l); +int xmlListSize (xmlListPtr l); + +void xmlListPopFront (xmlListPtr l); +void xmlListPopBack (xmlListPtr l); +int xmlListPushFront (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); +int xmlListPushBack (xmlListPtr l, + void *data); + +/* Advanced Operators */ +void xmlListReverse (xmlListPtr l); +void xmlListSort (xmlListPtr l); +void xmlListWalk (xmlListPtr l, + xmlListWalker walker, + const void *user); +void xmlListReverseWalk (xmlListPtr l, + xmlListWalker walker, + const void *user); +void xmlListMerge (xmlListPtr l1, + xmlListPtr l2); +xmlListPtr xmlListDup (const xmlListPtr old); +int xmlListCopy (xmlListPtr cur, + const xmlListPtr old); +/* Link operators */ +void * xmlLinkGetData (xmlLinkPtr lk); + +/* xmlListUnique() */ +/* xmlListSwap */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_LINK_INCLUDE__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanoftp.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanoftp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0ba2ceeb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanoftp.h @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/* + * nanohttp.c: minimalist FTP implementation to fetch external subsets. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __NANO_FTP_H__ +#define __NANO_FTP_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> + +#ifdef LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * ftpListCallback: + * @userData: user provided data for the callback + * @filename: the file name (including "->" when links are shown) + * @attrib: the attribute string + * @owner: the owner string + * @group: the group string + * @size: the file size + * @links: the link count + * @year: the year + * @month: the month + * @day: the day + * @hour: the hour + * @minute: the minute + * + * A callback for the xmlNanoFTPList command. + * Note that only one of year and day:minute are specified. + */ +typedef void (*ftpListCallback) (void *userData, + const char *filename, const char *attrib, + const char *owner, const char *group, + unsigned long size, int links, int year, + const char *month, int day, int hour, + int minute); +/** + * ftpDataCallback: + * @userData: the user provided context + * @data: the data received + * @len: its size in bytes + * + * A callback for the xmlNanoFTPGet command. + */ +typedef void (*ftpDataCallback) (void *userData, + const char *data, + int len); + +/* + * Init + */ +void xmlNanoFTPInit (void); +void xmlNanoFTPCleanup (void); + +/* + * Creating/freeing contexts. + */ +void * xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt (const char *URL); +void xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt (void * ctx); +void * xmlNanoFTPConnectTo (const char *server, + int port); +/* + * Opening/closing session connections. + */ +void * xmlNanoFTPOpen (const char *URL); +int xmlNanoFTPConnect (void *ctx); +int xmlNanoFTPClose (void *ctx); +int xmlNanoFTPQuit (void *ctx); +void xmlNanoFTPScanProxy (const char *URL); +void xmlNanoFTPProxy (const char *host, + int port, + const char *user, + const char *passwd, + int type); +int xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL (void *ctx, + const char *URL); + +/* + * Rather internal commands. + */ +int xmlNanoFTPGetResponse (void *ctx); +int xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse (void *ctx); + +/* + * CD/DIR/GET handlers. + */ +int xmlNanoFTPCwd (void *ctx, + char *directory); + +int xmlNanoFTPGetConnection (void *ctx); +int xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection(void *ctx); +int xmlNanoFTPList (void *ctx, + ftpListCallback callback, + void *userData, + char *filename); +int xmlNanoFTPGetSocket (void *ctx, + const char *filename); +int xmlNanoFTPGet (void *ctx, + ftpDataCallback callback, + void *userData, + const char *filename); +int xmlNanoFTPRead (void *ctx, + void *dest, + int len); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED */ +#endif +#endif /* __NANO_FTP_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanohttp.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanohttp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4fb4e1d256 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/nanohttp.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * nanohttp.c: minimalist HTTP implementation to fetch external subsets. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __NANO_HTTP_H__ +#define __NANO_HTTP_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> + +#ifdef LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +void xmlNanoHTTPInit (void); +void xmlNanoHTTPCleanup (void); +void xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy (const char *URL); +int xmlNanoHTTPFetch (const char *URL, + const char *filename, + char **contentType); +void * xmlNanoHTTPMethod (const char *URL, + const char *method, + const char *input, + char **contentType, + const char *headers, + int ilen); +void * xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir (const char *URL, + const char *method, + const char *input, + char **contentType, + char **redir, + const char *headers, + int ilen); +void * xmlNanoHTTPOpen (const char *URL, + char **contentType); +void * xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir (const char *URL, + char **contentType, + char **redir); +int xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode (void *ctx); +const char * xmlNanoHTTPAuthHeader(void *ctx); +int xmlNanoHTTPRead (void *ctx, + void *dest, + int len); +int xmlNanoHTTPSave (void *ctxt, + const char *filename); +void xmlNanoHTTPClose (void *ctx); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} + +#endif /* LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED */ +#endif +#endif /* __NANO_HTTP_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parser.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parser.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac98f4b944 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parser.h @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +/* + * parser.h : Interfaces, constants and types related to the XML parser. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_PARSER_H__ +#define __XML_PARSER_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/valid.h" +#include "libxml/entities.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XML_DEFAULT_VERSION: + * + * The default version of XML used: 1.0 + */ +#define XML_DEFAULT_VERSION "1.0" + +/** + * xmlParserInput: + * + * An xmlParserInput is an input flow for the XML processor. + * Each entity parsed is associated an xmlParserInput (except the + * few predefined ones). This is the case both for internal entities + * - in which case the flow is already completely in memory - or + * external entities - in which case we use the buf structure for + * progressive reading and I18N conversions to the internal UTF-8 format. + */ + +/** + * xmlParserInputDeallocate: + * @str: the string to deallocate + * + * Callback for freeing some parser input allocations. + */ +typedef void (* xmlParserInputDeallocate)(xmlChar *str); + +struct _xmlParserInput { + /* Input buffer */ + xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf; /* UTF-8 encoded buffer */ + + const char *filename; /* The file analyzed, if any */ + const char *directory; /* the directory/base of the file */ + const xmlChar *base; /* Base of the array to parse */ + const xmlChar *cur; /* Current char being parsed */ + const xmlChar *end; /* end of the array to parse */ + int length; /* length if known */ + int line; /* Current line */ + int col; /* Current column */ + int consumed; /* How many xmlChars already consumed */ + xmlParserInputDeallocate free; /* function to deallocate the base */ + const xmlChar *encoding; /* the encoding string for entity */ + const xmlChar *version; /* the version string for entity */ + int standalone; /* Was that entity marked standalone */ +}; + +/** + * xmlParserNodeInfo: + * + * The parser can be asked to collect Node informations, i.e. at what + * place in the file they were detected. + * NOTE: This is off by default and not very well tested. + */ +typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfo xmlParserNodeInfo; +typedef xmlParserNodeInfo *xmlParserNodeInfoPtr; + +struct _xmlParserNodeInfo { + const struct _xmlNode* node; + /* Position & line # that text that created the node begins & ends on */ + unsigned long begin_pos; + unsigned long begin_line; + unsigned long end_pos; + unsigned long end_line; +}; + +typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq xmlParserNodeInfoSeq; +typedef xmlParserNodeInfoSeq *xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr; +struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq { + unsigned long maximum; + unsigned long length; + xmlParserNodeInfo* buffer; +}; + +/** + * xmlParserInputState: + * + * The parser is now working also as a state based parser. + * The recursive one use the state info for entities processing. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_PARSER_EOF = -1, /* nothing is to be parsed */ + XML_PARSER_START = 0, /* nothing has been parsed */ + XML_PARSER_MISC, /* Misc* before int subset */ + XML_PARSER_PI, /* Within a processing instruction */ + XML_PARSER_DTD, /* within some DTD content */ + XML_PARSER_PROLOG, /* Misc* after internal subset */ + XML_PARSER_COMMENT, /* within a comment */ + XML_PARSER_START_TAG, /* within a start tag */ + XML_PARSER_CONTENT, /* within the content */ + XML_PARSER_CDATA_SECTION, /* within a CDATA section */ + XML_PARSER_END_TAG, /* within a closing tag */ + XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL, /* within an entity declaration */ + XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE, /* within an entity value in a decl */ + XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, /* within an attribute value */ + XML_PARSER_SYSTEM_LITERAL, /* within a SYSTEM value */ + XML_PARSER_EPILOG, /* the Misc* after the last end tag */ + XML_PARSER_IGNORE, /* within an IGNORED section */ + XML_PARSER_PUBLIC_LITERAL /* within a PUBLIC value */ +} xmlParserInputState; + +/** + * XML_DETECT_IDS: + * + * Bit in the loadsubset context field to tell to do ID/REFs lookups. + * Use it to initialize xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue. + */ +#define XML_DETECT_IDS 2 + +/** + * XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS: + * + * Bit in the loadsubset context field to tell to do complete the + * elements attributes lists with the ones defaulted from the DTDs. + * Use it to initialize xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue. + */ +#define XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS 4 + +/** + * xmlParserCtxt: + * + * The parser context. + * NOTE This doesn't completely define the parser state, the (current ?) + * design of the parser uses recursive function calls since this allow + * and easy mapping from the production rules of the specification + * to the actual code. The drawback is that the actual function call + * also reflect the parser state. However most of the parsing routines + * takes as the only argument the parser context pointer, so migrating + * to a state based parser for progressive parsing shouldn't be too hard. + */ +struct _xmlParserCtxt { + struct _xmlSAXHandler *sax; /* The SAX handler */ + void *userData; /* For SAX interface only, used by DOM build */ + xmlDocPtr myDoc; /* the document being built */ + int wellFormed; /* is the document well formed */ + int replaceEntities; /* shall we replace entities ? */ + const xmlChar *version; /* the XML version string */ + const xmlChar *encoding; /* the declared encoding, if any */ + int standalone; /* standalone document */ + int html; /* an HTML(1)/Docbook(2) document */ + + /* Input stream stack */ + xmlParserInputPtr input; /* Current input stream */ + int inputNr; /* Number of current input streams */ + int inputMax; /* Max number of input streams */ + xmlParserInputPtr *inputTab; /* stack of inputs */ + + /* Node analysis stack only used for DOM building */ + xmlNodePtr node; /* Current parsed Node */ + int nodeNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */ + int nodeMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */ + xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes */ + + int record_info; /* Whether node info should be kept */ + xmlParserNodeInfoSeq node_seq; /* info about each node parsed */ + + int errNo; /* error code */ + + int hasExternalSubset; /* reference and external subset */ + int hasPErefs; /* the internal subset has PE refs */ + int external; /* are we parsing an external entity */ + + int valid; /* is the document valid */ + int validate; /* shall we try to validate ? */ + xmlValidCtxt vctxt; /* The validity context */ + + xmlParserInputState instate; /* current type of input */ + int token; /* next char look-ahead */ + + char *directory; /* the data directory */ + + /* Node name stack */ + xmlChar *name; /* Current parsed Node */ + int nameNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */ + int nameMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */ + xmlChar * *nameTab; /* array of nodes */ + + long nbChars; /* number of xmlChar processed */ + long checkIndex; /* used by progressive parsing lookup */ + int keepBlanks; /* ugly but ... */ + int disableSAX; /* SAX callbacks are disabled */ + int inSubset; /* Parsing is in int 1/ext 2 subset */ + xmlChar * intSubName; /* name of subset */ + xmlChar * extSubURI; /* URI of external subset */ + xmlChar * extSubSystem; /* SYSTEM ID of external subset */ + + /* xml:space values */ + int * space; /* Should the parser preserve spaces */ + int spaceNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */ + int spaceMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */ + int * spaceTab; /* array of space infos */ + + int depth; /* to prevent entity substitution loops */ + xmlParserInputPtr entity; /* used to check entities boundaries */ + int charset; /* encoding of the in-memory content + actually an xmlCharEncoding */ + int nodelen; /* Those two fields are there to */ + int nodemem; /* Speed up large node parsing */ + int pedantic; /* signal pedantic warnings */ + void *_private; /* For user data, libxml won't touch it */ + + int loadsubset; /* should the external subset be loaded */ + int linenumbers; /* set line number in element content */ + void *catalogs; /* document's own catalog */ + int recovery; /* run in recovery mode */ +}; + +/** + * xmlSAXLocator: + * + * A SAX Locator. + */ +struct _xmlSAXLocator { + const xmlChar *(*getPublicId)(void *ctx); + const xmlChar *(*getSystemId)(void *ctx); + int (*getLineNumber)(void *ctx); + int (*getColumnNumber)(void *ctx); +}; + +/** + * xmlSAXHandler: + * + * A SAX handler is bunch of callbacks called by the parser when processing + * of the input generate data or structure informations. + */ + +/** + * resolveEntitySAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @publicId: The public ID of the entity + * @systemId: The system ID of the entity + * + * Callback: + * The entity loader, to control the loading of external entities, + * the application can either: + * - override this resolveEntity() callback in the SAX block + * - or better use the xmlSetExternalEntityLoader() function to + * set up it's own entity resolution routine + * + * Returns the xmlParserInputPtr if inlined or NULL for DOM behaviour. + */ +typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*resolveEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId); +/** + * internalSubsetSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: the root element name + * @ExternalID: the external ID + * @SystemID: the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL) + * + * Callback on internal subset declaration. + */ +typedef void (*internalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +/** + * externalSubsetSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: the root element name + * @ExternalID: the external ID + * @SystemID: the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL) + * + * Callback on external subset declaration. + */ +typedef void (*externalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +/** + * getEntitySAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The entity name + * + * Get an entity by name. + * + * Returns the xmlEntityPtr if found. + */ +typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +/** + * getParameterEntitySAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The entity name + * + * Get a parameter entity by name. + * + * Returns the xmlEntityPtr if found. + */ +typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getParameterEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +/** + * entityDeclSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: the entity name + * @type: the entity type + * @publicId: The public ID of the entity + * @systemId: The system ID of the entity + * @content: the entity value (without processing). + * + * An entity definition has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*entityDeclSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId, + xmlChar *content); +/** + * notationDeclSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The name of the notation + * @publicId: The public ID of the entity + * @systemId: The system ID of the entity + * + * What to do when a notation declaration has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*notationDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId); +/** + * attributeDeclSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @elem: the name of the element + * @fullname: the attribute name + * @type: the attribute type + * @def: the type of default value + * @defaultValue: the attribute default value + * @tree: the tree of enumerated value set + * + * An attribute definition has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*attributeDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, + const xmlChar *elem, + const xmlChar *fullname, + int type, + int def, + const xmlChar *defaultValue, + xmlEnumerationPtr tree); +/** + * elementDeclSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: the element name + * @type: the element type + * @content: the element value tree + * + * An element definition has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*elementDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + int type, + xmlElementContentPtr content); +/** + * unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The name of the entity + * @publicId: The public ID of the entity + * @systemId: The system ID of the entity + * @notationName: the name of the notation + * + * What to do when an unparsed entity declaration is parsed. + */ +typedef void (*unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *publicId, + const xmlChar *systemId, + const xmlChar *notationName); +/** + * setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @loc: A SAX Locator + * + * Receive the document locator at startup, actually xmlDefaultSAXLocator. + * Everything is available on the context, so this is useless in our case. + */ +typedef void (*setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc); +/** + * startDocumentSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * + * Called when the document start being processed. + */ +typedef void (*startDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx); +/** + * endDocumentSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * + * Called when the document end has been detected. + */ +typedef void (*endDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx); +/** + * startElementSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The element name, including namespace prefix + * @atts: An array of name/value attributes pairs, NULL terminated + * + * Called when an opening tag has been processed. + */ +typedef void (*startElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar **atts); +/** + * endElementSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The element name + * + * Called when the end of an element has been detected. + */ +typedef void (*endElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +/** + * attributeSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The attribute name, including namespace prefix + * @value: The attribute value + * + * Handle an attribute that has been read by the parser. + * The default handling is to convert the attribute into an + * DOM subtree and past it in a new xmlAttr element added to + * the element. + */ +typedef void (*attributeSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +/** + * referenceSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @name: The entity name + * + * Called when an entity reference is detected. + */ +typedef void (*referenceSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *name); +/** + * charactersSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @ch: a xmlChar string + * @len: the number of xmlChar + * + * Receiving some chars from the parser. + */ +typedef void (*charactersSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *ch, + int len); +/** + * ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @ch: a xmlChar string + * @len: the number of xmlChar + * + * Receiving some ignorable whitespaces from the parser. + * UNUSED: by default the DOM building will use characters. + */ +typedef void (*ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *ch, + int len); +/** + * processingInstructionSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @target: the target name + * @data: the PI data's + * + * A processing instruction has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*processingInstructionSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *target, + const xmlChar *data); +/** + * commentSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @value: the comment content + * + * A comment has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*commentSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const xmlChar *value); +/** + * cdataBlockSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * @value: The pcdata content + * @len: the block length + * + * Called when a pcdata block has been parsed. + */ +typedef void (*cdataBlockSAXFunc) ( + void *ctx, + const xmlChar *value, + int len); +/** + * warningSAXFunc: + * @ctx: an XML parser context + * @msg: the message to display/transmit + * @...: extra parameters for the message display + * + * Display and format a warning messages, callback. + */ +typedef void (*warningSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, ...); +/** + * errorSAXFunc: + * @ctx: an XML parser context + * @msg: the message to display/transmit + * @...: extra parameters for the message display + * + * Display and format an error messages, callback. + */ +typedef void (*errorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, ...); +/** + * fatalErrorSAXFunc: + * @ctx: an XML parser context + * @msg: the message to display/transmit + * @...: extra parameters for the message display + * + * Display and format fatal error messages, callback. + * Note: so far fatalError() SAX callbacks are not used, error() + * get all the callbacks for errors. + */ +typedef void (*fatalErrorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, ...); +/** + * isStandaloneSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * + * Is this document tagged standalone? + * + * Returns 1 if true + */ +typedef int (*isStandaloneSAXFunc) (void *ctx); +/** + * hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * + * Does this document has an internal subset. + * + * Returns 1 if true + */ +typedef int (*hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx); +/** + * hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc: + * @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) + * + * Does this document has an external subset? + * + * Returns 1 if true + */ +typedef int (*hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx); + +struct _xmlSAXHandler { + internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset; + isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone; + hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset; + hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset; + resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity; + getEntitySAXFunc getEntity; + entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl; + notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl; + attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl; + elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl; + unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl; + setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator; + startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument; + endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument; + startElementSAXFunc startElement; + endElementSAXFunc endElement; + referenceSAXFunc reference; + charactersSAXFunc characters; + ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace; + processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction; + commentSAXFunc comment; + warningSAXFunc warning; + errorSAXFunc error; + fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError; /* unused error() get all the errors */ + getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity; + cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock; + externalSubsetSAXFunc externalSubset; + int initialized; +}; + +/** + * xmlExternalEntityLoader: + * @URL: The System ID of the resource requested + * @ID: The Public ID of the resource requested + * @context: the XML parser context + * + * External entity loaders types. + * + * Returns the entity input parser. + */ +typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader) (const char *URL, + const char *ID, + xmlParserCtxtPtr context); + +/* + * Global variables: just the default SAX interface tables and XML + * version infos. + */ +#if 0 +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const char *xmlParserVersion; +#endif + +/* +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler xmlDefaultSAXHandler; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler htmlDefaultSAXHandler; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler docbDefaultSAXHandler; + */ + +/* + * Entity substitution default behavior. + */ + +#if 0 +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue; +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/encoding.h" +#include "libxml/xmlIO.h" +#include "libxml/globals.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* + * Init/Cleanup + */ +void xmlInitParser (void); +void xmlCleanupParser (void); + +/* + * Input functions + */ +int xmlParserInputRead (xmlParserInputPtr in, + int len); +int xmlParserInputGrow (xmlParserInputPtr in, + int len); + +/* + * xmlChar handling + */ +xmlChar * xmlStrdup (const xmlChar *cur); +xmlChar * xmlStrndup (const xmlChar *cur, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlCharStrndup (const char *cur, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlCharStrdup (const char *cur); +xmlChar * xmlStrsub (const xmlChar *str, + int start, + int len); +const xmlChar * xmlStrchr (const xmlChar *str, + xmlChar val); +const xmlChar * xmlStrstr (const xmlChar *str, + const xmlChar *val); +const xmlChar * xmlStrcasestr (const xmlChar *str, + xmlChar *val); +int xmlStrcmp (const xmlChar *str1, + const xmlChar *str2); +int xmlStrncmp (const xmlChar *str1, + const xmlChar *str2, + int len); +int xmlStrcasecmp (const xmlChar *str1, + const xmlChar *str2); +int xmlStrncasecmp (const xmlChar *str1, + const xmlChar *str2, + int len); +int xmlStrEqual (const xmlChar *str1, + const xmlChar *str2); +int xmlStrlen (const xmlChar *str); +xmlChar * xmlStrcat (xmlChar *cur, + const xmlChar *add); +xmlChar * xmlStrncat (xmlChar *cur, + const xmlChar *add, + int len); + +/* + * Basic parsing Interfaces + */ +xmlDocPtr xmlParseDoc (xmlChar *cur); +xmlDocPtr xmlParseMemory (const char *buffer, + int size); +xmlDocPtr xmlParseFile (const char *filename); +int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(int val); +int xmlKeepBlanksDefault (int val); +void xmlStopParser (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlPedanticParserDefault(int val); +int xmlLineNumbersDefault (int val); + +/* + * Recovery mode + */ +xmlDocPtr xmlRecoverDoc (xmlChar *cur); +xmlDocPtr xmlRecoverMemory (const char *buffer, + int size); +xmlDocPtr xmlRecoverFile (const char *filename); + +/* + * Less common routines and SAX interfaces + */ +int xmlParseDocument (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlParseExtParsedEnt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseDoc (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + xmlChar *cur, + int recovery); +int xmlSAXUserParseFile (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *filename); +int xmlSAXUserParseMemory (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *buffer, + int size); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseMemory (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const char *buffer, + int size, + int recovery); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const char *buffer, + int size, + int recovery, + void *data); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseFile (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const char *filename, + int recovery); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseFileWithData (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const char *filename, + int recovery, + void *data); +xmlDocPtr xmlSAXParseEntity (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const char *filename); +xmlDocPtr xmlParseEntity (const char *filename); +xmlDtdPtr xmlParseDTD (const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlDtdPtr xmlSAXParseDTD (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlDtdPtr xmlIOParseDTD (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +int xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory(xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + int depth, + const xmlChar *string, + xmlNodePtr *lst); +int xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover(xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + int depth, + const xmlChar *string, + xmlNodePtr *lst, + int recover); +int xmlParseExternalEntity (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + int depth, + const xmlChar *URL, + const xmlChar *ID, + xmlNodePtr *lst); +int xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctx, + const xmlChar *URL, + const xmlChar *ID, + xmlNodePtr *lst); + +/* + * Parser contexts handling. + */ +void xmlInitParserCtxt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlClearParserCtxt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlFreeParserCtxt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlSetupParserForBuffer (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar* buffer, + const char *filename); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateDocParserCtxt (xmlChar *cur); + +/* + * Reading/setting optional parsing features. + */ + +int xmlGetFeaturesList (int *len, + const char **result); +int xmlGetFeature (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *name, + void *result); +int xmlSetFeature (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *name, + void *value); + +/* + * Interfaces for the Push mode. + */ +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *chunk, + int size, + const char *filename); +int xmlParseChunk (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *chunk, + int size, + int terminate); + +/* + * Special I/O mode. + */ + +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateIOParserCtxt (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + xmlInputReadCallback ioread, + xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose, + void *ioctx, + xmlCharEncoding enc); + +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewIOInputStream (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, + xmlCharEncoding enc); + +/* + * Node infos. + */ +const xmlParserNodeInfo* + xmlParserFindNodeInfo (const xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlNodePtr node); +void xmlInitNodeInfoSeq (xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq); +void xmlClearNodeInfoSeq (xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq); +unsigned long xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex(const xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq, + const xmlNodePtr node); +void xmlParserAddNodeInfo (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlParserNodeInfoPtr info); + +/* + * External entities handling actually implemented in xmlIO. + */ + +void xmlSetExternalEntityLoader(xmlExternalEntityLoader f); +xmlExternalEntityLoader + xmlGetExternalEntityLoader(void); +xmlParserInputPtr + xmlLoadExternalEntity (const char *URL, + const char *ID, + xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_PARSER_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parserInternals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parserInternals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8507442be8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/parserInternals.h @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +/* + * parserInternals.h : internals routines exported by the parser. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + * + */ + +#ifndef __XML_PARSER_INTERNALS_H__ +#define __XML_PARSER_INTERNALS_H__ + +#include <libxml/parser.h> +#include <libxml/HTMLparser.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + /** + * XML_MAX_NAMELEN: + * + * Identifiers can be longer, but this will be more costly + * at runtime. + */ +#define XML_MAX_NAMELEN 100 + +/** + * INPUT_CHUNK: + * + * The parser tries to always have that amount of input ready. + * One of the point is providing context when reporting errors. + */ +#define INPUT_CHUNK 250 + +/************************************************************************ + * * + * UNICODE version of the macros. * + * * + ************************************************************************/ +/** + * IS_CHAR: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * [2] Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] + * | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] + * any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. + */ +#define IS_CHAR(c) \ + ((((c) >= 0x20) && ((c) <= 0xD7FF)) || \ + ((c) == 0x09) || ((c) == 0x0A) || ((c) == 0x0D) || \ + (((c) >= 0xE000) && ((c) <= 0xFFFD)) || \ + (((c) >= 0x10000) && ((c) <= 0x10FFFF))) + +/** + * IS_BLANK: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ + */ +#define IS_BLANK(c) (((c) == 0x20) || ((c) == 0x09) || ((c) == 0xA) || \ + ((c) == 0x0D)) + +/** + * IS_BASECHAR: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * [85] BaseChar ::= ... long list see REC ... + */ +#define IS_BASECHAR(c) xmlIsBaseChar(c) + +/** + * IS_DIGIT: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * [88] Digit ::= ... long list see REC ... + */ +#define IS_DIGIT(c) xmlIsDigit(c) + +/** + * IS_COMBINING: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * [87] CombiningChar ::= ... long list see REC ... + */ +#define IS_COMBINING(c) xmlIsCombining(c) + +/** + * IS_EXTENDER: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * + * [89] Extender ::= #x00B7 | #x02D0 | #x02D1 | #x0387 | #x0640 | + * #x0E46 | #x0EC6 | #x3005 | [#x3031-#x3035] | + * [#x309D-#x309E] | [#x30FC-#x30FE] + */ +#define IS_EXTENDER(c) xmlIsExtender(c) + +/** + * IS_IDEOGRAPHIC: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * + * [86] Ideographic ::= [#x4E00-#x9FA5] | #x3007 | [#x3021-#x3029] + */ +#define IS_IDEOGRAPHIC(c) xmlIsIdeographic(c) + +/** + * IS_LETTER: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * + * [84] Letter ::= BaseChar | Ideographic + */ +#define IS_LETTER(c) (IS_BASECHAR(c) || IS_IDEOGRAPHIC(c)) + + +/** + * IS_PUBIDCHAR: + * @c: an UNICODE value (int) + * + * Macro to check the following production in the XML spec: + * + * + * [13] PubidChar ::= #x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9] | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%] + */ +#define IS_PUBIDCHAR(c) xmlIsPubidChar(c) + +/** + * SKIP_EOL: + * @p: and UTF8 string pointer + * + * Skips the end of line chars. + */ +#define SKIP_EOL(p) \ + if (*(p) == 0x13) { p++ ; if (*(p) == 0x10) p++; } \ + if (*(p) == 0x10) { p++ ; if (*(p) == 0x13) p++; } + +/** + * MOVETO_ENDTAG: + * @p: and UTF8 string pointer + * + * Skips to the next '>' char. + */ +#define MOVETO_ENDTAG(p) \ + while ((*p) && (*(p) != '>')) (p)++ + +/** + * MOVETO_STARTTAG: + * @p: and UTF8 string pointer + * + * Skips to the next '<' char. + */ +#define MOVETO_STARTTAG(p) \ + while ((*p) && (*(p) != '<')) (p)++ + +/** + * Global variables used for predefined strings. + */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const xmlChar xmlStringText[]; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const xmlChar xmlStringTextNoenc[]; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const xmlChar xmlStringComment[]; + +/* + * Function to finish the work of the macros where needed. + */ +int xmlIsBaseChar (int c); +int xmlIsBlank (int c); +int xmlIsPubidChar (int c); +int xmlIsLetter (int c); +int xmlIsDigit (int c); +int xmlIsIdeographic(int c); +int xmlIsExtender (int c); +int xmlIsCombining (int c); +int xmlIsChar (int c); + +/** + * Parser context. + */ +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateFileParserCtxt (const char *filename); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(const char *buffer, + int size); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlNewParserCtxt (void); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateEntityParserCtxt(const xmlChar *URL, + const xmlChar *ID, + const xmlChar *base); +int xmlSwitchEncoding (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +int xmlSwitchToEncoding (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr handler); + +/** + * Entities + */ +void xmlHandleEntity (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlEntityPtr entity); + +/** + * Input Streams. + */ +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewStringInputStream (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *buffer); +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewEntityInputStream (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlEntityPtr entity); +void xmlPushInput (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputPtr input); +xmlChar xmlPopInput (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlFreeInputStream (xmlParserInputPtr input); +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewInputFromFile (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *filename); +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewInputStream (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +/** + * Namespaces. + */ +xmlChar * xmlSplitQName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + xmlChar **prefix); +xmlChar * xmlNamespaceParseNCName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlNamespaceParseQName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **prefix); +xmlChar * xmlNamespaceParseNSDef (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseQuotedString (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseNamespace (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +/** + * Generic production rules. + */ +xmlChar * xmlScanName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseNmtoken (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseEntityValue (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **orig); +xmlChar * xmlParseAttValue (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseSystemLiteral (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParsePubidLiteral (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseCharData (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + int cdata); +xmlChar * xmlParseExternalID (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **publicID, + int strict); +void xmlParseComment (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParsePITarget (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParsePI (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseNotationDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseEntityDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlParseDefaultDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **value); +xmlEnumerationPtr xmlParseNotationType (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlEnumerationPtr xmlParseEnumerationType (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlParseEnumeratedType (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlEnumerationPtr *tree); +int xmlParseAttributeType (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlEnumerationPtr *tree); +void xmlParseAttributeListDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlElementContentPtr xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl + (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputPtr inputchk); +xmlElementContentPtr xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl + (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputPtr inputchk); +int xmlParseElementContentDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar *name, + xmlElementContentPtr *result); +int xmlParseElementDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseMarkupDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlParseCharRef (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlEntityPtr xmlParseEntityRef (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseReference (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParsePEReference (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseDocTypeDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseAttribute (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar **value); +xmlChar * xmlParseStartTag (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseEndTag (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseCDSect (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseContent (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseElement (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseVersionNum (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseVersionInfo (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseEncName (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlParseEncodingDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlParseSDDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseXMLDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseTextDecl (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseMisc (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParseExternalSubset (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +/** + * XML_SUBSTITUTE_NONE: + * + * If no entities need to be substituted. + */ +#define XML_SUBSTITUTE_NONE 0 +/** + * XML_SUBSTITUTE_REF: + * + * Whether general entities need to be substituted. + */ +#define XML_SUBSTITUTE_REF 1 +/** + * XML_SUBSTITUTE_PEREF: + * + * Whether parameter entities need to be substituted. + */ +#define XML_SUBSTITUTE_PEREF 2 +/** + * XML_SUBSTITUTE_BOTH: + * + * Both general and parameter entities need to be substituted. + */ +#define XML_SUBSTITUTE_BOTH 3 + +xmlChar * xmlDecodeEntities (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + int len, + int what, + xmlChar end, + xmlChar end2, + xmlChar end3); +xmlChar * xmlStringDecodeEntities (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *str, + int what, + xmlChar end, + xmlChar end2, + xmlChar end3); + +/* + * Generated by MACROS on top of parser.c c.f. PUSH_AND_POP. + */ +int nodePush (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr value); +xmlNodePtr nodePop (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int inputPush (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputPtr value); +xmlParserInputPtr inputPop (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +xmlChar *namePop (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int namePush (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlChar *value); + +/* + * other commodities shared between parser.c and parserInternals. + */ +int xmlSkipBlankChars (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlStringCurrentChar (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *cur, + int *len); +void xmlParserHandlePEReference(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParserHandleReference(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlCheckLanguageID (const xmlChar *lang); + +/* + * Really core function shared with HTML parser. + */ +int xmlCurrentChar (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + int *len); +int xmlCopyCharMultiByte (xmlChar *out, + int val); +int xmlCopyChar (int len, + xmlChar *out, + int val); +void xmlNextChar (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlParserInputShrink (xmlParserInputPtr in); + +#ifdef LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED +/* + * Actually comes from the HTML parser but launched from the init stuff. + */ +void htmlInitAutoClose (void); +htmlParserCtxtPtr htmlCreateFileParserCtxt(const char *filename, + const char *encoding); +#endif + +/* + * Specific function to keep track of entities references + * and used by the XSLT debugger. + */ +/** + * xmlEntityReferenceFunc: + * @ent: the entity + * @firstNode: the fist node in the chunk + * @lastNode: the last nod in the chunk + * + * Callback function used when one needs to be able to track back the + * provenance of a chunk of nodes inherited from an entity replacement. + */ +typedef void (*xmlEntityReferenceFunc) (xmlEntityPtr ent, + xmlNodePtr firstNode, + xmlNodePtr lastNode); + +void xmlSetEntityReferenceFunc (xmlEntityReferenceFunc func); + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_PARSER_INTERNALS_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/schemasInternals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/schemasInternals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb1f7eeb39 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/schemasInternals.h @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +/* + * schemasInternals.h : internal interfaces for the XML Schemas handling + * and schema validity checking + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel.Veillard@w3.org + */ + + +#ifndef __XML_SCHEMA_INTERNALS_H__ +#define __XML_SCHEMA_INTERNALS_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> + +#ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED + +#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h> +#include <libxml/hash.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* + * XML Schemas defines multiple type of types. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_BASIC = 1, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ANY, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_FACET, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SIMPLE, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_COMPLEX, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SEQUENCE, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_CHOICE, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ALL, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SIMPLE_CONTENT, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_COMPLEX_CONTENT, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_UR, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_RESTRICTION, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_EXTENSION, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ELEMENT, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTEGROUP, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_GROUP, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_NOTATION, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_LIST, + XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_UNION, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MININCLUSIVE = 1000, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_TOTALDIGITS, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_PATTERN, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_ENUMERATION, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_WHITESPACE, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_LENGTH, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXLENGTH, + XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MINLENGTH +} xmlSchemaTypeType; + +typedef enum { + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_UNKNOWN = 0, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY = 1, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_SIMPLE, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED_OR_ELEMENTS, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_BASIC, + XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ANY +} xmlSchemaContentType; + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaVal xmlSchemaVal; +typedef xmlSchemaVal *xmlSchemaValPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaType xmlSchemaType; +typedef xmlSchemaType *xmlSchemaTypePtr; + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaFacet xmlSchemaFacet; +typedef xmlSchemaFacet *xmlSchemaFacetPtr; + +/** + * Annotation + */ +typedef struct _xmlSchemaAnnot xmlSchemaAnnot; +typedef xmlSchemaAnnot *xmlSchemaAnnotPtr; +struct _xmlSchemaAnnot { + struct _xmlSchemaAnnot *next; + xmlNodePtr content; /* the annotation */ +}; + +/** + * An attribute definition. + */ + +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_SKIP 1 +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_LAX 2 +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_STRICT 3 + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaAttribute xmlSchemaAttribute; +typedef xmlSchemaAttribute *xmlSchemaAttributePtr; +struct _xmlSchemaAttribute { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + struct _xmlSchemaAttribute *next;/* the next attribute if in a group ... */ + xmlChar *name; + xmlChar *id; + xmlChar *ref; + xmlChar *refNs; + xmlChar *typeName; + xmlChar *typeNs; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + + xmlSchemaTypePtr base; + int occurs; + xmlChar *defValue; + xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes; +}; + +/** + * An attribute group definition. + * + * xmlSchemaAttribute and xmlSchemaAttributeGroup start of structures + * must be kept similar + */ +typedef struct _xmlSchemaAttributeGroup xmlSchemaAttributeGroup; +typedef xmlSchemaAttributeGroup *xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr; +struct _xmlSchemaAttributeGroup { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + struct _xmlSchemaAttribute *next;/* the next attribute if in a group ... */ + xmlChar *name; + xmlChar *id; + xmlChar *ref; + xmlChar *refNs; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + + xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes; +}; + + +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_MIXED: + * + * the element content type is mixed + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_MIXED 1 << 0 + +/** + * _xmlSchemaType: + * + * Schemas type definition. + */ +struct _xmlSchemaType { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + struct _xmlSchemaType *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */ + xmlChar *name; + xmlChar *id; + xmlChar *ref; + xmlChar *refNs; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes; + xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes; + xmlNodePtr node; + int minOccurs; + int maxOccurs; + + int flags; + xmlSchemaContentType contentType; + xmlChar *base; + xmlChar *baseNs; + xmlSchemaTypePtr baseType; + xmlSchemaFacetPtr facets; +}; + +/** + * xmlSchemaElement: + * An element definition. + * + * xmlSchemaType, xmlSchemaFacet and xmlSchemaElement start of + * structures must be kept similar + */ +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE: + * + * the element is nillable + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE 1 << 0 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_GLOBAL: + * + * the element is global + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_GLOBAL 1 << 1 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_DEFAULT: + * + * the element has a default value + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_DEFAULT 1 << 2 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED: + * + * the element has a fixed value + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED 1 << 3 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_ABSTRACT: + * + * the element is abstract + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_ABSTRACT 1 << 4 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL: + * + * the element is top level + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL 1 << 5 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_REF: + * + * the element is a reference to a type + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_REF 1 << 6 + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaElement xmlSchemaElement; +typedef xmlSchemaElement *xmlSchemaElementPtr; +struct _xmlSchemaElement { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + struct _xmlSchemaType *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */ + xmlChar *name; + xmlChar *id; + xmlChar *ref; + xmlChar *refNs; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes; + xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes; + xmlNodePtr node; + int minOccurs; + int maxOccurs; + + int flags; + xmlChar *targetNamespace; + xmlChar *namedType; + xmlChar *namedTypeNs; + xmlChar *substGroup; + xmlChar *substGroupNs; + xmlChar *scope; + xmlChar *value; + struct _xmlSchemaElement *refDecl; + xmlRegexpPtr contModel; + xmlSchemaContentType contentType; +}; + +/* + * XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_UNKNOWN: + * + * unknown facet handling + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_UNKNOWN 0 +/* + * XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_PRESERVE: + * + * preserve the type of the facet + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_PRESERVE 1 +/* + * XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_REPLACE: + * + * replace the type of the facet + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_REPLACE 2 +/* + * XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_COLLAPSE: + * + * collapse the types of the facet + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_COLLAPSE 3 + +/** + * A facet definition. + */ +struct _xmlSchemaFacet { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + struct _xmlSchemaFacet *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */ + xmlChar *value; + xmlChar *id; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + xmlNodePtr node; + int fixed; + int whitespace; + xmlSchemaValPtr val; + xmlRegexpPtr regexp; +}; + +/** + * A notation definition. + */ +typedef struct _xmlSchemaNotation xmlSchemaNotation; +typedef xmlSchemaNotation *xmlSchemaNotationPtr; +struct _xmlSchemaNotation { + xmlSchemaTypeType type; /* The kind of type */ + xmlChar *name; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + xmlChar *identifier; +}; + +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ELEM: + * + * the shemas requires qualified elements + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ELEM 1 << 0 +/** + * XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ATTR: + * + * the shemas requires qualified attributes + */ +#define XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ATTR 1 << 1 +/** + * _xmlSchema: + * + * A Schemas definition + */ +struct _xmlSchema { + xmlChar *name; /* schema name */ + xmlChar *targetNamespace; /* the target namespace */ + xmlChar *version; + xmlChar *id; + xmlDocPtr doc; + xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot; + int flags; + + xmlHashTablePtr typeDecl; + xmlHashTablePtr attrDecl; + xmlHashTablePtr attrgrpDecl; + xmlHashTablePtr elemDecl; + xmlHashTablePtr notaDecl; + + xmlHashTablePtr schemasImports; + + void *_private; /* unused by the library for users or bindings */ +}; + +void xmlSchemaFreeType (xmlSchemaTypePtr type); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_INTERNALS_H__ */ + + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/threads.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/threads.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ef7a17386 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/threads.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/** + * threads.c: set of generic threading related routines + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_THREADS_H__ +#define __XML_THREADS_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * xmlMutex are a simple mutual exception locks. + */ +typedef struct _xmlMutex xmlMutex; +typedef xmlMutex *xmlMutexPtr; + +/* + * xmlRMutex are reentrant mutual exception locks. + */ +typedef struct _xmlRMutex xmlRMutex; +typedef xmlRMutex *xmlRMutexPtr; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/globals.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +xmlMutexPtr xmlNewMutex (void); +void xmlMutexLock (xmlMutexPtr tok); +void xmlMutexUnlock (xmlMutexPtr tok); +void xmlFreeMutex (xmlMutexPtr tok); + +xmlRMutexPtr xmlNewRMutex (void); +void xmlRMutexLock (xmlRMutexPtr tok); +void xmlRMutexUnlock (xmlRMutexPtr tok); +void xmlFreeRMutex (xmlRMutexPtr tok); + +/* + * Library wide APIs. + */ +void xmlInitThreads (void); +void xmlLockLibrary (void); +void xmlUnlockLibrary(void); +int xmlGetThreadId (void); +int xmlIsMainThread (void); +void xmlCleanupThreads(void); +xmlGlobalStatePtr xmlGetGlobalState(void); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +#endif /* __XML_THREADS_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/tree.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/tree.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a9fb0036d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,905 @@ +/* + * tree.h : describes the structures found in an tree resulting + * from an XML parsing. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + * + */ + +#ifndef __XML_TREE_H__ +#define __XML_TREE_H__ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Some of the basic types pointer to structures: + */ +/* xmlIO.h */ +typedef struct _xmlParserInputBuffer xmlParserInputBuffer; +typedef xmlParserInputBuffer *xmlParserInputBufferPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlOutputBuffer xmlOutputBuffer; +typedef xmlOutputBuffer *xmlOutputBufferPtr; + +/* parser.h */ +typedef struct _xmlParserInput xmlParserInput; +typedef xmlParserInput *xmlParserInputPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlParserCtxt xmlParserCtxt; +typedef xmlParserCtxt *xmlParserCtxtPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlSAXLocator xmlSAXLocator; +typedef xmlSAXLocator *xmlSAXLocatorPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlSAXHandler xmlSAXHandler; +typedef xmlSAXHandler *xmlSAXHandlerPtr; + +/* entities.h */ +typedef struct _xmlEntity xmlEntity; +typedef xmlEntity *xmlEntityPtr; + +/** + * BASE_BUFFER_SIZE: + * + * default buffer size 4000. + */ +#define BASE_BUFFER_SIZE 4000 + +/** + * XML_XML_NAMESPACE: + * + * This is the namespace for the special xml: prefix predefined in the + * XML Namespace specification. + */ +#define XML_XML_NAMESPACE \ + (const xmlChar *) "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" + +/* + * The different element types carried by an XML tree. + * + * NOTE: This is synchronized with DOM Level1 values + * See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/ + * + * Actually this had diverged a bit, and now XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE should + * be deprecated to use an XML_DTD_NODE. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_ELEMENT_NODE= 1, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE= 2, + XML_TEXT_NODE= 3, + XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE= 4, + XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE= 5, + XML_ENTITY_NODE= 6, + XML_PI_NODE= 7, + XML_COMMENT_NODE= 8, + XML_DOCUMENT_NODE= 9, + XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE= 10, + XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE= 11, + XML_NOTATION_NODE= 12, + XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE= 13, + XML_DTD_NODE= 14, + XML_ELEMENT_DECL= 15, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL= 16, + XML_ENTITY_DECL= 17, + XML_NAMESPACE_DECL= 18, + XML_XINCLUDE_START= 19, + XML_XINCLUDE_END= 20 +#ifdef LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED + ,XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE= 21 +#endif +} xmlElementType; + +/** + * xmlChar: + * + * This is a basic byte in an UTF-8 encoded string. + * It's unsigned allowing to pinpoint case where char * are assigned + * to xmlChar * (possibly making serialization back impossible). + */ + +typedef unsigned char xmlChar; + +/** + * BAD_CAST: + * + * Macro to cast a string to an xmlChar * when one know its safe. + */ +#define BAD_CAST (xmlChar *) + +/** + * xmlNotation: + * + * A DTD Notation definition. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlNotation xmlNotation; +typedef xmlNotation *xmlNotationPtr; +struct _xmlNotation { + const xmlChar *name; /* Notation name */ + const xmlChar *PublicID; /* Public identifier, if any */ + const xmlChar *SystemID; /* System identifier, if any */ +}; + +/** + * xmlAttributeType: + * + * A DTD Attribute type definition. + */ + +typedef enum { + XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA = 1, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREF , + XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATION, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION +} xmlAttributeType; + +/** + * xmlAttributeDefault: + * + * A DTD Attribute default definition. + */ + +typedef enum { + XML_ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 1, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED, + XML_ATTRIBUTE_FIXED +} xmlAttributeDefault; + +/** + * xmlEnumeration: + * + * List structure used when there is an enumeration in DTDs. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlEnumeration xmlEnumeration; +typedef xmlEnumeration *xmlEnumerationPtr; +struct _xmlEnumeration { + struct _xmlEnumeration *next; /* next one */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Enumeration name */ +}; + +/** + * xmlAttribute: + * + * An Attribute declaration in a DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlAttribute xmlAttribute; +typedef xmlAttribute *xmlAttributePtr; +struct _xmlAttribute { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Attribute name */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* NULL */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */ + struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + + struct _xmlAttribute *nexth; /* next in hash table */ + xmlAttributeType atype; /* The attribute type */ + xmlAttributeDefault def; /* the default */ + const xmlChar *defaultValue; /* or the default value */ + xmlEnumerationPtr tree; /* or the enumeration tree if any */ + const xmlChar *prefix; /* the namespace prefix if any */ + const xmlChar *elem; /* Element holding the attribute */ +}; + +/** + * xmlElementContentType: + * + * Possible definitions of element content types. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PCDATA = 1, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ELEMENT, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR +} xmlElementContentType; + +/** + * xmlElementContentOccur: + * + * Possible definitions of element content occurrences. + */ +typedef enum { + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ONCE = 1, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OPT, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_MULT, + XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PLUS +} xmlElementContentOccur; + +/** + * xmlElementContent: + * + * An XML Element content as stored after parsing an element definition + * in a DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlElementContent xmlElementContent; +typedef xmlElementContent *xmlElementContentPtr; +struct _xmlElementContent { + xmlElementContentType type; /* PCDATA, ELEMENT, SEQ or OR */ + xmlElementContentOccur ocur; /* ONCE, OPT, MULT or PLUS */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Element name */ + struct _xmlElementContent *c1; /* first child */ + struct _xmlElementContent *c2; /* second child */ + struct _xmlElementContent *parent; /* parent */ + const xmlChar *prefix; /* Namespace prefix */ +}; + +/** + * xmlElementTypeVal: + * + * The different possibilities for an element content type. + */ + +typedef enum { + XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, + XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY = 1, + XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_ANY, + XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_MIXED, + XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT +} xmlElementTypeVal; + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/xmlregexp.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xmlElement: + * + * An XML Element declaration from a DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlElement xmlElement; +typedef xmlElement *xmlElementPtr; +struct _xmlElement { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_ELEMENT_DECL, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Element name */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* NULL */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */ + struct _xmlDtd *parent; /* -> DTD */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + + xmlElementTypeVal etype; /* The type */ + xmlElementContentPtr content; /* the allowed element content */ + xmlAttributePtr attributes; /* List of the declared attributes */ + const xmlChar *prefix; /* the namespace prefix if any */ +#ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED + xmlRegexpPtr contModel; /* the validating regexp */ +#else + void *contModel; +#endif +}; + + +/** + * XML_LOCAL_NAMESPACE: + * + * A namespace declaration node. + */ +#define XML_LOCAL_NAMESPACE XML_NAMESPACE_DECL +typedef xmlElementType xmlNsType; + +/** + * xmlNs: + * + * An XML namespace. + * Note that prefix == NULL is valid, it defines the default namespace + * within the subtree (until overridden). + * + * xmlNsType is unified with xmlElementType. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlNs xmlNs; +typedef xmlNs *xmlNsPtr; +struct _xmlNs { + struct _xmlNs *next; /* next Ns link for this node */ + xmlNsType type; /* global or local */ + const xmlChar *href; /* URL for the namespace */ + const xmlChar *prefix; /* prefix for the namespace */ + void *_private; /* application data */ +}; + +/** + * xmlDtd: + * + * An XML DTD, as defined by <!DOCTYPE ... There is actually one for + * the internal subset and for the external subset. + */ +typedef struct _xmlDtd xmlDtd; +typedef xmlDtd *xmlDtdPtr; +struct _xmlDtd { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_DTD_NODE, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* Name of the DTD */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* the value of the property link */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */ + struct _xmlDoc *parent; /* child->parent link */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + + /* End of common part */ + void *notations; /* Hash table for notations if any */ + void *elements; /* Hash table for elements if any */ + void *attributes; /* Hash table for attributes if any */ + void *entities; /* Hash table for entities if any */ + const xmlChar *ExternalID; /* External identifier for PUBLIC DTD */ + const xmlChar *SystemID; /* URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC DTD */ + void *pentities; /* Hash table for param entities if any */ +}; + +/** + * xmlAttr: + * + * An attribute on an XML node. + */ +typedef struct _xmlAttr xmlAttr; +typedef xmlAttr *xmlAttrPtr; +struct _xmlAttr { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* the name of the property */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* the value of the property */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* NULL */ + struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */ + struct _xmlAttr *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlAttr *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + xmlNs *ns; /* pointer to the associated namespace */ + xmlAttributeType atype; /* the attribute type if validating */ +}; + +/** + * xmlID: + * + * An XML ID instance. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlID xmlID; +typedef xmlID *xmlIDPtr; +struct _xmlID { + struct _xmlID *next; /* next ID */ + const xmlChar *value; /* The ID name */ + xmlAttrPtr attr; /* The attribute holding it */ + const xmlChar *name; /* The attribute if attr is not available */ + int lineno; /* The line number if attr is not available */ +}; + +/** + * xmlRef: + * + * An XML IDREF instance. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlRef xmlRef; +typedef xmlRef *xmlRefPtr; +struct _xmlRef { + struct _xmlRef *next; /* next Ref */ + const xmlChar *value; /* The Ref name */ + xmlAttrPtr attr; /* The attribute holding it */ + const xmlChar *name; /* The attribute if attr is not available */ + int lineno; /* The line number if attr is not available */ +}; + +/** + * xmlBufferAllocationScheme: + * + * A buffer allocation scheme can be defined to either match exactly the + * need or double it's allocated size each time it is found too small. + */ + +typedef enum { + XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT, + XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT +} xmlBufferAllocationScheme; + +/** + * xmlBuffer: + * + * A buffer structure. + */ +typedef struct _xmlBuffer xmlBuffer; +typedef xmlBuffer *xmlBufferPtr; +struct _xmlBuffer { + xmlChar *content; /* The buffer content UTF8 */ + unsigned int use; /* The buffer size used */ + unsigned int size; /* The buffer size */ + xmlBufferAllocationScheme alloc; /* The realloc method */ +}; + +/** + * xmlNode: + * + * A node in an XML tree. + */ +typedef struct _xmlNode xmlNode; +typedef xmlNode *xmlNodePtr; +struct _xmlNode { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* type number, must be second ! */ + const xmlChar *name; /* the name of the node, or the entity */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* parent->childs link */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */ + struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* the containing document */ + + /* End of common part */ + xmlNs *ns; /* pointer to the associated namespace */ + xmlChar *content; /* the content */ + struct _xmlAttr *properties;/* properties list */ + xmlNs *nsDef; /* namespace definitions on this node */ +}; + +/** + * XML_GET_CONTENT: + * + * Macro to extract the content pointer of a node. + */ +#define XML_GET_CONTENT(n) \ + ((n)->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ? NULL : (n)->content) + +/** + * XML_GET_LINE: + * + * Macro to extract the line number of an element node. + * This will work only if line numbering is activated by + * calling xmlLineNumbersDefault(1) before parsing. + */ +#define XML_GET_LINE(n) \ + ((n)->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ? (int) (n)->content : 0) + +/** + * xmlDoc: + * + * An XML document. + */ +typedef struct _xmlDoc xmlDoc; +typedef xmlDoc *xmlDocPtr; +struct _xmlDoc { + void *_private; /* application data */ + xmlElementType type; /* XML_DOCUMENT_NODE, must be second ! */ + char *name; /* name/filename/URI of the document */ + struct _xmlNode *children; /* the document tree */ + struct _xmlNode *last; /* last child link */ + struct _xmlNode *parent; /* child->parent link */ + struct _xmlNode *next; /* next sibling link */ + struct _xmlNode *prev; /* previous sibling link */ + struct _xmlDoc *doc; /* autoreference to itself */ + + /* End of common part */ + int compression;/* level of zlib compression */ + int standalone; /* standalone document (no external refs) */ + struct _xmlDtd *intSubset; /* the document internal subset */ + struct _xmlDtd *extSubset; /* the document external subset */ + struct _xmlNs *oldNs; /* Global namespace, the old way */ + const xmlChar *version; /* the XML version string */ + const xmlChar *encoding; /* external initial encoding, if any */ + void *ids; /* Hash table for ID attributes if any */ + void *refs; /* Hash table for IDREFs attributes if any */ + const xmlChar *URL; /* The URI for that document */ + int charset; /* encoding of the in-memory content + actually an xmlCharEncoding */ +}; + +/** + * xmlChildrenNode: + * + * Macro for compatibility naming layer with libxml1. + */ +#ifndef xmlChildrenNode +#define xmlChildrenNode children +#endif + +/** + * xmlRootNode: + * + * Macro for compatibility naming layer with libxml1. + */ +#ifndef xmlRootNode +#define xmlRootNode children +#endif + +/* + * Variables. + */ +#if 0 +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int oldXMLWDcompatibility;/* maintain compatibility with old WD */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlIndentTreeOutput; /* try to indent the tree dumps */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme; /* alloc scheme to use */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags; /* save empty tags as <empty></empty> */ +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlDefaultBufferSize; /* default buffer size */ +#endif + +int xmlValidateNCName (const xmlChar *value, int space); +int xmlValidateQName (const xmlChar *value, int space); +int xmlValidateName (const xmlChar *value, int space); +int xmlValidateNMToken (const xmlChar *value, int space); + +/* + * Handling Buffers. + */ + +void xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme(xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme); +xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme(void); + +xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreate (void); +xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreateSize (size_t size); +int xmlBufferResize (xmlBufferPtr buf, + unsigned int size); +void xmlBufferFree (xmlBufferPtr buf); +int xmlBufferDump (FILE *file, + xmlBufferPtr buf); +void xmlBufferAdd (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const xmlChar *str, + int len); +void xmlBufferAddHead (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const xmlChar *str, + int len); +void xmlBufferCat (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const xmlChar *str); +void xmlBufferCCat (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const char *str); +int xmlBufferShrink (xmlBufferPtr buf, + unsigned int len); +int xmlBufferGrow (xmlBufferPtr buf, + unsigned int len); +void xmlBufferEmpty (xmlBufferPtr buf); +const xmlChar* xmlBufferContent (const xmlBufferPtr buf); +void xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme(xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme); +int xmlBufferLength (const xmlBufferPtr buf); + +/* + * Creating/freeing new structures. + */ +xmlDtdPtr xmlCreateIntSubset (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlDtdPtr xmlNewDtd (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ExternalID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlDtdPtr xmlGetIntSubset (xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlFreeDtd (xmlDtdPtr cur); +xmlNsPtr xmlNewGlobalNs (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *href, + const xmlChar *prefix); +xmlNsPtr xmlNewNs (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *href, + const xmlChar *prefix); +void xmlFreeNs (xmlNsPtr cur); +void xmlFreeNsList (xmlNsPtr cur); +xmlDocPtr xmlNewDoc (const xmlChar *version); +void xmlFreeDoc (xmlDocPtr cur); +xmlAttrPtr xmlNewDocProp (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlAttrPtr xmlNewProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlAttrPtr xmlNewNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlAttrPtr xmlNewNsPropEatName (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns, + xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +void xmlFreePropList (xmlAttrPtr cur); +void xmlFreeProp (xmlAttrPtr cur); +xmlAttrPtr xmlCopyProp (xmlNodePtr target, + xmlAttrPtr cur); +xmlAttrPtr xmlCopyPropList (xmlNodePtr target, + xmlAttrPtr cur); +xmlDtdPtr xmlCopyDtd (xmlDtdPtr dtd); +xmlDocPtr xmlCopyDoc (xmlDocPtr doc, + int recursive); + +/* + * Creating new nodes. + */ +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocNode (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocNodeEatName (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNsPtr ns, + xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocRawNode (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewNode (xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewNodeEatName (xmlNsPtr ns, + xmlChar *name); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewChild (xmlNodePtr parent, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewTextChild (xmlNodePtr parent, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocText (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewText (const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewPI (const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocTextLen (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *content, + int len); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewTextLen (const xmlChar *content, + int len); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocComment (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewComment (const xmlChar *content); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewCDataBlock (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *content, + int len); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewCharRef (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewReference (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlNodePtr xmlCopyNode (const xmlNodePtr node, + int recursive); +xmlNodePtr xmlDocCopyNode (const xmlNodePtr node, + xmlDocPtr doc, + int recursive); +xmlNodePtr xmlCopyNodeList (const xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocFragment (xmlDocPtr doc); + +/* + * Navigating. + */ +long xmlGetLineNo (xmlNodePtr node); +xmlChar * xmlGetNodePath (xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodePtr xmlDocGetRootElement (xmlDocPtr doc); +xmlNodePtr xmlGetLastChild (xmlNodePtr parent); +int xmlNodeIsText (xmlNodePtr node); +int xmlIsBlankNode (xmlNodePtr node); + +/* + * Changing the structure. + */ +xmlNodePtr xmlDocSetRootElement (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr root); +void xmlNodeSetName (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlNodePtr xmlAddChild (xmlNodePtr parent, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlAddChildList (xmlNodePtr parent, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlReplaceNode (xmlNodePtr old, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlAddSibling (xmlNodePtr cur, + xmlNodePtr elem); +xmlNodePtr xmlAddPrevSibling (xmlNodePtr cur, + xmlNodePtr elem); +xmlNodePtr xmlAddNextSibling (xmlNodePtr cur, + xmlNodePtr elem); +void xmlUnlinkNode (xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlTextMerge (xmlNodePtr first, + xmlNodePtr second); +void xmlTextConcat (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *content, + int len); +void xmlFreeNodeList (xmlNodePtr cur); +void xmlFreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur); +void xmlSetTreeDoc (xmlNodePtr tree, + xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlSetListDoc (xmlNodePtr list, + xmlDocPtr doc); + +/* + * Namespaces. + */ +xmlNsPtr xmlSearchNs (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *nameSpace); +xmlNsPtr xmlSearchNsByHref (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *href); +xmlNsPtr * xmlGetNsList (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr node); +void xmlSetNs (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns); +xmlNsPtr xmlCopyNamespace (xmlNsPtr cur); +xmlNsPtr xmlCopyNamespaceList (xmlNsPtr cur); + +/* + * Changing the content. + */ +xmlAttrPtr xmlSetProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlChar * xmlGetProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlChar * xmlGetNoNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlAttrPtr xmlHasProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlAttrPtr xmlHasNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *nameSpace); +xmlAttrPtr xmlSetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlChar * xmlGetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *nameSpace); +xmlNodePtr xmlStringGetNodeList (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlNodePtr xmlStringLenGetNodeList (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *value, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlNodeListGetString (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr list, + int inLine); +xmlChar * xmlNodeListGetRawString (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr list, + int inLine); +void xmlNodeSetContent (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *content); +void xmlNodeSetContentLen (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *content, + int len); +void xmlNodeAddContent (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *content); +void xmlNodeAddContentLen (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *content, + int len); +xmlChar * xmlNodeGetContent (xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlChar * xmlNodeGetLang (xmlNodePtr cur); +void xmlNodeSetLang (xmlNodePtr cur, + const xmlChar *lang); +int xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve (xmlNodePtr cur); +void xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve (xmlNodePtr cur, + int val); +xmlChar * xmlNodeGetBase (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur); +void xmlNodeSetBase (xmlNodePtr cur, + xmlChar *uri); + +/* + * Removing content. + */ +int xmlRemoveProp (xmlAttrPtr cur); +int xmlUnsetProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name); +int xmlUnsetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *name); + +/* + * Internal, don't use. + */ +void xmlBufferWriteCHAR (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const xmlChar *string); +void xmlBufferWriteChar (xmlBufferPtr buf, + const char *string); +void xmlBufferWriteQuotedString(xmlBufferPtr buf, + const xmlChar *string); + +/* + * Namespace handling. + */ +int xmlReconciliateNs (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr tree); + +/* + * Saving. + */ +void xmlDocDumpFormatMemory (xmlDocPtr cur, + xmlChar **mem, + int *size, + int format); +void xmlDocDumpMemory (xmlDocPtr cur, + xmlChar **mem, + int *size); +void xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc (xmlDocPtr out_doc, + xmlChar **doc_txt_ptr, + int * doc_txt_len, + const char *txt_encoding); +void xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(xmlDocPtr out_doc, + xmlChar **doc_txt_ptr, + int * doc_txt_len, + const char *txt_encoding, + int format); +int xmlDocFormatDump(FILE *f, + xmlDocPtr cur, + int format); +int xmlDocDump (FILE *f, + xmlDocPtr cur); +void xmlElemDump (FILE *f, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur); +int xmlSaveFile (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur); +int xmlSaveFormatFile (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur, + int format); +int xmlNodeDump (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur, + int level, + int format); + +int xmlSaveFileTo (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding); +int xmlSaveFormatFileTo (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); +void xmlNodeDumpOutput (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr cur, + int level, + int format, + const char *encoding); + +int xmlSaveFormatFileEnc (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding, + int format); + +int xmlSaveFileEnc (const char *filename, + xmlDocPtr cur, + const char *encoding); + +/* + * XHTML + */ +int xmlIsXHTML (const xmlChar *systemID, + const xmlChar *publicID); + +/* + * Compression. + */ +int xmlGetDocCompressMode (xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlSetDocCompressMode (xmlDocPtr doc, + int mode); +int xmlGetCompressMode (void); +void xmlSetCompressMode (int mode); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#ifndef __XML_PARSER_H__ +#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_TREE_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/uri.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/uri.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..319c509d1b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/uri.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/** + * uri.c: library of generic URI related routines + * + * Reference: RFC 2396 + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_URI_H__ +#define __XML_URI_H__ + +#include <libxml/tree.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xmlURI: + * + * A parsed URI reference. This is a struct containing the various fields + * as described in RFC 2396 but separated for further processing. + */ +typedef struct _xmlURI xmlURI; +typedef xmlURI *xmlURIPtr; +struct _xmlURI { + char *scheme; /* the URI scheme */ + char *opaque; /* opaque part */ + char *authority; /* the authority part */ + char *server; /* the server part */ + char *user; /* the user part */ + int port; /* the port number */ + char *path; /* the path string */ + char *query; /* the query string */ + char *fragment; /* the fragment identifier */ + int cleanup; /* parsing potentially unclean URI */ +}; + +/* + * This function is in tree.h: + * xmlChar * xmlNodeGetBase (xmlDocPtr doc, + * xmlNodePtr cur); + */ +xmlURIPtr xmlCreateURI (void); +xmlChar * xmlBuildURI (const xmlChar *URI, + const xmlChar *base); +xmlURIPtr xmlParseURI (const char *str); +int xmlParseURIReference (xmlURIPtr uri, + const char *str); +xmlChar * xmlSaveUri (xmlURIPtr uri); +void xmlPrintURI (FILE *stream, + xmlURIPtr uri); +xmlChar * xmlURIEscapeStr (const xmlChar *str, + const xmlChar *list); +char * xmlURIUnescapeString (const char *str, + int len, + char *target); +int xmlNormalizeURIPath (char *path); +xmlChar * xmlURIEscape (const xmlChar *str); +void xmlFreeURI (xmlURIPtr uri); +xmlChar* xmlCanonicPath (const xmlChar *path); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_URI_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/valid.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/valid.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dbf2aba562 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/valid.h @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +/* + * valid.h : interface to the DTD handling and the validity checking + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + + +#ifndef __XML_VALID_H__ +#define __XML_VALID_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/list.h" +#include "libxml/xmlautomata.h" +#include "libxml/xmlregexp.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Validation state added for non-determinist content model. + */ +typedef struct _xmlValidState xmlValidState; +typedef xmlValidState *xmlValidStatePtr; + +/** + * xmlValidityErrorFunc: + * @ctx: an xmlValidCtxtPtr validity error context + * @msg: the string to format *printf like vararg + * @...: remaining arguments to the format + * + * Callback called when a validity error is found. This is a message + * oriented function similar to an *printf function. + */ +typedef void (*xmlValidityErrorFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); + +/** + * xmlValidityWarningFunc: + * @ctx: an xmlValidCtxtPtr validity error context + * @msg: the string to format *printf like vararg + * @...: remaining arguments to the format + * + * Callback called when a validity warning is found. This is a message + * oriented function similar to an *printf function. + */ +typedef void (*xmlValidityWarningFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); + +/** + * xmlValidCtxt: + * An xmlValidCtxt is used for error reporting when validating. + */ +typedef struct _xmlValidCtxt xmlValidCtxt; +typedef xmlValidCtxt *xmlValidCtxtPtr; +struct _xmlValidCtxt { + void *userData; /* user specific data block */ + xmlValidityErrorFunc error; /* the callback in case of errors */ + xmlValidityWarningFunc warning; /* the callback in case of warning */ + + /* Node analysis stack used when validating within entities */ + xmlNodePtr node; /* Current parsed Node */ + int nodeNr; /* Depth of the parsing stack */ + int nodeMax; /* Max depth of the parsing stack */ + xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes */ + + int finishDtd; /* finished validating the Dtd ? */ + xmlDocPtr doc; /* the document */ + int valid; /* temporary validity check result */ + + /* state state used for non-determinist content validation */ + xmlValidState *vstate; /* current state */ + int vstateNr; /* Depth of the validation stack */ + int vstateMax; /* Max depth of the validation stack */ + xmlValidState *vstateTab; /* array of validation states */ + +#ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED + xmlAutomataPtr am; /* the automata */ + xmlAutomataStatePtr state; /* used to build the automata */ +#else + void *am; + void *state; +#endif +}; + +/* + * ALL notation declarations are stored in a table. + * There is one table per DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlNotationTable; +typedef xmlNotationTable *xmlNotationTablePtr; + +/* + * ALL element declarations are stored in a table. + * There is one table per DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlElementTable; +typedef xmlElementTable *xmlElementTablePtr; + +/* + * ALL attribute declarations are stored in a table. + * There is one table per DTD. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlAttributeTable; +typedef xmlAttributeTable *xmlAttributeTablePtr; + +/* + * ALL IDs attributes are stored in a table. + * There is one table per document. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlIDTable; +typedef xmlIDTable *xmlIDTablePtr; + +/* + * ALL Refs attributes are stored in a table. + * There is one table per document. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlHashTable xmlRefTable; +typedef xmlRefTable *xmlRefTablePtr; + +/* helper */ +xmlChar * xmlSplitQName2 (const xmlChar *name, + xmlChar **prefix); + +/* Notation */ +xmlNotationPtr xmlAddNotationDecl (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *PublicID, + const xmlChar *SystemID); +xmlNotationTablePtr xmlCopyNotationTable(xmlNotationTablePtr table); +void xmlFreeNotationTable(xmlNotationTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpNotationDecl (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlNotationPtr nota); +void xmlDumpNotationTable(xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlNotationTablePtr table); + +/* Element Content */ +xmlElementContentPtr xmlNewElementContent (xmlChar *name, + xmlElementContentType type); +xmlElementContentPtr xmlCopyElementContent(xmlElementContentPtr content); +void xmlFreeElementContent(xmlElementContentPtr cur); +void xmlSnprintfElementContent(char *buf, + int size, + xmlElementContentPtr content, + int glob); +/* DEPRECATED */ +void xmlSprintfElementContent(char *buf, + xmlElementContentPtr content, + int glob); +/* DEPRECATED */ + +/* Element */ +xmlElementPtr xmlAddElementDecl (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *name, + xmlElementTypeVal type, + xmlElementContentPtr content); +xmlElementTablePtr xmlCopyElementTable (xmlElementTablePtr table); +void xmlFreeElementTable (xmlElementTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpElementTable (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlElementTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpElementDecl (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlElementPtr elem); + +/* Enumeration */ +xmlEnumerationPtr xmlCreateEnumeration (xmlChar *name); +void xmlFreeEnumeration (xmlEnumerationPtr cur); +xmlEnumerationPtr xmlCopyEnumeration (xmlEnumerationPtr cur); + +/* Attribute */ +xmlAttributePtr xmlAddAttributeDecl (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *elem, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns, + xmlAttributeType type, + xmlAttributeDefault def, + const xmlChar *defaultValue, + xmlEnumerationPtr tree); +xmlAttributeTablePtr xmlCopyAttributeTable (xmlAttributeTablePtr table); +void xmlFreeAttributeTable (xmlAttributeTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpAttributeTable (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlAttributeTablePtr table); +void xmlDumpAttributeDecl (xmlBufferPtr buf, + xmlAttributePtr attr); + +/* IDs */ +xmlIDPtr xmlAddID (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *value, + xmlAttrPtr attr); +void xmlFreeIDTable (xmlIDTablePtr table); +xmlAttrPtr xmlGetID (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *ID); +int xmlIsID (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + xmlAttrPtr attr); +int xmlRemoveID (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlAttrPtr attr); + +/* IDREFs */ +xmlRefPtr xmlAddRef (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *value, + xmlAttrPtr attr); +void xmlFreeRefTable (xmlRefTablePtr table); +int xmlIsRef (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + xmlAttrPtr attr); +int xmlRemoveRef (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlAttrPtr attr); +xmlListPtr xmlGetRefs (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *ID); + +/** + * The public function calls related to validity checking. + */ + +int xmlValidateRoot (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc); +int xmlValidateElementDecl (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlElementPtr elem); +xmlChar * xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +xmlChar * xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateAttributeDecl(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlAttributePtr attr); +int xmlValidateAttributeValue(xmlAttributeType type, + const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateNotationDecl (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNotationPtr nota); +int xmlValidateDtd (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlDtdPtr dtd); +int xmlValidateDtdFinal (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc); +int xmlValidateDocument (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc); +int xmlValidateElement (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem); +int xmlValidateOneElement (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem); +int xmlValidateOneAttribute (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + xmlAttrPtr attr, + const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateOneNamespace (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + const xmlChar *prefix, + xmlNsPtr ns, + const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateDocumentFinal(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc); +int xmlValidateNotationUse (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *notationName); +int xmlIsMixedElement (xmlDocPtr doc, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlAttributePtr xmlGetDtdAttrDesc (xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *elem, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlAttributePtr xmlGetDtdQAttrDesc (xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *elem, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *prefix); +xmlNotationPtr xmlGetDtdNotationDesc (xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlElementPtr xmlGetDtdQElementDesc (xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *prefix); +xmlElementPtr xmlGetDtdElementDesc (xmlDtdPtr dtd, + const xmlChar *name); + +int xmlValidGetValidElements(xmlNode *prev, + xmlNode *next, + const xmlChar **list, + int max); +int xmlValidGetPotentialChildren(xmlElementContent *ctree, + const xmlChar **list, + int *len, + int max); +int xmlValidateNameValue (const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateNamesValue (const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateNmtokenValue (const xmlChar *value); +int xmlValidateNmtokensValue(const xmlChar *value); + +#ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED +/* + * Validation based on the regexp support + */ +int xmlValidBuildContentModel(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlElementPtr elem); + +int xmlValidatePushElement (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + const xmlChar *qname); +int xmlValidatePushCData (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *data, + int len); +int xmlValidatePopElement (xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr elem, + const xmlChar *qname); +#endif /* LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_VALID_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xinclude.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xinclude.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f59020f7a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xinclude.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* + * xinclude.c : API to handle XInclude processing + * + * World Wide Web Consortium Working Draft 26 October 2000 + * http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xinclude-20001026 + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XINCLUDE_H__ +#define __XML_XINCLUDE_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +int xmlXIncludeProcess (xmlDocPtr doc); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_XINCLUDE_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xlink.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xlink.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5a0f91067 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xlink.h @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +/* + * xlink.h : interfaces to the hyperlinks detection module + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Related specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink + * http://www.w3.org/HTML/ + * and XBase + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XLINK_H__ +#define __XML_XLINK_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +/** + * Various defines for the various Link properties. + * + * NOTE: the link detection layer will try to resolve QName expansion + * of namespaces. If "foo" is the prefix for "http://foo.com/" + * then the link detection layer will expand role="foo:myrole" + * to "http://foo.com/:myrole". + * NOTE: the link detection layer will expand URI-Refences found on + * href attributes by using the base mechanism if found. + */ +typedef xmlChar *xlinkHRef; +typedef xmlChar *xlinkRole; +typedef xmlChar *xlinkTitle; + +typedef enum { + XLINK_TYPE_NONE = 0, + XLINK_TYPE_SIMPLE, + XLINK_TYPE_EXTENDED, + XLINK_TYPE_EXTENDED_SET +} xlinkType; + +typedef enum { + XLINK_SHOW_NONE = 0, + XLINK_SHOW_NEW, + XLINK_SHOW_EMBED, + XLINK_SHOW_REPLACE +} xlinkShow; + +typedef enum { + XLINK_ACTUATE_NONE = 0, + XLINK_ACTUATE_AUTO, + XLINK_ACTUATE_ONREQUEST +} xlinkActuate; + +/** + * xlinkNodeDetectFunc: + * @ctx: user data pointer + * @node: the node to check + * + * This is the prototype for the link detection routine. + * It calls the default link detection callbacks upon link detection. + */ +typedef void (*xlinkNodeDetectFunc) (void *ctx, xmlNodePtr node); + +/** + * The link detection module interact with the upper layers using + * a set of callback registered at parsing time. + */ + +/** + * xlinkSimpleLinkFunk: + * @ctx: user data pointer + * @node: the node carrying the link + * @href: the target of the link + * @role: the role string + * @title: the link title + * + * This is the prototype for a simple link detection callback. + */ +typedef void +(*xlinkSimpleLinkFunk) (void *ctx, + xmlNodePtr node, + const xlinkHRef href, + const xlinkRole role, + const xlinkTitle title); + +/** + * xlinkExtendedLinkFunk: + * @ctx: user data pointer + * @node: the node carrying the link + * @nbLocators: the number of locators detected on the link + * @hrefs: pointer to the array of locator hrefs + * @roles: pointer to the array of locator roles + * @nbArcs: the number of arcs detected on the link + * @from: pointer to the array of source roles found on the arcs + * @to: pointer to the array of target roles found on the arcs + * @show: array of values for the show attributes found on the arcs + * @actuate: array of values for the actuate attributes found on the arcs + * @nbTitles: the number of titles detected on the link + * @title: array of titles detected on the link + * @langs: array of xml:lang values for the titles + * + * This is the prototype for a extended link detection callback. + */ +typedef void +(*xlinkExtendedLinkFunk)(void *ctx, + xmlNodePtr node, + int nbLocators, + const xlinkHRef *hrefs, + const xlinkRole *roles, + int nbArcs, + const xlinkRole *from, + const xlinkRole *to, + xlinkShow *show, + xlinkActuate *actuate, + int nbTitles, + const xlinkTitle *titles, + const xmlChar **langs); + +/** + * xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk: + * @ctx: user data pointer + * @node: the node carrying the link + * @nbLocators: the number of locators detected on the link + * @hrefs: pointer to the array of locator hrefs + * @roles: pointer to the array of locator roles + * @nbTitles: the number of titles detected on the link + * @title: array of titles detected on the link + * @langs: array of xml:lang values for the titles + * + * This is the prototype for a extended link set detection callback. + */ +typedef void +(*xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk) (void *ctx, + xmlNodePtr node, + int nbLocators, + const xlinkHRef *hrefs, + const xlinkRole *roles, + int nbTitles, + const xlinkTitle *titles, + const xmlChar **langs); + +/** + * This is the structure containing a set of Links detection callbacks. + * + * There is no default xlink callbacks, if one want to get link + * recognition activated, those call backs must be provided before parsing. + */ +typedef struct _xlinkHandler xlinkHandler; +typedef xlinkHandler *xlinkHandlerPtr; +struct _xlinkHandler { + xlinkSimpleLinkFunk simple; + xlinkExtendedLinkFunk extended; + xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk set; +}; + +/* + * The default detection routine, can be overridden, they call the default + * detection callbacks. + */ + +xlinkNodeDetectFunc xlinkGetDefaultDetect (void); +void xlinkSetDefaultDetect (xlinkNodeDetectFunc func); + +/* + * Routines to set/get the default handlers. + */ +xlinkHandlerPtr xlinkGetDefaultHandler (void); +void xlinkSetDefaultHandler (xlinkHandlerPtr handler); + +/* + * Link detection module itself. + */ +xlinkType xlinkIsLink (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr node); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_XLINK_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlIO.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlIO.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6870fc51b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlIO.h @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +/* + * xmlIO.h : interface for the I/O interfaces used by the parser + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + * + */ + +#ifndef __XML_IO_H__ +#define __XML_IO_H__ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * Those are the functions and datatypes for the parser input + * I/O structures. + */ + +/** + * xmlInputMatchCallback: + * @filename: the filename or URI + * + * Callback used in the I/O Input API to detect if the current handler + * can provide input fonctionnalities for this resource. + * + * Returns 1 if yes and 0 if another Input module should be used + */ +typedef int (*xmlInputMatchCallback) (char const *filename); +/** + * xmlInputOpenCallback: + * @filename: the filename or URI + * + * Callback used in the I/O Input API to open the resource + * + * Returns an Input context or NULL in case or error + */ +typedef void * (*xmlInputOpenCallback) (char const *filename); +/** + * xmlInputReadCallback: + * @context: an Input context + * @buffer: the buffer to store data read + * @len: the length of the buffer in bytes + * + * Callback used in the I/O Input API to read the resource + * + * Returns the number of bytes read or -1 in case of error + */ +typedef int (*xmlInputReadCallback) (void * context, char * buffer, int len); +/** + * xmlInputCloseCallback: + * @context: an Input context + * + * Callback used in the I/O Input API to close the resource + * + * Returns 0 or -1 in case of error + */ +typedef int (*xmlInputCloseCallback) (void * context); + +/* + * Those are the functions and datatypes for the library output + * I/O structures. + */ + +/** + * xmlOutputMatchCallback: + * @filename: the filename or URI + * + * Callback used in the I/O Output API to detect if the current handler + * can provide output fonctionnalities for this resource. + * + * Returns 1 if yes and 0 if another Output module should be used + */ +typedef int (*xmlOutputMatchCallback) (char const *filename); +/** + * xmlOutputOpenCallback: + * @filename: the filename or URI + * + * Callback used in the I/O Output API to open the resource + * + * Returns an Output context or NULL in case or error + */ +typedef void * (*xmlOutputOpenCallback) (char const *filename); +/** + * xmlOutputWriteCallback: + * @context: an Output context + * @buffer: the buffer of data to write + * @len: the length of the buffer in bytes + * + * Callback used in the I/O Output API to write to the resource + * + * Returns the number of bytes written or -1 in case of error + */ +typedef int (*xmlOutputWriteCallback) (void * context, const char * buffer, + int len); +/** + * xmlOutputCloseCallback: + * @context: an Output context + * + * Callback used in the I/O Output API to close the resource + * + * Returns 0 or -1 in case of error + */ +typedef int (*xmlOutputCloseCallback) (void * context); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#include "libxml/globals.h" +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/parser.h" +#include "libxml/encoding.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +struct _xmlParserInputBuffer { + void* context; + xmlInputReadCallback readcallback; + xmlInputCloseCallback closecallback; + + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */ + + xmlBufferPtr buffer; /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 */ + xmlBufferPtr raw; /* if encoder != NULL buffer for raw input */ +}; + + +struct _xmlOutputBuffer { + void* context; + xmlOutputWriteCallback writecallback; + xmlOutputCloseCallback closecallback; + + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */ + + xmlBufferPtr buffer; /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 or ISOLatin */ + xmlBufferPtr conv; /* if encoder != NULL buffer for output */ + int written; /* total number of byte written */ +}; + +/* + * Interfaces for input + */ +void xmlCleanupInputCallbacks (void); +void xmlCleanupOutputCallbacks (void); + +void xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks (void); +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlAllocParserInputBuffer (xmlCharEncoding enc); + +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename (const char *URI, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile (FILE *file, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd (int fd, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem (const char *mem, int size, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +xmlParserInputBufferPtr + xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO (xmlInputReadCallback ioread, + xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose, + void *ioctx, + xmlCharEncoding enc); +int xmlParserInputBufferRead (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in, + int len); +int xmlParserInputBufferGrow (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in, + int len); +int xmlParserInputBufferPush (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in, + int len, + const char *buf); +void xmlFreeParserInputBuffer (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in); +char * xmlParserGetDirectory (const char *filename); + +int xmlRegisterInputCallbacks (xmlInputMatchCallback matchFunc, + xmlInputOpenCallback openFunc, + xmlInputReadCallback readFunc, + xmlInputCloseCallback closeFunc); +/* + * Interfaces for output + */ +void xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks(void); +xmlOutputBufferPtr + xmlAllocOutputBuffer (xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder); + +xmlOutputBufferPtr + xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename (const char *URI, + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder, + int compression); + +xmlOutputBufferPtr + xmlOutputBufferCreateFile (FILE *file, + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder); + +xmlOutputBufferPtr + xmlOutputBufferCreateFd (int fd, + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder); + +xmlOutputBufferPtr + xmlOutputBufferCreateIO (xmlOutputWriteCallback iowrite, + xmlOutputCloseCallback ioclose, + void *ioctx, + xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder); + +int xmlOutputBufferWrite (xmlOutputBufferPtr out, + int len, + const char *buf); +int xmlOutputBufferWriteString (xmlOutputBufferPtr out, + const char *str); + +int xmlOutputBufferFlush (xmlOutputBufferPtr out); +int xmlOutputBufferClose (xmlOutputBufferPtr out); + +int xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks (xmlOutputMatchCallback matchFunc, + xmlOutputOpenCallback openFunc, + xmlOutputWriteCallback writeFunc, + xmlOutputCloseCallback closeFunc); + +/* This function only exists if HTTP support built into the library */ +#ifdef LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED +void * xmlIOHTTPOpenW (const char * post_uri, + int compression ); +void xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks (void ); +#endif + +/* + * A predefined entity loader disabling network accesses + */ +xmlParserInputPtr xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader(const char *URL, + const char *ID, + xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); + +/* + * xmlNormalizeWindowsPath is obsolete, don't use it. + * Check xmlCanonicPath in uri.h for a better alternative. + */ +xmlChar * xmlNormalizeWindowsPath (const xmlChar *path); + +int xmlCheckFilename (const char *path); +/** + * Default 'file://' protocol callbacks + */ +int xmlFileMatch (const char *filename); +void * xmlFileOpen (const char *filename); +int xmlFileRead (void * context, + char * buffer, + int len); +int xmlFileClose (void * context); + +/** + * Default 'http://' protocol callbacks + */ +#ifdef LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED +int xmlIOHTTPMatch (const char *filename); +void * xmlIOHTTPOpen (const char *filename); +int xmlIOHTTPRead (void * context, + char * buffer, + int len); +int xmlIOHTTPClose (void * context); +#endif /* LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED */ + +/** + * Default 'ftp://' protocol callbacks + */ +#ifdef LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED +int xmlIOFTPMatch (const char *filename); +void * xmlIOFTPOpen (const char *filename); +int xmlIOFTPRead (void * context, + char * buffer, + int len); +int xmlIOFTPClose (void * context); +#endif /* LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_IO_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlautomata.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlautomata.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc25e0b715 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlautomata.h @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* + * automata.h : description of the API to build regexp automats + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> + */ + +#ifndef __XML_AUTOMATA_H__ +#define __XML_AUTOMATA_H__ + +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" +#include "libxml/tree.h" + +#ifdef LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED +#include "libxml/xmlregexp.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xmlAutomataPtr: + * + * A libxml automata description, It can be compiled into a regexp + */ +typedef struct _xmlAutomata xmlAutomata; +typedef xmlAutomata *xmlAutomataPtr; + +/** + * xmlAutomataStatePtr: + * + * A state int the automata description, + */ +typedef struct _xmlAutomataState xmlAutomataState; +typedef xmlAutomataState *xmlAutomataStatePtr; + +/* + * Building API + */ +xmlAutomataPtr xmlNewAutomata (void); +void xmlFreeAutomata (xmlAutomataPtr am); + +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataGetInitState (xmlAutomataPtr am); +int xmlAutomataSetFinalState(xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr state); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewState (xmlAutomataPtr am); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewTransition(xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + const xmlChar *token, + void *data); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + const xmlChar *token, + int min, + int max, + void *data); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewOnceTrans (xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + const xmlChar *token, + int min, + int max, + void *data); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewAllTrans (xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + int lax); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewEpsilon (xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewCountedTrans(xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + int counter); +xmlAutomataStatePtr xmlAutomataNewCounterTrans(xmlAutomataPtr am, + xmlAutomataStatePtr from, + xmlAutomataStatePtr to, + int counter); +int xmlAutomataNewCounter (xmlAutomataPtr am, + int min, + int max); + +xmlRegexpPtr xmlAutomataCompile (xmlAutomataPtr am); +int xmlAutomataIsDeterminist(xmlAutomataPtr am); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __XML_AUTOMATA_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlerror.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlerror.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a40a1ec7ab --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlerror.h @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +#include "libxml/parser.h" + +#ifndef __XML_ERROR_H__ +#define __XML_ERROR_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef enum { + XML_ERR_OK = 0, + XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, + XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY, + + XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_START, /* 3 */ + XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY, + XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_END, + + XML_ERR_INVALID_HEX_CHARREF, /* 6 */ + XML_ERR_INVALID_DEC_CHARREF, + XML_ERR_INVALID_CHARREF, + XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR, + + XML_ERR_CHARREF_AT_EOF, /* 10 */ + XML_ERR_CHARREF_IN_PROLOG, + XML_ERR_CHARREF_IN_EPILOG, + XML_ERR_CHARREF_IN_DTD, + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_AT_EOF, + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_IN_PROLOG, + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_IN_EPILOG, + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_IN_DTD, + XML_ERR_PEREF_AT_EOF, + XML_ERR_PEREF_IN_PROLOG, + XML_ERR_PEREF_IN_EPILOG, + XML_ERR_PEREF_IN_INT_SUBSET, + + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_NO_NAME, /* 22 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITYREF_SEMICOL_MISSING, + + XML_ERR_PEREF_NO_NAME, /* 24 */ + XML_ERR_PEREF_SEMICOL_MISSING, + + XML_ERR_UNDECLARED_ENTITY, /* 26 */ + XML_WAR_UNDECLARED_ENTITY, + XML_ERR_UNPARSED_ENTITY, + XML_ERR_ENTITY_IS_EXTERNAL, + XML_ERR_ENTITY_IS_PARAMETER, + + XML_ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, /* 31 */ + XML_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING, + + XML_ERR_STRING_NOT_STARTED, /* 33 */ + XML_ERR_STRING_NOT_CLOSED, + XML_ERR_NS_DECL_ERROR, + + XML_ERR_ENTITY_NOT_STARTED, /* 36 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITY_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_LT_IN_ATTRIBUTE, /* 38 */ + XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_STARTED, + XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FINISHED, + XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_WITHOUT_VALUE, + XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_REDEFINED, + + XML_ERR_LITERAL_NOT_STARTED, /* 43 */ + XML_ERR_LITERAL_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_COMMENT_NOT_FINISHED, /* 45 */ + + XML_ERR_PI_NOT_STARTED, /* 47 */ + XML_ERR_PI_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_NOTATION_NOT_STARTED, /* 49 */ + XML_ERR_NOTATION_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_ATTLIST_NOT_STARTED, /* 51 */ + XML_ERR_ATTLIST_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_MIXED_NOT_STARTED, /* 53 */ + XML_ERR_MIXED_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_ELEMCONTENT_NOT_STARTED, /* 55 */ + XML_ERR_ELEMCONTENT_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_XMLDECL_NOT_STARTED, /* 57 */ + XML_ERR_XMLDECL_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_CONDSEC_NOT_STARTED, /* 59 */ + XML_ERR_CONDSEC_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_EXT_SUBSET_NOT_FINISHED, /* 61 */ + + XML_ERR_DOCTYPE_NOT_FINISHED, /* 62 */ + + XML_ERR_MISPLACED_CDATA_END, /* 63 */ + XML_ERR_CDATA_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_RESERVED_XML_NAME, /* 65 */ + + XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED, /* 66 */ + XML_ERR_SEPARATOR_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_NMTOKEN_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_PCDATA_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_URI_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_PUBID_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_LT_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_GT_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_LTSLASH_REQUIRED, + XML_ERR_EQUAL_REQUIRED, + + XML_ERR_TAG_NAME_MISMATCH, /* 77 */ + XML_ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED, + + XML_ERR_STANDALONE_VALUE, /* 79 */ + + XML_ERR_ENCODING_NAME, /* 80 */ + + XML_ERR_HYPHEN_IN_COMMENT, /* 81 */ + + XML_ERR_INVALID_ENCODING, /* 82 */ + + XML_ERR_EXT_ENTITY_STANDALONE, /* 83 */ + + XML_ERR_CONDSEC_INVALID, /* 84 */ + + XML_ERR_VALUE_REQUIRED, /* 85 */ + + XML_ERR_NOT_WELL_BALANCED, /* 86 */ + XML_ERR_EXTRA_CONTENT, /* 87 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITY_CHAR_ERROR, /* 88 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITY_PE_INTERNAL, /* 88 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP, /* 89 */ + XML_ERR_ENTITY_BOUNDARY, /* 90 */ + XML_ERR_INVALID_URI, /* 91 */ + XML_ERR_URI_FRAGMENT, /* 92 */ + XML_WAR_CATALOG_PI, /* 93 */ + XML_ERR_NO_DTD /* 94 */ +}xmlParserErrors; + +/** + * xmlGenericErrorFunc: + * @ctx: a parsing context + * @msg: the message + * @...: the extra arguments of the varags to format the message + * + * Signature of the function to use when there is an error and + * no parsing or validity context available . + */ +typedef void (*xmlGenericErrorFunc) (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); + +/* + * Use the following function to reset the two global variables + * xmlGenericError and xmlGenericErrorContext. + */ +void xmlSetGenericErrorFunc (void *ctx, + xmlGenericErrorFunc handler); +void initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(xmlGenericErrorFunc *handler); + +/* + * Default message routines used by SAX and Valid context for error + * and warning reporting. + */ +void xmlParserError (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); +void xmlParserWarning (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); +void xmlParserValidityError (void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); +void xmlParserValidityWarning(void *ctx, + const char *msg, + ...); +void xmlParserPrintFileInfo (xmlParserInputPtr input); +void xmlParserPrintFileContext(xmlParserInputPtr input); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_ERROR_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlmemory.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlmemory.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..314d8f8339 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlmemory.h @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +/* + * xmlmemory.h: interface for the memory allocation debug. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + + +#ifndef _DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOC_ +#define _DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOC_ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +/** + * DEBUG_MEMORY: + * + * DEBUG_MEMORY replaces the allocator with a collect and debug + * shell to the libc allocator. + * DEBUG_MEMORY should only be activated when debugging + * libxml i.e. if libxml has been configured with --with-debug-mem too. + */ +/* #define DEBUG_MEMORY_FREED */ +/* #define DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION */ + +#ifdef DEBUG +#ifndef DEBUG_MEMORY +#define DEBUG_MEMORY +#endif +#endif + +/** + * DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION: + * + * DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION should be activated only when debugging + * libxml i.e. if libxml has been configured with --with-debug-mem too. + */ +#ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * The XML memory wrapper support 4 basic overloadable functions. + */ +/** + * xmlFreeFunc: + * @mem: an already allocated block of memory + * + * Signature for a free() implementation. + */ +typedef void (*xmlFreeFunc)(void *mem); +/** + * xmlMallocFunc: + * @size: the size requested in bytes + * + * Signature for a malloc() implementation. + * + * Returns a pointer to the newly allocated block or NULL in case of error. + */ +typedef void *(*xmlMallocFunc)(size_t size); + +/** + * xmlReallocFunc: + * @mem: an already allocated block of memory + * @size: the new size requested in bytes + * + * Signature for a realloc() implementation. + * + * Returns a pointer to the newly reallocated block or NULL in case of error. + */ +typedef void *(*xmlReallocFunc)(void *mem, size_t size); + +/** + * xmlStrdupFunc: + * @str: a zero terminated string + * + * Signature for an strdup() implementation. + * + * Returns the copy of the string or NULL in case of error. + */ +typedef char *(*xmlStrdupFunc)(const char *str); + +/* + * The 4 interfaces used for all memory handling within libxml. +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlFreeFunc xmlFree; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup; + */ + +/* + * The way to overload the existing functions. + */ +int xmlMemSetup (xmlFreeFunc freeFunc, + xmlMallocFunc mallocFunc, + xmlReallocFunc reallocFunc, + xmlStrdupFunc strdupFunc); +int xmlMemGet (xmlFreeFunc *freeFunc, + xmlMallocFunc *mallocFunc, + xmlReallocFunc *reallocFunc, + xmlStrdupFunc *strdupFunc); + +/* + * Initialization of the memory layer. + */ +int xmlInitMemory (void); + +/* + * Those are specific to the XML debug memory wrapper. + */ +int xmlMemUsed (void); +void xmlMemDisplay (FILE *fp); +void xmlMemShow (FILE *fp, int nr); +void xmlMemoryDump (void); +void * xmlMemMalloc (size_t size); +void * xmlMemRealloc (void *ptr,size_t size); +void xmlMemFree (void *ptr); +char * xmlMemoryStrdup (const char *str); + +#ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION +/** + * xmlMalloc: + * @size: number of bytes to allocate + * + * Wrapper for the malloc() function used in the XML library. + * + * Returns the pointer to the allocated area or NULL in case of error. + */ +#define xmlMalloc(size) xmlMallocLoc((size), __FILE__, __LINE__) +/** + * xmlRealloc: + * @ptr: pointer to the existing allocated area + * @size: number of bytes to allocate + * + * Wrapper for the realloc() function used in the XML library. + * + * Returns the pointer to the allocated area or NULL in case of error. + */ +#define xmlRealloc(ptr, size) xmlReallocLoc((ptr), (size), __FILE__, __LINE__) +/** + * xmlMemStrdup: + * @str: pointer to the existing string + * + * Wrapper for the strdup() function, xmlStrdup() is usually preferred. + * + * Returns the pointer to the allocated area or NULL in case of error. + */ +#define xmlMemStrdup(str) xmlMemStrdupLoc((str), __FILE__, __LINE__) + +void * xmlMallocLoc(size_t size, const char *file, int line); +void * xmlReallocLoc(void *ptr,size_t size, const char *file, int line); +char * xmlMemStrdupLoc(const char *str, const char *file, int line); +#endif /* DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#ifndef __XML_GLOBALS_H +#ifndef __XML_THREADS_H__ +#include "libxml/threads.h" +#include "libxml/globals.h" +#endif +#endif + +#endif /* _DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOC_ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlregexp.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlregexp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f15ead03ae --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlregexp.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* + * regexp.h : describes the basic API for libxml regular expressions handling + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> + */ + +#ifndef __XML_REGEXP_H__ +#define __XML_REGEXP_H__ + +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xmlRegexpPtr: + * + * A libxml regular expression, they can actually be far more complex + * thank the POSIX regex expressions. + */ +typedef struct _xmlRegexp xmlRegexp; +typedef xmlRegexp *xmlRegexpPtr; + +/** + * xmlRegExecCtxtPtr: + * + * A libxml progressive regular expression evaluation context + */ +typedef struct _xmlRegExecCtxt xmlRegExecCtxt; +typedef xmlRegExecCtxt *xmlRegExecCtxtPtr; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * The POSIX like API + */ +xmlRegexpPtr xmlRegexpCompile(const xmlChar *regexp); +void xmlRegFreeRegexp(xmlRegexpPtr regexp); +int xmlRegexpExec (xmlRegexpPtr comp, + const xmlChar *value); +void xmlRegexpPrint (FILE *output, + xmlRegexpPtr regexp); +int xmlRegexpIsDeterminist(xmlRegexpPtr comp); + +/* + * Callback function when doing a transition in the automata + */ +typedef void (*xmlRegExecCallbacks) (xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec, + const xmlChar *token, + void *transdata, + void *inputdata); + +/* + * The progressive API + */ +xmlRegExecCtxtPtr xmlRegNewExecCtxt (xmlRegexpPtr comp, + xmlRegExecCallbacks callback, + void *data); +void xmlRegFreeExecCtxt (xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec); +int xmlRegExecPushString (xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec, + const xmlChar *value, + void *data); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED */ + +#endif /*__XML_REGEXP_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemas.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemas.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14b9230832 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemas.h @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * schemas.h : interface to the XML Schemas handling and schema validity + * checking + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel.Veillard@w3.org + */ + + +#ifndef __XML_SCHEMA_H__ +#define __XML_SCHEMA_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> + +#ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED + +#include <libxml/tree.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef enum { + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_OK = 0, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOROOT = 1, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_UNDECLAREDELEM, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTTOPLEVEL, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_MISSING, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_WRONGELEM, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTYPE, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOROLLBACK, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_ISABSTRACT, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTEMPTY, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_ELEMCONT, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_HAVEDEFAULT, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTNILLABLE, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_EXTRACONTENT, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INVALIDATTR, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INVALIDELEM, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTDETERMINIST, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_CONSTRUCT, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INTERNAL, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTSIMPLE, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_ATTRUNKNOWN, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_ATTRINVALID, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_, + XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_XXX +} xmlSchemaValidError; + + +/** + * The schemas related types are kept internal + */ +typedef struct _xmlSchema xmlSchema; +typedef xmlSchema *xmlSchemaPtr; + +/** + * A schemas validation context + */ +typedef void (*xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...); +typedef void (*xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...); + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaParserCtxt xmlSchemaParserCtxt; +typedef xmlSchemaParserCtxt *xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr; + +typedef struct _xmlSchemaValidCtxt xmlSchemaValidCtxt; +typedef xmlSchemaValidCtxt *xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr; + +/* + * Interfaces for parsing. + */ +xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt (const char *URL); +xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr xmlSchemaNewMemParserCtxt(const char *buffer, + int size); +void xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt (xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlSchemaSetParserErrors(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err, + xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn, + void *ctx); +xmlSchemaPtr xmlSchemaParse (xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlSchemaFree (xmlSchemaPtr schema); +void xmlSchemaDump (FILE *output, + xmlSchemaPtr schema); +/* + * Interfaces for validating + */ +void xmlSchemaSetValidErrors (xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err, + xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn, + void *ctx); +xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt (xmlSchemaPtr schema); +void xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt (xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt); +int xmlSchemaValidateDoc (xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr instance); +int xmlSchemaValidateStream (xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, + xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, + xmlCharEncoding enc, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a758c128e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * schemastypes.c : interface of the XML Schema Datatypes + * definition and validity checking + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> + */ + + +#ifndef __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__ +#define __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> + +#ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED + +#include <libxml/schemasInternals.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void xmlSchemaInitTypes (void); +void xmlSchemaCleanupTypes (void); +xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType (const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns); +int xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType (xmlSchemaTypePtr type, + const xmlChar *value, + xmlSchemaValPtr *val); +int xmlSchemaValidateFacet (xmlSchemaTypePtr base, + xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet, + const xmlChar *value, + xmlSchemaValPtr val); +void xmlSchemaFreeValue (xmlSchemaValPtr val); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED */ +#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlunicode.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlunicode.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0f1fe9ce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlunicode.h @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +/* + * xmlunicode.h: this header exports interfaces for the Unicode character APIs + * + * This file is automatically generated from the + * UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database + * http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.1-Update/UnicodeCharacterDatabase-3.1.0.html + * using the genUnicode.py Python script. + * + * Generation date: Tue Apr 16 17:28:05 2002 + * Sources: Blocks-4.txt UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt + * Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> + */ + +#ifndef __XML_UNICODE_H__ +#define __XML_UNICODE_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +int xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms (int code); +int xmlUCSIsArabic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA (int code); +int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB (int code); +int xmlUCSIsArmenian (int code); +int xmlUCSIsArrows (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBasicLatin (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBengali (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBlockElements (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBopomofo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing (int code); +int xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns (int code); +int xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCherokee (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsControlPictures (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCyrillic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsDeseret (int code); +int xmlUCSIsDevanagari (int code); +int xmlUCSIsDingbats (int code); +int xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics (int code); +int xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths (int code); +int xmlUCSIsEthiopic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGeorgian (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGothic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGreek (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGreekExtended (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGujarati (int code); +int xmlUCSIsGurmukhi (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHangulJamo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHebrew (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates (int code); +int xmlUCSIsHiragana (int code); +int xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions (int code); +int xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters (int code); +int xmlUCSIsKanbun (int code); +int xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals (int code); +int xmlUCSIsKannada (int code); +int xmlUCSIsKatakana (int code); +int xmlUCSIsKhmer (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLao (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMalayalam (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMongolian (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols (int code); +int xmlUCSIsMyanmar (int code); +int xmlUCSIsNumberForms (int code); +int xmlUCSIsOgham (int code); +int xmlUCSIsOldItalic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition (int code); +int xmlUCSIsOriya (int code); +int xmlUCSIsPrivateUse (int code); +int xmlUCSIsRunic (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSinhala (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSpecials (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts (int code); +int xmlUCSIsSyriac (int code); +int xmlUCSIsTags (int code); +int xmlUCSIsTamil (int code); +int xmlUCSIsTelugu (int code); +int xmlUCSIsThaana (int code); +int xmlUCSIsThai (int code); +int xmlUCSIsTibetan (int code); +int xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics (int code); +int xmlUCSIsYiRadicals (int code); +int xmlUCSIsYiSyllables (int code); + +int xmlUCSIsBlock (int code, + const char *block); + +int xmlUCSIsCatC (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatCc (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatCf (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatCo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatCs (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatL (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatLl (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatLm (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatLo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatLt (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatLu (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatM (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatMc (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatMe (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatMn (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatN (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatNd (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatNl (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatNo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatP (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPc (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPd (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPe (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPf (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPi (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatPs (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatS (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatSc (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatSk (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatSm (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatSo (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatZ (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatZl (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatZp (int code); +int xmlUCSIsCatZs (int code); + +int xmlUCSIsCat (int code, + const char *cat); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_UNICODE_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlversion.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlversion.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1342eba969 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xmlversion.h @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +/* + * xmlversion.h : compile-time version informations for the XML parser. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_VERSION_H__ +#define __XML_VERSION_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * use those to be sure nothing nasty will happen if + * your library and includes mismatch + */ +#ifndef LIBXML2_COMPILING_MSCCDEF +extern void xmlCheckVersion(int version); +#endif /* LIBXML2_COMPILING_MSCCDEF */ + +/** + * LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION: + * + * the version string like "1.2.3" + */ +#define LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION "2.5.4" + +/** + * LIBXML_VERSION: + * + * the version number: 1.2.3 value is 1002003 + */ +#define LIBXML_VERSION 20504 + +/** + * LIBXML_VERSION_STRING: + * + * the version number string, 1.2.3 value is "1002003" + */ +#define LIBXML_VERSION_STRING "20504" + +/** + * LIBXML_TEST_VERSION: + * + * Macro to check that the libxml version in use is compatible with + * the version the software has been compiled against + */ +#define LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlCheckVersion(20504); + +#ifndef VMS +#if 0 +/** + * WITH_TRIO: + * + * defined if the trio support need to be configured in + */ +#define WITH_TRIO +#else +/** + * WITHOUT_TRIO: + * + * defined if the trio support should not be configured in + */ +#define WITHOUT_TRIO +#endif +#else /* VMS */ +#define WITH_TRIO 1 +#endif /* VMS */ + +/** + * LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the thread support is configured in + */ +#if 0 +#if defined(_REENTRANT) || (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0 >= 199506L) +#define LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED +#endif +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the FTP support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_FTP_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the HTTP support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_HTTP_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the HTML support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_C14N_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the Canonicalization support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_C14N_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_CATALOG_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the Catalog support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_CATALOG_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED: + * + * Whether the SGML Docbook support is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED: + * + * Whether XPath is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_XPTR_ENABLED: + * + * Whether XPointer is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_XPTR_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_XINCLUDE_ENABLED: + * + * Whether XInclude is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_XINCLUDE_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED: + * + * Whether iconv support is available + */ +#if 0 +#define LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED: + * + * Whether Debugging module is configured in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION: + * + * Whether the memory debugging is configured in + */ +#if 0 +#define DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_UNICODE_ENABLED + * + * Whether the Unicode related interfaces are compiled in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_UNICODE_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED + * + * Whether the regular expressions interfaces are compiled in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED + * + * Whether the automata interfaces are compiled in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED + * + * Whether the Schemas validation interfaces are compiled in + */ +#if 1 +#define LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED +#endif + +/** + * LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT: + * + * Used on Windows (MS C compiler only) to declare a variable as + * imported from the library. This macro should be empty when compiling + * libxml itself. It should expand to __declspec(dllimport) + * when the client code includes this header, and that only if the client + * links dynamically against libxml. + * For this to work, we need three macros. One tells us which compiler is + * being used and luckily the compiler defines such a thing: _MSC_VER. The + * second macro tells us if we are compiling libxml or the client code and + * we define the macro IN_LIBXML on the compiler's command line for this + * purpose. The third macro, LIBXML_STATIC, must be defined by any client + * code which links against libxml statically. + */ +#ifndef LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT +#if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) && !defined(IN_LIBXML) && !defined(LIBXML_STATIC) +#define LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) +#else +#define LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT +#endif +#endif + +/** + * ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED: + * + * Macro used to signal to GCC unused function parameters + */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#ifdef HAVE_ANSIDECL_H +#include <ansidecl.h> +#endif +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#endif +#else +#define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ +#endif + + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpath.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpath.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ec5453d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpath.h @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +/* + * xpath.c: interface for XML Path Language implementation + * + * Reference: W3C Working Draft 5 July 1999 + * http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/Group/1999/07/xpath-19990705.html + * + * See COPYRIGHT for the status of this software + * + * Author: daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XPATH_H__ +#define __XML_XPATH_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/hash.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct _xmlXPathContext xmlXPathContext; +typedef xmlXPathContext *xmlXPathContextPtr; +typedef struct _xmlXPathParserContext xmlXPathParserContext; +typedef xmlXPathParserContext *xmlXPathParserContextPtr; + +/** + * The set of XPath error codes. + */ + +typedef enum { + XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK = 0, + XPATH_NUMBER_ERROR, + XPATH_UNFINISHED_LITERAL_ERROR, + XPATH_START_LITERAL_ERROR, + XPATH_VARIABLE_REF_ERROR, + XPATH_UNDEF_VARIABLE_ERROR, + XPATH_INVALID_PREDICATE_ERROR, + XPATH_EXPR_ERROR, + XPATH_UNCLOSED_ERROR, + XPATH_UNKNOWN_FUNC_ERROR, + XPATH_INVALID_OPERAND, + XPATH_INVALID_TYPE, + XPATH_INVALID_ARITY, + XPATH_INVALID_CTXT_SIZE, + XPATH_INVALID_CTXT_POSITION, + XPATH_MEMORY_ERROR, + XPTR_SYNTAX_ERROR, + XPTR_RESOURCE_ERROR, + XPTR_SUB_RESOURCE_ERROR, + XPATH_UNDEF_PREFIX_ERROR, + XPATH_ENCODING_ERROR, + XPATH_INVALID_CHAR_ERROR +} xmlXPathError; + +/* + * A node-set (an unordered collection of nodes without duplicates). + */ +typedef struct _xmlNodeSet xmlNodeSet; +typedef xmlNodeSet *xmlNodeSetPtr; +struct _xmlNodeSet { + int nodeNr; /* number of nodes in the set */ + int nodeMax; /* size of the array as allocated */ + xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes in no particular order */ + /* @@ with_ns to check wether namespace nodes should be looked at @@ */ +}; + +/* + * An expression is evaluated to yield an object, which + * has one of the following four basic types: + * - node-set + * - boolean + * - number + * - string + * + * @@ XPointer will add more types ! + */ + +typedef enum { + XPATH_UNDEFINED = 0, + XPATH_NODESET = 1, + XPATH_BOOLEAN = 2, + XPATH_NUMBER = 3, + XPATH_STRING = 4, + XPATH_POINT = 5, + XPATH_RANGE = 6, + XPATH_LOCATIONSET = 7, + XPATH_USERS = 8, + XPATH_XSLT_TREE = 9 /* An XSLT value tree, non modifiable */ +} xmlXPathObjectType; + +typedef struct _xmlXPathObject xmlXPathObject; +typedef xmlXPathObject *xmlXPathObjectPtr; +struct _xmlXPathObject { + xmlXPathObjectType type; + xmlNodeSetPtr nodesetval; + int boolval; + double floatval; + xmlChar *stringval; + void *user; + int index; + void *user2; + int index2; +}; + +/** + * xmlXPathConvertFunc: + * @obj: an XPath object + * @type: the number of the target type + * + * A conversion function is associated to a type and used to cast + * the new type to primitive values. + * + * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise + */ +typedef int (*xmlXPathConvertFunc) (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj, int type); + +/* + * Extra type: a name and a conversion function. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlXPathType xmlXPathType; +typedef xmlXPathType *xmlXPathTypePtr; +struct _xmlXPathType { + const xmlChar *name; /* the type name */ + xmlXPathConvertFunc func; /* the conversion function */ +}; + +/* + * Extra variable: a name and a value. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlXPathVariable xmlXPathVariable; +typedef xmlXPathVariable *xmlXPathVariablePtr; +struct _xmlXPathVariable { + const xmlChar *name; /* the variable name */ + xmlXPathObjectPtr value; /* the value */ +}; + +/** + * xmlXPathEvalFunc: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @nargs: the number of arguments passed to the function + * + * An XPath evaluation function, the parameters are on the XPath context stack. + */ + +typedef void (*xmlXPathEvalFunc)(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + int nargs); + +/* + * Extra function: a name and a evaluation function. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlXPathFunct xmlXPathFunct; +typedef xmlXPathFunct *xmlXPathFuncPtr; +struct _xmlXPathFunct { + const xmlChar *name; /* the function name */ + xmlXPathEvalFunc func; /* the evaluation function */ +}; + +/** + * xmlXPathAxisFunc: + * @ctxt: the XPath interpreter context + * @cur: the previous node being explored on that axis + * + * An axis traversal function. To traverse an axis, the engine calls + * the first time with cur == NULL and repeat until the function returns + * NULL indicating the end of the axis traversal. + * + * Returns the next node in that axis or NULL if at the end of the axis. + */ + +typedef xmlXPathObjectPtr (*xmlXPathAxisFunc) (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathObjectPtr cur); + +/* + * Extra axis: a name and an axis function. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlXPathAxis xmlXPathAxis; +typedef xmlXPathAxis *xmlXPathAxisPtr; +struct _xmlXPathAxis { + const xmlChar *name; /* the axis name */ + xmlXPathAxisFunc func; /* the search function */ +}; + +/** + * xmlXPathContext: + * + * Expression evaluation occurs with respect to a context. + * he context consists of: + * - a node (the context node) + * - a node list (the context node list) + * - a set of variable bindings + * - a function library + * - the set of namespace declarations in scope for the expression + * Following the switch to hash tables, this need to be trimmed up at + * the next binary incompatible release. + */ + +struct _xmlXPathContext { + xmlDocPtr doc; /* The current document */ + xmlNodePtr node; /* The current node */ + + int nb_variables_unused; /* unused (hash table) */ + int max_variables_unused; /* unused (hash table) */ + xmlHashTablePtr varHash; /* Hash table of defined variables */ + + int nb_types; /* number of defined types */ + int max_types; /* max number of types */ + xmlXPathTypePtr types; /* Array of defined types */ + + int nb_funcs_unused; /* unused (hash table) */ + int max_funcs_unused; /* unused (hash table) */ + xmlHashTablePtr funcHash; /* Hash table of defined funcs */ + + int nb_axis; /* number of defined axis */ + int max_axis; /* max number of axis */ + xmlXPathAxisPtr axis; /* Array of defined axis */ + + /* the namespace nodes of the context node */ + xmlNsPtr *namespaces; /* Array of namespaces */ + int nsNr; /* number of namespace in scope */ + void *user; /* function to free */ + + /* extra variables */ + int contextSize; /* the context size */ + int proximityPosition; /* the proximity position */ + + /* extra stuff for XPointer */ + int xptr; /* it this an XPointer context */ + xmlNodePtr here; /* for here() */ + xmlNodePtr origin; /* for origin() */ + + /* the set of namespace declarations in scope for the expression */ + xmlHashTablePtr nsHash; /* The namespaces hash table */ + void *varLookupFunc; /* variable lookup func */ + void *varLookupData; /* variable lookup data */ + + /* Possibility to link in an extra item */ + void *extra; /* needed for XSLT */ + + /* The function name and URI when calling a function */ + const xmlChar *function; + const xmlChar *functionURI; + + /* function lookup function and data */ + void *funcLookupFunc; /* function lookup func */ + void *funcLookupData; /* function lookup data */ + + /* temporary namespace lists kept for walking the namespace axis */ + xmlNsPtr *tmpNsList; /* Array of namespaces */ + int tmpNsNr; /* number of namespace in scope */ +}; + +/* + * The structure of a compiled expression form is not public. + */ + +typedef struct _xmlXPathCompExpr xmlXPathCompExpr; +typedef xmlXPathCompExpr *xmlXPathCompExprPtr; + +/** + * xmlXPathParserContext: + * + * An XPath parser context. It contains pure parsing informations, + * an xmlXPathContext, and the stack of objects. + */ +struct _xmlXPathParserContext { + const xmlChar *cur; /* the current char being parsed */ + const xmlChar *base; /* the full expression */ + + int error; /* error code */ + + xmlXPathContextPtr context; /* the evaluation context */ + xmlXPathObjectPtr value; /* the current value */ + int valueNr; /* number of values stacked */ + int valueMax; /* max number of values stacked */ + xmlXPathObjectPtr *valueTab; /* stack of values */ + + xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp; /* the precompiled expression */ + int xptr; /* it this an XPointer expression */ + xmlNodePtr ancestor; /* used for walking preceding axis */ +}; + +/** + * xmlXPathFunction: + * @ctxt: the XPath interprestation context + * @nargs: the number of arguments + * + * An XPath function. + * The arguments (if any) are popped out from the context stack + * and the result is pushed on the stack. + */ + +typedef void (*xmlXPathFunction) (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); + +/************************************************************************ + * * + * Public API * + * * + ************************************************************************/ + +/** + * Objects and Nodesets handling + */ + +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern double xmlXPathNAN; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern double xmlXPathPINF; +LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern double xmlXPathNINF; + +int xmlXPathIsNaN (double val); +int xmlXPathIsInf (double val); + +/* These macros may later turn into functions */ +/** + * xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength: + * @ns: a node-set + * + * Implement a functionality similar to the DOM NodeList.length. + * + * Returns the number of nodes in the node-set. + */ +#define xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(ns) ((ns) ? (ns)->nodeNr : 0) +/** + * xmlXPathNodeSetItem: + * @ns: a node-set + * @index: index of a node in the set + * + * Implements a functionality similar to the DOM NodeList.item(). + * + * Returns the xmlNodePtr at the given @index in @ns or NULL if + * @index is out of range (0 to length-1) + */ +#define xmlXPathNodeSetItem(ns, index) \ + ((((ns) != NULL) && \ + ((index) >= 0) && ((index) < (ns)->nodeNr)) ? \ + (ns)->nodeTab[(index)] \ + : NULL) +/** + * xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty: + * @ns: a node-set + * + * Checks whether @ns is empty or not. + * + * Returns %TRUE if @ns is an empty node-set. + */ +#define xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(ns) \ + (((ns) == NULL) || ((ns)->nodeNr == 0) || ((ns)->nodeTab == NULL)) + + +void xmlXPathFreeObject (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeSetCreate (xmlNodePtr val); +void xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj); +void xmlXPathFreeNodeSet (xmlNodeSetPtr obj); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathObjectCopy (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +int xmlXPathCmpNodes (xmlNodePtr node1, + xmlNodePtr node2); +/** + * Conversion functions to basic types. + */ +int xmlXPathCastNumberToBoolean (double val); +int xmlXPathCastStringToBoolean (const xmlChar * val); +int xmlXPathCastNodeSetToBoolean (xmlNodeSetPtr ns); +int xmlXPathCastToBoolean (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); + +double xmlXPathCastBooleanToNumber (int val); +double xmlXPathCastStringToNumber (const xmlChar * val); +double xmlXPathCastNodeToNumber (xmlNodePtr node); +double xmlXPathCastNodeSetToNumber (xmlNodeSetPtr ns); +double xmlXPathCastToNumber (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); + +xmlChar * xmlXPathCastBooleanToString (int val); +xmlChar * xmlXPathCastNumberToString (double val); +xmlChar * xmlXPathCastNodeToString (xmlNodePtr node); +xmlChar * xmlXPathCastNodeSetToString (xmlNodeSetPtr ns); +xmlChar * xmlXPathCastToString (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); + +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathConvertBoolean (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathConvertNumber (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathConvertString (xmlXPathObjectPtr val); + +/** + * Context handling. + */ +void xmlXPathInit (void); +xmlXPathContextPtr xmlXPathNewContext (xmlDocPtr doc); +void xmlXPathFreeContext (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); + +/** + * Evaluation functions. + */ +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathEval (const xmlChar *str, + xmlXPathContextPtr ctx); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathEvalExpression (const xmlChar *str, + xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); +int xmlXPathEvalPredicate (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathObjectPtr res); +/** + * Separate compilation/evaluation entry points. + */ +xmlXPathCompExprPtr xmlXPathCompile (const xmlChar *str); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathCompiledEval (xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp, + xmlXPathContextPtr ctx); +void xmlXPathFreeCompExpr (xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* ! __XML_XPATH_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpathInternals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpathInternals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59a4e35d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpathInternals.h @@ -0,0 +1,580 @@ +/* + * xpathInternals.c: internal interfaces for XML Path Language implementation + * used to build new modules on top of XPath + * + * See COPYRIGHT for the status of this software + * + * Author: daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XPATH_INTERNALS_H__ +#define __XML_XPATH_INTERNALS_H__ + +#include <libxml/xmlversion.h> +#include <libxml/xpath.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/************************************************************************ + * * + * Helpers * + * * + ************************************************************************/ + +/** + * Many of these macros may later turn into functions. They + * shouldn't be used in #ifdef's preprocessor instructions. + */ +/** + * xmlXPathSetError: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @err: an xmlXPathError code + * + * Raises an error. + */ +#define xmlXPathSetError(ctxt, err) \ + { xmlXPatherror((ctxt), __FILE__, __LINE__, (err)); \ + (ctxt)->error = (err); } + +/** + * xmlXPathSetArityError: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Raises an XPATH_INVALID_ARITY error. + */ +#define xmlXPathSetArityError(ctxt) \ + xmlXPathSetError((ctxt), XPATH_INVALID_ARITY) + +/** + * xmlXPathSetTypeError: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Raises an XPATH_INVALID_TYPE error. + */ +#define xmlXPathSetTypeError(ctxt) \ + xmlXPathSetError((ctxt), XPATH_INVALID_TYPE) + +/** + * xmlXPathGetError: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Get the error code of an XPath context. + * + * Returns the context error. + */ +#define xmlXPathGetError(ctxt) ((ctxt)->error) + +/** + * xmlXPathCheckError: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Check if an XPath error was raised. + * + * Returns true if an error has been raised, false otherwise. + */ +#define xmlXPathCheckError(ctxt) ((ctxt)->error != XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK) + +/** + * xmlXPathGetDocument: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Get the document of an XPath context. + * + * Returns the context document. + */ +#define xmlXPathGetDocument(ctxt) ((ctxt)->context->doc) + +/** + * xmlXPathGetContextNode: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Get the context node of an XPath context. + * + * Returns the context node. + */ +#define xmlXPathGetContextNode(ctxt) ((ctxt)->context->node) + +int xmlXPathPopBoolean (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +double xmlXPathPopNumber (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlXPathPopString (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathPopNodeSet (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void * xmlXPathPopExternal (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnBoolean: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @val: a boolean + * + * Pushes the boolean @val on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnBoolean(ctxt, val) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathNewBoolean(val)) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnTrue: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Pushes true on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnTrue(ctxt) xmlXPathReturnBoolean((ctxt), 1) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnFalse: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Pushes false on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnFalse(ctxt) xmlXPathReturnBoolean((ctxt), 0) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnNumber: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @val: a double + * + * Pushes the double @val on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctxt, val) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathNewFloat(val)) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnString: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @str: a string + * + * Pushes the string @str on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnString(ctxt, str) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathWrapString(str)) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnEmptyString: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Pushes an empty string on the stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyString(ctxt) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathNewCString("")) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnNodeSet: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @ns: a node-set + * + * Pushes the node-set @ns on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnNodeSet(ctxt, ns) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(ns)) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnEmptyNodeSet: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Pushes an empty node-set on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyNodeSet(ctxt) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)) + +/** + * xmlXPathReturnExternal: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * @val: user data + * + * Pushes user data on the context stack. + */ +#define xmlXPathReturnExternal(ctxt, val) \ + valuePush((ctxt), xmlXPathWrapExternal(val)) + +/** + * xmlXPathStackIsNodeSet: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Check if the current value on the XPath stack is a node set or + * an XSLT value tree. + * + * Returns true if the current object on the stack is a node-set. + */ +#define xmlXPathStackIsNodeSet(ctxt) \ + (((ctxt)->value != NULL) \ + && (((ctxt)->value->type == XPATH_NODESET) \ + || ((ctxt)->value->type == XPATH_XSLT_TREE))) + +/** + * xmlXPathStackIsExternal: + * @ctxt: an XPath parser context + * + * Checks if the current value on the XPath stack is an external + * object. + * + * Returns true if the current object on the stack is an external + * object. + */ +#define xmlXPathStackIsExternal(ctxt) \ + ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->type == XPATH_USERS)) + +/** + * xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet: + * @ns: a node-set + * + * Empties a node-set. + */ +#define xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet(ns) \ + { while ((ns)->nodeNr > 0) (ns)->nodeTab[(ns)->nodeNr--] = NULL; } + +/** + * CHECK_ERROR: + * + * Macro to return from the function if an XPath error was detected. + */ +#define CHECK_ERROR \ + if (ctxt->error != XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK) return + +/** + * CHECK_ERROR0: + * + * Macro to return 0 from the function if an XPath error was detected. + */ +#define CHECK_ERROR0 \ + if (ctxt->error != XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK) return(0) + +/** + * XP_ERROR: + * @X: the error code + * + * Macro to raise an XPath error and return. + */ +#define XP_ERROR(X) \ + { xmlXPatherror(ctxt, __FILE__, __LINE__, X); \ + ctxt->error = (X); return; } + +/** + * XP_ERROR0: + * @X: the error code + * + * Macro to raise an XPath error and return 0. + */ +#define XP_ERROR0(X) \ + { xmlXPatherror(ctxt, __FILE__, __LINE__, X); \ + ctxt->error = (X); return(0); } + +/** + * CHECK_TYPE: + * @typeval: the XPath type + * + * Macro to check that the value on top of the XPath stack is of a given + * type. + */ +#define CHECK_TYPE(typeval) \ + if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || (ctxt->value->type != typeval)) \ + XP_ERROR(XPATH_INVALID_TYPE) + +/** + * CHECK_TYPE0: + * @typeval: the XPath type + * + * Macro to check that the value on top of the XPath stack is of a given + * type. Return(0) in case of failure + */ +#define CHECK_TYPE0(typeval) \ + if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || (ctxt->value->type != typeval)) \ + XP_ERROR0(XPATH_INVALID_TYPE) + +/** + * CHECK_ARITY: + * @x: the number of expected args + * + * Macro to check that the number of args passed to an XPath function matches. + */ +#define CHECK_ARITY(x) \ + if (nargs != (x)) \ + XP_ERROR(XPATH_INVALID_ARITY); + +/** + * CAST_TO_STRING: + * + * Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a string. + */ +#define CAST_TO_STRING \ + if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_STRING)) \ + xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1); + +/** + * CAST_TO_NUMBER: + * + * Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a number. + */ +#define CAST_TO_NUMBER \ + if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NUMBER)) \ + xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1); + +/** + * CAST_TO_BOOLEAN: + * + * Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a boolean. + */ +#define CAST_TO_BOOLEAN \ + if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_BOOLEAN)) \ + xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1); + +/* + * Variable Lookup forwarding. + */ +/** + * xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc: + * @ctxt: an XPath context + * @name: name of the variable + * @ns_uri: the namespace name hosting this variable + * + * Prototype for callbacks used to plug variable lookup in the XPath + * engine. + * + * Returns the XPath object value or NULL if not found. + */ +typedef xmlXPathObjectPtr (*xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc) (void *ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri); + +void xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc f, + void *data); + +/* + * Function Lookup forwarding. + */ +/** + * xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc: + * @ctxt: an XPath context + * @name: name of the function + * @ns_uri: the namespace name hosting this function + * + * Prototype for callbacks used to plug function lookup in the XPath + * engine. + * + * Returns the XPath function or NULL if not found. + */ +typedef xmlXPathFunction (*xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc) (void *ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri); + +void xmlXPathRegisterFuncLookup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc f, + void *funcCtxt); + +/* + * Error reporting. + */ +void xmlXPatherror (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + const char *file, + int line, + int no); + +void xmlXPathDebugDumpObject (FILE *output, + xmlXPathObjectPtr cur, + int depth); +void xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr(FILE *output, + xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp, + int depth); + +/** + * NodeSet handling. + */ +int xmlXPathNodeSetContains (xmlNodeSetPtr cur, + xmlNodePtr val); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathDifference (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathIntersection (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); + +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathDistinctSorted (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathDistinct (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes); + +int xmlXPathHasSameNodes (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); + +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathLeadingSorted (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeLeading (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathLeading (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); + +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathTrailingSorted (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeTrailing (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, + xmlNodePtr node); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathTrailing (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2); + + +/** + * Extending a context. + */ + +int xmlXPathRegisterNs (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *prefix, + const xmlChar *ns_uri); +const xmlChar * xmlXPathNsLookup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *prefix); +void xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); + +int xmlXPathRegisterFunc (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + xmlXPathFunction f); +int xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri, + xmlXPathFunction f); +int xmlXPathRegisterVariable (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + xmlXPathObjectPtr value); +int xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri, + xmlXPathObjectPtr value); +xmlXPathFunction xmlXPathFunctionLookup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlXPathFunction xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri); +void xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathVariableLookup (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathVariableLookupNS (xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *ns_uri); +void xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); + +/** + * Utilities to extend XPath. + */ +xmlXPathParserContextPtr + xmlXPathNewParserContext (const xmlChar *str, + xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathFreeParserContext (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); + +/* TODO: remap to xmlXPathValuePop and Push. */ +xmlXPathObjectPtr valuePop (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +int valuePush (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathObjectPtr value); + +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewString (const xmlChar *val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewCString (const char *val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathWrapString (xmlChar *val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathWrapCString (char * val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewFloat (double val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewBoolean (int val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewNodeSet (xmlNodePtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewValueTree (xmlNodePtr val); +void xmlXPathNodeSetAdd (xmlNodeSetPtr cur, + xmlNodePtr val); +void xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique (xmlNodeSetPtr cur, + xmlNodePtr val); +void xmlXPathNodeSetAddNs (xmlNodeSetPtr cur, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNsPtr ns); +void xmlXPathNodeSetSort (xmlNodeSetPtr set); + +void xmlXPathRoot (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathEvalExpr (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlXPathParseName (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +xmlChar * xmlXPathParseNCName (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); + +/* + * Existing functions. + */ +double xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(const xmlChar *str); +int xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlXPathObjectPtr res); +void xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); +xmlNodeSetPtr xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(xmlNodeSetPtr val1, xmlNodeSetPtr val2); +void xmlXPathNodeSetDel(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, xmlNodePtr val); +void xmlXPathNodeSetRemove(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, int val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewNodeSetList(xmlNodeSetPtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(xmlNodeSetPtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathWrapExternal(void *val); + +int xmlXPathEqualValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +int xmlXPathNotEqualValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +int xmlXPathCompareValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict); +void xmlXPathValueFlipSign(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathAddValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathSubValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathMultValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathDivValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); +void xmlXPathModValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); + +int xmlXPathIsNodeType(const xmlChar *name); + +/* + * Some of the axis navigation routines. + */ +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextChild(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextDescendant(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextParent(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextFollowing(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextNamespace(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextAttribute(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextPreceding(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextAncestor(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr cur); +/* + * The official core of XPath functions. + */ +void xmlXPathLastFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathPositionFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathCountFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathIdFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathLocalNameFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathStringFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathStringLengthFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathConcatFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathContainsFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathStartsWithFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathSubstringFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathNormalizeFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathTranslateFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathNotFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathTrueFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathFalseFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathLangFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathNumberFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathSumFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathFloorFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathCeilingFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathRoundFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); +void xmlXPathBooleanFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs); + +/** + * Really internal functions + */ +void xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs(xmlNsPtr ns); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* ! __XML_XPATH_INTERNALS_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpointer.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpointer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80c465c70f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxml/xpointer.h @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/* + * xpointer.h : API to handle XML Pointers + * + * World Wide Web Consortium Working Draft 03-March-1998 + * http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-xptr-19980303 + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XPTR_H__ +#define __XML_XPTR_H__ + +#include <libxml/tree.h> +#include <libxml/xpath.h> + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + * A Location Set + */ +typedef struct _xmlLocationSet xmlLocationSet; +typedef xmlLocationSet *xmlLocationSetPtr; +struct _xmlLocationSet { + int locNr; /* number of locations in the set */ + int locMax; /* size of the array as allocated */ + xmlXPathObjectPtr *locTab;/* array of locations */ +}; + +/* + * Handling of location sets. + */ + +xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetCreate(xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +void xmlXPtrFreeLocationSet (xmlLocationSetPtr obj); +xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetMerge (xmlLocationSetPtr val1, + xmlLocationSetPtr val2); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRange (xmlNodePtr start, + int startindex, + xmlNodePtr end, + int endindex); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePoints (xmlXPathObjectPtr start, + xmlXPathObjectPtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodePoint(xmlNodePtr start, + xmlXPathObjectPtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePointNode(xmlXPathObjectPtr start, + xmlNodePtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodes (xmlNodePtr start, + xmlNodePtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodes(xmlNodePtr start, + xmlNodePtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodeSet(xmlNodeSetPtr set); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodeObject(xmlNodePtr start, + xmlXPathObjectPtr end); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewCollapsedRange(xmlNodePtr start); +void xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd (xmlLocationSetPtr cur, + xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrWrapLocationSet (xmlLocationSetPtr val); +void xmlXPtrLocationSetDel (xmlLocationSetPtr cur, + xmlXPathObjectPtr val); +void xmlXPtrLocationSetRemove(xmlLocationSetPtr cur, + int val); + +/* + * Functions. + */ +xmlXPathContextPtr xmlXPtrNewContext (xmlDocPtr doc, + xmlNodePtr here, + xmlNodePtr origin); +xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrEval (const xmlChar *str, + xmlXPathContextPtr ctx); +void xmlXPtrRangeToFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, + int nargs); +xmlNodePtr xmlXPtrBuildNodeList (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj); +void xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_XPTR_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/numbersInternals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/numbersInternals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8707789521 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/numbersInternals.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* + * numbers.h: Implementation of the XSLT number functions + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + * Bjorn Reese <breese@users.sourceforge.net> + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLT_NUMBERSINTERNALS_H__ +#define __XML_XSLT_NUMBERSINTERNALS_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "xsltexports.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * xsltNumberData: + * + * This data structure is just a wrapper to pass xsl:number data in. + */ +typedef struct _xsltNumberData xsltNumberData; +typedef xsltNumberData *xsltNumberDataPtr; + +struct _xsltNumberData { + xmlChar *level; + xmlChar *count; + xmlChar *from; + xmlChar *value; + xmlChar *format; + int has_format; + int digitsPerGroup; + int groupingCharacter; + int groupingCharacterLen; + xmlDocPtr doc; + xmlNodePtr node; + + /* + * accelerators + */ +}; + +/** + * xsltFormatNumberInfo,: + * + * This data structure lists the various parameters needed to format numbers. + */ +typedef struct _xsltFormatNumberInfo xsltFormatNumberInfo; +typedef xsltFormatNumberInfo *xsltFormatNumberInfoPtr; + +struct _xsltFormatNumberInfo { + int integer_hash; /* Number of '#' in integer part */ + int integer_digits; /* Number of '0' in integer part */ + int frac_digits; /* Number of '0' in fractional part */ + int frac_hash; /* Number of '#' in fractional part */ + int group; /* Number of chars per display 'group' */ + int multiplier; /* Scaling for percent or permille */ + char add_decimal; /* Flag for whether decimal point appears in pattern */ + char is_multiplier_set; /* Flag to catch multiple occurences of percent/permille */ + char is_negative_pattern;/* Flag for processing -ve prefix/suffix */ +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* __XML_XSLT_NUMBERSINTERNALS_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/transform.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/transform.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10d3d2d55a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/transform.h @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +/* + * transform.h: Interfaces, constants and types related to the XSLT engine + * transform part. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLT_TRANSFORM_H__ +#define __XML_XSLT_TRANSFORM_H__ + +#include "libxml/parser.h" +#include "libxml/xmlIO.h" +#include "xsltexports.h" +#include "libxslt/xsltInternals.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XInclude default processing. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetXIncludeDefault (int xinclude); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltGetXIncludeDefault (void); + +/** + * Export context to users. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN xsltTransformContextPtr XSLTCALL + xsltNewTransformContext (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc); + +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltFreeTransformContext(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); + +XSLTPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XSLTCALL + xsltApplyStylesheetUser (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const char **params, + const char *output, + FILE * profile, + xsltTransformContextPtr userCtxt); +/** + * Private Interfaces. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltApplyStripSpaces (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node); +XSLTPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XSLTCALL + xsltApplyStylesheet (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const char **params); +XSLTPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XSLTCALL + xsltProfileStylesheet (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const char **params, + FILE * output); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltRunStylesheet (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const char **params, + const char *output, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr SAX, + xmlOutputBufferPtr IObuf); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltRunStylesheetUser (xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlDocPtr doc, + const char **params, + const char *output, + xmlSAXHandlerPtr SAX, + xmlOutputBufferPtr IObuf, + FILE * profile, + xsltTransformContextPtr userCtxt); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltApplyOneTemplate (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr list, + xsltTemplatePtr templ, + xsltStackElemPtr params); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltDocumentElem (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSort (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltCopy (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltText (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltElement (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltComment (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltAttribute (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltProcessingInstruction(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltCopyOf (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltValueOf (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltNumber (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltApplyImports (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltCallTemplate (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltApplyTemplates (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltChoose (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltIf (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltForEach (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltRegisterAllElement (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); + +XSLTPUBFUN xmlNodePtr XSLTCALL + xsltCopyTextString (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr target, + const xmlChar *string, + int noescape); +/* + * Hook for the debugger if activated. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xslHandleDebugger (xmlNodePtr cur, + xmlNodePtr node, + xsltTemplatePtr templ, + xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_XSLT_TRANSFORM_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/win32config.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/win32config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..249408b54a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/win32config.h @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +#ifndef __LIBXSLT_WIN32_CONFIG__ +#define __LIBXSLT_WIN32_CONFIG__ + +#define HAVE_CTYPE_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 +#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 +#define HAVE_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME 1 +#define HAVE_GMTIME 1 +#define HAVE_TIME 1 +#define HAVE_MATH_H 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 + +#include <io.h> + +#define HAVE_ISINF +#define HAVE_ISNAN + +#include <math.h> +#ifdef _MSC_VER +/* MS C-runtime has functions which can be used in order to determine if + a given floating-point variable contains NaN, (+-)INF. These are + preferred, because floating-point technology is considered propriatary + by MS and we can assume that their functions know more about their + oddities than we do. */ +#include <float.h> +/* Bjorn Reese figured a quite nice construct for isinf() using the + _fpclass() function. */ +#ifndef isinf +#define isinf(d) ((_fpclass(d) == _FPCLASS_PINF) ? 1 \ + : ((_fpclass(d) == _FPCLASS_NINF) ? -1 : 0)) +#endif +/* _isnan(x) returns nonzero if (x == NaN) and zero otherwise. */ +#ifndef isnan +#define isnan(d) (_isnan(d)) +#endif +#else /* _MSC_VER */ +static int isinf (double d) { + int expon = 0; + double val = frexp (d, &expon); + if (expon == 1025) { + if (val == 0.5) { + return 1; + } else if (val == -0.5) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } + } else { + return 0; + } +} +static int isnan (double d) { + int expon = 0; + double val = frexp (d, &expon); + if (expon == 1025) { + if (val == 0.5) { + return 0; + } else if (val == -0.5) { + return 0; + } else { + return 1; + } + } else { + return 0; + } +} +#endif /* _MSC_VER */ + +#include <direct.h> +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) +#define mkdir(p,m) _mkdir(p) +#define snprintf _snprintf +#define vsnprintf(b,c,f,a) _vsnprintf(b,c,f,a) +#endif + +#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H +#define HAVE__STAT +#define HAVE_STRING_H + +#include "libxml/xmlversion.h" + +#if !defined LIBXSLT_PUBLIC +#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined IN_LIBXSLT && !defined LIBXSLT_STATIC +#define LIBXSLT_PUBLIC __declspec(dllimport) +#else +#define LIBXSLT_PUBLIC +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#endif + +#endif /* __LIBXSLT_WIN32_CONFIG__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xslt.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xslt.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d3462fd25 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xslt.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* + * xslt.h: Interfaces, constants and types related to the XSLT engine + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLT_H__ +#define __XML_XSLT_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "xsltexports.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XSLT_DEFAULT_VERSION: + * + * The default version of XSLT supported. + */ +#define XSLT_DEFAULT_VERSION "1.0" + +/** + * XSLT_DEFAULT_VENDOR: + * + * The XSLT "vendor" string for this processor. + */ +#define XSLT_DEFAULT_VENDOR "libxslt" + +/** + * XSLT_DEFAULT_URL: + * + * The XSLT "vendor" URL for this processor. + */ +#define XSLT_DEFAULT_URL "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/" + +/** + * XSLT_NAMESPACE: + * + * The XSLT specification namespace. + */ +#define XSLT_NAMESPACE ((xmlChar *) "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform") + +#if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20600 +/** + * XSLT_PARSE_OPTIONS: + * + * The set of options to pass to an xmlReadxxx when loading files for + * XSLT consumption. + */ +#define XSLT_PARSE_OPTIONS \ + XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD | XML_PARSE_DTDATTR | XML_PARSE_NOCDATA +#endif + +/** + * xsltMaxDepth: + * + * This value is used to detect templates loops. + */ +XSLTPUBVAR int xsltMaxDepth; + +/** + * xsltEngineVersion: + * + * The version string for libxslt. + */ +XSLTPUBVAR const char *xsltEngineVersion; + +/** + * xsltLibxsltVersion: + * + * The version of libxslt compiled. + */ +XSLTPUBVAR const int xsltLibxsltVersion; + +/** + * xsltLibxmlVersion: + * + * The version of libxml libxslt was compiled against. + */ +XSLTPUBVAR const int xsltLibxmlVersion; + +/* + * Global cleanup function. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltCleanupGlobals (void); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_XSLT_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltInternals.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltInternals.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78b80661da --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltInternals.h @@ -0,0 +1,609 @@ +/* + * xsltInternals.h: internal data structures, constants and functions used + * by the XSLT engine. + * They are not part of the API or ABI, i.e. they can change + * without prior notice, use carefully. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLT_INTERNALS_H__ +#define __XML_XSLT_INTERNALS_H__ + +#include "libxml/tree.h" +#include "libxml/hash.h" +#include "libxml/xpath.h" +#include "libxml/xmlerror.h" +#include "libxslt/xslt.h" +#include "xsltexports.h" +#include "numbersInternals.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XSLT_MAX_SORT: + * + * Max number of specified xsl:sort on an element. + */ +#define XSLT_MAX_SORT 15 + +/** + * XSLT_PAT_NO_PRIORITY: + * + * Specific value for pattern without priority expressed. + */ +#define XSLT_PAT_NO_PRIORITY -12345789 + +/** + * xsltRuntimeExtra: + * + * Extra information added to the transformation context. + */ +typedef struct _xsltRuntimeExtra xsltRuntimeExtra; +typedef xsltRuntimeExtra *xsltRuntimeExtraPtr; +struct _xsltRuntimeExtra { + void *info; /* pointer to the extra data */ + xmlFreeFunc deallocate; /* pointer to the deallocation routine */ + void *val; /* data not needing deallocation */ +}; + +/** + * XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA_LST: + * @ctxt: the transformation context + * @nr: the index + * + * Macro used to access extra information stored in the context + */ +#define XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA_LST(ctxt, nr) (ctxt)->extras[(nr)].info +/** + * XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA_FREE: + * @ctxt: the transformation context + * @nr: the index + * + * Macro used to free extra information stored in the context + */ +#define XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA_FREE(ctxt, nr) (ctxt)->extras[(nr)].deallocate +/** + * XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA: + * @ctxt: the transformation context + * @nr: the index + * + * Macro used to define extra information stored in the context + */ +#define XSLT_RUNTIME_EXTRA(ctxt, nr) (ctxt)->extras[(nr)].val + +/** + * xsltTemplate: + * + * The in-memory structure corresponding to an XSLT Template. + */ +typedef struct _xsltTemplate xsltTemplate; +typedef xsltTemplate *xsltTemplatePtr; +struct _xsltTemplate { + struct _xsltTemplate *next;/* chained list sorted by priority */ + struct _xsltStylesheet *style;/* the containing stylesheet */ + xmlChar *match; /* the matching string */ + float priority; /* as given from the stylesheet, not computed */ + xmlChar *name; /* the local part of the name QName */ + xmlChar *nameURI; /* the URI part of the name QName */ + xmlChar *mode; /* the local part of the mode QName */ + xmlChar *modeURI; /* the URI part of the mode QName */ + xmlNodePtr content; /* the template replacement value */ + xmlNodePtr elem; /* the source element */ + + int inheritedNsNr; /* number of inherited namespaces */ + xmlNsPtr *inheritedNs;/* inherited non-excluded namespaces */ + + /* Profiling informations */ + int nbCalls; /* the number of time the template was called */ + unsigned long time; /* the time spent in this template */ +}; + +/** + * xsltDecimalFormat: + * + * Data structure of decimal-format. + */ +typedef struct _xsltDecimalFormat xsltDecimalFormat; +typedef xsltDecimalFormat *xsltDecimalFormatPtr; +struct _xsltDecimalFormat { + struct _xsltDecimalFormat *next; /* chained list */ + xmlChar *name; + /* Used for interpretation of pattern */ + xmlChar *digit; + xmlChar *patternSeparator; + /* May appear in result */ + xmlChar *minusSign; + xmlChar *infinity; + xmlChar *noNumber; /* Not-a-number */ + /* Used for interpretation of pattern and may appear in result */ + xmlChar *decimalPoint; + xmlChar *grouping; + xmlChar *percent; + xmlChar *permille; + xmlChar *zeroDigit; +}; + +/** + * xsltDocument: + * + * Data structure associated to a parsed document. + */ + +typedef struct _xsltDocument xsltDocument; +typedef xsltDocument *xsltDocumentPtr; +struct _xsltDocument { + struct _xsltDocument *next; /* documents are kept in a chained list */ + int main; /* is this the main document */ + xmlDocPtr doc; /* the parsed document */ + void *keys; /* key tables storage */ +}; + +typedef struct _xsltTransformContext xsltTransformContext; +typedef xsltTransformContext *xsltTransformContextPtr; + +/** + * xsltElemPreComp: + * + * The in-memory structure corresponding to element precomputed data, + * designed to be extended by extension implementors. + */ +typedef struct _xsltElemPreComp xsltElemPreComp; +typedef xsltElemPreComp *xsltElemPreCompPtr; + +/** + * xsltTransformFunction: + * @ctxt: the XSLT transformation context + * @node: the input node + * @inst: the stylesheet node + * @comp: the compiled information from the stylesheet + * + * Signature of the function associated to elements part of the + * stylesheet language like xsl:if or xsl:apply-templates. + */ +typedef void (*xsltTransformFunction) (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst, + xsltElemPreCompPtr comp); + +/** + * xsltSortFunc: + * @ctxt: a transformation context + * @sorts: the node-set to sort + * @nbsorts: the number of sorts + * + * Signature of the function to use during sorting + */ +typedef void (*xsltSortFunc) (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr *sorts, + int nbsorts); + +typedef enum { + XSLT_FUNC_COPY=1, + XSLT_FUNC_SORT, + XSLT_FUNC_TEXT, + XSLT_FUNC_ELEMENT, + XSLT_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE, + XSLT_FUNC_COMMENT, + XSLT_FUNC_PI, + XSLT_FUNC_COPYOF, + XSLT_FUNC_VALUEOF, + XSLT_FUNC_NUMBER, + XSLT_FUNC_APPLYIMPORTS, + XSLT_FUNC_CALLTEMPLATE, + XSLT_FUNC_APPLYTEMPLATES, + XSLT_FUNC_CHOOSE, + XSLT_FUNC_IF, + XSLT_FUNC_FOREACH, + XSLT_FUNC_DOCUMENT, + XSLT_FUNC_WITHPARAM, + XSLT_FUNC_PARAM, + XSLT_FUNC_VARIABLE, + XSLT_FUNC_WHEN, + XSLT_FUNC_EXTENSION +} xsltStyleType; + +/** + * xsltElemPreCompDeallocator: + * @comp: the #xsltElemPreComp to free up + * + * Deallocates an #xsltElemPreComp structure. + */ +typedef void (*xsltElemPreCompDeallocator) (xsltElemPreCompPtr comp); + +/** + * xsltElemPreComp: + * + * The in-memory structure corresponding to element precomputed data, + * designed to be extended by extension implementors. + */ +struct _xsltElemPreComp { + xsltElemPreCompPtr next; /* chained list */ + xsltStyleType type; /* type of the element */ + xsltTransformFunction func; /* handling function */ + xmlNodePtr inst; /* the instruction */ + + /* end of common part */ + xsltElemPreCompDeallocator free; /* the deallocator */ +}; + +/** + * xsltStylePreComp: + * + * The in-memory structure corresponding to XSLT stylesheet constructs + * precomputed data. + */ +typedef struct _xsltStylePreComp xsltStylePreComp; + +typedef xsltStylePreComp *xsltStylePreCompPtr; + +struct _xsltStylePreComp { + xsltElemPreCompPtr next; /* chained list */ + xsltStyleType type; /* type of the element */ + xsltTransformFunction func; /* handling function */ + xmlNodePtr inst; /* the instruction */ + + /* + * Pre computed values. + */ + + xmlChar *stype; /* sort */ + int has_stype; /* sort */ + int number; /* sort */ + xmlChar *order; /* sort */ + int has_order; /* sort */ + int descending; /* sort */ + xmlChar *lang; /* sort */ + int has_lang; /* sort */ + xmlChar *case_order; /* sort */ + int lower_first; /* sort */ + + xmlChar *use; /* copy, element */ + int has_use; /* copy, element */ + + int noescape; /* text */ + + xmlChar *name; /* element, attribute, pi */ + int has_name; /* element, attribute, pi */ + xmlChar *ns; /* element */ + int has_ns; /* element */ + + xmlChar *mode; /* apply-templates */ + xmlChar *modeURI; /* apply-templates */ + + xmlChar *test; /* if */ + + xsltTemplatePtr templ; /* call-template */ + + xmlChar *select; /* sort, copy-of, value-of, apply-templates */ + + int ver11; /* document */ + xmlChar *filename; /* document URL */ + int has_filename; /* document */ + + xsltNumberData numdata; /* number */ + + xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp; /* a precompiled XPath expression */ + xmlNsPtr *nsList; /* the namespaces in scope */ + int nsNr; /* the number of namespaces in scope */ +}; + +/* + * The in-memory structure corresponding to an XSLT Variable + * or Param. + */ + +typedef struct _xsltStackElem xsltStackElem; +typedef xsltStackElem *xsltStackElemPtr; +struct _xsltStackElem { + struct _xsltStackElem *next;/* chained list */ + xsltStylePreCompPtr comp; /* the compiled form */ + int computed; /* was the evaluation done */ + xmlChar *name; /* the local part of the name QName */ + xmlChar *nameURI; /* the URI part of the name QName */ + xmlChar *select; /* the eval string */ + xmlNodePtr tree; /* the tree if no eval string or the location */ + xmlXPathObjectPtr value; /* The value if computed */ +}; + +/* + * The in-memory structure corresponding to an XSLT Stylesheet. + * NOTE: most of the content is simply linked from the doc tree + * structure, no specific allocation is made. + */ +typedef struct _xsltStylesheet xsltStylesheet; +typedef xsltStylesheet *xsltStylesheetPtr; +struct _xsltStylesheet { + /* + * The stylesheet import relation is kept as a tree. + */ + struct _xsltStylesheet *parent; + struct _xsltStylesheet *next; + struct _xsltStylesheet *imports; + + xsltDocumentPtr docList; /* the include document list */ + + /* + * General data on the style sheet document. + */ + xmlDocPtr doc; /* the parsed XML stylesheet */ + xmlHashTablePtr stripSpaces;/* the hash table of the strip-space and + preserve space elements */ + int stripAll; /* strip-space * (1) preserve-space * (-1) */ + xmlHashTablePtr cdataSection;/* the hash table of the cdata-section */ + + /* + * Global variable or parameters. + */ + xsltStackElemPtr variables; /* linked list of param and variables */ + + /* + * Template descriptions. + */ + xsltTemplatePtr templates; /* the ordered list of templates */ + void *templatesHash; /* hash table or wherever compiled templates + informations are stored */ + void *rootMatch; /* template based on / */ + void *keyMatch; /* template based on key() */ + void *elemMatch; /* template based on * */ + void *attrMatch; /* template based on @* */ + void *parentMatch; /* template based on .. */ + void *textMatch; /* template based on text() */ + void *piMatch; /* template based on processing-instruction() */ + void *commentMatch; /* template based on comment() */ + + /* + * Namespace aliases. + */ + xmlHashTablePtr nsAliases; /* the namespace alias hash tables */ + + /* + * Attribute sets. + */ + xmlHashTablePtr attributeSets;/* the attribute sets hash tables */ + + /* + * Namespaces. + */ + xmlHashTablePtr nsHash; /* the set of namespaces in use */ + void *nsDefs; /* the namespaces defined */ + + /* + * Key definitions. + */ + void *keys; /* key definitions */ + + /* + * Output related stuff. + */ + xmlChar *method; /* the output method */ + xmlChar *methodURI; /* associated namespace if any */ + xmlChar *version; /* version string */ + xmlChar *encoding; /* encoding string */ + int omitXmlDeclaration; /* omit-xml-declaration = "yes" | "no" */ + + /* + * Number formatting. + */ + xsltDecimalFormatPtr decimalFormat; + int standalone; /* standalone = "yes" | "no" */ + xmlChar *doctypePublic; /* doctype-public string */ + xmlChar *doctypeSystem; /* doctype-system string */ + int indent; /* should output being indented */ + xmlChar *mediaType; /* media-type string */ + + /* + * Precomputed blocks. + */ + xsltElemPreCompPtr preComps;/* list of precomputed blocks */ + int warnings; /* number of warnings found at compilation */ + int errors; /* number of errors found at compilation */ + + xmlChar *exclPrefix; /* last excluded prefixes */ + xmlChar **exclPrefixTab; /* array of excluded prefixes */ + int exclPrefixNr; /* number of excluded prefixes in scope */ + int exclPrefixMax; /* size of the array */ + + void *_private; /* user defined data */ + + /* + * Extensions. + */ + xmlHashTablePtr extInfos; /* the extension data */ + int extrasNr; /* the number of extras required */ +}; + +/* + * The in-memory structure corresponding to an XSLT Transformation. + */ +typedef enum { + XSLT_OUTPUT_XML = 0, + XSLT_OUTPUT_HTML, + XSLT_OUTPUT_TEXT +} xsltOutputType; + +typedef enum { + XSLT_STATE_OK = 0, + XSLT_STATE_ERROR, + XSLT_STATE_STOPPED +} xsltTransformState; + +struct _xsltTransformContext { + xsltStylesheetPtr style; /* the stylesheet used */ + xsltOutputType type; /* the type of output */ + + xsltTemplatePtr templ; /* the current template */ + int templNr; /* Nb of templates in the stack */ + int templMax; /* Size of the templtes stack */ + xsltTemplatePtr *templTab; /* the template stack */ + + xsltStackElemPtr vars; /* the current variable list */ + int varsNr; /* Nb of variable list in the stack */ + int varsMax; /* Size of the variable list stack */ + xsltStackElemPtr *varsTab; /* the variable list stack */ + int varsBase; /* the var base for current templ */ + + /* + * Extensions + */ + xmlHashTablePtr extFunctions; /* the extension functions */ + xmlHashTablePtr extElements; /* the extension elements */ + xmlHashTablePtr extInfos; /* the extension data */ + + const xmlChar *mode; /* the current mode */ + const xmlChar *modeURI; /* the current mode URI */ + + xsltDocumentPtr docList; /* the document list */ + + xsltDocumentPtr document; /* the current document */ + xmlNodePtr node; /* the current node being processed */ + xmlNodeSetPtr nodeList; /* the current node list */ + /* xmlNodePtr current; the node */ + + xmlDocPtr output; /* the resulting document */ + xmlNodePtr insert; /* the insertion node */ + + xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtxt; /* the XPath context */ + xsltTransformState state; /* the current state */ + + /* + * Global variables + */ + xmlHashTablePtr globalVars; /* the global variables and params */ + + xmlNodePtr inst; /* the instruction in the stylesheet */ + + int xinclude; /* should XInclude be processed */ + + const char * outputFile; /* the output URI if known */ + + int profile; /* is this run profiled */ + long prof; /* the current profiled value */ + int profNr; /* Nb of templates in the stack */ + int profMax; /* Size of the templtaes stack */ + long *profTab; /* the profile template stack */ + + void *_private; /* user defined data */ + + int extrasNr; /* the number of extras used */ + int extrasMax; /* the number of extras allocated */ + xsltRuntimeExtraPtr extras; /* extra per runtime informations */ + + xsltDocumentPtr styleList; /* the stylesheet docs list */ + void * sec; /* the security preferences if any */ + + xmlGenericErrorFunc error; /* a specific error handler */ + void * errctx; /* context for the error handler */ + + xsltSortFunc sortfunc; /* a ctxt specific sort routine */ + + /* + * handling of temporary Result Value Tree + */ + xmlDocPtr tmpRVT; /* list of RVT without persistance */ + xmlDocPtr persistRVT; /* list of persistant RVTs */ + int ctxtflags; /* context processing flags */ + + /* + * Speed optimization when coalescing text nodes + */ + const xmlChar *lasttext; /* last text node content */ + unsigned int lasttsize; /* last text node size */ + unsigned int lasttuse; /* last text node use */ +}; + +/** + * CHECK_STOPPED: + * + * Macro to check if the XSLT processing should be stopped. + * Will return from the function. + */ +#define CHECK_STOPPED if (ctxt->state == XSLT_STATE_STOPPED) return; + +/** + * CHECK_STOPPEDE: + * + * Macro to check if the XSLT processing should be stopped. + * Will goto the error: label. + */ +#define CHECK_STOPPEDE if (ctxt->state == XSLT_STATE_STOPPED) goto error; + +/** + * CHECK_STOPPED0: + * + * Macro to check if the XSLT processing should be stopped. + * Will return from the function with a 0 value. + */ +#define CHECK_STOPPED0 if (ctxt->state == XSLT_STATE_STOPPED) return(0); + +/* + * Functions associated to the internal types +xsltDecimalFormatPtr xsltDecimalFormatGetByName(xsltStylesheetPtr sheet, + xmlChar *name); + */ +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltNewStylesheet (void); +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltParseStylesheetFile (const xmlChar* filename); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltFreeStylesheet (xsltStylesheetPtr sheet); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltIsBlank (xmlChar *str); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltFreeStackElemList (xsltStackElemPtr elem); +XSLTPUBFUN xsltDecimalFormatPtr XSLTCALL + xsltDecimalFormatGetByName(xsltStylesheetPtr sheet, + xmlChar *name); + +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltParseStylesheetProcess(xsltStylesheetPtr ret, + xmlDocPtr doc); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltParseStylesheetOutput(xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlNodePtr cur); +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltParseStylesheetDoc (xmlDocPtr doc); +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltParseStylesheetImportedDoc(xmlDocPtr doc); +XSLTPUBFUN xsltStylesheetPtr XSLTCALL + xsltLoadStylesheetPI (xmlDocPtr doc); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltNumberFormat (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xsltNumberDataPtr data, + xmlNodePtr node); +XSLTPUBFUN xmlXPathError XSLTCALL + xsltFormatNumberConversion(xsltDecimalFormatPtr self, + xmlChar *format, + double number, + xmlChar **result); + +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltParseTemplateContent(xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlNodePtr templ); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltAllocateExtra (xsltStylesheetPtr style); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltAllocateExtraCtxt (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); +/* + * Extra functions for Result Value Trees + */ +XSLTPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XSLTCALL + xsltCreateRVT (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltRegisterTmpRVT (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr RVT); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltRegisterPersistRVT (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlDocPtr RVT); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltFreeRVTs (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_XSLT_H__ */ + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltexports.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltexports.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aab58025b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltexports.h @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * xsltexports.h : macros for marking symbols as exportable/importable. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * igor@zlatkovic.com + */ + +#ifndef __XSLT_EXPORTS_H__ +#define __XSLT_EXPORTS_H__ + +/** + * XSLTPUBFUN: + * XSLTPUBFUN, XSLTPUBVAR, XSLTCALL + * + * Macros which declare an exportable function, an exportable variable and + * the calling convention used for functions. + * + * Please use an extra block for every platform/compiler combination when + * modifying this, rather than overlong #ifdef lines. This helps + * readability as well as the fact that different compilers on the same + * platform might need different definitions. + */ + +#define XSLTPUBFUN +#define XSLTPUBVAR extern +#define XSLTCALL + +/* Windows platform with MS compiler */ +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) + #undef XSLTPUBFUN + #undef XSLTPUBVAR + #undef XSLTCALL + #if defined(IN_LIBXSLT) && !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBFUN __declspec(dllexport) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllexport) + #else + #define XSLTPUBFUN + #if !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllimport) extern + #else + #define XSLTPUBVAR extern + #endif + #endif + #define XSLTCALL __cdecl + #if !defined _REENTRANT + #define _REENTRANT + #endif +#endif + +/* Windows platform with Borland compiler */ +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__BORLANDC__) + #undef XSLTPUBFUN + #undef XSLTPUBVAR + #undef XSLTCALL + #if defined(IN_LIBXSLT) && !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBFUN __declspec(dllexport) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllexport) extern + #else + #define XSLTPUBFUN + #if !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllimport) extern + #else + #define XSLTPUBVAR extern + #endif + #endif + #define XSLTCALL __cdecl + #if !defined _REENTRANT + #define _REENTRANT + #endif +#endif + +/* Windows platform with GNU compiler (Mingw) */ +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__MINGW__) + #if !defined _REENTRANT + #define _REENTRANT + #endif +#endif + +/* Cygwin platform, GNU compiler */ +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__CYGWIN__) + #undef XSLTPUBFUN + #undef XSLTPUBVAR + #undef XSLTCALL + #if defined(IN_LIBXSLT) && !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBFUN __declspec(dllexport) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllexport) + #else + #define XSLTPUBFUN + #if !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC) + #define XSLTPUBVAR __declspec(dllimport) extern + #else + #define XSLTPUBVAR + #endif + #endif + #define XSLTCALL __cdecl +#endif + +/* Compatibility */ +#if !defined(LIBXSLT_PUBLIC) +#define LIBXSLT_PUBLIC XSLTPUBVAR +#endif + +#endif /* __XSLT_EXPORTS_H__ */ + + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltutils.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltutils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..699fd4ab1c --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltutils.h @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +/* + * xsltutils.h: interfaces for the utilities module of the XSLT engine. + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLTUTILS_H__ +#define __XML_XSLTUTILS_H__ + +#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) +#include "libxslt/xsltwin32config.h" +#else +#include "libxslt/xsltconfig.h" +#endif + +#include "libxml/xpath.h" +#include "libxml/xmlerror.h" +#include "xsltexports.h" +#include "xsltInternals.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * XSLT_TODO: + * + * Macro to flag unimplemented blocks. + */ +#define XSLT_TODO \ + xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, \ + "Unimplemented block at %s:%d\n", \ + __FILE__, __LINE__); + +/** + * XSLT_STRANGE: + * + * Macro to flag that a problem was detected internally. + */ +#define XSLT_STRANGE \ + xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, \ + "Internal error at %s:%d\n", \ + __FILE__, __LINE__); + +/** + * IS_XSLT_ELEM: + * + * Checks that the element pertains to XSLT namespace. + */ +#define IS_XSLT_ELEM(n) \ + (((n) != NULL) && ((n)->ns != NULL) && \ + (xmlStrEqual((n)->ns->href, XSLT_NAMESPACE))) + +/** + * IS_XSLT_NAME: + * + * Checks the value of an element in XSLT namespace. + */ +#define IS_XSLT_NAME(n, val) \ + (xmlStrEqual((n)->name, (const xmlChar *) (val))) + +/** + * IS_XSLT_REAL_NODE: + * + * Check that a node is a 'real' one: document, element, text or attribute. + */ +#define IS_XSLT_REAL_NODE(n) \ + (((n) != NULL) && \ + (((n)->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) || \ + ((n)->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) || \ + ((n)->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) || \ + ((n)->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) || \ + ((n)->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) || \ + ((n)->type == XML_PI_NODE))) + +/* + * Our own version of namespaced atributes lookup. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN xmlChar * XSLTCALL xsltGetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, + const xmlChar *name, + const xmlChar *nameSpace); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL xsltGetUTF8Char (const unsigned char *utf, + int *len); + +/* + * XSLT specific error and debug reporting functions. + */ +XSLTPUBVAR xmlGenericErrorFunc xsltGenericError; +XSLTPUBVAR void *xsltGenericErrorContext; +XSLTPUBVAR xmlGenericErrorFunc xsltGenericDebug; +XSLTPUBVAR void *xsltGenericDebugContext; + +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltPrintErrorContext (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlNodePtr node); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltMessage (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr node, + xmlNodePtr inst); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetGenericErrorFunc (void *ctx, + xmlGenericErrorFunc handler); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetGenericDebugFunc (void *ctx, + xmlGenericErrorFunc handler); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetTransformErrorFunc (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + void *ctx, + xmlGenericErrorFunc handler); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltTransformError (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xsltStylesheetPtr style, + xmlNodePtr node, + const char *msg, + ...); + +/* + * Sorting. + */ + +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltDocumentSortFunction (xmlNodeSetPtr list); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetSortFunc (xsltSortFunc handler); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetCtxtSortFunc (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xsltSortFunc handler); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltDefaultSortFunction (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr *sorts, + int nbsorts); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltDoSortFunction (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr * sorts, + int nbsorts); +XSLTPUBFUN xmlXPathObjectPtr * XSLTCALL + xsltComputeSortResult (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + xmlNodePtr sort); + +/* + * QNames handling. + */ + +XSLTPUBFUN const xmlChar * XSLTCALL + xsltGetQNameURI (xmlNodePtr node, + xmlChar **name); + +/* + * Output, reuse libxml I/O buffers. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSaveResultTo (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, + xmlDocPtr result, + xsltStylesheetPtr style); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSaveResultToFilename (const char *URI, + xmlDocPtr result, + xsltStylesheetPtr style, + int compression); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSaveResultToFile (FILE *file, + xmlDocPtr result, + xsltStylesheetPtr style); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSaveResultToFd (int fd, + xmlDocPtr result, + xsltStylesheetPtr style); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSaveResultToString (xmlChar **doc_txt_ptr, + int * doc_txt_len, + xmlDocPtr result, + xsltStylesheetPtr style); + +/* + * Profiling. + */ +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSaveProfiling (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, + FILE *output); +XSLTPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XSLTCALL + xsltGetProfileInformation (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); + +XSLTPUBFUN long XSLTCALL + xsltTimestamp (void); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltCalibrateAdjust (long delta); + +/** + * XSLT_TIMESTAMP_TICS_PER_SEC: + * + * Sampling precision for profiling + */ +#define XSLT_TIMESTAMP_TICS_PER_SEC 100000l + +/* + * Hooks for the debugger. + */ + +typedef enum { + XSLT_DEBUG_NONE = 0, /* no debugging allowed */ + XSLT_DEBUG_INIT, + XSLT_DEBUG_STEP, + XSLT_DEBUG_STEPOUT, + XSLT_DEBUG_NEXT, + XSLT_DEBUG_STOP, + XSLT_DEBUG_CONT, + XSLT_DEBUG_RUN, + XSLT_DEBUG_RUN_RESTART, + XSLT_DEBUG_QUIT +} xsltDebugStatusCodes; + +XSLTPUBVAR int xslDebugStatus; + +typedef void (*xsltHandleDebuggerCallback) (xmlNodePtr cur, xmlNodePtr node, + xsltTemplatePtr templ, xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt); +typedef int (*xsltAddCallCallback) (xsltTemplatePtr templ, xmlNodePtr source); +typedef void (*xsltDropCallCallback) (void); + +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xsltSetDebuggerStatus (int value); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltGetDebuggerStatus (void); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xsltSetDebuggerCallbacks (int no, void *block); +XSLTPUBFUN int XSLTCALL + xslAddCall (xsltTemplatePtr templ, + xmlNodePtr source); +XSLTPUBFUN void XSLTCALL + xslDropCall (void); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_XSLTUTILS_H__ */ + + diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltwin32config.h b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltwin32config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..985bfc71dc --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/libxslt/xsltwin32config.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* + * xsltwin32config.h: compile-time version informations for the XSLT engine + * when compiled on windows + * + * See Copyright for the status of this software. + * + * daniel@veillard.com + */ + +#ifndef __XML_XSLTWIN32CONFIG_H__ +#define __XML_XSLTWIN32CONFIG_H__ + +#include "win32config.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/** + * LIBXSLT_DOTTED_VERSION: + * + * the version string like "1.2.3" + */ +#define LIBXSLT_DOTTED_VERSION "1.1.0" + +/** + * LIBXSLT_VERSION: + * + * the version number: 1.2.3 value is 1002003 + */ +#define LIBXSLT_VERSION 10100 + +/** + * LIBXSLT_VERSION_STRING: + * + * the version number string, 1.2.3 value is "1002003" + */ +#define LIBXSLT_VERSION_STRING "10100" + +/** + * WITH_XSLT_DEBUG: + * + * Activate the compilation of the debug reporting. Speed penalty + * is insignifiant and being able to run xsltpoc -v is useful. On + * by default + */ +#if 1 +#define WITH_XSLT_DEBUG +#endif + +#if 0 +/** + * DEBUG_MEMORY: + * + * should be activated only when debugging libxslt. It replaces the + * allocator with a collect and debug shell to the libc allocator. + * Use configure --with-mem-debug to activate it on both library + */ +#define DEBUG_MEMORY + +/** + * DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION: + * + * should be activated only when debugging libxslt. + * DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION should be activated only when libxml has + * been configured with --with-debug-mem too + */ +#define DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION +#endif + +/** + * ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED: + * + * This macro is used to flag unused function parameters to GCC, useless here + */ +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __XML_XSLTWIN32CONFIG_H__ */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/lookup3.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/lookup3.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2c930950c --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/lookup3.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,640 @@ +/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain. +These are functions for producing 32-bit hashes for hash table lookup. +hashword(), hashlittle(), hashbig(), mix(), and final() are externally +useful functions. Routines to test the hash are included if SELF_TEST +is defined. You can use this mir_free for any purpose. It has no warranty. + +You probably want to use hashlittle(). hashlittle() and hashbig() +hash byte arrays. hashlittle() is is faster than hashbig() on +little-endian machines. Intel and AMD are little-endian machines. + +If you want to find a hash of, say, exactly 7 integers, do + a = i1; b = i2; c = i3; + mix(a,b,c); + a += i4; b += i5; c += i6; + mix(a,b,c); + a += i7; + final(a,b,c); +then use c as the hash value. If you have a variable length array of +4-byte integers to hash, use hashword(). If you have a byte array (like +a character string), use hashlittle(). If you have several byte arrays, or +a mix of things, see the comments above hashlittle(). +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ +//#define SELF_TEST 1 + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stddef.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <time.h> + +typedef unsigned long int uint32; /* unsigned 4-byte quantities */ +typedef unsigned short int uint16; /* unsigned 2-byte quantities */ +typedef unsigned char uint8; /* unsigned 1-byte quantities */ + +/* + * My best guess at if you are big-endian or little-endian. This may + * need adjustment. + */ +#if defined(i386) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) || defined(vax) || defined(MIPSEL) +# define HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 +# define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 0 +#elif defined(sparc) +# define HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 +# define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 1 +#else +# define HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 +# define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 0 +#endif + +#define hashsize(n) ((uint32)1<<(n)) +#define hashmask(n) (hashsize(n)-1) +#define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) ^ ((x)>>(32-(k)))) + +/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mix -- mix 3 32-bit values reversibly. + +This is reversible, so any information in (a,b,c) before mix() is +still in (a,b,c) after mix(). + +If four pairs of (a,b,c) inputs are run through mix(), or through +mix() in reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that +are sometimes the same for one pair and different for another pair. +This was tested for: +* pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination + of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of + (a,b,c). +* "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed + the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as + is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit + difference. +* the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or + all zero plus a counter that starts at zero. + +Some k values for my "a-=c; a^=rot(c,k); c+=b;" arrangement that +satisfy this are + 4 6 8 16 19 4 + 9 15 3 18 27 15 + 14 9 3 7 17 3 +Well, "9 15 3 18 27 15" didn't quite get 32 bits diffing +for "differ" defined as + with a one-bit base and a two-bit delta. I +used http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/avalanche.html to choose +the operations, constants, and arrangements of the variables. + +This does not achieve avalanche. There are input bits of (a,b,c) +that fail to affect some output bits of (a,b,c), especially of a. The +most thoroughly mixed value is c, but it doesn't really even achieve +avalanche in c. + +This allows some parallelism. Read-after-writes are good at doubling +the number of bits affected, so the goal of mixing pulls in the opposite +direction as the goal of parallelism. I did what I could. Rotates +seem to cost as much as shifts on every machine I could lay my hands +on, and rotates are much kinder to the top and bottom bits, so I used +rotates. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ +#define mix(a,b,c) \ +{ \ + a -= c; a ^= rot(c, 4); c += b; \ + b -= a; b ^= rot(a, 6); a += c; \ + c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 8); b += a; \ + a -= c; a ^= rot(c,16); c += b; \ + b -= a; b ^= rot(a,19); a += c; \ + c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 4); b += a; \ +} + +/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +final -- final mixing of 3 32-bit values (a,b,c) into c + +Pairs of (a,b,c) values differing in only a few bits will usually +produce values of c that look totally different. This was tested for +* pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination + of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of + (a,b,c). +* "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed + the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as + is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit + difference. +* the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or + all zero plus a counter that starts at zero. + +These constants passed: + 14 11 25 16 4 14 24 + 12 14 25 16 4 14 24 +and these came close: + 4 8 15 26 3 22 24 + 10 8 15 26 3 22 24 + 11 8 15 26 3 22 24 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ +#define final(a,b,c) \ +{ \ + c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \ + a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \ + b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \ + c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \ + a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4); \ + b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \ + c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \ +} + +/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------- + This works on all machines. To be useful, it requires + -- that the key be an array of uint32's, and + -- that all your machines have the same endianness, and + -- that the length be the number of uint32's in the key + + The function hashword() is identical to hashlittle() on little-endian + machines, and identical to hashbig() on big-endian machines, + except that the length has to be measured in uint32s rather than in + bytes. hashlittle() is more complicated than hashword() only because + hashlittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers. +-------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ +uint32 hashword( uint32 *k, size_t length, uint32 initval) +{ + uint32 a,b,c; + + /* Set up the internal state */ + a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (((uint32)length)<<2) + initval; + + /*------------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */ + while (length > 3) + { + a += k[0]; + b += k[1]; + c += k[2]; + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 3; + k += 3; + } + + /*--------------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32's */ + switch(length) /* all the case statements fall through */ + { + case 3 : c+=k[2]; + case 2 : b+=k[1]; + case 1 : a+=k[0]; + final(a,b,c); + case 0: /* case 0: nothing left to add */ + break; + } + /*------------------------------------------------------ report the result */ + return c; +} + + +/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hashlittle() -- hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value + k : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes) + length : the length of the key, counting by bytes + initval : can be any 4-byte value +Returns a 32-bit value. Every bit of the key affects every bit of +the return value. Two keys differing by one or two bits will have +totally different hash values. + +The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do +mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits, +use a bitmask. For example, if you need only 10 bits, do + h = (h & hashmask(10)); +In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements. + +If you are hashing n strings (uint8 **)k, do it like this: + for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = hashlittle( k[i], len[i], h); + +By Bob Jenkins, 2006. bob_jenkins@burtleburtle.net. You may use this +code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. It's mir_free. + +Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^^32 is +acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ + +uint32 hashlittle( void *key, size_t length, uint32 initval) +{ + uint32 a,b,c; + + /* Set up the internal state */ + a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32)length) + initval; + + if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && !((((uint8 *)key)-(uint8 *)0) & 0x3)) { + uint32 *k = ( uint32 *)key; /* read 32-bit chunks */ + + /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */ + while (length > 12) + { + a += k[0]; + b += k[1]; + c += k[2]; + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 12; + k += 3; + } + + /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */ + switch(length) + { + case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff; a+=k[0]; break; + case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff; a+=k[0]; break; + case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff; a+=k[0]; break; + case 4 : a+=k[0]; break; + case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff; break; + case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff; break; + case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; break; + case 0 : return c; /* zero length strings require no mixing */ + } + + } else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && !((((uint8 *)key)-(uint8 *)0) & 0x1)) { + uint16 *k = (uint16 *)key; /* read 16-bit chunks */ + + /*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */ + while (length > 12) + { + a += k[0] + (((uint32)k[1])<<16); + b += k[2] + (((uint32)k[3])<<16); + c += k[4] + (((uint32)k[5])<<16); + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 12; + k += 6; + } + + /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */ + switch(length) + { + case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32)k[5])<<16); + b+=k[2]+(((uint32)k[3])<<16); + a+=k[0]+(((uint32)k[1])<<16); + break; + case 11: c+=((uint32)(k[5]&0xff))<<16;/* fall through */ + case 10: c+=k[4]; + b+=k[2]+(((uint32)k[3])<<16); + a+=k[0]+(((uint32)k[1])<<16); + break; + case 9 : c+=k[4]&0xff; /* fall through */ + case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32)k[3])<<16); + a+=k[0]+(((uint32)k[1])<<16); + break; + case 7 : b+=((uint32)(k[3]&0xff))<<16;/* fall through */ + case 6 : b+=k[2]; + a+=k[0]+(((uint32)k[1])<<16); + break; + case 5 : b+=k[2]&0xff; /* fall through */ + case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32)k[1])<<16); + break; + case 3 : a+=((uint32)(k[1]&0xff))<<16;/* fall through */ + case 2 : a+=k[0]; + break; + case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; + break; + case 0 : return c; /* zero length requires no mixing */ + } + + } else { /* need to read the key one byte at a time */ + uint8 *k = (uint8 *)key; + + /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */ + while (length > 12) + { + a += k[0]; + a += ((uint32)k[1])<<8; + a += ((uint32)k[2])<<16; + a += ((uint32)k[3])<<24; + b += k[4]; + b += ((uint32)k[5])<<8; + b += ((uint32)k[6])<<16; + b += ((uint32)k[7])<<24; + c += k[8]; + c += ((uint32)k[9])<<8; + c += ((uint32)k[10])<<16; + c += ((uint32)k[11])<<24; + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 12; + k += 12; + } + + /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */ + switch(length) /* all the case statements fall through */ + { + case 12: c+=((uint32)k[11])<<24; + case 11: c+=((uint32)k[10])<<16; + case 10: c+=((uint32)k[9])<<8; + case 9 : c+=k[8]; + case 8 : b+=((uint32)k[7])<<24; + case 7 : b+=((uint32)k[6])<<16; + case 6 : b+=((uint32)k[5])<<8; + case 5 : b+=k[4]; + case 4 : a+=((uint32)k[3])<<24; + case 3 : a+=((uint32)k[2])<<16; + case 2 : a+=((uint32)k[1])<<8; + case 1 : a+=k[0]; + break; + case 0 : return c; + } + } + + final(a,b,c); + return c; +} + + + +/* + * hashbig(): + * This is the same as hashword() on big-endian machines. It is different + * from hashlittle() on all machines. hashbig() takes advantage of + * big-endian byte ordering. + */ +uint32 hashbig( void *key, size_t length, uint32 initval) +{ + uint32 a,b,c; + + /* Set up the internal state */ + a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32)length) + initval; + + if (HASH_BIG_ENDIAN && !((((uint8 *)key)-(uint8 *)0) & 0x3)) { + uint32 *k = (uint32 *)key; /* read 32-bit chunks */ + + /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */ + while (length > 12) + { + a += k[0]; + b += k[1]; + c += k[2]; + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 12; + k += 3; + } + + /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */ + switch(length) + { + case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 11: c+=k[2]<<8; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 10: c+=k[2]<<16; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 9 : c+=k[2]<<24; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break; + case 7 : b+=k[1]<<8; a+=k[0]; break; + case 6 : b+=k[1]<<16; a+=k[0]; break; + case 5 : b+=k[1]<<24; a+=k[0]; break; + case 4 : a+=k[0]; break; + case 3 : a+=k[0]<<8; break; + case 2 : a+=k[0]<<16; break; + case 1 : a+=k[0]<<24; break; + case 0 : return c; /* zero length strings require no mixing */ + } + + } else { /* need to read the key one byte at a time */ + uint8 *k = (uint8 *)key; + + /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */ + while (length > 12) + { + a += ((uint32)k[0])<<24; + a += ((uint32)k[1])<<16; + a += ((uint32)k[2])<<8; + a += ((uint32)k[3]); + b += ((uint32)k[4])<<24; + b += ((uint32)k[5])<<16; + b += ((uint32)k[6])<<8; + b += ((uint32)k[7]); + c += ((uint32)k[8])<<24; + c += ((uint32)k[9])<<16; + c += ((uint32)k[10])<<8; + c += ((uint32)k[11]); + mix(a,b,c); + length -= 12; + k += 12; + } + + /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */ + switch(length) /* all the case statements fall through */ + { + case 12: c+=((uint32)k[11])<<24; + case 11: c+=((uint32)k[10])<<16; + case 10: c+=((uint32)k[9])<<8; + case 9 : c+=k[8]; + case 8 : b+=((uint32)k[7])<<24; + case 7 : b+=((uint32)k[6])<<16; + case 6 : b+=((uint32)k[5])<<8; + case 5 : b+=k[4]; + case 4 : a+=((uint32)k[3])<<24; + case 3 : a+=((uint32)k[2])<<16; + case 2 : a+=((uint32)k[1])<<8; + case 1 : a+=k[0]; + break; + case 0 : return c; + } + } + + final(a,b,c); + return c; +} + + +#ifdef SELF_TEST + +/* used for timings */ +void driver1() +{ + uint8 buf[256]; + uint32 i; + uint32 h=0; + time_t a,z; + + time(&a); + for (i=0; i<256; ++i) buf[i] = 'x'; + for (i=0; i<1; ++i) + { + h = hashlittle(&buf[0],1,h); + } + time(&z); + if (z-a > 0) printf("time %ld %.8lx\n", z-a, h); +} + +/* check that every input bit changes every output bit half the time */ +#define HASHSTATE 1 +#define HASHLEN 1 +#define MAXPAIR 60 +#define MAXLEN 70 +void driver2() +{ + uint8 qa[MAXLEN+1], qb[MAXLEN+2], *a = &qa[0], *b = &qb[1]; + uint32 c[HASHSTATE], d[HASHSTATE], i, j=0, k, l, m, z; + uint32 e[HASHSTATE],f[HASHSTATE],g[HASHSTATE],h[HASHSTATE]; + uint32 x[HASHSTATE],y[HASHSTATE]; + uint32 hlen; + + printf("No more than %d trials should ever be needed \n",MAXPAIR/2); + for (hlen=0; hlen < MAXLEN; ++hlen) + { + z=0; + for (i=0; i<hlen; ++i) /*----------------------- for each input byte, */ + { + for (j=0; j<8; ++j) /*------------------------ for each input bit, */ + { + for (m=1; m<8; ++m) /*------------ for serveral possible initvals, */ + { + for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l) e[l]=f[l]=g[l]=h[l]=x[l]=y[l]=~((uint32)0); + + /*---- check that every output bit is affected by that input bit */ + for (k=0; k<MAXPAIR; k+=2) + { + uint32 finished=1; + /* keys have one bit different */ + for (l=0; l<hlen+1; ++l) {a[l] = b[l] = (uint8)0;} + /* have a and b be two keys differing in only one bit */ + a[i] ^= (k<<j); + a[i] ^= (k>>(8-j)); + c[0] = hashlittle(a, hlen, m); + b[i] ^= ((k+1)<<j); + b[i] ^= ((k+1)>>(8-j)); + d[0] = hashlittle(b, hlen, m); + /* check every bit is 1, 0, set, and not set at least once */ + for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l) + { + e[l] &= (c[l]^d[l]); + f[l] &= ~(c[l]^d[l]); + g[l] &= c[l]; + h[l] &= ~c[l]; + x[l] &= d[l]; + y[l] &= ~d[l]; + if (e[l]|f[l]|g[l]|h[l]|x[l]|y[l]) finished=0; + } + if (finished) break; + } + if (k>z) z=k; + if (k==MAXPAIR) + { + printf("Some bit didn't change: "); + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx ", + e[0],f[0],g[0],h[0],x[0],y[0]); + printf("i %ld j %ld m %ld len %ld\n",i,j,m,hlen); + } + if (z==MAXPAIR) goto done; + } + } + } + done: + if (z < MAXPAIR) + { + printf("Mix success %2ld bytes %2ld initvals ",i,m); + printf("required %ld trials\n",z/2); + } + } + printf("\n"); +} + +/* Check for reading beyond the end of the buffer and alignment problems */ +void driver3() +{ + uint8 buf[MAXLEN+20], *b; + uint32 len; + uint8 q[] = "This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country..."; + //uint32 dummy1; + uint8 qq[] = "xThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country..."; + //uint32 dummy2; + uint8 qqq[] = "xxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country..."; + //uint32 dummy3; + uint8 qqqq[] = "xxxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country..."; + uint32 h,i,j,ref,x,y; + uint8 *p; + + printf("Endianness. These lines should all be the same (for values filled in):\n"); + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx\n", + hashword((uint32 *)q, (sizeof(q)-1)/4, 13), + hashword((uint32 *)q, (sizeof(q)-5)/4, 13), + hashword((uint32 *)q, (sizeof(q)-9)/4, 13)); + p = q; + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx\n", + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13)); + p = &qq[1]; + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx\n", + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13)); + p = &qqq[2]; + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx\n", + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13)); + p = &qqqq[3]; + printf("%.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx\n", + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13), + hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13)); + printf("\n"); + for (h=0, b=buf+1; h<8; ++h, ++b) + { + for (i=0; i<MAXLEN; ++i) + { + len = i; + for (j=0; j<i; ++j) *(b+j)=0; + + /* these should all be equal */ + ref = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32)1); + *(b+i)=(uint8)~0; + *(b-1)=(uint8)~0; + x = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32)1); + y = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32)1); + if ((ref != x) || (ref != y)) + { + printf("alignment error: %.8lx %.8lx %.8lx %ld %ld\n",ref,x,y,h,i); + } + } + } +} + +/* check for problems with nulls */ + void driver4() +{ + uint8 buf[1]; + uint32 h,i,state[HASHSTATE]; + + + buf[0] = ~0; + for (i=0; i<HASHSTATE; ++i) state[i] = 1; + printf("These should all be different\n"); + for (i=0, h=0; i<8; ++i) + { + h = hashlittle(buf, (uint32)0, h); + printf("%2ld 0-byte strings, hash is %.8lx\n", i, h); + } +} + + +int main() +{ + driver1(); /* test that the key is hashed: used for timings */ + driver2(); /* test that whole key is hashed thoroughly */ + driver3(); /* test that nothing but the key is hashed */ + driver4(); /* test hashing multiple buffers (all buffers are null) */ + return 1; +} + +#endif /* SELF_TEST */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/main.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b6330ce585 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + /*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "buildnumber.h"
+DWORD g_mirandaVersion;
+int hLangpack = 0;
+// {59B0036E-5403-422e-883B-C9AAF425682B}
+#define MIID_VARIABLES { 0x59b0036e, 0x5403, 0x422e, { 0x88, 0x3b, 0xc9, 0xaa, 0xf4, 0x25, 0x68, 0x2b } }
+static HANDLE hExitHook, hModulesLoadedHook;
+static int Exit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ UnhookEvent(hExitHook);
+ return 0;
+static int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ UnhookEvent(hModulesLoadedHook);
+ // trigger plugin
+#if !defined(WINE)
+ initTriggerModule();
+ return 0;
+BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved)
+ hInst=hinstDLL;
+ return TRUE;
+// MirandaPluginInfoEx - returns the extended information about a plugin
+PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = {
+ "Variables",
+ "Adds support for dynamic variables in strings for plugins.",
+ "P Boon",
+ "unregistered@users.sourceforge.net",
+ "© 2003-2008 P. Boon, Ricardo Pescuma, George Hazan",
+ "http://nightly.miranda.im/",
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD mirandaVersion)
+ g_mirandaVersion = mirandaVersion;
+ return &pluginInfoEx;
+// Load - plugin's entry point
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load(void)
+ mir_getLP( &pluginInfoEx );
+ hExitHook = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_OKTOEXIT, Exit);
+ hModulesLoadedHook = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ModulesLoaded);
+ LoadVarModule();
+ return 0;
+// Unload - destroys plugin from memory
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void)
+ UnloadVarModule();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/options.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/options.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0220386564 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/options.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+extern HINSTANCE hInst;
+extern struct ParseOptions gParseOpts;
+extern int hLangpack;
+static INT_PTR CALLBACK SetOptsDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ switch( msg ) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ {
+ if (!DBGetContactSettingTString( NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STARTUPTEXT, &dbv )) {
+ SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT, dbv.ptszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ }
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPWS, db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPWS, 0));
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL, db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPALL, 0));
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPCRLF), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL)?FALSE:TRUE);
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPWS), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL)?FALSE:TRUE);
+ variables_skin_helpbutton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHELP);
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ if ((HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) || (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) {
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0);
+ gParseOpts.bStripEOL = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPCRLF);
+ gParseOpts.bStripWS = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPWS);
+ gParseOpts.bStripAll = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FORMATTEXT && IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_AUTOPARSE ))
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ case IDC_PARSE:
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ if (IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_AUTOPARSE ))
+ SetTimer(hwndDlg, IDT_PARSE, 1000, NULL);
+ else
+ KillTimer(hwndDlg, IDT_PARSE);
+ break;
+ break;
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPCRLF), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL)?FALSE:TRUE);
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPWS), IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL)?FALSE:TRUE);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == PSN_APPLY) {
+ int len = SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len >= 0) {
+ TCHAR *szFormatText = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1)* sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szFormatText == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT, szFormatText, len+1) != 0)
+ mir_free(szFormatText);
+ }
+ db_set_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPCRLF, (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPCRLF)?1:0));
+ db_set_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPWS, (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPWS)?1:0));
+ db_set_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPALL, (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_STRIPALL)?1:0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case VARM_PARSE:
+ {
+ TCHAR *string = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT);
+ if (string != NULL) {
+ TCHAR *newString = variables_parsedup(string, NULL, NULL);
+ if (newString != NULL) {
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESULT), newString);
+ mir_free(newString);
+ }
+ mir_free(string);
+ } }
+ break;
+ case WM_TIMER:
+ if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_AUTOPARSE))
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, VARM_PARSE, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ setParseOptions(NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int OptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ odp.cbSize = sizeof(odp);
+ odp.position = 150000000;
+ odp.pszGroup = LPGEN("Services");
+ odp.groupPosition = 910000000;
+ odp.hInstance = hInst;
+ odp.pszTitle = LPGEN("Variables");
+ odp.pfnDlgProc = SetOptsDlgProc;
+ odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS;
+ Options_AddPage(wParam, &odp);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49c2999595 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_alias.h"
+static CRITICAL_SECTION csAliasRegister;
+static unsigned int arCount = 0;
+static ALIASREGISTER *searchAliasRegister(TCHAR *szAlias) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ res = NULL;
+ if ((szAlias == NULL) || (_tcslen(szAlias) == 0)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ for (i=0;i<arCount;i++) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(ar[i].szAlias, szAlias)) {
+ /* TODO: make a copy here? */
+ res = &ar[i];
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *replaceArguments(TCHAR *res, TCHAR *tArg, TCHAR *rArg) {
+ unsigned int cur, ecur;
+ if ( _tcslen(tArg) == 0)
+ return res;
+ cur = ecur = 0;
+ while (*(res+cur) != _T('\0')) {
+ if ((*(res+cur) == _T('(')) || (*(res+cur) == _T(','))) {
+ ecur = ++cur;
+ while ( (*(res+ecur) != _T(')')) && (*(res+ecur) != _T(','))) {
+ ecur++;
+ }
+ if (((signed int)_tcslen(tArg) == (ecur-cur)) && (!_tcsncmp(tArg, res+cur, _tcslen(tArg)))) {
+ if ( _tcslen(rArg) > _tcslen(tArg)) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res) + (_tcslen(rArg)-_tcslen(tArg)) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ MoveMemory(res+ecur+(_tcslen(rArg)-_tcslen(tArg)), res+ecur, (_tcslen(res+ecur)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res+cur, rArg, _tcslen(rArg));
+ }
+ }
+ cur++;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseTranslateAlias(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ areg = searchAliasRegister(ai->targv[0]);
+ if ((areg == NULL) || (areg->argc != ai->argc-1)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = mir_tstrdup(areg->szTranslation);
+ for (i=0;i<areg->argc;i++) {
+ res = replaceArguments(res, areg->argv[i], ai->targv[i+1]);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+static int addToAliasRegister(TCHAR *szAlias, unsigned int argc, TCHAR** argv, TCHAR *szTranslation) {
+ unsigned int i, j;
+ if (szAlias == NULL || szTranslation == NULL || _tcslen(szAlias) == 0 )
+ return -1;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ for (i=0;i<arCount;i++) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(ar[i].szAlias, szAlias)) {
+ mir_free(ar[i].szTranslation);
+ ar[i].szTranslation = mir_tstrdup(szTranslation);
+ for (j=0;j<ar[i].argc;j++) {
+ if (ar[i].argv[j] != NULL) {
+ mir_free(ar[i].argv[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ ar[i].argc = argc;
+ ar[i].argv = ( TCHAR** )mir_realloc(ar[i].argv, argc * sizeof(TCHAR*));
+ if (ar[i].argv == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<argc;j++) {
+ if (argv[j] != NULL)
+ ar[i].argv[j] = mir_tstrdup(argv[j]);
+ else
+ ar[i].argv[j] = NULL;
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ar = ( ALIASREGISTER* )mir_realloc(ar, (arCount+1)*sizeof(ALIASREGISTER));
+ if (ar == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ar[arCount].szAlias = mir_tstrdup(szAlias);
+ ar[arCount].szTranslation = mir_tstrdup(szTranslation);
+ ar[arCount].argc = argc;
+ ar[arCount].argv = ( TCHAR** )mir_alloc(argc * sizeof(TCHAR*));
+ if (ar[arCount].argv == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<ar[arCount].argc;j++) {
+ if (argv[j] != NULL)
+ ar[arCount].argv[j] = mir_tstrdup(argv[j]);
+ else
+ ar[arCount].argv[j] = NULL;
+ }
+ arCount += 1;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return 0;
+static TCHAR *parseAddAlias(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int res;
+ int argc, i;
+ TCHAR *cur, *alias, **argv, *szArgs;
+ char *szHelp, *szArgsA;
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ cur = ai->targv[1];
+ while (isValidTokenChar(*cur))
+ cur++;
+ alias = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc(((cur-ai->targv[1])+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (alias == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ _tcsncpy(alias, ai->targv[1], (cur-ai->targv[1]));
+ getArguments(cur, &argv, &argc);
+ deRegisterToken(alias);
+ addToAliasRegister(alias, argc, argv, ai->targv[2]);
+ szArgs = NULL;
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ szArgs = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc(( _tcslen(argv[i])+2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ else
+ szArgs = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(szArgs, (_tcslen(szArgs) + _tcslen(argv[i]) + 2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscat(szArgs, argv[i]);
+ if (i != argc-1)
+ _tcscat(szArgs, _T(","));
+ }
+ if ((szArgs != NULL) && (argc > 0)) {
+ szArgsA = mir_t2a(szArgs);
+ szHelp = ( char* )mir_alloc(32 + strlen(szArgsA));
+ memset(szHelp, '\0', 32 + strlen(szArgsA));
+ sprintf(szHelp, "Alias\t(%s)\tuser defined", szArgsA);
+ res = registerIntToken(alias, parseTranslateAlias, TRF_FUNCTION|TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, szHelp);
+ mir_free(szArgsA);
+ }
+ else {
+ szHelp = ( char* )mir_alloc(32);
+ memset(szHelp, '\0', 32);
+ sprintf(szHelp, "Alias\t\tuser defined");
+ res = registerIntToken(alias, parseTranslateAlias, TRF_FIELD|TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, szHelp);
+ }
+ mir_free(szArgs);
+ mir_free(szHelp);
+ return res==0?mir_tstrdup(_T("")):NULL;
+int registerAliasTokens()
+ registerIntToken(_T(ADDALIAS), parseAddAlias, TRF_FUNCTION|TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, "Variables\t(x,y)\tstores y as alias named x");//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS);
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
+ return 0;
+void unregisterAliasTokens()
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&csAliasRegister);
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d868841fb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_alias.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+typedef struct {
+ TCHAR *szAlias;
+ unsigned int argc;
+ TCHAR **argv;
+ TCHAR *szTranslation;
+#define ADDALIAS "alias"
+int isValidTokenChar(TCHAR tc);
+TCHAR *getArguments(TCHAR *string, TCHAR ***aargv, int *aargc);
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42b7a12462 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_external.h"
+#include "ac/ac.h"
+static int (WINAPI *acEval)(const char *, char *) = NULL;
+static int (WINAPI *acFormat)(const char *, char *) = NULL;
+static int (WINAPI *acInitClient)(const char *, int, int, int, int) = NULL;
+static void (WINAPI *acUninit)() = NULL;
+static unsigned int lastAMIPFailure = -1;
+static TCHAR *getFullWinampTitleText() {
+ TCHAR *szTitle, *szWinText;
+ HWND hwndWinamp;
+ hwndWinamp = FindWindow(_T("STUDIO"), NULL);
+ if (hwndWinamp == NULL)
+ hwndWinamp = FindWindow(_T("Winamp v1.x"),NULL);
+ if (hwndWinamp == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ szWinText = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((GetWindowTextLength(hwndWinamp) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szWinText == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (GetWindowText(hwndWinamp, szWinText, GetWindowTextLength(hwndWinamp)+1) == 0) {
+ mir_free(szWinText);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ szTitle = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((2*_tcslen(szWinText)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szTitle == NULL) {
+ mir_free(szWinText);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _tcscpy(szTitle, szWinText);
+ _tcscpy(szTitle+_tcslen(szTitle), szWinText);
+ mir_free(szWinText);
+ return szTitle;
+static TCHAR *parseWinampSong(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szTitle, *scur, *cur, *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = NULL;
+ szTitle = getFullWinampTitleText();
+ if (szTitle == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ scur = _tcschr(szTitle, _T('.'));
+ cur = _tcsstr(scur, _T(" - Winamp"));
+ if ((scur == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (scur >= cur) || (scur > (szTitle + _tcslen(szTitle) - 2)) || (cur > (szTitle + _tcslen(szTitle)))) {
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ scur++;
+ scur++;
+ *cur = '\0';
+ res = mir_tstrdup(scur);
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseWinampState(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szTitle, *scur, *cur, *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = NULL;
+ szTitle = getFullWinampTitleText();
+ if (szTitle == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ scur = _tcschr(szTitle, _T('.'));
+ cur = _tcsstr(scur, _T(" - Winamp"));
+ if ((scur == NULL) || (cur == NULL)) {
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Stopped"));
+ }
+ if ((!_tcsncmp(cur+10, _T("[Stopped]"), 9))) {
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Stopped"));
+ }
+ if ((!_tcsncmp(cur+10, _T("[Paused]"), 8))) {
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Paused"));
+ }
+ mir_free(szTitle);
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("Playing"));
+static unsigned int checkAMIP() {
+ if (lastAMIPFailure == 0) {
+ log_debugA("AMIP initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (GetTickCount() - lastAMIPFailure < AMIP_TIMEOUT) {
+ log_debugA("AMIP not initialized, not attempting");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acInitClient("", 60333, 1000, 5, 1)) {
+ lastAMIPFailure = 0;
+ log_debugA("AMIP now initialized");
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ log_debugA("AMIP failed to initialized");
+ if (lastAMIPFailure == 0) {
+ /* if this is the first failure after a succesful init, call uninit for a cleanup (maybe it'll help for the next try ;)) */
+ acUninit();
+ }
+ lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount();
+ return -1;
+static TCHAR *parseAMIPEval(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *tszRes;
+ char *cmd;
+ char szRes[AC_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ tszRes = NULL;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cmd = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (checkAMIP() != 0) {
+ log_debugA("checkAMIP failed");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&szRes, sizeof(szRes));
+ if (AC_ERR_NOERROR == acEval(cmd, szRes)) {
+ tszRes = mir_a2t(szRes);
+ }
+ else {
+ lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount();
+ }
+ mir_free(cmd);
+ return tszRes;
+static TCHAR *parseAMIPFormat(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *tszRes;
+ char *cmd;
+ char szRes[AC_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ tszRes = NULL;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cmd = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (checkAMIP() != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (AC_ERR_NOERROR == acFormat(cmd, szRes)) {
+ tszRes = mir_a2t(szRes);
+ }
+ else {
+ lastAMIPFailure = GetTickCount();
+ }
+ mir_free(cmd);
+ return tszRes;
+static int initAMIP() {
+ HMODULE hModule;
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA("ac.dll");
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ char path[MAX_PATH];
+ char *cur;
+ GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path));
+ cur = strrchr(path, '\\');
+ if (cur != NULL)
+ strcpy(cur+1, "ac.dll");
+ else
+ strcpy(cur, "ac.dll");
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA(path);
+ }
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ acInitClient = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,int ,int ,int ,int ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_init_client");
+ acEval = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_eval");
+ acFormat = (int (__stdcall *)(const char *,char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_format");
+ acUninit = (void (__stdcall *)())GetProcAddress(hModule, "ac_uninit");
+ return 0;
+int registerExternalTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(WINAMPSONG), parseWinampSong, TRF_FIELD, "External Applications\tretrieves song name of the song currently playing in Winamp");
+ registerIntToken(_T(WINAMPSTATE), parseWinampState, TRF_FIELD, "External Applications\tretrieves current Winamp state (Playing/Paused/Stopped)");
+ if (!initAMIP()) {
+ registerIntToken(_T(AMIPEVAL), parseAMIPEval, TRF_FUNCTION, "External Applications\t(x)\tretrieves info from AMIP (x is var_<variable> with any AMIP variable)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(AMIPFORMAT), parseAMIPFormat, TRF_FUNCTION|TRF_UNPARSEDARGS, "External Applications\t(x)\tretrieves info from AMIP (x is AMIP format string)");
+ }
+ else {
+ log_infoA("Variables: ac.dll for AMIP not found");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int deInitExternal() {
+ if (acUninit != NULL) {
+ acUninit();
+ }
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..201b1e26a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_external.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define WINAMPSONG "winampsong"
+#define WINAMPSTATE "winampstate"
+#define DEF_WINAMPTITLE "Winamp3"
+#define AMIPEVAL "amipvar"
+#define AMIPFORMAT "amipformat"
+#define AMIP_TIMEOUT 5000
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4eabed3ccc --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_inet.h"
+#include <wininet.h>
+static TCHAR *parseUrlEnc(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *tres;
+ char hex[8], *res;
+ unsigned int cur;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cur = 0;
+ while (cur < strlen(res)) {
+ if (( (*(res+cur) >= '0') && (*(res+cur) <= '9')) || ( (*(res+cur) >= 'a') && (*(res+cur) <= 'z')) || ( (*(res+cur) >= 'A') && (*(res+cur) <= 'Z')) ) {
+ cur++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ res = ( char* )mir_realloc(res, strlen(res)+4);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ MoveMemory(res+cur+3, res+cur+1, strlen(res+cur+1)+1);
+ _snprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%%%x", *(res+cur));
+ strncpy(res+cur, hex, strlen(hex));
+ cur+=strlen(hex);
+ }
+ tres = mir_a2t(res);
+ mir_free(res);
+ return tres;
+static TCHAR *parseUrlDec(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *res, hex[8];
+ TCHAR *tres;
+ unsigned int cur;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cur = 0;
+ while (cur < strlen(res)) {
+ if ((*(res+cur) == '%') && (strlen(res+cur) >= 3)) {
+ memset(hex, '\0', sizeof(hex));
+ strncpy(hex, res+cur+1, 2);
+ *(res+cur) = (char)strtol(hex, NULL, 16);
+ MoveMemory(res+cur+1, res+cur+3, strlen(res+cur+3)+1);
+ }
+ cur++;
+ }
+ res = ( char* )mir_realloc(res, strlen(res)+1);
+ tres = mir_a2t(res);
+ mir_free(res);
+ return tres;
+static TCHAR *parseNToA(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *res;
+ struct in_addr in;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ in.s_addr = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ res = inet_ntoa(in);
+ if (res != NULL) {
+ return mir_a2t(res);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *parseHToA(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *res;
+ struct in_addr in;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ in.s_addr = htonl(ttoi(ai->targv[1]));
+ res = inet_ntoa(in);
+ if (res != NULL) {
+ return mir_a2t(res);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int registerInetTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(URLENC), parseUrlEnc, TRF_FUNCTION, "Internet Related\t(x)\tconverts each non-html character into hex format");
+ registerIntToken(_T(URLDEC), parseUrlDec, TRF_FUNCTION, "Internet Related\t(x)\tconverts each hex value into non-html character");
+ registerIntToken(_T(NTOA), parseNToA, TRF_FUNCTION, "Internet Related\t(x)\tconverts a 32-bit number to IPv4 dotted notation");
+ registerIntToken(_T(HTOA), parseHToA, TRF_FUNCTION, "Internet Related\t(x)\tconverts a 32-bit number (in host byte order) to IPv4 dotted notation");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e9bf66e1b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_inet.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define URLENC "urlenc"
+#define URLDEC "urldec"
+#define NTOA "ntoa"
+#define HTOA "htoa"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b375faab14 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_logic.h"
+static TCHAR *parseAnd(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ for (i=1;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[i];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //if (fi.pCount <= 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount > 0) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+ }
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseFalse(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseIf(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.eCount = fi.pCount = 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //if (fi.pCount > 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount == 0) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[3]);
+ }
+static TCHAR *parseIf2(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.eCount = fi.pCount = 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ //if (fi.pCount > 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount == 0) {
+ return szCondition;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (szCondition != NULL) {
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[2]);
+ }
+static TCHAR *parseIf3(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ unsigned int i;
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ for (i=1;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ fi.eCount = fi.pCount = 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[i];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ //if (fi.pCount > 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount == 0) {
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ return szCondition;
+ }
+ if (szCondition != NULL) {
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *parseIfequal(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR *tszFirst, *tszSecond;
+ if (ai->argc != 5)
+ return NULL;
+ FORMATINFO fi = { 0 };
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[1];
+ tszFirst = formatString(&fi);
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[2];
+ tszSecond = formatString(&fi);
+ if ((tszFirst == NULL) || (tszSecond == NULL)) {
+ if (tszFirst != NULL)
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ if (tszSecond != NULL)
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((ttoi(tszFirst)) == (ttoi(tszSecond))) {
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[3]);
+ }
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[4]);
+static TCHAR *parseIfgreater(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *tszFirst, *tszSecond;
+ if (ai->argc != 5) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[1];
+ tszFirst = formatString(&fi);
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[2];
+ tszSecond = formatString(&fi);
+ if ((tszFirst == NULL) || (tszSecond == NULL)) {
+ if (tszFirst != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ }
+ if (tszSecond != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((ttoi(tszFirst)) > (ttoi(tszSecond))) {
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[3]);
+ }
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[4]);
+static TCHAR *parseIflonger(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *tszFirst, *tszSecond;
+ if (ai->argc != 5) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[1];
+ tszFirst = formatString(&fi);
+ fi.szFormat = ai->argv[2];
+ tszSecond = formatString(&fi);
+ if ((tszFirst == NULL) || (tszSecond == NULL)) {
+ if (tszFirst != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ }
+ if (tszSecond != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcslen(tszFirst) > _tcslen(tszSecond)) {
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[3]);
+ }
+ mir_free(tszFirst);
+ mir_free(tszSecond);
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[4]);
+ ?for(init, cond, incr, show)
+ */
+static TCHAR *parseFor(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *parsed, *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 5) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ CopyMemory(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.eCount = fi.pCount = 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ mir_free(formatString(&fi));
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ mir_free(formatString(&fi));
+ while (fi.eCount == 0) {
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[4];
+ parsed = formatString(&fi);
+ if (parsed != NULL) {
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc( _tcslen(parsed)+1 * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res)+_tcslen(parsed)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscat(res, parsed);
+ }
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[3];
+ mir_free(formatString(&fi));
+ fi.eCount = 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ mir_free(formatString(&fi));
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseEqual(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ttoi(ai->targv[1]) != ttoi( ai->targv[2] ))
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseGreater(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ttoi(ai->targv[1]) <= ttoi(ai->targv[2] ))
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseLonger(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) <= _tcslen(ai->targv[2]))
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseNot(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //if (fi.pCount > 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount == 0) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseOr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ if (ai->argc < 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ for(i=1;(i<ai->argc)&&(ai->flags&AIF_FALSE);i++) {
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[i];
+ fi.eCount = 0;
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //if (fi.pCount > 0) {
+ if (fi.eCount == 0) {
+ ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseTrue(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseXor(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int val1, val2;
+ TCHAR *szCondition;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&fi, sizeof(fi));
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ ai->flags = AIF_FALSE;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[0];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //val1 = fi.pCount > 0;
+ val1 = fi.eCount == 0;
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ szCondition = formatString(&fi);
+ mir_free(szCondition);
+ //val2 = fi.pCount > 0;
+ val2 = fi.eCount == 0;
+ ai->flags |= ((val1&AIF_FALSE)==!(val2&AIF_FALSE))?0:AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+int registerLogicTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(AND), parseAnd, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y, ...)\tperforms logical AND (x && y && ...)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STR_FALSE), parseFalse, TRF_FIELD, "Logical Expressions\tBoolean FALSE");
+ registerIntToken(_T(FOR), parseFor, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(w,x,y,z)\tperforms w, then shows z and performs y while x is TRUE");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IF), parseIf, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y,z)\tshows y if x is TRUE, otherwise it shows z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IF2), parseIf2, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y)\tshows x if x is TRUE, otherwise it shows y (if(x,x,y))");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IF3), parseIf3, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y, ...)\tthe first argument parsed successfully");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IFEQUAL), parseIfequal, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(w,x,y,z)\ty if w = x, else z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IFGREATER), parseIfgreater, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(w,x,y,z)\ty if w > x, else z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(IFLONGER), parseIflonger, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(w,x,y,z)\ty if string length of w > x, else z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(EQUAL), parseEqual, TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if x = y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(GREATER), parseGreater, TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if x > y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LONGER), parseLonger, TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if x is longer than y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(NOT), parseNot, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x)\tperforms logical NOT (!x)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(OR), parseOr, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y,...)\tperforms logical OR (x || y || ...)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STR_TRUE), parseTrue, TRF_FIELD, "Logical Expressions\tBoolean TRUE");
+ registerIntToken(_T(XOR), parseXor, TRF_UNPARSEDARGS|TRF_FUNCTION, "Logical Expressions\t(x,y)\tperforms logical XOR (x ^ y)");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..774a94b670 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_logic.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define AND "and"
+#define STR_FALSE "false"
+#define FOR "for"
+#define EQUAL "equal"
+#define GREATER "greater"
+#define IF "if"
+#define IF2 "if2"
+#define IF3 "if3"
+#define IFEQUAL "ifequal"
+#define IFGREATER "ifgreater"
+#define IFLONGER "iflonger"
+#define LONGER "longer"
+#define NOT "not"
+#define OR "or"
+#define STR_TRUE "true"
+#define XOR "xor"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c214898b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_math.h"
+static TCHAR *parseAdd(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ int result;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = 0;
+ for (i=1;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ result += ttoi(ai->targv[i]);
+ }
+ return itot(result);
+static TCHAR *parseDiv(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int val1, val2;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ val1 = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ val2 = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (val2 == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return itot(val1/val2);
+static TCHAR *parseHex(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int val;
+ unsigned int i, zeros;
+ int padding;
+ TCHAR *res, szVal[34];
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ val = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ mir_sntprintf(szVal, SIZEOF(szVal), _T("%x"), val);
+ zeros = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(szVal), 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((zeros + _tcslen(szVal) + 3)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (zeros + _tcslen(szVal) + 3)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(res, _T("0x"));
+ for (i=0;i<zeros;i++)
+ *(res+2+i) = _T('0');
+ _tcscat(res, szVal);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseMod(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int val1, val2;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ val1 = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ val2 = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (val2 == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return itot(val1%val2);
+static TCHAR *parseMul(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ int result;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ result *= ttoi(ai->targv[i]);
+ }
+ return itot(result);
+static TCHAR *parseMuldiv(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ttoi(ai->targv[3]) == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return itot((ttoi(ai->targv[1])*ttoi(ai->targv[2]))/ttoi(ai->targv[3]));
+static TCHAR *parseMin(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ int minVal;
+ if (ai->argc < 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ minVal = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ minVal = min(ttoi(ai->targv[i]), minVal);
+ }
+ return itot(minVal);
+static TCHAR *parseMax(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ int maxVal;
+ if (ai->argc < 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ maxVal = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ maxVal = max(ttoi(ai->targv[i]), maxVal);
+ }
+ return itot(maxVal);
+static TCHAR *parseNum(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int val;
+ unsigned int zeros, i;
+ int padding;
+ TCHAR *res, *szVal, *cur;
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ val = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ szVal = itot(val);
+ if (szVal == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ zeros = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(szVal), 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((zeros + _tcslen(szVal) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (zeros + _tcslen(szVal) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur = res;
+ for (i=0;i<zeros;i++)
+ *cur++ = _T('0');
+ _tcscat(res, szVal);
+ mir_free(szVal);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseRand(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ return itot(rand());
+static TCHAR *parseSub(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ int result;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ result -= ttoi(ai->targv[i]);
+ }
+ return itot(result);
+int registerMathTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(ADD), parseAdd, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y ,...)\tx + y + ...");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DIV), parseDiv, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y)\tx divided by y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(HEX), parseHex, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y)\tconverts decimal value x to hex value and padds to length y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MOD), parseMod, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y)\tx modulo y (remainder of x divided by y)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MUL), parseMul, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y)\tx times y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MULDIV), parseMuldiv, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y,z)\tx times y divided by z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MIN), parseMin, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y,...)\tminimum value of (decimal) arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MAX), parseMax, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y,...)\tmaximum value of (decimal) arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(NUM), parseNum, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y)\tpads decimal value x to length y with zeros");
+ registerIntToken(_T(RAND), parseRand, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t()\trandom number");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SUB), parseSub, TRF_FUNCTION, "Mathematical Functions\t(x,y,...)\tx - y - ...");
+ srand((unsigned int)GetTickCount());
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f185749399 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_math.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define ADD "add"
+#define DIV "div"
+#define HEX "hex"
+#define MOD "mod"
+#define MUL "mul"
+#define MULDIV "muldiv"
+#define MIN "min"
+#define MAX "max"
+#define NUM "num"
+#define RAND "rand"
+#define SUB "sub"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8831e7a192 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_metacontacts.h"
+#include "contact.h"
+#include "m_metacontacts.h"
+static TCHAR *parseGetParent(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ (CI_TCHAR == 0 ? CI_UNICODE : 0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR* res = NULL;
+ TCHAR* szUniqueID = NULL;
+ char* szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ szUniqueID = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (szUniqueID == NULL)
+ {
+ szUniqueID = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(32);
+ _stprintf(szUniqueID, _T("%p"), hContact);
+ if (szProto == NULL || szUniqueID == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((strlen(szProto) + _tcslen(szUniqueID) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR* tszProto;
+ tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (tszProto != NULL && szUniqueID != NULL) {
+ wsprintf(res, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseGetDefault(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ (CI_TCHAR == 0 ? CI_UNICODE : 0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_MC_GETDEFAULTCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR* res = NULL;
+ TCHAR* szUniqueID = NULL;
+ char* szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ szUniqueID = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (szUniqueID == NULL) {
+ szUniqueID = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(32);
+ _stprintf(szUniqueID, _T("%p"), hContact);
+ if (szProto == NULL || szUniqueID == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((strlen(szProto) + _tcslen(szUniqueID) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR* tszProto;
+ tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (tszProto != NULL && szUniqueID != NULL) {
+ wsprintf(res, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseGetMostOnline(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ (CI_TCHAR == 0 ? CI_UNICODE : 0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free( ci.hContacts );
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free( ci.hContacts );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_MC_GETMOSTONLINECONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR* res = NULL;
+ TCHAR* szUniqueID = NULL;
+ char* szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ szUniqueID = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact);
+ if (szUniqueID == NULL) {
+ szUniqueID = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(32);
+ _stprintf(szUniqueID, _T("%p"), hContact);
+ if (szProto == NULL || szUniqueID == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((strlen(szProto) + _tcslen(szUniqueID) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR* tszProto;
+ tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (tszProto != NULL && szUniqueID != NULL) {
+ wsprintf(res, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ }
+ return res;
+int registerMetaContactsTokens()
+ if (ServiceExists( MS_MC_GETPROTOCOLNAME )) {
+ registerIntToken( _T(MC_GETPARENT), parseGetParent, TRF_FUNCTION, "MetaContacts\t(x)\tget parent metacontact of contact x");
+ registerIntToken( _T(MC_GETDEFAULT), parseGetDefault, TRF_FUNCTION, "MetaContacts\t(x)\tget default subcontact x");
+ registerIntToken( _T(MC_GETMOSTONLINE), parseGetMostOnline, TRF_FUNCTION, "MetaContacts\t(x)\tget the 'most online' subcontact x");
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8015d40413 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_metacontacts.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define MC_GETPARENT "mc_getparent"
+#define MC_GETDEFAULT "mc_getdefault"
+#define MC_GETMOSTONLINE "mc_getmostonline"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..926f7fb67b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,829 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_miranda.h"
+#include "contact.h"
+static TCHAR *parseCodeToStatus(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ unsigned int status = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (szStatus != NULL)
+ return mir_tstrdup(szStatus);
+ return NULL;
+static int getContactInfoFlags(TCHAR *tszDesc)
+ TCHAR *cur;
+ int flags = 0;
+ for (cur=tszDesc;(cur < (tszDesc+_tcslen(tszDesc)));cur++) {
+ if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_PROTOID), _tcslen(_T(STR_PROTOID)))) {
+ flags|=CI_PROTOID;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_PROTOID)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_NICK), _tcslen(_T(STR_NICK)))) {
+ flags|=CI_NICK;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_NICK)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_FIRSTNAME), _tcslen(_T(STR_FIRSTNAME)))) {
+ flags|=CI_FIRSTNAME;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_FIRSTNAME)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_LASTNAME), _tcslen(_T(STR_LASTNAME)))) {
+ flags|=CI_LASTNAME;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_LASTNAME)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_DISPLAY), _tcslen(_T(STR_DISPLAY)))) {
+ flags|=CI_LISTNAME;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_DISPLAY)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_EMAIL), _tcslen(_T(STR_EMAIL)))) {
+ flags|=CI_EMAIL;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_EMAIL)) - 1;
+ }
+ else if (!_tcsnicmp(cur, _T(STR_UNIQUEID), _tcslen(_T(STR_UNIQUEID)))) {
+ flags|=CI_UNIQUEID;
+ cur += _tcslen(_T(STR_UNIQUEID)) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags == 0) {
+ flags = getContactInfoType(tszDesc);
+ if (flags != 0)
+ flags |= CI_CNFINFO;
+ }
+ flags |= CI_TCHAR;
+ return flags;
+static TCHAR *parseContact(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc < 3 || ai->argc > 4 )
+ return NULL;
+ int n = 0;
+ if (ai->argc == 4 && *ai->targv[3] != _T('r'))
+ n = ttoi(ai->targv[3]) - 1;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = getContactInfoFlags(ai->targv[2]);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 0 || ci.hContacts == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ai->argc == 4 && *ai->targv[3] == _T('r'))
+ n = rand() % count;
+ if (count != 1 && ai->argc != 4 ) {
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ HANDLE hContact = ci.hContacts[n];
+ log_debugA("contact: %x", hContact);
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return encodeContactToString(hContact);
+static TCHAR *parseContactCount(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = getContactInfoFlags(ai->targv[2]);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count != 0 && ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return itot(count);
+static TCHAR *parseContactInfo(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ (CI_TCHAR == 0 ? CI_UNICODE : 0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ BYTE type = getContactInfoType(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (type == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return getContactInfoT(type, hContact);
+static TCHAR *parseDBProfileName(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ if (CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMET, SIZEOF(name), (LPARAM)name))
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(name);
+static TCHAR *parseDBProfilePath(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ if (CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATHT, SIZEOF(path), (LPARAM)path))
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(path);
+static TCHAR* getDBSetting(HANDLE hContact, char* module, char* setting, TCHAR* defaultValue)
+ if (DBGetContactSettingW(hContact, module, setting, &dbv))
+ return defaultValue;
+ TCHAR* var = NULL;
+ switch (dbv.type) {
+ case DBVT_BYTE:
+ var = itot(dbv.bVal);
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WORD:
+ var = itot(dbv.wVal);
+ break;
+ case DBVT_DWORD:
+ var = itot(dbv.dVal);
+ break;
+ var = mir_a2t(dbv.pszVal);
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WCHAR:
+ var = mir_wstrdup(dbv.pwszVal);
+ break;
+ case DBVT_UTF8:
+ Utf8Decode(dbv.pszVal, &var);
+ break;
+ }
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ return var;
+static TCHAR *parseDBSetting(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc < 4)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = NULL, *szDefaultValue = NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) > 0) {
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF^(CI_TCHAR==0?CI_UNICODE:0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ char *szModule = mir_t2a(ai->targv[2]);
+ char *szSetting = mir_t2a(ai->targv[3]);
+ if (ai->argc > 4 && _tcslen(ai->targv[4]) > 0)
+ szDefaultValue = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[4]);
+ if (szModule != NULL && szSetting != NULL) {
+ res = getDBSetting(hContact, szModule, szSetting, szDefaultValue);
+ mir_free(szModule);
+ mir_free(szSetting);
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseLastSeenDate(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc <= 1)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF^(CI_TCHAR==0?CI_UNICODE:0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR *szFormat;
+ if (ai->argc == 2 || (ai->argc > 2 && _tcslen(ai->targv[2]) == 0))
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ else
+ szFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ SYSTEMTIME lsTime = { 0 };
+ char *szModule = CEX_MODULE;
+ lsTime.wYear = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0);
+ if (lsTime.wYear == 0)
+ szModule = SEEN_MODULE;
+ lsTime.wYear = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0);
+ if (lsTime.wYear == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ lsTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ lsTime.wSecond = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Seconds", 0);
+ lsTime.wMinute = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Minutes", 0);
+ lsTime.wHour = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Hours", 0);
+ lsTime.wDay = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Day", 0);
+ lsTime.wDayOfWeek = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "WeekDay", 0);
+ lsTime.wMonth = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Month", 0);
+ int len = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseLastSeenTime(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc <= 1)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF^(CI_TCHAR==0?CI_UNICODE:0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR *szFormat;
+ if (ai->argc == 2 || (ai->argc > 2 && _tcslen(ai->targv[2]) == 0))
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ else
+ szFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ SYSTEMTIME lsTime = { 0 };
+ char *szModule = CEX_MODULE;
+ lsTime.wYear = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0);
+ if (lsTime.wYear == 0)
+ szModule = SEEN_MODULE;
+ lsTime.wYear = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0);
+ if (lsTime.wYear == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ lsTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ lsTime.wSecond = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Seconds", 0);
+ lsTime.wMinute = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Minutes", 0);
+ lsTime.wHour = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Hours", 0);
+ lsTime.wDay = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Day", 0);
+ lsTime.wDayOfWeek = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "WeekDay", 0);
+ lsTime.wMonth = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Month", 0);
+ lsTime.wYear = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0);
+ int len = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseLastSeenStatus(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF^(CI_TCHAR==0?CI_UNICODE:0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if ((count == 1) && (ci.hContacts != NULL)) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char *szModule = CEX_MODULE;
+ int status = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Status", 0);
+ if (status == 0)
+ szModule = SEEN_MODULE;
+ status = DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, szModule, "Status", 0);
+ if (status == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (szStatus != NULL)
+ return mir_tstrdup(szStatus);
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *parseMirandaPath(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, SIZEOF(path)) == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(path);
+static TCHAR *parseMyStatus(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc > 2)
+ return NULL;
+ int status;
+ if (ai->argc == 1 || _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) == 0 )
+ status = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0);
+ else
+ status = CallProtoService( _T2A(ai->targv[1]), PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0);
+ if (szStatus != NULL)
+ return mir_tstrdup(szStatus);
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *parseProtoInfo(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ char *szRes = NULL;
+ TCHAR *tszRes = NULL;
+ char *szProto = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (!_tcscmp(ai->targv[2], _T(STR_PINAME)))
+ tszRes = Hlp_GetProtocolName(szProto);
+ else if (!_tcscmp(ai->targv[2], _T(STR_PIUIDTEXT))) {
+ if (!ProtoServiceExists(szProto, PS_GETCAPS))
+ return NULL;
+ char *szText = (char *)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, (WPARAM)PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT, 0);
+ if (szText != NULL)
+ szRes = _strdup(szText);
+ }
+ else if (!_tcscmp(ai->targv[2], _T(STR_PIUIDSETTING))) {
+ if (!ProtoServiceExists(szProto, PS_GETCAPS))
+ return NULL;
+ char *szText = (char *)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, (WPARAM)PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING, 0);
+ if (szText != NULL)
+ szRes = _strdup(szText);
+ }
+ mir_free(szProto);
+ if (szRes == NULL && tszRes == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (szRes != NULL && tszRes == NULL) {
+ tszRes = mir_a2t(szRes);
+ mir_free(szRes);
+ }
+ else if (szRes != NULL && tszRes != NULL)
+ mir_free(szRes);
+ return tszRes;
+static TCHAR *parseSpecialContact(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1 || ai->fi->hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ TCHAR *res = NULL;
+ TCHAR *szUniqueID = NULL;
+ char *szProto = (char *)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)ai->fi->hContact, 0);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ szUniqueID = getContactInfoT(CNF_UNIQUEID, ai->fi->hContact);
+ if (szUniqueID == NULL) {
+ szUniqueID = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(32);
+ _stprintf(szUniqueID, _T("%p"), ai->fi->hContact);
+ if (szProto == NULL || szUniqueID == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((strlen(szProto) + _tcslen(szUniqueID) + 4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR *tszProto = mir_a2t(szProto);
+ if (tszProto != NULL && szUniqueID != NULL) {
+ wsprintf(res, _T("<%s:%s>"), tszProto, szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(szUniqueID);
+ mir_free(tszProto);
+ }
+ return res;
+static BOOL isValidDbEvent(DBEVENTINFO *dbe, int flags)
+ BOOL bEventType, bEventFlags;
+ bEventType = ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) && (flags&DBE_MESSAGE)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_URL) && (flags&DBE_URL)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS) && (flags&DBE_CONTACTS)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_ADDED) && (flags&DBE_ADDED)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) && (flags&DBE_AUTHREQUEST)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_FILE) && (flags&DBE_FILE)) ||
+ ((dbe->eventType == EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE) && (flags&DBE_STATUSCHANGE)) ||
+ ((flags&DBE_OTHER));
+ bEventFlags = (dbe->flags&DBEF_SENT)?(flags&DBE_SENT):(flags&DBE_RCVD);
+ bEventFlags = (bEventFlags && ((dbe->flags&DBEF_READ)?(flags&DBE_READ):(flags&DBE_UNREAD)));
+ return (bEventType && bEventFlags);
+static HANDLE findDbEvent(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent, int flags)
+ BOOL bEventOk;
+ do {
+ ZeroMemory(&dbe, sizeof(DBEVENTINFO));
+ dbe.cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO);
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ dbe.pBlob = NULL;
+ if (hContact != NULL) {
+ if ((flags & DBE_FIRST) && (flags & DBE_UNREAD)) {
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRSTUNREAD, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ if (hDbEvent == NULL && (flags & DBE_READ))
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ }
+ else if (flags & DBE_FIRST)
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ else if (flags & DBE_LAST)
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ else if (flags & DBE_NEXT)
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, 0);
+ else if (flags & DBE_PREV)
+ hDbEvent = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ HANDLE hMatchEvent, hSearchEvent, hSearchContact;
+ DWORD matchTimestamp, priorTimestamp;
+ hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent = hSearchContact = NULL;
+ matchTimestamp = priorTimestamp = 0;
+ if (flags & DBE_FIRST) {
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ do {
+ hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, NULL, flags);
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hSearchEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ if ((dbe.timestamp < matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) {
+ hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent;
+ matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hSearchContact, 0);
+ } while (hSearchContact);
+ hDbEvent = hMatchEvent;
+ }
+ else if (flags&DBE_LAST) {
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ do {
+ hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, NULL, flags);
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hSearchEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ if ((dbe.timestamp > matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) {
+ hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent;
+ matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hSearchContact, 0);
+ } while (hSearchContact);
+ hDbEvent = hMatchEvent;
+ }
+ else if (flags&DBE_NEXT) {
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ priorTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ do {
+ hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, hDbEvent, flags);
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hSearchEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ if (((dbe.timestamp < matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) && (dbe.timestamp > priorTimestamp)) {
+ hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent;
+ matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hSearchContact, 0);
+ } while (hSearchContact);
+ hDbEvent = hMatchEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags&DBE_PREV) {
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ priorTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
+ do {
+ hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, hDbEvent, flags);
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (!CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hSearchEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ if (((dbe.timestamp > matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) && (dbe.timestamp < priorTimestamp)) {
+ hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent;
+ matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ hSearchContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hSearchContact, 0);
+ } while (hSearchContact);
+ hDbEvent = hMatchEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbe.cbBlob = 0;
+ if (CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe))
+ bEventOk = FALSE;
+ else
+ bEventOk = isValidDbEvent(&dbe, flags);
+ if (!bEventOk) {
+ if (flags&DBE_FIRST) {
+ flags |= DBE_NEXT;
+ flags &= ~DBE_FIRST;
+ }
+ else if (flags&DBE_LAST) {
+ flags |= DBE_PREV;
+ flags &= ~DBE_LAST;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ( (!bEventOk) && (hDbEvent != NULL));
+ return hDbEvent;
+// ?message(%subject%,last|first,sent|recv,read|unread)
+static TCHAR *parseDbEvent(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 5)
+ return NULL;
+ int flags = DBE_MESSAGE;
+ switch (*ai->targv[2]) {
+ case _T('f'):
+ flags |= DBE_FIRST;
+ break;
+ default:
+ flags |= DBE_LAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (*ai->targv[3]) {
+ case _T('s'):
+ flags |= DBE_SENT;
+ break;
+ case _T('r'):
+ flags |= DBE_RCVD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ flags |= DBE_RCVD|DBE_SENT;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (*ai->targv[4]) {
+ case _T('r'):
+ flags |= DBE_READ;
+ break;
+ case _T('u'):
+ flags |= DBE_UNREAD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL;
+ CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 };
+ ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
+ ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1];
+ ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF^(CI_TCHAR==0?CI_UNICODE:0);
+ int count = getContactFromString( &ci );
+ if ((count == 1) && (ci.hContacts != NULL)) {
+ hContact = ci.hContacts[0];
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ }
+ else if (ci.hContacts != NULL)
+ mir_free(ci.hContacts);
+ HANDLE hDbEvent = findDbEvent(hContact, NULL, flags);
+ if (hDbEvent == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ DBEVENTINFO dbe = { 0 };
+ dbe.cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO);
+ dbe.cbBlob = CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, 0);
+ dbe.pBlob = (PBYTE)mir_calloc(dbe.cbBlob);
+ if (CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbe)) {
+ mir_free(dbe.pBlob);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR *res = DbGetEventTextT(&dbe, CP_ACP);
+ mir_free(dbe.pBlob);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseTranslate(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR* res = TranslateTS(ai->targv[1]);
+ return (res == NULL) ? NULL : mir_tstrdup(res);
+static TCHAR *parseVersionString(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ char versionString[128];
+ if (CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(versionString), (LPARAM)versionString))
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_a2t(versionString);
+static TCHAR *parseContactNameString(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1 || ai->fi->hContact == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ if (ret == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(ret);
+static TCHAR *parseMirDateString(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ TCHAR ret[128];
+ tst.szFormat = _T("d s");
+ tst.szDest = ret;
+ tst.cbDest = 128;
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup(ret);
+static TCHAR *parseMirandaCoreVar(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ TCHAR corevar[MAX_PATH];
+ mir_sntprintf(corevar, MAX_PATH,_T("%%%s%%"), ai->targv[0]);
+ return Utils_ReplaceVarsT(corevar);
+static TCHAR *parseMirSrvExists(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2 )
+ return NULL;
+ if (!ServiceExists( _T2A( ai->targv[1] )))
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+int registerMirandaTokens() {
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS)) {
+ // global vars
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_path"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\tpath to root miranda folder");
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_profile"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\tpath to current miranda profile");
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_profilename"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\tname of current miranda profile (filename, without extension)");
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_userdata"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\twill return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%");
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_avatarcache"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\twill return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%\\AvatarCache");
+ registerIntToken(_T("miranda_logpath"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core Global\twill return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%\\Logs");
+ // OS vars
+ registerIntToken(_T("appdata"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core OS\tsame as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user");
+ registerIntToken(_T("username"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core OS\tusername for currently logged-on Windows user");
+ registerIntToken(_T("mydocuments"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core OS\t\"My Documents\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user");
+ registerIntToken(_T("desktop"), parseMirandaCoreVar , TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Core OS\t\"Desktop\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user");
+ }
+ registerIntToken(_T(CODETOSTATUS), parseCodeToStatus, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x)\ttranslates status code x into a status description");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CONTACT), parseContact, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y,z)\tzth contact with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick) (z is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CONTACTCOUNT), parseContactCount, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y)\tnumber of contacts with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CONTACTINFO), parseContactInfo, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y)\tinfo property y of contact x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DBPROFILENAME), parseDBProfileName, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tdb profile name");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DBPROFILEPATH), parseDBProfilePath, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tdb profile path");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DBSETTING), parseDBSetting, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y,z,w)\tdb setting z of module y of contact x and return w if z isn't exist (w is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DBEVENT), parseDbEvent, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y,z,w)\tget event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LSTIME), parseLastSeenTime, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y)\tget last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LSDATE), parseLastSeenDate, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y)\tget last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LSSTATUS), parseLastSeenStatus, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x)\tget last seen status of contact x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MIRANDAPATH), parseMirandaPath, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tpath to the Miranda-IM executable");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MYSTATUS), parseMyStatus, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x)\tcurrent status description of protocol x (without x, the global status is retrieved)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PROTOINFO), parseProtoInfo, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x,y)\tinfo property y of protocol id x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SUBJECT), parseSpecialContact, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tretrieves the subject, depending on situation");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TRANSLATE), parseTranslate, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x)\ttranslates x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(VERSIONSTRING), parseVersionString, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tget the version of Miranda");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CONTACT_NAME), parseContactNameString, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tget the contact display name");
+ registerIntToken(_T(MIR_DATE), parseMirDateString, TRF_FIELD, "Miranda Related\tget the date and time (using Miranda format)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SRVEXISTS), parseMirSrvExists, TRF_FUNCTION, "Miranda Related\t(x)\tTRUE if service function is exists");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d429d67bb --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_miranda.h @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define VERSIONSTRING "mirandaversion"
+#define CODETOSTATUS "code2status"
+#define CONTACT "contact"
+#define CONTACTCOUNT "ccount"
+#define CONTACTINFO "cinfo"
+#define DBPROFILENAME "dbprofile"
+#define DBPROFILEPATH "dbprofilepath"
+#define DBSETTING "dbsetting"
+#define LSDATE "lsdate"
+#define LSTIME "lstime"
+#define LSSTATUS "lsstatus"
+//#define SUBJECT "subject" // defined in variables.h
+#define MIRANDAPATH "mirandapath"
+#define MYSTATUS "mstatus"
+#define DBEVENT "message" // may be extended later
+//#define PROTONAME "protoname" // depreciated
+#define PROTOINFO "pinfo"
+#define TRANSLATE "translate"
+#define CONTACT_NAME "contactname"
+#define MIR_DATE "date"
+#define SRVEXISTS "srvexists"
+#define STR_PINAME "name"
+#define STR_PIUIDTEXT "uidtext"
+#define STR_PIUIDSETTING "uidsetting"
+#define CEX_MODULE "ContactsEx"
+#define SEEN_MODULE "SeenModule"
+#define STR_PROTOID "protoid"
+#define STR_FIRST "first"
+#define STR_LAST "last"
+#define STR_SENT "sent"
+#define STR_RCVD "recv"
+#define STR_READ "read"
+#define STR_UNREAD "unread"
+/* dbevent flags */
+/* these flags must contain:
+#define DBE_FIRST 0x00000001 // first event (conforming the rest of the flags)
+#define DBE_LAST 0x00000002 // last event (conforming the rest of the flags)
+#define DBE_NEXT 0x00000004 // next event (conforming the rest of the flags), hDbEvent must be set
+#define DBE_PREV 0x00000008 // prev event (conforming the rest of the flags), hDbEvent must be set
+#define DBE_SENT 0x00000010 // event was sent
+#define DBE_RCVD 0x00000020 // event was received
+#define DBE_READ 0x00000040 // event is read
+#define DBE_UNREAD 0x00000080 // event is not read
+/* type */
+#define DBE_MESSAGE 0x00000100 // event is a message, etc (pBlob = message)
+#define DBE_URL 0x00000200 // pBlob = message
+#define DBE_CONTACTS 0x00000400 // pBlob = 'some format', no string
+#define DBE_ADDED 0x00000800 // pBlob = 'some format', no string
+#define DBE_AUTHREQUEST 0x00001000 // pBlob = message
+#define DBE_FILE 0x00002000 // pBlob = DWORD + file + description
+#define DBE_STATUSCHANGE 0x00004000 // pBlob = description
+#define DBE_OTHER 0x00008000
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4460e41ca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_regexp.h"
+#define PCRE_STATIC
+#include "pcre.h"
+ pattern, subject
+static TCHAR *parseRegExpCheck(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ const char *err;
+ int erroffset, nmat;
+ pcre_extra *extra;
+ pcre *ppat;
+ char szVal[34], *arg1, *arg2;
+ int offsets[99];
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ai->flags = AIF_FALSE;
+ arg1 = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ arg2 = mir_t2a(ai->targv[2]);
+ ppat = pcre_compile(arg1, 0, &err, &erroffset, NULL);
+ if (ppat == NULL) {
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ extra = pcre_study(ppat, 0, &err);
+ nmat = pcre_exec(ppat, extra, arg2, strlen(arg2), 0, 0, offsets, 99);
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ if (nmat > 0) {
+ ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE;
+ _ltoa(nmat, szVal, 10);
+ res = mir_a2t(szVal);
+ return res;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("0"));
+ pattern, subject, substring no (== PCRE string no (starting at 0))
+static TCHAR *parseRegExpSubstr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ const char *err, *substring;
+ char *res, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
+ int erroffset, nmat, number;
+ pcre_extra *extra;
+ pcre *ppat;
+ int offsets[99];
+ TCHAR *tres;
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ arg1 = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ arg2 = mir_t2a(ai->targv[2]);
+ arg3 = mir_t2a(ai->targv[3]);
+ number = atoi(arg3);
+ if (number < 0) {
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ mir_free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ai->flags = AIF_FALSE;
+ ppat = pcre_compile(arg1, 0, &err, &erroffset, NULL);
+ if (ppat == NULL) {
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ mir_free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ extra = pcre_study(ppat, 0, &err);
+ nmat = pcre_exec(ppat, extra, arg2, strlen(arg2), 0, 0, offsets, 99);
+ if (nmat >= 0) {
+ ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (pcre_get_substring(arg2, offsets, nmat, number, &substring) < 0) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = mir_strdup(substring);
+ pcre_free_substring(substring);
+ tres = mir_a2t(res);
+ mir_free(res);
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ mir_free(arg3);
+ return tres;
+ }
+ mir_free(arg1);
+ mir_free(arg2);
+ mir_free(arg3);
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+int registerRegExpTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPCHECK), parseRegExpCheck, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y)\t(ANSI input only) the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(REGEXPSUBSTR), parseRegExpSubstr, TRF_FUNCTION, "Regular Expressions\t(x,y,z)\t(ANSI input only) substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x");
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00d38cab59 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_regexp.h @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define REGEXPCHECK "regexp_check"
+#define REGEXPSUBSTR "regexp_substr"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..112b064d1f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,887 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_str.h"
+static TCHAR *parseCaps(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ TCHAR *cur = res;
+ CharLower(res);
+ *cur = (TCHAR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)*cur);
+ cur++;
+ while (*cur != _T('\0')) {
+ if ((*cur == _T(' ')) && (*(cur+1) != _T('\0'))) {
+ cur++;
+ if (IsCharLower(*cur))
+ *cur = (TCHAR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)*cur);
+ }
+ else {
+ cur++;
+ if (IsCharUpper(*cur))
+ *cur = (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)*cur);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseCaps2(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ TCHAR *cur = res;
+ *cur = (TCHAR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)*cur);
+ cur++;
+ while (*cur != _T('\0')) {
+ if ((*cur == _T(' ')) && (*(cur+1) != _T('\0'))) {
+ cur++;
+ if (IsCharLower(*cur))
+ *cur = (TCHAR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)*cur);
+ }
+ else cur++;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseCrlf(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("\r\n"));
+static TCHAR *parseEolToCrlf(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ TCHAR *cur = res;
+ do {
+ cur = _tcschr(cur, _T('\n'));
+ if ((cur == NULL) || ((cur > res) && (*(cur-1) == '\r')))
+ continue;
+ log_debug(cur);
+ int loc = cur - res;
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res)+2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur = res + loc;
+ MoveMemory(cur+2, cur+1, (_tcslen(cur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ CopyMemory(cur, _T("\r\n"), 2*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur += 2;
+ }
+ while (cur != NULL);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseFixeol(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR *szReplacement;
+ if (ai->argc == 2)
+ szReplacement = _T("(...)");
+ else if (ai->argc == 3)
+ szReplacement = ai->targv[2];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *cur = ai->targv[1];
+ while ( (_tcscmp(cur, _T("\r\n"))) && (*cur != _T('\n')) && (*cur != _T('\0')))
+ cur++;
+ if (*cur == '\0')
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ cur--;
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((cur-ai->targv[1] + _tcslen(szReplacement) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return res;
+ ZeroMemory(res, ((cur - ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1], cur-ai->targv[1]);
+ _tcscat(res, szReplacement);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseFixeol2(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR *szReplacement;
+ switch( ai->argc ) {
+ case 2: szReplacement = _T(" "); break;
+ case 3: szReplacement = ai->targv[2]; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (unsigned int pos=0; pos < _tcslen(res); pos++ ) {
+ TCHAR *cur = res+pos;
+ TCHAR *szEol = NULL;
+ if (!_tcsncmp(cur, _T("\r\n"), _tcslen(_T("\r\n"))))
+ szEol = _T("\r\n");
+ if (*cur == _T('\n'))
+ szEol = _T("\n");
+ if (szEol != NULL) {
+ if ( _tcslen(szReplacement) > _tcslen(szEol)) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res) + _tcslen(szReplacement) - _tcslen(szEol) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur = res+pos;
+ }
+ MoveMemory(cur+_tcslen(szReplacement), cur+_tcslen(szEol), (_tcslen(cur+_tcslen(szEol))+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ CopyMemory(cur, szReplacement, _tcslen(szReplacement)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos += _tcslen(szReplacement) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+static TCHAR *parseInsert(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 4)
+ return NULL;
+ unsigned int pos = ttoi(ai->targv[3]);
+ if (pos > _tcslen(ai->targv[1]))
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + _tcslen(ai->targv[2]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (_tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + _tcslen(ai->targv[2]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1], pos);
+ _tcscpy(res + pos, ai->targv[2]);
+ _tcscpy(res+pos+_tcslen(ai->targv[2]), ai->targv[1]+pos);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseLeft(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ int len = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (len < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ len = min(len, (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]));
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1], len);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseLen(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ return itot( _tcslen( ai->targv[1] ));
+static TCHAR *parseLineCount(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ int count = 1;
+ TCHAR *cur = ai->targv[1];
+ while (cur < (ai->targv[1] + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]))) {
+ if (!_tcsncmp(cur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) {
+ count += 1;
+ cur++;
+ }
+ else if (*cur == _T('\n'))
+ count++;
+ cur++;
+ }
+ return itot(count);
+static TCHAR *parseLower(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return CharLower(res);
+static TCHAR *parseLongest(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc < 2)
+ return NULL;
+ unsigned int iLong = 1;
+ for (unsigned int i=2; i < ai->argc; i++)
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[i]) > _tcslen(ai->targv[iLong]))
+ iLong = i;
+ return mir_tstrdup( ai->targv[iLong] );
+static TCHAR *parseNoOp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ return mir_tstrdup( ai->targv[1] );
+static TCHAR *parsePad(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR padchar;
+ switch( ai->argc ) {
+ case 3: padchar = _T(' '); break;
+ case 4: padchar = *ai->targv[3]; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ int padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (padding < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ unsigned int addcount = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]), 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((addcount + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (addcount + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ TCHAR *cur = res;
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i < addcount; i++ )
+ *cur++ = padchar;
+ _tcscat(res, ai->targv[1]);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parsePadright(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR padchar;
+ switch (ai->argc ) {
+ case 3: padchar = _T(' '); break;
+ case 4: padchar = *ai->targv[3]; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ int padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (padding < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ unsigned int addcount = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]), 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((addcount + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (addcount + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(res, ai->targv[1]);
+ TCHAR *cur = res + _tcslen(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < addcount; i++)
+ *cur++ = padchar;
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parsePadcut(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR padchar;
+ switch( ai->argc ) {
+ case 3: padchar = _T(' '); break;
+ case 4: padchar = *ai->targv[3]; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ int padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (padding < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ int addcount = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]), 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((padding + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (padding + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ TCHAR *cur = res;
+ for (int i=0; i < addcount; i++)
+ *cur++ = padchar;
+ if (padding > addcount)
+ _tcsncpy(res+addcount, ai->targv[1], padding-addcount);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parsePadcutright(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR padchar;
+ switch( ai->argc ) {
+ case 3: padchar = _T(' '); break;
+ case 4: padchar = *ai->targv[3]; break;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+ int padding = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (padding < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ int addcount = max(padding - (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]), 0);
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((padding + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (padding + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ TCHAR *cur = res + padding - addcount;
+ for (int i=0; i < addcount; i++ )
+ *cur++ = padchar;
+ if (padding > addcount )
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1], padding-addcount);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseRepeat(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ TCHAR *res;
+ unsigned int i, count;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ count = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (count < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((count * _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, (count * _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
+ _tcscat(res, ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseReplace(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *res, *cur;
+ unsigned int i, pos;
+ if ((ai->argc < 4) || (ai->argc%2 != 0)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pos = 0;
+ res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i+=2) {
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[i]) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (pos=0;pos<_tcslen(res);pos++) {
+ cur = res+pos;
+ if (!_tcsncmp(cur, ai->targv[i], _tcslen(ai->targv[i]))) {
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[i+1]) > _tcslen(ai->targv[i])) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res) + _tcslen(ai->targv[i+1]) - _tcslen(ai->targv[i]) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur = res+pos;
+ }
+ MoveMemory(cur+_tcslen(ai->targv[i+1]), cur+_tcslen(ai->targv[i]), (_tcslen(cur+_tcslen(ai->targv[i]))+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ CopyMemory(cur, ai->targv[i+1], _tcslen(ai->targv[i+1])*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos += _tcslen(ai->targv[i+1]) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseRight(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int len;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (len < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = min(len, (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]));
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1]+_tcslen(ai->targv[1])-len, len);
+ return res;
+ string, display size, scroll amount
+static TCHAR *parseScroll(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int display, move;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) == 0) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ move = ttoi(ai->targv[3])%_tcslen(ai->targv[1]);
+ display = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (display > _tcslen(ai->targv[1])) {
+ display = _tcslen(ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((2*_tcslen(ai->targv[1])+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, (2*_tcslen(ai->targv[1])+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(res, ai->targv[1]);
+ _tcscat(res, ai->targv[1]);
+ MoveMemory(res, res+move, (_tcslen(res+move)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ *(res + display) = _T('\0');
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseShortest(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i, iShort;
+ if (ai->argc <= 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ iShort = 1;
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[i]) < _tcslen(ai->targv[iShort])) {
+ iShort = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[iShort]);
+static TCHAR *parseStrchr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *c;
+ char *szVal[34];
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(szVal, sizeof(szVal));
+ c = _tcschr(ai->targv[1], *ai->targv[2]);
+ if ((c == NULL) || (*c == _T('\0'))) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("0"));
+ }
+ return itot(c-ai->targv[1]+1);
+static TCHAR *parseStrcmp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcscmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseStrmcmp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i++) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[i])) {
+ ai->flags &= ~AIF_FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseStrncmp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int n;
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ n = ttoi(ai->targv[3]);
+ if (n <= 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcsncmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2], n)) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseStricmp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcsicmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseStrnicmp(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int n;
+ if (ai->argc != 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ n = ttoi(ai->targv[3]);
+ if (n <= 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( _tcsnicmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2], n)) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseStrrchr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *c;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ c = _tcsrchr(ai->targv[1], *ai->targv[2]);
+ if ((c == NULL) || (*c == _T('\0'))) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("0"));
+ }
+ return itot(c-ai->targv[1]+1);
+static TCHAR *parseStrstr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *c;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ c = _tcsstr(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2]);
+ if ((c == NULL) || (*c == _T('\0'))) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T("0"));
+ }
+ return itot(c-ai->targv[1]+1);
+static TCHAR *parseSubstr(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int from, to;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc < 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ from = max(ttoi(ai->targv[2])-1, 0);
+ if (ai->argc > 3) {
+ to = min(ttoi(ai->targv[3]), (signed int)_tcslen(ai->targv[1]));
+ }
+ else {
+ to = _tcslen(ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ if (to < from) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((to-from+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ ZeroMemory(res, (to-from+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1]+from, to-from);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseSelect(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int n;
+ if (ai->argc <= 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ n = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ if ((n > (signed int)ai->argc-2) || (n <= 0)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[n+1]);
+static TCHAR *parseSwitch(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (ai->argc%2 != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i=2;i<ai->argc;i+=2) {
+ if (!_tcscmp(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[i])) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static TCHAR *parseTrim(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *scur, *ecur, *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ scur = ai->targv[1];
+ while (*scur == _T(' ')) {
+ scur++;
+ }
+ ecur = ai->targv[1] + _tcslen(ai->targv[1])-1;
+ while ( (*ecur == _T(' ')) && (ecur > ai->targv[1])) {
+ ecur--;
+ }
+ if (scur >= ecur) {
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((ecur-scur+2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, (ecur-scur+2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, scur, ecur-scur+1);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseTab(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int count, i;
+ TCHAR *res, *cur;
+ count = 1;
+ if ((ai->argc == 2) && (_tcslen(ai->targv[1]) > 0)) {
+ count = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ if (count < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((count+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(res, _T('\0'), (count+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ cur = res;
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
+ *cur++ = _T('\t');
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseUpper(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return CharUpper(res);
+static TCHAR *getNthWord(TCHAR *szString, int w) {
+ int count;
+ TCHAR *res, *scur, *ecur;
+ if (szString == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ count = 0;
+ scur = szString;
+ while (*scur == _T(' ')) {
+ scur++;
+ }
+ count+=1;
+ while ( (count < w) && (scur < szString+_tcslen(szString))) {
+ if (*scur == _T(' ')) {
+ while (*scur == _T(' ')) {
+ scur++;
+ }
+ count+=1;
+ }
+ if (count < w) {
+ scur++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count != w) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ecur = scur;
+ while ( (*ecur != _T(' ')) && (*ecur != _T('\0'))) {
+ ecur++;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((ecur-scur+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(res, (ecur-scur+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, scur, ecur-scur);
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseWord(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ int i, from, to;
+ TCHAR *res, *szWord;
+ if (ai->argc < 3 || ai->argc > 4 )
+ return NULL;
+ res = NULL;
+ from = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (ai->argc == 4) {
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[3]) > 0)
+ to = ttoi(ai->targv[3]);
+ else
+ to = 100000; // rework
+ }
+ else to = from;
+ if ((from == 0) || (to == 0) || (from > to))
+ return NULL;
+ for (i=from;i<=to;i++) {
+ szWord = getNthWord(ai->targv[1], i);
+ if (szWord == NULL)
+ return res;
+ if (res != NULL) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(res, (_tcslen(res) + _tcslen(szWord) + 2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res != NULL) {
+ _tcscat(res, _T(" "));
+ _tcscat(res, szWord);
+ }
+ }
+ else res = mir_tstrdup(szWord);
+ mir_free(szWord);
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseExtratext(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc > 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ if (ai->fi->szExtraText != NULL)
+ return mir_tstrdup(ai->fi->tszExtraText);
+ return NULL;
+int registerStrTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(CAPS), parseCaps, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tconverts each first letter of a word to uppercase, all others to lowercase");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CAPS2), parseCaps2, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tconverts each first letter of a word to uppercase");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CRLF), parseCrlf, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t()\tinserts 'end of line' character");
+ registerIntToken(_T(EXTRATEXT), parseExtratext, TRF_FIELD, "String Functions\tdepends on calling plugin");
+ registerIntToken(_T(EOL2CRLF), parseEolToCrlf, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tReplace all occurrences of \\n (Unix) by \\r\\n (Windows)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(FIXEOL), parseFixeol, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tcuts x after the first line and appends y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(FIXEOL2), parseFixeol2, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\treplaces all end of line characters by y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(INSERT), parseInsert, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tinserts string y at position z in string x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LEFT), parseLeft, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\ttrims x to length y, keeping first y characters");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LEN), parseLen, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tlength of x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LINECOUNT), parseLineCount, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tthe number of lines in string x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LONGEST), parseLongest, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,...)\tthe longest string of the arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LOWER), parseLower, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tconverts x to lowercase");
+ registerIntToken(_T(NOOP), parseNoOp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tno operation, x as given");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PAD), parsePad, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tpads x to length y prepending character z (z is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PADRIGHT), parsePadright, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tpads x to length y appending character z (z is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PADCUT), parsePadcut, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tpads x to length y prepending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PADCUTRIGHT), parsePadcutright, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tpads x to length y appending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(REPEAT), parseRepeat, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\trepeats x y times");
+ registerIntToken(_T(REPLACE), parseReplace, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z,...)\treplace all occurrences of y in x with z, multiple y and z arguments allowed");
+ registerIntToken(_T(RIGHT), parseRight, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\ttrims x to length y, keeping last y characters");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SCROLL), parseScroll, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tmoves string x, z characters to the left and trims it to y characters");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRCMP), parseStrcmp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if x equals y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRMCMP), parseStrmcmp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,...)\tTRUE if x equals any of the following arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRNCMP), parseStrncmp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tTRUE if the first z characters of x equal y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRICMP), parseStricmp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if x equals y, ignoring case");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRNICMP), parseStrnicmp, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tTRUE if the first z characters of x equal y, ignoring case");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SHORTEST), parseShortest, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,...)\tthe shortest string of the arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRCHR), parseStrchr, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tlocation of first occurrence of character y in string x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRRCHR), parseStrrchr, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tlocation of last occurrence of character y in string x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(STRSTR), parseStrstr, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y)\tlocation of first occurrence of string y in x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SUBSTR), parseSubstr, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\tsubstring of x starting from position y to z");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SELECT), parseSelect, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,...)\tthe xth string of the arguments");
+ registerIntToken(_T(SWITCH), parseSwitch, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z,...)\tz if y equals x, multiple y and z arguments allowed");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TRIM), parseTrim, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tremoves white spaces in before and after x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TAB), parseTab, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tinserts x tab characters (x is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(UPPER), parseUpper, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x)\tconverts x to upper case");
+ registerIntToken(_T(WORD), parseWord, TRF_FUNCTION, "String Functions\t(x,y,z)\twords (separated by white spaces) number y to z from string x (z is optional)");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7942da455f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_str.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define CAPS "caps"
+#define CAPS2 "caps2"
+#define CRLF "crlf"
+//#define EXTRATEXT "extratext" // defined in variables.h
+#define EOL2CRLF "eol2crlf"
+#define FIXEOL "fix_eol"
+#define FIXEOL2 "fix_eol2"
+#define INSERT "insert"
+#define LEFT "left"
+#define LEN "len"
+#define LINECOUNT "linecount"
+#define LONGEST "longest"
+#define LOWER "lower"
+#define NOOP "noop"
+#define PAD "pad"
+#define PADRIGHT "pad_right"
+#define PADCUT "padcut"
+#define PADCUTRIGHT "padcut_right"
+#define REPEAT "repeat"
+#define REPLACE "replace"
+#define RIGHT "right"
+#define SCROLL "scroll"
+#define SHORTEST "shortest"
+#define STRCHR "strchr"
+#define STRRCHR "strrchr"
+#define STRSTR "strstr"
+#define STRCMP "strcmp"
+#define STRNCMP "strncmp"
+#define STRMCMP "strmcmp"
+#define STRICMP "stricmp"
+#define STRNICMP "strnicmp"
+#define SUBSTR "substr"
+#define SELECT "select"
+#define SWITCH "switch"
+#define TRIM "trim"
+#define TAB "tab"
+#define UPPER "upper"
+#define WORD "word"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e5db6af03e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_system.h"
+#include <tchar.h>
+#include <lmcons.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef WINE
+ #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
+ #undef _WIN32_WINNT
+ #endif
+ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x400
+#ifndef WINE
+#include "enumprocs.h"
+static TCHAR *parseComputerName(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ DWORD len;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!GetComputerName(res, &len)) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+#if _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500
+#include <pdh.h>
+#include <pdhmsg.h>
+static TCHAR *parseCpuLoad(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HQUERY hQuery;
+ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
+ HCOUNTER hCounter;
+ TCHAR *szCounter, szVal[32];
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ if ( _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) == 0)
+ szCounter = mir_tstrdup(_T("\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time"));
+ else {
+ szCounter = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(ai->targv[1]) + 32)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (szCounter == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ wsprintf(szCounter, _T("\\Process(%s)\\%% Processor Time"), ai->targv[1]);
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhValidatePath(szCounter);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery(NULL, 0, &hQuery);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter(hQuery, szCounter, 0, &hCounter);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Sleep(100);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hCounter, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, (LPDWORD)NULL, &cValue);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (cValue.CStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mir_sntprintf(szVal, SIZEOF(szVal), _T("%.0f"), cValue.doubleValue);
+ //PdhRemoveCounter(*hCounter);
+ PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ mir_free(szCounter);
+ return mir_tstrdup(szVal);
+static TCHAR *parseCurrentDate(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int len;
+ TCHAR *szFormat, *res;
+ if (ai->argc == 1 || (ai->argc > 1 && _tcslen(ai->targv[1]) == 0 ))
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ else
+ szFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ len = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseCurrentTime(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int len;
+ TCHAR *szFormat, *res;
+ if (ai->argc == 1 || (ai->argc > 1) && (_tcslen(ai->targv[1]) == 0))
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ else
+ szFormat = ai->targv[1];
+ len = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseDirectory(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int depth, bi, ei;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc < 2 || ai->argc > 3 )
+ return NULL;
+ depth = 0;
+ if (ai->argc == 3)
+ depth = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (depth <= 0)
+ return ai->targv[1];
+ for (ei = 0; ei < _tcslen(ai->targv[1]); ei++)
+ {
+ if (ai->targv[1][ei] == '\\')
+ depth--;
+ if (!depth) break;
+ }
+ if (ei >= _tcslen(ai->targv[1]))
+ return ai->targv[1];
+ for (bi = ei - 1; bi > 0; bi--)
+ {
+ if (ai->targv[1][bi - 1] == '\\') break;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((ei - bi + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1] + bi, ei - bi);
+ res[ei - bi] = 0;
+ return res;
+ path, depth
+ returns complete path up to "path depth - depth"
+static TCHAR *parseDirectory2(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai->argc < 2 || ai->argc > 3 )
+ return NULL;
+ int depth = 1;
+ if (ai->argc == 3)
+ depth = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (depth <= 0)
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *ecur = ai->targv[1]+_tcslen(ai->targv[1]);
+ while (depth > 0) {
+ while ( (*ecur != _T('\\')) && (ecur > ai->targv[1]))
+ ecur--;
+ if (*ecur != _T('\\'))
+ return NULL;
+ depth -= 1;
+ ecur--;
+ }
+ TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((ecur-ai->targv[1]+2) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ _tcsncpy(res, ai->targv[1], (ecur-ai->targv[1])+1);
+ return res;
+static int getTime(TCHAR *szTime, struct tm *date) {
+ TCHAR *cur;
+ // do some extra checks here
+ cur = szTime;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime))
+ return -1;
+ date->tm_mon = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10)-1;
+ cur++;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ date->tm_mday = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10);
+ cur++;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ date->tm_year = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10);
+ if (date->tm_year > 2000) {
+ date->tm_year -= 2000;
+ }
+ else if (date->tm_year > 1900) {
+ date->tm_year -= 1900;
+ }
+ date->tm_year = date->tm_year<38?date->tm_year+100:date->tm_year;
+ cur++;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ date->tm_hour = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10);
+ cur++;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ date->tm_min = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10);
+ cur++;
+ if (cur >= szTime+_tcslen(szTime)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ date->tm_sec = _tcstoul(cur, &cur, 10);
+ return 0;
+ date,date
+ M/d/yy H:m:s
+static TCHAR *parseDiffTime(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ struct tm t0, t1;
+ TCHAR szTime[32];
+ double diff;
+ if (ai->argc != 3)
+ return NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(&t0, sizeof(t0));
+ ZeroMemory(&t1, sizeof(t1));
+ if (getTime(ai->targv[1], &t0) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (getTime(ai->targv[2], &t1) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ diff = difftime(mktime(&t1), mktime(&t0));
+ mir_sntprintf(szTime, SIZEOF(szTime), _T("%.0f"), diff);
+ return mir_tstrdup(szTime);
+static TCHAR *parseDirExists(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseEnvironmentVariable(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ DWORD len;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ai->targv[1], NULL, 0);
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ai->targv[1], res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseFileExists(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ else
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseFindWindow(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HWND hWin;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ int len;
+ if (ai->argc != 2)
+ return NULL;
+ hWin = FindWindow(ai->targv[1], NULL);
+ if (hWin == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ len = SendMessage(hWin, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ if (len >= 0) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ ZeroMemory(res, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ GetWindowText(hWin, res, len+1);
+ return res;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// 1 = dir
+// 2 = filter
+// 3 = sperator
+// 4 = [f]iles, [d]irs
+static TCHAR *parseListDir(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HANDLE hFind;
+ BOOL bFiles, bDirs;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
+ TCHAR tszFirst[MAX_PATH], *tszRes, *tszSeperator, *tszFilter;
+ if (ai->argc < 2)
+ return NULL;
+ tszFirst[0] = 0;
+ tszSeperator = _T("\r\n");
+ tszFilter = _T("*");
+ tszRes = NULL;
+ bFiles = bDirs = TRUE;
+ if (ai->argc > 1) {
+ _tcsncpy(tszFirst, ai->targv[1], SIZEOF(tszFirst)-1);
+ }
+ if (ai->argc > 2) {
+ tszFilter = ai->targv[2];
+ }
+ if (ai->argc > 3) {
+ tszSeperator = ai->targv[3];
+ }
+ if (ai->argc > 4) {
+ if (*ai->targv[4] == _T('f')) {
+ bDirs = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*ai->targv[4] == _T('d')) {
+ bFiles = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tszFirst[_tcslen(tszFirst)-1] == _T('\\')) {
+ _tcsncat(tszFirst, tszFilter, SIZEOF(tszFirst) - _tcslen(tszFirst) - 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ _tcsncat(tszFirst, _T("\\"), SIZEOF(tszFirst) - _tcslen(tszFirst) - 1);
+ _tcsncat(tszFirst, tszFilter, SIZEOF(tszFirst) - _tcslen(tszFirst) - 1);
+ }
+ hFind = FindFirstFile(tszFirst, &ffd);
+ if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (((ffd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (bDirs)) || ((!(ffd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) && (bFiles))) {
+ tszRes = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(ffd.cFileName) + _tcslen(tszSeperator) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(tszRes, ffd.cFileName);
+ }
+ while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0) {
+ if (((ffd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (bDirs)) || ((!(ffd.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) && (bFiles))) {
+ if (tszRes != NULL) {
+ _tcscat(tszRes, tszSeperator);
+ tszRes = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(tszRes, (_tcslen(tszRes) + _tcslen(ffd.cFileName) + _tcslen(tszSeperator) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ }
+ else {
+ tszRes = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((_tcslen(ffd.cFileName) + _tcslen(tszSeperator) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(tszRes, _T(""));
+ }
+ _tcscat(tszRes, ffd.cFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ FindClose(hFind);
+ return tszRes;
+#ifndef WINE
+static BOOL CALLBACK MyProcessEnumerator(DWORD dwPID, WORD wTask, char *szProcess, LPARAM lParam) {
+ char **szProc;
+ szProc = (char **)lParam;
+ if ((*szProc != NULL) && (!_stricmp(*szProc, szProcess))) {
+ *szProc = NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static TCHAR *parseProcessRunning(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *szProc, *ref;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ szProc = ref = mir_u2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ EnumProcs((PROCENUMPROC) MyProcessEnumerator, (LPARAM)&szProc);
+ if (szProc != NULL) {
+ ai->flags |= AIF_FALSE;
+ }
+ mir_free(ref);
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseRegistryValue(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HKEY hKey;
+ TCHAR *key, *subKey, *cur, *res;
+ DWORD len, type;
+ int err;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ key = subKey = mir_tstrdup(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (subKey == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cur = _tcschr(subKey, _T('\\'));
+ if (cur == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *cur = _T('\0');
+ if (!_tcscmp(subKey, _T("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"))) {
+ }
+ else if (!_tcscmp(subKey, _T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"))) {
+ }
+ else if (!_tcscmp(subKey, _T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"))) {
+ }
+ else if (!_tcscmp(subKey, _T("HKEY_USERS"))) {
+ hKey = HKEY_USERS;
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(key);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ subKey = cur+1;
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, subKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ mir_free(key);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mir_free(key);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(len*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, len);
+ err = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, ai->targv[2], NULL, &type, (BYTE*)res, &len);
+ if ((err != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (type != REG_SZ)) {
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ return res;
+static int TsToSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *sysTime, time_t timestamp) {
+ struct tm *pTime;
+ pTime = localtime(×tamp);
+ if (pTime == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(sysTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
+ sysTime->wDay = pTime->tm_mday;
+ sysTime->wDayOfWeek = pTime->tm_wday;
+ sysTime->wHour = pTime->tm_hour;
+ sysTime->wMinute = pTime->tm_min;
+ sysTime->wMonth = pTime->tm_mon + 1;
+ sysTime->wSecond = pTime->tm_sec;
+ sysTime->wYear = pTime->tm_year + 1900;
+ return 0;
+static TCHAR *parseTimestamp2Date(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int len;
+ time_t timestamp;
+ TCHAR *szFormat, *res;
+ if (ai->argc <= 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ timestamp = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (timestamp == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((ai->argc == 2) || ((ai->argc > 2) && (_tcslen(ai->targv[2]) == 0))) {
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ szFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ }
+ if (TsToSystemTime(&sysTime, timestamp) != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysTime, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_calloc((len+1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysTime, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseTimestamp2Time(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int len;
+ time_t timestamp;
+ TCHAR *szFormat, *res;
+ if (ai->argc <= 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ timestamp = ttoi(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (timestamp == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((ai->argc == 2) || ((ai->argc > 2) && (_tcslen(ai->targv[2]) == 0))) {
+ szFormat = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ szFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ }
+ if (TsToSystemTime(&sysTime, timestamp) != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysTime, szFormat, NULL, 0);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysTime, szFormat, res, len) == 0) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+static TCHAR *parseTextFile(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ int lineNo, lineCount, csz;
+ unsigned int icur, bufSz;
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ DWORD fileSz, readSz, totalReadSz;
+ unsigned long linePos;
+ TCHAR tUC, *res;
+ BYTE *pBuf, *pCur;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lineNo = ttoi(ai->targv[2]);
+ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fileSz = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
+ if (fileSz == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ReadFile(hFile, &tUC, sizeof(TCHAR), &readSz, NULL);
+ if (tUC != (TCHAR)0xFEFF) {
+ tUC = 0;
+ csz = sizeof(char);
+ SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+ }
+ else {
+ csz = sizeof(TCHAR);
+ }
+ totalReadSz = 0;
+ lineCount = 1;
+ if (*ai->targv[2] == _T('0')) {
+ // complete file
+ bufSz = fileSz + csz;
+ pBuf = (PBYTE)mir_calloc(bufSz);
+ if (pBuf == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuf, bufSz-csz, &readSz, NULL) == 0) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ if (tUC) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)pBuf;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = mir_a2t((char *)pBuf);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ bufSz = TXTFILEBUFSZ*csz;
+ pBuf = (PBYTE)mir_calloc(bufSz);
+ if (pBuf == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // count number of lines
+ do {
+ ZeroMemory(pBuf, bufSz);
+ if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuf, bufSz-csz, &readSz, NULL) == 0) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ totalReadSz += readSz;
+ for (pCur = pBuf;*pCur != '\0';pCur += csz) {
+ if (tUC) {
+ if (!_tcsncmp((TCHAR*)pCur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ pCur += csz;
+ }
+ else if (*(TCHAR*)pCur == _T('\n')) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!strncmp((char *)pCur, "\r\n", 2)) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ pCur += csz;
+ }
+ else if (*(char *)pCur == '\n') {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while ( (totalReadSz < fileSz) && (readSz > 0));
+ if (lineNo < 0) {
+ lineNo = lineCount + lineNo + 1;
+ }
+ else if (*ai->targv[2] == _T('r')) {
+ lineNo = (rand()%lineCount)+1;
+ }
+ totalReadSz = 0;
+ lineCount = 1;
+ linePos = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ SetFilePointer(hFile, tUC?csz:0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+ // find the position in the file where the requested line starts
+ do {
+ if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuf, bufSz-csz, &readSz, NULL) == 0) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ totalReadSz += readSz;
+ for (pCur = pBuf;((pCur < pBuf+bufSz) && (linePos == 0xFFFFFFFF));pCur+=csz) {
+ if (lineCount == lineNo) {
+ linePos = (tUC?csz:0) + totalReadSz - readSz + pCur - pBuf;
+ }
+ if (tUC) {
+ if (!_tcsncmp((TCHAR*)pCur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ pCur += csz;
+ }
+ else if (*(TCHAR*)pCur == _T('\n')) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!strncmp((char *)pCur, "\r\n", 2)) {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ pCur += csz;
+ }
+ else if (*(char *)pCur == '\n') {
+ lineCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (((tUC) && (*(TCHAR*)pCur == _T('\r'))) || ((!tUC) && (*(char *)pCur == '\r'))) {
+ // in case the \r was at the end of the buffer, \n could be next
+ SetFilePointer(hFile, -1*csz, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
+ totalReadSz -= csz;
+ }
+ } while ( (totalReadSz < fileSz) && (readSz > 0));
+ if (linePos < 0) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (SetFilePointer(hFile, linePos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) != linePos) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(pBuf, bufSz);
+ pCur = pBuf;
+ do {
+ icur = 0;
+ if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuf, bufSz-csz, &readSz, NULL) == 0) {
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (pCur = pBuf;(pCur < pBuf+readSz);pCur+=csz) {
+ if ((tUC) && ((!_tcsncmp((TCHAR*)pCur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) || (*(TCHAR*)pCur == _T('\n'))) ||
+ ((!tUC) && (((!strncmp((char *)pCur, "\r\n", 2)) || (*(char *)pCur == '\n'))))) {
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ if (tUC) {
+ *(TCHAR*)pCur = _T('\0');
+ }
+ else {
+ *(char *)pCur = '\0';
+ }
+ if (tUC) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)pBuf;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = mir_a2t((char *)pBuf);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((DWORD)(linePos+(pCur-pBuf)) == fileSz)) { // eof
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ if (tUC) {
+ res = (TCHAR*)pBuf;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = mir_a2t((char *)pBuf);
+ mir_free(pBuf);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (readSz == bufSz-csz) {
+ // buffer must be increased
+ bufSz += TXTFILEBUFSZ*csz;
+ if (((tUC) && (*(TCHAR*)pCur == _T('\r'))) || ((!tUC) && (*(char *)pCur == '\r'))) {
+ pCur -= csz;
+ }
+ icur = pCur - pBuf;
+ pBuf = (PBYTE)mir_realloc(pBuf, bufSz);
+ pCur = pBuf+icur;
+ ZeroMemory(pCur+1, TXTFILEBUFSZ*csz);
+ }
+ } while (readSz > 0);
+ CloseHandle(hFile);
+ return NULL;
+#if _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500
+static TCHAR *parseUpTime(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ HQUERY hQuery;
+ PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
+ HCOUNTER hCounter;
+ TCHAR szVal[32];
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery (NULL, 0, &hQuery);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter(hQuery, _T("\\System\\System Up Time"), 0, &hCounter);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pdhStatus = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hCounter, PDH_FMT_LARGE, (LPDWORD)NULL, &cValue);
+ if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mir_sntprintf(szVal, SIZEOF(szVal), _T("%u"), cValue.largeValue);
+ PdhRemoveCounter(hCounter);
+ pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery(hQuery);
+ return mir_tstrdup(szVal);
+static TCHAR *parseUserName(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ DWORD len;
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ len = UNLEN;
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(len + 1);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(res, len + 1);
+ if (!GetUserName(res, &len)) {
+ mir_free(res);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+// clipboard support
+static TCHAR *parseClipboard(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *res;
+ if (ai->argc != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ res = NULL;
+ if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) {
+ if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) {
+ HANDLE hData = NULL;
+ TCHAR* tszText = NULL;
+ int len = 0;
+ hData = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
+ if (hData != NULL) {
+ tszText = (TCHAR*)GlobalLock(hData);
+ len = _tcslen(tszText);
+ res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy(res, tszText);
+ res[len] = _T('\0');
+ GlobalUnlock(hData);
+ }
+ CloseClipboard();
+ } }
+ return res;
+int registerSystemTokens() {
+ registerIntToken(_T(COMPUTERNAME), parseComputerName, TRF_FIELD, "System Functions\tcomputer name");
+#if _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500
+ registerIntToken(_T(CPULOAD), parseCpuLoad, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tcpu load of process x (without extension) (x is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CDATE), parseCurrentDate, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tcurrent date in format y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(CTIME), parseCurrentTime, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tcurrent time in format y (y is optional)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DIRECTORY), parseDirectory, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tthe directory y directories above x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DIRECTORY2), parseDirectory2, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tstrips y directories from x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DIFFTIME), parseDiffTime, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tnumber of seconds between date x and y (x and y in format: M/d/yy H:m:s)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(DIREXISTS), parseDirExists, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tTRUE if directory x exists");
+ registerIntToken(_T(FILEEXISTS), parseFileExists, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tTRUE if file x exists");
+ registerIntToken(_T(FINDWINDOW), parseFindWindow, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\twindow title of first window of class x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(LISTDIR), parseListDir, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y,z)\tshows files and directories of directory z, with filter y, separated by z (y and z optional)");
+#ifndef WINE
+ registerIntToken(_T(PROCESSRUNNING), parseProcessRunning, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x)\tTRUE if process x is running");
+ registerIntToken(_T(REGISTRYVALUE), parseRegistryValue, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tvalue y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only)");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TIMESTAMP2DATE), parseTimestamp2Date, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tformats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TIMESTAMP2TIME), parseTimestamp2Time, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\tformats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in time format y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(TXTFILE), parseTextFile, TRF_FUNCTION, "System Functions\t(x,y)\ty > 0: line number y from file x, y = 0: the whole file, y < 0: line y counted from the end, y = r: random line");
+#if _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500
+ registerIntToken(_T(UPTIME), parseUpTime, TRF_FIELD, "System Functions\tuptime in seconds");
+ if (!ServiceExists( MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS ))
+ registerIntToken(_T(ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE), parseEnvironmentVariable, TRF_FUNCTION , "Miranda Core OS\t(%xxxxxxx%)\tany environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)");
+ else {
+ registerIntToken(_T(ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE), parseEnvironmentVariable, TRF_FUNCTION , "System Functions\t(x)\texpand environment variable x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(USERNAME), parseUserName, TRF_FIELD , "System Functions\tuser name");
+ }
+ srand((unsigned int)GetTickCount());
+ registerIntToken(_T(CLIPBOARD), parseClipboard, TRF_FIELD, "System Functions\ttext from clipboard");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4349130f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_system.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define COMPUTERNAME "computername"
+#define CPULOAD "cpuload"
+#define CDATE "cdate"
+#define CTIME "ctime"
+#define DIRECTORY "directory"
+#define DIRECTORY2 "directory2"
+#define DIFFTIME "difftime"
+#define DIREXISTS "direxists"
+#define ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE "env_var"
+#define FILEEXISTS "fileexists"
+#define FINDWINDOW "findwindow"
+#define LISTDIR "ls"
+#define PROCESSRUNNING "processrunning"
+#define REGISTRYVALUE "regvalue"
+#define TIMESTAMP2DATE "ts2date"
+#define TIMESTAMP2TIME "ts2time"
+#define TXTFILE "txtfile"
+#define UPTIME "uptime"
+#define USERNAME "username"
+#define CLIPBOARD "clipboard"
+#define TXTFILEBUFSZ 4096
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1be98fdf5e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_variables.h"
+// this is for get and put(s)
+static CRITICAL_SECTION csVarRegister;
+static int vrCount = 0;
+static int addToVariablesRegister(TCHAR *szName, TCHAR *szText) {
+ int i;
+ if ((szName == NULL) || (szText == NULL) || (_tcslen(szName) <= 0)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) {
+ if ((!_tcscmp(vr[i].szName, szName))) { // && (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId())) {
+ mir_free(vr[i].szText);
+ vr[i].szText = mir_tstrdup(szText);
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ vr = ( VARIABLEREGISTER* )mir_realloc(vr, (vrCount+1)*sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER));
+ if (vr == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ vr[vrCount].szName = mir_tstrdup(szName);
+ vr[vrCount].szText = mir_tstrdup(szText);
+ vr[vrCount].dwOwnerThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ vrCount += 1;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return 0;
+static TCHAR *searchVariableRegister(TCHAR *szName) {
+ TCHAR *res;
+ int i;
+ res = NULL;
+ if ((szName == NULL) || (_tcslen(szName) <= 0)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) {
+ if ((!_tcscmp(vr[i].szName, szName))) { // && (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId())) {
+ res = mir_tstrdup(vr[i].szText);
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return NULL;
+int clearVariableRegister() {
+ int i, count;
+ count = 0;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ for (i=0;i<vrCount;i++) {
+ if (vr[i].dwOwnerThread == GetCurrentThreadId()) {
+ mir_free(vr[i].szName);
+ mir_free(vr[i].szText);
+ if (vrCount > 1) {
+ memcpy(&vr[i], &vr[vrCount-1], sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER));
+ vr = ( VARIABLEREGISTER* )mir_realloc(vr, (vrCount-1)*sizeof(VARIABLEREGISTER));
+ if (vr == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ vrCount -= 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_free(vr);
+ vr = NULL;
+ vrCount = 0;
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return count;
+static TCHAR *parsePut(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ if (addToVariablesRegister(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&fi, ai->fi, sizeof(fi));
+ fi.tszFormat = ai->targv[2];
+ fi.flags |= FIF_TCHAR;
+ return formatString(&fi);
+static TCHAR *parsePuts(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ if (addToVariablesRegister(ai->targv[1], ai->targv[2])) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+static TCHAR *parseGet(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ TCHAR *szText;
+ if (ai->argc != 2) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ai->flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ szText = searchVariableRegister(ai->targv[1]);
+ if (szText == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return szText;
+int registerVariablesTokens()
+ registerIntToken(_T(GET), parseGet, TRF_FUNCTION, "Variables\t(x)\tvariable set by put(s) with name x");
+ registerIntToken(_T(PUT), parsePut, TRF_FUNCTION, "Variables\t(x,y)\tx, and stores y as variable named x");//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS);
+ registerIntToken(_T(PUTS), parsePuts, TRF_FUNCTION, "Variables\t(x,y)\tonly stores y as variables x");//TRF_UNPARSEDARGS);
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
+ return 0;
+void unregisterVariablesTokens()
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&csVarRegister);
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bde654f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_variables.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+typedef struct {
+ TCHAR *szName;
+ TCHAR *szText;
+ DWORD dwOwnerThread;
+#define PUT "put"
+#define PUTS "puts"
+#define GET "get"
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76f701e116 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "parse_xml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libxml/xmlmemory.h"
+#include "libxml/debugXML.h"
+#include "libxml/HTMLtree.h"
+#include "libxml/xmlIO.h"
+#include "libxml/DOCBparser.h"
+#include "libxml/xinclude.h"
+#include "libxml/catalog.h"
+#include "libxslt/xslt.h"
+#include "libxslt/xsltInternals.h"
+#include "libxslt/transform.h"
+#include "libxslt/xsltutils.h"
+xsltStylesheetPtr (*pXsltParseStylesheetDoc)(xmlDocPtr doc);
+xmlDocPtr (*pXmlParseMemory)(const char * buffer, int size);
+void (*pXmlFree)(void *mem);
+xmlDocPtr (*pXmlParseFile)(const char * filename);
+void (*pXmlFreeDoc)(xmlDocPtr cur);
+void (*pXmlInitParser)(void);
+void (*pXmlCleanupParser)(void);
+int (*pXmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault)(int val);
+xsltStylesheetPtr (*pXsltParseStylesheetFile)(const xmlChar * filename);
+int (*pXsltSaveResultToString)(xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr, int * doc_txt_len, xmlDocPtr result, xsltStylesheetPtr style);
+void (*pXsltFreeStylesheet)(xsltStylesheetPtr sheet);
+xmlDocPtr (*pXsltApplyStylesheet)(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlDocPtr doc, const char ** params);
+void (*pXsltCleanupGlobals)(void);
+ pattern, subject
+static TCHAR *parseXslts(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *szStyleSheet, *szDoc;
+ TCHAR *tszRes;
+ xsltStylesheetPtr cur = NULL;
+ xmlDocPtr doc, res, sdoc;
+ xmlChar *xmlChRes = NULL;
+ int resLen;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ szStyleSheet = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ szDoc = mir_t2a(ai->targv[2]);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltParseMemory");
+ sdoc = pXmlParseMemory(szStyleSheet, strlen(szStyleSheet));
+ if (sdoc == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("calling xsltParseStylesheetDoc");
+ cur = pXsltParseStylesheetDoc(sdoc);
+ if (cur == NULL) {
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(sdoc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("calling xsltParseMemory");
+ doc = pXmlParseMemory(szDoc, strlen(szDoc));
+ if (doc == NULL) {
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(sdoc);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeStylesheet");
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("calling xsltApplyStylesheet");
+ res = pXsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, NULL);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeStylesheet");
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(sdoc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("calling xsltSaveResultToString");
+ pXsltSaveResultToString(&xmlChRes, &resLen, res, cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeStylesheet");
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(res);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeDoc");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ log_debugA("calling mir_free");
+ mir_free(szStyleSheet);
+ log_debugA("calling mir_free");
+ mir_free(szDoc);
+ tszRes = mir_a2t((char *)xmlChRes);
+ log_debugA("calling xmlFree");
+ pXmlFree(xmlChRes);
+ return tszRes;
+ files
+static TCHAR *parseXsltf(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) {
+ char *szStyleSheet, *szDoc;
+ TCHAR *tszRes;
+ xsltStylesheetPtr cur = NULL;
+ xmlDocPtr doc, res;
+ xmlChar *xmlChRes = NULL;
+ int resLen;
+ if (ai->argc != 3) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ szStyleSheet = mir_t2a(ai->targv[1]);
+ szDoc = mir_t2a(ai->targv[2]);
+ log_debugA("xslt with %s and %s", szStyleSheet, szDoc);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltParseStylesheetFile");
+ cur = pXsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)szStyleSheet);
+ if (cur == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("result: %x", cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xmlParseFile");
+ doc = pXmlParseFile(szDoc);
+ if (doc == NULL) {
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("result: %x", doc);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltApplyStylesheet");
+ res = pXsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, NULL);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ pXmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ log_debugA("result: %x", res);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltSaveResultToString");
+ pXsltSaveResultToString(&xmlChRes, &resLen, res, cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xsltFreeStylesheet(cur)");
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet(cur);
+ log_debugA("calling xmlFreeDoc(res)");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(res);
+ log_debugA("calling xmlFreeDoc(doc)");
+ pXmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ //log_debug("calling xsltCleanupGlobals");
+ //pXsltCleanupGlobals();
+ //log_debug("calling xmlCleanupParser");
+ //pXmlCleanupParser();
+ mir_free(szStyleSheet);
+ mir_free(szDoc);
+ tszRes = mir_a2t((char *)xmlChRes);
+ log_debugA("calling xmlFree");
+ pXmlFree(xmlChRes);
+ return tszRes;
+int initXslt() {
+ HMODULE hModule;
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA("libxml2.dll");
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ char path[MAX_PATH];
+ char *cur;
+ GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path));
+ cur = strrchr(path, '\\');
+ if (cur != NULL)
+ strcpy(cur+1, "libxml2.dll");
+ else
+ strcpy(path, "libxml2.dll");
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA(path);
+ }
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pXmlParseFile = (struct _xmlDoc *(__cdecl *)(const char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlParseFile");
+ pXmlFreeDoc = (void (__cdecl *)(struct _xmlDoc *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlFreeDoc");
+ pXmlCleanupParser = (void (__cdecl *)(void ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlCleanupParser");
+ pXmlInitParser = (void (__cdecl *)(void ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlInitParser");
+ pXmlParseMemory = (struct _xmlDoc *(__cdecl *)(const char *,int ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlParseMemory");
+ pXmlFree = (void (__cdecl *)(void *))*((void (__cdecl **)(void *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlFree"));
+ pXmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault = (int (__cdecl *)(int ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault");
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA("libxslt.dll");
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ char path[MAX_PATH];
+ char *cur;
+ GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, sizeof(path));
+ cur = strrchr(path, '\\');
+ if (cur != NULL)
+ strcpy(cur+1, "libxslt.dll");
+ else
+ strcpy(path, "libxslt.dll");
+ hModule = LoadLibraryA(path);
+ }
+ if (hModule == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* xmlFree !!! pthreads? */
+ pXsltParseStylesheetFile = (struct _xsltStylesheet *(__cdecl *)(const unsigned char *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltParseStylesheetFile");
+ pXsltFreeStylesheet = (void (__cdecl *)(struct _xsltStylesheet *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltFreeStylesheet");
+ pXsltApplyStylesheet = (struct _xmlDoc *(__cdecl *)(struct _xsltStylesheet *,struct _xmlDoc *,const char ** ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltApplyStylesheet");
+ pXsltSaveResultToString = (int (__cdecl *)(unsigned char ** ,int *,struct _xmlDoc *,struct _xsltStylesheet *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltSaveResultToString");
+ pXsltCleanupGlobals = (void (__cdecl *)(void ))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltCleanupGlobals");
+ pXsltParseStylesheetDoc = (struct _xsltStylesheet *(__cdecl *)(struct _xmlDoc *))GetProcAddress(hModule, "xsltParseStylesheetDoc");
+ /* init */
+ pXmlInitParser();
+ pXmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1);
+ return 0;
+int registerXsltTokens() {
+ if (initXslt() != 0) {
+ log_infoA("Variables: XSLT library not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ registerIntToken(_T(XSLTF), parseXsltf, TRF_FUNCTION, "XML\t(x,y)\tapply stylesheet file x to document file y");
+ registerIntToken(_T(XSLTS), parseXslts, TRF_FUNCTION, "XML\t(x,y)\tapply stylesheet x to document y");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.h b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51df56be79 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/parse_xml.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#define XSLTF "xsltf"
+#define XSLTS "xslts"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcre.h b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcre.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..712bd3d714 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcre.h @@ -0,0 +1,503 @@ +/************************************************* +* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * +*************************************************/ + +/* This is the public header file for the PCRE library, to be #included by +applications that call the PCRE functions. + + Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" +AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS +INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ + +#ifndef _PCRE_H +#define _PCRE_H + +/* The current PCRE version information. */ + +#define PCRE_MAJOR 8 +#define PCRE_MINOR 30 +#define PCRE_PRERELEASE +#define PCRE_DATE 2012-02-04 + +/* When an application links to a PCRE DLL in Windows, the symbols that are +imported have to be identified as such. When building PCRE, the appropriate +export setting is defined in pcre_internal.h, which includes this file. So we +don't change existing definitions of PCRE_EXP_DECL and PCRECPP_EXP_DECL. */ + +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(PCRE_STATIC) +# ifndef PCRE_EXP_DECL +# define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllimport) +# endif +# ifdef __cplusplus +# ifndef PCRECPP_EXP_DECL +# define PCRECPP_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllimport) +# endif +# ifndef PCRECPP_EXP_DEFN +# define PCRECPP_EXP_DEFN __declspec(dllimport) +# endif +# endif +#endif + +/* By default, we use the standard "extern" declarations. */ + +#ifndef PCRE_EXP_DECL +# ifdef __cplusplus +# define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern "C" +# else +# define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +# ifndef PCRECPP_EXP_DECL +# define PCRECPP_EXP_DECL extern +# endif +# ifndef PCRECPP_EXP_DEFN +# define PCRECPP_EXP_DEFN +# endif +#endif + +/* Have to include stdlib.h in order to ensure that size_t is defined; +it is needed here for malloc. */ + +#include <stdlib.h> + +/* Allow for C++ users */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Options. Some are compile-time only, some are run-time only, and some are +both, so we keep them all distinct. However, almost all the bits in the options +word are now used. In the long run, we may have to re-use some of the +compile-time only bits for runtime options, or vice versa. In the comments +below, "compile", "exec", and "DFA exec" mean that the option is permitted to +be set for those functions; "used in" means that an option may be set only for +compile, but is subsequently referenced in exec and/or DFA exec. Any of the +compile-time options may be inspected during studying (and therefore JIT +compiling). */ + +#define PCRE_CASELESS 0x00000001 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_MULTILINE 0x00000002 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_DOTALL 0x00000004 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_EXTENDED 0x00000008 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_ANCHORED 0x00000010 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY 0x00000020 /* Compile, used in exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_EXTRA 0x00000040 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_NOTBOL 0x00000080 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NOTEOL 0x00000100 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_UNGREEDY 0x00000200 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_NOTEMPTY 0x00000400 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +/* The next two are also used in exec and DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_UTF8 0x00000800 /* Compile (same as PCRE_UTF16) */ +#define PCRE_UTF16 0x00000800 /* Compile (same as PCRE_UTF8) */ +#define PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE 0x00001000 /* Compile */ +/* The next two are also used in exec and DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK 0x00002000 /* Compile (same as PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK) */ +#define PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK 0x00002000 /* Compile (same as PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK) */ +#define PCRE_AUTO_CALLOUT 0x00004000 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_PARTIAL_SOFT 0x00008000 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_PARTIAL 0x00008000 /* Backwards compatible synonym */ +#define PCRE_DFA_SHORTEST 0x00010000 /* DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_DFA_RESTART 0x00020000 /* DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_FIRSTLINE 0x00040000 /* Compile, used in exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_DUPNAMES 0x00080000 /* Compile */ +#define PCRE_NEWLINE_CR 0x00100000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NEWLINE_LF 0x00200000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NEWLINE_CRLF 0x00300000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY 0x00400000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF 0x00500000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_BSR_ANYCRLF 0x00800000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_BSR_UNICODE 0x01000000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT 0x02000000 /* Compile, used in exec */ +#define PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE 0x04000000 /* Compile, exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMISE 0x04000000 /* Synonym */ +#define PCRE_PARTIAL_HARD 0x08000000 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART 0x10000000 /* Exec, DFA exec */ +#define PCRE_UCP 0x20000000 /* Compile, used in exec, DFA exec */ + +/* Exec-time and get/set-time error codes */ + +#define PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH (-1) +#define PCRE_ERROR_NULL (-2) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION (-3) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC (-4) +#define PCRE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPCODE (-5) +#define PCRE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_NODE (-5) /* For backward compatibility */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY (-6) +#define PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING (-7) +#define PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT (-8) +#define PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT (-9) /* Never used by PCRE itself */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 (-10) /* Same for 8/16 */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF16 (-10) /* Same for 8/16 */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET (-11) /* Same for 8/16 */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF16_OFFSET (-11) /* Same for 8/16 */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL (-12) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL (-13) +#define PCRE_ERROR_INTERNAL (-14) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADCOUNT (-15) +#define PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UITEM (-16) +#define PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UCOND (-17) +#define PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UMLIMIT (-18) +#define PCRE_ERROR_DFA_WSSIZE (-19) +#define PCRE_ERROR_DFA_RECURSE (-20) +#define PCRE_ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT (-21) +#define PCRE_ERROR_NULLWSLIMIT (-22) /* No longer actually used */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADNEWLINE (-23) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADOFFSET (-24) +#define PCRE_ERROR_SHORTUTF8 (-25) +#define PCRE_ERROR_SHORTUTF16 (-25) /* Same for 8/16 */ +#define PCRE_ERROR_RECURSELOOP (-26) +#define PCRE_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT (-27) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADMODE (-28) +#define PCRE_ERROR_BADENDIANNESS (-29) + +/* Specific error codes for UTF-8 validity checks */ + +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR0 0 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR1 1 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR2 2 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR3 3 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR4 4 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR5 5 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR6 6 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR7 7 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR8 8 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR9 9 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR10 10 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR11 11 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR12 12 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR13 13 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR14 14 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR15 15 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR16 16 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR17 17 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR18 18 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR19 19 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR20 20 +#define PCRE_UTF8_ERR21 21 + +/* Specific error codes for UTF-16 validity checks */ + +#define PCRE_UTF16_ERR0 0 +#define PCRE_UTF16_ERR1 1 +#define PCRE_UTF16_ERR2 2 +#define PCRE_UTF16_ERR3 3 +#define PCRE_UTF16_ERR4 4 + +/* Request types for pcre_fullinfo() */ + +#define PCRE_INFO_OPTIONS 0 +#define PCRE_INFO_SIZE 1 +#define PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT 2 +#define PCRE_INFO_BACKREFMAX 3 +#define PCRE_INFO_FIRSTBYTE 4 +#define PCRE_INFO_FIRSTCHAR 4 /* For backwards compatibility */ +#define PCRE_INFO_FIRSTTABLE 5 +#define PCRE_INFO_LASTLITERAL 6 +#define PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE 7 +#define PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT 8 +#define PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE 9 +#define PCRE_INFO_STUDYSIZE 10 +#define PCRE_INFO_DEFAULT_TABLES 11 +#define PCRE_INFO_OKPARTIAL 12 +#define PCRE_INFO_JCHANGED 13 +#define PCRE_INFO_HASCRORLF 14 +#define PCRE_INFO_MINLENGTH 15 +#define PCRE_INFO_JIT 16 +#define PCRE_INFO_JITSIZE 17 + +/* Request types for pcre_config(). Do not re-arrange, in order to remain +compatible. */ + +#define PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8 0 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_NEWLINE 1 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_LINK_SIZE 2 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD 3 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT 4 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_STACKRECURSE 5 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES 6 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION 7 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_BSR 8 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_JIT 9 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_UTF16 10 +#define PCRE_CONFIG_JITTARGET 11 + +/* Request types for pcre_study(). Do not re-arrange, in order to remain +compatible. */ + +#define PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE 0x0001 + +/* Bit flags for the pcre[16]_extra structure. Do not re-arrange or redefine +these bits, just add new ones on the end, in order to remain compatible. */ + +#define PCRE_EXTRA_STUDY_DATA 0x0001 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT 0x0002 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA 0x0004 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_TABLES 0x0008 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION 0x0010 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_MARK 0x0020 +#define PCRE_EXTRA_EXECUTABLE_JIT 0x0040 + +/* Types */ + +struct real_pcre; /* declaration; the definition is private */ +typedef struct real_pcre pcre; + +struct real_pcre16; /* declaration; the definition is private */ +typedef struct real_pcre16 pcre16; + +struct real_pcre_jit_stack; /* declaration; the definition is private */ +typedef struct real_pcre_jit_stack pcre_jit_stack; + +struct real_pcre16_jit_stack; /* declaration; the definition is private */ +typedef struct real_pcre16_jit_stack pcre16_jit_stack; + +/* If PCRE is compiled with 16 bit character support, PCRE_UCHAR16 must contain +a 16 bit wide signed data type. Otherwise it can be a dummy data type since +pcre16 functions are not implemented. There is a check for this in pcre_internal.h. */ +#ifndef PCRE_UCHAR16 +#define PCRE_UCHAR16 unsigned short +#endif + +#ifndef PCRE_SPTR16 +#define PCRE_SPTR16 const PCRE_UCHAR16 * +#endif + +/* When PCRE is compiled as a C++ library, the subject pointer type can be +replaced with a custom type. For conventional use, the public interface is a +const char *. */ + +#ifndef PCRE_SPTR +#define PCRE_SPTR const char * +#endif + +/* The structure for passing additional data to pcre_exec(). This is defined in +such as way as to be extensible. Always add new fields at the end, in order to +remain compatible. */ + +typedef struct pcre_extra { + unsigned long int flags; /* Bits for which fields are set */ + void *study_data; /* Opaque data from pcre_study() */ + unsigned long int match_limit; /* Maximum number of calls to match() */ + void *callout_data; /* Data passed back in callouts */ + const unsigned char *tables; /* Pointer to character tables */ + unsigned long int match_limit_recursion; /* Max recursive calls to match() */ + unsigned char **mark; /* For passing back a mark pointer */ + void *executable_jit; /* Contains a pointer to a compiled jit code */ +} pcre_extra; + +/* Same structure as above, but with 16 bit char pointers. */ + +typedef struct pcre16_extra { + unsigned long int flags; /* Bits for which fields are set */ + void *study_data; /* Opaque data from pcre_study() */ + unsigned long int match_limit; /* Maximum number of calls to match() */ + void *callout_data; /* Data passed back in callouts */ + const unsigned char *tables; /* Pointer to character tables */ + unsigned long int match_limit_recursion; /* Max recursive calls to match() */ + PCRE_UCHAR16 **mark; /* For passing back a mark pointer */ + void *executable_jit; /* Contains a pointer to a compiled jit code */ +} pcre16_extra; + +/* The structure for passing out data via the pcre_callout_function. We use a +structure so that new fields can be added on the end in future versions, +without changing the API of the function, thereby allowing old clients to work +without modification. */ + +typedef struct pcre_callout_block { + int version; /* Identifies version of block */ + /* ------------------------ Version 0 ------------------------------- */ + int callout_number; /* Number compiled into pattern */ + int *offset_vector; /* The offset vector */ + PCRE_SPTR subject; /* The subject being matched */ + int subject_length; /* The length of the subject */ + int start_match; /* Offset to start of this match attempt */ + int current_position; /* Where we currently are in the subject */ + int capture_top; /* Max current capture */ + int capture_last; /* Most recently closed capture */ + void *callout_data; /* Data passed in with the call */ + /* ------------------- Added for Version 1 -------------------------- */ + int pattern_position; /* Offset to next item in the pattern */ + int next_item_length; /* Length of next item in the pattern */ + /* ------------------- Added for Version 2 -------------------------- */ + const unsigned char *mark; /* Pointer to current mark or NULL */ + /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +} pcre_callout_block; + +/* Same structure as above, but with 16 bit char pointers. */ + +typedef struct pcre16_callout_block { + int version; /* Identifies version of block */ + /* ------------------------ Version 0 ------------------------------- */ + int callout_number; /* Number compiled into pattern */ + int *offset_vector; /* The offset vector */ + PCRE_SPTR16 subject; /* The subject being matched */ + int subject_length; /* The length of the subject */ + int start_match; /* Offset to start of this match attempt */ + int current_position; /* Where we currently are in the subject */ + int capture_top; /* Max current capture */ + int capture_last; /* Most recently closed capture */ + void *callout_data; /* Data passed in with the call */ + /* ------------------- Added for Version 1 -------------------------- */ + int pattern_position; /* Offset to next item in the pattern */ + int next_item_length; /* Length of next item in the pattern */ + /* ------------------- Added for Version 2 -------------------------- */ + const PCRE_UCHAR16 *mark; /* Pointer to current mark or NULL */ + /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +} pcre16_callout_block; + +/* Indirection for store get and free functions. These can be set to +alternative malloc/free functions if required. Special ones are used in the +non-recursive case for "frames". There is also an optional callout function +that is triggered by the (?) regex item. For Virtual Pascal, these definitions +have to take another form. */ + +#ifndef VPCOMPAT +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *(*pcre_malloc)(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void (*pcre_free)(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *(*pcre_stack_malloc)(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void (*pcre_stack_free)(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int (*pcre_callout)(pcre_callout_block *); + +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *(*pcre16_malloc)(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void (*pcre16_free)(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *(*pcre16_stack_malloc)(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void (*pcre16_stack_free)(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int (*pcre16_callout)(pcre16_callout_block *); +#else /* VPCOMPAT */ +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *pcre_malloc(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_free(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *pcre_stack_malloc(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_stack_free(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_callout(pcre_callout_block *); + +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *pcre16_malloc(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_free(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void *pcre16_stack_malloc(size_t); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_stack_free(void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_callout(pcre16_callout_block *); +#endif /* VPCOMPAT */ + +/* User defined callback which provides a stack just before the match starts. */ + +typedef pcre_jit_stack *(*pcre_jit_callback)(void *); +typedef pcre16_jit_stack *(*pcre16_jit_callback)(void *); + +/* Exported PCRE functions */ + +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre *pcre_compile(const char *, int, const char **, int *, + const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre16 *pcre16_compile(PCRE_SPTR16, int, const char **, int *, + const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre *pcre_compile2(const char *, int, int *, const char **, + int *, const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre16 *pcre16_compile2(PCRE_SPTR16, int, int *, const char **, + int *, const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_config(int, void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_config(int, void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_copy_named_substring(const pcre *, const char *, + int *, int, const char *, char *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_copy_named_substring(const pcre16 *, PCRE_SPTR16, + int *, int, PCRE_SPTR16, PCRE_UCHAR16 *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_copy_substring(const char *, int *, int, int, + char *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_copy_substring(PCRE_SPTR16, int *, int, int, + PCRE_UCHAR16 *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_dfa_exec(const pcre *, const pcre_extra *, + const char *, int, int, int, int *, int , int *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_dfa_exec(const pcre16 *, const pcre16_extra *, + PCRE_SPTR16, int, int, int, int *, int , int *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_exec(const pcre *, const pcre_extra *, PCRE_SPTR, + int, int, int, int *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_exec(const pcre16 *, const pcre16_extra *, + PCRE_SPTR16, int, int, int, int *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_free_substring(const char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_free_substring(PCRE_SPTR16); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_free_substring_list(const char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_free_substring_list(PCRE_SPTR16 *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_fullinfo(const pcre *, const pcre_extra *, int, + void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_fullinfo(const pcre16 *, const pcre16_extra *, int, + void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_get_named_substring(const pcre *, const char *, + int *, int, const char *, const char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_get_named_substring(const pcre16 *, PCRE_SPTR16, + int *, int, PCRE_SPTR16, PCRE_SPTR16 *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_get_stringnumber(const pcre *, const char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_get_stringnumber(const pcre16 *, PCRE_SPTR16); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_get_stringtable_entries(const pcre *, const char *, + char **, char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_get_stringtable_entries(const pcre16 *, PCRE_SPTR16, + PCRE_UCHAR16 **, PCRE_UCHAR16 **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_get_substring(const char *, int *, int, int, + const char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_get_substring(PCRE_SPTR16, int *, int, int, + PCRE_SPTR16 *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_get_substring_list(const char *, int *, int, + const char ***); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_get_substring_list(PCRE_SPTR16, int *, int, + PCRE_SPTR16 **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL const unsigned char *pcre_maketables(void); +PCRE_EXP_DECL const unsigned char *pcre16_maketables(void); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_refcount(pcre *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_refcount(pcre16 *, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre_extra *pcre_study(const pcre *, int, const char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre16_extra *pcre16_study(const pcre16 *, int, const char **); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_free_study(pcre_extra *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_free_study(pcre16_extra *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL const char *pcre_version(void); +PCRE_EXP_DECL const char *pcre16_version(void); + +/* Utility functions for byte order swaps. */ +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order(pcre *, pcre_extra *, + const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_pattern_to_host_byte_order(pcre16 *, pcre16_extra *, + const unsigned char *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL int pcre16_utf16_to_host_byte_order(PCRE_UCHAR16 *, + PCRE_SPTR16, int, int *, int); + +/* JIT compiler related functions. */ + +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre_jit_stack *pcre_jit_stack_alloc(int, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL pcre16_jit_stack *pcre16_jit_stack_alloc(int, int); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_jit_stack_free(pcre_jit_stack *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_jit_stack_free(pcre16_jit_stack *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre_assign_jit_stack(pcre_extra *, + pcre_jit_callback, void *); +PCRE_EXP_DECL void pcre16_assign_jit_stack(pcre16_extra *, + pcre16_jit_callback, void *); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif /* End of pcre.h */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcreposix.h b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcreposix.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c77c0b0523 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/include/pcreposix.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/************************************************* +* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * +*************************************************/ + +#ifndef _PCREPOSIX_H +#define _PCREPOSIX_H + +/* This is the header for the POSIX wrapper interface to the PCRE Perl- +Compatible Regular Expression library. It defines the things POSIX says should +be there. I hope. + + Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" +AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS +INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ + +/* Have to include stdlib.h in order to ensure that size_t is defined. */ + +#include <stdlib.h> + +/* Allow for C++ users */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Options, mostly defined by POSIX, but with some extras. */ + +#define REG_ICASE 0x0001 /* Maps to PCRE_CASELESS */ +#define REG_NEWLINE 0x0002 /* Maps to PCRE_MULTILINE */ +#define REG_NOTBOL 0x0004 /* Maps to PCRE_NOTBOL */ +#define REG_NOTEOL 0x0008 /* Maps to PCRE_NOTEOL */ +#define REG_DOTALL 0x0010 /* NOT defined by POSIX; maps to PCRE_DOTALL */ +#define REG_NOSUB 0x0020 /* Maps to PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE */ +#define REG_UTF8 0x0040 /* NOT defined by POSIX; maps to PCRE_UTF8 */ +#define REG_STARTEND 0x0080 /* BSD feature: pass subject string by so,eo */ +#define REG_NOTEMPTY 0x0100 /* NOT defined by POSIX; maps to PCRE_NOTEMPTY */ +#define REG_UNGREEDY 0x0200 /* NOT defined by POSIX; maps to PCRE_UNGREEDY */ +#define REG_UCP 0x0400 /* NOT defined by POSIX; maps to PCRE_UCP */ + +/* This is not used by PCRE, but by defining it we make it easier +to slot PCRE into existing programs that make POSIX calls. */ + +#define REG_EXTENDED 0 + +/* Error values. Not all these are relevant or used by the wrapper. */ + +enum { + REG_ASSERT = 1, /* internal error ? */ + REG_BADBR, /* invalid repeat counts in {} */ + REG_BADPAT, /* pattern error */ + REG_BADRPT, /* ? * + invalid */ + REG_EBRACE, /* unbalanced {} */ + REG_EBRACK, /* unbalanced [] */ + REG_ECOLLATE, /* collation error - not relevant */ + REG_ECTYPE, /* bad class */ + REG_EESCAPE, /* bad escape sequence */ + REG_EMPTY, /* empty expression */ + REG_EPAREN, /* unbalanced () */ + REG_ERANGE, /* bad range inside [] */ + REG_ESIZE, /* expression too big */ + REG_ESPACE, /* failed to get memory */ + REG_ESUBREG, /* bad back reference */ + REG_INVARG, /* bad argument */ + REG_NOMATCH /* match failed */ +}; + + +/* The structure representing a compiled regular expression. */ + +typedef struct { + void *re_pcre; + size_t re_nsub; + size_t re_erroffset; +} regex_t; + +/* The structure in which a captured offset is returned. */ + +typedef int regoff_t; + +typedef struct { + regoff_t rm_so; + regoff_t rm_eo; +} regmatch_t; + +/* When an application links to a PCRE DLL in Windows, the symbols that are +imported have to be identified as such. When building PCRE, the appropriate +export settings are needed, and are set in pcreposix.c before including this +file. */ + +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(PCRE_STATIC) && !defined(PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL) +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllimport) +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DEFN __declspec(dllimport) +#endif + +/* By default, we use the standard "extern" declarations. */ + +#ifndef PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL +# ifdef __cplusplus +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL extern "C" +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DEFN extern "C" +# else +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL extern +# define PCREPOSIX_EXP_DEFN extern +# endif +#endif + +/* The functions */ + +PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL int regcomp(regex_t *, const char *, int); +PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL int regexec(const regex_t *, const char *, size_t, + regmatch_t *, int); +PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL size_t regerror(int, const regex_t *, char *, size_t); +PCREPOSIX_EXP_DECL void regfree(regex_t *); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif /* End of pcreposix.h */ diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcre.lib b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcre.lib Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0dce0ce08 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcre.lib diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcred.lib b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcred.lib Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..103517b44b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib/pcred.lib diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcre.lib b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcre.lib Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57bd4b65c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcre.lib diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcred.lib b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcred.lib Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8350667bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/lib64/pcred.lib diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/pcre_license.txt b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/pcre_license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fbd6f3e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/pcre/pcre_license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +PCRE LICENCE
+PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax
+and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language.
+Release 5 of PCRE is distributed under the terms of the "BSD" licence, as
+specified below. The documentation for PCRE, supplied in the "doc"
+directory, is distributed under the same terms as the software itself.
+Written by: Philip Hazel <ph10@cam.ac.uk>
+University of Cambridge Computing Service,
+Cambridge, England. Phone: +44 1223 334714.
+Copyright (c) 1997-2004 University of Cambridge
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/resource.h b/plugins/Variables/src/resource.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3217663618 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/resource.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}}
+// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
+// Used by Variables.rc
+#define IDD_OPTS_DIALOG 101
+#define IDD_INPUT_DIALOG 103
+#define IDD_CLIST_DIALOG 104
+#define IDD_HELPDIALOG 106
+#define IDD_HELP_DIALOG 106
+#define IDD_TOKENS_DIALOG 107
+#define IDI_V 113
+#define IDC_FORMATTEXT 1000
+#define IDC_PARSE 1001
+#define IDC_AUTOPARSE 1002
+#define IDC_RESULT 1003
+#define IDC_STRIPCRLF 1006
+#define IDC_SHOWHELP 1008
+#define IDC_TOKENLIST 1013
+#define IDC_TESTSTRING 1014
+#define IDC_OK 1016
+#define IDC_CANCEL 1017
+#define IDC_SUBJECT 1018
+#define IDC_CLIST 1019
+#define IDC_APPLY 1020
+#define IDC_EXTRATEXT 1021
+#define IDC_NULL 1023
+#define IDC_CONTACT 1024
+#define IDC_RICHEDIT1 1025
+#define IDC_HELPDESC 1026
+#define IDC_SPLITTER 1028
+#define IDC_TABS 1030
+#define IDC_ABOUT 1035
+#define IDC_ABOUTFRAME 1036
+#define IDC_SETTINGFRAME 1037
+#define IDC_PARSESTRING 1038
+#define IDC_STRIPWS 1039
+#define IDC_STRIPALL 1041
+#define IDC_PARSEASYNC 1047
+#define IDC_STATIC -1
+// Next default values for new objects
+#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
+#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/tokenregister.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/tokenregister.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0418c3024f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/tokenregister.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD nameHash;
+ TokenRegisterEntry;
+ TokenRegisterEntry** items;
+ int count, limit, increment;
+ FSortFunc sortFunc;
+static tokens;
+static CRITICAL_SECTION csRegister;
+unsigned long int hashlittle(void *key, size_t length, unsigned long int initval);
+static DWORD NameHashFunction(TCHAR *tszStr)
+ return (DWORD)hashlittle(tszStr, _tcslen(tszStr)*sizeof(TCHAR), 0);
+static TokenRegisterEntry* FindTokenRegisterByName(TCHAR *name)
+ int idx;
+ TokenRegisterEntry temp;
+ temp.nameHash = NameHashFunction( name );
+ if (List_GetIndex(( SortedList* )&tokens, &temp, &idx ))
+ return tokens.items[ idx ];
+ return NULL;
+int registerIntToken(TCHAR *szToken, TCHAR *(*parseFunction)(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai), int extraFlags, char* szHelpText)
+ tr.cbSize = sizeof(tr);
+ //tr.memType = TR_MEM_VARIABLES;
+ tr.memType = TR_MEM_MIRANDA;
+ tr.szHelpText = szHelpText;
+ tr.tszTokenString = szToken;
+ tr.parseFunctionT = parseFunction;
+ return registerToken(0, (LPARAM)&tr);
+int deRegisterToken(TCHAR *token)
+ TokenRegisterEntry *tre;
+ if (token == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ tre = FindTokenRegisterByName( token );
+ if (tre == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ List_RemovePtr(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre );
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ if (!( tre->tr.flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && tre->tr.szService != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szService );
+ if (tre->tr.tszTokenString != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.tszTokenString );
+ if (tre->tr.szHelpText != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szHelpText );
+ if ((tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && tre->tr.szCleanupService != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szCleanupService );
+ mir_free( tre );
+ return 0;
+INT_PTR registerToken(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ DWORD hash;
+ int idx;
+ TokenRegisterEntry *tre;
+ if (newVr == NULL || newVr->szTokenString == NULL || newVr->cbSize <= 0 )
+ return -1;
+ if (newVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR ) {
+ deRegisterToken( newVr->tszTokenString );
+ hash = NameHashFunction( newVr->tszTokenString );
+ }
+ else {
+ WCHAR *wtoken;
+ wtoken = mir_a2t( newVr->szTokenString );
+ deRegisterToken( wtoken );
+ hash = NameHashFunction( wtoken );
+ mir_free( wtoken );
+ }
+ tre = ( TokenRegisterEntry* )mir_alloc( sizeof( TokenRegisterEntry ));
+ if (tre == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ memcpy( &tre->tr, newVr, newVr->cbSize );
+ tre->nameHash = hash;
+ if (!_tcscmp( newVr->tszTokenString, _T("alias")))
+ log_debugA("alias");
+ if (!( newVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && newVr->szService != NULL)
+ tre->tr.szService = mir_strdup( newVr->szService );
+ if (newVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR )
+ tre->tr.tszTokenString = mir_tstrdup( newVr->tszTokenString );
+ else
+ tre->tr.tszTokenString = mir_a2t( newVr->szTokenString );
+ if (newVr->szHelpText != NULL)
+ tre->tr.szHelpText = mir_strdup( newVr->szHelpText );
+ if (( newVr->flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( newVr->flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && newVr->szCleanupService != NULL)
+ tre->tr.szCleanupService = mir_strdup( newVr->szCleanupService );
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ List_GetIndex(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre, &idx );
+ List_Insert(( SortedList* )&tokens, tre, idx );
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return 0;
+TOKENREGISTEREX *searchRegister(TCHAR *tvar, int type)
+ TokenRegisterEntry *tre;
+ if (tvar == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ EnterCriticalSection( &csRegister );
+ tre = FindTokenRegisterByName( tvar );
+ if (tre == NULL || ( type != 0 && (tre->tr.flags & ( TRF_FIELD | TRF_FUNCTION )) != 0 && !( tre->tr.flags & type )))
+ retVr = NULL;
+ else
+ retVr = &tre->tr;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return retVr;
+TCHAR *parseFromRegister(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai)
+ if (ai == NULL || ai->argc == 0 || ai->targv[0] == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ INT_PTR callRes = 0;
+ TCHAR *temp = NULL, *res = NULL;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ /* note the following limitation: you cannot add/remove tokens during a call from a different thread */
+ TOKENREGISTEREX *thisVr = searchRegister( ai->targv[0], 0 );
+ if (thisVr == NULL) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TOKENREGISTEREX trCopy = *thisVr;
+ // ai contains WCHARs, convert to chars because the tr doesn't support WCHARs
+ if (!( thisVr->flags & TRF_TCHAR )) {
+ // unicode variables calls a non-unicode plugin
+ unsigned int j;
+ memcpy(&cAi, ai, sizeof(ARGUMENTSINFO));
+ cAi.argv = ( char** )mir_alloc(ai->argc*sizeof(char *));
+ for ( j=0; j < ai->argc; j++ )
+ cAi.argv[j] = mir_t2a( ai->targv[j] );
+ if (thisVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC )
+ callRes = (INT_PTR)thisVr->parseFunction( &cAi );
+ else if (thisVr->szService != NULL)
+ callRes = CallService( thisVr->szService, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)&cAi );
+ for ( j=0; j < cAi.argc; j++ )
+ if (cAi.argv[j] != NULL)
+ mir_free( cAi.argv[j] );
+ if ((char *)callRes != NULL)
+ res = mir_a2t(( char* )callRes );
+ }
+ else {
+ // unicode variables calls unicode plugin
+ if (thisVr->flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC )
+ callRes = (INT_PTR)thisVr->parseFunctionT( ai );
+ else if (thisVr->szService != NULL)
+ callRes = CallService( thisVr->szService, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)ai );
+ if ((TCHAR*)callRes != NULL)
+ res = mir_tstrdup((TCHAR*)callRes );
+ }
+ if (( void* )callRes != NULL) {
+ if (trCopy.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) {
+ if (trCopy.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC )
+ trCopy.cleanupFunctionT((TCHAR*)callRes );
+ else if (trCopy.szCleanupService != NULL)
+ CallService( trCopy.szCleanupService, 0, (LPARAM)callRes );
+ }
+ if (trCopy.flags & TRF_FREEMEM ) {
+ if (trCopy.memType == TR_MEM_MIRANDA )
+ mir_free(( void* )callRes );
+// else if (trCopy.memType == TR_MEM_VARIABLES )
+// mir_free((void *)callRes);
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return res;
+TOKENREGISTEREX* getTokenRegister( int i )
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ retVr = ( i >= tokens.count || i < 0 ) ? NULL : &tokens.items[i]->tr;
+ LeaveCriticalSection( &csRegister );
+ // beware! a pointer is returned here, no copy
+ return retVr;
+int getTokenRegisterCount()
+ int retVal;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ retVal = tokens.count;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return retVal;
+static int CompareTokens( const TokenRegisterEntry* p1, const TokenRegisterEntry* p2 )
+ if (p1->nameHash == p2->nameHash )
+ return 0;
+ return ( p1->nameHash < p2->nameHash ) ? -1 : 1;
+int initTokenRegister()
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ tokens.sortFunc = ( FSortFunc )CompareTokens;
+ tokens.increment = 100;
+ return 0;
+int deinitTokenRegister()
+ int i;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ for ( i=0; i < tokens.count; i++ ) {
+ TokenRegisterEntry *tre = tokens.items[ i ];
+ if (!( tre->tr.flags & TRF_PARSEFUNC ) && tre->tr.szService != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szService );
+ if (tre->tr.tszTokenString != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.tszTokenString );
+ if (tre->tr.szHelpText != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szHelpText );
+ if (( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUP ) && !( tre->tr.flags & TRF_CLEANUPFUNC ) && tre->tr.szCleanupService != NULL)
+ mir_free( tre->tr.szCleanupService );
+ mir_free( tre );
+ }
+ List_Destroy(( SortedList* )&tokens );
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&csRegister);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b90088c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "m_trigger.h"
+#include "trigger_variables.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+extern HINSTANCE hInst;
+static TRG_VAR_CACHE *tvc = NULL;
+static int tvcCount = 0;
+static unsigned int stringChangeTimerID = 0;
+static int addToCache(DWORD triggerID)
+ /* triggerID must be in the DB */
+ for (int i=0; i < tvcCount; i++) {
+ if (tvc[i].triggerID == triggerID) {
+ mir_free(tvc[i].parsedText);
+ MoveMemory(&tvc[i], &tvc[tvcCount-1], sizeof(TRG_VAR_CACHE));
+ tvcCount -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( DBGetTriggerSettingTString(triggerID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_TRIGGERTEXT, &dbv))
+ return -1;
+ tvc = ( TRG_VAR_CACHE* )mir_realloc(tvc, (tvcCount+1)*sizeof(TRG_VAR_CACHE));
+ if (tvc == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ tvc[tvcCount].triggerID = triggerID;
+ tvc[tvcCount].parsedText = variables_parsedup(dbv.ptszVal, NULL, NULL);
+ // it stays in our own mem space!
+ if (tvc[tvcCount].parsedText == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ tvcCount += 1;
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ return 0;
+static int removeFromCache(DWORD triggerID) {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<tvcCount;i++) {
+ if (tvc[i].triggerID == triggerID) {
+ mir_free(tvc[i].parsedText);
+ MoveMemory(&tvc[i], &tvc[tvcCount-1], sizeof(TRG_VAR_CACHE));
+ tvcCount -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static VOID CALLBACK checkStringsTimer(HWND hwnd,UINT message,UINT_PTR idEvent,DWORD dwTime)
+ DWORD triggerID = 0;
+ do {
+ if (triggerID == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i < tvcCount; i++) {
+ if (triggerID != tvc[i].triggerID)
+ continue;
+ if (!DBGetTriggerSettingTString(tvc[i].triggerID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_TRIGGERTEXT, &dbv)) {
+ TCHAR *parsedText = variables_parsedup(dbv.ptszVal, NULL, NULL);
+ if (parsedText == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (!_tcscmp(tvc[i].parsedText, parsedText)) {
+ mir_free(parsedText);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TRIGGERDATA td = { 0 };
+ td.cbSize = sizeof(td);
+ td.dFlags = DF_TEXT;
+ td.tszText = parsedText;
+ REPORTINFO ri = { 0 };
+ ri.cbSize = sizeof(REPORTINFO);
+ ri.triggerID = tvc[i].triggerID;
+ ri.pszName = TRIGGERNAME;
+ ri.flags = TRG_PERFORM;
+ ri.td = &td;
+ mir_free(tvc[i].parsedText);
+ tvc[i].parsedText = parsedText;
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (triggerID != 0);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptsStringChange(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ switch (msg) {
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ {
+ DWORD triggerID;
+ triggerID = (DWORD)lParam;
+ if (!DBGetTriggerSetting(triggerID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_TRIGGERTEXT, &dbv)) {
+ SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT, dbv.pszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ }
+ variables_skin_helpbutton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHELP);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ // wParam = trigger ID
+ // lParam = (TRIGGERREGISTER *)
+ {
+ DWORD triggerID = (DWORD)wParam;
+ TCHAR *tszFormatText = Hlp_GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FORMATTEXT);
+ if (tszFormatText != NULL) {
+ DBWriteTriggerSettingTString(triggerID, NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_TRIGGERTEXT, tszFormatText);
+ mir_free(tszFormatText);
+ }
+ addToCache(triggerID);
+ }
+ break;
+ // wParam = triggerID
+ // lParam = (TRIGGEREGISTER *) may be 0
+ {
+ DWORD triggerID = (DWORD)wParam;
+ removeFromCache(triggerID);
+ rts.cbSize = sizeof(REMOVETRIGGERSETTINGS);
+ rts.prefix = PREFIX_TRIGGERID;
+ rts.id = triggerID;
+ rts.hContact = NULL;
+ rts.szModule = MODULENAME;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int initTriggerModule()
+ log_debugA("Variables: initTriggerModule");
+ log_debugA("Variables: %s does not exist", MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERTRIGGER);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tr.cbSize = sizeof(tr);
+ tr.pszName = TRIGGERNAME;
+ tr.hInstance = hInst;
+ tr.pfnDlgProc = DlgProcOptsStringChange;
+ tr.dFlags = DF_TEXT|DF_TCHAR;
+ int res = CallService(MS_TRIGGER_REGISTERTRIGGER, 0, (LPARAM)&tr);
+ log_debugA("Variables: %s registered (%d)", TRIGGERNAME, res);
+ ACTIONREGISTER ar = { 0 };
+ ar.cbSize = sizeof(ACTIONREGISTER);
+ ar.pszName = "Variables: Parse string";
+ ar.hInstance = hInst;
+ ar.pfnDlgProc = DlgProcOptsParseString;
+ ar.actionFunction = ParseStringAction;
+ cr.cbSize = sizeof(CONDITIONREGISTER);
+ cr.pszName = "Variables: Condition";
+ cr.hInstance = hInst;
+ cr.pfnDlgProc = DlgProcOptsCondition;
+ cr.conditionFunction = ParseStringCondition;
+ // fill cache
+ DWORD triggerID = 0;
+ do {
+ if (triggerID == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ addToCache(triggerID);
+ }
+ while (triggerID != 0);
+ stringChangeTimerID = SetTimer(NULL, 0, CHECKSTRINGDELAY, checkStringsTimer);
+ return res;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.h b/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b80087e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/trigger_variables.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define TRIGGERNAME "Variables: String changed"
+#define SETTING_TRIGGERTEXT "trigger_TriggerText"
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD triggerID;
+ TCHAR *parsedText;
+#define SETTING_PARSESTRING "action_ParseString"
+#define SETTING_PARSEASYNC "action_ParseAsync"
+int ParseStringAction(DWORD actionID, REPORTINFO *ri);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptsParseString(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int ParseStringCondition(DWORD actionID, REPORTINFO *ri);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptsCondition(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/variables.cpp b/plugins/Variables/src/variables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..258725055f --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/variables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "variables.h"
+BOOL (WINAPI *pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture)(HANDLE, DWORD) = 0;
+static BOOL bWarningShown = FALSE; // unicode on ansi warning
+/* some handles */
+static HANDLE
+ hFormatStringService,
+ hFreeMemoryService,
+ hRegisterVariableService,
+ hGetMMIService,
+ hShowHelpService,
+ hShowHelpExService,
+ hGetIconService;
+static HANDLE
+ hOptionsHook = NULL,
+ hIconsChangedHook = NULL;
+struct ParseOptions gParseOpts;
+extern HINSTANCE hInst;
+TCHAR *getArguments(TCHAR *string, TCHAR ***aargv, int *aargc) {
+ BOOL bDontParse, bNewArg, bDone;
+ TCHAR *cur, *scur, **argv;
+ int i, argc, brackets;
+ *aargv = NULL;
+ *aargc = 0;
+ argc = brackets = 0;
+ argv = NULL;
+ cur = string;
+ while (*cur == _T(' ')) {
+ cur++;
+ }
+ if (*cur != _T('(')) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cur++;
+ scur = cur-1;
+ bDontParse = bNewArg = bDone = FALSE;
+ while ( (!bDone) && (*cur != _T('\0'))) {
+ switch (*cur) {
+ if (bDontParse) {
+ bDontParse = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ bDontParse = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T(','):
+ if ((!bDontParse) && (brackets == 0)) {
+ bNewArg = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('('):
+ if (!bDontParse) {
+ brackets += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T(')'):
+ if ((brackets == 0) && (!bDontParse)) {
+ bDone = bNewArg = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ((brackets > 0) && (!bDontParse)) {
+ brackets -= 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bNewArg) {
+ argv = ( TCHAR** )mir_realloc(argv, (argc+1)*sizeof(TCHAR*));
+ if (argv == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (cur > scur) {
+ argv[argc] = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((cur-scur+2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (argv[argc] == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(argv[argc], '\0', (cur-(scur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(argv[argc], scur+1, cur-(scur+1));
+ }
+ else {
+ argv[argc] = mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+ }
+ argc += 1;
+ bNewArg = FALSE;
+ scur = cur;
+ }
+ cur++;
+ }
+ // set args
+ if (*(cur-1) == _T(')')) {
+ *aargv = argv;
+ *aargc = argc;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+ if (argv[i] != NULL) {
+ mir_free(argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ mir_free(argv);
+ *aargv = NULL;
+ *aargc = 0;
+ cur = NULL;
+ }
+ return cur;
+int isValidTokenChar(TCHAR tc) {
+ return (
+ (tc != _T('(')) &&
+ (tc != _T(',')) &&
+ (tc != _T(')')) &&
+ (tc != _T(FIELD_CHAR)) &&
+ (tc != _T(FUNC_CHAR)) &&
+ (tc != _T(FUNC_ONCE_CHAR)) &&
+ (tc != _T('/')) &&
+ (tc != _T('\0'))
+ );
+/* pretty much the main loop */
+static TCHAR* replaceDynVars(TCHAR* szTemplate, FORMATINFO* fi)
+ *string,
+ *cur, // current position (pnt only)
+ *tcur, // temp cur (pnt only)
+ *scur, // start of variable(pnt only)
+ *parsedToken, // parsed result (dyn alloc)
+ **argv, // arguments (dyn alloc)
+ **pargv, // dyn alloc
+ *token; // variable name (pnt only)
+ int argc, i, parsedTokenLen, initStrLen, tokenLen, scurPos, curPos, tmpVarPos;
+ unsigned int pos;
+ ARGUMENTSINFO ai = { 0 };
+ string = mir_tstrdup(szTemplate);
+ if (string == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ argc = parsedTokenLen = initStrLen = tokenLen = 0;
+ cur = tcur = scur = token = parsedToken = NULL;
+ pargv = argv = NULL;
+ //fi->pCount = 0;
+ memcpy(&afi, fi, sizeof(afi));
+ for (pos = 0;pos < _tcslen(string);pos++) {
+ // string may move in memory, iterate by remembering the position in the string
+ cur = string+pos;
+ // mir_free memory from last iteration, this way we can bail out at any time in the loop
+ if (parsedToken != NULL)
+ mir_free(parsedToken);
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
+ if (argv[i] != NULL)
+ mir_free(argv[i]);
+ if (argv != NULL)
+ mir_free(argv);
+ argc = parsedTokenLen = initStrLen = tokenLen = 0;
+ tcur = scur = token = parsedToken = NULL;
+ pargv = argv = NULL;
+ // new round
+ if (*cur == _T(DONTPARSE_CHAR)) {
+ MoveMemory(cur, cur+1, (_tcslen(cur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (*cur == _T(DONTPARSE_CHAR))
+ continue;
+ while ( (*cur != _T(DONTPARSE_CHAR)) && (*cur != _T('\0')))
+ cur++;
+ MoveMemory(cur, cur+1, (_tcslen(cur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos = cur-string-1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // remove end of lines
+ else if ((!_tcsncmp(cur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) && (gParseOpts.bStripEOL)) {
+ MoveMemory(cur, cur+2, (_tcslen(cur+2)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos = cur-string-1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (((*cur == _T('\n')) && (gParseOpts.bStripEOL)) || ((*cur == _T(' ')) && (gParseOpts.bStripWS))) {
+ MoveMemory(cur, cur+1, (_tcslen(cur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos = cur - string - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // remove comments
+ else if (!_tcsncmp(cur, _T(COMMENT_STRING), _tcslen(_T(COMMENT_STRING)))) {
+ scur = cur;
+ while ( (_tcsncmp(cur, _T("\r\n"), 2)) && (*cur != _T('\n')) && (*cur != _T('\0')))
+ cur++;
+ if (*cur == _T('\0')) {
+ *scur = _T('\0');
+ string = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(string, (_tcslen(string)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ continue;
+ }
+ MoveMemory(scur, cur, (_tcslen(cur)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos = scur-string-1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ((*cur != _T(FIELD_CHAR)) && (*cur != _T(FUNC_CHAR)) && (*cur != _T(FUNC_ONCE_CHAR))) {
+ if (gParseOpts.bStripAll) {
+ MoveMemory(cur, cur+1, (_tcslen(cur+1)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ pos = cur - string - 1;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ scur = tcur = cur+1;
+ while (isValidTokenChar(*tcur))
+ tcur++;
+ if (tcur == cur) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ token = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((tcur-scur+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (token == NULL) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(token, '\0', (tcur-scur+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcsncpy(token, cur+1, tcur-scur);
+ // cur points to FIELD_CHAR or FUNC_CHAR
+ tmpVarPos = -1;
+ tr = NULL;
+ if (*cur==_T(FIELD_CHAR)) {
+ for(i = 0; i < fi->cbTemporaryVarsSize; i += 2) {
+ if (lstrcmp(fi->tszaTemporaryVars[i], token) == 0) {
+ tmpVarPos = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmpVarPos < 0)
+ tr = searchRegister(token, (*cur==_T(FIELD_CHAR))?TRF_FIELD:TRF_FUNCTION);
+ mir_free(token);
+ if (tmpVarPos < 0 && tr == NULL) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ // token not found, continue
+ continue;
+ }
+ scur = cur; // store this pointer for later use
+ if (*cur == _T(FIELD_CHAR)) {
+ size_t len = _tcslen(tr != NULL ? tr->tszTokenString : fi->tszaTemporaryVars[tmpVarPos]);
+ cur++;
+ if (*(cur + len) != _T(FIELD_CHAR)) { // the next char after the token should be %
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ cur += len+1;
+ }
+ else if ((*cur == _T(FUNC_CHAR)) || (*cur == _T(FUNC_ONCE_CHAR))) {
+ TCHAR *argcur;
+ cur += _tcslen(tr->tszTokenString)+1;
+ argcur = getArguments(cur, &argv, &argc);
+ if ((argcur == cur) || (argcur == NULL)) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ // error getting arguments
+ continue;
+ }
+ cur = argcur;
+ // arguments
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+ if (argv[i] != NULL) {
+ if (!(tr->flags&TRF_UNPARSEDARGS)) {
+ afi.tszFormat = argv[i];
+ afi.eCount = afi.pCount = 0;
+ argv[i] = formatString(&afi);
+ fi->eCount += afi.eCount;
+ fi->pCount += afi.pCount;
+ mir_free(afi.szFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argv[i] == NULL)
+ argv[i] = mir_tstrdup(_T(""));
+ }
+ }
+ // cur should now point at the character after FIELD_CHAR or after the last ')'
+ if (tr != NULL) {
+ pargv = ( TCHAR** )mir_alloc((argc+1)*sizeof(TCHAR*));
+ if (pargv == NULL) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
+ pargv[i+1] = argv[i];
+ pargv[0] = tr->tszTokenString;
+ ZeroMemory(&ai, sizeof(ai));
+ ai.cbSize = sizeof(ai);
+ ai.argc = argc+1;
+ ai.targv = pargv;
+ ai.fi = fi;
+ if ((*scur == _T(FUNC_ONCE_CHAR)) || (*scur == _T(FIELD_CHAR)))
+ ai.flags |= AIF_DONTPARSE;
+ parsedToken = parseFromRegister(&ai);
+ mir_free(pargv);
+ }
+ else parsedToken = fi->tszaTemporaryVars[tmpVarPos + 1];
+ if (parsedToken == NULL) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //replaced a var
+ if (ai.flags & AIF_FALSE )
+ fi->eCount++;
+ else
+ fi->pCount++;
+ // 'special' chars need to be taken care of (DONTPARSE, TRYPARSE, \r\n)
+ // if the var contains the escape character, this character must be doubled, we don't want it to act as an esacpe char
+ /*for (tcur=parsedToken;*tcur != '\0';tcur++) {
+ if (*tcur == DONTPARSE_CHAR) {//|| (*(var+pos) == ')')) {
+ parsedToken = mir_realloc(parsedToken, strlen(parsedToken) + 2);
+ if (parsedToken == NULL) {
+ fi->err = EMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CopyMemory(tcur+1, tcur, strlen(tcur)+1);
+ tcur++;
+ }
+ }*/
+ parsedTokenLen = _tcslen(parsedToken);
+ initStrLen = _tcslen(string);
+ tokenLen = cur-scur;
+ scurPos = scur-string;
+ curPos = cur-string;
+ if (tokenLen < parsedTokenLen) {
+ // string needs more memory
+ string = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(string, (initStrLen-tokenLen+parsedTokenLen+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ scur = string+scurPos;
+ cur = string+curPos;
+ MoveMemory(scur + parsedTokenLen, cur, (_tcslen(cur)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ CopyMemory(scur, parsedToken, parsedTokenLen*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ {
+ size_t len = _tcslen(string);
+ string = (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(string, (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+ }
+ if (( ai.flags & AIF_DONTPARSE ) || tmpVarPos >= 0)
+ pos += parsedTokenLen;
+ pos--; // parse the same pos again, it changed
+ if (tr == NULL)
+ parsedToken = NULL; // To avoid mir_free
+ }
+ if (parsedToken != NULL)
+ mir_free(parsedToken);
+ for ( i=0; i < argc; i++ )
+ if (argv[i] != NULL)
+ mir_free( argv[i] );
+ if (argv != NULL)
+ mir_free(argv);
+ return (TCHAR*)mir_realloc(string, (_tcslen(string)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
+static INT_PTR formatStringService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ INT_PTR res;
+ int i;
+ BOOL copied;
+ FORMATINFO *fi, tempFi;
+ TCHAR *tszFormat, *orgFormat, *tszSource, *orgSource, *tRes;
+ if (((FORMATINFO *)wParam)->cbSize >= sizeof(FORMATINFO)) {
+ ZeroMemory(&tempFi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ CopyMemory(&tempFi, (FORMATINFO *)wParam, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ fi = &tempFi;
+ }
+ else if (((FORMATINFO *)wParam)->cbSize == FORMATINFOV2_SIZE) {
+ ZeroMemory(&tempFi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ CopyMemory(&tempFi, (FORMATINFO *)wParam, FORMATINFOV2_SIZE);
+ fi = &tempFi;
+ }
+ else {
+ // old struct, must be ANSI
+ fiv1 = (FORMATINFOV1 *)wParam;
+ ZeroMemory(&tempFi, sizeof(FORMATINFO));
+ tempFi.cbSize = sizeof(FORMATINFO);
+ tempFi.hContact = fiv1->hContact;
+ tempFi.szFormat = fiv1->szFormat;
+ tempFi.szExtraText = fiv1->szSource;
+ fi = &tempFi;
+ }
+ orgFormat = fi->tszFormat;
+ orgSource = fi->tszExtraText;
+ if (!(fi->flags&FIF_TCHAR)) {
+ copied = TRUE;
+ log_debugA("mir_a2t (%s)", fi->szExtraText);
+ tszFormat = fi->szFormat!=NULL?mir_a2t(fi->szFormat):NULL;
+ tszSource = fi->szExtraText!=NULL?mir_a2t(fi->szExtraText):NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < fi->cbTemporaryVarsSize; i++) {
+ fi->tszaTemporaryVars[i] = fi->szaTemporaryVars[i]!=NULL?mir_a2t(fi->szaTemporaryVars[i]):NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ copied = FALSE;
+ tszFormat = fi->tszFormat;
+ tszSource = fi->tszExtraText;
+ }
+ fi->tszFormat = tszFormat;
+ fi->tszExtraText = tszSource;
+ tRes = formatString(fi);
+ if (!(fi->flags&FIF_TCHAR)) {
+ res = (INT_PTR)mir_u2a(tRes);
+ mir_free(tRes);
+ }
+ else {
+ res = (INT_PTR)tRes;
+ }
+ if (copied) {
+ if (tszFormat != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszFormat);
+ }
+ if (tszSource != NULL) {
+ mir_free(tszSource);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < fi->cbTemporaryVarsSize; i++) {
+ if (fi->tszaTemporaryVars != NULL) {
+ mir_free(fi->tszaTemporaryVars);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //fi->tszFormat = orgFormat;
+ //fi->tszExtraText = orgSource;
+ if (((FORMATINFO *)wParam)->cbSize == sizeof(FORMATINFOV1)) {
+ ((FORMATINFOV1 *)wParam)->eCount = fi->eCount;
+ ((FORMATINFOV1 *)wParam)->pCount = fi->pCount;
+ }
+ else {
+ ((FORMATINFO *)wParam)->eCount = fi->eCount;
+ ((FORMATINFO *)wParam)->pCount = fi->pCount;
+ }
+// clearVariableRegister();?
+ return res;
+TCHAR *formatString(FORMATINFO *fi) {
+ /* the service to format a given string */
+ TCHAR *string, *formattedString;
+ if (fi->eCount + fi->pCount > 5000) {
+ fi->eCount += 1;
+ fi->pCount += 1;
+ log_debugA("Variables: Overflow protection; %d parses", fi->eCount + fi->pCount);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((fi == NULL) || (fi->tszFormat == NULL)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string = mir_tstrdup(fi->tszFormat);
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ formattedString = replaceDynVars(string, fi);
+ mir_free(string);
+ if (formattedString == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return formattedString;
+static INT_PTR freeMemory(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ if ((void*)wParam == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mir_free((void*)wParam);
+ return 0;
+int setParseOptions(struct ParseOptions *po) {
+ if (po == NULL) {
+ po = &gParseOpts;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(po, sizeof(struct ParseOptions));
+ po->bStripWS = db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STRIPWS, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ po->bStripAll = TRUE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int LoadVarModule()
+ if (initTokenRegister() != 0 || initContactModule() != 0)
+ return -1;
+ setParseOptions(NULL);
+ hFormatStringService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING, formatStringService);
+ hFreeMemoryService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_FREEMEMORY, freeMemory);
+ hRegisterVariableService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_REGISTERTOKEN, registerToken);
+ // help dialog
+ hCurSplitNS = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS);
+ if(IsWinVerXPPlus()) {
+ HMODULE hUxTheme = GetModuleHandle(_T("uxtheme.dll"));
+ if (hUxTheme)
+ pfnEnableThemeDialogTexture = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, DWORD))GetProcAddress(hUxTheme, "EnableThemeDialogTexture");
+ }
+ hShowHelpService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_SHOWHELP, showHelpService);
+ hShowHelpExService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_SHOWHELPEX, showHelpExService);
+ GetModuleFileName(hInst, szFile, MAX_PATH);
+ SKINICONDESC sid = { 0 };
+ sid.cbSize = sizeof(SKINICONDESC);
+ sid.ptszSection = TranslateT("Variables");
+ sid.ptszDescription = TranslateT("Help");
+ sid.pszName = "vars_help";
+ sid.ptszDefaultFile = szFile;
+ sid.iDefaultIndex = -IDI_V;
+ sid.cx = sid.cy = 16;
+ sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_TCHAR;
+ Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
+ hIconsChangedHook = HookEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED, iconsChanged);
+ hGetIconService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_VARS_GETSKINITEM, getSkinItemService);
+ hOptionsHook = HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OptionsInit);
+ // register internal tokens
+ registerExternalTokens();
+ registerLogicTokens();
+ registerMathTokens();
+ registerMirandaTokens();
+ registerStrTokens();
+ registerSystemTokens();
+ registerVariablesTokens();
+ registerRegExpTokens();
+ registerInetTokens();
+ registerXsltTokens();
+ registerAliasTokens();
+ registerMetaContactsTokens();
+ log_debugA("Variables: Internal tokens registered");
+ FORMATINFO fi = { 0 };
+ fi.cbSize = sizeof(fi);
+ fi.tszFormat = db_get_tsa(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_STARTUPTEXT);
+ if (fi.tszFormat != NULL) {
+ freeMemory((WPARAM)formatString(&fi), 0);
+ mir_free(fi.tszFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ log_debugA("Variables: Init done");
+ return 0;
+int UnloadVarModule() {
+ UnhookEvent(hOptionsHook);
+ if (hIconsChangedHook != NULL)
+ UnhookEvent(hIconsChangedHook);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hRegisterVariableService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hFreeMemoryService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hFormatStringService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hGetMMIService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hShowHelpService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hShowHelpExService);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hGetIconService);
+ DestroyCursor(hCurSplitNS);
+ deinitContactModule();
+ deInitExternal();
+ deinitTokenRegister();
+ unregisterAliasTokens();
+ unregisterVariablesTokens();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Variables/src/variables.h b/plugins/Variables/src/variables.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24b2d17737 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Variables/src/variables.h @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/*
+ Variables Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
+ Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon
+ This program is mir_free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#define MIRANDA_VER 0x0A00
+#include <tchar.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <commctrl.h>
+#include "uxtheme.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "resource.h"
+#ifndef WINE
+#include <win2k.h>
+#include <newpluginapi.h>
+#include <m_system.h>
+#include <m_langpack.h>
+#include <m_database.h>
+#include <m_protosvc.h>
+#include <m_clist.h>
+#include <m_contacts.h>
+#include <m_awaymsg.h>
+#include <m_options.h>
+#include <m_utils.h>
+#include <m_icolib.h>
+#include "m_variables.h"
+#define MODULENAME "Variables"
+#include "../helpers/gen_helpers.h"
+#define SETTING_STARTUPTEXT "StartupText"
+#define SETTING_STRIPWS "StripWS"
+#define SETTING_STRIPALL "StripAll"
+#define SETTING_PARSEATSTARTUP "ParseAtStartup"
+#define SETTING_SPLITTERPOS "SplitterPos"
+#define SETTING_SUBJECT "LastSubject"
+#define FIELD_CHAR '%'
+#define FUNC_CHAR '?'
+#define FUNC_ONCE_CHAR '!'
+#define DONTPARSE_CHAR '`'
+#define COMMENT_STRING "#"
+// special tokens
+#define SUBJECT "subject"
+#define EXTRATEXT "extratext"
+// options
+#define IDT_PARSE 1
+// Messages you can send to the help window:
+#define VARM_PARSE (WM_APP+11) // wParam=lParam=0
+#define VARM_GETSUBJECT (WM_APP+16) // wParam=HANDLE hContact
+// if a different struct internally is used, we can use TOKENREGISTEREX
+// old struct
+typedef struct {
+ int cbSize;
+ char *szFormat;
+ char *szSource;
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ int pCount; // number of succesful parses
+ int eCount; // number of failures
+struct ParseOptions {
+ BOOL bStripEOL;
+ BOOL bStripWS;
+ BOOL bStripAll;
+// variables.c
+//TCHAR *getArguments(char *string, char ***aargv, int *aargc);
+//int isValidTokenChar(char c);
+TCHAR *formatString(FORMATINFO *fi);
+int setParseOptions(struct ParseOptions *po);
+int LoadVarModule();
+int UnloadVarModule();
+// tokenregister.c
+int registerIntToken(TCHAR *szToken, TCHAR *(*parseFunction)(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai), int extraFlags, char* szHelpText);
+INT_PTR registerToken(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int deRegisterToken(TCHAR *var);
+TOKENREGISTEREX *searchRegister(TCHAR *var, int type);
+TCHAR *parseFromRegister(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai);
+TOKENREGISTEREX *getTokenRegister(int i);
+int getTokenRegisterCount();
+TOKENREGISTER *getTokenRegisterByIndex(int i);
+void deRegisterTemporaryVariables();
+int initTokenRegister();
+int deinitTokenRegister();
+// contact.c
+BYTE getContactInfoType(TCHAR* type);
+TCHAR* getContactInfoT(BYTE type, HANDLE hContact);
+int getContactFromString( CONTACTSINFO* );
+int initContactModule();
+int deinitContactModule();
+// alias
+int registerAliasTokens();
+void unregisterAliasTokens();
+// system
+int registerSystemTokens();
+// external
+int registerExternalTokens();
+int deInitExternal();
+// miranda
+int registerMirandaTokens();
+// str
+int registerStrTokens();
+// variables
+int registerVariablesTokens();
+void unregisterVariablesTokens();
+int clearVariableRegister();
+// logic
+int registerLogicTokens();
+// math
+int registerMathTokens();
+// metacontacts
+int registerMetaContactsTokens();
+// options
+int OptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+// reg exp
+int registerRegExpTokens();
+// inet
+int registerInetTokens();
+// xml
+int registerXsltTokens();
+// trigger
+int initTriggerModule();
+// help
+INT_PTR showHelpService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR showHelpExService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR getSkinItemService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int iconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int ttoi(TCHAR *string);
+TCHAR *itot(int num);
+extern DWORD g_mirandaVersion;